The Bowdoin Orient - Vol. 146, No. 17 - February 24, 2017

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In response to polarizing actions

by the Trump administration, certain
professors who teach courses related
to American politics are implement-
ing rules of engagement and provid-
ing students with relevant historical
context in order to confront such
charged issues in the classroom.
Associate Professor of Government
Jeffrey Selinger, who teaches classes in
American government, has accepted
discussions about current political
events as inevitable in his courses. As
such, he has developed several rules to ANN BASU, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT
help guide discussion. RHYTHM AND RHYME: Harold Green III, an author, actor and poet from Chicagos South Side, performs slam poetry at Jack Magees Pub and Grill on Thursday night. The event also featured the Nat Simpkins Jazz
One rule of engagement is that Trio and was sponsored by the Student Center for Multicultural Life as part of Black History Month programming.
there must be a generous and fully
legitimated and comfortable space

Man barred from campus after Cleaveland Street incident

for politically conservative students
of various descriptions, whether
they call themselves libertarians,
whether they call themselves more
social or religious conservatives, BY LIZA TARBELL Security, according to Director of Safety several Bowdoin women where they lived when they arrived at the scene. The re-
or something else, Selinger said. ORIENT STAFF and Security Randy Nichols. Then, Secu- and followed up by asking where they cording helped the officers identify Em-
When they are in the numerical mi- rity placed a 911 call to BPD to report a were from. When Emmons was told to mons.
nority, my standard operating pro- On Saturday night, the Brunswick Po- fight in progress, according to BPD Com- leave the scene, he obliged. I feel like thats the thing to do now.
cedure is [that] I will, in argument, lice Department (BPD) issued a criminal mander of Support Services Mark Waltz. He didnt touch anyone else, but when Like, if you see [potentially harmful] in-
side with the minority. trespass warning barring Robert Em- While BPD officers were en route, they he left, he started punching cars, said teractions, you should film it, said Lo-
In an Orient survey prior to No- mons, a Brunswick resident, from Col- were told that Emmons had left the scene. Walsh. I thought it was going to escalate Gerfo-Olsen.
vembers election, 6.6 percent of stu- lege property. The warning was issued in The officers then encountered him at 85 because he was making threats to come Nichols confirmed that what he had
dent respondents identified them- response to an encounter between Em- Federal Street. back. seen on LoGerfo-Olsens tape was consis-
selves as Trump supporters. mons and several Bowdoin students that According to Nichols, Emmons admit- Walsh said the male student who Em- tent with the statements he had received
In an effort to avoid alienating stu- occurred outside 17 Cleaveland Street, a ted in an interview with BPD officers to mons pushed did not initiate the physi- about the incident.
dents whose political beliefs align with student off-campus house, shortly before shoving a student when he was directed to cal contact. LoGerfo-Olsen was rattled by the type
the presidents, Selinger tries to focus midnight on Saturday. leave the party that was taking place. Apparently hes a really nice guy, so I of words exchanged during the interac-
discussions critical of the president on BPD also issued a disorderly conduct Waltz is not aware of similar recent dont think he was looking for a fight in tion and Emmons parting words.
Trump himself, not on his supporters. warning to the occupants of 17 Cleave- incidents in which fights have occurred any sense of the way, said Walsh. I would say that the scariest part of
We have a clearer sense of what land in response to a separate noise com- when non-students are asked to leave par- Sadie LoGerfo-Olsen 19 was also at the interaction was a) the language he
were talking about when we talk about plaint early Sunday morning. ties. the 17 Cleaveland party. However, she en- usedvery aggressive. And then b) one
Trump [himself] because hes one per- According to student witnesses, Em- Michael Walsh 19 had been at the par- tered the scene as the events was unfold- of the girls [said], Oh, its fine. Its over.
son, Selinger said. We dont have a mons used derogatory language towards ty at 17 Cleaveland for about 20 minutes ing, only seeing the male Bowdoin senior Hes gone. Its fine. And then you can hear
very clear idea of Trump supporters women and pushed a Bowdoin senior when the encounter occurred. on the ground and not the build up to the him say, Yeah, but Ill be back. And I
because its a diverse lot of people. Its male to the ground. The student was I was a little uncomfortable, said physical encounter. [thought], Oh. That doesnt seem good,
46, 47 percent of the voting public. not injured. Walsh. He just was being very verbally LoGerfo-Olsen took a video recording said LoGerfo-Olsen.
A Bowdoin shuttle driver who was at abusive to these women. of Emmons interaction with Bowdoin
Please see POLITICS, page 4 the scene called the Office of Safety and According to Walsh, Emmons asked students, which she emailed to Security Please see INCIDENT, page 4

Rose, panelists contemplate significance of common good at the College

McKeen Fellow Marina Affo 17, Di- have a clear understanding of what common good? he said. I am really interested in thinking
BY SALIM SALIM rector of Religious and Spiritual Life the common good is. Ives defined the common good aboutinstead of students being self-
Bob Ives and Assistant Professor of Seames described the common good through the lens of religion and spiritu- less about what they dothinking
A panel on Wednesday evening Education Alison Miller. as a two-part conceptual framework ality. He hypothesized that Joseph McK- about their work in terms of reciproc-
contemplated the meaning of the I think its important [to have con- of discussing the common good and een brought the idea of the common ity, said Seames.
common good at Bowdoin, and the versations like this] because Bowdoin then putting it into action. Rose said he good to the College from religious texts. She added that thinking about reci-
existence of the philosophy as a means definitely uses the common good as found the common good to be more of The panelists were asked to respond procity also means students must con-
to easy self-gratification versus a legit- a way to advertise the school to the a journey rather than a specific set of ac- to a wide variety of queries and com- template their own privilege.
imate way to give back. world, said Kay Torrey 19, a McKeen tions and emphasized the importance of ments, including how they would re- If you think youre being altruistic
The panel, held at Howell House, fellow who helped organize the panel. sincere work. spond to someone who tells you that youre still thinking of yourself as
included President Clayton Rose, Di- Torrey said that, despite her work If we dont engage in the work that Bowdoin uses the common good as a having something that someone else
rector of the Joseph McKeen Center at the McKeen Center, she and other we do with respect to the common good means of easy self-gratification rather
for the Common Good Sarah Seames, McKeen fellows felt that they did not with a pure heart, is it really for the than to selflessly give back. Please see PANELISTS, page 4


Students work to bring a new investing Four student artists create a provocative Auditors have their own reasons for taking Looking back at the history of mens basketball at OSA Omoregie 18 on race in the music
group to campus. Page 3. political work. Page 5. courses at Bowdoin. Page 7. the College. Page 11. industry. Page 13.
2 news the bowdoin orient friday, february 24, 2017

If you could add anything to the Convenience
Store, what would it be?
Daisy Wislar 18
I saw this thing on the internet about miniature
genetically engineered giraes. It wasnt real. But
there was a five-minute window when I got really
excited. In my ideal world, those would exist and
you could rent them from the C-Store.

Emma Landes 19
Chocolate-covered donuts with bacon on


SECURITY REPORT: 2/17 to 2/23 Julian Ehrlich 17

They should have Maine uni [the interior of
Friday, February 17 Apartments and broke a leg. Brunswick Rescue trans-
Excessively loud music was reported on the fourth floor ported the student to Mid Coast Hospital.
the sea urchin] because its local. It could be
of Coles Tower. A neighbor complained of noise coming from the athletic brought over from Little Tokyo in a cooler. Its
A student took responsibility for kicking a door and dam- fields at Farley Field House. market price though, so theyd have to price it
aging the door frame at Quinby House.
A student with flu symptoms was escorted to Mid Monday. February 20 at the C-store.
Coast Hospital. A student at Chamberlain Hall requested an escort to the
A group of students playing percussion instruments on hospital for evaluation of a foot injury.
the 11th floor of Coles Tower generated noise complaints.
Tuesday, February 21
Eliza Huber-Weiss 17
Saturday, February 18 A student reported receiving a series of annoying phone Board games! Settlers of Catan, Code Names,
An officer checked on the well-being of a student at calls and voice messages. It was determined that a young
Coles Tower. boy was playing with his fathers phone and making ran- and that one with the trainsboard games
Coles Tower students reported finding shrimp left out- dom calls. bring everyone together.
side of several apartment doors. Brunswick Rescue transported a student who was feeling
Students on Cleaveland Street reported an encounter faint to Mid Coast Hospital.
with a local man. One male student was pushed to the A smoke alarm at Brunswick Apartments was caused by
ground and several female students were subjected to burnt food.
vulgar language. The man was issued a criminal trespass Numerous ceiling tiles at Osher Hall were damaged, some
order barring him from all College property. by plastic pellets shot from an Airsoft or similar gun.
Shannon Delaney 20
Sunday, February 19 Wednesday, February 22
Brunswick Police Department (BPD) issued disorderly The fire alarm at the Admissions Office was activated by a
A massage therapist with an hourly charge.
conduct warnings to several residents of an off-campus sprinkler system malfunction.
house on Cleaveland Street based on a neighborhood A fire alarm originating in the fourth floor north stairwell
noise complaint. at Chamberlain Hall was activated by an unknown cause.
An officer checked on the well-being of a student at Mac-
Millan House. Thursday, February 23
An officer checked on the well-being of an intoxicated A student was escorted from the health center to the Mid
student at Appleton Hall. Coast Walk-In Clinic.
A student slipped and fell on ice outside of Brunswick Complied by the Office of Safety and Security COMPILED BY HANNAH RAFKIN

Shrimp scandal: perp on the loose

restaurant, take-it-to-go container
BY CALDER MCHUGH on the ground [with the shrimp
inside]. It was definitely surprising,
Nicely cooked shrimp, an Barajas said.
undeniable delicacy when served He and three of his friends took
at one of Brunswicks many local the seafood in stride, though, as they SOPHIE WASHINGTON
establishments, are decidedly less promptly picked the container up and Thats crazy! was whether we had any enemies, of me on my phone looking like a
appealing when mysteriously left brought it into the elevator, where a As she looked around, though, Freshnock said. total idiot, Barajas said.
outside of doors to apartments in shrimp was reportedly consumed by the plot thickened. Freshnock saw Answering in the negative, as far as He proceeded to explain the
Coles Tower on Fridays. one of Barajas friends. yet another shrimp hanging from she knew, Freshnock turned out to be situation to Security, and while they
Such was the situation this past There was a loud crunch, so her neighbors door. She ventured little help in the hunt for the culprit, were not immediately convinced by
Friday, when seniors Julian Barajas obviously the shell was still on there, further from her room and saw even but received thanks for bringing the his side of the story, they let Barajas
and Sarah Freshnock and other Barajas said. more shrimp on her side of the Tower. problem to Securitys attention. go scot-free. At time of publication, a
students found the small crustaceans Once they got to the first floor, the Freshnock made the decision to call Barajas judgement to leave the perpetrator has not been found.
outside their places of residence. group made the decision to leave the the Office of Safety and Security, as shrimp at the foot of Coles Tower I really want to know who did itI
Barajas, who was hosting a small container in the lobby for any future she was uninterested in picking the did not go unnoticed; he was called think its hilarious, said Freshnock.
get-together in his apartment on hungry yet adventurous passers-by shrimp up herself, and the Tower had into the Security the next morning to Not all are so amused by a
the eighth floor of the Tower, was and went on with their night. already begun to adopt a distinct smell. explain himself. miscreant going free, however. The
venturing outside to walk to a party Freshnock stumbled upon only a When Security arrived, they told [Security] pointed up to this big case appears to have gone cold, so if
at around 11:30 p.m. when he saw a singular shrimp lying outside of her her they had found a lot of shrimp in screen and there was a still-frame of anyone has any leads, please reach
take-out container with around 20 to door on the sixth floor of the Tower the lobby, and then asked a pressing me along with this little video from out to Security. The shrimp outlaw
30 shrimp sitting on his doorstep. on Friday night. and particular question. the security camera on the first floor may be on the run for now, but they
The first thing we see is this little Her first reaction was, What? The first thing Security asked of Coles Tower, and theres a picture will be found.
friday, february 24, 2017 the bowdoin orient news 3

NEWS IN BRIEF Students working to form group COMPILED BY JESSICA PIPER


for women in finance, investing
Three hundred seventy-eight deaths due to drug overdose were confirmed
in the state of Maine in 2016, an all-time high and a 39 percent increase from
2015, which previously held the record, according to a release by the state
Attorney Generals Office on February 2.
Opioid drugs were responsible for the majority of deaths. One hundred
twenty-three deaths were attributed to heroin or morphine and 195 were
attributed to non-pharmaceutical fentanyl, according to data from the
University of Maine-Orono. While heroin deaths only increased by 15 percent
since 2015, fentanyl deaths increased by 127 percent in 2016. Fentanyl is a
schedule-II prescription drug that is between 50 and 100 times more powerful
than morphine, according to the National Institutes of Health.
Last Thursday, the Maine State Legislature voted unanimously to create a
task force to address the opioid crisis. The panel is expected to come up with
recommendations for the legislature by April 30.
Harriet Fisher 17 spent last summer mapping arrests in Maine as part of
the Gibbons Summer Research Program. She found that many arrests across
the state were due to possession, trafficking or consumption of opioids.
[The opioid epidemic] is so omnipresent in Maine, Fisher said. I
realized it cut across so many different demographics in Maine. You can see
in the maps that it is really is all over the state, but it isnt something you
see a lot at Bowdoin.

SMART WOMEN: (from left:) Ruilin Yang 20, Jiaqi Duan 17, Carina Sun 18 and Leaf Ma 18 are hoping to launch at Bowdoin chapter of Smart Woman
The Frank J. Wood Bridgethe green bridge over the Androscoggin River Securities to provide an empowering environment and access to opportunities for women interested in finance. If successful, the group will become chartered next fall.
that connects Brunswick and Topshamwill not undergo construction until
at least 2019. The Maine Department of Transportation (MDOT) will be from SWS when I was at HarvardI to complete. In December, the students
investigating several alternative project options first to ensure compliance with BY ROHINI KURUP just thought it would be an amazing submitted a 10-page interest applica-
the National Historic Preservation Act, the Times Record reported last Friday. opportunity to bring here to Bowdoin, tion. After passing that round, they
An inspection on the bridge last summer found rapid deterioration Citing a lack of opportunities for stu- Duan said. submitted a 30-page document in Janu-
of structural steel, and the bridge was downgraded from fair to poor dents to learn about finance at Bowdoin, Sun explained that because learning ary explaining their plans for the soft
condition in August. The bridge currently has a 25-ton limit, which means a group of female students are working about the basics of finance is difficult launch process this semester.
heavy commercial trucks are barred from driving on it. to start a chapter of Smart Woman Se- at Bowdoin, she wanted to start the or- During the soft launch process, the
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is still looking into the curities (SWS), a national organization ganization to teach other women these founding team is provided with funds
effects of different project options on the surrounding historic properties. In committed to providing an undergradu- important skills. and holds weekly conference calls with
a draft report released on February 2, the FHWA outlined five options for ate community with resources for wom- You probably just want to deal with the SWS national organization. During
the bridgetwo that called for its rehabilitation and three that suggested en interested in investing and personal personal finance, manage your money, this process they are required to put on
constructing a new bridge. The options will be evaluated based on several finance. Currently, SWS has chapters at invest in stocks. There is no path for you three events and provide the national
factors, including environmental impact, ease of construction, impact on large research institutions and womens to get involved in finance if you are not organization with weekly updates.
traffic and cost. colleges; the Bowdoin chapter would be an economics major, said Sun. The three events planned for the
Additionally, the FHWA will be considering the impact of the bridge project an atypical choice for the organization. Around 100 people signed up for semester are an investment-themed
on historic properties, even though the report found the bridge itself does not Bowdoin SWS is in the soft launch the groups mailing list and about 20 Jeopardy night, a panel discussion on
qualify as a historic landmark, as some community members had suggested process this semester and if successful, came to its initial information session. personal finance and an asset allocation
in the past. will be officially chartered next fall. However, there has been some concern simulation workshop.
The Frank J. Wood Bridge does not represent emerging technology, The chartering initiative is spear- about the groups presence on campus. At the end of the semester, the group
nor is its construction associated with a significant event or person, the headed by a founding team of four stu- The Bowdoin College Finance Soci- will submit its final chapter prospec-
report said. dents across class years: Jiaqi Duan 17, ety, which states that its primary pur- tusa reflection and evaluation of its
However, several properties on both sides of the river are eligible for the Leaf Ma 18, Carina Sun 19 and Ruilin pose is to help students launch careers in work over the semester. If the charter is
National Historic Register, which means that the FHWA must consider the Yang 20. The students wanted to teach finance, is largely male-dominated. This approved, SWS will start with a 10-week
impact of the bridge project on these surroundings. women at Bowdoin about finance, and led to concern that starting a female fi- seminar series in the fall.
The FHWA is accepting public comments on the report until March 6. according to their Facebook page, pro- nance group would further divide men The seminar series will be based on
vide them with the, [s]kills necessary and women interested in finance on materials provided by the national or-
to make investment decisions through campus. However, Sun disagreed, not- ganization. The founding team hopes to
global market education, exposure to ing that nothing stops students from bring speakers, preferably professionals
industry professionals, and real-world participating in both groups. in the finance field, to lead the discus-
financial experience. There isnt a lot of overlap, especially sions. It hopes that the lectures will be
Duan wanted to bring SWS to Bow- in terms of the events or the frequency both enjoyable and instructive, and has
doin after her involvement with the of meetings, Sun explained. high hopes for the organizations future
organization during her junior year She added that the groups have dif- success at Bowdoin.
away at Harvard University. She is fa- ferent goals. While the finance society We want it to be something that is
miliar with being in the female minor- is more career-oriented, Sun said that of a really high standard, that people
ity in economics classes and finance female empowerment is a crucial focus know is going to be somewhat of a time
internshipsone of her economics of the SWS mission. commitment, but if they put in the time,
classes at Bowdoin had three women The organization must become na- they are going to get so much out of it,
in a group of 30 students. She found tionally chartered before it can formally Duan said. They are going to know that
Harvards branch of SWS to be useful charter with the College. The process of when they put it on their resume, this is
and empowering. chartering with the national organiza- going to be something that has a lot of
I realized how much I had benefited tion has been complex and takes a year recognition, and it does.

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4 news the bowdoin orient friday, february 24, 2017

Amaez visits BSG, discusses campus inclusivity, merge of centers INCIDENT


asked Amaez for her advice on BSGs Were not looking to replace [spe- BSG members responded positively Security asked BPD to issue a crimi-
BY HORACE WANG role in promoting a diverse and inclu- cific offices] and only do something to Amaezs visit, saying that they had nal trespass warning to Emmons, bar-
sive environment on campus, espe- thats intersectional Thats not by a better understanding of their role in ring him from all campus property for a
During its Wednesday night meet- cially in lieu of the presidential elec- any means the way were planning on promoting inclusivity on campus and one-year period, although the incident
ing, Bowdoin Student Government tion and recent hate-related incidents approaching it, said Amaez. The idea were more encouraged to collaborate on Saturday night actually occurred off
(BSG) welcomed Associate Dean of across the country. was that those spaces need to be col- with Amaez. campus, on public property.
Students for Diversity and Inclusion Multiple BSG members brought laborative and at the table together, I think BSG is very important for Nichols also released a security alert
Leana Amaez to discuss how BSG can up the recently announced merger because sometimes theyre stepping on these kinds of issues on campus Im to the Bowdoin community because of
facilitate conversations and promote a between the Womens Resource Cen- each others toes in ways that are coun- glad she came, Fernandez said in an the physical nature of the encounter.
positive climate with respect to differ- ter and the Resource Center for Gen- terproductive. interview with the Orient. I think it When we issue a trespass warning
ence on campus. der and Sexual Diversity. Although Amaez added that hearing stories was a productive discussion. for the campus, were not alleging that
Your obligation is to the process, Amaez is not scheduled to begin su- from students who identified with In addition to inclusivity on cam- the person was on campus property. In
not to anyone not to neutrality its pervising the reconceptualized Center more than one student center was an- pus and the merger, BSG members this case, he wasnt. Its more of a preven-
holding a process that allows for every- for Gender and Sexuality until July of other reason for the merger. also discussed planning for Ivies, an tative measure, said Nichols. We have
ones voices to be heard, said Amaez. this year, members raised questions People have been saying we pro- upcoming student government event a situation here where not only inappro-
And thats going to be more important regarding why the merger happened, gram and talk about issues in way with other NESCAC schools, a Hu- priate language was alleged to have been
in this context than ever before. what Amaezs new role will look like that pulls peoples identities apart man Library event and new develop- used with a number of our students, but
Vice President for Student Gov- and other impacts of combining in a way that does not feel authentic, ments concerning tampon dispensers there was actually some physical contact
ernment Affairs Reed Fernandez 17 the centers. said Amaez. and picnic tables. which constitutes an assault, and thats
completely unacceptable and this per-
son has lost his privileges.
As of press time, charges have not
been filed for assault and the student
who was pushed is not likely to press
charges, according to Nichols. If the
College still does not want Emmons on
its property after a year has passed, Se-
curity has the opportunity to extend the
trespass warning.
[Bowdoin Security] has done that
a number of times with people whom
weve had real, serious concern about,
said Nichols. But, generally speaking,
as long as there are no problems over the
course of the year, we let them expire.
In the midst of discussion about the
encounter between Emmons and Bow-
doin students, Security learned that
BPD had received a noise complaint
about the 17 Cleaveland Street property.
Once the officers had dealt with Em-
mons, BPD issued a disorderly conduct
warning because of the noise complaint.
They were related, but I think when
the person called, all they were con-
SALIM SALIM, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT cerned with was the noise and they
COMMON GOOD: (LEFT:) Assistant Professor of Education Alison Miller speaks at a panel at Howell House that focused on the meaning of the Common Good and its role at Bowdoin. (RIGHT:) (from left) Panelists didnt realize what was really hap-
Director of the Joseph McKeen Center for the Common Good Sarah Seames, McKeen Fellow Marina Ao 17, President Clayton Rose, Director of Religious and Spiritual Life Bob Ives and Miller. pening, said Nichols. There were no
charges filed and the students were re-

PANELISTS When I see our teachers who are out

in communities choosing to go and
ample, the McKeen Center, and thats
the area for the common good, how
Monkhei. I just wish or desire that
more people had come to hear it [I]
ally good at keeping the noise down for
the rest of the night.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 teach in underserved communities and does that same conviction of integ- started questioning as to who self-selects On Thursday afternoon, Nichols met
doesnt, she said. really take a difficult path beyond Bow- rity play out in other departments? to come to such talks. with Emmons.
The moderators also asked panel- doin, she said. she said. Despite having a small crowd, those Emmons was cooperative and apol-
ists where they see the common good Oratile Monkhei 20, who attended Students said they found the discus- who did attend said the panel was infor- ogized for his conduct. I reemphasized
at Bowdoin. the panel, questioned how the common sion interesting but wished more stu- mative and engaging. with him the constraints of the criminal
Miller said that she sees the common good manifests at Bowdoin outside of dents had attended. I thought that it was an incredibly trespass warning and he fully under-
good in what Bowdoin students choose the McKeen Center. The panel was very transparent interesting and incredibly relevant top- stands, wrote Nichols in an email to
to do outside of the College. Beyond just saying we have, for ex- in their feelings and sentiments, said ic, said Sara Caplan 20. the Orient.

POLITICS make sure that I frame the message in a

way that I do not come off as somebody
Sorenson believes that objectively
linking the curriculum to political
Protest and Political Change. In both
classes, she uses current events
economic history brought us to our
current national situations and condi-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 who is being partial or biased. events can work to eliminate partisan- such as Black Lives Matter, the tions, Purnell wrote.
Selinger also acknowledged that Assistant Professor of Govern- ship in the classroom. Womens March and representations While students generally found
students emotions matter because ment Maron Sorenson agreed on The very easy way to avoid being of Russian politics in the newsto political conversations in class to be
politics can be deeply personal. the importance of discussing cur- partisan is to follow the tack of heres help [students] guide how we can beneficial, many noted that a class
It could be very constructive if rent political events, but expressed the scholarship, lets apply the schol- ask good questions and how we can discussion can cross a line and leave
feelings were treated as fodder for the desire to do so in the context of arship, she said. Framing current compare to the past. some students feeling excluded. Ja-
analysis, he said. It may happen to her specific curriculum. In her con- events and forcing students to place Associate Professor of Africana cob Russell 17 said that in one of
be therapeutic but thats not the pur- stitutional law class, she presented them in decision-making models is, in Studies and History Brian Purnell as- his classes last semester, there was
pose. The purpose is to get some kind students with Trumps recent execu- and of itself, a generally non-partisan serted that professors are not required at least one contentious moment re-
of mutual understanding. Its a public tive order on immigration and had way of approaching [issues]. to respond to the current political garding current political events.
purpose. students use the U.S. Constitutions John F. and Dorothy H. Hagee As- situation in their teaching. Though generally discussion has
Selinger stressed that professors Establishment Clause case law to sociate Professor of Government From a professional standpoint, been very good and open, in one class
should not avoid difficult subjects out determine the orders constitution- Laura Henry also prioritizes address- as of todayand I dont know what it was clear a professor and a majority
of fear of being political. ality. In Sorensons judicial politics ing recent politics through the frame- will happen tomorrow, so the answer of students were on the same page,
Faculty would do the College com- class, students take turns preparing work of her curriculum. She strives to could changethe current American said Russell. I think there were a
munity a terrible disservice if we used 15-minute presentations on a cur- strike the balance between students political situation does not mandate couple of students who were more
apolitical, balanced, or euphemistic rent event, usually in relation to eagerness to discuss current events American historians, or any aca- likely to be Trump supporters and
language to sugarcoat a reality that Trumps Supreme Court nominee and her role as a professor to provide demic, to respond, or to respond in a felt like they didnt have a space to
we all should find deeply troubling, Neil Gorsuch. the historical, political, economic and specific way, he wrote in an email to share their opinions.
Selinger said. My obligation is to provide the stu- cultural contexts that her courses in- the Orient. Emma Newbery 19 spoke highly
Visiting Assistant Professor of Gov- dents a framework to critically engage tend to teach. However, much like his colleagues, of the atmosphere that Associate Pro-
ernment and Environmental Studies with current events, said Sorenson. I The challenge that any professor Purnell feels he may be able to provide fessor of Religion Elizabeth Pritchard
Divya Gupta spoke of a similar need wont turn my class into a discussion has is to provide the necessary context historical context to help students has set in her Marxism and Reli-
to present the facts in her course, of currents events or supplant what and analytical frameworks that help understand the present. To this end, gion class.
Earth Justice: Global Climate Change would be the baseline learning for a us ask the best questions and not get he has developed a new course, U.S. Professor Pritchard has struck
and Social Inequality. discussion of current events, because distracted by the absolute onslaught of History, 1877-1945: The Making of a a really good balance between sup-
Telling [students] the science be- absent the academic structurethe information that comes out of Twitter Superpower, which will debut in the porting students, contextualizing the
hind [climate change] and the history reason they signed up for the class and Facebook and the 24-hour news 2018-19 academic year. curriculum in the current American
and the policies that have been build- they are not engaging with current cycle, Henry said. I wanted to teach courses focused political climate and feeling free to
ing up to address this issueI do not events in any way that is different than This semester, Henry is teaching specifically on the nations history talk about the readings and get an es-
hold back on sharing those realities, they would have had they not been ex- two classes, Post-Communist Rus- that, in part, answered the question, cape from everything thats happen-
said Gupta. At the same time, I have to posed to this material. sian Politics and Society and Social [of] what social, cultural, political and ing, Newbery said.
friday, february 24, 2017 the bowdoin orient 5


Productive disruption: Trump effigy challenges campus complacency

In the days immediately following

Novembers presidential election,
Emily Simon 17 felt that the student
body had already begun to move on
from its disappointment.
I had a premonition that was
grounded in past experience at Bow-
doin. Today sucks, and maybe to-
morrow will suck, but after that were
all just going to go back to business
as usual, Simon said.
It is this political complacency
that inspired her, alongside Haleigh
Collins 17, Kenny Shapiro 17 and
Laura Griffee 17, to create a gi-
ant sculpture of President Donald
Trumps head.
Students may have already taken
note of the unnamed and unfinished
piece, which has been in the La-
marche Gallery since Saturday and
will be on display until the first week
of March. The piece is crafted mostly
from recycled cardboard boxes. It
will ultimately include videos pro-
jected onto the sculpture depicting
reactions to the election of Bowdoin
students and others.
The artists hope that the piece
will catch the attention of the mem-
bers of the Bowdoin community and EZRA SUNSHINE, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT
encourage them to engage with po- BOXED OUT: Kenny Shapiro17, Haleigh Collins17 and Laura Griee17 sculpt their cardboard recreation of President Donald Trumps face. The installation, which stands at almost seven feet high, will be on display in the
litical issues that they may not other-
Lamarche Gallery in David Saul Smith Union throughout the coming week.
wise consider on a day-to-day basis.
[Our goal is] disruption but in a Trump presidency. The final product Saturday. The artists said this trans-
productive, nuanced and thoughtful seeks to explore the political climate portation process was one of the the
way, Collins said. in a manner that is serious rather most rewarding moments in the pro-
The students came up with the than flippant or absurd. cess of creating the piece.
original concept for the installation We recognize that there are a ton Moving it from spot to spot was
immediately after election day in of people at Bowdoin and elsewhere just so crazy and fun and disruptive
A. LeRoy Greason Professor of Art who are dealing with this issue on a and weird, Shapiro said.
Mark Wethlis Abstractions class. very serious level, Griffee said. As Griffee estimates that around 20
We felt that people had already artists, we have been struggling to passing students stopped to to in-
moved on, Shapiro said. [The try to be very careful and respectful quire about the piece or help her,
piece] was definitely born out of our of that possibility. Shapiro, Collins and Simon lift it
frustration and anger with a very tar- The teams original concept for over the glass wall separating the gal-
geted demographic. the pieces video component focused lery from the rest of Smith Union.
Though the four students con- solely on the perspectives of the A lot of people were excited that
sulted with several faculty members Bowdoin community. When Griffee it was naughty on some level, which
as well as former Sculptor in Resi- invited students to give video tes- was exciting, because I didnt think
dence John Bisbee, they created the timonials, she was disappointed to Bowdoin students had that in them,
piece outside of the classroom. This receive only seven responses. She de- Simon said.
independence of their work and sep- cided to use internet sources for the In addition to political conversa-
aration from the institution of Bow- perspectives of strangers, however, tion and heightened awareness, the
doin is part of the projects appeal ultimately providing a valuable op- artists hope their exhibition will
to Simon. portunity for both the piece and for generate student engagement with
The most exciting thing for me Griffee personally. It allowed her to art as a mechanism of political and
has been working on something that engage with a diversity of identities social discourse.
challenges the need to protect our and opinions. Art is something that anyone can
comfort in the status quo at Bow- I got really excited and sucked literally approach and consider, Si-
doin, she said. into the different video reactions and mon said. It speaks in its own way,
The ways in which the artists testimonials, she said. I was really and I hope that were making a case
chose to address the politically pro- interested in listening to other view- for public art here.
vocative sentiments they hope the points that were not my own and hu- Collins, Griffee, Shapiro and Si-
piece will represent have changed manizing this group of people. mon aim to complete the piece be-
over the months after the election. The students constructed the base fore the start of next week and en-
During this time, they have consid- of the piece in the garage of Shap- courage members of the Bowdoin
ered different political perspectives iros off-campus residence and trans- community to contact them with
and the variety of ways in which ported the assemblage of boxes three questions, concerns or interest in
students might be impacted by the blocks to David Saul Smith Union on participating in the project.

Have you ever taken a class you thought

should have qualified for a distribution Visit to
requirement that didnt? Have you ever
gotten a distribution requirement for a
fill out a survey and get your
class you didnt think should have voice heard.
counted? Do you think the system works?
6 a&e the bowdoin orient friday, february 24, 2017

White hands, black sounds: Bruce Hornsbys cultural exchange

Thats the first time that I ever sat naise shit out. So even though Horn- from the top downone cul-
down and actively listened to an album sbys music is not black music per se, ture clearly dominates the
CONNOR MOORE from start to finish. The entire thing it does benefit from its interpolation of otherwhereas an instance
TO THE CROSSROADS was completely arresting. Hornsby sang black musical aesthetics. Im not the of exchange leaves room for
with the lyrical honesty and imagery of first person to notice this: Hornsbys ideas to travel back and forth.
Ive loved Bruce Hornsby ever since Townes Van Zandt and played the piano sound has been dubbed the Virginia Id argue that the incor-
I first heard Gonna Be Some Changes like his hands were on fire. His songs Sound and has been lauded for its poration of black music aes-
Made in the background of a Lowes moved with a rhythm that was familiar fusion of jazz with the stereotypically thetics into Hornsbys sound
commercial when I was 10. The main yet felt fresh and original. Beyond all of white musical traditions of country is an example of cultural
piano riff plays while children run that, however, there was still something and bluegrass. exchange. Though Hornsby
amok in the paint aisle of a Lowes store, that I found indescribable about the One might argue that this con- uses the conventions of black
scribbling on walls, stroking a display of sound. I was drawn to it for reasons that stitutes an act of appropriation. music, he does not exploit
paintbrushes and huffing open vats of I did not understand. In my time at Bowdoin, Ive black culture in doing so. In
paint. The commercial itself was pretty Eventually I came to realize what seen how the notion of fact, he made it a point to ad-
unremarkable; however, the song was was special about Hornsbys music. It cultural appropria- dress systemic racism in what
absolutely haunting. Though at the seemed to lay somewhere in between tion has entered is undoubtedly his most fa-
time I didnt even know the name of the the music I was exposed to by my fa- into and mous song, The Way it Is.
song, the melody stuck in my mind like therThe Gap Band, Stevie Wonder, become a Shortly after that song was re-
an earworm. Teddy Pendergrassand my mothers dominant leased, 2pac sampled it to make
One day I asked my father, Dad, do Van Morrison, Celtic Thunder, and theme in Changes, E-40 used it to
you know the name of the song that goes Fleetwood Mac. Hornsbys music dis- racial dis- ALEX W ES make Thingsll Never Change,
do do do, do do do, do do? Miracu- plays a lot of characteristics of black courses on and Mase used it on Same Niggas.
lously, he knew exactly what I was talk- music; the syncopated rhythms, cross- campus. I This kind of back-and-forth is exem-
ing about. From out of his black leath- beats and jazzy chords that fill Hal- had never heard caused the plary of cultural exchange.
er-bound CD storage binder (which in cyon Days seem like theyd be more at the term cultural conflation in many As a young biracial child, Im sure
my eyes was the Ark of the Covenant) home on a Duke Ellington record than appropriation until students minds of that this exchange comforted me on an
he pulled a bright red cassette disk with peppered throughout this collection the infamous Cracks- the ideas of cultural unconscious level. Growing up, some-
the words Halcyon Days emblazoned of Randy Newman-esque Americana giving debacle of 2014, appropriation and ex- times I felt like I was mixed with water
across the front in big, pink bubble- tunes. That is not to say that Halcyon but after the tequila change. As I have come and oil. Hearing music that borrowed
letters and told me that the song I was Days is black music,in fact, I once party happened last year, youd be hard- to understand it, appropriation comes from the sonic traditions of both of my
looking for was the opening track. De- played it for one of my roommates and pressed to find a student on campus from a place of exploitation, whereas heritages proved to me that a harmoni-
lighted, I took the disc and disappeared he responded with cut that gluten-free, who didnt have a strong opinion on exchange come from a place of appreci- ous marriage of blackness and white-
into my room with my Walkman. vanilla Wonder bread-flavored mayon- the subject. Sadly, those strong opinions ation. Moreover, appropriation happens ness was possible.

Animal-inspired printmaker Nancy Diessner to collaborate with students

BY SIMON CHOW Bileck was primarily an intaglio be doing a lot of experimentation, said [Associate Professor of Art] Carrie painting. When I was a painter, I would
ORIENT STAFF printmaker [of] a very specific type of Diessner. Its a low-toxic way of etching Scangas been working on making the stu- make my paintings by [using] lots and
printing and Nancy is also an intaglio aluminium. And thats a very painterly dio better and better in terms of efficiency lots of transparent, translucent layers of
Marvin Bileck Visiting Artist and printmaker, said Hart. Her way of do- process. I think itll be fun for them. and nontoxicity, said Hart. color, said Diessner. And that was
printmaker Nancy Diessners artwork ing it is very contemporary and uses all In addition to engaging students in a When I went to collegeand Im not very much how many of my prints, in
starts with a photographmost recently these materials that werent available different printing process, Diessner hopes alone in thisthere was no ventilation, the last year and a half, have kind of
of taxidermy animalsthat depicts the when Marvin Bileck was doing his work. to promote non-toxic printmaking prac- Diessner said. You would just use your evolved to [have] many plates, [and]
natural world. Diessner combines the I like that idea of progression in this very tices. Printmaking processes and materi- hands, no gloves. You cleaned your plates different colors in every layer.
photograph with abstract imagery to cre- traditional form of printmaking. als are often toxic due to poor ventilation, with kerosene. Lots and lots of solvents. Whether photo-based or not, I
ate work that Visiting Assistant Professor Diessner will spend time in Printmak- excessive use of solvents and various other There were a lot of serious health prob- hope theyre enthusiastic about the
of Art Mary Hart calls very beautiful and ing I and II classes next week. She plans contaminants. lems with printmakers in this generation. possibilities, because there are so
very distressing at the same time. to teach students her technical printing Diessner was invited to Bowdoin by Diessners artwork is a reflection of many, she added. Im really just
The Marvin Bileck Printmaking Proj- process, which uses photopolymer plates Visiting Professor of Art Mary Hart, her experiences across mediums through opening the window for tem, and
ect, set up in memory of printmaker Mar- based on her photography and aluminum who teaches printmaking. The two met painting, photography and printmaking. they can see all around and go in
vin Bileck, brings a guest artist to Bow- plates etched with copper sulfate to create at a summer workshop at Zea Mays Her interest in the arts began with paint- many directions. I hope they connect
doin every semester for a week to produce an abstract painting-inspired effect. Printmaking, a studio and workshop ing, which she studied at Bennington Col- with it.
work with students. Diessner was chosen [The students] will be experiment- that is dedicated to non-toxic print- lege. She did graduate work in painting Diessner will deliver a lecture on
particularly for the way her work connects ing with printing color over color, maybe making methods. and sculpture at Hunter College. Tuesday at 4:30 p.m. in the Beam
to that of Bileck. printing the plates side by side, so theyll Nontoxicity is a focus at Bowdoin, too. My prints are very informed by my classroom in the Visual Arts Center.


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friday, february 24, 2017 the bowdoin orient 7

Learning for learnings sake: auditors take classes for enrichment

Bowdoin courses are not always
limited to Bowdoin students. According
to the Office of the Registrar, between 50
and 70 auditors register each semester.
With professor approval, auditing is free
for community members; professors also
determine the extent to which auditors
participate in class discussion.
There is a wide variety of auditors who
learn at Bowdoin, including community
members, retired professors, alumni, high
school students, Bowdoin students and
current professors.
When I found out they had courses
you could audit when I moved up here, I
started right off the bat, said Joe Andrew,
a 90-year-old Harpswell resident. Andrew,
who is currently auditing Introduction to
Opera with A. LeRoy Greason Professor
of Music Mary K. Hunter, has relished
the opportunity to continue his lifelong
passion for learning.
Auditing is one of many things
Andrew does to maintain his youthful
energy, in addition to painting, sailing,
writing poetry and learning to play
instruments. He came to Bowdoin over
four consecutive summers between 1959
and 1962 through a government program,
earning a masters degree in math. Though HANNAH RAFKIN, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT
he was a math teacher for decades, his NEVER STOP LEARNING: Joe Andrew, a 90-year-old Harpswell resident, is currently auditing Introduction to Opera with A. LeRoy Greason Professor of Music Mary K. Hunter. He
Bowdoin courses have covered a vast was a math teacher for decades but has audited Bowdoin courses in topics like Italian language, poetry, linear algebra, government, philosophy, music, and Shakespeare.
range of topics: Italian language, poetry,
linear algebra, government, philosophy, audit each others courses, taking the When Welsch audited an Italian class, Wolfert emphasized that senior spring what professors are teaching.
music and Shakespeare. opportunity to gain a new academic she was reminded of how challenging has brought about a particular panic. In taking the classes he never got to
I am one of the fortunate 90-year-old lens. Professor of Philosophy Matthew being a student can be. This is my last opportunity to take a take in the 60s, he has noticed that the
people who still have their heads around, Stuart, who is currently on sabbatical, You learn that you can be a really Bowdoin class, she said. I have to fit in classroom environment is much more
who enjoy living and when I think is auditing Anne T. and Robert M. crappy student in the same ways that everything that I can. discussion-based today. Treadwell has
of whats happened in my 90 years, it Bass Professor of Natural Sciences and irritate you about your [own] students, A large portion of auditors are retired also taken courses at the Midcoast
astounds me to think what might happen Chair of the Biology Department Nat she said. Its funny to see how easy it is to community members. Welsch, Stuart Senior College.
in the next 90. Which gives me a goal Wheelwrights Ornithology course. lose your thread, to forget the homework, and Wheelwright each expressed that I much prefer the energy of this
I want to live long enough to see whatll When he is not poring over the writings all of that. the knowledge, wisdom and personal younger environment, he said.
happen. of Scottish philosopher Thomas Reid for Bowdoin students tend to audit experiences accumulated over a lifetime Punnie Edgerton frequently audits
Over her 23 years at Bowdoin, Professor his sabattical research, Stuart is skinning because they want to explore an academic can make for invaluable contributions alongside Associate Professor of
of Cinema Studies Tricia Welsch has had a and stuffing birds, identifying species and interest or continue learning from a to class discussions. Stuart once had Education Emerita Penny Martin. They
particularly wide range of auditors, many memorizing their Latin names. specific professor, but cannot take on a 92-year-old auditor in his Death confer on which courses to choose at
of whom have become regulars. Its quite different from the very the extra load of a fifth course. Maddie course. the start of each semester, and their
Youre here for long enough and you abstract, dense, technical stuff that I work Wolfert 17 is auditing her first course this That really changed the temperature friendship has strengthened through
teach something like film, people pass on. Its abstract and dense and technical in semester, Science, Magic, and Religion, of some of our conversations about their shared classroom experiences.
through your door, she said. its own way, but its a different part of my with Professor of History Dallas Denery. euthanasia and end-of-life care, he They are currently enrolled in Associate
Her auditors have included a chef, a brain, Stuart said. Its especially relevant to me because explained. He added that her views on the Professor of Africana Studies and History
barbershop singer, an art historian and Last semester, Wheelwright audited a lot of material thats being covered in subject were particularly meaningful in a Brian Purnells class The Wire: Race,
many former professors and teachers. Associate Professor of Art James J. the course pertains directly to the honors room full of 18 to 22 year olds. Class, Gender, and the Urban Crisis.
Welsch appreciates the challenge that Mullens Drawing I course. In picking up project that Im working on, Wolfert said. David Treadwell 64 has watched the Edgerton has fully committed to the
their presence brings. the pencil and putting down the scalpel, Denery is ending the course with a College evolve since his days as a Bowdoin workload in each of the 16 courses shes
You think, Oh, theyre watching my he gained a new passion. unit on Margaret Cavendishthe subject student by auditing courses. taken, but she said she cannot imagine
pedagogy. I better be on it, she said. Ive got art under my skin now, he of Wolferts honors projectand has Its fascinating to see what the students multiplying the workload by four.
Sometimes, Bowdoin professors said. It changed my life. encouraged Wolfert to share her expertise. are doing, how theyre thinking [and] Thats very nuts, Edgerton said.

Hungover Sunday in Woodstock is as magical as you would imagine ADDITIONAL NOTES

Putneys Apple Maple Wine presented chopping pine on a Saturday probably has a kick from the maple. These Tonights Soundtrack: Phish, live: August
BOTTOM OF itself as a truly Vermont vino. When
one who has spent relatively little time
afternoon. The wine pours clear
and looks like a golden, grape-
reviewers question whether the maple
was added before or after fermentation.
20, 1993 - Red Rocks, Morrison, Colorado
THE BARREL in the state thinks of Vermont, he thinks only white wine. We believe this The kick may derive from a spicy post- Justin: Vermont is cool, not quite Maine cool,
WILL SCHWELLER AND JUSTIN RAMOS of apples and maple. Rumor has it that color is almost certainly derived fermentation addition of maple. The but in my live ranking of New England states
some who spend lots of time in the state from the apples. Apple cider is kick may derive from the fermentation it has surpassed Rhode Island. Also Bostonit
Have you ever woken up in a bunk- think of apples and maple when they sort of golden, right? There of honey producing a drying-out quality. was always cooler than Boston.
bed in a Vermont cabin accompanied by think of Vermont. While the verdict isnt much of a nose to the Interestingly enough, this wine is mild
great friends and a pain in your head? isnt out on what makes this wine wine, but the legs show just in the booze department, clocking in at Will: Its foolhardy to talk about the Vermont
Well your esteemed columnists sure have. a wine and not a cider (many of from the pour. Not able to a calm and tender 10 percent. This kick,
A couple weekends back we ventured the options stoked at Gillingham smell a whole-heck-of-a- this spice, is mysterious.
beverage industry without making reference
over to the Green Mountain State for were marketed as ciders), your lot, we dove right into our In theory: we are fond of this wine. to its incredible craft brewing scene. Speaking
no real reason at all and found ourselves reviewers were very excited to tasting. It is an interesting application of of beer, if Jae-Yeon Yoo [18] and Nick Benson
in the picturesque town of Woodstock, try this bev and look back on our This wine does not taste local resources to create a product [17] of the Orients Tapped Out column want
Vermont. Per the recommendation of a idyllic weekend spent slightly south like a grape-only wine. representative of a space and time. to review my homebrew, I wouldnt stop them.
dear friend and Woodstock regular, we of where we currently are. This wine is, upon It is clear from visiting the winerys
stopped in at the famed FH Gillingham We uncorked the bottle initial contact website that the vintners are passionate Nose:
& Sons general store to see what they had on a calm, unseasonably between about producing a quality product in
to offer. Gillingham did not disappoint warm Monday night, beverage a place that they love. At the end of Legs:
in its wine selection, containing dreaming of cross- and tongue, the day, thats a great thing. While the
delightful bottles both Old World and country skiing, dry. This wine, wine may not be to our tastes, were
New. We thought, to commemorate our taking the seconds after this initial we to open a bottle shop (currently Taste:
Grand Excursion, that we ought to get kids on a FURUK contact between b and t, tastes seeking investors), its a product wed
something that reflected the local terroir. sleigh ride and DIANA spicy. This wine has a kick. This wine proudly sell. Overall:
8 features the bowdoin orient friday, february 24, 2017

Navigating a world where some people just dont seem to get autism
sit still without flinching, the when I say there are certain foods I cant eat, claiming that I would
BEN YORK stress of the situation began grow into them, or the people who told my parents when I was
AN AUTISTICS GUIDE to overwhelm me. The strain I young that if they had just raised me better, then I wouldnt act
TO AUTISM was putting on my body to not the way I did.
instinctively pull away made For some people, this lack of understanding correlates
When I was 17, I had to go me start to cry. It was at this with a lack of awareness. Many people just dont know
to the local eye doctor for an point that the eye doctor told what autism is or may have never even heard the
emergency check up. My eye had me, you dont have to make a word. Without any context for my or other autistics
been bothering me for several scene for your mother. behavior, we can seem like odd and unpredictable
days because pressure had built Although this story requires folks. At times, this lack of understanding stems
up in it (which I would find out a lot of context before it can from a more basic level. For some, the intense
about later was possibly related be retold, I like to use this as world of the autistic person is so far from their
to seasonal allergies). Because an example of when someone own experience that even with an awareness
my eye was so sensitive, and just doesnt understand autism. of the topic, they lack the instincts
because of my already rocky Even after being told about necessary to predict and manage
relationship with sensory input, my sensory issues and seeing autistic behaviors.
I had a difficult time letting the first-hand how the testing was While both of these kinds of
doctor take a look at my eye. affecting me, the eye doctor deficiencies are understandable
My mother had come with me, told mea young man close given societal levels of awareness
and we both explained to the to adulthoodto not make a about autism, it can make life
doctor that I was autistic so that scene, as though I were a child difficult for those who are
he would understand when I upset that I was not getting autistic. Having to justify
had difficulty with some of the my way. behaviors that to us are
more physical tests I would have This kind of situation natural can be difficult, and
to undergo. is a familiar one for many at times impossible. This is
At one point, he had to autistic people and their especially true for children.
measure the pressure in my eye, families. Whether a medical However, there is a bright side.
and to do so he had to touch the professional, a teacher, a The vast majority of people
surface of it with a finely-tuned neighbor or a friends parent, whom I talk to about autism and DDAR
instrument. I already do not there is always someone in an my experience of being autistic have KE GO
normally like people touching autistic persons life who doesnt been supportive and if anything just
me, much less a metallic probe quite understand what it means curious about what its like to be me.
poking around in such a sensitive to be autistic. These are the Thankfully, curiosity is something I
area. After trying repeatedly to people who have challenged me can handle.


Italian Teaching Fellow finds valuable lessons in her teaching experiences

Southern Italy, Lavecchia worked as I wanted to teach, she said. But then that opens your mind. It can change opportunity to continue her language
a teaching fellow at Bowdoin during when I was here, I discovered that it you a lot. studies at Bowdoin. She studied Arabic
the 2014-15 academic year. Upon was really something I wanted to do, so Lavecchia believes that international two years ago and she is currently
Italian Teaching Fellow Angela returning to Italy, she taught Italian it has kind of changed my life. teaching fellows are a valuable resource taking a German course.
Lavecchias passion for learning foreign and English to immigrants for a year Lavecchia believes that teachers can for Bowdoin students. She added, Ive also taken Italian
languagesshe knows four in total before she had the opportunity to learn a great deal about themselves She said that the people she has classes here, which might sound
has turned into a passion for teaching return to Bowdoin once again as a through teaching. met over the course of her studies strange, but its interesting because
them. She has used her linguistic skills teaching fellow. After this year, she I like the exchange, she said. That have changed her life by presenting they study Italian here from a very
to learn more about other cultures as hopes to attend graduate school youre not just telling people how to her with opportunities for study that different perspective, so it gives me a
well as to develop her own ideologies in America and then continue her do things or teaching them but you she would not have considered before. comparative view of my own language
regarding immigration in the various teaching career. also learn a lot about yourself and As a teacher she hopes to do for her and culture and literature.
countries where she has lived. Coming to Bowdoin [for the first about people and how to behave with students what her teachers have done If she does not get into an American
Originally from a small town in time], I was not really convinced that different people, so its really something for her. graduate program, she will return to Italy
Studying is important not only to continue her work with immigrants.
to get a good job, or a well-paid job The refugee-immigrant situation is
but just for yourself, for you own difficult in Europe now, but working
enrichment, she said, regarding one of in these kind of situations, you really
the many lessons she hopes to pass on [do] something to make integration
to her students. possible, you know what I mean?
Lavecchia attended a linguistic Its like, you dont only help the
high school where she took courses in immigrants, you also help the people
French, German, English and Italian. around you to understand what it is
She found a passion and pursued like to be a refugee or an immigrant in
Arabic and comparative literature at an such a situation.
Italian university. When the language school for
I [chose] Arabic because I wanted immigrants first responded to her
to study something that was really application to work there, she was nervous
different from my own culture, about what her job might be like.
said Lavecchia. It was a time when, It was challenging at first because
because of the terrorism, we always I felt like I had a lot of things to do
heard things about Islam and to be good at my job, but then these
Muslims and extremism, so I was people, they really wanted to be there.
puzzled, she said. They really wanted to do something to
She explained that she wanted to improve their lives, so their attention,
learn more about Islamic culture in their commitment to studying, was
order to gain a new perspective. amazing, and Ive learned a lot,
I was like there must be she said.
something were not talking about. There are also exchange programs
There must be something we dont [for Bowdoin students] to go to France
get to know about, she said. I have or Italy to teach, and its good because
discovered a whole world, and that maybe students who didnt think about
helped me to have more respect, and it, [when] they come to our classes,
that also helped me to try to get as they see that our experience here is so
[much] information as I can, [to] not good, and they feel like they want to
[be] satisfied with what [I heard] at do that so they think like, I can go
first, she said. abroad, work, improve my language
When you get to study a new skills and also travel.
language to a certain level, you actually Studying foreign languages has
have to change your mind setting, said encouraged Lavecchia to be open-minded.
Lavecchia. Even if you dont really Theres always more If you know
ANN BASU, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT study the culture ... you have to switch more, you can get new perspectives.
to a different system, so it helps you be You can really get your own idea
BUONGIORNO BOWDOIN: Italian Teaching Fellow Angela Lavecchia worked at Bowdoin during the 2014-15 academic year. She then spent more open-minded and more flexible. without being too influenced by what
a year teaching English and Italian to immigrants in Italy and returned to Bowdoin once again to continue her work as an Italian teaching fellow. Lavecchia has enjoyed having the everybody says.
friday, february 24, 2017 the bowdoin orient features 9


WBOR airs over 80 radio shows each week. Hosts include a mix of Bowdoin stu-
dents, professors and community members. The station has been broadcast on 91.1
since 1956, according to its website. The studio, located in the basement of Dudley
Coe Building, is decorated with drawings, stickers and record covers.

(FROM BOTTOM LEFT, CLOCKWISE:) Axis Fuksman-Kumpa 17, Nick Funnell 17, Spencer Towle 19, Lara Bluhm 17, Lizzie Givens 17, Bianca Torres 20 and Sophie Friedman 20.
10 the bowdoin orient friday, february 24, 2017

Womens basketball advances to 17th
Leaps and bounds. The
mens indoor track and field
team placed fifth overall at
consecutive NESCAC semifinal round
the New England Division III ORIENT STAFF
Championship at Tufts last
weekend. Joseph Staudt 19 Womens basketball (21-3, 8-2 NES-
led the team with a first-place CAC) extended its winning streak to nine
finish in the 60-meter hurdles, games with a decisive 72-47 victory over
making him Bowdoins first New Connecticut College (16-9, 4-6 NESCAC)
England Division III champion last Saturday in the NESCAC quarterfi-
since 2014. His time of 8.24 was nals. With the win, the Polar Bears will
a personal best in the event, progress to the semifinals this weekend
breaking his own school record where they will face a dominant Tufts
for the third time this season. program (24-1, 9-1 NESCAC) that is cur-
Staudt also placed seventh in the rently ranked 2nd in the NESCAC and
high jump. 3rd in the nation.
Bowdoin last played Tufts in January,
where it lost a close game, 46-43. At the
time, the Jumbos were still undefeated
and Bowdoin made them fight for the
win. The three-point difference remains
the smallest margin by which Tufts has
In the books. The mens won all season.
swimming and diving team Last time we went against Tufts at
placed sixth overall at NESCAC Tufts, we lost by three, which was obvi-
championships last weekend, ously kind of a heartbreaker because its
with a number of outstanding so close, youre right there, said captain
performances. Karl Sarier 19 Rachel Norton 17.
won two individual NESCAC However, the team is finding motiva-
titles over the course of the meet, tion in its strong performance against
setting a new school record in such a formidable opponent.
the 200 individual medley and We were right there in a position to
lowering his own school record win against, at that time, the number one
in the 200 freestyle. The team team in the country at their gym, said
went on to break 10 school Head Coach Adrienne Shibles. Our team
records over the weekend and isnt coming in under any illusions that
three Polar BearsMichael its going to be easy, but were really ex-
Netto 18, Mitchell Ryan 19 and cited for the opportunity to match up with
Sarierearned All-NESCAC them again and do that at a neutral site.
honors this week. Bowdoin has found success by focusing
on its own strengths: pace and pressure, ANN BASU, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT
depth and its offense. The team hopes to NOTHING BUT NET: Olivia Ware 20 directs the Polar Bear attack that outscored sixth-seed Connecticut College (16-9, 4-6 NESCAC) 72-47 in its decisive
improve upon these strengths and be-
quarterfinal win. Next, the team will face Tufts (24-1, 9-1 NESCAC), which is seeded second in the tournament and ranked third in Division III in the nation.
lieves its fast-paced, yet balanced offense
will be integral in beating Tufts. CAC semifinal, the Polar Bears are excited The team hopes to build off its domi- shots, said Shibles. But at halftime I just
I think the key to beating Tufts is ex- for another chance to face the Jumbos. nant performance in the quarterfinals talked about being a little more intense on
Power Players. Mens ecution on offense and being fearless on The team feels it is stronger than when the against Connecticut College. Although defense while continuing to keep the pace
squash placed third in the offense because their strength as a team teams last met. the Camels seemed to have the upper really fast, because Conn. wasnt able to
Conroy Cup (D-Division) of is on the defense, said Shibles. If you Between the Tufts game and now, hand during the first half of the game, rest their key players in the first halfthey
the College Squash Association look at their box scores, they dont put weve grown so much, said Norton. Ev- Bowdoin outscored them 21-6 in the just didnt have the depth to do it. I knew
team nationals after going 2-1 up a lot of points. They definitely have eryone is playing minutes, were so deep, third quarter and held a sizable lead to win we could wear them down if pushed hard-
on the weekend. The teams good players who score, but they beat we love to run, we love to tire teams out, so the game. Marle Curle 17 led the team in er on defense and wear them down on of-
performance earned it a 27th teams because they keep their oppo- everyone is prepared to fire from all direc- scoring with 13 points for the Polar Bears. fense and thats what we did.
place finish in the nation as it nents to very few points. tions. I think itll be a battle, but I think itll We came out a little slow on the first Bowdoin will take on Tufts this Satur-
closed out the season with 6-3 Heading into its 17th consecutive NES- be a great game. half, [the Camels] were hitting a lot of day at 4 p.m. at Amherst.
win over Tufts and a record of
6-15. The team also earned a

Womens hockey looks to recover in playoffs

pair of All-NESCAC honors this
week as Ben Bristol 17 and Ian
Squiers 19 were both named to
the Second Team.

Bowdoins play this past weekend fea- areas of play that are usually the teams the teams play one game as opposed to
BY ANNA FAUVER tured a number of the teams strengths, strengths, making the team feel that it a series, which Bowen sees as an advan-
including its unique on-ice strategy. did not play to its full potential over the tage based on the teams performance
After tying one game and losing the We play a system thats just a little dif- course of the series. this season.
other to Trinity (9-12-3, 8-6-2 NES- ferent than a lot of teams play, Bowen We just werent there mentally, said [When] we played [Connecticut Col-
On to nationals. Womens CAC) this past weekend, the womens ice said. We play with three defensemen Bowen. I think we were making a lot of lege], we didnt play them back-to-back,
squash heads into the College hockey team (12-8-4, 7-6-3 NESCAC) and two forwards so I think just that sys- mistakes, we werent as a team winning all said Bowen. Those were the only two
Squash Association team nation- finished sixth in the league and will be tem is a little bit different and allows us the one-on-one battles which we would league games we didnt play back-to-back
als this weekend with a record traveling to No. 3 Hamilton (14-7-3, 9-5- to kind of catch teams off guard and gives normally win, and were a team that and we beat them both times so I just
of 7-10. The team will look to 2 NESCAC) this weekend for NESCAC us more opportunities offensively and takes pride in our one-on-one battles. As think to mentally only have to prepare
build off of strong individual conference quarterfinals. makes our defense even stronger. a team we were just a little bit off, which for one game and know that youre giving
performances from this season, While the rankings favor the Conti- The team is coming off a disappointing happens, but were not going to do that your all to that one game makes our team
such as a standout campaign by nentals in the matchup, the Polar Bears series against Trinity, in which Bowdoin this weekend. come out even stronger.
Sarah Nelson 17 that earned her are confident about their prospects. dropped from 4th to 6th and gave up The team is confident going into the However, the postseason adds addi-
All-NESCAC First Team honors We know that were better and we can home-ice advantage after the tie and loss. Hamilton game, and Ganong believes that tional pressure because the team only
this week. The Polar Bears will beat them, said captain Jess Bowen 17. I think that it was definitely a disap- it has the skill to beat the Continentals. gets one chance to win.
compete in the Walker Cup We want this weekend to go out there pointment and a struggle just because Im really excited to go to Hamilton, I think we have to know that its
(C-Division) as they are ranked and play our best and show them were we know we could have done a lot better said Ganong. Weve been there before such an important game and that
19th nationally and will open the better team. than we did, captain Kimmy Ganong 17 and we know that we can absolutely beat everyone else in the conference is at
play against No. 22 William When the two teams last faced each said. I think we were just really hyper them. We beat them on Friday night 0-0, Ganong said. No one has any
Smith College at 10 a.m. today. other, they split the series as Bowdoin and frantic, which was unfortunate. We when we played there and we should have wins or lossesits a clean slate. Its
took a 2-1 win in the first game and Ham- play 100 percent better if we stay com- beat them on Saturday when we went just about believing that we can win
ilton pulled out a 3-2 overtime victory in posed and calm and collected. into overtime. and winning on Saturday to continue
COMPILED BY ANJULEE BHALLA the second. An unusual lack of composure affected A key difference in playoffs will be that this season.
friday, february 24, 2017 the bowdoin orient sports 11

New student group focuses on racial diversity in athletics

of color on the basketball team. My Cooke said that because of her the Winning Together: Intersections people who are on teams and people
BY JULIAN ANDREWS first year I was the only one, then my background in a mixed familyher between Race and Athletics program who are not on teams, when teams
second year there were two and now father is black and from Jamaica that was started last year. are reflective of the greater campus
A lack of racial diversity on theres three, and every year its been a and her mother is white and from Ashmead White Director of community, I think that helps to
Bowdoins athletic teams has different experience because of that. Connecticutshe is very used to Athletics Tim Ryan acknowledged alleviate some challenges that may
prompted the creation of a support According to Cooke, athletic talking about race. But she realizes the importance of having diverse develop along those lines.
and discussion group for student teams are unique social spaces on that this might not be the case for athletic teams and said that more Along with supporting efforts
athletes of color. campus for several reasons. Athletes other people. Cooke also said that a work needs to be done to make by Cooke and others to support
Hannah Cooke 18 has been one do not choose their teammates, yet lot of people who quit athletic teams teams more racially diverse. The student athletes of color, the athletic
of the people involved in creating they are locked into spending hours are people of color. athletic department declined to department is also actively looking
programming surrounding race every week with them due to the to bring more diversity to its teams,
on teams since last semester. She large time commitments practices I have friends that I know specifically left sports according to Ryan.
spearheaded the creation of the demand. It is also essential for We are being very proactive in
group, which hopes to provide a athletes to have positive relationships teams because of reasons related [to race], and looking to identify students who may
space for athletes to discuss their with their teammates, which can its those stories that I want people to hear have an interest in Bowdoin, who
experiences and the meaning of make bringing up sensitive topics may have an interest in participating
diversity in sports. like race difficult. HANNAH COOKE 18 in one of our athletic programs and
Student athletes of color are The relationships between you and a student who would also be able to
underrepresented in the Bowdoin your teammates are so precious and I have friends that I know share the exact racial makeup of the bring additional diversity to our entire
community, which can shape those mean so much to the success of the specifically left sports teams because of teams, but it is clear that athletes of campus community but to our athletic
students experiences significantly team and to your happiness, a lot of the reasons related [to race], and its those color are underrepresented relative programs as well, said Ryan.
as well as affect the way teams are time it does make you act a particular stories that I want people to hear, she to the rest of the student body. We have been fortunate with
viewed on campus. way or let things go, said Cooke. Its said. Not just people who are on the The more closely our athletic some adjustments to the recruiting
I felt like I could make an impact just a really interesting space that I teams but people who left and what it programs mirror the greater student guidelines in our conference [that
by bringing people of color together thought needed to be explored more meant to them and why they had to body, thats only going to be a positive give] greater flexibility to coaches to
to talk about their experiences than it was, especially because there make that decision was something that thing, Ryan said. And when you cast a wider net across the country in
because I know mine is not the same are some teams that dont have any was really important to me. think about conversations that take terms of areas theyre able to recruit
as everyones, said Cooke. While I people of colorhow do we get teams Cooke is also helping to organize place on our campus and every in [and] the financial resources that
love my team and theyre some of my like that thinking about the presence a panel on race in athletics for the campus across the country about we have to support coaches in those
best friends, theres still three people they have on campus? whole athletic department as part of issues of a potential divide between efforts, he added.

Kings of the court: a look into 75 years of mens basketball

mens basketball team, crawled around two years later the 1967-68 team However, as Bo McFarland has seen play, because the speed of the game has
BY ANJULEE BHALLA the floors of Sargent Gymnasium. achieved Bowdoins first winning over his lifetime, the game played in increased and the size of the players has
While the creation of the team and season with a record of 15-6. Morrell Gym today is very different increased, and the athletic ability of the
With the end of the mens basketball the facilities available lagged behind From that moment on, [basketball] from that of his fathers era. players is better, quite frankly.
season comes the completion of the 75th many of Bowdoins peer schools in the teams began to win at Bowdoin, I remained close to the program Changes in style of play have been
year of the varsity program at Bowdoin programs early years, in 1965 Polar said McFarland 69. Just picture the because of my fathers experience accompanied by rule changes that
College. However, the first team that Bear basketball leapt ahead of the rest Morrell Gym with standing room there, said Bo McFarland. You get to have drastically impacted the game.
came together in 1941 is notably different of the league with the unveiling of the only and people lining the sidelines know a lot of the people over the years. Major shifts include the addition
from the team that runs the court of new gymMorrell Gymnasium. watching games. We used to pack the They would come to our house and of the three-point line, which was
Morrell Gymnasium today. Bo McFarland came to Bowdoin in place in and it was a lot of fun. reminisce about the days of basketball, implemented by the NCAA in 1986,
When a squad of 18 Bowdoin the fall of 1965 in time for the unveiling Bo McFarland became captain how basketball was changing so much. and the establishment of a 45-second
students tried out for Coach George of the new gym and remembers the the following year, improving the If they were alive today they would be shot clock in the mid-1980s.
Dinny Shay in December of 1941, standard it set across the league. teams season to a record of 16-5 and astonished as to what basketball looks The programs recruiting process has
they played in Sargent Gymnasium It was a big deal, he said. When entrenching himself in the Bowdoin like today versus what it looked like in developed and changed significantly
on a non-regulation-sized court, with Morrell Gym opened up, I remember record books. He was the first Polar the 40s and 50s. over its history as well.
old backboards and only a few weeks as a freshman going in there and every Bear to reach the 1,300 career points And todays team is still different in a The biggest shift has been in the
to prepare for their first game against afternoon you could see hundreds of benchmark and his career points per number of ways, the most visible being amount of time that you have to
the University of Maine. Without any guys playing pick-up gamesI mean game average of 21.9 remains the best the size of the players. spend out of season recruiting, said
funding from the College, Shay and hundreds. It was state-of-the-art and in Bowdoin history today. Even in 1965 and when I graduated Gilbride. When I started, a lot of
his team of rookies were forced to play its still one of the more enjoyable Since 1969, the program has been in 69, we only had one guy who was coachesmost coacheswere doing
all away games and the players had to places to go watch a game. relatively consistent in performance 65 and he was our only tall guy, said two sports and you had to recruit
provide their own trunks and shoes. Building the new gym was a leap and staff. The team has only had two Bo McFarland. Whereas this years for both sports, but it wasnt to the
Despite these setbacks, the program of faith by the College since the head coaches in the last 55 years roster, I think we had seven, maybe eight
started and stuck, in large part due to basketball team had gone 23 years Ray Bicknell and current Head Coach guys who were 65 and over. So thats a
the persistence of Malcolm Morrell, without a winning season. Yet only Tim Gilbride. huge difference in terms of the style of Please see BASKETBALL, page 12
the Colleges director of athletics at
the time. Morrell advocated strongly
for the creation of a team since
Bowdoin was one of the only colleges
in New England that did not sponsor
a college basketball team. In addition,
the NCAA was pushing many colleges
at the time to continue adding new
teams despite the wartime efforts that
took students and resources from
the programs.
The College already had in place
fraternity leagues as well as a freshman
team that competed against local high
schools, which gave Shay a solid pool
of interested athletes when it came to
building his roster.
The first varsity squad played six
away games over the course of the
season against fellow Maine schools
Colby, Bates and the University of
Maine. Though the team lost all six
matches, a few close games and a
high degree of demonstrated interest
solidified the existence of the program
for the years to come.
A few years later, the program had
developed significantly. The team
began its first formal campaign after
the war years led by captain Edward
Packy McFarland 48, while his infant COURTESY OF BOWDOIN COLLEGE ARCHIVES
son Edward Bo McFarland Jr. 69, FIRST IN THEIR CLASS: (LEFT:) The first Bowdoin varsity mens basketball team poses inside Sargent Gymnasium. The 1941-42 squad played six away games against in-state opponents, and although it lost all of
now a volunteer coach with Bowdoins them, the playersenthusiasm and commitment ensured the teams existence in the future. (RIGHT:) The Polar Bears energetically take the court of theold gymSargent Gymnasiumin an undated match.
12 sports the bowdoin orient friday, february 24, 2017

Mens ice hockey looks for big

upset in NESCAC quarterfinals
Tufts has done it the past two showed they could keep pace with
BY ELI LUSTBADER seasons, beating Williams in 2016 the Continentals as the teams entered
and Trinity in 2015. Wesleyan did it the third period tied 1-1. Ultimately,
Having lost 11 of its last 14 games, in 2011, when it crushed Hamilton Hamilton broke away in the final
the Bowdoin mens ice hockey team (8- 5-2; and No. 8 Colby gave Bowdoin a period to prevail 3-1.
15-1, 5-12-1 NESCAC) will travel to scare in 2010, though the Polar Bears They came out strong in the
Hamilton (17-3-4, 11-3-4 NESCAC) eventually escaped in a 2-1 overtime first period and took it to us, but
this weekend for the quarterfinals of victory. If nothing else, these examples we battled back and tied the game
the NESCAC tournament. show that the NESCAC tournament is up, Barrington said. And I think a
In order to keep its season alive, an opportunity for a fresh start. few plays didnt go our way, maybe
Bowdoin will have to accomplish Captain Mitch Barrington 17 some calls that didnt go our way and
something that only one teamNo. 6 sees parallels to his first season on they were able to capitalize late. We
Tufts (11-10-3, 9-8-1 NESCAC)has the team, when Bowdoin won the definitely feel good about how we
been able to do all year: defeat the NESCAC title as a fifth seed. have played them this year.
Continentals on their home ice. It was kind of a similar year in Yet when the Polar Bears played
The Polar Bears finished eighth that we didnt have the best regular Hamilton, in early January, the game
in the conference this season, season, but we came together and resulted in a 6-3 Bowdoin loss, with
comfortably ahead of Connecticut started playing our best hockey at a similar third period breakaway.
College (4-16-3, 2-13-3 NESCAC) the right time, he said. And thats However, the game was almost two
and Middlebury (3-19-2, 3-15-0 what we are going to try to do this months ago and the team believes it
NESCAC). Still, Bowdoin enters the year. Its kind of taken a little bit has developed significantly since then.
NESCAC tournament as the lowest- longer than we had hoped to get The team will need to turn things
seeded team as only the top eight things together, but we feel pretty around fast. During the final 14 COURTESY OF BRIAN BEARD/ CIPHOTOGRAPHY.COM
teams in the league qualify for the good about how weve played, and games of the regular season, the STICKING WITH IT: Forward Ronnie Lestan 20 takes control of the puck in the Polar Bears 1-1 tie
playoffs. obviously our seniors have plenty of Polar Bears allowed an average of
Though the Polar Bears face a playoff experience. 4.6 goals per game and scored an
against Connecticut College (4-16-3, 2-13-3 NESCAC) that closed out the regular season.
formidable opponent, they can draw There are also more concrete average of only 2.1. The team will I think our guys are really anxious times in one year.
inspiration from the fact that there reasons to believe that Bowdoin can need a special game plan to stop the to get another crack at the top team The quarterfinal starts at 1 p.m.
have been several instances of eighth take on Hamilton this weekend. The Continentals and will also need to in the league, Head Coach Jamie tomorrow at Hamilton and is available
seeds upsetting first seeds in the last time the teams played each other limit their mistakes, especially on Dumont said. Our motto going into to stream on http://www.nsnsports.
NESCAC quarterfinals in recent years. in early February, the Polar Bears the defensive end. it is that its tough to beat a team three net/colleges/hamilton/.


amount of time and energy and effort

that you have to put into it now.
You dont have enough time to be
recruiting all year for one sport and
recruiting for another sport.
Across the nation, the timeline
of recruiting has shifted to earlier
in students high school careers
and has become more intensive
during summers. This year-
round commitment aligns with
another national trend in collegiate
athletics: specialization.
Its becoming harder and harder
for men and women to do two sports
in college, and even in high school,
said Bo McFarland. If youre going to
be a basketball player, youre playing
basketball all year long, youre on
a team and youre playing in the
summer months.
This present-day practice is
drastically different from the COURTESY OF BOWDOIN COLLEGE ARCHIVES
1970s and earlier, when playing STATE OF THE ART: Morrell Gymnasiumreferred to as thenew gymwas built in 1965, a development in the Colleges athletic facilities that propelled Bowdoin ahead of most of its peer schools. In their new
more than one varsity sport was so home, the Polar Bears found success fairly quickly, achieving their first winning season in 1968 with a record of 15-6 and marking a new era for Bowdoin basketball.
common it dictated the Colleges
participation, or lack thereof, in enough to qualify. It was seen as nine starters on the baseball team all While there are no limitations there are some aspects of the sport that
postseason tournaments. dangerous to the students academics played another sportevery one of on Bowdoin teams participating have stayed the same.
During Bo McFarlands time on and a disadvantage to the subsequent usand the feeling was, if you were in postseason tournaments today, Watching college basketball is still
the varsity basketball and baseball seasons teams. in a tournament, like a basketball maintaining a balance between athletics a favorite pastime of mine, said Bo
teams, the programs were not The concern was that dragging tournament, and your baseball season and academics is a task that has McFarland. I love it, and to this day
permitted to compete in any sort these seasons on was going to affect was getting ready to begin, that [it] challenged Bowdoin athletes of all eras. I believe [Morrell Gym] ranks way up
of postseason play even though our performance in the classroom, would be unfair to the academic side Although the facilities, rules and there in terms of a good place to watch
the teams performance was strong said Bo McFarland. For instance, the of the house. recruiting have evolved over time, a game and to play a game.

friday, february 24, 2017 the bowdoin orient 13

Fulfill our responsibility

What is the common good to you? This a question that is asked of Bowdoin students
Adeles victory reveals racial biases
in the entertainment award system
to the point of exhaustion, at panels like the one on Wednesday night and in every-
day dining hall conversations. But the question persists for good reason. Bowdoin is an
institution that is dedicated to educating students who serve the public good; it has a
responsibility to help students understand how this can be done.
We feel that Bowdoin is inadequately fulfilling this responsibility. At Bowdoin today,
there are very few ways that we engage with the common good outside of the McKeen pictures of their dead sons, lost to racially to mind the 2015 hashtag #OscarsSoW-
Center for the Common Good. As a result students lack a conception of how they can OPED CONTRIBUTOR motivated violence. She even featured a hite that caught peoples attention for two
truly serve the common good in ways other than direct community service. twerking Serena Williams, an emblem of years in a row. Still, the problem is bigger
The McKeen Center does an incredible job organizing community-based work that The talk of the country last week was black strength, excellence and body posi- than the Grammys, the Oscars and all
both has real and positive impacts on communities and educates students about their Beyoncs Album of the Year snub at this tivity. These bold presentations of black the other entertainment award organiza-
roles and ability to serve the common good. The McKeen Center recognizes that com- years Grammy Awards. The impact of womanhood were not meant to appeal to tions in America. We live in a society in
mon good means more than just community service and there are a number of pro- Beyoncs album Lemonade was one white tastes. which mostly old, white men determine
grams they put on that demonstrate this broadened understanding, from alternative of many shining moments of 2016, but In hindsight, I should not have been what is quality art, so maybe these award
break trips to What Matters discussions to the Leading for the Common Good program. Grammy voters thought 25 by British surprised that Beyonc lost Album of the voting panels will have to diversify be-
However, we believe it is critical to translate that understanding to the larger cam- pop star Adele was more relevant, despite Year. Only two years ago, I was arguing fore black art finally gets its long-over-
pus community. the glaring truth that Lemonade had with my friends when the Album of the due appreciation.
The McKeen Center organizes a Community-Engaged Courses program incorporat- far greater significance. In Lemonade, Year went to Morning Phase by alterna- While Beyonc deserved the Album of
ing a community-learning component into classes each semester. This program pro- Beyonc proved her versatility as a genre- tive rock artist Beck, over Beyoncs iconic the Year in my eyes, her real victory was
vides a vital opportunity to teach students different ways in which community engage- hopping vocalistjumping from reggae eponymous album BEYONC. While in producing a magnum opus that was
ment can lead to the common good, beyond merely community service. They provoke to rock to R&B to country. Secondly, it Grammy voting panels do not base their intended forand inspired byblack
reflection of personal responsibility and address intersectional issues through working can only be fully appreciated as a visual votes on album sales, Becks album was people. In the process of recovering from
directly with local groups or municipal governments. album. After all, it was more than just a the lowest-selling album of the nominees utter disappointment, I relearned a valu-
For example, in the past, students in earth and oceanographic science classes have ap- collection of songs; it was the art, the visu- that year and the lowest-selling winner of able lesson from Beyonc: when life gives
plied their in-class learning to studying nearby Maine environments, and environmental als, the dance and the powerful messages this award category since 2008. Many of you lemons, make lemonade.
studies courses have collaborated with non-governmental organizations to make maps of heartbreak, loss, forgiveness and self- the people watching that years Grammys
using geographical information systems (GIS). love. For me, Lemonade was the album show did not seem to know who
This semester, there are eight such courses, but half of them are in the education of 2016 because it had an unmistakably Beck even was; #WhoIsBeck
department. This program should be expanded to include more courses and more black female narrative that empowered was trending on Twitter.
departments. generations of black women across the To many black Americans,
However, our dedication to the common good should surpass our academic careers world. Many of the lyrics in the album Beyoncs latest snub follows the
and the local Maine community. Fulfilling our responsibility to the common good means became popular slang (cue the boy, bye trend that black art cannot be
keeping it as a priority in our lives even as we leave Bowdoin. This means factoring it into line, the iconic Becky with the good hair fully embraced if it does not pan-
our career choices, what we choose to do with our income, how we spend our free time lyric and the huge surge of memes about der to white audiences. Frank
and our day-to-day decisions as citizens. If the College serves the common good, it has a taking your man to Red Lobster). Fun fact: Ocean, who recently boycotted
responsibility to follow through with the ideals it promotes and help students transition Red Lobsters sales spiked to 33 percent af- the Grammy Awards, wrote an
from a common good defined at Bowdoin to one that is applicable to the greater world. ter Beyoncs song Formation came out open letter to the shows pro-
Learning about our individual roles and responsibilities within the greater communi- with her Red Lobster lyric. This albums ducers on his Tumblr, saying
ties we inhabit is critical to discovering how we as students can have an impact beyond significance in popular culture alone sur- that the show has cultural bias
Bowdoin. This means moving the message beyond the walls of the McKeen Center and passed that of all the other nominees in and general nerve damage. Even
into classrooms, dining halls and dormsand then into our workplaces, homes and the Album of the Year award category. Adele said, in her acceptance
families. The problem with Lemonade, at speech, that she was undeserv-
least for some white audiences, was that it ing of the Album of the Year
This editorial represents the majority view of the Bowdoin Orients editorial board, was the most political, unapologetic, pro- award because the artist of [her]
which is comprised of Julian Andrews, Harry DiPrinzio, Jenny Ibsen, Meg Robbins black project Beyonc has ever released. life is Beyonce. While I appreci-
and Joe Seibert. She pushed aside European sacred im- ate Adeles symbolic gesture
ages in favor of African pantheon like the breaking her award in half to
Yoruba water goddess Oshun. In Hold share with Beyoncthis does

Bowdoin Orient
The Up, she wielded a baseball bat with such not make up for the countless
swagger while wearing a yellow Roberto times that black artists have
Cavalli dress, channeling Oshun, who is been robbed of awards and over-
often portrayed in yellow. She dared to all recognition for their artistry.
ESTABLISHED 1871 present cameos of black mothers holding The Grammys issues with race bring DIANA FURUKAWA 6200 College Station Brunswick, ME 04011

The Bowdoin Orient is a student-run weekly publication dedicated to providing news
and information relevant to the Bowdoin community. Editorially independent of the
College and its administrators, the Orient pursues such content freely and thoroughly,
following professional journalistic standards in writing and reporting. The Orient is
committed to serving as an open forum for thoughtful and diverse discussion and
debate on issues of interest to the College community.

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Jono Gruber Maggie Coster
Vivien Lee
The material contained herein is the property of The Bowdoin Orient and appears at the sole discretion of the editors.
The editors reserve the right to edit all material. Other than in regard to the above editorial, the opinions expressed in
the Orient do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors.
14 opinion the bowdoin orient friday, february 24, 2017

Combining resource centers ignores two unique histories

da Nelson 83, one of the founders sex were suspect. And Bowdoin kept groups. Both women and queer sues should strive to be as intersec-
of both the WRC and the Bowdoin mum about the AIDS crisis in the individuals have historically par- tional as possible. But the conflation
RACHEL BARON Queer Straight Alliance, explained 1980s and 1990s. Alfred Kinsey of ticipated in ways that contributed of the two groups comes at the era-
ZERO CHILL during this study that Somebody the Class of 1916, originator of the to the oppression of one another, sure of these historical differences
tried to burn it [the WRC] down at Kinsey scale, has not received the such as a history of heteronorma- and precludes an understanding that
one point we did receive threat- public recognition that some other tivity among feminist groups or a work needs to be done to make both
Last week, The Bowdoin Orient ening phone calls kind of on a regu- of our influential alums have re- history of misogyny among queer centers as intersectional as possible.
published a letter from the student lar basis. Some of us were followed ceived. Queer identities have histor- men. Both groups also can and have Even if conflation is not the pro-
staffs of the Womens Resource Cen- around campus. ically been quieted at the College, an historically been productive allies to fessed goal of the administration,
ter (WRC) and Resource Center for The WRC is a monument to the issue that should not be forgotten or each otherand understanding of combining the two centers essential-
Sexual and Gender Diversity (RC- success of co-education at Bowdoin, assumed to have been solved today. both womens issues and queer is- ly has the same symbolic meaning
SGD) protesting the merge of these but also a continuing reminder of The 2012 Orient article further and should not happen.
two institutions into the Center for the lack of inclusion women origi- details hate crimes against queer
Gender and Sexuality. I am entirely nally faced and continue to face. individuals that occurred in the
in agreement with this viewpoint, While today issues of exclusion may past few yearsa concern that
but I wanted to add an additional not be from the college itself, they is still relevant. A June 2016
justification in arguing against the can still exist in specific academic New York Times articles
merge. The decision to create the departments and social spaces on headline reads, L.G.B.T.
Center for Gender and Sexuality is campus. Taking away the WRC as its People Are More
profoundly ignorant of the histori- own independent entity disregards Likely to Be
cal legacy of the experiences of both this history of all womens struggles Targets of
women and queer students at Bow- at Bowdoin. The removal of the word Hate Crimes
doin. Doing so serves to put the is- women from the new center is an Than Any
sues that women and queer students extra insult to the legacy of women Other Minor-
face and have faced at Bowdoin into who fought for greater inclusion at ity Groupa
the same pot, when the reality is that Bowdoin and who continue to face finding by the
both of these groups have experi- such issues on campus today. Federal Bureau
enced discrimination in distinct and Marginalization of queer identi- of Investigation
meaningful ways. ties has occurred differently from that the Times notes as true even
Women were literally excluded sexism at Bowdoin, particularly in before this years shooting at Pulse
from attending Bowdoin until 1969; the erasure of these identities from Night Club in Orlando, Florida. It
the College became fully co-ed in the College and in its history. In is important to continue the legacy
1972. Emily Weyrauchs recent series 2012, The Orient published an in- of a center that is specifically
on the Women of 75 has captured vestigation called Queer at Bow- designed to help deal
the difficulty of the transition to co- doin. This article details numer- with this contemporary
education at Bowdoin: a history that ous examples of ways that both the reality, in a way that
includes inflammatory comments Bowdoin administration and com- the WRC may not be
and acts rejecting co-education. The munity acted to remove evidence of able to.
creation of the WRC is directly tied queer identities at Bowdoin. In the Further, com-
to this history of sexism. In a study 1950sa student was expelled for bining the cen-
of women at Bowdoin conducted by lascivious carriage, an anachronis- ters is ahis-
Gender and Womens Studies 280 in tic legal term referring to queer sex- torical when BROOKE GODDARD
Fall 2011, the students address how ual behavior. In the 1970s, faculty looking at ap-
the WRC became a place for both in- members who were not seen cavort- proaches to
clusion and academic learning. Lin- ing with members of the opposite issues of both

Navigating selfhood admist compulsory heterosexuality

as I started to understand that this have absorbed my entire life and, be true and that there was no other isnt created on its own, however. It
ARI MEHRBERG newfound attraction was not limited ultimately, in a phenomenon called way to be. requires people to participate and
OUT LOUD to just a few specific individuals, I compulsory heterosexuality. For I remember choosing boys seem- uphold it, whether knowingly or un-
toyed with many different labels. I those of you unfamiliar with the ingly at random to have crushes on consciously. For queer women and
knew I liked girls, and as my social term, it essentially means that our and convincing myself and others woman-aligned nonbinary people,
Im gay. circles and knowledge of the world society enforces straightness as the that my attraction to them was real. some of the biggest obstacles to over-
For me, that phrase defines more broadened I began to include non- norm and pushes this on people as I remember insisting that I would coming this heteronormativity are
than just who I love. It impacts who I binary people too, but what I didnt the only natural form of existence. find a boy I liked someday, that I just those put in place by straight women.
hang out with and who I trust. It de- know was whether I liked boys. One effect of this for me was that I wasnt ready yet or that none of the I dont believe that all straight women
termines the kinds of spaces I inhabit By writing this, I am in no way convinced myself that I was attracted boys I knew were good enough. I re- are homophobic or that they are even
and how I inhabit them. It affects all intending to discount individuals to boys because I assumed it had to member seeing boys and wondering fully aware of their actions, but the
of my relationships with others, re- who do identify as bisexual or pan- if they were attracted to me and point still remains that they are un-
gardless of how out and open I am sexual or to imply that they are deciding that if they knowingly complicit in the enforce-
with them. Its who I am. confused or lying to them- were, then I would ment of compulsory heterosexuality.
But for the longest time, I refused selves. Every person has like them back. From the flicker of false hope I feel
to use that label. their own experience, Finally, though, whenever a straight woman refers
For most of my life, I never thought and many people I started to re- to a friend or acquaintance as her
about my sexuality. In middle school, truly are attracted alize that it girlfriend to the medias labeling
I actually took pride in the fact that I to multiple or didnt have to of potentially (or even confirmed)
wasnt interested in boys and at times all genders. be that way. I queer women as gal pals or close
even considered myself superior to This article didnt have friends, rather than romantically
all the boy-crazy girls I knew. But I is only meant to like boys involved, these types of attitudes are
think I always assumed, at least on a to reflect my back just be- everywhere.
subconscious level, that it was some- own story, cause they Dismantling the systems of het-
thing I would grow out of as I emo- and my own liked me, I eronormativity is no simple task,
tionally matured. Of course, I never personal didnt have but each and every one of you read-
did. struggle to wait until ing this can take small steps towards
It wasnt until midway through my to come to I met a good helping the queer people in your
high school career that I first realized terms with enough guy lives. Be aware of your hypocrisy
I might be attracted to girls. This the fact to prove when you encourage straight wom-
realization marked the beginning that its OK that I wasnt en to be intimate with their friends
of a years-long journey that I still for me to be attracted to and yet, at the same time, voice your
havent completely finished. Coming more exclu- him (or any discomfort with queer women sim-
to terms with the fact that I like girls sively gay. man) and I ply existing near you. Be aware of
wasnt the whole picture; I also had to But why didnt have the language you use and how your
figure out something else. Did I actu- was this real- to pretend words may resonate with others. Be
ally like boys too? ization so hard to be in love aware of the implications of your ac-
After that first spark, I was reluc- to come by? The with people I tions. Be aware, be prepared to listen
tant to identify as anything other than answer lies in the didnt know just and be ready to learn and to do your
straight. I was heteroflexible, I was way I was raised, to be normal. It own research sometimes. Remem-
open-minded, I was straight with the society I live in, was liberating. ber that this is only the first step, but
one or two exceptions. From there, the cultural messages I He te ronor m at iv it y dont let that deter you from taking it.
friday, february 24, 2017 the bowdoin orient opinion 15

Debunking misconceptions about conservative values

thanks to our current commander-in- untary community over forced associa- personal take on conservatism and why trol can maintain order. But if the lat-
chief, and I thought it would be helpful tion. At its heart, the conservatism Kirk I think it is so important to recognize ter does, then order can be maintained
RYAN WARD to clarify for the sake of improving dia- describes is not inherently political but the virtues of that self-identification. with a limited amount of state action
HOLDING FAST logue between the left and right. is a way of seeing the world that inti- For me, the most important aspect of and the individual can be truly free to
At the outset, I should note that mately informs the way we live and act conservatism is its tendency to approach pursue the good life for him or herself.
conservatism is not a single political within it. This has definite political im- politics with caution and not to endow So as a conservative, I am far more
In this column two weeks ago, I tried ideology. According to British political plications, but these are always second- it with the characteristics of a life or interested in cultivating the virtues
to write about my understanding of the theorist Michael Oakeshott, it is a dis- ary to conservatisms primary concern death struggle. There is a temptation in in my own life that are conducive to
relationship between conservatism and position which inclines people to prefer for ordered and peaceful life. modern politics to engage in a politics sustaining a free society and in assist-
the mission of the College. At the risk of certain kinds of conduct and certain When these general traits are applied of the eschaton where every battle will ing my neighbor in doing the same. I
harping too much on the subject, I want conditions of human circumstances to to more specific political programs, it lead either to salvation or Armageddon. have no grand vision for society that
to expand a bit on that column and be others. The vagueness of this definition should not be a surprise to see some In contrast, the conservative recognizes I would like to impose on everyone
a bit more specific about what I mean leaves a lot of room for interpretation variety and disagreement. In fact, this that politics is a necessary but second- else. Contrary to popular percep-
by conservatism. There are a lot of in particular cases, but there are some is one of the great strengths of conser- ary realm of human activity. It is not im- tion, being a conservative does not
misconceptions and unfair caricatures defining characteristics of the conserva- vatism. There is room for those who portant as an end in itself, as if political mean wanting to bring society back
surrounding the tive disposition that remain more or less put an emphasis on liberty and clas- action could save souls or usher in the to some golden age where every-
term, no the same. sify themselves as libertarians, as well as Kingdom of God. Rather, it is necessary thing was supposedly better. I know
Conservative thinker Russell Kirk crunchy cons like American Conser- as a means to living a peaceful collective that history is always far more com-
drew some of these vative blogger Rod Dreher who place life, where every individual is left with plicated than the narratives we build
traits from the in- more value upon the communal and a sphere of freedom in which he or she to explain it, so I dont have any illu-
tellectual tradi- traditional side of conservatism. Be- can live out a moral and meaningful life. sions about the dangers of nave nos-
tion he carefully cause there are no thought police to en- This is an especially important out- talgia. But if reclaiming the virtues
traced from force uniformity among its ranks, con- look to have in todays political climate. necessary to sustaining our republic
Irish statesman servatism has always thrived on vibrant It allows us to focus not on the grand means going back in time to deter-
Edmund Burke debates over its foundational principles. political schemes but to turn the light mine how we can be better citizens,
to T.S. Eliot Of course, if you think I am paint- on our own souls to determine whether I am all for using the wisdom of past
in his seminal ing too rosy a picture of conservative we are using our freedom in an appro- ages as our guide.
book The Con- unity, then you are correct. It would be priate manner. As the recently departed With these brief thoughts on my
servative Mind. a stretch to say that all conservatives are scholar Michael Novak noted, there are own political inclinations, hopefully
These include equally devoted to the principle of pru- two kinds of liberty: one precritical, I have at least done a little to reclaim
adherence to dence in politics, for example. But my emotive, whimsical, proper to children; some intellectual respectability for
custom, belief point is not to justify what every con- the other critical, sober, deliberate, re- conservatism. Given the current po-
in the principle servative believes or says as a legitimate sponsible, proper to adults. If the for- litical climate, I think thats a neces-
of prudence and expression of conservative principles. mer type of liberty dominates among sary first step to improving political
the preference of vol- Rather, I wish to give a slightly more a population, no amount of state con- dialogue on campus.

Embrace debate on campus Boys dont cry: society must address the
issues arising from toxic masculinity
We have a problem here at Bow-
financial regulation, the Electoral
College, who should be president
all these questions are not settled yet.
doin. We are ostensibly preparing They seem settled at Bowdoin, and
ourselves to lead the fight for the that should be cause for worry if you been reminded that boys dont cry one Although we commonly discuss def-
common good, to charge head on at believe (as I do) that there are right MAURICE ASARE too many times (the rare moments initions of femininity, we are still rela-
the engines of oppression, injustice answers to these questions and that AFRICANXIOUS in which I do cry, I often find myself tively ignorant about masculinity in its
and inequity and fight without cease these answers matter. feeling guilty). I have regularly been various forms. When we do recognize
until they have been razed to the A fighter trains in many ways. She excluded from conversations among the potential harms of toxic masculin-
ground. But in our hurry, I believe we runs, she lifts, she practices her form, Much of the literature surrounding other young men, particularly in high ity, we dont take the necessary steps to
have failed to consider the best means she watches Rocky. She punches gender emphasizes the ways in which school when the substance of these address it.
to wage our war. Our fearless floral a punching bag. Most importantly, women are often disadvantaged by conversations regarded sex. I usu- Like many, I am still trying to un-
leader has pointed out a flaw, but he she spars with a real, live human op- varying forms of masculinity. In these ally had little interest in talking about learn the corrosive notions of mascu-
meets resistance. He calls for fearless- ponent. This is essential, because a contexts, we focus on how women my sex life (or lack thereof). Talking linity that I internalized while grow-
ness, and I think hes exactly right. punching bag will just hang there and should deal with pernicious displays of about sex, particularly heterosexual ing up. However, the lack of societal
When was the last time you had a let you hit it. A human will block your manhoodhow they can fight against sex, can often be a communal experi- discourse regarding positive notions
discussion of abortion rights at Bow- blows, dance around the ring and itbut we do not tackle toxic displays ence among young males. The issue of masculinity is appalling. Without
doin? I mean a real discussion, in strike back at you. At Bowdoin, we are of masculinity at their core. Instead we that arises within these conversations positive displays and much-needed
which people actually disagreed. Its woefully short of intellectual sparring expect women to cater to these frag- is the tendency to dehumanize the conversation on the subject of toxic
terribly good fun to say, Abortion partners. This will stop us from being ile masculinities. women involved. Of course, these men masculinity and the way in which it af-
should always be free and easy, right? the best fighters we can be. It is far less common for us to worry are often merely sharing details of their fects men, this cycle goes undisturbed.
and hear your friend say, RIGHT? To give an example: there are people about men and the very narrow box sexcapades as grounds to warrant their
Oh my god the Republicans! Its dis- on this campus who voted for Trump. of masculinity that confines them. We masculinity; however, these conversa-
graceful! But this is not a discussion. The ones Ive met didnt do it because dont pay much attention to masculin- tions plant seeds of misogyny (a symp-
Think back to the last time you sat they hate everyone whos not white ity exclusively, reasonably so, given its tom of toxic masculinity).
down and really thought to yourself, and straight and born in this country. privilege and power. We do not police I was often ostracized by male
When do I really believe that a fetus I have fundamental disagreements masculinity. Conversely, society fixates peers who had no interest in
has become a person? or What sorts with them and with the president. No- on regulating the construct of feminin- tainting their burgeoning
of rights does the father of a fetus have body is served by creating an atmo- ity. This blatant indifference for the sta- masculinity with anything
over its fate? or Are people on the sphere in which theyd rather just shut tus of manhood has lent itself to toxic considered unmanly.
other side of this question thinking up. If we are to affect positive change masculinity, a variation that exagger- The endless pursuit
about it in the same terms that I am? in places where there arent OneCards, ates the conventional notions of man- of young men to be
When was the last time you engaged we will have to convince people. Bet- hood. At the hands of toxic masculin- more masculine
with somebody else who disagrees ter by far to start to practice that skill ity, we all lose. Some of us, however, coupled with
with your answers to those questions? here and now than there and then. We lose more. the blatant
I havent done that at Bowdoin and I will have to understand arguments we To clarify, masculinity in this con- indifference
dont believe Im alone. disagree with, consider our opinions text refers not to inherent male traits to this phe-
These are questions that need an- as subject to change and believe the but to the social construction of man- nomenon
swers, and they are still up for debate same in other people. hood. When we talk about the harm- is troubling.
as far as the rest of the country is con- Educating people is a very hard ful effects of toxic masculinity, we are Our cul-
cerned. The views that prevail at Bow- thing to do. I hope no one reads this not criticizing men, but rather calling ture does a
doin are not the only ones. Professor piece and thinks that I dont respect attention to the unfair standards im- disservice to
of History Patrick Rael brought up the work put in by all the people that posed upon them. Some of the charac- men when it
an invaluable point that must not be make our Bowdoin experience pos- teristics of toxic masculinity, to name expects them
ignored, but these are not questions sible. I believe the above outlines a a few, include: the suppression of emo- to adhere to
about whether the Holocaust hap- flaw, but I would be remiss not to ac- tions, aggression and misogyny. these notions
pened or why there are still monkeys knowledge that our education is one Toxic masculinity has colored my of toxic mas-
if I evolved from one. (Checkmate, of the best anyone has ever received. experience as a man with social anxi- culinitywhile
atheists). There are dozens of live, This is not an easy problem to solve, ety: I have often been made to feel ignoring the
unsettled questions being debated by and I contribute to it myself. I believe ashamed of my meekness (often equat- harm it inflicts on
our society. Hate speech, gun control, that acknowledging it is an impor- ed to unmanliness) and I have often all genders. The way
the nature of religious rights or gay tant first step. For God to win a just been told to be more aggressive (this in which our culture has
rights or trans rights, police violence, trial, the devil needs to be provided a word is often used interchangeably normalized negative male
national security, privacy, trade deals, good lawyer. with masculine). In that vein, I have behavior is disconcerting. PHOEBE ZIPPER
16 the bowdoin orient friday, february 24, 2017

Common Hour - Solving the Mystery of
Grace Jones: It's the Holy Ghost
Associate Professor of Africana Studies Judith Casselberry
will speak about music icon Grace Jones, arguing that
her Pentecostal background shaped her contributions to
pop culture.
Kresge Auditorium, Visual Arts Center. 12:30 p.m.

"The Reproductive Justice Framework"
Khiara Bridges, professor of Law and Anthropology at Boston
University will discuss the issue of reproductive justice. The
talk will be part of the Public Health and the Liberal Arts
Lecture Series.
Room 315, Searles Science Center. 3 p.m. ANN BASU, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT
SNOW MUCH FUN: Connor Phillips '17 and friends try human curling as part of the first annual Snolympics, a day of snow-themed activities organized by the Bowdoin Outing
EVENT Club to celebrate the winter weather. Other events included snow archery, mini-sled racing, snow sculpture building and more.
ITAC Hackathon
In the largest student hackathon in Maine, students will have
36 hours to build an app, website or other software to present
to a panel.
David Saul Smith Union. 7 p.m. MONDAY 27 WEDNESDAY 1
International Polar Bear Night at Policing the Police: The Justice Department's
the Museum Investigations of the Baltimore and Chicago
SATURDAY 25 The Arctic Museum and Sustainable Bowdoin will host a cel-
ebration for Bowdoins mascot and kick off the Polar Bear Energy
Police Departments
Law School Student Alex Reed '10 will discuss the Justice
Competition. There will be crafts, snacks and an opportunity to Departments investigations of city police departments that
CONCERT learn more about Polar Bears. uncovered systemic civil rights violations.
Face-o of the Bands Peary-MacMillan Arctic Museum. 6:30 p.m. Beam Classroom, Visual Arts Center. 7 p.m.
Student bands Accept the Mystery and Duck Blind will perform
with opener Waterboy in a round-robin style face-off. DISCUSSION
Ladd House. 9 p.m. Why do College Houses Feel So White? One
Year Later

Following last years discussion by the same name, there will be
Ebony Ball a panel and discussion about how College Houses perpetuate a
The African American Society will host the annual Ebony Ball culture of whiteness and how to create
to conclude Black History Month. The event is open to the resolutions moving forward.
entire campus. LECTURE Reed House. 7:30 p.m.
Main Lounge, Moulton Union. 10 p.m. Artist Talk and Reception: Spring 2017 Bileck
Visiting Artist Nancy Diessner
Bileck Visiting Artist Nancy Diessner will discuss her artwork,
specifically her inspiration from animals and the natural world,

which is on display in the Edwards Center for Art and Dance.
Beam Classroom, Visual Arts Center. 4:30 p.m.

EVENT "Do you Know Them? Anna Nzinga, Queen PERFORMANCE
Bowdoin Film Society Presents "Oscar Nanny, Solitude and Many More" Eurydice
Night!" Professor of Romance Languages and Literatures Hanetha The Theater and Dance Department's spring show, Eurydice, will
The Bowdoin Film Society will host an Oscars viewing party to Vete-Congolo will discuss the contributions of notable be performed. The 2003 play tells the Greek myth of Orpheus
watch the awards show. Refreshments women in African history who have often been forgotten in from the perspective of his wife, Eurydice. Tickets are free and
will be served. historical narratives. available at David Saul Smith Union and sold at the door.
Smith Auditorium, Sills Hall. 6 p.m. Howell House. 7:30 p.m. Wish Theater, Memorial Hall. 7:30 p.m.

Gallery Conversation
with Pamela Fletcher Chris Fleming Girl Rising
and Ellen Tani Stand-Up Comedy Screening

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