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A. WORD FORMATION (10 points)

People of the Forest

This TV (0) documentary follows a family of chimpanzees DOCUMENT

which live in the forest of Tanzania. Set in (1) ... SPECTACLE
scenery the programme gives us a fascinating insight into
the life and social (2) ... of these creatures. ACTION

(3) ... we humans share 98% of our genes with APPEAR

chimpanzees; indeed, they are our closest relative in the
animal (4) ... and scenes in the documentary offer clear KING
evidence of our (5) ... . The focus of the film is on Fifi and SIMILAR
we first see her as a (6) ... five-year-old who spends all her PLAY
time annoying her younger brother. Meanwhile, the older male
chimps seem to be involved in an endless fight for (7) ... . And it SUPREME
is no surprise to learn that while all this is taking place the
females are left to deal with the day-to-day (8) ... matters. ORGANISE

Make sure you set aside an hour to watch this. The (9) ... GEOGRAPHY
splendour of the location makes this programme worthwhile
viewing, although our (10) ... to these animals will make you think. LIKE


Write out the operations in the following equation without the use of any mathematical

C. VOCABULARY (10 points)

For each word below, provide a) a Macedonian equivalent or explanation
b) a sentence where it is properly used in an engineering

circumference -
conductor -
convection -
deviate -
perpendicular -
Translate the following sentence into English using the grammatical structures we
covered in class.

, .
, .

E. WRITING (10 points)

Write 3-5 sentences (50-75 words) on the given topic. Use the vocabulary we have
covered in class and clear, uncluttered English. Do not include mathematical equations
or formulas.
a) What are the key features to look for when buying a new computer? What
makes one PC better than another? What advice would you give someone buying a
new computer?
b) What are the differences between magnetic and optic media and flash memory?
Discuss their advantages and disadvantages for specific uses and in specific

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