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Michael J.


Michael J. Economides is one of the most instantly recognizable names in the energy, petroleum
and chemical industries. His areas of interest, combining at the highest levels theory and field
practice, include upstream petroleum production and petroleum management, a particular
emphasis on natural gas production (especially for unconventional gas such as tight, shale
and coal-bed methane, CBM) natural gas transportation (LNG, CNG and processing,) ,
GTL (ethanol and methanol), economics and geopolitics.
Economides holds a number of positions:
Professor at the Cullen College of Engineering, University of Houston, teaching both
chemical and petroleum engineering.
Managing Partner of Dr. Michael J. Economides Consultants, Inc. with a wide range of
industrial consulting, including major retainers by several Fortune 500 companies and
national oil companies
o Expert witness and consultant for many legal cases
Partner in Eclipse Resources a Canadian oil and gas producer and a member of the Board
of Aurora Oil and Gas, a Moscow, Russia, company.
Editor-in-Chief of Energy Tribune, a newsletter in the energy and related industries and
Editor-on-Chief of the peer-reviewed Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,
published by Elsevier.

He is an active advisor to ENI, Italys main petroleum multinational company, Chinas Sinopec
and CNOOC and its subsidiary COSL and is on retainer with Santos, Australia, Tenaris,
Argentina and Cadre Proppants, Texas. From 1999 to 2005 he served as Senior Technical
Advisor to Yukos and Sibneft, Russias major petroleum companies. During 1997 and 1998
Economides was in Venezuela as the Senior Advisor on Production Technology for PDVSA, the
national oil company of Venezuela.
In his technical career he was the first to integrate the previously distinct disciplines of reservoir
and production engineering. Economides textbook, Reservoir Stimulation, in three editions,
developed a new research focus and helped to reshape the character of modern petroleum
engineering research. His works on production engineering, hydraulic fracturing, and shale
gas are considered pioneer and are referenced by most major practitioners in the field. He is
considered to be one of the worlds authorities on natural gas from the technical to the economic
to the geopolitical.
In the mid to late 1990s he was the Samuel R. Noble Professor of Petroleum Engineering at
Texas A&M University, home of the nations top ranked undergraduate and graduate programs
and served as Chief Scientist of the Global Petroleum Research Institute (GPRI). The GPRI was
the first, large-scale petroleum research organization based at a university. Prior to joining the

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faculty at Texas A&M University, Professor Economides was the Director of the Institute of
Drilling and Production at the Leoben Mining University in Austria (1989-1993), where he
earned recognition for transforming a traditional European institution to a global competitor in
the energy marketplace.
From 1984 to 1989 Economides worked in a variety of senior technical and managerial positions
with the Schlumberger companies, including Europe Region Reservoir Engineering and
Stimulation Manager (1984-86) and Dowell Schlumberger Senior Staff Engineer, North America
Economides was professor at the University of Alaska-Fairbanks, 1980-1984, where he initiated
petroleum engineering education in the state.
Publications include authoring/co-authoring of 15 textbooks and over 300 journal papers and
chapters in books. His texts are used in almost all of the Petroleum Engineering departments in
the United States, several overseas universities, and in the training programs of most of the major
companies in the petroleum industry.

He has had professional activities in over 70 countries, has taught courses in 30 and has
interacted with almost all major multinational and national petroleum companies.
Over the years he has served as an expert witness and consultant to a large number of legal cases
covering a wide range of topics in the oil and gas industries, both nationally and internationally.
Following his wide appeal, best seller, The Color Of Oil and a large number of publications in
national journals, he casts a considerable international public profile with about 50 speeches per
year to groups from many large professional societies, organizations and corporations. He is a
frequent guest on national and international media, appearing on CNBC, Fox News, BBC World
Service and many local stations throughout the world. He writes regularly for the editorial pages
of major newspapers and internet news organizations. He has provided advice to the United
States government on energy policy, international energy politics and economics.
His latest wide appeal books are From Soviet to Putin and Back: The Dominance of Energy
in Todays Russia (2008), Energy: Chinas Choke Point (2009), The Energy Imperative
(2010), Energy and Climate Wars (2010) and Americas Blind Spot (2012.)

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Born: Greek National from Cyprus, Sept. 6, 1949
Naturalized United States Citizen, 1982
Married, two sons

Stanford University
PhD in Petroleum Engineering, 1984
University of Kansas
M.S. in Chemical Engineering, 1976
B.S. in Chemical Engineering, 1974

Honorary Societies and Recognition

2007 Geosciences in the Media Award from the American Association of Petroleum
Geologists (AAPG)
Recipient of the Kapitsa Gold Medal of Honor and the Albert Einstein Medal of Honor from
the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences for contributions to the field of petroleum
engineering, 2004.
University of Kansas Hall of Fame, 2004
Doctor Honoris Causa, Petroleum and Gas University, Ploeisti, Romania, 2001
Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Inducted as Foreign Member, 2000.
Society of Petroleum Engineers, 1997 Production Engineering Award
Doctor Honoris Causa and Honorary Professor
The Gubkin Russian State Academy of Oil and Gas, Moscow, 1994
Distinguished Member, Society of Petroleum Engineers, 1994
Distinguished Lecturer, Society of Petroleum Engineers, 1991-1992
Outstanding Faculty Award, 1984 (University of Alaska, School of Mineral Industry)
Earl C. Anthony Scholar, University of California, Berkeley
Fulbright Scholar, University of Kansas
Tau Beta Pi, Sigma Xi (National Honor Research Society)

Professional Experience

Consulting Activities

Prof. Economides has conducted consulting and advising activities for over 40 countries and
major corporations as Managing Partner of Dr. Michael J. Economides Consultants, Inc. a
Houston-based firm. He has worked on technical consulting projects in over 70 countries

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beyond the United States, with multiple activities in Abu Dhabi, Algeria, Argentina, Austria,
Bahrain, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Denmark, Dubai, Egypt, France,
Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Holland, Hungary, Italy, Kazakhstan, Libya, Norway,
Poland, Russia, Spain, Venezuela and Yugoslavia.
He has also provided expert advice and witness for a number of legal cases.
He has taught over 300 short courses throughout the world attended by over 6000 engineers
and technologists. Main industry courses were:
Petroleum production engineering.
Reservoir stimulation including hydraulic fracturing and matrix stimulation.
Advanced fracture mechanics.
Horizontal well performance and completion.
Introduction to Petroleum Engineering (for non-petroleum engineers)

Sample of Consulting Activities

2012 ENI, Italy: Worldwide Advisor on stranded natural gas monetization.

2012- Tenaris, Argentina: Oilfield tubulars

2011- Cadre Proppants, Texas: Consult in technical and strategic issues for the companys
products and services

2011- Sinopec, China: Exclusive senior advisor for shale gas development in China

2011- Santos, Australia: On retainer for CBM development in Queensland, Australia

2011 Celanese Company: Provide expert advice for the companys proprietary project to
produce ethanol from any hydrocarbon sources, other than fermentation.

2005- CNOOC, China: Senior Technical Advisor to both CNOOC and its wholly owned
service company subsidiary, COSL.

1999- ENI, Italy: Worldwide training on production optimization and advanced production,
conducting activities in Italy, Africa and Asia.

1999-2004 Sibneft, Russia: Advising and evaluation of production technologies for Russias
fourth largest oil company.

1999-2004 Yukos, Russia: Senior Technical Advisor on production technologies for

Russias largest oil company.

Petrobras, Peru: Hydraulic fracturing of mature fields

El Paso Corporation: Multiple major retainers for strategic issues, spanning the entire
spectrum of energy integration.

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EnerSea Corporation: Advisor for the development of compressed natural gas (CNG)
systems, natural gas supply and natural gas markets

Cheniere Energy (Houston, Texas): Major retainer for the development of LNG options,
technological, economic and logistical issues. Developed far reaching estimates for
international natural gas supply and trade.

Santos Petroleum (Australia): Consulting on low-permeability gas reservoir hydraulic


MB Petroleum Services (Oman, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates): Advisor
for the introduction of hydraulic fracturing.

Halliburton Energy Services: main worldwide trainer/instructor on horizontal wells and

hydraulic fracturing, large-scope project for the evaluation of the company's technology.
PDVSA (Venezuela): Senior advisor to the Director responsible for nationwide production
Shell International: World-wide consultant on critical well delivery
PDO (Oman)/ Shell: Advisor on well breakthrough technologies, advanced multilateral
well applications
Pancanadian Petroleum Company: Evaluation of the performance and hydraulic fracturing
of horizontal wells.
Tecpetrol (Argentina): Assistance for horizontal well projects.
Mosbacher Energy: application of horizontal well techniques for the development of the re-
activated Las Mercedes Field in Venezuela.
Chevron: use of multilateral and/or fractured wells for the diatomite reservoirs in
Bakersfield, California and vicinity.
Gel Sciences of Boston, Massachusetts: research on the development of the next generation,
advanced drilling fluids targeting horizontal wells almost exclusively.


University of Houston
Professor of Chemical Engineering
(September 1998 Present)

He teaches and conducts research in both chemical and petroleum engineering and specializes
in the areas of process design and optimization of complex operations, petroleum production
and petroleum management and economics.

Texas A&M University

Samuel R. Noble Professor of Petroleum Engineering
Director and Chief Scientist, Global Petroleum Research Institute (GPRI)

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(September 1993 August 1998)
Texas A&M University boasts the nation's top-ranked programs in petroleum engineering at
both the undergraduate and graduate levels, according to The Gourman Report and U.S. News
and World Report, 1993.
GPRI is a research organization within the Texas A&M University System, acting as the first-
ever, large-scale, university-based petroleum research organization in the USA. The Institute
was supported by Amoco, Arco, Elf, Exxon, Mobil, Phillips, Shell, and Texaco.
Economides was the principal founder of the Global Petroleum Research Institute and its first
Chief Scientist. Multimillion-dollar research projects were devised and managed.
Taught graduate and undergraduate courses in production engineering and reservoir
Research projects addressed hydraulic fracturing, fracturing of highly deviated and horizontal
wells, frac&pack treatments, fluid rheology and the migration of vibrations through porous
Supervised several post-doctoral and doctoral students and published extensively.
Leoben Mining University, Leoben, Austria
Director of the Institute of Drilling and Production
Chaired Professor of Petroleum Engineering
(November 1989 - August 1993)

The Institute was one of two composing the petroleum engineering program at the Mining
University Leoben (MUL), the only Earth Sciences institution in Austria. The Institute
employed 15 assistants, 8 adjunct professors and 5 non-teaching personnel. The Institute was
entrusted with research and teaching in drilling, production and well completions.
Outside-funded, research during Economides' direction of the Institute included
downhole three-phase rheology of complex foams, hydraulic fracture design, leakoff
and filtration during hydraulic fracturing, performance, stimulation (both matrix
and fracturing) and optimization of horizontal wells and well cementing.
Economides was principal supervisor of 11 doctoral and over 40 Dipl.Ing. (MS-equivalent)

Dowell Schlumberger
(November 1984 to November 1989)

Operating in more than 70 countries worldwide, Dowell Schlumberger (DS) had built its
reputation on well cementing, reservoir stimulation, coiled tubing and formation sand control
services. DS served a broad spectrum of clients including all major oil companies and many
smaller independents.
North America Senior Staff Engineer
(September 1986 to October 1989)

Provided engineering support for North American operations of Dowell Schlumberger (DS)
in well stimulation and general petroleum engineering. Developed functional relationship

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with DS division and district engineers and direct involvement with critical projects.
Supervised "Product Champions" in the introduction of new products and services.
Responsible for client technology transfer. Under the umbrella of Schlumberger Educational
Services, coordinated, prepared, and served as head instructor for two comprehensive courses
(one basic, one advanced) on fracturing and matrix stimulation.

Europe Region Stimulation Manager

(November 1984 to September 1986)

Manager for Europe Region stimulation activities. Worked in North Sea and several
European countries, including the USSR and other Eastern Bloc countries. Managed design,
execution and evaluation of stimulation projects both onshore and offshore (using a
stimulation vessel). Group included stimulation specialists and reservoir engineers.
Maintained functional relationship with all division and district technical engineers.

Europe Region Reservoir Engineering Manager

Responsible for reservoir engineering for DS activities in the European Region. Developed
extensive client rapport. Conducted original work in developing engineering techniques for
pre- and post-treatment well and reservoir evaluation.

University of Alaska
Assistant Professor of Petroleum Engineering
(June 1980 to August 1984)
The University of Alaska introduced petroleum education in 1980, during a time when the
state derived 90% of its revenue but did not employ a single petroleum engineer. Economides
and Dr. Christine Ehlig-Economides were recruited to start the petroleum engineering
department at the university. There, they designed the curricula for both the BS and MS
programs in petroleum engineering at the University.
Developed and taught undergraduate courses including Introduction to the Energy Industries,
Drilling Laboratory, Natural Gas Engineering, and Reservoir Engineering; and graduate
courses including Advanced Reservoir Engineering and Advanced Well Test Analysis.

Shell Oil Company

Reservoir Engineer
(Summer 1979)
Reservoir engineer for Shell's Geysers geothermal reservoir.

Celanese Chemical Company

Process Engineer
Process design engineer for products covering the "front" of organic chemistry. Provided
technical support to a one-million-pounds-per-day acetic acid production unit. Designed over
10 fractioning towers and over 20 heat exchangers. Completely designed a licensed plant on
the separation of organic acids from water. Performed economic evaluation. General

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experience with other petrochemicals including alcohols, esters, ethers and ketones, and with
corrosion problems.

Additional Professional Activities

Adjunct Professor Technion University, Israel, 2012-
Editor-in-Chief Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 2008-
Editor-in-Chief Energy Tribune 2005-
Member SPEJ Editorial Board, 1995-1997
Member SPE Forum Series Committee, 1989, 1992, 1996
Head of SPE Pilot Peer Review Process, 1994
Head of SPE Editorial Review Committee for Europe and for Academic Publications,
1992 - 1993
Head of the SPE Technology Today Series Committee, 1987-88
Head of the SPE Reservoir Engineering Committee, 1986-87
SPE Editorial Review Committee, 1980-1986
Session Chairman at dozens of conferences and forums, worldwide

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Books (All peer reviewed)

Wang, X. and Economides M.J.: Advanced Natural Gas Engineering, Gulf Publishing, 2009.
Hill, A. D., Zhu, D. and Economides, M. J.: Multilateral Wells, (hardbound) Society of
Petroleum Engineers, Richardson, 2008
Economides, M. J. and Martin, T.: Modern Fracturing, Enhancing Natural Gas Production,
(hardbound) Energy Tribune Publishing, Houston, 2007
Chinese Edition, Petroleum Industry Press, Beijing, 2012
Economides, M. J., Oligney, R.E. and Valk, P.P.: Unified Fracture Design, (hardbound) Orsa
Press, Houston, May 2002.
Russian Edition, Biblioteka, Moscow, 2007
Economides, M.J. and Nolte, K.G.: Reservoir Stimulation, Third Edition, 750 p. (hardbound)
Wiley, NY and Chichester, March 2000
Chinese Edition, Petroleum Industry Press, Beijing, 2002
Economides, M.J., Watters, L.T., and Dunn-Norman, S.: Petroleum Well Construction, 622 p.
(hardbound) Wiley, 1998
Chinese Edition, Petroleum Industry Press, Beijing, 2001
Economides, M. J.: Horizontal Wells: Complex Well Architecture (softbound), IHRDC, Boston, 1998.
Valk, P. and Economides, M.J.: Hydraulic Fracture Mechanics, 300 p. (hardbound), Wiley, NY and
Chichester, 1995
Economides, M.J., Hill, A.D., and Ehlig-Economides, C.A.: Petroleum Production Systems, 600 p.
(hardbound), Prentice Hall, NY, 1994
Chinese Edition, Petroleum Industry Press, Beijing, 1998
Economides, M. J.: Horizontal Wells: Completion and Stimulation, 96 p. (softbound), IHRDC, Boston,
Economides, M.J.: A Practical Companion to Reservoir Stimulation, 236 p. (hardbound), SES,
Houston, 1991 and Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1991.
Economides, M.J. and Nolte, K.G.: Reservoir Stimulation, Second Edition, 440 p. (hardbound), Prentice
Hall, NY, 1989
Chinese Edition, Petroleum Industry Press, Beijing, 1991
Russian Edition, Nedra Publishers, Moscow and Krasnodar, 1992
Economides, M.J. and Nolte, K.G.: Reservoir Stimulation, 367 p. (hardbound), SES, Houston, TX,
Economides, M.J. and Ungemach, P.O. (Eds.): Applied Geothermics, 238 p. (hardbound), John Wiley
and Sons, 1987.


Cala, A. and Economides, M.J.: Americas Blind Spot: Oil, Chavez and US Security, (hardbound)
Continuun, New York and London, 2012.

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Glover, P.C., and Economides, M.J.: Energy and Climate Wars, (hardbound) Continuun, New
York and London, 2010.
Rae, P., Kalfayan, L. and Economides, M.J.: The Energy Imperative, (hardbound) Energy
Tribune Publishing, Houston, 2010.
Economides, M. J. and Xie, X. : Energy: Chinas Choke Point, (hardbound) Energy Tribune
Publishing, Houston, 2009.
Economides, M. J. and DAleo D. M. : From Soviet to Putin and Back: The Dominance of Energy in
Todays Russia, (hardbound) Energy Tribune Publishing, Houston, 2008.
Chinese Edition, Beijing, 2009
Economides, M. J. and Oligney, R.E.: The Color Of Oil, 200 p. (hardbound) Round Oak
Publishing, Houston, February 2000
Korean Edition, Seoul, 2002
Chinese Edition, Petroleum Industry Press, Beijing, 2002
Russian Edition, Olympus Publishers, Moscow, 2003
Spanish Edition, Round Oak Publishing, Houston, 2005

Chapters in Books and Edited Volumes (All peer reviewed)

Economides, M. J.: Author of Liquefied natural gas (LNG) in McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science &
Technology, 2006.
Economides, M. J.: Author of Petroleum in World Book Encyclopedia, 2004.
Economides, M. J. and Kappos, L.: Petroleum Pipeline Network Optimization, in Encyclopedia of
Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Eolss Publishers, Oxford, UK, 2002.
Economides, M. J. and Kronman, G. E.: The Role of Politics and Economics in International
Exploration and Production: Future Implications, Chapter 2 in International Oil and Gas Ventures:
a Business Perspective, G. Kronman, D. Felio and T. OConnor (Eds.), AAPG, 2000.
Reiter, D.F. and Economides, M.J.: Structure and Economics of the Natural Gas Industry Following
Deregulation, in Advances in the Economics of Energy and Resources, John R. Moroney (Ed.),JAI
Press, Stamford, CT, 1999.
Economides, M.J. (Ed.): Henry J. Ramey Jr., SPE Memorial Series Vol. 1, Society of Petroleum
Engineers, Dallas, 1995.
Economides, M.J., McLennan, J.D., Brown, J.E. and Roegiers, J-C.: Performance and Stimulation
of Horizontal Wells, Chapter 15 in World Oil's Handbook of Horizontal Drilling and Completion
Technology, Gulf Publishing, 1990.
Economides, M.J.: "Implications of Cementing on Well Performance, Chapter 1 in Well Cementing,
E.B. Nelson (Ed.), Elsevier, 1990.
Ostermann, R.D. and Economides, M.J.: "Pilot Plant Studies and Process Design for the Production
of Calcium Magnesium Acetate," Chapter 18 in Calcium Magnesium Acetate, Wise, Levendis and
Metschalchi (Eds.), Elsevier, 1991.

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Journal Papers (* Refereed)

1. Franceschi, E., Castineiras, T., Benedetto, F., Funes, A., Figin, F. and Economides, M.J.:
Formation Damage Caused by Thread Compound from Casing and Tubing, SPE 163318,
2. Jukes, R., McIntosh, C., Amorer, G. and Economides, M.J.: NPV-Based Design in Coal-
Seam Reservoirs, SPE 161645, 2012.
3. Bhattacharya, S., Nikolaou, M. and Economides, M.J.: Unified Fracture Design for very
low permeability reservoirs, JNGSE, 9 (2012) 184-195.*
4. Economides, M.J., Wang, X., Colafemmina, F. and Tomaselli, V.N.: The Optimization of
Natural Gas Transportation, SPE 161583, 2012.
5. Yang, M. and Economides, M.J.: Natural Proppants for Hydraulic Fracture Production
Optimization in Eagle-Ford Shale, SPE 153811, 2012.
6. Yang, M. and Economides, M.J.: Revisiting Natural Proppants for Hydraulic Fracture
Production Optimization, SPE 151934, 2012.
7. Yang, M., Valk, P.P. and Economides, M.J.: Hydraulic Fracture Production
Optimization with a Pseudo-3D Model in Multi-layered Lithology, SPE 150002, 2012.
8. Wang, X. and Economides, M.J.: Purposefully built underground natural gas storage,
JNGSE, 9 (2012) 130-137.*
9. Economides, M.J., Oligney, R.O. and Lewis, P.E.: U.S. natural gas in 2011 and beyond,
JNGSE, 8 (2012) 2-8.*
10. Wang, X. and Economides, M.J.: Natural Gas Hydrates as an Energy Resource,
Revisited, IPTC 14211, 2011.
11. Tran, C., Cassidy, B., Pierce, M., Wang, X. and Economides, M.J.: International LNG
Prospects 2011 and Beyond, IPTC 14206, 2011.
12. Ehlig-Economides, C.A. and Economides M.J.: Water as Proppant, SPE 147603, 2011.
13. Mikhailov, D. N., Nikolaevskiy, V.N. and Economides, M.J.: Fluid Leakoff Determines
Hydraulic Fracture Dimensions: Approximate Solution for Non-Newtonian Fracturing
Fluid, IJES, 9, 49, 809-822, 2011.*
14. Kappos, L., Economides, M.J. and Buscaglia, R.: A Holistic Approach to Back Allocation
of Well Production, SPE 145431, 2011.
15. Marongiu-Porcu, M., Ehlig-Economides, C.A. and Economides, M.J.: Global Model for
Fracture Faloff Analysis, SPE 144028, 2011.
16. Feng , P.Y., Wang , D., Liu, G.Z., Wang, H.B., and Economides, M.J.: Sandstone
Reservoir Stimulation Using High-Temperature, Deep-Penetrating Acid, SPE 143942,
17. Pitakbunkate, T., Yang, M., Valk, P.P. and Economides, M.J.: Hydraulic Fracture
Optimization with a p-3D Model, SPE 142303, 2011.
18. Song, B., Economides, M.J. and Ehlig-Economides, C.A.: Design of Multiple Transverse
Fracture Horizontal Wells in Shale Gas Reservoirs, SPE 140555, 2011.
19. Wang, X., Liu, G., Wang, D. and Economides, M.J.: The Use of Sealing Ball Staged
Fracturing, SPE 140529, 2011.
20. Economides, M. J. and Wang, X.: Differences and Similarities in the Stimulation and
Production of Shale Gas Reservoirs and Other Tight Formations, SPE 137718, 2010.
21. Marongiu-Porcu, M., Liu, W. and Economides, M.J.: Flaws in Fracture Design: A
Continuing Problem, SPE 137377, 2010.

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22. Economides, M. J., Marongiu-Porcu, M., Yang, M. and Martin, A.N.: Fracturing
Horizontal Transverse, Horizontal Longitudinal and Vertical Wells: Criteria for Decision,
SPE 137328, 2010.
23. Martin, A.N. and Economides, M. J.: Best Practices for Candidate Selection, Design and
Evaluation of Hydraulic Fracture Treatments, SPE 135669, 2010.
24. Economides, M. J. and Martin, A.N.: How to Decide Between Horizontal Transverse,
Horizontal Longitudinal and Vertical Fractured Completions, SPE 134424, 2010.
25. Wang, X. and Economides, M. J.: Modern Marine Transport of Compressed natural Gas
in 2010, SPE 133512, 2010.
26. Economides, M. J. and Wang, X.: Integrated Use of Natural Gas in Rural China, SPE
133458, 2010.
27. Economides, M. J. and Wang, X.: Design Flaws in Hydraulic Fracturing, SPE 127870,
28. Ehlig-Economides, C.A. and Economides, M.J.: Sequestering carbon dioxide in a closed
underground volume, JPSE, v. 70 (2010) 123-130.*
29. Xie, X. and Economides, M.J..: The Impact of Carbon Geological Sequestration JNGSE,
v.1 (2009) 103-111*
30. Economides, M.J. and Wood, D.: The State of Natural Gas, JNGSE, v.1 (2009) 1-13*
31. Zhang, Y., Marongiu-Porcu, M., Ehlig-Economides, C.A., Tosic, S. and Economides, M.J.:
Comprehensive Model for Flow Behavior of High-Performance Fracture Completions,
Paper SPE 124431, 2009.
32. Economides, M.J. and Ehlig-Economides C.A.: Sequestering Carbon Dioxide in a Closed
Underground Volume, Paper SPE 124430, 2009.
33. Wang X., Economides A.M., Marongiu-Porcu, M. and Economides, M.J.: Compressed
Natural Gas for Indonesia, Paper SPE 122568, 2009.
34. Wang, X. and Economides, M.J.: Horizontal Well Deliverability with Turbulence
Effects, Paper SPE 121382, 2009.
35. Xie, X. and Economides, M.J..: The Impact of Carbon Geological Sequestration, Paper
SPE 120333, 2009.
36. Marongiu-Porcu, M., Wang, X, and Economides, M.J.: Delineation of Application:
Physical and Economic Optimization of Fractured Gas Wells, Paper SPE 120114, 2009.
37. Zhang, Y., Ehlig-Economides, C.A., Han, G., Tosic, S. and Economides, M.J.: Inflow
Performance for a Hydraulic Fracture in a Deviated Well, Paper SPE 119345, 2009.
38. Nelson, D. and Economides, M.J.: Reserves are Added by Re-Thinking a 1983 Steamflood
Pilot, Paper IPTC, 11894, Kuala Lumpur, 2008.
39. Jabbari, H. and Economides, M.J.: A New Approach to IPR Curves of Horizontal Wells
in Two-Phase Reservoirs, Paper SPE 115918, 2008.
40. Tosic, S., Ehlig-Economides, C.A., Economides, M.J., Vincent, M.C.: New Flux
Surveillance Approach for High Rate Wells, Paper SPE 115689, 2008.
41. Marongiu-Porcu, M., Wang, X., and Economides, M. J.: The Economics of Compressed
Natural Gas Sea Transport, Paper SPE 115310, 2008.
42. Economides, M. J. and Demarchos, A.: Benefits of a p-3D Over a 2D Model for Unified
Fracture Design, Paper SPE 112374, 2008.
43. Wood, D., Mokhatab, S. and Economides, M.J: Diverse LNG Pricing Arrangements in
the Major Gas Consuming Markets, Proc. 87th Annual Convention, GPA, 2008.

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44. Wood, D., Mokhatab, S. and Economides, M.J: Technology Options for Securing Markets
for Remote Gas, Proc. 87th Annual Convention, GPA, 2008.
45. Wood, D., Mokhatab, S. and Economides, M.J.: Offshore Natural Gas Liquefaction
Process and Development Issues, SPEPFC (Dec. 2007) 1-7.*
46. Marongiu-Porcu, M., Economides, M.J. and Holditch, S.A.: Economic and Physical
Optimization of Hydraulic Fracturing, Paper SPE 111793, 2008.
47. Ehlig-Economides, C.A., Tosic, S. and Economides, M.J.: Foolproof Completions for
High-Rate production Wells, Paper SPE 111455, 2008.
48. Economides, M.J., Mikhailov, D. N. and Nikolaevskiy, V. N.: On the problem of fluid
leakoff during hydraulic fracturing, Transp. Porous Media, v. 67,487-499, 2007.*
49. Economides, M. J., Ehlig-Economides, C. A. and Tosic, S.: Application of Pressure
Transient and Production Data Analysis for Hydraulic Fracture Treatment Evaluation,
Paper SPE 106382, 2007.
50. Demarchos, A. S., Porcu, M. M. and Economides, M. J.: Transversely Multi-Fractured
Horizontal Wells: A Recipe for Success, Paper SPE 102262, 2006.
51. Harrison, M. C., Campbell, P., Coelho, F. M., Grecco, C., Ikeocha, C., Wang, X. T. and
Economides, M. J.: Natural Gas: Overcoming Limitations Toward Energy Supremacy, Paper
SPE 102061, 2006.
52. Mokhatab, S. and Economides, M. J.: Onshore LNG Production Process Selection, Paper SPE
102160, 2006.
53. Ehlig-Economides, C. A., Valk, P., Diyashev, I. and Economides, M. J.: Pressure Transient
and Production Data Analysis for Hydraulic Fracture Treatment Evaluation, Paper SPE 101832,
54. Diyashev, I. and Economides, M.J.: A General Approach to Well Evaluation, SPEPO (August
2006) 394-401.*
55. Economides, M. J., Sun, K. and Subero, G.: Compressed Natural Gas (CNG): An Alternative to
Liquid Natural Gas (LNG), SPEPO (May 2006) 318-324.*
56. Economides, M. J.: The Coming Natural Gas Cartel Foreign Policy, March 28, 2006.
57. Mokhatab, S., Poe, W. A. and Economides, M.J.: Recent gas market changes parallel US need
for more LNG, World Oil, (April 2006) 1-4.
58. Mokhatab, S. and Economides, M.J.: Process selection is critical to onshore LNG economics,
World Oil, (February 2006) 95-99.
59. Saputelli, L., Nikolaou, M. and Economides, M. J.: Self-Learning Reservoir Management,
SPEREE, (Dec. 2005) 534-547.*
60. Daal, J., A. and Economides, M. J.: Optimization of Hydraulically Fractured Wells in Irregularly
Shaped Drainage Areas, Paper SPE 98047, 2006.
61. Wei, Yunan and Economides, M.J.: Transverse Hydraulic Fractures from a Horizontal Well,
Paper SPE 94671, 2005.
62. Diyashev, I. and Economides, M.J.: A General Approach to Well Evaluation, Paper SPE 94644,
63. Demarchos, A.S., Economides, M.J., Diyashev, I. and Svaykin, V.A.: Analysis of the
Performance of Hydraulic Fracturing Treatments and Quantum Design Improvements, Paper SPE
94643, 2005.
64. Kappos, L. and Economides, M.J.: Multi-Well Operational Optimization for Maximum
Production, Paper SPE 93147, 2005.
65. Rojas, S. , Saputelli, L and Economides, M.J.: Mexicos Influence in the Worlds Oil and Gas
Supply and Demand, Paper SPE 93301, 2005.

Economides, Michael J. 2012 Page 13

66. Economides, M. J., Sun, K. and Subero, G.: Compressed Natural Gas (CNG): An Alternative to
Liquid Natural Gas (LNG), Paper SPE 92047, 2005.
67. Economides, M.J.: Is there an Impending World Oil Shortage, World Energy, 7, 4, 2004, 126-
68. Economides, M.J., Rojas, S., Saputelli, L.: Natural Gas in Mexicos Energy and Economy,
World Energy, 7, 3, 2004, 130-137.
69. Wang X. and Economides, M.J.: Aggressive fracturing slashes turbulence, World Oil, 225, 7,
July 2004, 73-79.
70. Economides, M.J., Demarchos, A.S., Mach, J.M, Rueda, J. and Wolcott, D.S.: Pushing the
Limits of Hydraulic Fracturing in Russia, Paper SPE 90357, 2004.
71. Subero, G., Sun, K., Deshpande, A., McLaughlin, J. and Economides, M.J.: A Comparative
Study of Sea-Going Natural Gas Transport, Paper SPE 90243, 2004.
72. Kappos, L. and Economides, M.J.: Definitive Method of Flow Analysis of Surface Pipeline
Networks, Paper SPE 89736, 2004.
73. Collum, R., Gregorek A., Sondhi, A. and Economides, M.J.: An in-depth analysis shows
Caspian oils potential, World Oil, 225, 3, March 2004, 69-75.
74. Economides, M.J., Fasina, A.O., Oloyede, B.: Nigeria Natural Gas: A Transition form Waste to
Resource, World Energy, 7, 1, 2004, 134-140.
75. Demarchos, A.S., Chomatas, A.S., Economides, M.J., Mach, J.M. and Wolcott, D.S.:
Pushing the Limits in Hydraulic Fracture Design, Paper SPE 86483, 2004.
76. Oberwinkler, C., Ruthammer, G., Zangl, G. and Economides, M.J.: New Tools for Fracture
Design Optimization, Paper SPE 86467, 2004.
77. Oberwinkler, C. and Economides, M.J.: Technologies Optimize Refracturing, Amer. Oil&Gas
Reporter (December 2003) 73-80.
78. Economides, M. J. and Oyewole, P.: Africa the Next Energy Superpower, AfricanXChange, v.
3, n. 3, 41-60, 2003.
79. Saputelli, L., Economides, M., Nikolaou, M., Kelessidis, V.: Real-time Decision-making for
Value Creation while Drilling, Paper SPE 85314, 2003.
80. Oyewole, P. and Economides, M. J.: Africa is Poised to Become the Next Energy Superpower,
Paper SPE 84432, 2003.
81. Oberwinkler, C. and Economides, M.J.: The Definitive Identification of Candidate Wells for
Refracturing, Paper SPE 84211, 2003.
82. Saputelli, L., Nikolaou, M. and Economides, M.J.: Self-Learning Reservoir Management,
Paper SPE 84064, 2003.
83. Saputelli, L., Economides, M.J., Nikolaou, M. and Demarchos, A.: Real Time Decision Making
for Value Creation while Drilling and in Well Intervention, Paper AADE-03-BTCE-12, 2003.
84. Romero, D. J., Valk, P.P. and Economides, M.J.: Optimization of the Productivity Index and
the Fracture Geometry of a Stimulated Well with Fracture Face and Choke Skins, SPEPF
(February 2003) 57-64.*
85. Economides, M.J., Oligney, R.E., Valk, P.P.: Applying Unified Fracture Design to Natural Gas
Wells, World Oil, October 2002, 50-62.
86. Adams, N. and Economides, M.J.: Characterization of Blowout Behavior in Deepwater
Environments, Paper SPE 79879, 2002.
87. Demarchos, A.S., Warthen, R.C., Davis, D.S. and Economides, M.J.: The Kitchen Prospects,
Cook Inlet Alaska: A Giant Natural Gas Accumulation, Paper SPE 77762, 2002.
88. Economides, M.J., Demarchos, S.A., and Saputelli, L.: Energy Sources and Energy Intensity for
the Twenty-First Century, Paper SPE 77736, 2002.

Economides, Michael J. 2012 Page 14

89. Ehlig-Economides, C.A. and Economides, M.J.: Recipe for Success in Ultradeep Water, Paper
SPE 77625, 2002.
90. Oligney, R.E. and Economides, M.J.: Natural Gas: The Excruciating Transition, Paper SPE
77371, 2002.
91. Ghalambor, A. and Economides, M.J.: Formation Damage Abatement: A Quarter Century
Perspective, SPEJ, (March 2002) 4-13.
92. Sankaran, S., Deeg W., Nikolaou, M. and Economides, M. J.: Far-Field State of Stress
Estimation, PetroMin (Jan.-Feb. 2002) 58-65. *
93. Economides, M. J., Demarchos, A. S., Saputelli, L.: Energy Sources and Energy Intensity for the
Twenty-First Century, Paper SPE 75504, 2002.
94. Romero, D. J., Valk, P. P. and Economides, M. J.: The Optimization of the Productivity Index
and the Fracture Geometry of a Stimulated Well with Fracture Face and Choke Skins, Paper SPE
73758, 2002.
95. Indriati, S., Wang, X. and Economides, M. J.: Adjustment of Hydraulic Fracture design in Gas-
Condensate Wells, Paper SPE 73751, 2002.
96. Economides, M. J., Valk, P. P. and Wang, X.: Recent Advances in Production Engineering,
JCPT (October 2001) 35-44.*
97. Sankaran, S., Deeg W., Nikolaou, M. and Economides, M. J.: Measurements and Inverse
Modeling for Far-Field State of Stress Estimation, Paper SPE 71647, 2001.
98. Economides, M. J., Oligney, R. E., Demarchos A.S. and Lewis, P.E.: Natural Gas: Beyond All
Expectations, Paper SPE 71512, 2001.
99. Ehlig-Economides, C.A., Fernandez, B. and Economides, M. J.: Multibranch Injector/Producer
Wells in Thick Heavy-Crude Reservoirs, SPEREE (June 2001) 195-200.*
100. Economides, M. J., Oligney, R. E. and Demarchos, A. S.: Natural Gas: The Revolution is
Coming, JPT (May 2001) 102-109.*
101. Sumrow, M. H. and Economides, M. J.: Pushing the Boundaries of Coiled Tubing
Applications, Paper SPE 68480, 2001.
102. Economides, M. J. and Ghalambor, A.: Equivalency of International Petroleum Engineering
Programs, JPT (Jan., 2001) 64-68.*
103. Economides, M. J. and Oligney, R. E.: Energy Mix of New Economy Dominated by Natural
Gas, The American Oil & Gas Reporter, (Dec. 2000) 35-41.
104. Ehlig-Economides, C. A. and Economides, M. J.: Oil Recovery Could be Accelerated Using -
Mode Production Strategy, World Oil, (Nov. 2000) 53-56.
105. Wang, X., Indriati, S., Valk, P. P. and Economides, M. J.: Production Impairment and
Purpose-Built Design of Hydraulic Fractures in Gas-Condensate Reservoirs, Paper SPE 64749,
106. Saputelli, L., Cherian, B., Gregoriadis, K., Nikolaou, M., Oudinot, C., Reddy, G. and
Economides, M. J.: Integration of Computer-Aided High-Intensity Design with Reservoir
Exploitation of Remote and Offshore Locations, Paper SPE 64621, 2000.
107. Sankaran, S., Nikolaou, M. and Economides, M. J.: Fracture Geometry and Vertical Migration
in Multilayered Formations from Inclined Wells, Paper SPE 63177, 2000.
108. Economides, M. J., Oligney, R. E., and Demarchos A. S.: Natural Gas: The Revolution is
Coming, Paper SPE 62884, 2000.
109. Ehlig-Economides, C.A. and Economides, M.J.: Single Well Reservoir Management the
Ultimate Multibranch Well Challenge, Paper SPE 59447, 2000.
110. Barwani, M., Marhubi, A., Oligney, R.E. and Economides M.J.: The Role of the Local
Petroleum Service Company in Asset Management, Paper SPE 59445, 2000.
111. Ghalambor, A. and Economides, M.J.: Formation Damage Abatement: A Quarter-Century
Perspective, Paper SPE 58744, 2000.

Economides, Michael J. 2012 Page 15

112. Nikolaevskiy, V.N. and Economides, M.J.: The Near-Well State of Stress and Induced Rock
Damage, Paper SPE 58716, 2000.
113. Hernandez, A.M., Barrios, J.C., Saputelli, L. and Economides, M.J.: Multilateral Wells:
Experience and Future Developments in Venezuela by PDVSA, 11th Intern. Conf. Horiz. Wells,
Houston, 1999.
114. Fuentes, J., Economides, M.J., and Carbonell, R.S.: Stability of Junctures for Multilateral
Wells, Paper SPE 57279, 1999.
115. Economides, M.J. and Oligney, R.E.: The Color of Oil Part IV, Red, Petroleum Engineer
International, (September, 1999) 35-45.
116. Chen, Z. and Economides, M.J.: "The Effect of Near-Wellbore Fracture Geometry on Fracture
Execution and Post-Treatment Production of Deviated and Horizontal Wells," SPEPF (August,
1999) 177-186. *
117. Economides, M.J. and Oligney, R.E.: The Color of Oil Part III, Red, White and Blue,
Petroleum Engineer International, (August 1999) 39-50.
118. Economides, M.J. and Oligney, R.E.: The Color of Oil Part II, Black, Petroleum Engineer
International, (July, 1999) 41-49.
119. Economides, M.J. and Oligney, R.E.: The Color of Oil Part I, Green, Petroleum Engineer
International, (June, 1999) 19-28.
120. Valk, P., and Economides, M.J.: "Fluid Leakoff Delineation in High-Permeability Fracturing,"
SPEPF (May 1999) 117-130. *
121. Hernndez, A.; Barrios, J.; Saputelli, L., Economides, M.J.: Multilateral Wells: Experience and
Future Development in Venezuela by PDVSA, Proc. 11th International Conference on Horizontal
Technology, Houston, 1999.
122. Reiter, D.F., and Economides, M.J.: "Prediction of Short-term Natural Gas Prices Using
Econometric and Neural Network Models," Paper SPE 52960, 1999.
123. Aggour, T.M., and Economides, M.J.: "Impact of Fluid Selection on High-Permeabiltiy
Fracturing," SPEPF (Feb. 1999) 72-76 (Also Paper SPE 36902, 1996.) *
124. Economides, M. J., Oligney, R. E., and Izquierdo Rodriguez, A.: "Culture and Technology in the
Petroleum Industry," Petroleum Engineer International, (Jan. 1999) 75-82.
125. Fernandez, B., Ehlig-Economides, C., and Economides, M.J.: " Multilevel Injector/Producer
Wells in Thick Heavy Crude Reservoirs," Paper SPE 53950, 1999.
126. Franquet J. A., and Economides, M.J.: "Effect of Stress and Stress Path on Young's Modulus and
Poisson Ratio of Unconsolidated Rocks: A New Idea for Hydraulic Fracturing," Paper SPE 54012,
127. Valk and Economides, M.J.: "Heavy Crude Production from Shallow Formations: Long
Horizontal Wells Versus Horizontal Fractures," Paper SPE 50421, 1998.
128. Muoz, A., Ehilg- Economides, C. and Economides, M.J.: "Principal Permeability Determination
from Multiple Horizontal Well Tests," Paper SPE 50396, 1998.
129. Retnanto, A. and Economides, M.J.: "Inflow Performance Relationships of Horizontal and
Multibranced Wells in Solution-Gas-Drive Reservoir," Paper SPE 49054, 1998.
130. Oligney, R. E. and Economides, M. J.: "Technology as an Asset," Petroleum Engineer
International (Sept. 1998) 27-39.
131. Ispas, I.N., Britt, L.K., Tiab, D., Valk, P. and Economides, M.J.: "Methodology of Fluid
Leakoff Analysis in High-Permeability Fracturing," Paper SPE 39476, 1998.
132. Aggour, T.M. and Economides, M.J.: "Optimization of the Performance of High-Permeability
Fractured Wells," Paper SPE 39474, 1998.
133. Valk, P., R.E. Oligney and Economides, M.J.: "High Permeability Fracturing of Gas Wells,"
Petroleum Engineer International (Jan. 1998) 75-88.

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134. Mayerhofer, M.J. and Economides, M.J.: "Fracture-Injection-Test Interpretation: Leakoff
Coefficient vs. Permeability," SPEPF (Nov. 1997) 231-236. (Also Paper SPE 28562.) *
135. Valk, P. and Economides, M.J.: "Foam-Proppant Transport," SPEPF (Nov. 1997) 244-249.
(Also Paper SPE 27897.) *
136. Valk, P. and Economides, M.J.: "Transient Behavior of Finite Conductivity Horizontal
Fractures," SPEJ (June 1997) 213-222. *
137. Valk, P., Oligney, R. E., and Economides, M.J.: "High Permeability Fracturing of Gas Wells,"
Gas Tips (GRI), (Fall 1997) 31-40.
138. Retnanto, A., Economides, M.J., Ehlig-Economides, C.A., and Frick, T.P.: "Optimization of the
Performance of Partially Completed Horizontal Wells," Paper SPE 37492, 1997.
139. Valk, P. and Economides, M.J.: "Fluid Leakoff Delineation in High-Permeability Fracturing,"
Paper SPE 37403, 1997.
140. Fan, Y. and Economides, M.J.: "Fracture Dimensions in Frac&pack Stimulation," SPEJ (Dec.
1996), 403-412. *
141. Economides, M.J., Brand, C.W., and Frick, T.P.: "Well Configurations in Anisotropic
Reservoirs," SPEFE (Dec. 1996), 257-262. (Also Paper SPE 27980, 1994.) *
142. Rogers, E.J. and Economides, M.J.: "The Skin due to Slant of Deviated Wells in Permeability-
Anistropic Reservoirs," Paper SPE 37068, 1996.
143. Dittoe, S. R., Retnanto, A. and Economides, M.J.: "An Analysis of Reserves Enhancement in
Petroleum Reservoirs with Horizontal and Multi-Lateral Wells," Paper SPE 37037, 1996.
144. Nelson, D.G. and Economides, M.J.: "Qualitative Pressure Profiling to Determine Wellbore
Contacts with Hydraulic Fractures," Paper SPE 36440, 1996.
145. Villegas, M.E., Wattenbarger, R.A., Valk, P. and Economides, M.J.: "Performance of
Longitudinally Fractured Horizontal Wells in High-Permeability Anisotropic Formations," Paper
SPE 36453 , 1996.
146. Frick, T.P., Brand, C.W., Schlager, B. and Economides, M.J.: "Horizontal Well Testing of
Isolated Segments," SPEJ (Sept. 1996), 261-273. (Also Paper SPE 29959, 1995.) *
147. Nikolaevskiy, V.N., Economides, M.J., Liao, Y., and Lopukhov, G.P.: "Residual Oil Recovery
with Seismic Vibrations," SPEPF (May 1996) 98-94 (Also Paper SPE 29155, 1995.) *
148. Retnanto, A. and Economides, M.J.: "Performance of Multiple Horizontal Well Laterals in Low-
to Medium-Permeability Reservoirs," SPERE, (May 1996) 73-77. (Also Paper SPE 29647, 1995.) *
149. Valk, P. and Economides, M.J.: "Performance of a Longitudinally Fractured Horizontal Well,"
SPEJ (March 1996), 11-19. *
150. Retnanto, A., Frick, T.P., Brand, C.W., and Economides, M.J.: "Optimal Configurations of
Multiple-Lateral Horizontal Wells," Paper SPE 35712 , 1996 .
151. Valk, P. and Economides, M.J.: "Performance of Fractured Horizontal Wells in High-
Permeability Reservoirs," Paper SPE 31149 , 1996.
152. Economides, M.J., Datta-Gupta, A., Ehlig-Economides, C.A., Valk, P., and Zolotukhin, A.B.:
"Advances in Petroleum Engineering, 1996," paper presented at the 1996 All-Russian Scientific
Conference on Fundamental Problems of Oil and Gas, Moscow, Jan. 22-25.
153. Mathur, A.K., Ning, X., Marcineau, R.B., Ehlig-Economides, C.A., and Economides, M.J.:
"Hydraulic Fracture Stimulation of Highly Permeable Formations: The Effect of Critical Fracture
Parameters on Oilwell Production," Paper SPE 30652, 1995 .
154. Smith, J., Economides, M.J., and Frick, T.P.: "Reducing Economic Risk in Areally Anisotropic
Formations with Multiple-Lateral Horizontal Wells," Paper SPE 30647, 1995 .
155. Chen, Z. and Economides, M.J.: "Fracturing Pressures and Near-Well Fracture Geometry of
Arbitrarily Oriented and Horizontal Wells," Paper SPE 30531, 1995.
156. Fan, Y. and Economides, M.J.: "Fracture Dimensions in Frac&pack Stimulation," Paper SPE
30469, 1995 .

Economides, Michael J. 2012 Page 17

157. Prohaska, M., Fruhwirth, R.K., and Economides, M.J.: "Modeling of Early-Time Gas Migration
Through Cement Slurries," SPEDC (Sept. 1995), 178-185. (Also SPE 27878.) *
158. Economides, M.J.: "The State of R&D in the Petroleum Industry," Distinguished Author Series,
JPT (July 1995), 586-588. *
159. Economides, M.J., Frick, T.P., and Nittmann, J.: "New Models Help Visualize Acid Stimulation
Patterns," World Oil (April 1995), 117-122.
160. Zhu, D., Wu, G., Hill, A.D., and Economides, M.J.: "Technology Transfer Through Integrated
Production Engineering Software," Paper SPE 30194, 1995.
161. Fan, Y. and Economides, M.J.: "Fracture Fluid Leakoff and Net Pressure Behavior in Frac&pack
Stimulation," Paper SPE 29988, 1995.
162. Enzendorfer, C., Harris, R.A., Valk, P., Economides, M.J., Fokker, P.A., and Davies, D.D.:
"Pipe Viscometry of Foams," J. Rheol. (March/April, 1995) 39 (2), 345-358. *
163. Mayerhofer, M.J., Ehlig-Economides, C.A., and Economides, M.J.: "Pressure--Transient
Analysis of Fracture-Calibration Tests," JPT (March 1995) 229-234. *
164. Ehlig-Economides, C.A., Fan, Y., and Economides, M.J.: "Interpretation of Fracture Calibration
Tests in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs," Paper SPE 28690, 1994.
165. Mayerhofer, M.J., Economides, M.J., and Nolte, K.G.: "Experimental Study of Fracturing Fluid
Loss," Jour. Can. Pet. Tech., 33, No.8 (Oct. 1994), 49-56. *
166. Economides, M.J., Brand, C.W., and Frick, T.P.: "Well Configurations in Anisotropic
Reservoirs," Paper SPE 27980, 1994.
167. Valk, P. and Economides, M.J.: "Propagation of Hydraulically Induced Fractures: A Continuum
Damage Mechanics Approach," Int. J. Rock Mech, Min. Sci. & Geomech. Abstr., 31, No. 3 (1994),
229. *
168. Economides, M.J. and Valk, P.: "Interpretation and Modeling of Hydraulic Fracturing
Phenomena with Continuum Damage Mechanics: An Application to Engineering Design,"
Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics, Balkema, Rotterdam (1994),1579-1584. *
169. Prohaska, M., Frick, T.P., Valk, P., Mayerhofer, M.J., and Economides, M.J.: "Forschung am
Institut for Tiefbohrtechnik und Erdlgewinnung an der Montanuniversitt Leoben" (in German),
Erdl Erdgas Kohle (April 1994), 150-153. *
170. Winkler, W., Valk, P. and Economides, M.J.: "Ein neues rheologisches Modell zur
Beschreibung von Polymer Schumen" (in German), Erdl Erdgas Kohle (April 1994), 158-162. *
171. Economides, M.J. and Frick, T.P.: "Optimization of Horizontal Well Matrix Treatments," SPEPF
(May 1994) 93-99. *
172. Economides, M.J., Frick, T.P., and Nittman, J.: "Enhanced Visualization of Acid/Carbonate
Rock Interaction," JPT (April 1994) 282. *
173. Mayerhofer, M.J. and Economides, M.J.: "Field Cases for Permeability Determination from
Minifracs," Paper SPE 26999, 1994.
174. Winkler, W., Valk, P., and Economides, M.J.: "A Rheological Model for Polymer Foams,"
Paper SPE 27013, 1994.
175. Frick, T.P., and Economides, M.J.: "State-of-the-Art in the Matrix Stimulation of Horizontal
Wells," Paper SPE 26997, 1994.
176. Frick, T.P., Kurmayr, M., and Economides, M.J.: "Modeling of Fractal Patterns in Matrix
Acidizing and Their Impact on Well Performance," SPEPF 61-68 (Feb. 1994). *
177. Winkler, W., Valk, P., and Economides, M.J.: "Laminar and Drag-Reduced Polymeric Foam
Flow," J. Rheol. 38, 1 (Jan./Feb. 1994), 111-127. *
178. Economides, M.J., Buchsteiner, H., and Warpinski, N.R.: "Step-Pressure Test for Stress-
Sensitive Permeability Determination," Paper SPE 27380, 1994.
179. Frick, T.P., Mostofizadeh, G., and Economides, M.J.: "Analysis of Radial Core Experiments for
Hydrochloric Acid Interaction with Limestones," Paper SPE 27402, 1994.

Economides, Michael J. 2012 Page 18

180. Valk, P. and Economides, M.J.: "Fracture Height Containment and Continuum Damage
Mechanics," Paper SPE 26598, 1993.
181. Mayerhofer, M.J., Economides, M.J., and Ehlig-Economides, C.A.: "Pressure Transient
Analysis of Fracture Calibration Tests," Paper SPE 26527, 1993.
182. Buchsteiner, H., Warpinski, N.R., and Economides, M.J.: "Stress Induced Permeability
Reduction in Fissured Reservoirs," Paper SPE 26513, 1993.
183. Mayerhofer, M.J. and Economides, M.J.: "Permeability Estimation from Fracture Calibration
Treatments," Paper SPE 26039, 1993.
184. Prohaska, M., Ogbe, D.O., and Economides, M.J.: "Determining Wellbore Pressures in Cement
Slurry Columns," Paper SPE 26070, 1993.
185. Valk, P. and Economides, M.J.: "A Continuum Damage Mechanics Model of Hydraulic
Fracturing," JPT (March 1993), 198-205. *
186. Frick, T.P. and Economides, M.J.: "Horizontal Well Damage Characterization and Removal,"
SPEPF (Feb. 1993), 515-22. *
187. Mayerhofer, M.J., Staubmann, H.-U., and Economides, M.J.: "Interpretation of Early- and Late-
Time Filtration Phenomena of Cross-Linked Polymer Cakes in Front of Long Cores," Paper SPE
25489, 1993.
188. Valk, P. and Economides, M.J.: "Applications of a Continuum Damage Mechanics Model to
Hydraulic Fracturing," Paper SPE 25887, 1993.
189. Deimbacher, F.X., Economides, M.J., and Jensen, O.K.: "Generalized Performance of Hydraulic
Fractures with Complex Geometry Intersecting Horizontal Wells," Paper SPE 25505, 1993.
190. Pichler, T., Frick, T.P., Economides, M.J., and Nittman, J.: "Stochastic Modeling of Wormhole
Growth in Carbonate Acidizing with Biased Randomness," Paper SPE 25004, 1992.
191. Owens, K.A., Andersen, S.A., and Economides, M.J.: "Fracturing Pressures for Horizontal
Wells," Paper SPE 24822, 1992.
192. Deimbacher, F.X., Economides, M.J., Heinemann, Z.E., and Brown, J.E.: "Comparison of
Methane Production from Coalbeds Using Vertical or Horizontal Wells," JPT (Aug. 1992), 930-
935. *
193. Valk, P. and Economides, M.J.: "Volume Equalized Constitutive Equations for Foamed Polymer
Solutions," J. Rheol. 36, 6 (Aug. 1992), 1033-1055. *
194. Cikes, M. and Economides, M.J.: "Fracturing of High-Temperature, Naturally Fissured, Gas-
Condensate Reservoirs," SPEFE (May 1992), 226-232. *
195. Brown, J.E. and Economides, M.J.: "An Analysis of Hydraulically Fractured Horizontal Wells,"
Paper SPE 24322, 1992.
196. Frick, T.P. and Economides, M.J.: "A Case Study for the Matrix Stimulation of a Horizontal
Well," Paper SPE 23806, 1992.
197. Valk, P., Economides, M.J., Baumgartner, S.A., and McElfresh, P.M.: "The Rheological
Properties of Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen Foams," Paper SPE 23778, 1992.
198. Economides, M.J., Deimbacher, F.X., Brand, C.W., and Heinemann, Z.E.: "Comprehensive
Simulation of Horizontal-Well Performance," SPEFE (Dec. 1991), 418-426.*
199. Economides, M.J. and Ehlig-Economides, C.A.: "Discussion of Formation Damage Effects on
Horizontal-Well Flow Efficiency," JPT (Dec. 1991), 1521-1522. *
200. Haid, G. and Economides, M.J.: "Optimierung Hydraulischer Frakbehandlungen bei der
Erdlgewinnung mit Hilfe der Monte-Carlo-Technik und unter Anwendung des Barwertes" (in
German), BHM (Dec. 1991), 467-474. *
201. Zeilinger, S.C., Mayerhofer, M.J., and Economides, M.J.: "A Comparison of the Fluid-Loss
Properties of Borate- and Zirconate- Crosslinked and Noncrosslinked Fracturing Fluids," Paper SPE
23435, 1991.

Economides, Michael J. 2012 Page 19

202. Nolte, K.G. and Economides, M.J.: "Fracture Design and Validation with Uncertainty and Model
Limitations," JPT (Sept. 1991), 1147-1155. *
203. Economides, M.J., Ben-Naceur, K., and Klem, R.C.: "Matrix Stimulation Method for Horizontal
Wells," JPT (July 1991) 854-861. *
204. Mukherjee, H. and Economides, M.J.: "A Parametric Comparison of Horizontal and Vertical
Well Performance," SPEFE (June 1991), 209-216. *
205. Sprker, H.F., Trepess, F.P., Valk, P., and Economides, M.J.: "System Design for the
Measurement of Downhole Dynamic Rheology for Foam Fracturing Fluids," Paper SPE 22840,
206. Mayerhofer, M.J., Economides, M.J., and Nolte, K.G.: "An Experimental and Fundamental
Interpretation of Filtercake Fracturing Fluid Loss," Paper SPE 22873, 1991.
207. Schoffmann, F. and Economides, M.J.: "Controlling Kicks in Ultradeep Wells and Comparison
with Shallow Wells," Paper SPE 22561, 1991.
208. Cvetkovic, B., Loncaric, B., and Economides, M.J.: "Production from Heavy Gas Condensate
Reservoirs," Paper SPE 20968, 1990.
209. Economides, M.J., Brand, C.W., Deimbacher, F.X., and Heinemann, Z.E.: "Comprehensive
Simulation of Horizontal Well Performance," Paper SPE 20717, 1990.
210. Ben-Naceur, K. and Economides, M.J.: "Production from Naturally Fissured Reservoirs
Intercepted by a Vertical Hydraulic Fracture" SPEFE (Dec. 1989), 550-558. *
211. Prouvost, L.P. and Economides, M.J.: "Applications of Real-Time Matrix-Acidizing Evaluation
Method" SPEPE (Nov. 1989), 401-407. *
212. Economides, M.J., Ben-Naceur, K., and Klem, R.C.: "Matrix Stimulation Method for Horizontal
Wells" Paper SPE 19719, 1989.
213. Economides, M.J. and Thomas, R.L.: "Well Analysis Before and After Fracture Stimulation"
Paper SPE 890018, presented at the Centennial of New Mexico Tech. Meeting, Soccorro, NM, Oct.
1989. *
214. Economides, M.J., McLennan, J.D., Marcinew, R., and Brown, J.E.: "Fracturing of Highly
Deviated and Horizontal Wells," Paper CIM 89-40-38, 1989.
215. Economides, M.J., McLennan, J.D., Brown, E., and Roegiers, J.-C.: "Performance and
Stimulation of Horizontal Wells," Part 1, World Oil (June 1989), Part 2, World Oil (July 1989).
216. Economides, M.J., Cikes, M., Porter, J., Udick, T.H., and Uroda, P.: "The Stimulation of a
Tight, Very High Temperature Gas Condensate Well," SPEFE (March 1989), 63-72. *
217. Nolte, K.G. and Economides, M.J.: "Fracture Length Determination and Implications for
Treatment Design," Paper SPE 18979, 1989.
218. Ben-Naceur, K. and Economides, M.J.: "Design and Evaluation of Acid Fracturing Treatments,"
Paper SPE 18978, 1989.
219. Ben-Naceur, K. and Economides, M.J.: "The Effectiveness of Acid Fractures and Their
Production Behavior," Paper SPE 18536, 1988.
220. Balen, M.R., Meng, H.Z., and Economides, M.J.: "Applications of the Net Present Value (NPV)
in the Optimization of Hydraulic Fractures," Paper SPE 18541, 1988.
221. Mukherjee, J. and Economides, M.J.: "A Parametric Comparison of Horizontal and Vertical Well
Performance," Paper SPE 18303, 1988.
222. Stultz-Karim, S.P. and Economides, M.J.: "The Effect of Uncertainty in Petroleum Reserves
Estimates on Hoteling's Economics of Exhaustible Resources," Paper SPE 18108, 1988.
223. Prouvost, L.P. and Economides, M.J.: "Real-time Evaluation of Matrix Acidizing Treatments,"
Petr. Science and Eng., 1, No. 2, Nov. 1987. *
224. Economides, M.J.: "How to Engineer Fracturing Treatments," JPT, Technology Today Series
(Nov. 1987) 1343-1345.*

Economides, Michael J. 2012 Page 20

225. Despax, D., Charles, P., Clinkemaillie, J., and Economides, M.J.: "On the Stimulation of a
Northern North Sea Tight Sand," Paper SPE 16428, 1987.
226. Economides, M.J. and Ogbe, D.O.: "How to Analyze Interference Tests, Part 1 (Homogeneous
and Anisotropic Radial Reservoirs)," World Oil (July 1987), 38-42.
227. Economides, M.J. and Ogbe, D.O.: "How to Analyze Interference Tests, Part 2 (Linear Flow
Systems and Vertical Interference)" World Oil (Sept. 1987), 54-57.
228. Economides, M.J. and Ogbe, D.O.: "How to Analyze Interference Tests, Part 3 (Effects of
Wellbore Storage and Skin)," World Oil (Oct. 1987), 71-76.
229. Hatzignatiou, D.G., Ogbe, D.O., Dehghani, K., and Economides, M.J.: "Interference Pressure
Behavior in Multilayered Composite Reservoirs," Paper SPE 16766, 1987.
230. Economides, M.J., Dehghani, K., Ogbe, D.O., and Ostermann, R.D.: "Hysteresis Effects for Gas
Condensate Wells Undergoing Buildup Tests Below the Dew Point Pressure," Paper SPE 16748,
231. Economides, M.J.: "Observations and Recommendations in the Evaluation of Tests of
Hydraulically Fractured Wells," Paper SPE 16396, 1987.
232. Economides, M.J. and Miller, F.G.: "Geothermal Reservoir Evaluation Considering Fluid
Adsorption and Composition," SPERE (March 1986), 131-148. *
233. Economides, M.J.: "Material Balance Depletion Models for Two-Phase and Vapor-Dominated
Geothermal Reservoirs," JPT (July 1985). *
234. Economides, M.J.: "Engineering Evaluation of Geothermal Reservoirs," Inter. J. Ener. Res., 9, No.
3 (1985). *
235. Economides, M.J. and Miller, F.G.: "The Effect of Adsorption Phenomena in the Evaluation of
Vapor-Dominated Geothermal Reservoirs," Geothermics, 14, No. 1, 1985. *
236. Economides, M.J. and Ogbe, D.O.: "Single-Well and Multi-Well Pressure Interference Analysis,"
Paper SPE 13665, 1985.
237. Theuveny, B., Jack, W.A., and Economides, M.J.: "Pressure Transient Analysis for Single
Well/Reservoir Configurations Considering Partial Penetration, Mixed Boundary, Wellbore Storage
and Skin Effects," Paper SPE 13627, 1985.
238. Ehlig-Economides, C.A. and Economides, M.J.: "Pressure Transient Analysis in an Elongated
Linear Flow System," SPEJ (Dec. 1985). *
239. Petersen, E.J., McNaughton, D.A., and Economides, M.J.: "Modified McKinley Early Time
Well Test Analysis for Very Large Reservoirs: An Application to Prudhoe Bay," Paper SPE 13183,
240. Wagner, P.B., Economides, M.J., and Ehlig-Economides, C.A.: "Custom Type-Curve
Generation for Pressure Transient Analysis of Elongated Linear Glow Systems," Rev. Inst. Fr. Pet.,
39, No. 6 (Nov.-Dec. 1984). *
241. Economides, M.J. and Arce, G.N.: "Geothermal Development in Alaska: An Engineering and
Geologic Analysis," Geothermics, 13, No. 3, 1984. *
242. Economides, M.J., Ogbe, D.O., Miller, F.G., and Ramey, H.J., Jr.: "Geothermal Steam Well
Testing: State of the Art," JPT (May 1982), 976-988. *
243. Economides, M.J., Ehlig-Economides, C.A., Kunze, J.F., and Lofgren, B.: "A Fieldwide
Reservoir Engineering Analysis of the Pilgrim Springs, Alaska, Geothermal Reservoir," Proc.
Eighth Stanford Workshop, Geoth. Res. Eng., Dec. 1982.
244. Ehlig-Economides, C.A. and Economides, M.J.: "Analysis of a Geothermal Well Test in a
Predominantly Linear Flow System," Geothermal Energy, The British Hydrodynamics Research
Association, UK (1982), 281-292. *
245. Economides, M.J., Ostermann, R.D., and Miller, F.G.: "Implications of Adsorption and
Formation Fluid Composition on Geothermal Reservoir Evaluation," Geothermal Energy, The
British Hydrodynamics Research Association, UK (1982), 149-162. *

Economides, Michael J. 2012 Page 21

246. Economides, M.J. and Chaney, G.: "The Rheology of Prudhoe Bay Oil and the Effects of a
Prolonged Flow Interruption on its Flow Behavior," SPEJ (1983), 408-416. *
247. Economides, M.J. et al: "Pressure Buildup Analysis of Geothermal Steam Wells Using a
Parallelepiped Model," JPT (April 1982), 925-929. *
248. Ehlig-Economides, C.A. and Economides, M.J.: "Pressure and Temperature Dependent
Properties of the Rock-Fluid Systems in Petroleum and Geothermal Formations," Paper SPE 9919,
249. Ehlig-Economides, C.A., Economides, M.J., and Miller, F.G.: "Interference Between Wells in a
Fractured Formation," Geoth. Res. Counc. Trans., 4, (1980), 321-324.
250. Economides, M.J.: "Shut-in and Flowing Bottomhole Pressure Calculation for Geothermal Steam
Wells," Proc. Fifth Workshop Geoth. Res. Eng. (1979), 139-152.
251. Economides, M.J., Miller, F.G., and Ramey, H.J., Jr.: "The Effect of Noncondensable Gases on
the Flow Performance of Geothermal Steam Wells," Proc. Second New Zealand Geoth. Workshop,
Part 2 (1979), 249-254.
252. Economides, M.J. and Fehlberg, E.L.: "Two Short-Time Buildup Test Analyses for Shell's
Geyser's Well D-6, a Year Apart," Proc. Fifth Workshop Geoth. Res. Eng. (1979), 139-152.
253. Economides, M.J. et al.: "Influence Functions and their Applications to Geothermal Steam Wells,"
Geoth. Res. Counc. Trans., 3 (1979), 177-180.
254. Economides, M.J. and Maloney, J.O.: "An Integrated Sequence of Experiments in Distillation,"
AlChE Symp. Ser. (1978), 75, No. 183, 60-70. *
255. Economides, M.J. and Maloney, J.O.: "Two Experiments for Estimating Free Convection and
Radiation Heat Transfer Coefficients," Chem. Eng. Ed. (Summer 1978). *

Economides, M.J., "Method and System for Oil Recovery," US Patent # 5,460,223, Oct. 24,
Economides, M.J. "Matrix Treatment Process for Oil Extraction Applications," US Patent #
4,862,962, Sept. 5, 1989.
Economides; Michael J. (Houston, TX); Deeg; Wolfgang F. J. (Duncan, OK);Valko; Peter
(College Station, TX); Nikolaou; Michael (Houston, TX); Sankaran; Sathish (Houston, TX),
System and method for stress and stability related measurements in boreholes, US Patent #
6,834,233, Dec. 21, 2004.

Economides, Michael J. 2012 Page 22

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