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Emily Zawatski

Mrs. Cramer

College Composition Period 7

8 August 2016

People come and go in our lives every day, some stay longer than others and some feel

like they barely took their shoes off coming in the door. Every one of them has some sort of

impact on us as a person though, rather its teaching us a new life skill or showing us how to let

go of something we care about. There are those few certain people that stand out and have the

biggest influence on us and help shape the person that we are today. Those are the people we

should hold onto forever and it can be just one person or many. I have the best three in my

opinion. These three have helped me grow into the young lady that I am and could never repay

them for the positive influence they have had on my life.

The amazing, beautiful, and intelligent woman who brought me into this world and can

take me out of it, my mother, Vicki. She was the person to teach me how to talk and walk, how

to tie my shoes, not to mention how to love with all of my heart, put passion into everything that

I do, and how to enjoy life to the fullest. I would never be able to take college courses or be in all

scholar classes without her always pushing me to my true potential. She has shaped me into this

polite, smart young lady with a great head on her shoulders that goes after what she wants. I love

her with all my heart and want to keep making her proud.

Clumsy, ditzy, and blunt she is, but I have never found one that quite fits. Jessica is the

name on her birth certificate, but Jessy is the name the hearts she has touched. She is the most

loveable, outgoing, and selfless person you could meet. I am the lucky one to call her my un-
biological sister whom not only is a humorous person because of her funky and original

personality, she has a heart that could move the world and has a soul that stands out in a crowd of

angels. Jess'y has showed me how to be strong and independent as I go with the flow and live my

life day by day. I was uptight and stressed out constantly because everything had to be a certain

way or Id go insane, but she has influenced me to be more laid back and enjoy the little

moments. Her name is Jessy and it will stay in my heart along with the impact she has had on

my life.

We would all agree they are the best influences anyone could have, right? I do, even if

everyone does not and they will continue to influence me in the best of ways. I have gained an

abundant amount of characteristics and abilities from my mother and Jessy that have shaped me

into the person I am becoming and hope to be. We truly do not realize how much we are

influenced by the people around us until we take a minute and think of how different we would

be if a particular person didnt enter our life. I do know that I am proud of who I am and grateful

for the people who helped me get to this point. I will forever cherish them for the love they give

me and the significant influence they had on me and my life.

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