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Dear ____________}:

Eastern District of New York Judge Brian Mark Cogan of "el chapo" fame had 30 days (but
now only has less than 3) to respond to the allegation that he couldn't be bothered to hold a
required hearing pursuant to Federal Rule of Evidence 201.

How could he? It was required and he did not hold it. That is a clear due process violation
even to us non-lawyers and non professors.
Nowhere to hide Brian Cogan, nowhere to run.
But we never thought that absent anyplace to run to and anyplace to hide that a Federal
Judge would just make sh*t up. That is how EDNY Judge Brian Mark Cogan rolls.
Instead of manning up, Cogan invoked the spectre of the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern
District of New York Robert Capers.

Odd, Cogan said liens were filed against judges, himself included, and specifies the statute
under which Capers should hunt me down, 18 U.S.C 1521. Well, unless apples are oranges
and affidavits are liens, Judge Brian Mark Cogan is a liar.
Hope U.S. Attorney Robert Capers bothers to read the statute and hunts down the affidavits
that Cogan refers to as liens but doesn't attach to the order referring me for prosecution to Mr.
Why is that? Oh, yea, an affidavit is not a lien. That is a ridiculous proposition by a judge
who is trying to evade facts.
If Capers follows Brian Cogan's ridiculous on its face lead, we may need some guidance.
If anyone getting this email is willing to offer up some counsel on how to deal with a U.S
Attorney when they act as Federal Judge;s lapdog, contact us at
Too bad Cornell law School grad Brian Mark Cogan didn't avail himself of the common law
books in the Cornell Library as we did. He might then be better served to understand simple
Sincerely /
p.s. By the way, Cogan's straw man that the appeals were moot absent ever addressing the
facts, laws or arguments raised in opposition means that he cannot bring himself to give
everyone their day in court as he promised to congress back in 2006 when he was confirmed.
From his confirmation hearing:

"Senator DeWine. Mr. Cogan?

Mr. Cogan. Senator, I would echo my colleagues' comments. I would note that anyone who has tried a
number of cases has seen judges who take the case away from the litigants. That is something that I really
think should be avoided if at all possible. As I said before, litigants have to feel that they had their hearing in
court. Whether they prevail or not, they had their hearing. And when the judge takes the case away, they
haven't had that chance."

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