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Religion In Lebanon

Lebanon has many religions in there there country including something called druze.

Druze is a ethnoreligious esoteric group originating from the Near East who self identify

as unitarians.which only takes up 5% of the population in lebanon.The Druze, who refer

to themselves as al-Muwahhideen, or "believers in one God," are concentrated in the

rural, mountainous areas east and south of Beirut.Which is also designed as one of the

five lebanese muslim communities.Its total population is reaching up to 200,000 and

language being used by druze lebanese arabic.

There is 54.7% in lebanon that is muslim and for christianity is 40.4% in

lebanon.The rest is either catholic,greek orthodox,protestant,melkite ,or sunni. Sunni has

a percentage of 27%,Shia 27%,melkite 5%,greek orthodox 8% ,and 1% of protestant.

Lebanese can have more religion but the most populous is muslim and least is

protestant.Also going to lebanese you'll see many ethnic groups in church.

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