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3 Dvar Malchus
HORENSTEIN GIRL 9 Parsha Thought
18 Moshiach & Hayom Yom
Shneur Zalman Berger

Nosson Avrohom

Beis Moshiach (USPS 012-542) ISSN 1082-0272

is published weekly, except Jewish holidays (only
once in April and October) for $160.00 in Crown
Heights. USA $180.00. All other places for $195.00
per year (45 issues), by Beis Moshiach, 744 Eastern
Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 11213-3409. Periodicals
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1059_bm_eng.indd 4 2017-02-28 5:23:06 AM


From Chapter Fourteen of Rabbi Shloma
Majeskis Likkutei Mekoros, Volume 2.
(Underlined text is the compilers emphasis.)
Translated by Boruch Merkur

Since Eliyahu must come before the advent of Moshiach (see Malachi, end;
Eruvin 43b; Yad HaChazaka Laws of Kings 12:2) analysis is required as to how
Bar Kochba was erroneously assumed to be Moshiach [even prior to Eliyahus
arrival]. We may assert that in the sayings of our Sages the exact day of the
coming of Eliyahu is not clear, whether it is 1) prior to the first appearance of
Moshiach, 2) before his victory in war, or 3) prior to the acceptance of his rule
by the masses, or the like. Thus, there was sufficient rationale to proclaim that
Bar Kochba was Moshiach.
(From the handwritten manuscripts of the Rebbe Shlita;
Toras Menachem, Hisvaaduyos 5710)

Issue 1059 3

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The Story of Miriam Horenstein: It was a very hard job to take away the
child from Mr. Kumala, because the latter gave us a false address, trying
to hide the child in order to prevent the possibility of her going away from
him It was clear that Mr. Kumala intended to abuse the whole matter for
the purpose of a real blackmail executed as well on us, as on the childs
family abroad The child is in good health and very satisfied of the
change of her situation * Saving a Life

his Shabbos, Parshas adopted their nephew, Yekusiel Dear Sir:
Teruma, the 6th of Yaakov Yosef Liss. All three were Referring to your cable
Adar, is the Yohrtzeit murdered in Treblinka in 1942. of 9/11 we advise you,
of Rabbi Shmaryahu These fascinating documents that Mendel and Schejna
Gurary (Rashag), the son-in- are part of the JDC Archives Horensztein are dead. Their
law of the Frierdiker Rebbe. In (which were digitized and child has managed to survive
honor of his Yohrtzeit we present uploaded online, thanks to and lives in Poland. Its
a special chapter in his postwar a grant from Dr. Georgette address is known to us.
work, in rescuing a young Jewish Bennett and Dr. Leonard Seems like some mistake
girl, a descendant of the Rebbe Polonsky CBE). occurred, and the next letter on
Maharash, from the Non-Jewish this matter clarified that the
family which adopted her during referenced child is the child of
the war.
R Shmuel Horenstein; this
This girl, named Miriam The first communication
letter was sent by Ms. Jeanette
Horenstein, was the daughter we have is a letter from Mr. D.
Robbins from the Personal
of R Shmuel Horenstein, who Guzik (JDC Warsaw) to the
Inquiry Department of the JDC in
was murdered by the Nazis in the Rashag, in which he responds
New York, to Mr. Guzik (JDC
Warsaw Ghetto in 1943. to an inquiry regarding the
Warsaw) on October 2, 1945 [25
fate of R Menachem Mendel
R Menachem Mendel Tishrei 5706]:
Horenstein, his wife Rebbetzin
Horenstein, a brother of R Rabbi S. Gourary, 770
Shaina Horenstein and their
Shmuel Horenstein, was the Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn,
adopted child, Yekusiel Yaakov
youngest son-in-law of the New York, has been in touch
Yosef Liss. This letter was sent on
Frierdiker Rebbe, he married with us in regard to Marya
September 25, 1945 [18 Tishrei
Rebbetzin Shaina. The couple Horensztein, the daughter

4 5 Adar 5777

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R Shmuel Horenstein with his father R' Moshe Horenstein

of Shmul Horensztein. A NOT LETTING until now neither the patrons

letter was received from Josef HER GO BACK wanted to give her back, nor
Kumala stating that the child wished the child to go away
is with him. Rabbi Gourary A few weeks later, on October from them. However we
would like to have Marya 29, 1945 [22 Cheshvan 5706], expect that after the receipt of
go to Palestine in order to Mr. D. Guzik and Mr. J. Gitler- the [immigration] certificate
live with an aunt there. He Barsky from the JDC offices in we will succeed in getting
is endeavoring to secure a Warsaw, report to the central JDC back the child and sending
Palestine certificate for her office that as of now, the Non- her to her family.
and has promised to let us Jewish family which adopted the
know when the issuance of girl doesnt want to give her back:
the certificate is authorized so In reply to your letter of
that we can inform you. October 2, 1945, concerning DIFFICULTY
In the meantime, we the assistance to Maria WE HAVE THE GIRL
will appreciate your doing Horenstein, we advise that she On January 5, 1946 [3 Shvat
anything you can to help the is living until now in care of 5706], the JDC offices in Warsaw
child. Rabbi Gourary wishes Josef Kumala in Cracow. The sent the following letter to the
to look after the expenses of child is under our protection JDC offices in London, detailing
her maintenance and we have and we are paying a monthly how they managed to take the
suggested that he send funds allowance to its patron for the girl back, and the difficulties they
to her addressing the money expenses of maintenance. faced. Similar letters were sent to
to her in your care. As to the question of the JDC offices in Jerusalem, and
taking off the child from their to the Rashag:
patron, we must confess that Today we sent you a

Issue 1059 5

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Chabad History

The Joint: Polish refusal to return the child The Joint announces: "We found the child"

following cable: use very draconic means, which we guess will take place
1 Marysia Horenstein such as the intervention in about a fortnight, we shall
taken away from Kumala, of the attorney and of the arrange the departure of the
living in care of Joint. constabulary authorities. child to London.
Preparing emigration. The authorities gave us their The British Embassy
Jointfund. assistance in our action, as promised us every possible
whose contents we beg to it was clear that Mr. Kumala help in securing an aircraft
ask you to notice. intended to abuse the whole place and a suitable protection
matter for the purpose of during her journey. We are
Simultaneously we notify
a real blackmail executed entirely persuaded that thanks
to you following details
as well on us, as on the to the latter circumstances,
concerning the matter: It was
childs family abroad. After the child will soon join her
a very hard job to take away
scrupulate researches we family abroad in order.
the child from Mr. Kumala,
found the trace of the child
because the latter feeling
and finally we arranged the
that we are preparing the THE PAYMENT
matter, putting the child in
emigration of the child and Over a year later, after the
care of our employee.
fearing to loose thus a very girl was safely in Israel, the
lucrative resource of income, The child is in good health
and very satisfied of the JDC office in Warsaw was in
gave us a false address, trying contact with Rashag regarding
to hide the child in order to change of her situation.
the payment that was supposed
prevent the possibility of her We already applied at our
to be paid to the Non-Jewish
going away from him. Foreign Office for a passport
family, reimbursing them for their
We were obliged to and after having received it,

6 5 Adar 5777

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common with normal office
work, on the opposite, in
very many cases it reminds an
American picture or modern
thriller, the only exception
being that we are handling
human fates, not creations of
Our slogan is the same
as of American movies
there must be a happy end
in spite of everything. The
heroes of our stories have
nothing heroic in them; they
are usually orphans, elderly
women severely experienced
by life, sometimes newly
married couples who have
still enough power to try it
once more.
Such too was the case
of Marysia Horenstein. On
February 25th 1945, i.e.
only a few weeks after the
liberation of Warsaw, when
heavy fighting with the
Germans was still going on
the western boundaries of
The Rebbe Rayatz with his son-in-law the Rashag Poland, our office in Warsaw
received the following cable
expenses during the years of the her foster parents Mr. and from New York:
war. The following letter from Mrs. Kumala who did not Please facilitate every way
September 23, 1947 [9 Tishrei want to give up the child. possible emigration Marya
5708] to Rashag discusses this They hid her and we were Horensztein, care of Josef
request: obliged to take the child away Kumala for whom British
We received your letter by the aid of all authorities Consul Warsaw authorized
of August 8th concerning available and had to assume issue Palestine Certificate,
payment for Maria officially in presence of and advise. Joindisco.
Horensteins maintenance the authorities that all the The first step was to
during the occupation and expenses connected with investigate the case. We got
want to inform you that the maintenance of the child in touch with the guardian
we had a rather extended during her stay with the of Marysia Horenstein, Mr.
correspondence in this case Kumalas will be reimbursed Kumala, and this was the
with both Mr. Ciserman story he told us:
in London and with our THE FULL STORY In 1943 it became
Headquarters in New York. apparent even to the most
The following is an article
In order to clear the matter optimistic that the fate of the
prepared for publishing in
finally we want to repeat the Jews in Warsaw Ghetto was
newspapers, which tells the story
facts connected with this case. doomed, the situation was
of this rescue. The article was
We were approached titled Marysia Horenstein A growing from bad to worse,
by several outstanding Case Story: the surviving inhabitants
personalities from abroad of the Warsaw Ghetto lived
Our work has very little in
to take Marysia away from under the constant shadow of

Issue 1059 7

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Chabad History

Distribution Committee
To: Mr. Schneerson c/o
AJDC Jerusalem.
We are glad to inform
you that finally we succeeded
to take Marysia Horenstein
from her up to date protector,
Mr. Kumala, and putting her
in care of our employee. It
was a very hard job because
Mr. Kumala feeling that we
are preparing the emigration
of the child and fearing to
lose a very lucrative resource
of income gave us a false
address, trying to hide the
child in order to prevent the
possibility of her going away
from him.
We were obliged to
use very draconic means,
such as the intervention
of the attorney and of the
constabulary. The authorities
gave us their assistance in our
action, as it was clear that Mr.
Kumala intended to abuse the
whole matter for the purpose
of blackmail executed on us
as well as on the childs family
The Joint: a peaceful resolution abroad. After scrupulate
researches we found the
death, they realized that their have extracted her. Twice the trace of the child and finally
days were counted. blackmailers have robbed us arranged the matter. The
On April 8th, a Jewish of money, gold and securities. child is in good health and
acquaintance of ours, Mrs. In order to escape suspicion very satisfied of the change of
Schnabel, came to us and we had to hide her in the her situation.
brought with her a nine years neighborhood of Warsaw and It lasted another few
old girl, Marysia Horenstein; pay for her maintenance. In months until we succeeded to
she asked us to take care of short, we have succeeded arrange the childs departure.
the girl and promised that she in overcoming all dangers Many obstacles had to be
will come back soon and bring and save G-d saved her life. overcome. We were aided
with her the money required All this demanded heavy in our work by the deep
for the girls upbringing. We expenses. conviction that we are doing
have not seen her since. A letter written by our good to someone, and thanks
Few days later the uprising office in Warsaw on January to our effort another homeless
in Warsaw Ghetto broke out 7th 1946, i.e. nearly a year Jewish child will regain his
in which probably the parents after receipt of the first New home, another Jewish family
of Marysia Horenstein and York cable, is only a very brief will be reunited. We knew we
Mrs. Schnabel lost their lives. and modest summary of the must not fail.
I do not wish to recount next chapter of the epopee.
all the dangers from which we From: American Joint

8 5 Adar 5777

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By Rabbi Heschel Greenberg 9) When translating the Torah
into Greek, the Sages made 13
changes (Megilla, 9A).
10) There are 13 musical notes
NO COINCIDENCES If the Mishkans objective was
for the reading of the Torah.
to make the world a dwelling
In the construction of place for G-d, which is the 11) The section of the Shma,
the Mishkan the portable Messianic vision, then the fact entitled VAhavta, contains 13
Sanctuaryas is recounted in that it was constructed with the instructions in it.
this weeks parsha, the Jews were contribution of 13 items dictates 12) We were commanded to
commanded to contribute their that the number 13 has a direct love G-d 13 times in the Torah.
resources to this holy project. bearing on its objective. 13) Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai
According to Rashi, there hid in a cave with his son for 13
were thirteen items that years.
constituted the bulk of their
OF THE NUMBER 13 But of all thirteens, the one
that stands out the most is the
If everything that happens is The number 13 is significant age of Bar and Bas Mitzvah (a
by Divine Providence, how much in multiple ways. Here are 13 of girl becomes Bas Mitzvah at
more so is it true with respect them culled from Talmudic and her 12th birthday which is the
to the momentous event of the Midrashic literature: beginning of her 13th year).
construction of the Mishkan. 1) 13 Attributes of Mercy.
The Mishkan cemented the 2) 13 methods of Torah
relationship between G-d and CORRELATION OF BAR
the Jewish people and was MITZVAH TO THE MISHKAN
3) 13 Principles of Faith.
emblematic of our purpose in life. There is a correlation between
We are here to create a Sanctuary 4) 13 is the gematria
the age of Bar Mitzvah and the
for G-d in our own lives, and (numerical equivalent) of the
Mishkan. The purpose of the
ultimately throughout the entire word love (Ahava).
Mishkan was to construct our
world. It is thus no wonder that 5) 13 is the gematria of the own personal sanctuaries within
the Torah dedicates almost four word one (Echad). our own hearts and bodies. The
entire sections to the details of 6) Moshe wrote 13 Torah Torah alludes to this in the words,
the construction of the Mishkan, scrolls. Make for Me a Sanctuary and I
for indeed, the entire Messianic 7) 13 expressions of praise in will dwell in them. It does not
vision, which is the realization of the Yishtabach prayer. say in it, but in them, to
G-ds purpose for the creation of 8) G-ds name is mentioned 13 teach us that G-d wants to dwell
the universe, was set into motion times in the Ten Commandments within each and every individual.
with the construction of the (more accurately, the Ten This process is achieved when we
Mishkan. Statements). reach the age of maturity at Bar

Issue 1059 9

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Mitzvah. That is when we build Torah at Mount Sinai at which HaNasi. They were responsible
our own Sanctuary, comprised time we were now a nation unto for compiling, collating, and
of the contribution of 13 years of itself and no more a nation editing the Oral Law. More
preparation and education. within a nation. specifically, it was the period of
It stands to reason that As newborns, we receive Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, who
since the Mishkan epitomizes our identity and the resources began the process of publicizing
the ideal of the Messianic Age, our soul needs to achieve our the secrets of the Torah in the
when the entire world will be one lifes goal. Similarly, when we Zohar, which, he was told by
universal Sanctuary, that it is received the Torah, it established Moshe, would eventually lead us
also connected to a Bar Mitzvah. our identity for all times, set the out of exile.
Indeed, the Messianic Age is goal and objective for the world This period, which
when the entire world will reach and gave us the Master Plan to culminated with the writing of
its state of maturity and we will implement and realize that goal. the Mishnah, was followed by the
perform our Mitzvos with total This period lasted through the seventh period of the Amoraim,
understanding and knowledge. 40-year period we sojourned in who further developed the
the desert and prepared ourselves understanding of the Mishnah,
DIVIDING HISTORY for the eventual entry into Eretz interpreted and amplified its
Yisroel. At this stage we were still teachings and demonstrated to us
INTO 13 STAGES in our infancy. how to apply Talmudic principles
The analogy of the Messianic In stage two, we entered to the changing situations. This
age to both Bar Mitzvah and into Eretz Yisroel and began period made it possible for us
the Mishkan suggests that all our education to transform the to implement the ideals of Sinai
of history, that has led us to the land into a dwelling for G-d, into an ever-changing world
Messianic Age, consists of 13 which would serve as a model and set of circumstances. This
items/stages. Each period of for what we expect to happen in empowered us to elevate the
Jewish history has contributed the Messianic Age for the entire world through the guidance of
to our maturity just as each world. Torah and pave the way to the
of the 13 years of a childs life Final Redemption.
Stage three was the period
contributes to the stage of Bar The Rabbanan Savurai and
of Kings David and Solomon
Mitzvah. One does not become the Gaonim (the eighth period)
who laid the foundation for,
Bar or Bas Mitzvah in a vacuum; put the finishing touches to the
and actually constructed, a
it requires the preparation and Talmud, making the Talmud
permanent Beis HaMikdash.
education in the preceding accessible to us. This period
thirteen years. Stage four was the period of
Babylonian exile, which produced also marked the beginning of the
Similarly, all of our history, scattering of Jews to all the far-
the Festival of Purim, when, as
in all of its 13 periods, to be flung corners of the world. The
our Sages state, we embraced
discussed, has paved the way Gaonim were the Jewish spiritual
the Torah willingly. Although it
for Moshiach. Each periods leaders who communicated with
was exile, it did advance us to the
contribution combines with the all these communities and gave
next level of preparation for the
next, because the good that weve them guidance in all matters that
accomplished is cumulative, pertained to their lives.
while the negatives of each period Stage five was the return
of the exiles to the Land of The ninth period, known
get erased with the passage of as the period of the Rishonim
time. Israel and the construction of
the Second Beis HaMikdash; (Early Commentators)
The Jewish peoples Exodus featured giants such as Rashi,
a period which produced the
from Egypt has been likened Maimonides and Nachmanides.
festival of Chanukah; a foretaste
by the prophet Yechezkel to Their contributions to Jewish
of the light of the future.
their birth. Hence the Egyptian knowledge included making the
bondage is the embryonic period Stage six, the period of
Talmud even more accessible to
of our history, and the Exodus the Tanaaim, followed the
all segments of the Jewish people
is when we entered the world. destruction of the second Beis
through their commentaries and
In truth, the Exodus was not HaMikdash and produced
codes of law. In this period, there
complete until we received the the greatest of Sages, such as
was also a significant escalation
Rabbi Akiva and Rabbi Yehudah

10 5 Adar 5777

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of the mystical teachings of The Rebbes efforts, which channeled and
the Kabbalah (that was begun
centuries earlier by Rabbi capped the efforts of all the preceding twelve
Shimon bar Yochai). periods, have brought us to the Bar Mitzvah of the entire
The 10th period, known as
Jewish people and the worlds entry into a new era of
the period of the Acharonim
(Latter Commentaries), began maturity.
roughly with the writing of the
Shulchan Aruch (Code of Jewish
The Baal Shem Tovs Judaism Torah and Mitzvos and
law) by Rabbi Yosef Karo and
teachings were then given a boost the teachings of Chassidus to
the teachings of the greatest
in the 12th period, through the every place on earth. The Rebbe,
Kabbalist, the Arizal (Rabbi
teachings of his disciples disciple, by sending shluchim-emissaries,
Yitzchak Luria Ashkenazi). The
Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, to every nook and cranny of the
Arizal introduced Kabbalah in an
known as the Alter Rebbe, who world, to promote Judaism in the
unprecedented fashion by stating
founded the Chabad movement. spirit of unconditional Ahavas
that now it is a Mitzvah to reveal
The Alter Rebbe took the seminal Yisroel, as well as through the
these teachings, as opposed to
and nascent teachings of the Baal dissemination of the Seven
the previous restrictive attitude
Shem Tov and developed them Noachide commandments to the
that prevailed.
into a cohesive and structured rest of society, and his emphasis
This period continued intellectual system, thereby on doing everything we can
until the Baal Shem Tov (the enabling this heretofore mystical, do to finally bring about the
11th period), who founded esoteric and elusive knowledge Redemption, brought us to, what
the Chassidic movement, and to penetrate even the realm the Rebbe referred to as, the very
took the dissemination of the of intellect. Moreover, these threshold of Redemption.
inner dimension of Judaism to teachings that have been digested The Rebbes efforts, which
a new high. The Baal Shem Tov and internalized into our minds channeled and capped the
reported that he had visited the have the capacity to affect the efforts of all the preceding twelve
soul of Moshiach and asked him entirety of the person, through periods, have brought us to the
when he would come. Moshiachs which it will ultimately reach and Bar Mitzvah of the entire Jewish
reply was when your fountains prepare the entire world for the people and the worlds entry into
[of Torah] will be spread to Messianic Age. a new era of maturity.
the most remote reaches of the
world. The Rebbe exhorted us to
THE THIRTEENTH PERIOD be aware of the unprecedented
The Baal Shem Tovs cloaking
The thirteenth and final stage stage we are in and to do the
his mystical teachings in short,
can be said to have commenced one Mitzvah that will finally put
pithy teachings constituted the
when the Rebbe, the seventh an end to the exile and bring
embryonic stage of this effort;
leader of Chabad, assumed the world to its fulfillment, its
the very last thrust towards the
leadership and began a massive, ultimate Bar Mitzvah.
coming of Moshiach.
all-encompassing effort to spread

Issue 1059 11

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12 5 Adar 5777

1059_bm_eng.indd 12 2017-02-28 5:23:13 AM

Both were child heroes who observed Yiddishkait
under Soviet rule. They had to deal with hostile
classmates, they learned Torah secretly, and had
to hide in times of danger. * Beis Moshiach met
with two Chazan brothers, R Chaim Meir and R
Avrohom, who explained how their family kept
strong despite all the threats, persecution, and
surveillance in communist Russia.

By Shneur Zalman Berger

Photos by Yisroel Blezovsky

he family of Rabbi and The family eventually moved spoke with two Chazan brothers,
Mrs. Aaron Chazan has to Eretz Yisroel and over the R Chaim Meir of Nachalat Har
long since been a symbol years, the story of Rabbi Aaron Chabad and R Avrohom, rav of
of heroism. They had and Mrs. Nechama Leah Chazan the Academics neighborhood and
a large family but were alone as became well-known because of director of the Chabad House
they faced off against the mighty the book Deep in the Russian Shaarei Aliya in Lud. They
Russian government which tried to Night. It is fifty years since the were both asked to respond
break them but were unsuccessful. Chazans left Russia and we to this question: How did the

Issue 1059 13

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Chazan family stay strong in school was tantamount to be

Soviet Russia? How were thirteen killed and do not transgress this.
children, raised under communist R Avrohom: My father did
oppression, able to maintain a life things completely differently
of Torah and mitzvos? How is it than his frum friends. While
that their numerous offspring go they hid everything, he did not.
in the path of Torah with some of When he rode to work on public
them rabbanim and shluchim? transportation he learned Gemara
The meeting with these two the entire time. I remember, as a
brothers took place in Shaarei young boy, that during summer
Aliya where Russian immigrants vacation, my brother Sholom
come to daven and learn. The Yaakov and I would go to work
little boy who fought for Shabbos with him. At work too we saw
observance now runs an empire him opening and learning from
of Judaism and Chassidus. a Gemara whenever he had free
R Chaim Meir Chazan time. He wasnt afraid of anyone
TRUTH VERSUS PRAVDA way and never considered giving and acted based on what he knew
in. Raising such a large family to be true. It was a miracle that
Pravda (truth in Russian) he did not end up in prison or in
with thirteen children under
is the name of the newspaper exile.
that was the official mouthpiece those miserable material and
spiritual circumstances was done Not long ago, my brother
of the communist party in the
with the power of truth. It was a Sholom Yaakov reminded me
Soviet Union. This paper, which
time when young men were afraid how every Friday our father
was anything but truthful, was
to grow a beard and my father would take us to immerse in a
known for its incitement against
had a beard. He was a genuine mikva. We lived in a suburb of
anyone who opposed communist
Chassid and did everything as it Moscow, about half an hours
ideology, including shomrei
was supposed to be done. drive from the city and every
mitzvos. Pravda wasnt just one
R Chaim Meir Chazan: Our Friday he would take us younger
paper; it had many subsidiary
parents were raised that way children (while the older ones
local and district papers that had
themselves. My father would went themselves, at a time
the same goal, but whose content
say that in the town he grew convenient for them) to the
reflected the local region it was
up in, when the Communist mikva at the Archipova shul. Who
published in.
Revolution took place, there immersed there every Friday?
When the district Pravda A few old men and R Aaron
was hardly a family that had
published a sharp article against Chazan and his young children!
all their children remain frum.
the Chazan family whose
Communist ideology swept At a certain point, he built a
children did not attend school
everyone away and only my secret mikva in our house so we
on Shabbos, a public firestorm
fathers family remained totally could immerse on Shabbos and
erupted. Despite this, the Chazan
religious. He said that many of holidays too, when traveling is
family did not cave in and
the young people in town were prohibited. In the kitchen there
Shabbos was not desecrated by
leaders the revolution in the was a small opening in the floor
its members. The brothers we
Ukraine. Despite this, my father, and with a ladder we would climb
interviewed told us about their
his brother and sister remained down into the mikva. The water
uncompromising battle as well as
faithful to Torah and mitzvos. was freezing and was changed
the fear they experienced at that
How did this happen? only once in a long while due
Because in their home they to technical difficulties, but the
R Avrohom Chazan: Our main thing is that we immersed.
parents were truly G-d fearing received an uncompromising
chinuch. My mother had a As my brother told me this,
and truth was a rock solid
similar background. Her father, I was reminded that on one of
foundation from which they did
R Zushe Friedman, proudly those Fridays my father went with
not budge. All their spiritual
fought for a Jewish chinuch for us to the office of the Chief Rabbi
battles were won because they
his children. He even said that of Moscow, Rabbi Yehuda Leib
were people of truth who did not
to send children to a communist Levin. R Levin was astounded
compromise. They went all the

14 5 Adar 5777

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by our knowledge of Gemara.
At some point he walked over
to a box nearby and took out
two new volumes of Gemara
and gave one to each of us. This
was a complete surprise for us
because we were used to thinking
a Gemara is a large crumbling
book, while the Gemaras he gave
us were new and not large. When
we went home on the train, our
father told us, Nu, open the new
Gemara and start learning.
In those insane times, when
even Chassidim and G-d fearing
people hid their Jewishness, our
father wasnt afraid to have his
children learn Gemara even in
a public place, because this was
his truth. The inner soul powers
that he operated with were
Chassidic, because he grew up The Chazan brothers looking at childhood photos
in a Chassidishe home and he
attended Tomchei Tmimim in Naftali Kravitzky ah, R Yehuda was large and famous. Word
Zhvil by Rabbi Shaul Brook. Kulasher (Botrashvili) ah, R got around among the mitzva
Avrohom Rubashkin ah, R observant people who lived in the
Leib Charatznov ah, R Henich area and many visited our sukka.
Rapoport ah, R Yisroel Konson R Chaim Meir: The four
CHAZAN HOME ah and his son-in-law, R minim were a story onto
The Chazan home was like Eliyahu Bisk, R Chaim Eliezer themselves. We would usually get
a Chabad House but it operated Gurewitz ah and his son, R them from the rabbi of Moscow,
under the watchful eyes of the Sholom Dovber, R Nosson R Levin. There was also a Jew
communist government. The Kanelsky, R Berel Rickman ah, in our area who had a pot with
Chazan brothers told of secret and R Aharon Gruzman ah one small palm which grew a
minyanim that took place in (uncle of Rabbi Monke Gruzman few lulavs a year. We would get a
the house on Shabbos. After ah). lulav from him.
the davening on Shabbos, In very down to earth terms, R Avrohom: These four
there were kiddushim where the brothers described in living minim were the only set in the
R Aaron Chazan farbrenged. color their large and famous entire area. All the frum people in
Circumcisions, weddings, and sukka: the area would come to us to say
many other events took place R Chaim Meir: We lived in a the bracha over them.
in this home that served as the private house and on the porch ***
headquarters for everything at the entrance of the house my
Jewish throughout that area. Before Pesach, the Chazan
father built a sunroof. Before home would turn into a secret
The Chazans maintained an Sukkos he would open the roof matza bakery. They baked a large
open home for many Chassidim and put on schach. Whoever quantity of matzos for Jews in the
who lived in Moscow and its wanted to fulfill the mitzva of area.
environs. They would come sitting in the sukka would come
to consult with R Chazan and R Chaim Meir: Long before
to us on Yom Tov and Chol
attend farbrengens. When I Pesach is when the matza baking
HaMoed. There were a few other
asked the Chazan brothers in our home began, which was
sukkos in the Bolshevo area, but
which Chassidim went to their run by my father. We had a
guests preferred to come to us.
home, they began enumerating machine that made the holes
R Avrohom: Our sukka in the dough, a hand operated
a long list. Some were: R

Issue 1059 15

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mechanical thing. At first we not want us to go on Shabbos.

worked during the day but when Due to pressure and
the concerns about prying eyes persecution, the secret minyan
became too much, the work in our house sometimes moved
hours were switched to late at to other locations. One Shabbos,
night. My father meticulously when we returned from one of
covered the windows so no light the secret minyanim, we saw a
would be seen. police car near our house. The
As Pesach approached, we tension was tremendous. We
worked hard. We would bake entered the house and there were
many hand matzos for us to three policemen there, speaking
eat, and some more for local to my grandmother. When my
Chassidim. This is what we father walked in, they told him
experienced at home but the that he must send his children to
work was far greater. Our father school on Shabbos. After intense
had to get special wheat that was R Avrohom Chazan pressure, my father had no choice
brought from Ukraine and he and against school on Shabbos and he sent one child to represent
supervised it until the grinding. in particular was publicized a the family, but without a briefcase
number of times, but the two or writing implements.
GRANDMOTHERS COOKIES brothers add some life and color R Avrohom: At first only the
to the legend, from their personal girls went on Shabbos, because
Shabbos in the Chazan home
recollections. the boys had to go to minyan.
was a taste of the World to Come.
R Chaim Meir: For three Due to my relatively young age, I
A secret minyan gathered in the
years, my father hid me. started going to school only in the
morning and when the davening
According to law, we had to last few years before we moved to
was over the farbrengen began.
attend school from the age of Eretz Yisroel. My teacher, being
As the brothers began talking
seven but I didnt step foot in a Christian, respected our being
about the kiddush, R Chaim
school until age ten. For a while, religious and ignored my weekly
Meir smiled and exclaimed, Ah,
there were melamdim who came absences on Shabbos, but it
my grandmothers cookies.
to the house to teach me and my wasnt enough.
He was referring to Baba
brothers. I remember R Yisroel The large number of students
Rochel, Grandmother Rochel
Olidort ah. At another time my in the school compelled the
Friedman, Mrs. Nechama Leah
father sent me to live with our principal to split the class into
Chazans mother. She lived
relative, R Yisroel Friedman, so two shifts. On Fridays, my class
to a ripe old age and after her
people would not notice a child would start learning at one in
husband passed away, and some
around who wasnt going to the afternoon and finish in the
of her children left Russia, she
school. evening. During the winter,
moved in with the Chazan family
When I turned ten, it was it was already Shabbos when
and was a second mother to the
no longer possible to hide me. school was over for the day.
children. Her special cookies
Although I knew how to read When it was candle lighting time,
regularly graced the kiddush on
Russian, my father made it I had to stop writing. At first the
clear to me that it wasnt worth teacher and students wondered
They made kiddush on wine about my strange behavior, but as
made out of raisins by R Aaron insisting on putting me in the
class appropriate for my age. time went on they picked up on
Chazan. At the family meal there the step that I would take before I
were always challos, which was Rather, I should go to first grade
where I wouldnt have to do would stop writing.
not a given in those days, and of
that much work. Emotionally, it In those years, students did
course there were divrei Torah
wasnt easy to be ten in the first not have watches and I had
and Shabbos niggunim.
grade. I began going to school to ask permission to use the
but was absent on Shabbos. At bathroom. That is when I would
A CHILDS JEWISH PRIDE a certain point, the authorities go and look at the wall clock
The Chazan familys battle caught on and began pressuring near the principals office and
against going to school in general and threatening but my father did then go back to class and stop

16 5 Adar 5777

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writing after a while. When I
left the classroom on Friday
afternoons, some kids would
snicker. I never tried to hide it,
but always proudly told the truth,
The Sabbath began and I am
a Jew and cannot write on the
There were other problems
too. During gym, there were
times you had to take off your
shirt and then everyone saw
my tzitzis and would tease me.
I remember they were woolen
tzitzis that we got through
the Israeli consulate. A few
Chassidim were able to leave
Russia in those years and in The Chazan brothers being interviewed by R Shneur Zalman Berger
order to get a visa they had to
arrange it at the Israeli consulate A LETTER TO THE REBBE BETWEEN THE PAGES OF A TANYA
in Moscow. People at the
consulate would do a lot to help R Aaron Chazan grew up in a Chassidic home and slowly became
religious Jews living in Russia involved with Lubavitch. When he lived in Russia, he had an open miracle
and so, the Chassidim who went from the Rebbe, as he later recounted:
to the consulate left with various In my place of work there was a drunk who wanted my job, whether
religious items. Before these because he thought it was easy work or because he was sure the salary was
Chassidim left Russia, they would better. He started to cause me problems in order to get me to leave. At first
leave these things with Jews in I paid him no attention, but as time went on his provocations became harder
Moscow and that is how we got to bear and really got to me.
various religious items, including One day, I told my son-in-law R Moshe Greenberg who said I should
woolen tzitzis. write a letter to the Lubavitcher Rebbe and ask for his bracha.
In Russia of those days, nobody endangered themselves by sending
THE FAMILYS GEULA letters to the Lubavitcher Rebbe. The connection with Schneersohn was
reason enough to be arrested and exiled to Siberia. My son-in-law had a
This complicated life of
solution. He said to write the letter and then place it among the pages of
Jewish pride on the one hand,
a Tanya. Chabad Chassidim in Russia believed that when you put a letter
and secretly observing mitzvos on
into a Tanya, the fundamental work of Chabad Chassidus, that the Rebbe
the other, ended in the summer
received it with his prophetic spirit.
of 1966, when the Chazan
family was given permission to I did as he said. I asked for the Rebbes bracha to get rid of the goy and
immigrate to Eretz Yisroel. put it among the pages of a Tanya. A few days later I saw the fulfillment of
the Rebbes bracha. A fire broke out in a building near our workplace and
R Avrohom: We got a
after a brief investigation, that goy was found guilty of starting the fire and
postcard with an invitation to
was sent to jail for many years.
appear at a certain office which
everyone knew was where
you got your visa. When that R Chaim Meir: This past to the yeshiva ktana in Lud.
postcard arrived we were so 27 Elul was exactly fifty years ***
excited, but my parents warned since we arrived in Eretz Yisroel. The two brothers looked at
us immediately that it was When we arrived, our father sent one another with a smile. They
forbidden to tell anyone anything. us to learn in Yeshivas Tomchei described a way of life that they
They were afraid the government Tmimim. He sent me to learn in had to live day in and day out for
would change their minds. It the yeshiva gdola in Kfar Chabad years. That was their childhood
was a tremendous simcha, a real and my younger brothers, and it is engraved deep in their
Geula. Avrohom, Yitzchok and Yaakov, souls.

Issue 1059 17

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By Rabbi Gershon Avtzon

Dear Reader shyichyeh, and his Torah is true.

This Shabbos (Parshas In this spirit, let us
Truma) falls out right before examine what the HaYom Yom prepared heart and an awareness
Zayin Adar, the birthday and teaches us about striving for truth of before Whom you stand; a
Yahrtzait of Moshe Rabbeinu. and how it affects our Avoda to passage in Chumash said with
It is a very special day as in its bring Moshiach. an awareness that it is the word
merit the Jewish nation was The HaYom Yom (27 Adar 1) of Gd; a verse of Thillim; a
saved during the time of the tells us: My father said: Truth is beneficent trait of character
miracle of Purim. The Midrash the middle path. An inclination expressed in befriending another
relates that the entire Purim to the right, to be overly stringent with affection and love.
story was predicated on a with oneself and find faults or The truth of the matter is, that
misunderstanding about the sins not in accord with the truth, to achieve this calls for great and
meaning of 7 Adar. When the evil or an inclination to the left, to intense effort, meaning simply to
villain Haman threw his infamous be overly indulgent, covering study a great deal of Torah and to
pur (lottery) to determine an ones faults or being lenient in comprehend it - each according
appropriate date for his planned demands of avoda out of self-love to his ability - and then Gd will
massacre, the lot fell on the - both these ways are false. help him be what truth demands.
month of Adar. The Rebbe adds (2 Adar 1): And finally, the Rebbe
Knowing that Moshe had Rabbeinu HaGadol the Alter records (HaYom Yom 20 Adar
passed away on 7 Adar, Haman Rebbe, set forth a program for 1) from a private conversation
rejoiced, because he considered Chassidim of striving (avoda) that he had with the Frierdike
this a propitious month for his with the mind and seeking truth, Rebbe: Avoda (translated as
destructive plot. Little did Haman to critically examine ones every service and striving) is not
know, however, that Moshes move to be certain it conforms the striving that avoda (service)
birthday was the exact same strictly with truth and comes itself be true; rather, truth itself
day, and, rather than proving through avoda, effort. is an avoda, that the fingernails
an unlucky month for the Jews, This avoda does not imply (i.e., the fingernails are part
the birth of our leader presaged - as some think, altogether of man but virtually lifeless.
a time of good fortune for our erroneously - that one must Truth is necessary not only in
people. Our holy Rebbeim - pulverize mountains and the vital elements of man, his
who are the Moshe Rabbeinu shatter boulders, turn the world thoughts, emotions, relations
of each generation - would not upside down. The absolute with others, etc. but even in the
say Tachanun on 7 Adar (Seifer truth is that any avoda, any act, all-but-redundant, the furthest
HaMinhagim Chabad). whatever it may be, is perfectly extremities) be true. Why does
Moshe Rabbeinu epitomizes satisfactory when performed with that surprise you? He saw the
the value of Emes-Truth. We all true kavana, intent: A bracha attribute of Truth, the Talmud
know the saying Moshe Emes pronounced with kavana; a word declares, and he prostrated
vToroso Emes - Moshe is true of davening as it should be, with a himself.

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The Rebbeim sacrificed a lot pushed away 50,000 people from it crystal clear that we are the
for truth. As is recorded in the becoming chassidim? generation of Moshiach and that
HaYom Yom (10 Av): Had Here is the answer: This letter we should share that message
the Rebbe not inserted the three was written after the Alter Rebbe as a special prophecy (Shoftim
words bmidas emes lYaakov was released from prison. He was 5751) and encourage everyone
(according to the attribute of imprisoned and suffered greatly to get ready for Moshiach by
Truth unto Yaakov), he would based on trumped up lies told by learning about Geula and adding
have attracted fifty thousand the opponents of Chassidus. As in acts of goodness and kindness.
more chassidim. But the Rebbe one can imagine, the Chassidim The Rebbe has publicly
demands the trait of truth. were terribly upset and the accepted the acceptance of Klal
[And that demand has been feelings of anger and revenge Yisroel of the Rebbe as Melech
perpetuated by the Rebbe of were high. The Alter Rebbe HaMoshiach, and has even
every succeeding generation. demanded that everyone be calm edited and allowed the following
In fact, after the passing of the

Rebbe Maharash in the year
5643 (1882), it was precisely
We must remain true to our special Shlichus and
that demand that determined be very open and unapologetic with the amazing
the succession as eye-
witnesses told R Saadia Liberow
and unambiguous words of our Rebbe. The Rebbe
some years later when he was a has made it crystal clear that we are the generation of
student in Tomchei Tmimim in
Moshiach and that we should share that message as a
For more than a decade, special prophecy and encourage everyone to get ready
delegations of respected for Moshiach by learning about Geula.
Chassidim entreated the two
elder sons of the Rebbe Maharash
in turn to assume the mantle of
the Lubavitch leadership. At the and to not only behave in a way statement to be printed all across
time of their fathers passing at that shows that you feel that the the world: And specifically to
the young age of 48, R Zalman opponent is greater than you, but our generation, that the acronym
Aharon was 23 years old; his to actually and truly feel that the of MiYaD alludes to the three
younger brother, R Shalom opponent of chassidus is greater periods connected to my sainted
Dovber, later to be known as than you. Such a level of truth father-in-law, the leader of our
the Rebbe Rashab, was 21. Time was very difficult for many to live generation: in the order closest to
after time, each of them insisted by. us, Moshiach (Menachem is his
that the other was more suited All the above teaches us name), Yosef Yitzchak, Dovber
to the task, and begged to be a tremendous lesson in our (the second name of the fifth
released from the repeated pleas general Avodas Hashem and Lubavitcher Rebbe).
but in vain. especially the Avoda to receive It is very easy for the Yetzer
Finally, after years without our righteous Moshiach in the Hara to come to a Chassid and
progress, an august delegation true and complete Redemption. tell him that it would be wise to
called on the elder brother, R Indeed, the preparation for conceal these words of the Rebbe
Zalman Aharon, and declared, the coming of our righteous from others. As these are very
respectfully but unequivocally: Moshiach is the most all- strong words, it may be best,
This state of affairs cannot encompassing aspect of Judaism and we would be more effective
continue; you absolutely must and includes all the other points in bringing more people to the
consent to be Rebbe. R. Zalman and details of the work of Rebbe and Chassidus, if we toned
Aharons reply was brief: I hate shlichus. down the talk about Moshiach.
falsehood; he loves truth. He has We must remain true to our We must remember all that we
to be Rebbe. And so it was.] special Shlichus and be very learned above about the Avoda
One may ask: What was so open and unapologetic with the of truth and especially, Had the
controversial and threatening amazing and clear words of our Rebbe not inserted the three
about those three words that Rebbe. The Rebbe has made words bmidas emes lYaakov

Issue 1059 19

1059_bm_eng.indd 19 2017-02-28 5:23:16 AM


(according to the attribute of Alter Rebbe at the end of chapter Moshiach. The belief of
Truth unto Yaakov), he would 1 (that Goyim only do good Chassidim about Moshiach
have attracted fifty thousand things for their own benefit). The and the identity of Moshiach is
more chassidim. But the Rebbe Rebbe responds that, in addition no secret! Now it is up to us to
demands the trait of truth. to the fact that he would never explain it to others. And always
When we go with the truth, then take out something that the Alter remember: Things that are said
we will truly be successful. Rebbe wanted in the Tanya, it is from the heart, with truth, enter
I want to add: Recently I saw too late! At this point, the Tanya the heart!
a letter of the Rebbe (dated 23 has already been translated and Rabbi Avtzon is the Rosh Yeshiva
Kislev 5733) where the Rebbe printed many times and in many of Yeshivas Lubavitch Cincinnati and a
responds to a group of Chassidim languages. At this point it would well sought after speaker and lecturer.
from Manchester that was be useless to omit anything, Recordings of his in-depth shiurim
printing the Tanya in English. rather the focus should be on on Inyanei Geula uMoshiach can be
They wanted to omit that explaining. accessed at http://www.ylcrecording.com
controversial statement of the The same is true about

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20 5 Adar 5777

1059_bm_eng.indd 20 2017-02-28 5:23:17 AM


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Selected Halachos from the
One Minute Halacha project
By HaRav Yosef Yeshaya Braun, Shlita,
Mara Dasra and member of the Badatz of Crown Heights

WHO DECIDES THE GREY It is conventionally held as or from one place to another
common practicebut not within reshus harabim (the
across the board. Should it still public domain [within or near a
The conditions of an be the standard for terms of major thoroughfare]). In a reshus
employees salary, benefits or employment? hayachid (private domain) we
work requirements may become It may be argued that we may carry unrestricted.
a matter of dispute when should take into account the However, Shlomo HaMelech
these matters were not clearly principle in halacha that states, (the king, 10th century BCE)
delineated in the original contract Ein holchin bmamon achar instituted the concept of an eiruv
of employment. Halacha states harov (we do not follow the chatzeiros (mixed [ownership of]
that these issues are often settled majority in money matters). courtyards) for carrying from
based on minhag hamedinah (the Accordingly, one of the parties one reshus hayachid to another
local custom). might wish to argue, I belong to or in a common area between
One aspect of minhag the minority that follows different neighbors. While the common
hamedinah includes matters standards. Many poskim area is fenced in, and therefore
of takana (regulation) and nevertheless maintain that in the a bona fide reshus hayachid, it
these become standard case of a contract established can be confused with a reshus
regardless of local adherence. between parties for the future, harabim, and would therefore be
But certain practices are only we include matters that are subject to restriction. Through
minhag shenaaseh meiailav (a practiced by the majority. These the takana (institution) of an
developed custom) that became practiceseven if they are not eiruv,* where the neighbors band
the common procedure only by observed by every business in the together by sharing food, they
default. In these matters too, vicinityare also considered to essentially create one inclusive
halacha follows the universal have been determined the time of domain out of their individual
minhag. Therefore, in areas of the contract. residences.
disagreement, it is considered as There are many intricate
if the rules of minhag hamedinah laws regarding the parameters of
(both those that result from such an eiruv between neighbors
legislation and those based PARAMETERS OF AN EIRUV
in a single building of separate
on universal practice) were The malacha ([one of 39 apartments, those that share a
implied in the original terms of types of prohibited] work) of common courtyard and private
employment. hotzaah (carrying) on Shabbos houses that border each other.
However, sometimes there includes carrying mereshus In a very general summary, these
arises an issue that is practiced lreshus (from one [type of are the three requirements for
only in the majority of cases. halachic] domain to another) establishing an eiruv chatzeros:

22 5 Adar 5777

1059_bm_eng.indd 22 2017-02-28 5:23:17 AM

Fenced In: Mechitzos complex rules and parameters, as [particularly] fears the word
(partitions)physical well as those of tzuras hapesach, of G-d) would refrain from
demarcations of at least ten are beyond the scope of this gazing at these images, except
tfachim (hand-breadths, a little halacha. in cases where there it brings
less than a meter in total) high toeles (purpose) to their avodas
around the eiruv zone must be A PSAK ON PORTRAITURE Hashem.
present. In areas where there is a The Gemara tells of Rav
pirtza (breach) in a wall or fence, Chazal instituted certain
Menachem ben Rav Simai
it is sometimes possible to bridge guidelines relating to appropriate
who earned the title of Benan
the gap with a tzuras hapesach reading materials on Shabbos;
shel Kdoshim (son of holy
(a doorframe) constructed in one of these restrictions is
[people]) due to his diligence
accordance with specific criteria. reading the captions under
in this particular matterhe
tzuros udyuknaos (paintings
Mixed Crowd: If the eiruv never looked at the surface of
or imagessee Halacha #99),
zone includes a non-Jewish a coin because of the image
as is brought in the Gemara
resident among two or more engraved on it. This anecdote
Shabbos. With regard to gazing
Jewish residents, sechiras reshus indicates that normal people
at the dyukna (image) itself,
(rental of territory) from the need not be scrupulous about
the Gemara continues, this is
non-Jewish residents must be this, say the commentaries.
forbidden even during the week,
arranged. Even those poskim who restrict
mishum sheneemar al tifnu el
Honestly Open: Less known gazing at all images (including
haelilim (on account of the
than the other criteria, there is a those that dont represent avoda
verse [with the Torah prohibition]
rule of accessibility on the shared zara) would allow this, since
Do not stray after idols).
properties of an eiruv zone. If the portraits on coins are so
Quoting this Gemara, commonly at hand, they would
there is a barrier of ten tfachim
Rishonim, posit a range of not be the cause of distraction
or higher between courtyards to
issurim (prohibitions); each from Torah and mitzvos.
be included, a door or a window
opinion is based on a different
of at least four by four tfachim The Magen Avraham (17th
interpretation of the pasuk
(six feet by six feet) must allow century halachic commentator)
(verse). According to some
access from one property to the states that even the poskim
authorities, this issur refers
next in order for the eiruv to be who include all images in the
specifically to portraits that were
effective. prohibition refer to contemplating
created for the purpose of avoda
*The enclosures of tzuras the image and not just looking at
zara (idol worship). Others state
hapesachconsisting of strings a picture or portrait in passing.
that the word elilim can also be
or cables hung between posts or interpreted as inanities. These
One Minute Halacha is a succinct daily
presentation on practical Halacha in video,
polesthat are erected in urban poskim state that even an image audio, and text formats, and can be accessed by
areas categorized as karmelis or visage that is meant to serve phone at 718.989.9599, by email, halacha2go@
(semi-private domain, i.e., a only for decoration is restricted gmail.com, or by WhatsApp 347.456.5665.
Rabbinically restricted area that as it causes mefaneh libo
is similar to reshus harabim) lvatalah (directing ones
are more accurately termed heart towards emptiness),
mechitzos, although they are distracting a person from
colloquially called eiruv too. their main pursuit of avodas
The food-shares in urban areas, Hashem (service of G-d).
kept in a central location on
Nevertheless, halacha
behalf of all city residents, are
concludes that pictures
usually referred to as shitufei
and portraits that are not
mevoos (associations of
meant for avoda zara are
pathways) in contrast to eiruvei
not prohibitedand indeed
chatzerosfood shares for
people commonly view (and
courtyards. Shitufei mevoos
hang) innocuous pictures
were also instituted by Shlomo
and portraits. Poskim
HaMelech and have similarities
add, however, that a yarei
to eiruvei chatzeros, but their
dvar Hashem (one who

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After leaving home and their religious lifestyle behind, thousands of
kids reach a very low place. It is here that Eli Shahapurkar meets them.
He opened a weekend home for them which provides them with a place
where they feel loved and wanted. * R Eli gave Beis Moshiach a glimpse
into what goes on behind the scenes and says that the best, most effective
approach is what the Rebbe writes about in his letter for Yud Shvat 5711,
to visit where youth, who are not yet religious, gather, and explain to
them how the Rebbe loves them exceedingly.

By Nosson Avrohom

wo articles were recently mostly from religious homes, left
published in the Israeli their families and communities After we got married, we lived
media that describe and are seeking something. They in the center of Yerushalayim
the lives of the young live lives of suffering, survival, and I saw these kids. I noticed
homeless of Yerushalayim, who live sadness, and physical hunger. that there were organizations
in cheap shanties and abandoned They seek a warm, embracing that worked with them, but the
houses and beg to pay their way. home. focus was on weekdays. I was
These articles made an impact at Five years ago, R Eli disappointed because it is on
the time, but as is often the case, Shahapurkar opened the Shabbos and Yom Tov that the
the impact faded as time went on. Bayit Cham (warm home) for kids need the most homelike
It is a painful situation in Shabbos and Yom Tov, for these warmth. When I decided to open
which hundreds of young people, unfortunate youngsters. a place for them, it was primarily
for Shabbos and Yom Tov.

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Since then, the project has People who have come to see of the founder, R Eli. R Eli
grown and expanded to all the work being done here have is the son of immigrants from
days of the week, though the been amazed, especially by the India. He lived with his family in
cherry on top is reserved for generosity of spirit of R Eli who Dimona. When I was thirteen,
Shabbos and Yom Tov. Every welcomes everyone graciously the family moved to Yavneh. For
day, and especially on weekends, without checking them out first. me, the move was traumatic,
dozens, if not hundreds, of because I was taunted by the kids
kids stop by. The house, which CHILDHOOD in the new school I went to. Kids
previously served as a house would tease me about my origin
of prayer, is located in the
WITHOUT DIRECTION and even used physical violence
center of Yerushalayim and was We cannot write about Bayit against me. What ended the cruel
adapted and designed with care. Cham without telling the story treatment was a letter that I sent

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to a popular television program at SEARCHING read chapters of it with great

that time. I wasnt sure the letter AND STARTING OUT emotion. Toward the end of
would be publicized but when it that week, I called a friend and
was, everyone became my friend The first thing that woke him suggested that he join me in a
and the bullying stopped. up from his spiritual slumber was hotel in Yerushalayim where we
the passing of his father. If that would keep Shabbos for the first
From when I was little, I
wasnt enough, a good childhood time in our lives. We wouldnt
was drawn to motorcycles. In
friend, his closest confidante, was travel by car and we would not
order to buy one, I went to work
killed in a road accident. These turn on lights. That was, more or
in the afternoon after school at
events made him think about the less, the only things I knew about
a local print shop. I learned the
meaning of life. observing Shabbos.
secrets of the business and the
manager soon promoted me to I remember the day I said We did it and I was thrilled.
a managerial position and gave to myself, what now? I dont Unfortunately, on the way back
me greater responsibilities. When lack for money, I can buy what I from Yerushalayim to my parents
I was discharged from the army like, I am sought after by people house in Yavneh, the sitra achra
I went back to the print shop in power, all the delights of this realized that it could not sit with
and was appointed manager of world are spread out before hands folded, considering my
human resources. me, and I still feel I am missing inspired state, and I got a phone
something. call from a friend who told me
Some years later, he decided
to open his own company. He left I began sinking into a that he opened a bar in Rishon
the print shop and opened a large depression. What is my purpose LTziyon and he was inviting
company in that field in Tel Aviv. in this world? Why did I come me to come and inaugurate the
Young people would come to me to this world altogether? These place that night. My friend and
and I would train them for work thoughts began to crop up after I decided to change our plans
in this field. Many customers, years in which I pushed them and drive to him. I drank a lot
who understood the importance away. of alcohol and the more I drank,
of the work we were doing with A good friend, with whom he the more I wondered why I didnt
the youth, became clients of the shared his state of mind, took feel happy; on the contrary, with
company, including big Israeli him to a Lubavitcher Chassid each cup I felt sadder.
newspapers. Sometimes, we were in Rechovot. He told me I When Eli left for his home
given projects of a nationwide can write to the Lubavitcher early in the morning, he was
scope and when we handled Rebbe through his sfarim and involved in a head-on collision.
them well, more doors were that people see blessings and He woke up in a hospital with
opened to us. At a certain point, yeshuos. I was very skeptical a team of doctors and nurses
we maintained a packing and but I had nothing to lose. In around him. They informed
distribution center, which had the letter that I opened to, the him that he was in an accident
dozens of youth working in it Rebbe wrote to keep kosher. I in which a young pedestrian
from all around the central region left the Lubavitchers home in was injured. My injuries were
of the country. amazement but unfortunately, relatively light but the person I
Despite growing up in a home I had to go through a series of hit was more seriously injured.
where faith was present, and a experiences until I discovered the I remember praying at the Aron
grandfather who ran a shul in light of Chassidus. I immersed Kodesh in the hospital that he
India, Eli was not religiously myself in reading books written recover. Boruch Hashem, he did.
observant. He had plenty of by gurus. I also attended lectures When I was discharged from
money and he lived among the and events, but I was constantly the hospital, a friend came to visit
high rollers in the Dizengoff disappointed. me who told me that he had just
towers in Tel Aviv. In the midst of all this visited 770 and he had a present
I did not know what it means searching, I myself was in an from there that would help me
to be a person with faith; nobody accident that I emerged from a lot. It was a book with some
taught me. I naively thought it intact only by a miracle. That chapters of Tanya explained by
was enough that I have a good day, and without understanding Rabbi Yekusiel Green. I read it
heart. why, I took a Thillim and went and loved it. I felt that it related
to the beach where I began to to me, that this was what I had

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been searching for. I called Rabbi
Green and bought all his books.
With every additional chapter
in Tanya that I learned, I saw
how it answered more and more
questions that I had. At that time,
a shiur in Tanya began at a shul
near my parents home.
Divine providence led Eli to
the right place. He felt that the
shiur had been started just for
him, and he was the first student
to appear at the appointed time.
Some time later, Eli met the
young man he had hit in the car
accident. The latter was happy to
meet him and told him excitedly

that he felt the accident was a
There are those who have become addicted to
message to him from heaven that
he should change his way of life. alcohol and dangerous substances. Our approach
He had become a baal tshuva.
is to strengthen them and pick them up, and then they
From one day to the next,
Chassidus peeled away from will naturally find their way out of those dark places. Our
Eli more and more layers of his place is an ingathering of the exiles; there are groups
old world, and he became a baal
tshuva. He eventually went to of punks, rockers, hooligans, and they all get together
learn in Rabbi Yitzchok Arads and respect each other. For us, all of these labels are just
Yeshivas Daas in Rechovot, and
spent four years there. Those externals; we work with the soul.
were the best years of my life,
he says. In Daas, I became a
Chassid and mekushar to the especially on the days when they is the one who thinks of the
Rebbe. most needed a listening ear, and pauper to be of assistance to
to be in the warm environment of him al taharas hakodesh, the
a normal home life. It had already fact that there are proactive
THE BIRTH OF BAYIT CHAM become too difficult to host tens activists, concerned for the
After he married, the young of young people in his home, needs of Jewish children who
couple settled in the center of and he decided to set up a place are not adjusting to the regular
Yerushalayim where he noticed that would operate mainly on educational institutions,
street youth. I always had a weekends. inspires joy.
positive approach toward young Before he set to work on My trust is strong that you
people, from when I managed realizing his dream, he wrote a and your friends and partners
the print shop. When he was letter to the Rebbe and asked for in avodas hakodesh (work
made the offer of working in a his blessing. R Eli opened to a of holiness), will do all the
youth club with dropouts, he felt clear answer: appropriate exertions to fulfill
this work was suited to him. In the responsibility that was
...Considering the
addition to the hours he spent at placed upon them to educate the
responsibility that was placed
the club, he invited boys over for children under their care and
on each and every one to be
the Shabbos and Yom Tov meals. influence them in the spirit of
of assistance to the sons and
After three years of intensive daughters of the Jewish people, Torah and mitzvos al taharas
work with this population, R Eli materially and spiritually, hakodesh. And Hashem should
realized that there was a major each according to his station grant them success in this work
lack in the work with these youth, and situation, and fortunate of responsibility, through which

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they will also merit the blessing There are those who have
of Hashem in their private become addicted to alcohol
matters... and dangerous substances. Our
What more is there to say? R approach is to strengthen them
Eli felt that the Rebbe designated and pick them up, and then they
this shlichus for him, and if he will naturally find their way out
had any doubts previously, they of those dark places. I always say
faded and disappeared. that our place is an ingathering
He made contact with some of the exiles; there are groups of
of his friends from his past who punks, rockers, hooligans, and
were men of means. They heard they all get together and respect
about his plans and were excited. each other. For us, all of these
As someone who had experience labels are just externals; we
in the world of business, I work with the soul.
prepared a business plan for the What are these kids telling
project with a detailed budget. you? How did they get to this
Within a few weeks, we found point?
a place in the center of the city, When we speak with them, or concentration deficits, active
which we fixed, scraped and it is hard not to identify with the kids who cant sit still. Instead
cleaned. Since then, the place has suffering they have experienced of finding the proper way to deal
hosted mass Shabbos meals every and are experiencing. We have with them, the existing communal
Shabbos, with good food which I teenagers who have gone through establishments pushed them out.
cook myself, along with words of things that I doubt many older These are kids with many talents.
Torah and Chassidus, and talks people have had to deal with. If It is really heartbreaking.
into the wee hours of the night. a boy or girl leaves home and Despite the disappointments,
prefers to wander the streets, scars and upheavals, these boys
PATIENCE AND LOVE it is a sign that things were so and girls have lived through, R
bad for them at home that they Eli has succeeded in producing
THAT IS THE APPROACH felt they had no choice. There success stories, returning kids
When R Eli speaks about are stories of young people who to their parental homes and even
his work, his eyes light up. It is went through terrible abuse as serving as the accompanying
obvious that he loves his work, children. There are times when parent for seven couples. We
which he describes as a life hearing their stories I find myself had a boy named Abe, who was
mission. If in the early days he tearing up. We have kids that a serious alcoholic. The first few
was a one man show, now he were thrown out of their homes times he came to us, he would
oversees a cadre of volunteers because of a minor cosmetic upset the whole atmosphere. He
who work with the youth all week change in dress, which their would act out and curse, but
long, and care for all their needs. parents considered deviations I didnt let him get to me. I sat
The street kids had no place to from the norm. him down next to me instead of
go on Shabbos and Yom Tov. The street nowadays is a throwing him out. He was in the
On those days, the clubs and jungle. There are girls getting deepest abyss, his best friends
hangouts are closed, and they involved with low characters, and were Arabs and it seemed like he
would spend the time wandering I wonder to myself if that mother had no future whatsoever.
aimlessly and going out of their or father who threw her out of the I did not let up with him.
minds in boredom, without house for some minor infraction Every time that we met when he
having a place to eat. We provide understands what they have done was sober, we would speak about
them with a home experience, to her? Many young people have G-dliness and the Rebbe. Many
with a first course, a second had their belief system shattered, times he promised to change but
course and dessert. which is very difficult to repair, it wouldnt pan out. Despite this,
One of the rules established but we work very hard on this I never despaired or gave up on
at the outset was not to judge with a lot of patience and the him. Each time he would promise
anybody. We do not deal with study of Chassidus. Yet another again to leave the streets, but he
the places where they are at. type we see is kids with attention would slip back time and again.

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After two years it finally started not make a move without writing when on weekdays he wore worn
to look like the changes he was to the Rebbe by way of the Igros out clothing. He said something
making were for real. He stopped Kodesh, and he tells of amazing amazing. He said that when he
drinking and even met a young answers. left home, he took the suit with
lady who would come to us, who him and waited for the time when
had also recovered from alcohol TO BELIEVE IN THE YOUTH he would be able to wear it again
abuse. I suggested that they think on Shabbos, and I had invited
in terms of a marriage courtship. Eli has many stories and you him This bachur married and
They argued that they didnt can see how the experiences he lives in a unit that his parents
have a penny between them, so I has had with the young folks built next-door to them. He
offered Bayit Cham in the place still keeps him pumped. He is a baal tshuva and has four
of a wedding hall and promised perfectly carries out what the children.
to cover all the costs. And that is Rebbe suggests, To try, as much
Eli told me about a couple
what happened, they got married as possible in peaceful ways,
who were stars of a news
in Bayit Cham. including places where the
program that investigated the
youth gather who are not yet
Now, that young man is phenomenon of street youth
religious, and explain to them
living in Tzfas with his wife. He in Yerushalayim. For obvious
how tremendous endearment
has fully rehabilitated himself reasons, he asked that I not
was displayed towards them
and is in the process of building mention their names. There was
constantly by the Rebbe, my
up a burgeoning business. I one young man who came to us
father-in-law, explain to them
got a call from him two months for the first time with piercings
what he demanded of them and
ago to inform me of the birth of in every possible place and he
the trust he had in them, that
their first son, and that he was was into heavy punk. Because
ultimately they will fulfill their
honoring me to be the sandek. he came from a religious home,
purpose in maintaining Judaism
When I arrived and met them, I he made fun every time someone
and spreading Torah with all the
was very overcome. I remembered said something about emuna and
energy, warmth and liveliness
good and well where he was just Torah. It was his future wife who
that the youth are capable of.
a few years ago and where he was mekarev him back to Torah.
is today. This was a complete Eli relates: We were there for them in every
transformation. When we spoke The first young man I way and when they said they
about it, he told me, You should married off came to us when we wanted to marry, we helped them
know that I had already stopped first opened the place. When I tremendously. I was the DJ at
believing in myself; it was only invited him for Shabbos I was their wedding.
your belief in me that saved my surprised when he showed up I understand that your work
life. He may not associate with in a suit and tie. I asked him has expanded far beyond the
Chabad Chassidus, but he does where he obtained this attire, weekends.

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We have expanded based

THEIR YEARNINGS on need. For example, there
The following is a letter from one of the volunteers to the members of his is an organization called Elem
community: which does incredible work with
Dear Community! young people. It works with them
every day of the week but they
Please take a moment to read the following. Despite the decades I have
are closed from Thursday until
spent in the field of education and teaching, I can divide my life into the
Sunday. We noticed that Arabs
period before my volunteer work for the organization Shabbatot vChagim
from the villages take advantage
and the period after.
of this and come to start up
There is an old Yerushalmi home in the Nachalat Shiva neighborhood with the boys and girls. When I
(near Cats Square) that is rented by a righteous man by the name of told the people in charge of the
Eli Shahapurkar, who turned it into a warm home for at-risk youth. organization about the problem,
Goodhearted women prepare tasty food that is gathered every Friday by they expressed concern about
volunteers for hot meals on Shabbos and Yom Tov. appearing racist, which is why
Im not hungry, but dont pay me any mind, Im in withdrawal, I was they didnt do anything about it.
told by the girl who came to the meal and curled up sobbing and shaking I decided to do something
under a blanket on the couch off to the side of the room. It was obvious and opened Bayit Cham starting
that the other kids who had gathered for the meal remained unmoved, from Thursday mornings. We
they were used to such sights. Some of them are homeless and sleep in serve a healthy breakfast and
abandoned homes or in public parks, and some sleep in shelters set up by provide cosmetic and design
the Department of Welfare for these kids. Some come with lifeless eyes that workshops so they will stay with
try to avoid encountering meeting the eyes of anybody else; they are just us and wont wander around in
here for some food. Other say that they are not hungry and just came for the street. There is a tremendous
the smile and hug that they can expect in this place, but many do join in the interest and I know that we saved
active discussion and the words of Torah and singing led by the volunteer many of them.
Eli came to realize that he
The familiarity that many of them have with traditional Shabbos zmiros needed a professional approach
is a clear indication that there is a significant percentage of kids from for those who were addicted to
religious homes in the house. And Your mercies should spread over Your drugs and alcohol and wanted
holy nation, sings one of the girls as she joins in the singing with closed to stop but were unable on their
eyes and a pleading voice. I would invite all of the heads of educational own. At Bayit Cham there are
institutions to see the inconsistency between the mode of dress of this girl two self-contained groups, one
and her dveikus and thirst for the living G-d. Generally, these kids choose for those addicted to drugs and
to cry out their pain and protest in the form of tattoos, piercings, bizarre one for those addicted to alcohol,
haircuts and shocking dress. who go through workshops
To give to drink those who thirst for Your kindness from the river that designed to help them overcome
flows from Eden, the song continues, and in my minds eye passes all of the their addictions. Another project
inflexibility and lack of a listening ear encountered by the ones who tried to Eli came up with is a group of
open up and talk about their struggles, the estrangement from their families, volunteers who collect the kids
the dangerous substances, and sometimes even worse that they have from the street.
endured. Sanctify them with the holiness of the Shabbos that is unified For two years now, we have
with Your Torah. Oh, to see the joy that shines from the faces of these boys been opening the Bayit every
and girls singing Shabbos songs and hearing words of Torah. Thursday while volunteers go
It seems that their rebellion is not against the Torah and against G-d, around and gather the kids and
but only against those that refused to understand them, those that refused bring them to us. Steaming soup
to accept them. The warmth, the love and sharing, that exists between these awaits them. We have a class on
different and varied kids is nothing short of amazing. Often is the time that the parsha from the perspective
I get up to prepare a plate for a boy or girl who dropped in, and on the way of Chassidus and the Rebbes
I find myself wiping away the tears so that they shouldnt notice them. I feel sichos. We also have workshops
that these are holy tears, burning, cleansing, and forcing me to rethink a to learn cooking, music and
whole different educational approach to the holy souls entrusted to my care, crafts. There are kids whom we
whether in my home or the classroom. help get accepted into various

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professional courses, after we
see that they are interested in a
certain field.
What are your tools for
success? Why are you successful
when many others have failed?
I once heard at a farbrengen
that a person asked the Rebbe,
What is your secret, why do
so many people love you? The
Rebbe said it is because he loves
them. I think this is the most
important tool. There are no
secrets here. I really love them.
I relate to them as though they
are my biological children, and
people who are loved reciprocate
that love.

I am also often asked, how
can you continue working with It seems that their rebellion is not against the Torah
them when they disappoint you and against G-d, but only against those that refused
so often? First of all, the reason
they do that is because it takes to understand them, those that refused to accept them. The
them time to believe that someone warmth, the love and sharing, that exists between these
in the adult world truly believes
in them. They have experienced different and varied kids is nothing short of amazing. Often is
so many disappointments that the time that I get up to prepare a plate for a boy or girl who
they dont readily trust anymore.
Secondly, I follow what the dropped in, and on the way I find myself wiping away tears. I
Alter Rebbe says, not to look at feel that these are holy tears, burning, cleansing, and forcing
a persons externals. When a
person errs, I know its not him me to rethink a whole different educational approach to the
but his yetzer that overcame him. holy souls entrusted to my care.
When we lived in
Yerushalayim, one time my wife
forgot her keys and she called
me from outside the door. I was incompetent. When someone take that approach.
in the middle of farbrenging with believed in him, it was the Unfortunately, these days,
a group of kids and I couldnt greatest possible tikkun. parents dont listen to their
leave. I gave the keys to one of children. There is also a problem
them and asked him to do me a THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE with children from religious
favor and give them to my wife. homes where there are strict
FOR LISTENING societal codes and there isnt
He was happy to help and when
he came back he said a line In your experience, after much room for nonconformity
which stuck with me. He said, having so many conversations and individual talents. The kids
This is the first time in my life with kids who left home, how are constantly saying, They
that someone believed in me and can this be prevented? didnt listen to me. And when
relied on me. My parents did not It all starts and ends with they feel that way, they look
believe in me. I had no doubts listening and acceptance. elsewhere for acceptance. Make
about him, but apparently when If parents knew where their no mistake about it, they go
he was younger, he made some kids would end up after being through very difficult and painful
mistakes and his parents and thrown out of their homes, I times just to be accepted; life on
others labeled him a thief or an think most of them would not the street is not fun.

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Another problem that I even invited him to come over that is within them. The problem
adversely affects these young for a talk. The computer arrived is in their consciousness which is
people is the fact that they by taxi, and sometime later he trapped in an exile formulation.
were not educated to feel a showed up as well. We talked When their awareness shifts, they
deep connection to Torah and for a long time, but I did not get start receiving the right messages
mitzvos. People today are angry with him although that and get on the right path, and
educated to operate like robots, might have been warranted. I become more successful than
in external fashion, without had pity on him and I clarified their peers.
any true understanding of why for him what his mistake was. The same applies to the
they keep the mitzvos. I talk to He apologized and told me that world at large; if you dont make
kids, and they hear from me his mother had confiscated his the effort, what you see before
that when I keep the mitzvos I computer and he was bored your eyes is exile. But if we
am connecting directly, without at home. He ended keeping a work on our consciousness, we
any intermediaries, to the Giver connection with me and even suddenly see the light of Geula
of the Torah and Creator of the began to bring his younger in the world. One of the tools
world, with a love connection, brother around. to opening our eyes, it seems to
and not because of reward or There are times when I me, is hiskashrus to the Rebbe.
punishment that I will receive think about what would have Young men and women, who
after one hundred and twenty. happened if I reacted differently, are in the deepest pits of hell in
Many young people experience if I had called the police or read every aspect of their lives, write
the Torah as something difficult, him the riot act for stealing. to the Rebbe and are amazed by
and the Creator as punitive and Instead, I isolated the incident as the answers that they receive.
vindictive. Why the shock then a turning point event, and when They dont always tell me what
that so many of them crack?! I look back today I am filled with they wrote, but many times I have
R Eli emphasizes that amazement. seen them cry after opening the
the defining ingredient that The lesson that he draws from Igros. How does the Rebbe know
characterizes his activities is to this story for parents is the need everything, is a common refrain
accept these youngsters as they to teach and educate not from a I hear from them, and they take
are, with no judgments. place of fear. upon themselves the advice and
Let me tell you an interesting By the way, as far as the guidance of the Rebbe.
story. There was a young man money that the donor had already
who began to visit, and I trusted deposited for the computer, R NEXT STOP, TEL AVIV
him and gave him the keys to our Eli asked him if it was okay to R Eli Shahapurkar does
place. When I arrived there later, use the funds to buy a set of Igros not stop even for an instant.
I saw that the computer was not Kodesh instead of a computer. After having built a successful
in its usual place and I realized You operate in really dark organization in Yerushalayim,
that it had been stolen. For and difficult places. How do you he is now devoting his time
some reason, I did not suspect manage to see the realization to opening another branch on
the boy. I contacted one of our of the Rebbes words that the Dizengoff Street in the center of
donors and informed him of the world is ready for Geula? Tel Aviv. The donors are already
theft, and he promised to make a
R Eli doesnt even understand lined up and now he is involved in
deposit to cover the cost of a new
the question. We see absolutely the search for a suitable location.
that the world is ready for Geula, From the years that I lived
When I was standing right except that we stubbornly insist, in that area, I well remember
outside our door, I noticed that for some reason, to close our the number of young men and
the store opposite had a hidden eyes and not see it. We are acting women wandering the streets in
camera, and I asked the owner exactly like the person who won search for some balm for their
if I could watch the tape of the the multi-million dollar jackpot souls. Tragically, many of them
last few hours. I was shocked to and is still begging for handouts. grew up in religious and chareidi
see this boy that I had trusted Everything depends on our homes and strayed. My plan is
walking out with the computer consciousness. to set up for them a supportive
in hand. I called him and asked
When these tragic kids come home, for Shabbos and Yom Tov,
him to return the computer and
to me, I see their depth, the Geula and even ordinary weekdays.

32 5 Adar 5777

1059_bm_eng.indd 32 2017-02-28 5:23:20 AM



": lived a it became necessary, the Baal share in this great mitzva. He
In a littlevillage
things pawned his wifes candlesticks
poor Jewish man who made Shem Tov would explain
and his boots and gave the
a living from running a small to them.
The innkeeper placed a little money he received in exchange
inn. The patrons of the inn,
for those items to the holy
who were peasants who lived bread and vegetables before
Baal Shem Tov. Then the Baal
in the area, were also quite his guests. It was obvious to all
Shem Tov and his followers
poor, and only rarely had that this was all he had and
money in their pockets. This is that it was taking food away
why the Jew had a hard time from his starving children.
providing his family with food Before they left, the Baal


him hewas per
innkee went back his
,basic Tov told
and their other ,
. Shem .
ing money for a worthy house and found his wife
y, the collect .
Despite his povert
. . , ,
crying . The childre n were
man was happy with his cause and if

" , .
there was



part in it, he could also starving and
lot and never compla

, nothing to eat. Nor was there
about his difficult condition. give a donation.. to not
sell even ,
He barely knew the words of The innkeeper, who hadnt
of seen time,
a long to The
pawn. began
man .
the davening and chapters . in
a coin ,
daveni ng Mincha and when he
to say much to have


Thillim, but he tried . d very

as much Thillim as he could
during the day. One thing .
bothered him though, and

that was that he seldom saw a
Jew in his village. Jewish.

beggars avoided this
. out-of


the-way village.
How happy he was
when one fine-- the
day, - Baal
ts .
Shem Tov and his , studen

came to his village. The

was very surpris ed to see these


distinguished guests. The Baal

Shem Tovs students were also , .--
surprised thatthey had come
there, but they ,were used to ,--
their master s

doings and did not
ask , any

questions. They knew that if
. .
, ,
. .

, ,




. , ,
, ,

1059_bm_eng.indd 33 , , . 2017-02-28 5:23:21 AM ...
. ,

, ,
Tzivos Hashem

returned the third night and and never returned.

reached the words, Open
licked his lips after drinking The coins the farmer
Your hands, and remembered
the excellent vodka, which now brought were all gold and
that Hashem sustains all of His
contained more water than worth a lot of money . The
creations, he sighed heavily
vodka, he took out a coin, held poor Jew becam e a rich man.
and a tear rolled down his
face. it out to the Jew, and said, Business was good and he built
Here is an old copper coin. It a nice house and bought many
That night, the family went
may not be worth the value of fields. His inn became a busy
to sleep hungry. In the middle
this delicious vodka and your place. His life changed from
of the night, there was a
working in the middle of the one extreme to another.
knock at the door. He opened
night, but this is what I have A year passed since the Baal
the door and there stood a
... And he left. Shem Tov and his students
drunken farmer who asked
for a drink. The innkeeper let The innkeeper was happy to had visited his poor home.
him enter but he had no vodka be finally holding money in his They returned one year later,
to give him because he had hand. He began rubbing the old just as unexpectedly as the
served the last of his vodka to coin which suddenly sparkled first time. This time, the Jew
his important guests, the Baal as though it was made out of welcomed them with great
Shem Tov and his students. gold. In fact, it was gold. honor and generosity. He told
around, the The farmer became the the Baal Shem Tov how his
the glasses left by Jews regular customer. He fortune had changed since he
man took
Shem Tov and his came, asked for the special had the privilege of hosting his
the Baal
vodka, and paid with an old important guests.
students that were nearly
empty, poured the remains coin which he said was made Now I can tell you, said
into a glass, added a bit of of copper. When the Jew once the Baal Shem Tov, that all
water, and poured a cup for asked him from where he got this wealth was set aside for
the farmer. The farmer drank these coins, he said he had dug you for a long time. But in
it down in one gulp and said in the forest and found many heaven they decided to delay
in amazement that this vodka like them. giving it to you because until
was the best he had ever had. One time, the farmer came then you had not prayed with
The innkeeper was thrilled and and ordered a glass of that such a broken heart; you did
hoped the farmer would pay vodka. Before he left he said to not sigh heavily and did not
him so he would be able to buy the innkeeper that he would shed a tear.
bread for his children. But the not be able to come anymore. That day that you
farmer said he had no money He was old and his children prayed Mincha with great
and he left. wanted him to be with them concentration, it was decided
The next day, the same in another village, far from that the time had come for you
thing happened. The farmer there. And this is the last coin to become rich. You yourself
came, asked for the same tasty that I have, he said. I will opened the pipeline of wealth,
vodka, drank and exclaimed never forget this vodka because and the bracha came to you
how delicious it was, and then I have never drunk anything because of your actions.
left without paying. When he like it before. The farmer left

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1059_bm_eng.indd 34 2017-02-28 5:23:22 AM
Rabbi Jacob Schwei
Member of the Rabbinical
Court of Crown Heights

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