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Suspicious Activity

Reporting Form
Date: Location: Yarda MAT

Time of Incident: AM

Description of Suspicious Activity:

_I notic ed a black car park ed next t o the P roTrans buil din g wit h
two men
insi de. Bot h men were wa tch ing P roTra ns perso nnel en teri ng
and ex itin g
the buil din g. They se emed t o be writ in g down inf or mati on
each ti me that
an employee entered and exited the building.


Chloe OBrian - IT Department

Curtis Manning Facility Manager
David Palmer Dock Coordinator_
Reported to: David Palmer Dock Coordinator

Actions Taken: _I (David Palmer) contacted the Facility Manager and

tog ether w e conta cted th e local p olic e de partment . The local pol
ice s ent
officers to investigate, but the car had left before they arrived.
Name of Person Reporting Jack Bauer

Date: 2/9/07

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