NIBA Belt Line March 2017

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Belt Line

3 2017

Vol. 16 Issue 1 A Publication of NIBA The Belting Association

NIBA/PTDA Joint Industry Summit

September 27-30, 2017 Hollywood, FL
By Brian Schachner, 2017-18 Program Chair, Vaughn Belting Company, Inc.

his years convention in beautiful Hollywood, FL will
be a unique experience for all attendees. We will be
having our first ever NIBA/PTDA Joint Industry Summit.
The event is being held at The Diplomat Beach Resort and
features a completely renovated bar and gathering space as
well as a spectacular view of the Atlantic Ocean.

This years theme is Powering Thoughts / Conveying Ideas.

Whether you are a veteran attendee or plan on making this
your first convention, this year is a wonderful opportunity to
expand your existing network of business partners. We antici-
pate approximately 472 NIBA distributors and manufacturers
combined with 573 PTDA distributors and manufacturers to
give all of our members a convention they wont forget.

Thursday morning will kick off the networking part of the

event with both organizations participating in a golf out-
ing that will start at 9:00 am with a shotgun start. We will
also have a tour available for those who want to experience
Gen members who will be having an after party to network
Floridas Everglades. There will be buses to pick up and re-
with other emerging leaders from PTDA.
turn everyone from both events. If neither of these things are
your cup of tea, sitting by the pool enjoying the South Florida Our day starts early on Friday. We will have our annual Town
sun is always a great option. Hall meeting starting at 7:00 am. This will be followed by
a joint breakfast with PTDA and move right into opening
There will be several events taking place before our opening
remarks from both organizations. We will have a change this
reception. There is a WITI (Women In The Industry) happy
year in the overall format of the business session. It is called
hour at 5:00 pm. We will have a spouse/companion recep-
IML, which stands for Inspire, Motivate and Lead. There will
tion from 6:00-7:00 pm. Also, NIBA and PTDA will have their
be three speakers that give us a short 15 minute introduction
First Timer/New Member gathering in separate locations from
of themselves and then you will be able to choose two of
6:00-7:00 pm.
them in the afternoon for a more in depth session. We are
Thursday evening we will officially open the convention with very fortunate to have scheduled these very dynamic people
drinks and dinner in the Grand Ballroom. With an expected to participate in this event.
attendance of over 1,000 people you are sure to see many
Dr. Alan Beaulieu is one of the countrys most informed
familiar faces and also have the chance to meet many new
economists. Since 1990 he has been consulting with compa-
ones. Enjoy the chance to start building new relationships
nies throughout the US, Europe, and Asia on how to forecast,
with your fellow NIBA members as we interact with our
plan, and increase their profits based on business cycle trend
PTDA associates. The evening will end for many of us after
analysis. He has penned numerous articles on economic
this gathering, but it will only be getting started for our Next-
NIBA/PTDA Joint Industry Summit continued on page 3

5 Industry Summit
FAQs 6 Technical
Article 11 Go for the
Gold 25 Visit to the
White House

6737 W Washington St, Suite 4210, Milwaukee, WI 53214 414.389.8606 FAX 414.276.7704
Letter from the President
017 is and will be quite a year for NIBA as we will be celebrating 90 years
as an organization! For a nonprofit volunteer organization to survive all the
turmoil over the past 90 years is an accomplishment that all NIBA should be
proud of. The support and compassion of NIBA members past and current should
be acknowledged as one of the key factors in the longevity of our organization.

The NIBA committees are challenged this year with two goals. The first is imple-
mentation of last years strategic plan, which is underway. Goals have been de-
fined and delegated to each committee.

The second and most immediate project for each committee is working with the
NIBA/PTDA task force to put together a great joint convention this fall. The NIBA/
Vernon Smith, PTDA Joint Summit will be double the size in attendees, over 200 exhibitors at the
2017-18 NIBA President Joint MD-IDEX Expo, three keynote speakers, and much more. This will be a new
and very exciting experience for all NIBA members. All of NIBA owes the 50+
volunteers who do the committee work a very big thank you for a job well done
and the unselfish dedication to the organization. The Program Committee is very
heavily involved with the Joint Industry Summit. This group has been working with
PTDA tirelessly since we left Indianapolis on the joint task force to put together
the best convention yet.

Lets not forget about the new website! It is a huge upgrade from the previous
website. The implementation of the website a few months ago was the result of
several months of tedious work from our Marketing Committee.

Our technical training continues to sell out and always very highly rated. There
are plans for more and even new trainings. This is exciting news for all our mem-
bers. Congratulations to the Edu/Tech Committee and all the volunteer trainers!

The Products/Services Committee is taking a look at all the products currently

NIBAs logo, videos, written materials, etc., are being offered and determining the value of certain programs. Expect to hear new
proprietary material. Please submit a written exciting things from this creative group.
request to NIBA Headquarters to receive
permission for use in web sites, catalogs, Our Membership Committee is being very aggressive in implementing new ideas
promotional materials, etc. All articles in the to encourage new members and maintain more current members. Their efforts are
Belt Line may be reprinted with prior written starting to show through our renewals and acquisitions. The amount of renewed
approval from NIBA. members is ahead of last year and applications for new members are being re-
ceived monthly.

I am proud and honored to be a part of these exciting times for NIBA!

Belt Line
Executive Director.......Jennifer Rzepka, CAE
See you in Hollywood!

Account Coordinators........... Jessica Trippler

Graphic Designer.................. Dan Dudzinski 2017 NIBA
Digital Media Coordinator...... Sarah Thomas
Vernon Smith
Editing of all member submissions for
NIBA 2017-18 President
inclusion in the Belt Line is a NIBA Board of
Directors requirement. Generally, comments Universal Belting Resource 248 Members
regarding quality, value, cost, etc., will be 129 Distributor/Fabricator
107 Manufacturer
12 Affiliate
Down 4.2% from this point last year.
Connect Today!
A Publication of NIBAThe Belting Association

NIBA/PTDA Joint Industry Summit continued from page 1

analysis and has written several books. He makes about 90

appearances each year and his keynotes and seminars have
helped thousands of business owners and executives capital-
ize on emerging trends. His events are always highly attend- HOSPITALITY NIGHT EVENTS
ed by PTDA members.
If your company is planning a Manufacturers
Molly Fletcher is a rare talent of business wisdom, relation- Hospitality Night event, contact the hotel
ship brilliance and unwavering optimism. As a CEO, she representative directly to make arrangements now:
shares her unconventional and unique techniques that made
Gabrielle Wellner, Event Manager
her one of the first female sports agents in the high stakes, big
Phone: 954-602-8532
ego world of professional sports and now a successful entre-
preneur. Molly spent two decades as one of the worlds only
female sports agents. She was hailed as the female Jerry Ma-
guire by a news organization and has represented hundreds involved in an explosion that left 100% of his body burned,
of big name athletes. These include Hall of Fame pitcher John he overcame unbeatable odds not only to live but as an
Smoltz, PGA tour golfer Matt Kutcher and broadcaster Erin inspiration to all who meet him. He spent five months in
Andrews. She has been featured on ESPN, Fast Company, the hospital, underwent dozens of surgeries, lost all of his
Forbes, and Sports Illustrated and has energized organiza- fingers to amputation, and had to re-learn to walk, write, and
tions as diverse as AT&T, Bank of America, Michigan State, feed himself. He endured, persevered and survived - largely
Georgia Tech, and Home Depot. She is a true trailblazer in because others emerged, served and inspired. He now lives
every sense of the word and will give an energizing presenta- to share the life-giving lessons from his story in hope that he
tion. can Spark! the extraordinary possibility of your own story.
John OLeary is an inspirational speaker that is sure to deliver John says You cant always choose the path you walk in life,
an emotional and well placed message. He has lived through but you can always choose the manner in which you walk.
worse things than most people can imagine. Having been Each of these individuals are very talented and you will not
be disappointed.

As part of the changed format this year, we will have a

HOTEL RESERVATIONS separate lunch from PTDA where we will handle the annual
business meeting. This will have the usual items of interest
The Diplomat Beach Resort
that we typically do before our keynote speaker, but will be
3555 South Ocean Drive
conducted while lunch is served.
Hollywood, Florida, 33019
The spouse /companions will have daily Yoga offered from
Visit or call 10:00-11:00 am. They will be having a wine tasting on Friday
for reservations: 855-689-2911 from 3:30-5:00 pm. Saturday is designated as the spouse/
companion pool & beach day. The Diplomat also has a Spa
Mention the NIBA to receive the discounted rate: and Workout room for those who want to relax and/or exer-
Room rate is $249/night (plus taxes), with no resort fee. cise.
Included in your room rate:
Guestroom Internet Friday evening is the Manufacturers hospitality events. We
Beach Chaise Lounges (1 per registered guest, max 4) anticipate our manufacturers from both organizations will
Non-Motorized Water Sports see a lot of foot traffic and all members will be afforded lots
Two Bottles of Water upon Arrival of time to network and get to know each other.
1 Group Fitness Class Per Day
Transportation to/from Golf Location Saturday is the much anticipated Joint MD-IDEX/Expo.
Local & Toll-Free Calls Because of the large number of attendees, we are expecting
to have approximately 210 exhibitors. We will incorporate
Note: this discounted room rate is for run of house, the best of both organizations in how we go about business.
meaning the hotel places guest into whatever room The expo will be from 8:30 am-3:00 pm. The morning part
type is available at check-in. To guarantee a specific of this (8:30 am-12:00 pm) will have scheduled meetings by
room type or view, higher costs apply. All can be appointment only for members who choose to do so. It will
viewed on the booking link.
NIBA/PTDA Joint Industry Summit
continued on next page

Belt Line March 2017 3

A Publication of NIBAThe Belting Association

NIBA/PTDA Joint Industry Summit continued from previous page

still be open for everyone to walk around and visit as usual the wonderful view of the light blue Atlantic Ocean as you
for those who dont set up appointments. After 12:00 pm the mingle with you peers. This will be followed by dinner and
whole event will be the expo as we are accustomed to. This entertainment in the ballroom. There will be a live band,
will be a wonderful opportunity for both organizations to see cigar rolling, and a picture station. Plan to wear your most
how each group does what is always the top rated event of festive Havana attire and say goodbye to old friends as
our conferences. well as the new ones you met this year. South Florida in late
September couldnt get much better than that. Please join
To close things out on Saturday evening we will have a us for a great conference that will be Powering Thoughts.
Havana Nights reception. Drinks will be served by the Conveying Ideas.
pool from 6:00-7:00 pm where you can once again enjoy

Wednesday, September 27th, 2017 Friday, September 29th, 2017
Morning: Committee Chairmen and Executive meeting. Morning: Town Hall; Opening Session/Speakers;
Business Meeting
Afternoon: Volunteer Recognition Lunch
followed by Committee meetings Afternoon: Lunch; Deeper-Dive Sessions;
Thursday, September 28th, 2017
Evening: Manufacturers Hospitality Night
Morning: Golf Outing
Saturday, September 30th, 2017
Afternoon: Director at Large Orientation
Morning/Afternoon: MD-IDEX/Expo
Evening: RECEPTIONS: 5pm Women-In-The-Industry (scheduled appointments in the morning)
(WITI) Happy Hour; 6pm First Timer/New Member;
7pm Welcome Reception Evening: 6pm Closing Reception

Late Night: Next Gen After Party Sunday, October 1st, 2017
Morning: Board of Directors Meeting

Details will be continuously updated on as they are available

New P.A.S.S. Posters Coming Your Way! P. A.S.SPPRO

. A .S . S .
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 See for
JANUARY 2017 15 16 17 18 19 Discounts & Savings
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr
20 21
Sa 22 23 24 25 Programs from:
1 2 3 26 27 28 See for
4 5 6 7 29 30 31 Discounts & Savings Working Advantage

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Programs from: Bizlibrary
15 16

17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25
FEBRUARY 2017 Working Advantage Staples Advantage
26 27 28 Su Mo Tu We Bizlibrary
29 30 Th Fr Sa AEA & UID

1 2 Staples Advantage

3 4 ARPM Manual
5 6 7 8 9 AEA & UID
10 11
FEBRUARY 2017 12 13 14 15 16
Su Mo Tu 17 18 ARPM Manual
We Th Fr Sa 19 20 21 22 23 24 Attention NIBA Members!
1 2 3 4 26 27
and Services Savings Save money with P.A.S.S.
Program. Your - the Products
valuable benefits like those NIBA membership entitles you to
7 8 9 10

ll member locations (including branch locations) will be receiving a tube in the

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Attention NIBA Members! Save money with P.A.S.S. - the Products shown below. START Today!
19 20 21 22 23
MARCH 2017 and Services Savings Program. Your NIBA membership entitles you
24 25 Su
26 27
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa to
1 2
valuable benefits like those shown below. START Today!
3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
MARCH 2017 12 13 14 15 16 17 SCHOLARSHIPS
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 18
19 20 21 22 23 24

mail containing the new P.A.S.S Posters. P.A.S.S. stands for Products And Ser-
1 2 3 4 25
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Applications for 2017 are due
March 1, 2017.
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP NIBA The Belting Association
19 20 21 22 23
APRIL 2017 of past officers, directors, and
honors the memory
24 25 Su Mo Tu We Applications for 2017 are due March 1, 2017. committee members
Th Fr Sa for their strong dedication to
26 27 28 29 30 31 NIBA The Belting Association honors the memory
2 3
1 Helps get you in front of future of past officers, directors, and committee members
the NIBA organization, with
4 5 66 7 8 eight (8) $2,000 scholarships
APRIL 2017 workforce when attending NAW
for their SmartBrief
strong dedication to
the NIBA organization, with FREE e-mail
9 10

vice Savings the poster depicts a dozen opportunities members have to take
11 12 13 14 15
for employees and children of
Su Mo Tu We
Th Fr Sa 16 17 career fairs, making classroom employees of NIBA member
Helps get23you24in front 19 20 21 22 delivered 4x/week.
(8) $2,000 scholarships
1 25 of26future
27 NAWpresentations,
SmartBrief orFREE Providesandthe
for employees children of
companies who make a
2 3 4 5 66 7 8 workforce30when attending
28 29 e-mail
giving a latest
employees of NIBA member need-to-know
difference in their communities,
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 companydelivered
newsletter tour 4x/week. newswho
companies andmakeindustry
a information that
their churches, and their
16 17 career fairs, making classroom schools, through service.
18 19 20 21 22 MAY 2017 Provides the latest need-to-know maximizes
difference in their communities,
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 presentations,
Su Moor giving
Tu a Th their churches, and their giving an edge over PRESIDENTIAL SCHOLARSHIP
We news Talent the through
Fr Sa and industry
Tipsheet information that
Free monthly schools,

advantage of the benefits available to them through a variety of products, services and
30 service. Applications for 2017 are due
company tour1 2 3 4 5 6 May 1, 2017.
7 8 9 10
maximizes time, dealing
giving anwith
edge over PRESIDENTIAL SCHOLARSHIP Each year, NIBA The Belting
11 12 13 Association honors all
MAY 2017 14 15 16 17 therecruiting,
competition hiring, managing and Publications
Applications for 2017toare due May 1, 2017.
help distributors find
of the past Presidents of NIBA
Talent Tipsheet 18 19 20 to NIBA and all Distributor/Fabricatotheir dedication
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 21 22 23 Free 24monthly
25 retaining younger generation Eachsolutions
year, NIBA The Belting Association honors all r members. This
1 2 3 4 5 6 e-newsletter
28 29
26 27 to common
of the past Presidents problems like; scholarship provides five (5)
30 with
31 employeesto help distributors find Compensation
of NIBA for their dedication $4,000 scholarships for children
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Publications to NIBA Reports, Mergers
and all Distributor/Fabricator members. This
14 15 recruiting, hiring, managing and scholarship provides five (5)
with a parent employed by a
16 17 18 19 20 JUNE 2017 solutions to common problems like; & Acquisitions, Driving Profitable NIBA Distributor/Fabricator

discounts. When you receive the tube, please proudly display these posters in areas
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 retainingSuyounger
Mo Tugeneration
$4,000 scholarships for children
Company who will be or are
28 29
We Th Fr Sa Access to intern
Compensation Reports, Mergers
and entry-level withGrowth, Becoming
a parent employed by a a Digital attending a two-year or more
30 31 employees 1 2 NIBA Distributor/Fabricator
4 5 6
3 & candidate
Driving Profitable Distributor
Company who will be or are
accredited college, university
7 8 9 10 technical school.
JUNE 2017 11 12
14 15 16 13 Growth, Becoming a Digital attending a two-year or more
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Access 18to intern
19 and entry-level 17 accredited college, university or
20 21 22 23 24 ICP handles all the materials
Distributor Webinars
technical improve Distributor
1 2 3 candidate
25 database
26 27 28 29 30
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 you need to talk about careers business performance

for your employees to see what is available to them through your NIBA membership. If
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 JULY 2017 in industrial
Webinars to improve Distributor
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ICP handles
Su Moall the
Tu materials
We Th Fr Sa distribution;
business performance Engages Congress on behalf
25 26 27 28 29 30 you need to talk about careers of the
1 flyers, give-a- industry to positively affect
in industrial 3 4 5 6 7 8 the
JULY 2017 9 10 11 12 13 14
ways, postcards
Engages Congress on behalf of the outcome of legislation
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa distribution;
16 17
18 19 20 21 22 about the
industry to positively
ICP affect the
flyers, 23

you need more copies or prefer a smaller size to distribute to your employees, please
1 24 25 26
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 30 31
27 28 29 Job Board,
outcome of legislation
etc. Check out updated
ways, postcards
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Legislative Issue Independent coalition of trade
16 17 18 19 about the ICP AUGUST and
20 21 22 2017 Check out updated Briefs for updates professional associations that
23 24 25 26 Job Board,
Su Moetc. Tu We Th Fr Independent share
30 31
27 28 29
1 2
Sa Legislative Issue on significantcoalition of trade and a common concern for the future
3 4 5 professional associations that share of
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Briefs for updates issues small business
AUGUST 2017 a common concern for the future of

contact the NIBA office: / 414-389-8606.

13 14 15 16
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 20 21
17 18 19 on significant
22 23 24 25 26 issues small business Consolidate the strength and
1 2 3 4 5 27 28 29 Weekly Economic Report
30 31
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 maximize the influence of business
Targeting Manufacturing
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 SEPTEMBER 2017 Consolidate the strength and on Federal legislative and regulatory
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 maximize the influence of business
27 28 29 30
Mo Tu Report
We Th Fr Sa Regular Newsletter Detailing policy issues of importance to
31 the
Targeting Manufacturing 1 2 on Federal legislative and regulatory entire small business community
3 4 5 6 7 8
Significant Legal Matters Related
9 policy issues of importance to the
SEPTEMBER 2017 10 11 12 13 14 15 to Manufacturing
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Regular
17 Newsletter
18 19 Detailing
20 21 22 23 entire small business community Disseminate information on the
1 2 24 25 Legal
Significant 26 Matters
27 28Related Concentrated program focused
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
29 30 Congressional Voting Records on impact of public policy on small
to Manufacturing and the wholesaleinformation
Disseminate distributiononindustry
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Advocacy Details business
OCTOBER 2017 Concentrated program focused on
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Su Mo Tu We Th
impact of public policy on small
Sa Fr Variety
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Congressional
1 2 Voting
3 4 Records
5 6and 7
the wholesale distribution industry
Regular Meetings and Conferences businessof courses for different NIBA is a member of SBLC, which
8 9Details
Advocacy 10 11 12 13 14 positions within distribution
OCTOBER 2017 15 16 17
for Manufacturings Decision means your company is entitled
18 20
19 20 21 Variety of courses for different to
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 22 23 24 25 Makers NIBA is a member of SBLC, which receive all communications and
Regular 26 27 28 positions within distribution 4-day program fact
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 29 Meetings
30 31 and Conferences means your company is entitled to
8 9 March 5-8, finding results that SBLC releases
10 11 12 13 14 for Manufacturings Decision receive
15 16 17 19
18 20
19 20 21 Makers NOVEMBER 2017
Access to
4-day program 2017 heldallatcommunications and fact
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Manufacturers finding results that SBLC releases
the Information available
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa March 5-8, JW Marriott
29 30 31
Center for Legal Indianapolis in the near future on
Access 2 3 2017 held at
5 to6
7 8 9 10 11
Action Information available the NIBA website
NOVEMBER 2017 Manufacturers
12 13 14 the JW Marriott
Su Mo
15 16 17 18 in the near future on
Tu We Th Fr Sa Center
19 for
20 Legal
21 22 23 24 25
1 2 3 4 26 27 28 the NIBA website
5 6 7
Action 29 30
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 See for more
19 20
DECEMBER 2017 Technical Seminars details, or use the
21 22 23 24 25 Su Mo Tu We QR codes for instant access
Th Fr Sa to these
26 27 28 29 30 IMPORTANT See for more details, or use the
1 2 DATES Mechanical
Heavyweight Splice Training
Vulcanized and
Key Principles & Best Practices valuable membership
3 4 5 6 7 of Lightweight Belting (repeat) QR codes for instant access to these
8 9 April 4-6, 2017
DECEMBER 2017 10 11 12Technical
13 Seminars
14 15 16 Montgomery, AL October 10-11, 2017
Grand Rapids, MI valuable membership benefits. NIBA The Belting Association
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 17 and
18 Mechanical
19 6737 West Washington
Vulcanized 20 21 Principles
Key 22 23& Best PracticesKey Principles & Best Practices Street
1 2 24 25Splice 26 Track, Train, Troubleshoot
Heavyweight Training27 of Lightweight
28 29
of Lightweight Belting
Belting (repeat) for NIBA The Belting Association Suite 4210
October 10-11,30
3 Heavyweight Belting (3T)
4 5 6 7 8 9 April 4-6,
31 2017 2017 April 18-19, 2017
Montgomery, AL Grand Rapids, MI Grand Rapids, MI Tentative October 19-20, 2017 6737 West Washington Street Milwaukee, WI
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Date & Location TBD
17 18 19 Key Principles & Best Practices Suite 4210 414-389-8606
20 21 22 23 Track, Train, Troubleshoot for
of Lightweight Belting Heavyweight Belting (3T) Milwaukee, WI
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 April 18-19, 2017 |
Tentative October 19-20, 2017
31 Grand Rapids, MI Date & Location TBD 414-389-8606 |

4 Belt Line March 2017

A Publication of NIBAThe Belting Association

NIBA/PTDA Joint Industry Summit FAQs

n 2017, NIBAThe Belting Association and the Power How will each associations signature eventsNIBAs Expo
Transmission Distributors Association (PTDA) will and PTDAs MD-IDEXbe merged for this Joint Industry
be combining all thats best about the NIBA Annual Summit? Exhibitors in the combined Joint MD-IDEX/Expo
Convention and the PTDA Industry Summit into a new joint will have a double-wide booth. Every booth will have a
event. The NIBA/PTDA Joint Industry Summit will be held meeting space and a product demonstration space. The Joint
September 27-30 at The Diplomat Beach Resort in Hollywood, MD-IDEX/Expo will be open from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm with a
Fla. Volunteers from NIBA and PTDA are working to create a truly portion of the day dedicated to MD-IDEX appointments. Each
unique networking and education event for members, with much associations members have been curious about the others
more information being made available through 2017. Both signature events. This provides everyone with the opportunity
associations previewed the joint event at their 2016 meetings, to see how the other works.
generating much excitement as well as a few questions.
What will be different about this Joint Industry Summit as
Who is NIBA The Belting Association? Founded in 1927, compared to NIBAs traditional Convention? The majority of
NIBAThe Belting Association is an international-based trade the joint event parallels NIBAs traditional Convention format,
association representing 148 distributor/fabricator companies but instead of one opening keynote presentation following
and 130 additional manufacturing-based companies that the business session, there will be a series of three short
produce belting and components and supply the conveyor segments as introductions to the Deeper Dive sessions that
belting industry. Eighty percent of the members are based in will be conducted (and repeated) on Friday afternoon. The
the United States and the remaining twenty percent are found hours of the Joint MD-IDEX/Expo are almost twice as long as
in over 25 countries throughout the world. NIBAs Expo has been in the past. This allows all involved the
opportunity to participate in the pre-scheduled appointments
Who is PTDA? Founded in 1960, the Power Transmission available in the morning hours.
Distributors Association (PTDA) is a U.S.-based trade
association representing 185 power transmission/motion How many people do you expect? We anticipate
control (PT/MC) distributor firms that generate more than $16 registrations from more than 1,000 delegates (employees of
billion in sales and span 3,400 locations in the United States each associations member companies) and 200 spouses/
and 11 other countries as well as almost 190 manufacturers companions, guests and others for a total attendance of
that supply the PT/MC industry. around 1,200.

Why are NIBA and PTDA holding a joint meeting? Both With so many people, how will I be able to meet with the
associations wanted to create a meeting that would enrich people I want to see? One of the advantages of the size of the
networking opportunities, enhance educational content and Joint Industry Summit is that we will be the only event at The
reduce multiple meeting costs for members who might be Diplomat Beach Resort at that time. Every person at the hotel
attending both conferences. will be with the NIBA/PTDA Joint Industry Summit, so you can
be sure that everyone you see will be a potential connection.
Are NIBA and PTDA merging? No, the two associations are You will also be able to access the attendee list in advance to
not merging. set up a meeting time and location with those you might wish
to see outside of the Joint MD-IDEX/Expo.
Is every year going to be a NIBA/PTDA Joint Industry
Summit moving forward or will NIBA plan future joint events How will I know who is a member of each association?
with other trade associations? At this moment, the 2017 The name badges will include each attendees association
Joint Industry Summit is the only one planned. If this Joint affiliation.
Industry Summit is successful, another joint meeting might be
considered in the future. How can my company stand out as a sponsor? Sponsorship
opportunities have been designed to afford equal availability
How much of the NIBA/PTDA Joint Industry Summit will be for members from each association. Sponsorships reservations
joint versus co-located? The majority of the functions of will be accepted beginning on March 1, 2017, at 10:00 am
the event will be attended by members of both associations. Central.
This includes all of the networking events as well as the IML
(Inspire. Motivate. Lead.) Talks and Deeper Dives. Each Hotel reservations may now be made at The Diplomat Beach
association will host its own governance meetings (including Resort. Visit for more
the annual business meetings) and the first timer/new member information and to reserve your room now. Registration for the
receptions. NIBA/PTDA Joint Industry Summit will open May 1, 2017.

Belt Line March 2017 5

A Publication of NIBAThe Belting Association

How to Select Conveyor Belt

By Al Bonneau, Fenner Dunlop Engineered Conveyor Solutions

1. Maximum Operating Tension

2. Cover Requirements
3. Troughability &Transverse Rigidity
4. Load Support
5. Minimum Pulley Diameters
6. Impact Rating

Refer to Belt manufacturers brochures for guidelines on the

items listed above.

Maximum Operating Tension = (PIW):

electing the proper conveyor belt for todays challeng- Maximum operating tension is characterized in terms of
ing industrial needs has become much easier with the pounds per inch of width and should closely match the manu-
help of modern software. Computer programs, such as facturers PIW rating for working strength of the belt under
Belt Wizard and Belt Analyst have been designed so system consideration.
information can be entered to produce a quick and accurate
belt calculation. These programs use CEMA standards in ad- Example; a 2ply/220 has two layers of a 110 lb. fabric with a
dition to belt manufacturers data to design the best solution.
Since similar conveyor belts are used in a wide variety of
conditions, an extensive range of criteria must be evaluated
to avoid potentially costly mistakes! The use of both CEMA
and manufacturers recommendations must be considered to
ensure the best possible service life and return on investment
for conveying systems.

10:1 safety factor which produces 2,200 pounds per inch of

tensile strength. The (Te) Effective Tension can be derived from
knowledge of motor horsepower and belt speed as follows:

Conveyor Belt Selection Example:

The selection of proper conveyor belt construction is based on An operator needs to replace a 48 belt operating at 400 feet
very specific conveyor design elements. Each conveyor sys- per minute using a 500 hp motor to convey gravel from a
tems unique criteria must be studied. This will result in offer- crusher to waiting barges 750 feet away. The drive pulley is
ing the best possible match for ultimate serviceability. Some lagged and the wrap angle is 210 degrees (as is typical with a
belt calculation methods, such as horsepower calculations, snub pulley installation) and the conveyor employs an auto-
can offer a quick estimate on effective tensions of a system. matic TU (Take Up). Select a belt based on these criteria.
However, that does not provide enough information to create Answer: The wrap factor, Cw is 0.38 based on the informa-
a properly engineered assessment. There are many other tion provided. Therefore the Maximum Operating Tension is
influences that affect the overall system and the subsequent (33,000 x (1 + 0.38) x 500)/(400 x 48) or 1,186 Pounds per
belt design. Taking all of these conditions into consideration Inch Width (PIW). The application is above ground and falls
will allow for the best belt construction to be chosen. The fol- within the tension rating for standard belt. The abrasiveness of
lowing information needs to be considered when selecting the the material warrants a 1/4 inch top cover, 3/32 inch bottom
correct conveyor belt. cover using the grade II compound. The length of the belt will
be dictated by the existing conveyor.

How to Select Conveyor Belt continued on next page

6 Belt Line March 2017
A Publication of NIBAThe Belting Association

How to Select Conveyor Belt continued from previous page

Covers: angle and weight of materials being conveyed.

Selecting the correct cover compound and thickness greatly Without the proper stiffness to support the load, a belt can be
depends on several factors, such as the type, size and tem- drawn into the idler cap. This
perature of material being conveyed. Other consideration for
environment and government regulations must be met. The reaction will create idler junction failure, causing the belt
chart below offers recommended guidelines regarding appro- to separate between plies
priate cover gauges based on known abrasive materials. throughout the length of belt.
Consult the belt manufactur-
ers guidelines for proper load
support per belt specifica-
tions. It is important to know
the density of materials when
referencing this information.

Minimum Pulley Diameter:

Select the cover thickness based on the type of material to be
The minimum pulley di-
ameter is the next primary
Troughability, Transverse Rigidity: consideration in selecting the
proper conveyor belt. It is most important to know all the
Transverse Flexibility is another pulley sizes that the belt will wrap around under tension. For
very important characteristic example, a greater numbers of plies requires a larger pulley
that should be considered when Incorrect diameter to accommodate the increased fabric stiffness to
selecting a suitable conveyor flex the combined plies correctly. The inter ply will compress
belt. The belt will need to make and the outer ply will stretch. If the pulley is too small to al-
acceptable contact with all three low the plies to flex properly, it will lead to ply separation for
canisters of the troughing idler Correct multi ply belts.
while empty. A higher PIW
rating or an increase in the number of plies will create a Impact Rating:
more rigid belt that will not be functional in narrow widths.
The impact of materials based on weight, size and drop
Consult belt manufacturers guideline for recommended
height dictates what type of carcass and cover rubber to use
troughability for maximum and minimum widths.
in a specific application. Belt manufacturers offer a variety
Load Support: of carcass designs and rubber compounds to help reduce the
amount of damage found in challenging applications such as
Load Support is primary and secondary crusher applications. Consult your
defined as how belting manufacturer for the best possible solution available.
well a belt re-
sponds to the Check with your conveyor belt manufacturer to receive
degree of trough guidance on selecting the proper conveyor belt to ensure the
safest, longest lasting solution.

Welcome New Members!

J R Swartwout NIPL Engineering R.J. Tricon Co., LLC
Affiliate Component Manufacturer Distributor/Fabricator
Primary Contact: Jim Swartwout Primary Contact: Rohan Prabhaker Primary Contact: Eric Groh
521 N. Irena AV 90 Pantheon Rd 908 Shrewsbury Rd
Suite B Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600008 India New Orleans, LA 70121 United States
Redondo Beach, CA 90277 USA Phone: +91 44 4214-5017 Phone: 504-836-0573
Phone: 310-722-6303
Email: Email: Email:

Belt Line March 2017 7

A Publication of NIBAThe Belting Association

Your Support Continues to Enhance the Scholarship Program

By the Products & Services Committee Scholarship Committee
Scholarship 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Memorial 6 awarded at 9 awarded at 12 awarded at 12 awarded at 12 awarded at 10 awarded at
$1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $2,000 $2,000

Presidential 2 awarded at 3 awarded at 6 awarded at 6 awarded at 6 awarded at 6 awarded at

$4,000 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000
Total Number Awarded 8 12 18 18 18 16
Total Value Awarded $17,000 $25,500 $42,000 $42,000 $48,000 $44,000

enerosity to benefit the welfare of others is a readily accepted precept of NIBA Companies and their employees. For
years, contributions to the NIBA Scholarship fund have flowed into the organization and right back out to centers of
higher learning for the benefit of the next generation of entrepreneurs, health care providers, teachers, scientists and
leaders. The quality of the applicants applying for our scholarships is matched only by the willingness of NIBA members to
give to the cause.

NIBAs Products & Services Committee is tasked each year with awarding the scholarship funds to eligible and worthy
applicants. The accomplishments past, and goals of the future for our applicants truly honor the awards they receive.

To continue this worthwhile program, fundraising programs are in

place to recognize contributors annually & cumulatively
Annual Go For The Gold Program: Presidents Club Program:
This program recognizes companies who The Presidents Club program recognizes cumulative
contribute to the scholarship fund at one donations to the scholarship funds including the Go For the
of three levels Gold and the purchase of raffle tickets. Once cumulative
donations reach $1,500, the member company will be
Contributing companies are recognized inducted into the Presidents Club, and have the opportunity
at the Annual Convention, and in the Belt to reach one of three Gem levels.
Line. They also receive a Go for the Gold
ribbon with name badges for all company Level Cumulative Contribution
representatives at the convention. (See Diamond Level Cumulatively $7,500+
page 11 for 2017 Go for the Gold
companies.) Emerald Level Cumulatively $5,000 7,499
Ruby Level Cumulatively $2,500 4,999
Level Contribution That Year
Presidents Club members are recognized in the Belt Line, on
Gold Level $800+ NIBAs website and at our Convention. You will also receive
Silver Level $400-799 gems on your name badges at the convention.
Bronze Level Up to $399

For more information, or to contribute to the scholarship funds,

contact the NIBA office at 414-389-8606. Thank you for your support.

8 Belt Line March 2017

Realize Your Dreams...
A Publication of NIBAThe Belting Association

Realize your Dreams...

Apply now for the
available NIBA scholarships:
Memorial Scholarship
(eight scholarships available; $2,000 each)
Winners Announced in April!

Presidential Scholarship
(five scholarships available; $4,000 each)
Application due May 1

As member of NIBA
of NIBA The The Belting
Belting Association,
we are pleased
pleased to offer
to offer you
you and and
your your the
children children
the opportunity
opportunity to one
to apply for apply for one
of three of two differ-
different from NIBA.
scholarships from from
scholarships NIBA.NIBA.
All two scholar-
All threehave
scholarships been
scholarships beenbeen
have to honor
established the
memory the memory
honor theofmemory of past officers,
past officers, directors,
of pastdirectors,
officers, and
and committee
directors, and members
members for their strong
for their
committee strong
leadership and dedication to the NIBA
for their strongand dedication
leadership to andthe
organization. Eligibility criteria varies per
NIBA organization.
dedication to the NIBA Eligibility
scholarship, but many are looking for
applicants by
Eligibility scholarship,
a historyvaries butbymany
of active are
but many forareapplicants
looking with
for a history
in school, community, and/or church, especially of
a leadership
in history participation
NIBA in school, communi-
scholarships in school,
us toand/or
ty, honor these
community, past influential
and/or church,members
especially by in
in leadership
leadership scholarship
NIBAroles. opportunities
scholarships to individuals
allow us toallow
NIBA scholarships who
want to continue to make a difference in the lives of others
these past influential
us to honor these pastmembers
influential bymembers
with which they have contact.
scholarship opportunities
awarding scholarship to individuals
opportunities who want
to individuals
See continue
want totocontinue
eligibilitymake a difference
to at
criteria make in the
a difference in the
lives of others with which they have contact.

For Details and to Apply Online visit:
For Details and
Application information visit:
Belt Line March 2017 9
A Publication of NIBAThe Belting Association

2017 NIBA Scholarships Available Now

By Bo Fisher, 2017-18 Products & Services Committee Scholarship Sub-Chair, Maxi-Lift Inc

ear after Year, family members from NIBA companies Memorial Applicants will be graded on involvement in com-
are rewarded with financial scholarships thanks to the munity, church or school service. Leadership roles are also
generous support of NIBA member companies, and the highly valued. A well-written essay is key to success in the
individuals they employ. 2017 is no exception, featuring a to- application process. This scholarship is open to children of
tal of thirteen scholarships for eligible candidates to help offset all NIBA members. Applications may be submitted online at
the costs of college education.

Presidential Scholarships Rubber Ron Scholarships

The NIBA Presidential Scholarship gives five awards valued The Rubber Ron Roalson Attention NIBA Delegate
at $4,000 each to deserving candidates pursuing their edu- scholarship honors the
cational goals at a two or four year college or university. This memory of a great friend to This benefit is for all your
scholarship is named in honor of the NIBA past Presidents NIBA thanks to the gen- employees. Please pass
who have dedicated so much time and energy building NIBA erosity of his family. This the information on the
into the great organization it is. scholarship is awarded to next page along to your
selected participants in H.R. department and po
Applicants will be assessed on academics, leadership, com- st
NIBAs continuing educa- it in a prominent place for
munity and volunteer service and the all- important essay. tion program for Heavy your staff on the floor.
This scholarship is open to children of Distributor/Fabricator Weight belting.
members. The application can be submitted online at www. Be sure to promote the Thank You!
NIBA Scholarships to your
Memorial Scholarships staff as one of the great
NIBAs Memorial Scholarship awards eight scholarships valued benefits of our organization. If you have questions, please
at $2,000 each in memory of NIBA members for their dedica- contact the NIBA office at 414-389-8606 or visit
tion to the organization. Candidates should be attending/plan- for more information.
ning to attend a two or four-year college or university.


Vulcanized and Mechanical
Heavyweight Splice Training

April 4-6, 2017 | Montgomery, AL
Do you have sales or belt shop personnel in need of maximizing their conveyor belt
splicing knowledge?
Are you a conveyor operator who wants to optimize conveyor belt splicing?
NIBA has the solution for you with this splice training seminar.
Over three days, participants will be empowered to make the correct splicing choice
as well as gain valuable installation knowledge through this hands-on, interactive Go to
seminar. Sales personnel will gain equity with their accounts. Belt shop technicians
will gain value with their service. And operators will prolong belt life and minimize
maintenance concerns.
Plan now for your employees
Mike Cremeens, Almex Group Dick McConnell, Flexco to attend this Heavyweight
Dell Gutknecht, Gary Dech, Almex Group training opportunity.
Reichel-Korfmann Co Inc

10 Belt Line March 2017

A Publication of NIBAThe Belting Association

Go for the Gold!

The following companies have contributed to the NIBA
Scholarship fund in 2017 Please support these companies
for their generosity in support of NIBAs scholarship fund!

Gold Sponsors Silver Sponsors Bronze Sponsors

(Contribution of $800 or more) (Contribution between $400-$799) (Contribution of $399 or below)

AccuPad Inc Accurate Industrial Inc. Aarubco Rubber Co

AFM Industries AirBoss Engineered Product Inc Applied Power Products Inc
American Biltrite All-State Belting LLC BDI Belt Network

Ammeraal Beltech Apache Inc. Belt Tech Industrial Inc

North America ASGCO - Complete Coal Control Gesellschaft fr
Conveyor Solutions Automation mbH
Belt Power LLC
Baldwin Supply Company Conveyor Belt Service Inc.
Beltservice Corporation
BEHA Innovation GmbH Depreux (COBRA America)
C B M srl
Bullitt County Belting & Supply Dunham Rubber &
Chiorino Inc Belting Corporation
Canadian Bearings Ltd
ContiTech - NAFTA Derco B V Dunlop Belting Products (Pty) Ltd
Conveyor Accessories Inc Friesens Inc-Conveying Solutions Equipment & Supply (W.I) Ltd
F. N. Sheppard & Co Gates Mectrol Corp LewisGoetz
Flexco Great Lakes Belting & Supply Corp Maxi-Lift Inc
Forbo Siegling LLC Habasit America Megadyne Group Companies

Industrial Supply Solutions Inc Midwest Rubber Mulhern Belting Inc

Service & Supply Co Nitta Corporation of Holland
Nashville Rubber &
Gasket Co Inc P R C Industrial Supply Novex Inc
Passaic Rubber Company Power & Rubber Supply Qingdao Huaxia Rubber
Quality Belt Maintenance Ltd Industry Co., Ltd.
Reichel-Korfmann Co Inc.
(QBM) Ram Belting Company Inc
Shanghai YongLi Belting Co Ltd
RGA - Rubber & Gasket Sampla Belting NA LLC-
Shaw Almex Industries Co of America A Megadyne Group Company
Scout Belting SA de CV Souhegan Wood Products Inc
Snake River Supply Inc Splawn Belting Inc
Sparks Belting Company Stroup & Son Ltd
Universal Belting Resource Virginia Carolina Belting
Vaughn Belting Company Inc VIS USA LLC
WAGENER Schwelm GmbH & Co Voss Belting & Specialty Company

See 2017 Donation Form

on the next page.

Belt Line March 2017 11

A Publication of NIBAThe Belting Association

Annual Go for the GOLD!

Each year, NIBA The Belting Association awards educational
scholarships to children of parents employed by NIBA member companies.
Show your commitment to education contribute to the NIBA Scholarship Fund today!

Annual Go for the Gold

Highlight your collective company
contributions at the Annual Convention.

Gold 2017-18 contribution of $800 or more

Each attendee will receive a gold ribbon on their

name badge, and the company name and logo
will be projected during the general session.

Silver 2017-18 contribution between $400-$799

Each attendee will receive a silver ribbon on

their name badge, and the company name will
be projected during the general session.

Bronze 2017-18 contribution up to $399

Each attendee will receive a bronze ribbon on
their name badge, and the company name will
be projected during the general session.

Donation Amount
q I would like to make a contribution of $_______ to achieve _______________ status.*
q would like to add enough to my current contribution to bring my total to $800 to reach Gold status for 2017-18.
q Ive already reached Gold status for 2017-18 but wish to additionally contribute $_______.
*Your companys cumulative contributions count towards your overall status in the Presidents Club and towards gem levels

Company Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________________

q Check coming by mail or q Please bill my credit card (information below)
Card Number: __________________________________________________________________________Exp. Date:__________
Cardholder Name:__________________________________________________________________________________________
Cardholder Signature: _______________________________________________________________________________________

NIBAThe Belting Association

6737 W. Washington St., Ste, 4210 Milwaukee, WI 53214
Phone: 414-389-8606 Fax: 414-276-7704

12 Belt Line March 2017

A Publication of NIBAThe Belting Association

NIBA/PTDA Joint Industry Summit
September 30, 2017
8:30 am - 3:00 pm

Deadline for booth reservations: Friday, June 30, 2017

NIBA The Belting Association and PTDA (Power Transmission Distributors Association) are coming
together to offer you an opportunity to network and do business across more channels, enabling
you to:

Hold one-on-one business discussions with senior management of

current and potential distributor partners

Display your product to aid in your business discussions

Meet face-to-face with multiple distributors in just a few hours

Build awareness of your products and your brands with both

NIBA and PTDA distributor members

Whether youre focused on touching base with current partners or expanding your distribution
network, invest in your business by participating in the Joint MD-IDEX/Expo.

NIBA/PTDA Joint Industry Summit | Joint MD-IDEX/Expo | September 30, 2017

Belt Line March 2017 13

A Publication of NIBAThe Belting Association

Whats the PTDA MD-IDEX? Are NIBA members allowed to schedule appointments
MD-IDEX, which is short for Manufacturer-Distributor Idea during MD-IDEX?
Exchange, is the signature formal fast-networking event held Yes. Both NIBA and PTDA members may schedule appointments
at the PTDA annual meeting. Traditionally, MD-IDEX is an with members of either association using the designated online
appointment-only event with tabletop-only product displays. scheduling software during the allotted scheduling timeframe.
Please carefully read the scheduling policies for dates, deadlines
Whats the NIBA Expo? and tutorial opportunities.
The Expo is NIBAs traditional trade show which allows product
demonstrations, booth backdrops and other marketing material Are PTDA members allowed to bring products and set
displays. up displays?
Yes. Both NIBA and PTDA members will be allowed to bring
What is the Joint MD-IDEX/Expo? products and set up displays during the Joint MD-IDEX/Expo.
In 2017, this event will blend both the MD-IDEX style of Please see the policies for what is allowed.
appointment-only fast networking with the NIBA Expo style of
traditional trade show displays. The room will be open to all How does my company secure a booth?
attendees between the hours of 8:30 am3:00 pm to browse Complete the reservation form and submit it along with payment
through all exhibits. All pre-scheduled twenty-minute MD-IDEX in full to either NIBA or PTDA. Payment must be included before a
appointments will be conducted in the morning hours between booth will be assigned. All reservations are date and time stamped
8:30 am12:00 pm. for the booth placement selection process. See the policies for
more information.
What is the Joint MD-IDEX/Expo setup?
Every registered (and paid) exhibitor will be assigned one 8 by 15 I read all of the policies and I still have a few
booth with two 6 skirted tables-one to be used for appointments questions. Who do I contact?
with distributors. Each exhibitor is allowed to decorate their Contact information for both NIBA and PTDA are included at the
booth space to meet their needs within the exhibitor guidelines bottom of the booth reservation form.
provided. Booths are assigned first-come/first-served, based on
the date and time stamp of the booth application and processed

Friday, September 29
3:30 pm-7:30 pm Exhibitor set-up/move-in
(security provided)
Saturday, September 30
6:00 am-7:30 am Exhibitor set-up/move-in
7:30 am-8:30 am Joint MD-IDEX/Expo Breakfast
8:30 am-3:00 pm Joint MD-IDEX/Expo with scheduled
appointments from 8:30 am to 12:00 pm
12:00 pm-1:00 pm Joint MD-IDEX/Expo Lunch
3:00 pm-6:00 pm Exhibitor move-out

NIBA/PTDA Joint Industry Summit | Joint MD-IDEX/Expo | September 30, 2017

14 Belt Line March 2017

A Publication of NIBAThe Belting Association

Participation Distributor scheduled appointments:
Only employees of NIBA or PTDA member companies and qualified All PTDA Distributor Members and NIBA Distributor/Fabricator
prospects can attend the NIBA/PTDA Joint Industry Summit and Members may participate in the MD-IDEX appointment scheduling
participate in the Joint MD-IDEX/Expo. All participants at the Joint process. To participate, members must be registered for the NIBA/
MD-IDEX/Expo must be registered for the NIBA/PTDA Joint Industry PTDA Joint Industry Summit and paid in full.
Summit and have an official Joint Industry Summit badge. Badges are A single MD-IDEX contact person must be provided by August 1,
non-transferable. No one under the age of 18 is allowed in the exposition 2017, for each distributor company wishing to participate in the
space at any time. MD-IDEX appointment scheduling process. This contact person
will receive the user name, password and additional information
Qualified Exhibitors needed to schedule appointments on behalf of his/her company.
PTDA Manufacturer Member Companies Distributor companies may provide more than one contact in order
PTDA Associate Member Companies*: No power transmission to access additional appointment slots and will be designated by the
product samples may be displayed. company name and a number (e.g., Company 1, Company 2).
NIBA Belting Manufacturer: A substantial portion of its business Should a distributor not wish to participate in the MD-IDEX
activity is the manufacture of conveyor and flat power transmission appointment scheduling process, notification must be provided in
belting for sale primarily to distributors/fabricators. writing to or no later than July 14,
NIBA Component Manufacturer: Is engaged in the manufacture 2017.
of material, parts, machinery, or equipment that comes in contact The online appointment scheduler will be available to distributors
with or enhances/changes belts, for sale primarily to distributors/ beginning at 10:00 am Central on August 3 and close at 5:00 pm
fabricators. Central on August 17.
NIBA Distributor/Fabricator: Qualified distributor/fabricator Exhibitor scheduled appointments:
members may participate in the Joint MD-IDEX/Expo upon Only confirmed Joint MD-IDEX/Expo exhibitors (PTDA Manufacturer
validation that 65 percent of their total sales are to distribution Members, NIBA Belting Manufacturers, NIBA Component
(not sold to end users, OEMs). To qualify, a distributor must provide Manufacturers and NIBA qualified Distributor/Fabricator members)
sales company data to an independent third-party for confidential may participate in the MD-IDEX appointment scheduling
validation. process.
NIBA Affiliate Members* An MD-IDEX contact person must be provided by August 1, 2017, for
*Exhibitors marked with an asterisk are NOT eligible to participate in MD- each exhibitor wishing to participate in the MD-IDEX appointment
IDEX scheduled appointments. scheduling process. This contact person will receive the user
name, password and additional information needed to schedule
All exhibitors must have at least one executive at the national decision- appointments. One set of appointments may be scheduled for each
making level at the Joint MD-IDEX/Expo booth during the MD-IDEX booth reserved.
Scheduled Appointment time. Should an exhibitor not wish to participate in the MD-IDEX
appointment scheduling process, notification must be provided in
MD-IDEX Scheduled Appointments writing to or no later than July 14,
MD-IDEX appointments are scheduled in advance on a first-come, first- 2017.
served basis using an online appointment scheduling software. First, The online appointment scheduler will be available beginning at
distributors are allowed to schedule appointments with exhibitors. Then, 10:00 am Central on August 29 and close at 5:00 pm Central on
exhibitors are allowed to schedule appointments with distributors in September 12.
any remaining time slots. On the day of the event, the 2017 MD-IDEX
appointment schedule is as follows: Booth Reservations and Deadlines
Joint MD-IDEX/Expo booths must be reserved by June 30, 2017, using
8:30 am-8:50 am Distributor scheduled appointment the Joint MD-IDEX/Expo Booth Reservation Form. Reservations may be
made with either NIBA or PTDA headquarters. Reservations received after
8:50 am-9:10 am Distributor scheduled appointment
June 30, 2017, will be accepted on an as-available basis and may not be
9:10 am-9:30 am Exhibitor scheduled appointment included in the pre-Joint Industry Summit promotions. Each exhibitor
may only reserve one booth space prior to the June 30, 2017, deadline.
9:30 am-9:50 am Distributor scheduled appointment Should there be unsold booth spaces on July 14, those exhibitors
indicating on their reservation form that they would like to be considered
9:50 am-10:10 am Distributor scheduled appointment
for an additional booth will be entered into a random drawing. Those
10:10 am-10:40 am Networking break selected in the random drawing for an additional booth will be notified
no scheduled appointments of the opportunity by July 14. Confirmation of the additional booth
and payment for the booth must be received by July 21 to secure the
10:40 am-11:00 am Exhibitor scheduled appointment additional booth.
11:00 am-11:20 am Distributor scheduled appointment
11:20 am-11:40 am Distributor scheduled appointment
11:40 am-12:00 pm Exhibitor scheduled appointment

NIBA/PTDA Joint Industry Summit | Joint MD-IDEX/Expo | September 30, 2017

Belt Line March 2017 15

A Publication of NIBAThe Belting Association

Policies (Continued)
Booth Cancellations Electricity/Internet/Equipment
Booth reservations cancelled in writing prior to June 30, 2017, will receive Electricity of 20 amps, power strips, extension cords, Internet service and
a full refund less a $150 administrative fee. No refunds will be made after some audio-visual equipment may be ordered through the hotel/general
June 30, 2017. service contractors. Other equipment, special carpeting and any set-up
assistance can be ordered through the general service contractor. Pricing
Booth Space Assignments and forms will be available in late July.
All booth assignments will be made after the June 30, 2017, registration
deadline. Every effort will be made to keep competitors as widely spaced Material Transport
as possible. All booth reservations will be time and date stamped as they There are multiple options for shipping materials to and from the
are received by the respective associations and will be assigned on a Joint MD-IDEX/Expo. Exhibitors with large crates or display cases are
first-come, first-served basis. Two PTDA and two NIBA representatives will required to ship through the general service contractor. The hotel will not
meet to assign booth spaces the last week of July. Each association will accept delivery of freight. Charges apply to all shipments, both to and
take turns (coin toss to determine who goes first) choosing booth spaces from, whether the hotel or general services contractors shipping services
for their respective members. Confirmations will be sent to exhibitors is used. Any shipment directly to an individuals hotel room will incur a
following this process. handling charge. Details will be provided with the exhibitor kit provided
upon confirmed booth reservation.
Booth Contents
Each booth reservation fee provides for a single 8 deep by 15 wide pipe Association Promotions
and draped space containing two 6 skirted banquet tables, five chairs and All confirmed exhibitors, regardless of association affiliation, will be
a wastebasket. Standard hotel carpeting and an identification sign will be promoted in materials provided as part of the MD-IDEX appointment
provided. scheduling process and in the Exhibitor Directory (distributed at the NIBA/
PTDA Joint Industry Summit).
Exhibitor Materials
All displays, signs and product samples must fit within the 8 by 15 booth Limits to Liability
perimeter. Nothing in the booth shall exceed 8 in height. Nothing may Neither NIBA nor PTDA shall be liable to Joint MD-IDEX/Expo
be affixed to the back or side drapes or to the table. No signs, banners or exhibitors and participants for damage or loss of property through
other corporate promotional items may be posted or distributed outside of fire, accident or any other cause.
the booth or anywhere in the hotel except as authorized as sponsorships. Neither NIBA nor PTDA shall be liable to Joint MD-IDEX/Expo
Volume on any electronic devices must be kept at reasonable levels. exhibitors or participants, their employees or guests, for personal
injury resulting in any way from the products displayed at the Joint
Permitted: MD-IDEX/Expo event. Booth exhibitor agrees to indemnify and hold
Product samples harmless NIBA and PTDA and their members, officers, directors,
Promotional items employees and contractors from all such claims.
Literature racks
Pop-up, backdrop, banner stands, portable booth or other table-top
Floor-mounted exhibit displays
Product display stands

Not permitted:
Live, running product demonstrations of any kind
Raffles, lotteries or other high value prize offers
Costumes, guest appearances or other gimmicks

Set Up and Tear Down

Set up begins at 3:30 pm on Friday, September 29. Access to the hall
is not available prior to this time.
Set up must be completed by 7:30 am on Saturday, September 30.
All booths will be inspected for compliance with Joint MD-IDEX/Expo
policies. No additional materials may be brought into the exhibition
hall after 7:30 am.
All booths must be dismantled and removed by 6:00 pm on Saturday,
September 30.

NIBAThe Belting Association Power Transmission Distributors Association (PTDA)

6737 W Washington St, Suite 4210 230 W. Monroe St, Suite 1410
Milwaukee, WI 53214 Chicago, IL 60606
+1.414.389.8606 +1.312.516.2100

NIBA/PTDA Joint Industry Summit | Joint MD-IDEX/Expo | September 30, 2017

16 Belt Line March 2017

A Publication of NIBAThe Belting Association


Reservation Form
NIBA/PTDA Joint Industry Summit
Deadline: June 30, 2017
Payment MUST be received along with this form before booth space can be assigned
Company Name Booth Placement
Booths will be assigned after June 30, 2017, on a first-come,
__________________________________________ first-served basis based on the time-stamped booth application
and payment received. NIBA & PTDA will make every effort to
Company Name Sign (exactly as it should appear on promotional materials/signage) ensure that your booth is not located next to your specified top
competitor, but cannot guarantee distance between competitors.
Single biggest competitor
Joint MD-IDEX/Expo Contact (will receive all communications and will be
listed online)
Name __________________________________________

Title ___________________________________________ Request placement next to following company

Phone __________________________________________
E-mail ___________________________________

Exhibitor Profile Information

Increase your appeal to potential distributors in target regions or market segments with your free exhibitor profile.
Information on your products, market focus and regions for expansion will be:
Sent to all NIBA & PTDA distributor members before the appointment scheduling process begins on August 3.
Published on the website.
Distributed on-site to all NIBA/PTDA Joint Industry Summit attendees.

Vertical Market Specialties

(markets your products are designed for or used in; maximum of 75 words)



Unique Products/Services
(maximum of 75 words)



Belt Line March 2017 17

A Publication of NIBAThe Belting Association

Payment MUST be received along with this form before booth space can be assigned
Product Categories Seeking to Expand Distribution Network?
Please provide your product category(ies): o YES o NO
Power Transmission Products Belting & Conveyor Products If yes, select target regions: (check all that apply)
o Adjustable/Variable Speed Drives o Lightweight Conveyor Belt North America
o Bearings o Heavyweight Conveyor Belt
o US (all regions) o Canada (all regions)
o Belt Drives o Plastic Modular Belting/Sprockets
o US-Northeast o Canada-East
o Chain Drives o Wire Belting (CT,DE,MA,MD,ME,NH,NJ,NY,PA,RI,VT) (Quebec, Maritimes)
o Clutches & Brakes o Nylon Core Belting o US-Southeast o Canada-Ontario
o Motor/Motion Control o Timing Belts/V-Belts (AL,DC,FL,GA,KY,MS,NC,SC,TN,VA,WV)
o Canada-Central
o Conveyors & Material Handling o Urethane Round/Flat Belt o US-Midwest (Prairies)
Components o Urethane Steel/Kevlar Timing Belts (IA,IL,IN,KS,MI,MN,MO,ND,NE,OH,SD,WI)
o Canada-West
o Shaft Couplings & U-Joints o Mechanical Fasteners (Belt Lacing) o US-Southwest (AR,LA,NM,OK,TX) (BC, Alberta)
o Hydraulics & Pneumatics o Monolithic Belting o US-Northwest (AK,ID,MT,OR,WA)
o Gearing o Conveyor Systems o US-West (AZ,CA,CO,HI,NV,UT,WY) o Mexico
o Motors o Value Added Belting (Cleats,
Outside North America
o Industrial Specialty Chemicals V-guides, Sidewalls)
o Linear Motion Components o Plastic & Steel Table Top Chain o Central America o Africa
o Pumps o Hydraulic Hose and Fittings o South America o Asia-China
o PT Accessories o Rubber Gaskets o Europe-Western o Asia-India
o Metal /Plastic Rollers o Europe-Eastern/ o Asia-Other
o Miscellaneous Products o Former Soviet Union o Australia/New Zealand

The Joint MD-IDEX/Expo fee includes: Reservation Fee US $900

Carpeted 8 by 15 booth with 8 high back and 3 high side drapes
o Joint MD-IDEX/Expo Booth Reservation Fee
Two 6 skirted tables, company identification sign, wastebasket and chairs
(one 8x15 booth)
Opportunity to participate in the online appointment scheduler where
distributors can pre-schedule appointments with exhibitors and exhibitors o I AM INTERESTED IN A SECOND BOOTH
can pre-schedule appointments with distributors I understand if there are still booth spaces available
Detailed exhibitor profile published in promotional material, in the online after the June 30, 2017, deadline, I will be placed
appointment scheduler and on-site at the NIBA/PTDA Joint Industry Summit in a random drawing and will be notified on or after
July 14, 2017, if a second booth will be available to
Promotions to all distributor members in advance of the NIBA/PTDA Joint
my company. To accept and reserve this second booth
Industry Summit
space, payment must be provided by July 21, 2017.
Free electronic mailing list of distributor attendees to promote participation
in the Joint MD-IDEX/Expo

Payment Options Return both pages of this form with your payment
no later than June 30, 2017, to:
o I have enclosed a check for US$_________
o I will pay by electronic wire transfer; please provide bank details (NIBA only) PTDA Forms will be
230 W Monroe St, Ste 1410 accepted beginning
o Charge my credit card for US$_________
Chicago, IL 60606-4703 10:00 am Central,
o Amex o MasterCard o Visa o Discover (NIBA only)
+1.312.516.2100 March 1, 2017,
Card # ____________________________________________________ Fax: +1.312.516.2101 and will be time-
Email: stamped to record
Exp. Date Security Code ________________________________________
date and time of
Cardholder Name ____________________________________________ or
receipt as long as
NIBA-The Belting Association payment is also
Signature _________________________________________________
6737 W Washington St, Ste 4210 included.
Billing Address Milwaukee, WI 53214
+1.414.389.8606 Forms are not date/
Street __________________________________________________
Fax: +1.414.276.7704 time-stamped until
City/State/Province _________________________________________ Email: payment is also
ZIP/Postal Code/Country _____________________________________ received

18 Belt Line March 2017

A Publication of NIBAThe Belting Association

NIBA/PTDA Joint Industry Summit
September 27-30, 2017
The Diplomat Beach Resort Hollywood, Florida

Deadline for sponsorship reservations: Friday, June 30, 2017

NIBA -The Belting Association and PTDA (Power Transmission Distributors Association) are joining forces to
offer you a one-time opportunity to network and do business with double the number of channel partners.
Maximize this opportunity by becoming an event sponsor!

Build your companys name recognition:

Maximize your marketing reach in front of over 1,000 decision makers
Differentiate your company from the competition
Show support for your association

As a sponsor of the NIBA/PTDA Joint Industry Summitwith expected attendance of more than 1,000
industry executives with decision-making authorityyou can capture the attention of your current and
potential customers. The NIBA/PTDA Joint Industry Summit will be attended by those seeking to expand
their businesses and enjoy personal growth through leading-edge educational sessions and interactive
networking opportunities.

All sponsorships are available to all NIBA & PTDA members and will be recognized on the NIBA/PTDA Joint
Industry Summit website and in NIBA & PTDA publications. Signage with all sponsors will be placed in the
conference registration area.
Reserve your sponsorship by June 30, 2017
to capitalize on all the benefits of a sponsorship

NIBA/PTDA Joint Industry Summit | Sponsorships | September 27- 30, 2017

Belt Line March 2017 19

A Publication of NIBAThe Belting Association

Does my sponsorship fee pay for the entire cost of the event Why are there limits on the number of sponsors for an
Im sponsoring? event? For example, ten sponsorships are being offered for
No. Sponsorship fees do not cover the entire cost of the event. The the Joint Closing Reception & Dinner.
fee helps your association offset the event costs. If there are too many sponsors, the sponsorship becomes watered
down. It becomes difficult for a company logo to stand out
What does it mean when it says there are exclusive amongst the crowd if there are too many logos in one place.
sponsorships? What if I want to sponsor that event but
dont want to be the exclusive sponsor? Is there any way to know if a sponsorship is sold before I
There is a grace period in which anyone wishing to be an exclusive send in my form?
sponsor has the opportunity to do so. Sponsorships go on sale Sold sponsorships will be updated weekly on the NIBA/PTDA Joint
March 1, 2017, 10:00 am Central. Members will have until March Industry Summit website page ( Sponsorships
31, 2017, to decide if they would like to be the exclusive sponsor are sold on a first-come/first-served basis when the sponsorship
(but act fast as it is first-come, first-served!). After March 31, the is paid in full. A list of comparable alternatives will be provided
sponsorship is no longer offered at the exclusive level. Only three should a companys first choice no longer be available.
sponsorships are offered at the exclusive level the Joint Welcome
Reception, the Joint Welcome Breakfast and the Joint IML (Inspire. Can I sponsor something thats not listed on the form?
Motivate. Lead.) Talks. These three events have traditionally been The only sponsorships available are those listed on the
the most popular to sponsor. Sponsorship Opportunities form. These sponsorships have been
reviewed and approved by each associations leadership.
I read all of the policies and still have questions. Who can I contact?
Contact information for each association is included at the bottom of the Sponsorship Application form.

The following policies govern sponsorships during events and apply to all NIBA & PTDA members:
All current NIBA & PTDA member companies will be presented with of collateral materials at a sponsored event or sponsor-provided
a program of sponsorship opportunities by March 1, 2017. signage, are not allowed.
Privileges and benefits of sponsorship (including recognition) Only golf contest sponsors will be allowed to contribute to the
as well as sponsorship fees will be outlined in the events Industrial Careers Pathway (ICP) Golf Outing goodie bag.
sponsorship program. To fully participate in the privileges and Giveaways will not be allowed on the golf course. Items must be
benefits, a deadline is set in advance. For this event, the deadline shipped to the golf course ahead of time to be included in the
is June 30, 2017. While sponsorships may still be secured once goodie bag. Sponsors will not be allowed to sit at their sponsored
the deadline has passed, there may be privileges and benefits that hole.
are no longer included. A $1,000 room drop surcharge, in addition to hotel charges, will
A company may be the exclusive sponsor of an event by (1) apply to companies that desire a hotel room drop. Only sponsors
securing the sponsorship by paying the Exclusive Sponsorship are allowed to take advantage of a room drop opportunity.
fee (if one is listed in the package) or by (2) purchasing all of the Unless otherwise specified in the description of the sponsorship,
partial sponsorship opportunities available for that event (e.g., if sponsorship does not include a speaking opportunity or
the sponsorship is offered as $250 with a limit of 5 sponsors, one distribution of material from the sponsor.
company can secure an exclusive sponsorship by purchasing all 5
slots for $1,250). Sponsorship fees are non-refundable after June 30, 2017.
Sponsorships with exclusive opportunities must be purchased by NIBA & PTDA reserve the right to:
March 31, 2017. Deny sponsorship opportunities to a vendor or business (including
members) of any event or activity that is contrary to the respective
Sponsorships will be reserved on a first-come, first-served basis associations mission and purposes or that competes with a product
beginning March 1, 2017, 10:00 am Central. Sponsorships will or service of the association.
be considered sold when the sponsorship application has
been signed and payment has been received. NIBA/PTDA cannot Decline or remove any material that it deems to be defamatory,
guarantee sponsorship selection until payment has been made. A infringes on anothers personal and property rights, or violates
list of comparable alternatives will be provided should a companys antitrust laws or other laws.
first choice no longer be available. Alter or substitute privileges and benefits of sponsorship as may
Only those sponsorship privileges stated in the events sponsorship be needed due to programmatic changes.
program are authorizedother promotions, such as distribution

NIBA/PTDA Joint Industry Summit | Sponsorships | September 27- 30, 2017

20 Belt Line March 2017

A Publication of NIBAThe Belting Association

Sponsorship Opportunities
NIBA/PTDA Joint Industry Summit
The Sponsorship Application form must also be completed and returned (with payment)
with this Sponsorship Opportunities form. Please read all materials before completing.


Cost per Total No. Additional

Sponsorship of
Sponsor Sponsors Recognition

Joint Welcome Reception Signage at function and verbal acknowledgement


$20,000 1
(Must be purchased by March 31, 2017) during Joint Opening Remarks
Joint Welcome Breakfast Signage at function and verbal acknowledgement
$15,000 1
(Must be purchased by March 31, 2017) during Joint Opening Remarks
Signage at function, verbal acknowledgement
Joint IML Talks $10,000 1 at function and the opportunity to present the
(Must be purchased by March 31, 2017)
scripted introduction of the speakers

Joint Convention Area Wi-Fi $15,000 1 Company name as password

Joint Hotel Room Keycard $5,000 2 Logo on key cards

Joint Guidebook Meeting App $5,000 1 Logo on meeting app

Joint Mobile Device Charging Station $3,000 2 Logo on charging station

Joint Welcome Reception $1,500 10 Signage at function

(Available after March 31, 2017, if no exclusive sponsor)

Joint Welcome Breakfast $1,500 10 Signage at function

(Available after March 31, 2017, if no exclusive sponsor)

Joint IML Talks $1,500 6 Signage at function

(Available after March 31, 2017, if no exclusive sponsor)

Joint Daily Email $1,500 4 Logo on daily email

Signage at function, verbal acknowledgement

Joint IML Deeper Dive Sessions $1,500 6 at function and the opportunity to present the
scripted introduction of the speakers

Joint MD-IDEX/Expo Lunch $1,500 6 Signage at function

Joint Closing Reception & Dinner $1,500 10 Signage at function

Joint Next Gen After Party $1,000 6 Signage at function

NIBA New Member Reception $750 3 Signage at function

PTDA First Timer Event $750 3 Signage at function

NIBA/PTDA Joint Industry Summit | Sponsorships | September 27- 30, 2017

Belt Line March 2017 21

A Publication of NIBAThe Belting Association

Golf Sponsorship Opportunities

As a sponsor of the ICP Golf Outing, you will be supporting Industrial Careers Pathway
(ICP) while having fun with colleagues. Sponsorships and proceeds will go directly to
Industrial Careers Pathway whose operations are funded entirely by tax-deductible
contributions from industry participants and program revenues. This sponsorship may be
tax deductible to the full amount allowed by the law.
Both PTDA and NIBA are Alliance Partners of Industrial Careers Pathway.

Industrial Careers Pathway (ICP) is industrial distributions investment in its future workforce.
Its mission is to meet the need for a skilled industrial distribution workforce, today and tomorrow.

Cost per Total No. Additional

of Recognition
Sponsorship Sponsor Sponsors
Hole in One Contest $1,500 2 Signage at the tee, option to donate to goodie bag
(one on each course)
Closest to the Pin Contest $1,000 2 Signage at the tee, option to donate to goodie bag
(one on each course)
Longest Drive Contest $1,000 2 Signage at the tee, option to donate to goodie bag
(one on each course)
Straightest Drive Contest $1,000 2 Signage at the tee, option to donate to goodie bag
(one on each course)
Longest Putt Contest $1,000 2 Signage at the tee, option to donate to goodie bag
(one on each course)
Hole Only $500 26 Signage at the tee
(13 on each course)
Breakfast before Outing $1,000 2 Signage at the function
(grab-and-go at hotel)
Lunch during Outing $1,000 2 Signage at the function
(one on each course)
Beverage Service $1,000 4 Signage at beverage stations
(two on each course)
Players Carts $1,000 2 Signage on players carts
(one sponsor for each course)

NIBA/PTDA Joint Industry Summit | Sponsorships | September 27- 30, 2017

22 Belt Line March 2017

A Publication of NIBAThe Belting Association

Sponsorship Application
NIBA/PTDA Joint Industry Summit
Deadline: June 30, 2017

Company Name

Contact Name

Contact E-mail Contact Phone Number

Sponsorship Request: Please indicate which sponsorship you are requesting by checking the box next to the
sponsorship(s) requested on the enclosed Sponsorship Opportunities form. There is no limit to the number of
sponsorships each NIBA or PTDA member may reserve. If the sponsorship you request is no longer available, you will
be contacted by NIBA or PTDAs staff regarding alternate choices.

Commitment Agreement: I have read the sponsorship policies. I understand sponsorships are awarded on a
first-come, first-served basis based on the receipt of full payment of the sponsorship fee and that sponsorships are
non-refundable after June 30, 2017.

Signature Date

Payment Information

I have enclosed a check for US$_________ I will pay by wire transfer, please send bank details (NIBA only)

Please charge US$__________ to my VISA MasterCard American Express Discover (NIBA only)

Card No.

Security Code Exp. Date

Cardholder Name

Cardholder Address

Cardholder Signature

Your sponsorship is not reserved or confirmed until signed Sponsorship Application, payment and Sponsorship
Opportunities page is received by NIBA or PTDA. Upon receipt of application and payment in full, you will receive an
e-mail confirming your sponsorship. Please return a copy of this form with payment and the Sponsorship
Opportunities page with your choices checked as soon as possible but before June 30, 2017, to NIBA at
(mailing address is 6737 W. Washington St, Ste 4210, Milwaukee, WI 53214) or PTDA at (mailing
address is 230 W. Monroe, Ste 1410, Chicago, IL 60606).

NIBA/PTDA Joint Industry Summit | Sponsorships | September 27- 30, 2017

Belt Line March 2017 23

A Publication of NIBAThe Belting Association

2017 NIBA Directory 2017 NIBA

2017 NIBA Director

hanks to all the NIBA member companies who renewed their dues in 2017,
and a warm welcome to the new members!

The NIBA Membership Committee has been hard at work making sure everyone
renewed in time for the 2017 Directory. Members will receive their printed copy in the
mail soon. Please take a moment to look over your listing and let the office know if you
have any changes for the 2018 edition.

Members can access the directory in a variety of ways -

choose the one that best fits your needs.
Visit to find:
Online Directory login to the NIBA website to access this fully searchable version of
the database. Continuously updated, this is the most up to date information available.

Export a Spreadsheet the online directory also offers the ability to download
a .xlsx version of all information in the directory.

Download the PDF the best option for viewing the directory on your tablet.

Hardcopy Directory additional copies of the directory are available for $25 each.


Key Principles & Belting Practices of
Lightweight Belting

April 18-19, 2017 | Grand Rapids, MI
NIBAs Lightweight Belting Basics Course gives new employees, or those new
to lightweight belting, the opportunity to learn the basics in a focused, two-
day setting. Attendees will learn about fabrics, weaves, types of lightweight
belts, profiles of lightweight belts, various additives, standards, and accessories
such as glides, sidewalls and cleats as well as common failures. Also, attendees
benefit from Q&A with top industry professionals. Go to
Instructors: Plan now for your employees
Steve Fournier, Apache Inc to attend this Lightweight
Mike Francis, Dunham Rubber training opportunity.
Mike VandenAkker, Sparks

24 Belt Line March 2017

A Publication of NIBAThe Belting Association

Visit to the White House to Witness the

Repeal of the Stream Protection Rule
From John Hardison, General Manager, Murray Energy/Mon Valley

n Wednesday, February 15, 2017 I received
an invitation from my employer (Murray
Energy) to attend a very important signing to
lift a crippling sanction to the mining industry. With
several years in the vulcanizing industry (over two
years as the internal conveyor and vulcanizing group
with Murray Energy) I would not have imagined that
my trade as a vulcanizer would provide me with an
opportunity to walk up the steps and enter the white

Mr. Murray has been our countrys biggest advocate

towards the preservation of the coal mining
industry and the main reason for the invite from the
president of the United States. Talking to senators,
representatives of the white house and ultimately the
president was a rare and rewarding circumstance for

My fondest memory was that of standing in the

oval office and reviewing in my mind the historical
significance of all that had transpired there
throughout our nations history. I may have been
the first to attend the white house in mine boots,
coveralls and a hard hat and if not I am going to
believe it to be so any way!

The vulcanizing craft and coal mining industry has

provided me with many opportunities professionally
and personally for my family. It is a privilege to
share a snap shot of my experience with NIBA- The
Belting Association.

John Hardison
General Manager
Murray Energy/
Mon Valley

Belt Line March 2017 25

A Publication of NIBAThe Belting Association


Do you have an item to contribute to NIBAs New Products

Member to Member News? Send your Press American Biltrite has important stock additions, new gauge
Releases to or fill out the form sizes being released, and a new addition to our skirtboard.
at We are transferring inventory of slabs to many of our US
warehouses for convenient shipping and/or pick up as
needed. We stock the most popular two gauges; 1 1/2and 2
New Facilities inches thick and now our AB 275 70 Durometer Neoprene
Nitta Corporation of America is proud to announce com- is available in 36 x 36 slabs! Due to popular demand, we
pletion of its 50,000-square-foot facility expansion, as of will also be placing our IM 75 1/8 x 48 FKM product in
February 2017. The expansion, for which groundbreaking many US locations for you as well. Our new gauge sizes
took place last March, increases the size of NCAs Suwanee, will include 1/16, 3/16, and 1/4. Watch for our product
Georgia factory by more than half, combining with the origi- release in mid-March. Stock for our new sizes will be in six
nal 85,000-square-foot section for a total of approximately warehouses in the US because no one serves the market
135,000 square feet of available space. The additional space better than American Biltrite! Introducing the newest addi-
will be utilized for increased manufacturing capacity for Nit- tion to the ultimate conveyor containment family, the IM-I66
tas PolyBelt nylon core and PolySprint finger-splice product Beveled Skirtboard. Our trusted IM-I66 skirtboard now has
lines, expansion of NCAs conveyor belt fabrication capabili- a 45 beveled edge that conforms to the troughing angle of
ties, and an elevated office area for overseeing operations the belt, maximizing protection from edge spills. This is the
throughout the facility. 15 to 20 employees will be added optimum solution for fine particle discharge management.
to NCAs staff in 2017 to fill the new production jobs this ASGCO is pleased to introduce VUL-CON Vulcanizing
will generate. Nitta Corporation of America is very excited Press. ASGCOs VUL-CON Vulcanizing Presses are light
about this expansion and what it means to the growth of the weight, durable and versatile with complete availability of
company, as well as the future of Nitta worldwide. An open coverage for all splice lengths, fabric ply or steel cord. Our
house is set for the week of July 10th, once all equipment is conveyor belt splicing presses are easy to set-up and oper-
expected to be in place and operational, and invitations will ate and easy to maintain. VUL-CON Vulcanizing Presses
be issued in the coming months to select distributors and end are made of high grade aluminum platens and beams to
users of Nitta belting products. provide maximum tensile and bending strength with mini-
mum weight. All VUL-CON Vulcanizing Presses provide
uniform temperature and pressure required to vulcanize a
wide array of conveyor belts. We manufacture to all sizes
and have a stock of the more traditional sizes used in the
industry. The harsh demands of the quarry and aggregate
industry can cause serious damage to vibratory screens. To
prevent abusive material and conditions from hindering the
productivity of quarry operations, ASGCO has expanded
the use of their Cast Urethane products to include screen
wear parts. All of our urethane wear products are cast from
our exclusive ASGCO-thane polyurethane compound with
a durometer of 80/85, along with steel backing plate for extra
added support. Screen Feed Box Liners are patterned for a
direct replacement of the current liner configuration being
used, or depending on the wear characteristics change the
layout for maximum wear life. Liners have the ability to have
Interior view of Nitta Corporation of Americas completed various sized and shaped ceramics inserted to increase the
50,000-square-foot facility expansion. longevity of the liner. Screen Side Wear Liners are boxed in
with mild steel or hard plate to prevent premature edge wear
or damage. Bolt patterns, sizes, and thicknesses are fully
customizable to increase the wear life for your operation. In
house engineered to allow for an ease in duplicity.

26 Belt Line March 2017

A Publication of NIBAThe Belting Association


New Products continued New Promotions

ASGCO Urethane Canoe Liners are engineered to absorb Rulmeca Corporation is pleased to announce the new-
impact and abrasion in all types of material transfer opera- est addition to our team. Jason Meyer has been appointed
tions. Our Urethane Canoe Liners are made from our exclu- Product Manager for Rulmeca Corporation in Wilmington,
sive urethane compound with a durometer of 80/85, along NC. Jasons experience and knowledge will help Rulmeca
with steel backing plate for extra added support. These type Corporation further support our customers in the unit han-
of liners are very effective, especially where material is being dling industry.
bulk loaded to help control leakage in and around load zone
Flexco is proud to announce the promotion of Kevin Fales to
areas. ASGCO Urethane Canoe Liners are a key solution in
Product Manager. As Product Manager, Kevin manages the
decreasing downtime and increasing production due to spill-
belt conveyor products (BCP) line, providing product devel-
age, while maintaining a safe working environment.
opment and engineering with guidance on market require-
Interroll, supplier of material handling equipment and sys- ments for both new product concepts and existing products.
tems, presented its latest lineup of hygienic, energy-saving He also leads the development of technical and promotional
solutions for the food industry to meat and poultry processing literature supporting the BCP line.
professionals at the International Production & Processing
Expo (IPPE) in Atlanta at the end of January 2017. Among
the products on display was the Interroll Drum Motor, which Newsworthy Items
helps meat and poultry processing companies avoid costly Tribute, Inc. welcomes NIBA members, Chiorino and Voss
recalls due to food contamination. Belting, into the Tribute family by investing in our flagship
product, TrulinX, aimed at the rubber product & belting
Unlike traditional gear motors and other types of motors, the distribution industry. Tribute also congratulates NIBA Mem-
Interroll Drum Motor was designed in strict accordance with bership Chair and President of Accurate Industrial, Glenn
USDA, FDA and NSF guidelines. Compatible with virtually Siemer, on a successful transition from their legacy software
every belt, the Interroll Drum Motor is simply the most hy- to TrulinX at the end of 2016. We look forward to a mutually
gienic and energy efficient belt drive on the market. productive partnership that will enhance both organizations.
For more information about TrulinX, visit or
Shingle has added Polyflex 25SCR-CT to its Polyflex line.
call 800-874-2883.
25SCR-CT is a center reinforced TPU belt with the Cone Top
profile. It is ideal for slicers and product transfers where an Hyde Industrial Blade Solutions (IBS), a leading pro-
aggressive surface is required. Shingle is re-introducing Poly- ducer of industrial blades and knives, recently received
flex 20SR Blue and 20SR-LD Blue to its very successful line ISO 9001:2015 standards certification by the International
of SR belting. Both are bottom reinforced belts to limit stretch Organization for Standardization (ISO). This certification
and decrease the COF. 20SR-LD Blue is designed for applica- recognized the companys ability to meet or exceed the most
tions where small pulleys are involved. current, world-class specifications for products, services and
systems, to ensure quality, safety and efficiency. Following an
Flexco recently announced the release of its Standard
audit by the organization across all departments including
Urethane Skirting, a welcome addition to its line of skirt-
manufacturing, purchasing, quality control and inspection,
ing systems. The new skirting provides a topclass urethane
logistics, sales, and customer service, Hyde IBS became one
sealing option to go along with existing Flexco products. The
of the first industrial blade manufacturers to achieve the new
Novitool Aero Splice Press from Flexco now offers a roller
standard. The company previously had been certified as an
fixture slider accessory to simplify positioning of the top
ISO 9001:2008 operation. ISO 9001 standards were first
press beam before and after a splice is performed.
published in 1987. This designation underscores Hydes and
its employees dedication to delivering the best products and
services day-in and day-out, stated Rob Scoble, President,
The Hyde Group. The certification also demonstrates our
ability to consistently meet customer and regulatory require-
ments while striving for constant improvements throughout
the company.

Belt Line March 2017 27

A Publication of NIBAThe Belting Association

Brendma Australia Pty Ltd would like to notify NIBA mem-
Newsworthy Items continued bers of its new trading name. Effective immediately we will
Aarubco Rubber Company Inc. a New Jersey manufacturer now be known as BMA Belting Australia. Please see the new
of specialty belting proudly celebrates 50 years doing busi- 2017 membership directory for more details.
ness. As a member of NIBA for 18 years Aarubco looks to
share its knowledge & experience as a leader in seamless Flexco is proud to announce that it has been selected as
covered beating with its membered distributors. We are a one the Best and Brightest Companies to Work For in the
second generation company with a third on board. Our suc- country by The National Association for Business Resources
cess and longevity has been the result of the talented and (NABR) for the second straight year. Flexco locations in
motivated employees that provide the highest quality product Downers Grove, Ill., Woodridge, Ill., and Grand Rapids,
in the industry. We take great pride in our staff teaming and Mich. were included in the award selection.
with our NIBA membership as we look forward to the future! Sempertrans, conveyor belt segment of Semperit Group,
Rulmeca Corporation is proud to announce the NSF/ANSI along with strategic partner Shaw Almex Industries Ltd., a
3-A 14159-1 - 2014 certification for their unit handling fam- leading provider of industrial and vulcanisation presses,
ily of motorized pulleys. Rulmeca Motorized Pulleys in 80LS, stepped up activities with a formalized agreement to operate
113LS, 138LS and 165LS assembled in Wilmington NC now the Semperit-owned entity, Sempertrans USA LLC, in Atlanta,
have the option of coming with the NSF stamp for NSF/ANSI Georgia. Sempertrans belt design and manufacturing ex-
3-A 14159-1 - 2014. Please contact us for more information pertise, enhanced by the Almex technical and infrastructure
at or 910-794-9294. knowledge and access to the North American market will be
supported by cooperation with selected distributors. Semper-
BMG Conveyor Services, a veteran leader in conveyor belt trans USA offers high-performance, heavy-duty, textile and
installation, sales and services in North, Central and South steel-reinforced conveyor belts with applications in mining,
America, has officially rebranded to Davis Industrial. Presi- steel, cement, power plants and transport. Sales represen-
dent and CEO Stephenie Davis said, In order for future tatives and application engineering strategically located
growth, we had to look longer term and develop a brand that throughout Canada, the United States, and Mexico.
we can grow into over the next few years. Davis Industrial
also launched a new website that features broader services
Do you have an item to contribute to NIBAs
for everything related to conveyors. Davis Industrial will con-
tinue providing mission critical service 24 hours a day, seven Member to Member News? Send your Press
days a week. For more information, please visit Releases to or fill out the form at

28 Belt Line March 2017

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