Heredity: What Is A Gene?

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Notes on Heredity/Genetics

The Genetic principles described by Mendel in the 1870s form the basis of modern genetics.
Although farmers and herders recognized for thousands of years that they could manipulate
the frequency and expression of traits in plants and animals, no one before Mendel could
explain how these traits were modified through selective breeding.
The predominant erroneous belief was that physical traits were the result of the blending of
traits from both parents. Even Darwin, unaware of Mendels work, believed this.
Mendel proved that many physical traits were inherited through the discrete transmission of
information, from one parent or the other, not the result of blending.

Mendel used these terms to describe the fact that one (recessive) trait in the F1 generation
was masked by the expression of the other (dominant) trait. Variations of genes at a locus are
termed alleles. Various traits such as plant height, stem length, etc. are controlled by two alleles
at one locus

1) When two copies of the same allele occur at one locus, the individual is homozygous

2) When two different alleles are paired at the same locus, the individual is heterozygous
The actual genetic makeup is called the genotype
The observed manifestation of the genotype is called the phenotype
The Punnett Square can be used to predict the proportions of F2 genotypes and phenotypes.

What is a Gene?

a. A gene is a sequence of DNA bases responsible for the synthesis of a protein.

b. Different expressions of a gene are called alleles
c. A change in the DNA sequence is called a mutation.

1. What is a gene?
2. What is heredity?
3. What is a trait?
4. Where are genes found?
5. What is genetics?
6. What is a dominate gene?
7. What is a recessive gene?
8. What is a Punnet square
9. How much heredity information do you get from your parents?
10. XX are chromosomes from?
11. XY are chromosomes from?
12. Heterozygote is?
13. Homozygote is?
14. Genotype is?
15. Phenotype is?
16. Who is Mendel?

Answers and explanation

1. Genes are hereditary information that is passed from the parents to the offspring
2. Heredity is the passing of traits from parents to offspring
3. A trait is a characteristic of something. Traits can include eye color, skin color, the ability
to roll your tongue, and etc.
4. Genes are parts of DNA which are in the nucleus
5. Genetics is the study of heredity and variation of organisms.
6. A gene for which the trait ALWAYS appears when present
7. A gene for which the trait usually only appears when there isnt any dominate gene
8. It is a tool used by scientist to predict how inherited traits will be passes from the parents
to the offspring
9. Equal amounts of information from both parents
10. XX chromosomes are from female
11. XY chromosomes are from male
12. Heterozygote is when a pair of allele is different. Example: Bb
13. Homozygote is when a pair of allele is both the same. Either both of them are recessive or
both are dominant. Example: BB; bb
14. Genotype is the genetic makeup of a cell.
15. Phenotype is the specific characteristic that is made up from the genotype.
16. Gregor Mendel was an Austrian monk who discovered the basic principles of heredity
through experiments in his gardens. Known for the father of modern genetics.

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