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Jpu Shib by Guru Gobind Singh

History and Translation

By Akali Nihang Dr Kamalroop Singh

Jpu Shib in Guru Gobind Singhs own daskhat or handwriting

1 Jpu Shib translation and Roman transliteration .................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
2 History of the Jpu Shib ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 34
3 Theme .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 36
4 Invocation and the nom de plume .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 36
5 Metres and structure .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 39
6 Praxis ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 40
7 Manuscripts ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 44
7.1 Table 1. Some Extant Manuscripts of the Dasam Granth Sahib...................................................................................................................................................... 45
Photograph 1. Punch dagger shown in the Akal Takht recension from 1698 AD......................................................................................................................................... 46
Photograph 2: The Dasam Granth Sahib of Akali Baba Dip Singh Shahid ..................................................................................................................................................... 47
Photograph 3: An illustrated folio from a nineteenth Dasam Granth Sahib at Hazur Sahib ........................................................................................................................ 47
Photograph 4: A beautifully decorated Jpu Shib from Amritsar................................................................................................................................................................. 57
Photograph 5: A beautifully decorated Jpu Shib folio from a Dasam Granth Sahib manuscript at Hazur Sahib .................................................................................... 58
Photograph 6: The Jpu Shib and the Last Contents Page of the Standard Dasam Granth Sahib .............................................................................................................. 59
8 Authenticity ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 60
With the blessings of the Jathedars of Buddha Dal............................................................................................................................................................................................ 61
About the Author ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 62
Credits & Inspiration........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 63
Bibliography........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 64

1 Jpu Shib translation and Roman transliteration

<> siqgur pRswid] ik OaVkr satigura prasdi. 1 Oakr realised through the grace of the True Guru.1
sRI vwihgurU jI kI Pqih] sr vhigur j k Patahi. Victory to the Holy Wondrous Guru.2
jwpu] jpu. Recitation. [The name of the composition]
sRI muKvwk pwiqswhI 10] sr muKavka ptish 10. The Holy Oration of the Tenth Sovereign. [Guru Gobind Singh]
CpY CMd] Chap ChaVda. Six Stanzas.
q pRswid] tva prasdi. By Your Grace.
ckR ichn Aru brn jwiq Cakra Cihana aru barana jti; Without physical appearance, caste, sub-caste
Aru pwiq nihn ijh] aru pti nahina jiha. or lineage.
rUp rMg Aru ryK ByK rpa raVga aru reKa BeKa; Your form, colour, outline, or attire;
koaU kih n skiq ikh] ko kahi na sakati kiha. nobody has the ability to describe it.
Acl mUriq AnBau pRkws aCala mrati anaBau praksa; Limitless-form of Fearless Radiant-light;
Aimqoj kihjY] amitoja kahij. You can be described as Limitless bravery.
koit ieMdR ieMdRwix koqi iVdra iVdrNi; The King of millions of Indras,3
swhu swhwix gixjY] shu shNi gaNij. You are counted as the Sovereign of sovereigns.
iqRBvx mhIp sur nr Asur triBavaNa mahpa sura nara asura; Of the three worlds of angels men and demons;
nyiq nyiq bn iqRx khq] neti neti bana triNa kahata. the forests, and each leaf, describes You as not this not this'4
q srb nwm kQY kvn tva saraba nma kaT kavana; Who can expound all Your names?;
krm nwm brxq sumiq]1] karama nma baraNata sumati.1. With Your pure wisdom Your attribute names are described.1.
BujMg pRXwq CMd] BujaVga prayta ChaVda. Swift Moving Cobra Stanza.5
nmsqM Akwly] namasatvaV akle. Salutations to You the Timeless.6
nmsqM ikRpwly] namasatvaV kriple. Salutations to You the Merciful.
nmsqM ArUpy] namasatvaV arpe. Salutations to You with No-form.
nmsqM AnUpy]2] namasatvaV anpe.2. Salutations to You the Incomparable.2.

One Universal Creator God [Panentheistic].
This line is present in the Sangrur recension of the Sri Dasam Granth Sahib, likely to be from the Gurus own lifetime, but most manuscripts begin without this line.
Indra is the king of the Indian pantheon.
(neti neti) A philosophical term from analytical non-dual or Advait meditation or enquiry into what the nature of Vahiguru is by understanding what Vahiguru is not. This
is known as apophatic theology or negative theology (via negationis) , hence the use of A-kl, A-rp, A-np etc by the Guru.
These poetic metres or Chhads are rhythms that are related to the Sikh martial art called Gatka or Shastravidia.
namasatvaV - I bow to you/salutations/I salute you. Onomatopoeia with the sound of a bow string.

nmsqM AByKy] namasataV aBeKe. Salutations to You with No-attire.
nmsqM AlyKy] namasataV aleKe. Salutations to You the Inexpressible.
nmsqM Akwey] namasataV ake. Salutations to You the Bodiless.
nmsqM Ajwey]3] namasataV aje.3. Salutations to You the Unborn.3.
nmsqM AgMjy] namasataV agaVje. Salutations to You the Indestructible.
nmsqM ABMjy] namasataV aBaVje. Salutations to You the Indivisible.
nmsqM Anwmy] namasataV anme. Salutations to You the Nameless.
nmsqM ATwmy]4] namasataV aQme.4. Salutations to You Beyond-location.4.
nmsqM AkrmM] namasataV akaramaV. Salutations to You Beyond-action.
nmsqM ADrmM] namasataV aDaramaV. Salutations to You Beyond-religion.
nmsqM AnwmM] namasataV anmaV. Salutations to You the Nameless.
nmsqM ADwmMM]5] namasataV aDmaV.5. Salutations to You Beyond-sacred-places.5.
nmsqM AjIqy] namasataV ajte. Salutations to You the Invincible.
nmsqM ABIqy] namasataV aBte. Salutations to You the Fearless.
nmsqM Abwhy] namasataV abhe. Salutations to You the Eternal.
nmsqM AFwhy]6] namasataV aWhe.6. Salutations to You Imperishable.6.
nmsqM AnIly] namasataV anle. Salutations to You Without-colour.
nmsqM Anwdy] namasataV ande. Salutations to You the Endless.
nmsqM ACydy] namasataV aChede. Salutations to You the Impenetrable.
nmsqM AgwDy]7] namasataV agDe.7. Salutations to You the Unfathomable.7.
nmsqM AgMjy] namasataV agaVje. Salutations to You the Indestructible.
nmsqM ABMjy] namasataV aBaVje. Salutations to You the Indivisible.
nmsqM audwry] namasataV udre. Salutations to You the Generous.
nmsqM Apwry]8] namasataV apre.8. Salutations to You the Infinite.8.
nmsqM su eykY] namasataV su ek. Salutations to You always One.
nmsqM AnykY] namasataV anek. Salutations to You always Many.
nmsqM ABUqy] namasataV aBte. Salutations to You not of five elements.
nmsqM AjUpy]9] namasataV ajpe.9. Salutations to You free of bondage.9.

nmsqM inRkrmy] namasataV nrikarame. Salutations to You with No-karma.
nmsqM inRBrmy] namasataV nriBarame. Salutations to You with No-doubt.
nmsqM inRdysy] namasataV nridese. Salutations to You with No-country.
nmsqM inRBysy]10] namasataV nriBese.10. Salutations to You with No-attire.10.
nmsqM inRnwmy] namasataV nrinme. Salutations to You with No-Names.
nmsqM inRkwmy] namasataV nrikme. Salutations to You with No-desires.
nmsqM inRDwqy] namasataV nriDte. Salutations to You with No-elements.
nmsqM inGwqy]11] namasataV niGte.11. Salutations to You Beyond-attack.11.
nmsqM inRDUqy] namasataV nriDte. Salutations to the Invincible.
nmsqM ABUqy] namasataV aBte. Salutations to the Formless.
nmsqM Aloky] namasataV aloke. Salutations to the Invisible.
nmsqM Asoky]12] namasataV asoke.12. Salutations to the Sorrowless.12.
nmsqM inRqwpy] namasataV nritpe. Salutations to You with No-suffering.
nmsqM AQwpy] namasataV aTpe. Salutations to You Beyond being established.
nmsqM iqRmwny] namasataV trimne. Salutations to You Honoured in the three worlds.
nmsqM inDwny]13] namasataV niDne.13. Salutations to the Treasure-House (of all qualities).13.
nmsqM Agwhy] namasataV aghe. Salutations to You the Unfathomable.
nmsqM Abwhy] namasataV abhe. Salutations to the One in need of No vehicle.
nmsqM iqRbrgy] namasataV tribarage. Salutations to You of Three virtues.7
nmsqM Asrgy]14] namasataV asarage.14. Salutations to the Unborn.14.
nmsqM pRBogy] namasataV praBoge. Salutations to the great Enjoyer.
nmsqM sujogy] namasataV sujoge. Salutations to the practicing Ascetic.
nmsqM ArMgy] namasataV araVge. Salutations to You with No-colour.
nmsqM ABMgy]15] namasataV aBaVge.15. Salutations to the Indestructible.15.
nmsqM AgMmy] namasataV agaVme. Salutations to the Inaccessible.
nmsqsqu rMmy] namasatasatu raVme. Salutations to the All-Pervasive.
nmsqM jlwsry] namasataV jalsare. Salutations to the Supporter of Oceans.
nmsqM inrwsry]16] namasataV nirsare.16. Salutations to You Unsupported.16.

According to Kanh Singh Nabha in Mahan Kosh this is Arth, Dharam, Kam, or wealth, religion, and passion. However, the Taksal also give the meaning as the three
Gunas: Satas, Rajas and Tamas, (Pure, Active and Inert); as well as large, middle and small.
nmsqM Ajwqy] namasataV ajte. Salutations to You Unborn.
nmsqM Apwqy] namasataV apte. Salutations to You who is Casteless.
nmsqM Amjby] namasataV amajabe. Salutations to You of No particular sect.
nmsqsqu Ajby]17] namasat-asatu ajabe.17. Salutations to the Wonderous.17.
AdysM Adysy] adesaV adese. Salutations to You not of a particular land.
nmsqM ABysy] namasataV aBese. Salutations to You not having a particular attire.
nmsqM inRDwmy] namasataV nriDme. Salutations to You who is Abodeless.
nmsqM inRbwmy]18] namasataV nribme.18. Salutations to You Free of maya.18.
nmo srb kwly] namo saraba kle. Salutations to the Destroyer of all.
nmo srb idAwly] namo saraba dile. Salutations to the Merciful to all.
nmo srb rUpy] namo saraba rpe. Salutations to You of All-forms.
nmo srb BUpy]19] namo saraba Bpe.19. Salutations to the King of all.19.
nmo srb Kwpy] namo saraba Kpe. Salutations to the Annihilator of all.
nmo srb Qwpy] namo saraba Tpe. Salutations to the Maker of all.
nmo srb kwly] namo saraba kle. Salutations to the Destroyer of all.
nmo srb pwly]20] namo saraba ple.20. Salutations to the Nurturor of all.20.
nmsqsqu dyvy] namasat-asatu deve. Salutations to You Worshippable.
nmsqM AByvy] namasataV aBeve. Salutations to You full of mystery.
nmsqM Ajnmy] namasataV ajaname. Salutations to the Unborn.
nmsqM subnmy]21] namasataV subaname.21. Salutations to the Beauteous.21.
nmo srb gauny] namo saraba gaune. Salutations to You Traversing all places.
nmo srb Bauny] namo saraba Baune. Salutations to You Present in all worlds.
nmo srb rMgy] namo saraba raVge. Salutations to You Existing in all colours.
nmo srb BMgy]22] namo saraba BaVge.22. Salutations to the Breaker of all.22.
nmo kwly kwly] namo kle kle. Salutations to the Death of death.
nmsqsqu idAwly] namasat-asatu dile. Salutations to the Merciful.
nmsqM Abrny] namasataV abarane. Salutations to the Caste-less.
nmsqM Amrny]23] namasataV amarane.23. Salutations to the Deathless.23.
nmsqM jrwrM] namasataV jarraV. Salutations to the Ageless.
nmsqM ikRqwrM] namasataV kritraV. Salutations to the All-Creative.
nmo srb DMDy] namo saraba DaVDe. Salutations to the Inspirer of all tasks.
nmo sq AbMDy]24] namo sata abaVDe.24. Salutations to You Free of bondage.24.
nmsqM inRswky] namasataV nriske. Salutations to the Kinless.
nmsqM inRbwky] namasataV nribke. Salutations to the Fearless.
nmsqM rhImy] namasataV rahme. Salutations to the Kind.
nmsqM krImy]25] namasataV karme.25. Salutations to the Generous.25.
nmsqM AnMqy] namasataV anaVte. Salutations to the Infinite.
nmsqM mhMqy] namasataV mahaVte. Salutations to the Great Worshipable One.
nmsqsqu rwgy] namasat-asatu rge. Salutations to the Love-incarnate.
nmsqM suhwgy]26] namasataV suhge.26. Salutations to the Most Fortunate.26.
nmo srb soKM] namo saraba soKaV. Salutations to the Scorching-radiance of all.
nmo srb poKM] namo saraba poKaV. Salutations to the Preserver of all.
nmo srb krqw] namo saraba karat. Salutations to the Creator of all.
nmo srb hrqw]27] namo saraba harat.27. Salutations to the Destroyer of all.27.
nmo jog jogy] namo joga joge. Salutations to the Yogi in union.
nmo Bog Bogy] namo Boga Boge. Salutations to the Enjoyer of all.
nmo srb idAwly] namo saraba dile. Salutations to You Merciful to all.
nmo srb pwly]28] namo saraba ple.28. Salutations to You Nurturer of all.28.
cwcrI CMd] CCar ChaVda. Lightning Metre.
q pRswid] tva prasdi. With Your Grace.
ArUp hYN] arpa hV. You are Formless.
AnUp hYN] anpa hV. You are Incomparable.
AjU hYN] aj hV. You are Limitless.
ABU hYN]29] aB hV.29. You are Beyond five elements.29.
AlyK hYN] aleKa hV. You are Indescribable.
AByK hYN] aBeKa hV. You have No attire.
Anwm hYN] anma hV. You have No name.
Akwm hYN]30] akma hV.30. You have No desires.30.
ADy hYN] aDe hV. You are Beyond-reflection.
ABy hYN] aBe hV. You are Beyond-mystery.
AjIq hYN] ajta hV. You are Unconquerable.
ABIq hYN]31] aBta hV.31. You are Fearless.31.
iqRmwn hYN] trimna hV. You are Honoured in the three worlds.
inDwn hYN] niDna hV. You are the Treasure-house.
iqRbrg hYN] tribaraga hV. You are the Three virtues.
Asrg hYN]32] asaraga hV.32. You are Liberated from the world.32.
AnIl hYN] anla hV. You are Immeasurable.
Anwid hYN] andi hV. You have No beginning.
Ajy hYN] aje hV. You are Unconquerable.
Ajwid hYN]33] ajdi hV.33. You are Indepedent.33.
Ajnm hYN] ajanama hV. You are Without birth.
Abrn hYN] abarana hV. You are Beyond caste.
ABUq hYN] aBta hV. You are Beyond elements.
ABrn hYN]34] aBarana hV.34. You are the Preserver.34.
AgMj hYN] agaVja hV. You are Not conquered.
ABMj hYN] aBaVja hV. You are Unbreakable.
AJUJ hYN] aJJa hV. You Cannot be fought against.
AJMJ hYN]35] aJaVJa hV.35. You are Beyond all arguments.35.
AmIk hYN] amka hV. You are Deep and fathomless.
rPIk hYN] raPka hV. You are the Most Beloved.
ADMD hYN] aDaVDa hV. You are Free of burden.
AbMD hYN]36] abaVDa hV.36. You are Unfettered.36.
inRbUJ hYN] nribJa hV. You are Not deducable by the intellect.
AsUJ hYN] asJa hV. You Cannot be understood.
Akwl hYN] akla hV. You are Beyond time,
Ajwl hYN]37] ajla hV.37. You are Free from the matrix.37.8
Alwh hYN] alha hV. You are Unattainable.
Ajwh hYN] ajha hV. You are Without any place.
AnMq hYN] anaVta hV. You are Infinite.
mhMq hYN]38] mahaVta hV.38. You are Worshipable.38.
AlIk hYN] alka hV. You are Infinite.

inRsrIk hYN] nrisarka hV. You are Without boundaries.
inRlMB hYN] nrilaVBa hV. You are Unsupported.
AsMB hYN]39] asaVBa hV.39. You are Beyond all understanding.39.
AgMm hYN] agaVma hV. You Cannot be reached.
AjMm hYN] ajaVma hV. You are Beyond birth.
ABUq hYN] aBta hV. You are Beyond elements.
ACUq hYN]40] aChhta hV.40. You are Beyond physical touch. 40.
Alok hYN] aloka hV. You are Invisible.
Asok hYN] asoka hV. You are Beyond sorrows.
Akrm hYN] akarama hV. You are Beyond karma.
ABrm hYN]41] aBarama hV.41. You are Free from illusion.41.
AjIq hYN] ajta hV. You are Unconquerable.
ABIq hYN] aBta hV. You are Fearless.
Abwh hYN] abha hV. You are Eternal.
Agwh hYN]42] agha hV.42. You are Unfathomable.42.
Amwn hYN] amna hV. You Cannot be measured.
inDwn hYN] niDna hV. You are the Treasure.
Anyk hYN] aneka hV. You are Many.
iPir eyk hYN]43] Piri eka hV.43. Still You are One.43.
BujMg pRXwq CMd] BujaVga prayta ChaVda. Swift Moving Cobra Stanza.
nmo srb mwny] namo saraba mne. Salutations to You Universally honoured.
smsqI inDwny] samasat niDne. Salutations to the Treasure of everything.
nmo dyv dyvy] namo deva deve. Salutations to the God of gods.
AByKI AByvy]44] aBeK aBeve.44. Salutations to You Beyond garb or difference.44.
nmo kwl kwly] namo kla kle. Salutations to the Destroyer of death.
nmo srb pwly] namo saraba ple. Salutations to the Preserver of all.
nmo srb gauxy] namo saraba gauNe. Salutations to the Omnipotent.
nmoo srb Bauxy]45] namo saraba BauNe.45. Salutations to You all-pervasive.45.
AnMgI AnwQy] anaVg anTe. Bodyless and Without a Master.
inRsMgI pRmwQy] nrisaVg pramTe. Beyond company and Destroyer of all.

nmo Bwn Bwny] namo Bna Bne. Salutations to the Sun of suns.
nmo mwn mwny]46] namo mna mne.46. Salutations to the Honour of all honours.46.
nmo cMdRy cMdRy] namo CaVdre CaVdre. Salutations to the Moon of moons.
nmo Bwn Bwny] namo Bna Bne. Salutations to the Sun of suns.
nmo gIq gIqy] namo gta gte. Salutations to the Song of songs.
nmo qwn qwny]47] namo tna tne.47. Salutations to the Tune of tunes.47.
nmo inRq inRqY] namo nrita nrit. Salutations to the Dance of dances.
nmo nwd nwdy] namo nda nde. Salutations to the Melody of melodies.
nmo pwn pwny] namo pna pne. Salutations to the Hand of hands.
nmo bwd bwdy]48] namo bda bde.48. Salutations to the Instrument of instruments.48.
AnMgI Anwmy] anaVg anme. Bodiless and Nameless.
smsqI srUpy] samasat sarpe. In all forms.
pRBMgI pRmwQy] praBaVg pramTe. Indestructible Destroyer.
smsqI ibBUqy]49] samasat biBte.49. Treasure giver.49.
klMkM ibnw kalaVkaV bin; Your form is Blemishless;
nyhklMkI srUpy] nehakalaVk sarpe. and Immaculate.
nmo rwj rwjysr namo rja rjesvaraV; Salutations to the Prince of princes
prm rUpy]50] parama rpe.50. of Perfect Form.50.
nmo jog jogysr namo joga jogesvaraV; Salutations to the Yogi of Raj-yogis;
prm isDy] parama siDe. the Perfect Siddha.
nmo rwj rwjysr namo rja rjesvaraV; Salutations to the King of kings;
prm ibRDy]51] parama briDe.51. the Most-Wise.51.
nmo ssqR pwxy] namo sasatra pNe. Salutations to You the Weapon-wielding.
nmo AsqR mwxy] namo asatra mNe. Salutations to You the Missile-enjoying.
nmo prm igAwqw] namo parama git. Salutations to You the Supreme Knower.
nmo lok mwqw]52] namo loka mt.52. Salutations to You the Universal Mother.52.
AByKI ABrmI aBeK aBaram; Garbless, Illusionless;
ABogI ABugqy] aBog aBugate. Beyond-pleasure, beyond emotions.
nmo jog jogyssr namo joga jogesasvaraV; Salutations to You Supreme Raj-Yogi
prm jugqy]53] parama jugate.53. of perfect Union.53.

nmo inq nwrwiexy namo nita nriNe; Salutations to You Eternal Narayan
kRUr krmy] krra karame. Of most dreadful actions.
nmo pRyq ApRyq namo preta apreta; Salutations to You the purifier of Spirits.
dyvy suDrmy]54] deve suDarame.54. The Diety of Absolute Dharma.54.
nmo rog hrqw] namo roga harat. Salutations to You Disease-destroyer
nom rwg rUpy] namo rga rpe. Salutations to You the Form of Love.
nmo swh swhM] namo sha shaV. Salutations to You Sovereign of sovereigns.
nmo BUp BUpy]55] namo Bpa Bpe.55. Salutations to You King of kings.55.
nmo dwny dwny] namo dne dne. Salutations to You Greatest Philanthropist
nmo mwn mwny] namo mna mne. Salutations to You Respected by the respectable.
nmo rog rogy] namo roga roge. Salutations to You Destroyer of disease.
nmsqM snwny]56] namasataV sanne.56. Salutations to You Bath of pilgrimage.56.
nmo mMqR mMqRM] namo maVtra maVtraV. Salutations to You Mantra of mantras.
nmo jMqR jMqRM] namo jaVtra jaVtraV. Salutations to You Yantras of yantras.
nmo iest iesty] namo isaqe isaqe. Salutations to You Supreme Being to be devoted to.
nmo qMqR qMqRM]57] namo taVtra taVtraV.57. Salutations to You Tantra of tantras.57.
sdw sicdwnMd sad saCidnaVda; You are Truth, Consciousness and Bliss;
srbM pRxwsI] sarabaV praNs. All-Destroyer.
AnUpy ArUpy anpe arpe; Beyond praise of Infinite beauty,
smsqul invwsI]58] samasatula nivs.58. All beings Reside in Your form.58.
sdw isiDdw buiDdw sad siDid buDid; Always Giving Divine powers, wisdom and riches.
ibRiD krqw] briDi karat. You Pervade the underworld;
ADo aurD ArDM AGM aDo uraDa araDaV; heaven and space and
EG hrqw]59] aGaV oGa harat.59. Destroyer of all the innumerable sins.59.
prM prm prmysrM paraV parama paramesarvaV; Supreme Master Parmesvar you sustain all;
pRoCpwlM] proChaplaV. without being seen.
sdw srbdw isiD sad sarabad siDi; You ever are the Donor of riches;
dwqw idAwlM]60] dt dilaV.60. and Merciful.60.
ACydI ABydI aChhed aBed; You are Invincible, Unbreakable;
AnwmM AkwmM] anmaV akmaV. Nameless and Lustless.
smsqo prwjI samasato parj; You are the Creator of all;
smsqsqu DwmM]61] samasatasatu DmaV.61. and Reside inside them every-where.61.
qyrw joru] ter joru. With Your Might.
cwcrI CMd] CCar ChaVda. Lightning Stanza.
jly hYN] jale hV. You are in water.
Qly hYN] Tale hV. You are on land.
ABIq hYN] aBta hV. You are Fearless.
ABy hYN]62] aBe hV.62. You are Beyond discrimination.62.
pRBU hYN] praB hV. You are the Lord of all.
AjU hYN] aj hV. You are Unborn.
Adys hYN] adesa hV. You are Beyond Nations.
ABys hYN]63] aBesa hV.63. You are Garbless.63.
BujMg pRXwq CMd] BujaVga prayta ChaVda. Swift Moving Cobra Stanza.
q pRswid] tva prasdi. With Your Grace.
AgwDy AbwDy] agDe abDe. Salutations to You Unfathomable, Unhindered.
AnMdI srUpy] anaVd sarpe. Form of Feminine-Bliss.
nmo srb mwny] namo saraba mne. You Universally-Honoured.
smsqI inDwny]64] samasat niDne.64. The Keeper of All-Treasures.64.
nmsqM inRnwQy] namasatvaV nrinTe. Salutations to You Masterless.
nmsqM pRmwQy] namasatvaV pramTe. Salutations to You Destroyer.
nmsqM AgMjy] namasatvaV agaVje. Salutations to You Unconquerable.
nmsqM ABMjy]65] namasatvaV aBaVje.65. Salutations to You Invincible.65.
nmsqM Akwly] namasatvaV akle. Salutations to You Beyond time.
nmsqM Apwly] namasataVva aple. Salutations to You Beyond any protection.
nmo srb dysy] namo saraba dese. Salutations to You Pervading all lands.
nmo srb Bysy]66] namo saraba Bese.66. Salutations to You Wearer of all garbs.66.
nmo rwj rwjy] namo rja rje. Salutations to the King of kings.
nmo swj swjy] namo sja sje. Salutations to the Creator of creations.
nmo swh swhy] namo sha she. Salutations to the Sovereign of sovereigns.
nmo mwh mwhy]67] namo mha mhe.67. Salutations to the Moon of moons.67.

nmo gIq gIqy] namo gta gte. Salutations to the Song of songs.
nmo pRIq pRIqy] namo prti prte. Salutations to the Love of all love.
nmo roK roKy] namo roKa roKe. Salutations to the Fury of furies.
nmo soK soKy]68] namo soKa soKe.68. Salutations to Absorber of the absorbed.68.
nmo srb rogy] namo saraba roge. Salutations to the Cause of all disease.
nmo srb Bogy] namo saraba Boge. Salutations to the Enjoyer of all.
nmo srb jIqM] namo saraba jtaV. Salutations to the Conqueror of all.
nmo srb BIqM]69] namo saraba BtaV.69. Salutations to the Frightener of all.69.
nmo srb igAwnM] namo saraba ginaV. Salutations to All-knowing.
nmo prm qwnM] namo parama tnaV. Salutations to All-potent.
nmo srb mMqRM] namo saraba maVtraV. Salutations to the Supreme mantra.
nmo srb jMqRM]70] namo saraba jaVtraV.70. Salutations to the Supreme jantra.70.
nmo srb idRsM] namo saraba drisaV. Salutations to You Visible everywhere.
nmo srb ikRsM] namo saraba krisaV. Salutations to You who Attracts all.
nmo srb rMgy] namo saraba raVge. Salutations to You In all colours.
iqRBMgI AnMgy]71] triBaVg anaVge.71. The Destroyer of three worlds of Beauteous form.71.
nmo jIv jIvM] namo jva jvaV. Salutations to the Life of lives.
nmo bIj bIjy] namo bja bje. Salutations to the Seed of seeds.
AiKjy AiBjy] aKije aBije. Serene and Unmistaking.
smsqM pRisjy]72] samasataV prasije.72. Benevolent to all.72.
ikRpwlM srUpy] kriplaV sarpe. The Image of kindness.
kukrmM pRxwsI] kukaramaV praNs. The Destroyer of bad deeds.
sdw srbdw sad sarabad Eternal and Present in all times.
iriD isDM invwsI]73] riDi siDaV nivs.73. Possessor of all physical and spiritual powers.73.
crpt CMd] Carapaqa ChaVda. Strike Stanza.
q pRswid] tva prasdi. With Your Grace.
AMimRq krmy] aVmrita karame. Pure are Your deeds.
AMibRq Drmy] aVbrita Darame. Absolute is Your dharma.
AiKl jogy] aKila joge. All-pervasive in the world are You.
Acl Bogy]74] aCala Boge.74. Your are perpetually in bliss.74.

Acl rwjy] aCala rje. Eternal is Your rule.
Atl swjy] aqala sje. Continuous is Your creation.
AKl DrmM] aKala DaramaV. Complete is Your Dharma.
AlK krmM]75] alaKa karamaV.75. Inexpressible are Your deeds.75.
srbM dwqw] sarabaV dt. Giver to all.
srbM igAwqw] sarabaV git. Knower of all.
srbM Bwny] sarabaV Bne. Light of all.
srbM mwny]76] sarabaV mne.76. Universally revered.76.
srbM pRwxM] sarabaV prNaV. The Life-force of all.
srbM qRwxM] sarabaV trNaV. The Protector of all.
srbM Bugqw] sarabaV Bugat. The Enjoyer of all.
srbM jugqw]77] sarabaV jugat.77. Joined to all.77.
srbM dyvM] sarabaV devaV. The Deity of all.
srbM ByvM] sarabaV BevaV. The Knower of all secrets.
srbM kwly] sarabaV kle. The Death of all.
srbM pwly]78] sarabaV ple.78. The Nurturer of all.78.
rUAwl CMd] rla ChaVda. Water Stanza.
q pRswid] tva prasdi. With Your Grace.
Awid rUp Anwid mUriq di rpa andi mrati; Primal Form, Beginningless Being;
Ajoin purK Apwr] ajoni puraKa apra. Unborn, Infinite One.
srb mwn iqRmwn dyv AByv saraba mna trimna deva aBeva; Revered by all, Deity of all the three worlds, Unknowable;
Awid audwr] di udra. Primal, Bountiful.
srb pwlk srb Gwlk saraba plaka saraba Glaka; Nurturer of all, Destroyer of all;
the Death of all.
srb ko puin kwl] saraba ko puni kla.
jatra tatra birjah; Omnipresent Everywhere;
jqR qqR ibrwjhI
avaDta rpa risla.79. Deattached form of complete love.79.
AvDUq rUp irswl]79]
nwm Twm n jwiq jwkr nma Qma na jti jkara; With No name, place and caste;
rUp rMg n ryK] rpa raVga na reKa. You have No form, colour or outline.
Awid purK audwr mUriq di puraKa udra mrati; Primal One, Bountiful Being;
Ajoin Awid AsyK] ajoni di aseKa. Unborn, Beginningless and Endless.

dys Aaur n Bys jwkr desa aura na Besa jkara; You have No country or attire;
rUp ryK n rwg] rpa reKa na rga. No outline and form, or attachements.
jqR qqR idsw ivsw jatra tatra dis vis; Everywhere in all directions;
huie PYilE Anurwg]80] hui Plio anurga.80. You Manifest as Love.80.
nwm kwm ibhIn pyKq nma kma bihna peKata; You are seen as Nameless and Desireless;
Dwm hUM nih jwih] Dma haV nahi jhi. with No particular adobe.
srb mwn srbqR mwn saraba mna sarabatra mna; All honour all worship You;
sdYv mwnq qwih] sadva mnata thi. All beings worship You.
eyk mUriq Anyk drsn eka mrati aneka darasana; You are One form seen In many;
kna rpa aneka. as Limitless forms.
kIn rUp Anyk]
Kela Keli aKela Kelana; After Playing in the show of creation and dissolution;
Kyl Kyil AKyl Kyln
aVta ko Piri eka.81. In the end You become One again.81.
AMq ko iPir eyk]81]
dyv Byv n jwnhI deva Beva na jnah; The angels do not understand Your mysteries;
ijh byd Aaur kqyb] jiha beda aura kateba. nor the Hindu or Abrahmic scriptures.
rUp rMg n jwiq pwiq rpa raVga na jti pti; Your form, colour and caste;
su jwneI ikh jyb] su jn kiha jeba. And glory are known to none.
qwq mwq n jwq jwkr tta mta na jta jkara; You have no mother, father or lineage;
janama marana bihna. You are beyond birth and death.
jnm mrn ibhIn]
Cakra bakra Pir Catra; Your order runs in all the four directions;
ckR bkR iPrY cqR
Caki mna h pura tna.82. people of the three worlds bow to You in reverence.82.
cik mwn hI pur qIn]82]
lok caudh ky ibKY loka Caudaha ke biK; In the fourteen realms;9
jg jwp hI ijh jwpu] jaga jpa h jiha jpu. the beings recite Your name.
Awid dyv Anwid mUriq di deva andi mrati; Primal Deity, Limitless Being;
QwipE sbY ijh Qwpu] Tpio sab jiha Tpu. You have made manifest the whole creation.
prm rUp punIq mUriq parama rpa punta mrati; Supreme Form, You are the Immaculate One;
prana puraKu apra. the Boundless and Absolute Being.
pUrn purKu Apwr]
saraba bisva raCio suyaVBava; Creating the entire world from Yourself;
srb ibs ricE suXMBv
gaRana BaVjana hra.83. and You are the Creator and the Destroyer.83.
gVn BMjn hwr]83]

Seven worlds above and seven below: bhu, bhuvas, svar, mahas, janas, tapas, and satya above, and below:
atala, vitala, sutala, rasaataala, talatala, mahaatala, patala and naraka .
kwl hIn klw sMjugiq kla hna kal saVjugati; Beyond Death, Keeper of infinite positive talents;
Akwl purK Adys] akla puraKa adesa. Timeless Being, Beyond country.
Drm Dwm su Brm rhq Darama Dma su Barama rahata; Abode of dharam, Free of doubt;
ABUq AlK ABys] aBta alaKa aBesa. Beyond elements, Invisible, and Without garb.
AMg rwg n rMg jw kih aVga rga na raVga j kahi; You have No limbs or Worldly-love, or any colour;
jti pti na nma. and No caste, family, or name.
jwiq pwiq n nwm]
garaba gaVjana dusaqa BaVjana; You Destroy the arrogant, Break the malicious;
grb gMjn dust BMjn
mukata dika kma.84. and Grant liberation and desires.84.
mukq dwiek kwm]84]
Awp rUp AmIk An ausqiq pa rpa amka ana usatati; One Singular Profound Form Beyond praises;
eyk purKu AvDUq] eka puraKu avaDta. One Being Free from maya.
grb gMjn srb BMjn garaba gaVjana saraba BaVjana; Crusher of pride, Destroyer of all;
Awid rUp AsUq] di rpa asta. the Primal Form and Beyond the status quo.
AMg hIn ABMg Anwqm aVga hna aBaVga antama; You are bodiless, Indestructible, without Self;
eka puraKu apra. One Immeasurable Being.
eyk purKu Apwr]
saraba lika saraba Gika; You are All-capable, Destroyer of all;
srb lwiek srb Gwiek
saraba ko pratipra.85. and All-sustainer.85.
srb ko pRiqpwr]85]
srb gMqw srb hMqw saraba gaVt saraba haVt; You Reach all and Annihilate all;
srb qy AnByK] saraba te anaBeKa. You are Beyond any garb.
srb swsqR n jwnhI saraba ssatra na jnah; All the scriptures cannot comprehend;
ijh rUp rMgu Aru ryK] jiha rpa raVgu aru reKa. Your form, colour, or features.
prm byd purwx jwkih parama beda purNa jkahi; Vedas and the Puranas know You as Eternal;
and describe You as not this not that.
nyiq BwKq inq] neti BKata nita.
koqi siVmriti purna ssatra; Countless Smritis, Puranas and Shastras;
koit isMimRiq purwn swsqR
na v vahu Citi.86. fail to comprehend You.86.
n AwveI vhu iciq]86]
mDuBwr CMd] maDuBra ChaVda. Middle Stress Stanza.
q pRswid] tva prasdi. With Your Grace.
gun gn audwr] guna gana udra. Giver of All-Virtues.
mihmw Apwr] mahim apra. Infinite is Your Praise.
Awsn ABMg] sana aBaVga. Your Throne is Indestructible.
aupmw AnMg]87] upam anaVga.87. The glory of Your form is unequalled.87.

AnBau pRkws] anaBau praksa. Fearless Radiant-light.
ins idn Anws] nisa dina ansa. Day and night Impershiable.
Awjwnu bwhu] jnu bhu. Far-reaching arms.10
swhwnu swhu]88] shnu shu.88. Sovereign of sovereigns.88.
rwjwn rwj] rjna rja. Prince of princes.
Bwnwn Bwnu] Bnna Bnu. Sun of suns.
dyvwn dyv] devna deva. Deity of deities.
aupmw mhwn]89] upam mahna.89. Your Glory is supreme. 89.
ieMdRwn ieMdR] iVdrna iVdra. King of Indras.
bwlwn bwl] blna bla. Most Innocent and child-like.
rMkwn rMk] raVkna raVka. Humblest of the humble.
kwlwn kwl]90] klna kla.90. Death of death.90.
AnBUq AMg] anaBta aVga. Beyond-elemental form.
AwBw ABMg] B aBaVga. Eternal grandeur.
giq imiq Apwr] gati miti apra. Immeasurable is Your dynamism.
gun gn audwr]91] guna gana udra.91. Giver of All-Virtues.91.
muin gn pRnwm] muni gana pranma. Multitudes of silent sages bow to You.
inrBY inRkwm] niraB nrikma. Fearless and Desireless.
Aiq duiq pRcMf] ati duti praCaVwa. Overpowering Brilliant light.
imiq giq AKMf]92] miti gati aKaVwa.92. Your Dynamism is Never-ending.92.
Awils krm] lisya karama. Your Actions are effortless.
AwidRs Drm] drisya Darama. Perfect dharma.
srbw BrxwFX] sarab BaraNWaya. Bringing All to perfection.
AnfMf bwFX]93] anawaVwa bWaya.93. Your are said to be Beyond punishment.93.
cwcrI CMd] CCar ChaVda. Lightning Stanza.
q pRswid] tva prasdi. With Your Grace.
gouibMdy] mukMdy] audwry] Apwry]94] gobiVde. mukaVde. udre. apre.94. Nurturer, Liberator, Generous, Immeasurable.94.
hrIAM] krIAM] inRnwmy] Akwmy]95] haraV. karaV. nrinme. akme.95. Destroyer, Creator, Nameless, Desireless.95.

symbolises Infinite power.
BujMg pRXwq CMd] BujaVga prayta ChaVda. Swift Moving Cobra Stanza.
cqR ckR krqw] Catra Cakra karat. Creator in four directions.
cqR ckR hrqw] Catra Cakra harat. Destroyer in four directions.
cqR ckR dwny] Catra Cakra dne. Giver in four directions.
cqR ckR jwny]96] Catra Cakra jne.96. Known in four directions.96.
cqR ckR vrqI] Catra Cakra varat. Pervading in four directions.
cqR ckR BrqI] Catra Cakra Barat. Giver of livelihood in four directions.
cqR ckR pwly] Catra Cakra ple. Preserver in four directions.
cqR ckR kwly]97] Catra Cakra kle.97. Destroyer in four directions.97.
cqR ckR pwsy] Catra Cakra pse. On the edge of the four directions.
cqR ckR vwsy] Catra Cakra vse. Pervading in four directions.
cqR ckR mwnY] Catra Cakra mn. Honoured in the four directions.
cqR ckR dwnY]98] Catra Cakra dn.98. Benefactor in the four directions.98.
cwcrI CMd] CCar ChaVda. Lightning Stanza.
n sqRY] n imqRY] na satr. na mitr. No enemy, No friend.
n BrmM] n iBqRY]99] na BaramaV. na Bitr.99. No doubt. No fear.99.
n krmM] n kwey] na karamaV. na ke. Beyond all actions. Without body.
AjnmM] Ajwey]100] ajanamaV. aje.100. Beyond birth. Self-existent.100.
n icqRY] n imqRY] na Citr. na mitr. Without image. Without friend.
pry hY] pivqRY]101] pare hV. pavitr.101. Furthest of all. The Pure One.101.
ipRQIsY] AdIsY] priTs. ads. Sovereign of earth. Invisible.
AidRsY] AikRsY]102] adris. akris.102. Imperceptible. Invincible.102.
BgvqI CMd] Bagavat ChaVda. Sword Stanza.
q pRswid kQqy] tva prasdi kaTate. Expounded with Your grace.
ik AwiCj dysY] ki Chija des. You are the Eternal realm.
ik AwiBj BysY] ki Bija Bes. You have Impenetrable attire.
ik AwgMj krmY] ki gaVja karam. You are Immortal action.
ik AwBMj BrmY]103] ki BaVja Baram.103. You are the Breaker of illusion.103.
ik AwiBj lokY] ki Bija lok. Your Realms are Impenetrable.
ik Awidq sokY] ki dita sok. You are the Scorcher of the sun.
ik AvDUq brnY] ki avaDta baran. You are described as Immaculate.
ik ibBUq krnY]104] ki biBta karan.104. You are the Granter of affluence.104.
ik rwjM pRBw hYN] ki rjaV praB hV. You are the Glory of kings.
ik Drm Dujw hYN] ki Darama Duj hV. You are the Flag of dharma.
ik Awsok brnY] ki soka baran. You are Free from sorrow.
ik srbw ABrnY]105] ki sarab aBaran.105. You are the Splendour of all.105.
ik jgqM ikRqI hYN] ki jagataV krit hV. You are the Creator of the world.
ik CqRM CqRI hYN] ki ChatraV Chatr hV. You are the Knight of knights.
ik bRhmM srUpY] ki brahamaV sarp. You are the Supreme true-form.
ik AnBau AnUpY]106] ki anaBau anp.106. You are Fearless and Unique.106.
ik Awid Adyv hYN] ki di adeva hV. You are the Primal Supreme One.
ik Awip AByv hYN] ki pi aBeva hV. You only are free of duality.
ik icqRM ibhInY] ki CitraV bihn. You are Without any Image.
ik eykY ADInY]107] ki ek aDn.107. You are only Subordinate to yourself.107.
ik rojI rjwkY] ki roj rajk. You are Provider of sustenance.
rhImY irhwkY] rahm rihk. You are the Compassionate liberator of suffering.
ik pwk ibAYb hYN] pka biba hV. You are Pure, Flawless.
ik gYbul gYb hYN]108] ki gbula gba hV.108. You are the Hidden mystery.108.
ik APvul gunwh hYN] ki afavula gunha hV. You are the Forgiver of misdeeds.
ik swhwn swh hYN] ki shna sha hV. You are the Sovereign of sovereigns.
ik kwrn kuinMd hYN] ki krana kuniVda hV. You are the Cause of creation.
ik rojI idihMd hYN]109] ki roj dihiVda hV.109. You are Provider of sustenance.109.
ik rwjk rhIm hYN] ki rjaka rahma hV. You are the Sustainer and Compassionate.
ik krmM krIm hYN] ki karamaV karma hV. You are Gracious and Merciful.
ik srbM klI hYN] ki sarabaV kal hV. You are All-Powerful.
ik srbM dlI hYN]110] ki sarabaV dal hV.110. You are the Destroyer of all.110.

ik srbqR mwinXY] ki sarabatra mniy. You are Worshipped by all.
ik srbqR dwinXY] ki sarabatra dniy. You are the Giver to all.
ik srbqR gaunY] ki sarabatra gaun. You are Worshipped everywhere.
ik srbqR BaunY]111] ki sarabatra Baun.111. You are Pervading everywhere.111.
ik srbqR dysY] ki sarabatra des. You are Dwelling in all lands.
ik srbqR BysY] ki sarabatra Bes. You are Working through all guises.
ik srbqR rwjY] ki sarabatra rj. You are the Sovereign everywhere.
ik srbqR swjY]112] ki sarabatra sj.112. You are Architect of all.112.
ik srbqR dInY] ki sarabatra dn. You are the Giver to all.
ik srbqR lInY] ki sarabatra ln. You are Permeating all.
ik srbqR jwho] ki sarabatra jho. You are the Majesty of all.
ik srbqR Bwho]113] ki sarabatra Bho.113. You are the Divine radiance everywhere.113.
ik srbqR dysY] ki sarabatra des. You are Present in all realms.
ik srbqR BysY] ki sarabatra Bes. You are Manifest in all forms.
ik srbqR kwlY] ki sarabatra kl. You are the Destroyer of all.
ik srbqR pwlY]114] ki sarabatra pl.114. You are the Preserver of all.114.
ik srbqR hMqw] ki sarabatra haVt. You are the Slayer of all,
ik srbqR gMqw] ki sarabatra gaVt. You have Access to all places.
ik srbqR ByKI] ki sarabatra BeK. You are Manifested in all forms.
ik srbqR pyKI]115] ki sarabatra peK.115. You are Visible to all.115.
ik srbqR kwjY] ki sarabatra kj. You are All works.
ik srbqR rwjY] ki sarabatra rj. You Reside in all.
ik srbqR soKY] ki sarabatra soK. You are the Scorcher of all.
ik srbqR poKY]116] ki sarabatra poK.116. You are the Nurturer of all.116.
ik srbqR qRwxY] ki sarabatra trN. You are the Protector of all.
ik srbqR pRwxY] ki sarabatra prN. You are the Life-force of all.
ik srbqR dysY] ki sarabatra des. You are in all lands.
ik srbqR BysY]117] ki sarabatra Bes.117. You are in all attires.117.

ik srbqR mwinXY] ki sarabatra mniy. You are Honoured by all.
sdYvM pRDwinXY] sadvaV praDniy. You are always Supreme.
ik srbqR jwipXY] ki sarabatra jpiy. Your [name is] ever worthy to be recited by all.
ik srbqR QwipXY]118] ki sarabatra Tpiy.118. You establish all.118.
ik srbqR BwnY] ki sarabatra Bn. You are the Sun for all.
ik srbqR mwnY] ki sarabatra mn. You are venerated by all.
ik srbqR ieMdRY] ki sarabatra iVdr. You are the King of all.
ik srbqR cMdRY]119] ki sarabatra CaVdr.119. You are the Moon for all.119.
ik srbM klImY] ki sarabaV kalm. You are the Master of all prayers.
ik prmM PhImY] ki paramaV Pahm. You are the Highest knowledge.
ik Awikl AlwmY] ki kila alm. You are the Wise Scholar.
ik swihb klwmY]120] ki shiba kalm.120. You are the Master of all speech.120.
ik husnl vjU hYN] ki husanala vaj hV. You are the Pinnacle of beauty.
qmwmul rujU hYN] tammula ruj hV. You are the Centre of everyones focus.
hmysul slwmY] hamesula salm. You are Forever Sound.
slIKq mudwmY]121] salKata mudm.121. Your Creativity is Unrivaled.121.
gnImul isksqY] ganmula sikasat. Conqueror of enemies.
grIbul prsqY] garbula parasat. Protector of the poor.
iblMdul mkwnY] bilaVdula makn. Highest is Your Palace.
jmInl jmwnY]122] jamnala jamn.122. Present on earth and sky.122.
qmIjul qmwmY] tamjula tamm. Perfect knower of all.
rujUAl inDwnY] rujala niDn. Richest treasure of meditation.
hrIPul AjImY] harPula ajm. Greatest friend.
rjwiek XkInY]123] rajika yakn.123. Assured Provider of sustenance.123.
Anykul qrMg hYN] anekula taraVga hV. You are Infinite waves.
AByd hYN ABMg hYN] aBeda hV aBaVga hV. You are Unknowable, Unbreakable.
AjIjl invwj hYN] ajjala nivja hV. You are the Honour of your devotees.
gnImul iKrwj hYN]124] ganmula Kirja hV.124. You punish and subdue enemies.124.

inrukq srUp hYN] nirukata sarpa hV. You have an Inexpressible appearance.
iqRmukiq ibBUiq hYN] trimukati biBti hV. Your splendour is beyond the three gunas.11
pRBugiq pRBw hYN] praBugati praB hV. Your Radiance is not dependent on actions.
sujugiq suDw hYN]125] sujugati suD hV.125. You are completely immersed in elixir.125.
sdYvM srUp hYN] sadvaV sarpa hV. You are the Eternal form.
ABydI AnUp hYN] aBed anpa hV. You are Indivisible, Incomparable.
smsqo prwj hYN] samasato parja hV. You are the Creator of all.
sdw srb swj hYN]126] sad saraba sja hV.126. You have ever fashioned all.126.
smsqul slwm hYN] samasa-tula salma hV. You are the Source of reverence for all.
sdYvul Akwm hYN] sadvula akma hV. You are Ever desireless.
inRbwD srUp hYN] nribDa sarpa hV. You are the Invincible Primal form.
AgwD AnUp hYN]127] agDa anpa hV.127. You are the Unfathomable, Incomparable.127.
EAM Awid rUpy] oaV di rpe. Oa the Primal form.
Anwid srUpy] andi sarpe. Infinite beautiful form.
AnMgI Anwmy] anaVg anme. Bodiless, Nameless.
iqRBMgI iqRkwmy]128] triBaVg trikme.128. Destroyer and Fulfiller of desires of the three worlds.128.12
iqRbrgM iqRbwDy] tribaragaV tribDe. Creator and Destroyer of the three gunas.
AgMjy AgwDy] agaVje agDe. Impenetrable, Profound.
suBM srb Bwgy] suBaV saraba Bge. You Write a good destiny for all.
su srbwnurwgy]129] su sarabnurge.129. Very Loving to all.129.
iqRBugq srUp hYN] triBugata sarpa hV. You are the Provider of bliss to all three worlds.
AiCj hYN ACUq hYN] aChija hV aChta hV. You are Immortal, Untouchable.13
ik nrkM pRxws hYN] ki narakaV praNsa hV. You are the Destroyer of hell.
ipRQIaul pRvws hYN]130] priTula pravsa hV.130. You Permeate everywhere on earth.130.
inrukiq pRBw hYN] nirukati praB hV. Your Glory is Inexpressible.
sdYvM sdw hYN] sadvaV sad hV. You are Perpetual Eternal.
ibBugiq srUp hYN] biBugati sarpa hV. Your Form gives bliss to all.

See last sentence of footnote 7.
Higher realm, the Earth, and the lower realm.
Untouchable here can also mean Transcendent.
pRjugiq AnUp hYN]131] prajugati anpa hV.131. You are Connected to all yet unique.131.
inrukiq sdw hYN] nirukati sad hV. You are Inexpressible Eternal.
ibBugiq pRBw hYN] biBugati praB hV. Your Radiance gives joy to all.
Anaukiq srUp hYN] anukati sarpa hV. Your Form is Inexpressible.
pRjugiq AnUp hYN]132] prajugati anpa hV.132. You Permeate all, still You are Matchless.132.
cwcrI CMd] CCar ChaVda. Lightning Stanza.
ABMg hYN] AnMg hYN] aBaVga hV. anaVga hV. You are Imperishable. You are Bodiless.
AByK hYN] AlyK hYN]133] aBeKa hV. aleKa hV.133. You are Without attire. You are Inexpressible.133.
ABrm hYN] Akrm hYN] aBarama hV. akarama hV. You are Beyond illusion. You are Beyond deeds.
Anwid hYN] jugwid hYN]134] andi hV. jugdi hV.134. You are Infinite. You Existed before the ages.134.
AjY hYN] AbY hYN] aj hV. ab hV. You are Unconquerable. You are Fearless.
ABUq hYN] ADUq hYN]135] aBta hV. aDta hV.135. You are Not made of elements. You are Beyond Foolishness.135.
Anws hYN] audws hYN] ansa hV. udsa hV. You are Indestructible. You are Unattached.
ADMD hYN] AbMD hYN]136] aDaVDa hV. abaVDa hV.136. You are Beyond Punishment. You are Free of bondage.136.
ABgq hYN] ibrkq hYN] Abhagat hai. birakat hai. You are Worship none. You are Detached.
Anws hYN] pRkws hYN]137] Ans hai. praks hai.137. You are Indestructible. You are Light.137.
inicMq hYN] suinMq hYN] niCiVta hV. suniVta hV. You are Without worry. You are the Greatest listener.
AilK hYN] AidK hYN]138] aliKa hV. adiKa hV.138. You are Inexpressible. You are Invisible.138.
AlyK hYN] AByK hYN] aleKa hV. aBeKa hV. You are Indescribable. You are Without attire.
AFwh hYN] Agwh hYN]139] aWha hV. agha hV.139. You are Unsupported. You are Unfathomable.139.
AsMB hYN] AgMB hYN] asaVBa hV. agaVBa hV. You are Beyond Nurturing. You are Unreachable.
AnIl hYN] Anwid hYN]140] anla hV. andi hV.140. You are Immeasurable. You are Infinite.140.
Ainq hYN] suinq hYN] anita hV. sunita hV. You are Beyond Temporality. You are Ever Sound.
Ajwiq hYN] Ajwid hYN]141] ajta hV. ajdi hV.141. You are Unborn. You are Free.141.
crpt CMd] Carapaqa ChaVda. Strike Stanza.
q pRswid] tva prasdi. With Your Grace.
srbM hMqw] srbM gMqw] sarabaV haVt. sarabaV gaVt. Destroyer of all. Pervasive in all.
srbM iKAwqw] srbM igAwqw]142] sarabaV Kit. sarabaV git.142. Known to all. Knower of all.142.
srbM hrqw] srbM krqw] sarabaV harat. sarabaV karat. Destroyer of all. Creator of all.
srbM pRwxM] srbM qRwxM]143] sarabaV prNaV. sarabaV trNaV.143. Life-breath of all. Refuge of all.143.

srbM krmM] srbM DrmM] sarabaV karamaV. sarabaV DaramaV. Encompassing all actions. Encompassing all dharma.
srbM jugqw] srbM mukqw]144] sarabaV jugat. sarabaV mukat.144. Connected to all. Unattached to all.144.
rswvl CMd ] rasval ChaVda. Filled with Nectar Stanza.
q pRswid] tva prasdi. With Your Grace.
nmo nrk nwsy] sdYvM pRkwsy] namo naraka nse. sadvaV prakse. Salutations to the extinguisher of hell. The Perennial Light.
AnMgM srUpy] ABMgM ibBUqy]145] anaVgaV sarpe. aBaVgaV biBte.145. Formless Form. Matchless beauty, Infinite treasure house.145.
pRmwQM pRmwQy] sdw srb swQy] pramTaV pramTe. sad saraba sTe. Destroyer of tyrants. Ever a Companion of all.
AgwD srUpy] inRbwD ibBUqy]146] agDa sarpe. nribDa biBte.146. Incomprehensible Form. Indestructible Radiance.146.
AnMgI Anwmy] iqRBMgI iqRkwmy] anaVg anme. triBaVg trikme. Bodiless, Nameless. Destroyer and Benefactor of three worlds.
inRBMgI srUpy] srbMgI AnUp]y 147] nriBaVg sarpe. sarabaVg anpe.147. Eternal Form. Incomparable to all forms.147.
n poqRY n puqRY] na potr na putr. You have no sons or grandsons.
n sqRY n imqRY] na satr na mitr. You have no friends or enemies.
n qwqY n mwqY] na tt na mt. You have neither father nor mother.
n jwqY n pwqY]148] na jt na pt.148. You have neither caste nor lineage.148.
inRswkM srIk hYN] nriskaV sarka hV. You have no relatives.
Aimqo AmIk hYN] amito amka hV. You are Immeasurable and Profound.
sdYvM pRBw hYN] sadvaV praB hV. You are Ever-Glorious.
AjY hYN Ajw hYN]149] aj hV aj hV.149. You are Unconquerable and Unborn.149.
BgvqI CMd] Bagavat ChaVda. Sword Stanza.
tva prasdi. With Your Grace.
q pRswid]
ki jhira jahra hV. Your Grandeur is here and now.
ik jwihr jhUr hYN]
ki hjira hajra hV. You are Ever present.
ik hwijr hjUr hYN] You are Ever Saluted.
hmysul slwm hYN] hamesula salma hV.
You are the Essence the word.150.
smsqul klwm hYN]150] samasatula kalma hV.150.
ik swihb idmwg hYN] ki shiba dimGa hV. You are the Masterful intellect.
ik husnul crwg hYN] ki husanala CarGa hV. You are the Lamp of beauty.
ik kwml krIm hYN] ki kmala karma hV. You are Perfectly Compassionate.
ik rwjk rhIm hYN]151] ki rzaka rahma hV.151. You are the Merciful provider.151.
ik rojI idihMd hYN] ki roz dihiVda hV. You are Giver of food.
ik rwjk rihMd hYN] ki rzaka rahiVda hV. You are the Sustainer and Liberator.

krImul kmwl hYN] karmula kamla hV. You are Perfectly compassionate.
ik husnul jmwl hYN]152] ki husanala jamla hV.152. You are Beautifully Radiant.152.
gnImul iKrwj hYN] ganmula Kirja hV. You are the Punisher of enemies.
grIbul invwj hYN] garbula nivza hV. You are the Protector of the poor.
hrIPul iskMn hYN] harula shikaVna hV. You are the Slayer of enemies.
ihrwsul iPkMn hYN]153] hirsula PikaVna hV.153. You are the Annihilator of fear.153.
klMkM pRxws hYN] kalaVkaV praNsa hV. You Remove the stain of sins.
smsqul invws hYN] samasatula nivsa hV. You Dwell in all places.
AgMjul gnIm hYN] agaVjula ganma hV. You are not wounded by enemies.
rjwiek rhIm hY]154] razika rahma hV.154. You are the Compassionate Sustainer.154.
smsqul jubW hYN] samasatula jub hV. You are the Speech of all.
ik swihb ikrw hYN] ki shiba kirV hV. You are the Master of spells.
ik nrkM pRxws hYN] ki narakaV praNsa hV. You are the Extinguisher of hell.
bihsqul invws hYN]155] bahisatula nivsa hV.155. You Dwell in paradise.155.
ik srbul gvMn hYN] ki sarabula gavaVna hV. You Reach one and all.
hmysul rvMn hY] hamesula ravaVna hV. You are Ever Blissful Presence.
qmwmul qmIj hYN] tammula tamza hV. You discern all beings.
smsqul AjIj hYN]156] samasatula azza hV.156. You are the Beloved of all.156.
prM prm eIs hYN] paraV parama sa hV. You are Supreme Isvara.
smsqul AdIs hYN] samasatula adsa hV. You are Invisible to all.
Adysul AlyK hYN] adesula aleKa hV. You are Inexpressible, of no land.
hmysul AByK hYN]157] hamesula aBeKa hV.157. You are Ever formless.157.
jmInul jmW hYN] zimnula zam hV. You are on earth and in the sky.
AmIkul iemW hYN] amkula im hV. You are of profound faith.
krImul kmwl hYN] karmula kamla hV. You are Completely Merciful.
ik jurAq jmwl hYN]158] ki jurati jamla hV.158. Your bravery is radiant.158.
ik AclM pRkws hYN] ki aCalaV praksa hV. You are the light of knowledge.
ik Aimqo subws hYN] ki amito subsa hV. You fragrance is Immeasurible.
ik Ajb srUp hYN] ki ajaba sarpa hV. You are of Wondrous form.
ik Aimqo ibBUiq hYN]159] ki amito biBta hV.159. You have Infinite powers.159.

ik Aimqo psw hYN] ki amito pas hV. You are Infinite expanse.
ik Awqm pRBw hYN] ki tama praB hV. You are the Light of the soul.
ik AclM AnMg hYN] ki aCalaV anaVga hV. You are Unshakable, Formless.
ik Aimqo ABMg hYN]160] ki amito aBaVga hV.160. You are Immeasurable Indestructible.160.
mDuBwr CMd] maDuBra ChaVda. Middle Stress Stanza.
q pRswid] tva prasdi. With Your Grace.
muin min pRnwm] muni mani pranma. Silent sages mentally salute You.
guin gn mudwm] guni gana mudma. Always completely virtuous.
Air br AgMj] ari bara agaVja. Imperishable for mighty enemies.
hir nr pRBMj]161] hari nara praBaVja.161. Man-Lion Destroyer.161.14
An gn pRnwm] ana gana pranma. Uncountable beings salute You.
muin min slwm] muni mani salma. Silent sages mentally bow to You.
hir nr AKMf] hari nara aKaVwa. Invincible Man-Lion.
br nr AmMf]162] bara nara amaVwa.162. Creator of countless beings.162.
AnuBv Anws] anuBava ansa. Imperishable Primal Knowledge.
muin min pRkws] muni mani praksa. Light in the minds of silent sages.
guin gn pRnwm] guni gana pranma. The most virtuous salute You.
jl Ql mudwm]163] jala Tala mudma.163. Everywhere on earth and water.163.
AniCj AMg] anaChij aVga. Imperishable form.
Awsn ABMg] sana aBaVga. Your throne is Eternal.
aupmw Apwr] upam apra. Infinite is Your praise.
giq imiq audwr]164] gati miti udra.164. Immeasurable is Your Realisation.164.
jl Ql AmMf] jala Tala amaVwa. Creator of earth and water.
ids ivs ABMf] disa visa aBaVwa. Irreproachable in all directions and interspaces.
jl Ql mhMq] jala Tala mahaVta. Greatest on earth and water.
ids ivs ibAMq]165] disa visa biaVta.165. Infinite in all directions and interspaces.165.

AnBv Anws] anaBava ansa. Imperishable Primal Knowledge.
iDRq Dr Durws] Drita Dara Dursa. The Giver of stability to the earth.
Awjwn bwhu] jna bhu. Mighty, with long arms.15
eykY sdwhu]166] ek sadhu.166. Non-dual forever.166.
EAMkwr Awid] oaVkra di. Oankar the Primal Being.
kQnI Anwid] kaTan andi. Explainable as Infinite.
Kl KMf iKAwl] Kala KaVwa Kila. Instant destroyer of enemies.
gur br Akwl]167] gurabara akla.167. Greatest Timeless.167.
Gir Gir pRnwm] Gara Gari pranma. Your glory is revered in each home.
icq crn nwm] Cita Carana nma. Your Name and Lotus-feet in each heart.
AniCj gwq] anaChija gta. You are Ageless, Eternal Being.
Awijj n bwq]168] jija na bta.168. Independent, Respected.168.
AnJMJ gwq] anaJaVJa gta. Immovable Existence.
AnrMj bwq] anaraVja bta. Beyond all annoyance.
Antut BMfwr] anaquqa BaVwra. Endless bounty.
AnTt Apwr]169] anaQaqa apra.169. Self-existent Never-ending.169.
AwfIT Drm] wQa Darama. Invisible dharam.
Aiq FIT krm] ati WQa karama. Absolutely fearless Your actions.
AnbRx AnMq] aNabraNa anaVta. Invulnerable, Infinite.
dwqw mhMq]170] dt mahaVta.170. The Chief Giver.170.
hir bol mnw CMd] haribolaman ChaVda. Hari Spoken with Passion Stanza.
q pRswid] tva prasdi. With Your Grace.
kruxwlX hYN] karuNlaya hV. You are the Embodiment of Compassion.
Air GwlX hYN] ari Glaya hV. You are the Destroyer of enemies.
Kl KMfn hYN] Kala KaVwana hV. You are the Slayer of enemies.
mih mMfn hYN]171] mahi maVwana hV.171. You are the Designer of earth.171.

Having Infinite Power or Reach.
jgqysr hYN] jagatesvara hV. You are the Sovereign of the world.
prmysr hYN] paramesvara hV. You are the Supreme Reality.
kil kwrx hYN] kali kraNa hV. You are the Cause of battle.
srb aubwrx hYN]172] saraba ubraNa hV.172. You are the Protector of all.172.
iDRq ky Drx hYN] Drita ke DaraNa hV. You are the Sustainer of earth.
jg ky krx hYN] jaga ke karaNa hV. You are the Cause of the manifest world.
mn mwinX hYN] mana mniya hV. You are revered by all minds.
jg jwinX hYN]173] jaga jniya hV.173. You are recognised by the world.173.
srbM Br hYN] sarabaV Bara hV. You are the Nurturer of all.
srbM kr hYN] sarabaV kara hV. You are the Creator of all.
srb pwisX hYN] saraba psiya hV. You are the All-pervading.
srb nwisX hYN]174] saraba nsiya hV.174. You are the Destroyer of all.174.
kruxw kr hYN] karuN kara hV. You are the Giver of compassion.
ibsMBr hYN] bisvaVBara hV. You are the Nurturer of the whole world.
srbysr hYN] sarabesvara hV. You are the Master of all.
jgqysr hYN]175] jagatesvara hV.175. You are the Master of the world.175.
bRhmMfs hYN] brahamaVwasa hV. You are the Lord of the universe.
Kl KMfs hYN] Kala KaVwasa hV. You are the Destroyer of evil.
pr qy pr hYN] para te para hV. You are the Furthest than the farehest.
kruxw kr hYN]176] karuN kara hV.176. You are the Giver of compassion.176.
Ajpw jp hYN] ajap japa hV. You are Beyond recitation.
AQpw Qp hYN] aTap Tapa hV. You Cannot be installed [as an idol].
AikRqw ikRq hYN] akirat kirata hV. Your actions are Beyond actions.16
AimRqw imRq hYN]177] amrit mrita hV.177. You are Immortality to mortals.177.
AMimRqw imRq hYN] aVmrit mrita hV. You are the Death of Immortals.
kruxw ikRq hYN] karaN kirata hV. You Act in compassion.
AikRqw ikRq hYN] akirat kirata hV. Your actions are Beyond actions.
DrxI iDRq hYN]178] DaraN Drita hV.178. You are the Stability of the earth.178.

Beyond Physical Actions.
Aimqysr hYN] amritesvara hV. You are the Lord of Elixir.
prmysr hYN] paramesvara hV. You are the Sovereign Parmesvara.
AikRqw ikRq hYN] akirat kirata hV. Your actions are Beyond actions.
AimRqw imRq hYN]179] amrit mrita hV.179. You are Immortality to mortals.179.
Ajbw ikRq hYN] ajab kirata hV. You are Wonderous actions.
AimRqw imRq hYN] amrit mrita hV. You are Immortality to mortals.
nr nwiek hYN] nara nika hV. You are the Chief for humans.
Kl Gwiek hYN]180] Kala Gika hV.180. You are the Destroyer of the wicked.180.
ibsMBr hYN] bisvaVBara hV. You are the Nurturer of the world.
kruxwlX hYN] karuNlaya hV. You are the Abode of Compassion.
inRp nwiek hYN] nripa nika hV. You are the Supreme King of kings.
srb pwiek hYN]181] saraba pika hV.181. You Take care of all.181.
Bv BMjn hYN] Bava BaVjana hV. You are the Destroyer of rebirths.
Air gMjn hYN] ari gaVjana hV. You are the Decimator of enemies.
irpu qwpn hYN] ripu tpana hV. You are the Punisher of enemies.
jpu jwpn hYN]182] japu jpana hV.182. You make Your beings chant [Your name].182.
AklM ikRq hYN] akalaV kirata hV. Your Actions are Wise.
srbw ikRq hYN] sarab kirata hV. You Do all works.
krqw kr hYN] karat kara hV. You are the Creator who fashions all.
hrqw hir hYN]183] harat hari hV.183. You are the Destroyer who destroys all.183.
prmwqm hYN] paramtama hV. You are the Super Soul.
srbwqm hYN] saraba tama hV. You are the Soul of all.
Awqm bs hYN] tama basa hV. Your Soul is in Your power.
js ky js hYN]184] jasa ke jasa hV.184. You are the most Unique.184.
BujMg pRXwq CMd] BujaVga prayta ChaVda. Swift Moving Cobra Stanza.

nmo sUrj sUrjy namo sraja sraje Salutations to the Sun of suns.
nmo cMdR cMdRy] namo CaVdra CaVdre. Salutations to the Moon of moons.
nmo rwj rwjy namo rja rje Salutations to the Ruler of rulers.
nmo ieMdR ieMdRy] namo iVdra iVdre. Salutations to the God of gods.
nmo AMDkwry namo aVDakre Salutations to the Complete Darkness.
namo teja teje. Salutations to the Light of lights.
nmo qyj qyjy]
namo briVda briVde Salutations to the Greatest in all.
nmo ibRMd ibRMdy
namo bja bje.185. Salutations to the Seed of seeds.185.
nmo bIj bIjy]185]
nmo rwjsM qwmsM namo rjasaV tmasaV; Salutations to the active, inert;
sWiq rUpy] sVta rpe. and pure forms.
nmo prm qqM namo parama tataV; Salutations to the Perfect Essence;
AqqM srUpy] atataV sarpe. not made of material elements.
nmo jog jogy namo joga joge; Salutations to the Yoga of yogis;
namo gina gine. Salutations to the Knowledge of knowledge.
nmo igAwn igAwny]
namo maVtra maVtre; Salutations to the Mantra of mantras;
nmo mMqR mMqRy
namo Dina Dine.186. Salutations to the Meditation of meditation.186.
nmo iDAwn iDAwny]186]
nmo juD juDy namo juDa juDe; Salutations to the Warrior of warriors;
nmo igAwny igAwny] namo gina gine. Salutations to the Knowledge of knowledge.
nmo Boj Bojy namo Boja Boje; Salutations to the Nourishment of food;
nmo pwn pwny] namo pna pne. Salutations to the Drink of drinks.
nmo klh krqw namo kalaha karat; Salutations to the Cause of conflict;
Salutations to the Embodiment of peace.
nmo sWiq rUpy] namo sVta rpe.
namo iVdra iVdre; Salutations to the God of gods;
nmo ieMdR ieMdRy
andaV biBte.187. the Infinite Power.187.
AnwdM ibBUqy]187]

klMkwr rUpy kalaVkra rpe; Blemishless Form;
AlMkwr AlMky] alaVkra alaVke. Jewel amongst all jewels.
nmo Aws Awsy namo sa se; Salutations to the Hope of hopes;
nmo bwk bMky] namo bVka baVke. Salutations to the Beauty of all beauties.
ABMgI srUpy aBaVg sarpe; Indestructible Form;
anaVg anme. Without a body and without a name.
AnMgI Anwmy]
triBaVg trikle; Destroyer of three worlds and times;
iqRBMgI iqRkwly
anaVg akme.188. Bodiless and Desireless.188.
AnMgI Akwmy]188]
eyk ACrI CMd] eka aChar ChaVda. One Word Stanza.
AjY] AlY] aj. al. Invincible. Imperishable.
ABY] AbY]189] aB. ab.189. Fearless. Eternal.189.
ABU] AjU] aB. aj. Beyond Elements. Unborn.
Anws] Akws]190] ansa. aksa.190. Indestructible. All-pervasive.190.
AgMj] ABMj] agaVja. aBaVja. Invincible. Indestructible.
AlK] ABK]191] alaKa. aBaKa.191. Imperceptible. Beyond consumption.191.
Akwl] idAwl] akla. dila. Timeless. Merciful.
AlyK] AByK]192] aleKa. aBeKa.192. Beyond karma. Beyond garb.192.
Anwm] Akwm] anma. akma. Nameless. Desireless.
Agwh] AFwh]193] agha. aWha.193. Unfathomable. Unsupported.193.
AnwQy] pRmwQy] anTe. pramTe. Without a Master. Annuller.
AjonI] AmonI]194] ajon. amon.194. Not born. Not Silent.194.
n rwgy] n rMgy] na rge. na raVge. Without attachment. Without colour.
n rUpy] n ryKy]195] na rpe. na reKe.195. Without Form. Without features.195.
AkrmM] ABrmM] akaramaV. aBaramaV. Beyond actions. Beyond illusion.
AgMjy] AlyKy]196] agaVje. aleKe.196. Invincible. Beyond karma.196.
BujMg pRXwq CMd] BujaVga prayta ChaVda. Swift Moving Cobra Stanza.

nmsqul pRnwmy Namasa-tula praNme; Salutations to the One who is worshipped;
smsqul pRxwsy] Samasa-tula praNse. Destroyer of all.
AgMjul Anwmy agaVjula anme; Indestructible, Nameless;
smsqul invwsy] samasatula nivse. Pervasive in all.
inrkwmM ibBUqy nrikmaV biBte; Treasure of desirelessness;
samasatula sarpe. Present in all Forms.
smsqul srUpy]
kukaramaV praNs; Destroyer of bad actions;
kukrmM pRxwsI
suDaramaV biBte.197. Treasure of true-Dharam.197.
suDrmM ibBUqy]197]
sdw sicdwnMd sad saCidnaVda; Eternally Truth, Consciousness, Bliss;
sqRM pRxwsI] satraV praNs. Conqueror of inner and outer enemies.
krImul kuinMdw karmula kuniVd; Benevolent, Creator;
smsqul invwsI] samasatula nivs. Residing in all.
Ajwieb ibBUqy ajiba biBte; Wondrous Treasure;
gajiba ganme. Cause of calamity for foes.
gjwieb gnImy]
haraV karaV; Destroyer, Creator;
karmula rahme.198. Benevolent most Compassionate.198.
krImlu rhImy]198]
cqR ckR vrqI Catra Cakra varat; Encompassing the four directions;
cqR ckR Bugqy] Catra Cakra Bugate. Enjoyer in the four directions.
suXMBv suBM srbdw suyaVBava suBaV sarabad; Self-Illuminated, Beauteous, All-Death;
srb jugqy] saraba jugate. Eternal and connected to all.
dukwlM pRxwsI duklaV praNs; Destroyer of the pain of birth and death;
Embodiment of Compassion.
idAwlM srUpy] dilaV sarpe.
sad aVga saVge; Ever present inside and out;
sdw AMg sMgy
aBaVgaV biBte.199. of Invinicible Grandeur.199.17
ABMgM ibBUqy]199]

Sri Dasam Granth Sahib, pp. 1-10.
2 History of the Jpu Shib
The Jpu Shib was the first piece to be composed by the Guru at Anandpur Sahib in 1734 VS/1677 AD. Chaupa Singh (1700) narrates that
the Guru dictated the composition himself (pa) first, when he was about sixteen years of age.18 Obviously this is why the Jpu Shib is the
first composition in the Dasam Granth Sahib.19 The Jpu Shib denotes the rhythmic praises of God to be repeated, or meditated upon (Japu)
and is for bhakt but the quality of vr ras is strongly conveyed. The language is mainly Braj Bhsh with some sections using names for God
in Persian also employing Arabic, like Allah, Rahm, Karm as well as other portions employing Prakrit and Sanskrit, like Parmesvar, Gobind,
etc.20 The Jpu Shib serves as a general invocation at the beginning of the Dasam Granth Sahib. It has parallels with the Jap of Guru Nanak,
the first composition in the Adi Guru Granth Sahib.

Guru Nanak bows to Vahiguru, desu tisai desu, and this same devotion is continued on by the Tenth Nanak - Guru Gobind Singh.
Like the Jap j Shib, the Jp Shib is written in metres or chhads. While Guru Nanak does not label the metres, Guru Gobind Singh does,
giving them new names to show their style of movement. Like the Ml mantra, the first verse Chhappai Chhad Tva Prasdi states that
Vahiguru has no features, caste, lineage etc. The Guru states that his purpose of this composition is to praise You by your active names
(karam nm), Gods shakt or power! In the next Bhujag Prayt Chhad, the Metre of the Fast Moving Cobra (Chhad seems to be from the
same root as the English word chant), the Guru bows to the Creator by repeating the word Namastva Namaskr Tva/ta - Tva I bow
to You. The first attribute being beyond death, or Akal!
The Jp Shib was written at Bhagpura in the vicinity of Anandpur Sahib. It was here that the Guru recited this br ras b, whilst his
warriors were practicing Gatka/Shastravidia and horse riding. In this b, there are many allusions to the khae-ki-phul or Amrit sanchr
just like the Jap j Shib where the Guru talks about how to process the amrit before the salok. In the Jp Shib we also have the stanza of
the Bhagwat or Bhagaut the Kha (Double-Edged Sword), of sweetness, of water - Rasvala Chhad and so on. There are also direct

P. S. Padam, ed., Rahitnme, 4th edn., Amritsar: Bhai Chatar Singh Jivan Singh, 1989, p. 94: samata 1734 jpu pan rasan ucra kt.
sr akla usatati ucr. sr mukha vka savaiye uchre.
Guru Gobind Singh, Jpu Shib, Dasam Granth Sahib, pp. 1-10.
Gobind Singh Manusukhani, A Study of the Sikh Scriptures The Sikh Review, July 1982, p. 26.
references to fighting Charpa and Bhujag Prayt Chhad. The Guru made the community into Saint Warriors, and ends this exciting,
powerful, rhythmic b, with Sad Ag Sage, which means that Vahiguru is in us, and all around us. Like Jap j Shib is the first b of Adi
Guru Granth Sahib ji Maharaj, the Jpu Shib is the first b of the Dasam Granth Sahib.

Model of Dasam Granth Sahib

Like the Guru Granth Sahib the Dasam Granth Sahib has a structure, which after Guru Gobind Singh, was organised into the correct order by
his trusted official, Bhai Mani Singh. Bhai Mani Singh writes in is Bhagat Ratnwl that the b is amrit mai b (ambrosial verses) like Jp
Shib, Judh mai b like Bachitra Nak Shib (war verses), Gin mai b, Sasar mai b like Charitropakyan Shib (knowledge and worldly
verses). In Bhai Mani Singhs handwritten recension of Dasam Granth Sahib, which has eight folios in Guru Gobind Singhs own hand
(daskhat), he arranged the b accordingly to the char padarath (or four boons):

Moksha Liberation - Jp Shib and Akl Ustati Shib

Dharam Righteous War - Dharam Yudh Bachitra Nak Shib, Shastra Nm Ml - the narratives of war and weapons which is
major feature of all of compositions in Dasam Granth Sahib.
rth Worldly Assets - Ards (Cha d Vr)
Km Desires - Charitropakhyan Shib.

When we read traditional accounts we can conclude the following about the history of the Dasam Granth Sahib. One day a large group of
Sikhs were looted whilst going to see the Guru. The Guru said why has no Sikh ever said we have looted the Moghuls? Around the same time
a messenger came to the Guru saying that the Sodhis refused to hand over the Kirtarpur brh of the Adi Granth, as the tradition narrates that
the Guru wished to finalise the compilation with his fathers b. The Guru then said I will compose such a scripture to complement the
meekness that a Sikh receives on reading Adi b, so that the Sikhs are able to sustain their fighting spirit after me. After that point the Guru
asked people to bring scriptures, arms, and horses to him, hence the mention of war and its apparatus, like in his Jp Shib and Svaiye
Shib, is found throughout the Sri Dasam Granth Sahib.21

3 Theme
The unity of Ultimate Reality is proclaimed; He is one amidst the multiplicity of His creation.22 The theme of Divine grace (Your grace-
tva prasdi) occurs in the names of metres: 171, 161, 150, 144, 141, 103 (narrated-kathate),23 94, 87, 79, 74, 64, 29, and 1. There is
syncretic plurality for the names of the Supreme Deity, with the names of Rm and Rahm from Hinduism and Islam.24 Akal Purakh is
referenced to as the Unbreakbale, Invincible, Unconquerable, Unwoundable, Uncuttable which seems to support the idea that this composition
is for warriors. There are allusions to Warfare, Royalty and Sovereingty throughout, but also spiritual terms like the non-dual and philosophical
iseas like anatman, where the Guru sees the Hindu idea of unity and the Buddhist idea of non-self as the same.

4 Invocation and the nom de plume

The invocation used is Ik Oakr satigura prasdi.25 This has been utilised 512 times in the Adi Guru Granth Sahib. In the Dasam

Granth Sahib this mangal or invocation is used at the beginning or title of new compositions while in the Adi Guru Granth Sahib it occurs

regularly. The abbreviated form of this has been used throughout the Dasam Granth Sahib - Tva prasdi, and it occurs exactly thirteen times,

with the slight change in metre thirteen. This is significant as the number thirteen was repeated by Guru Nanak Dev, while working and

See,The History of the Nitnem Bi by Akali Dr Kamalroop Singh Nihang. For more details see my publication with Mann here:
Jodh Singh and Dharam Singh, trans., Sri Dasam Granth Sahib (text and translation), Patiala: Heritage, 1999, p. x. See Guru Gobind Singh,
Jpu Shib, Dasam Granth Sahib, Verse: 81 or Verse: 81 in the translation above.
With Your Grace I Expound (Tva Prasdi Kathate).
Deol, J., Eighteenth century Khalsa identity, Sikh Religion, Culture and Ethnicity, Arvindpal Singh Mandair, C. Shackle, Gurharpal Singh,
London: Routledge, 2001, p. 30.
One Universal Creator, realised by the Grace of the True Guru.
counting in a shop, thirteen means the same, taira, Yours. Depending on the Jpu Shib version, then follows Sr vhigur j k Fateh, and

the name of the bn (Jpu).27 The pen name that follows is Sr MuKavkha 28
Ptish 10, 29 the auspicious oration of verse from the Tenth

Sovereign, Guru Gobind Singh. In early extant manuscripts is the additional line, Sr Akl Purakh j tava Prasdi. Ik Oakr satigura prasdi,

Jpu Sr MuKavkha Ptish 10, occurs in most manuscripts, with the Bhai Mani Singh sarup and 1698 AD Patna recension being

exceptions.30 In the earliest manuscript of the Dasam Granth Sahib, the Jpu Shib begins with Sri Bhagauti Ji Sahai. This manuscript is know

as the Anandpuri Sarup and is from 1695/1696 AD. See photograph 4, which has the same title or invocation from another early manuscript.

In terms of orthography the various manuscripts have very little differences, with sakat or sakati, sahu or sah, pati or pat, so mostly

there are a small number of words where there is the difference of sihari or aunkars between the first few manuscripts of Sri Dasam Granth

Sahib. Therefore, the modern printed version is highly accurate. In manuscripts the verse number is different as the metres can be numbered

differently, but the text is exactly the same as can be seen below:

See the Bhai Ball Janam-Skh.
Victory to the great Guru; this is generally in the version by the Dam Dam Taksl and Nihang Singh. This is a part of the greeting of Khalsa
Sikhs, Sr vhigur j k Fateh The pure belong to the Supreme Guru, Victory to the great Guru. Therefore this is an address written by the
Guru to Khalsa Sikhs, to those who have been initiated by the double-edged sword. This invocation is in the Sangrur recension which was kept
by the Akali Nihang Singhs under Jathedar Baba Binod Singh 96 Krori.
We find the same title used in two compositions by the Fifth Guru, in the Adi Guru Granth Sahib: Guru Arjan Dev, Savaye Sr Mukhbkh
Mahall 5, Adi Guru Granth Sahib, pp.1385 and 1387.
The meaning of this title is temporal as well as theological, for example the Jap of Guru Nanak Dev states: jisa no bakhase siphati slha.
One who is blessed to sing the Praises of the Lord. Nnaka ptish ptishu.25. O Nanak, is the King of kings.25. Guru Nanak, Jap, AG, p. 5,
translated by Dr Sant Singh Khalsa. The title of the Guru is the Sovereign according to Sikh theological thought, the other title ptishu or
King, has been used for the traditional leaders of the Khalsa Panth like Nawab Kapr Singh. Ptish has been used for the first to Ninth Guru,
see Prem Sumrag, (1953), and Randhir Singh, Shabad Mrat, Dasave Ptishh ke Granth d Itihs, Amritsar: SGPC, 1962, p. 4.
Bhai Mani Singh recension of Dasam Granth Sahib, Jpu Shib, ff. 539b-541a.
Table 1. Showing the numbering of the Jpu Shib in the Standard compared to eight early manuscripts of the Dasam
Granth Sahib

a = Standard

b = Anandpur No. Bn a b c d e f g h i

c = Patna 1698 recension

d = Bhai Daya Singh recension AD 1898 1695/9 1698 ~1698 ~1698 ~1720 1730 1775- 1775
6 -1720 -1720 or 1800
e = Sangrur recension earlier

f = Bhai Mani Singh recension 1 Jpu 198 196 199 198 198 198 198 198 198
g = Akali Baba Dip Singh recension

h = Moti Bagh recension

i = Patna misal/Akal Takht twin recension

5 Metres and structure

Number Metre Total of Metres

1 Chhapai Chhad 1

2 Bhujaga Prayta Chhad (2-28)27 (44-61) 18 (64-73) 10 (96-98) 3 (185-188) 4 (197-199) 3 = 65

3 Chcar Chhad (29-43)15 (62-63) 2 (94-95) 2 (99-102) 4 (133-141) 9 = 32

4 Charapaa Chhad (74-78) 5 (142-144) 3 = 9

5 Rla Chhad (79-86) = 8

6 Madhubhra Chhad (87-93) (161-170) = 17

7 Bhagavat Chhad (103-132) (150-160) = 41

8 Rasvala Chhad (145-149) = 5

9 Haribolaman Chhad (171-184) = 14

10 Eka Achar Chhad (189-196) = 8

Total 10 10 199

The Jpu Shib has 199 verses in ten different metres but in early manuscripts the verses are numbered differently, but the script is the

same.31 The metres have a musical mode of rhythm and both scholars and chhattrs - warrior Nihang Singhs - have suggested this is related

to the movements of Gatk, or Shastarvidiy, the Sikh martial art.32 This may have some merit, as it is well known that Braj Bhsh metric

poetry was often recited with intricate dance movements in the royal Courts of India. 33 Guru Gobind Singhs charaina armour or peti, used in

the Battle of Bhagani, mentioned in his autobiography the Bachitra Natak, has the Jap Sahib of gold koftgari on one of the plates.34

6 Praxis
The Jpu Shib is an integral part of the nitnem and is regularly sung in kirtan. It is the second composition to be recited in the

Khade-d-phul ceremony (Amrit). Amrit is mentioned by Guru Gobind Singh in Verses 177, 178. In the rahitnm of Bhai Nand Lal we find

two references to the Jpu Shib: Bath then read Jap and Jp.1.35 Read the Jap ji and Jp with concentration.13.36Another composition in the

Distichs; for the the timings of various metres see E. Trumpp, The Adi Granth, 1877, p. cxxviii onwards.
L. E. Fenech, Martyrdom in the Sikh tradition, Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2000, p. 90. He quotes Loehlin (1971), who is quoting Pandit
Shard Ram, Sikh k Rj k Vitihy, 1866, ed. Pritham Singh, Jalandar: Hind Publishing, 1956, p. 78. Court (1888) translated this work for
the British administration of Punjab, for the creation of the Dasam Granth Sahib and its purpose, see Sharadh Rma Philaur, Major Henry
Court, History of the Sikhs: or, Translation of the Sikkhan de raj di vikhia, as laid down for the examination in Panjabi. Together with a short
Gurmukhi grammar, and an appendix containing some useful technical words, in roman character. Translated and edited by Henry Court, Civil
and Military Gazette Press, 1888, p. 43.
R. Snell, A Brj Bhash Reader, London: SOAS, 1991, p. 30. See M. Knowles, Tap Roots, McFarland, 2002, p.168: Discussing the roots of
Kathak, Knowles narrates that, Many gestures of the kathak were initially based upon the movements of martial arts, and the training of
dancers originally grew of out military exercises.
For more information see, K. Singh, G. Mann, The Granth of Guru Gobind Singh, OUP, 2015.
kara isanna paathe japu jpu.1.
japuj jpu paathe chita li.13. Previous to this the Guru states that know my form to be bn, and the Granth, he instructs the Sikhs to
read Gurbn. Then we have references to bn from the Adi Guru Granth Sahib and Dasam Granth Sahib, the Japu and Jpu.
name of Bhai Nand Lal is the Sakh rahit k (Story of the code of conduct). In verse fifteen it reads:

.and the Japu and Jpu should be read after cleaning the teeth. Also if they cannot be read, then five stanzas of both the Japu and
Jpu should be recited.37

.then at the second watch of the day38 wash the hands and feet, after recite the Japu and Jpu.39

The rahitnm of Bhai Prahlad Singh was discussed previously in this thesis; Prahlad Singh was a Court scribe of the Tenth Guru, the Jpu

Shib features within this rahitnm as in the previous two codes: 40

He who eats food without first reciting Japuj and Jp is [worth as much as] a worms excrement, and has wasted [the opportunity
afforded by his human] birth.13.41

McLeod also adds the find by Deol of MS 770 at Guru Nanak Dev ji University, which contains both the Jpu Shib and Tankhnm of Bhai

Nand Ll with a date of 1775 VS/ 1718 AD. This brings the date of this important rahitnm to an earlier period. Which McLeod concedes

brings the dating of various rahitnamas back to a period closer to the traditional view. 42

ate japu te jpu paathai dovai ate dtaa kare. ate jo paatha na jai t japu jpu d paja pavu. See W. H. McLeod,
Translations of Rahit-namas, Sikhs of the Khalsa, A History of the Khalsa Rahit, Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2003, p. 293. There is also a
similar injunction in the Prem Sumrag Granth.
By timing in Punjab this would be midday, by the praxis of the Guru this would be 9 am. See Mahn Kosh, p. 729.
jaba do pahira dinu rahai t hthi paira dhovai dho kara japu te jpu dovai paathai. McLeod translates this as midday, see W. H.
McLeod, Translations of Rahit-namas, Sikhs of the Khalsa, A History of the Khalsa Rahit, Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2003, p. 293.
P. S. Padam, Rahitnme, Singh Bros, Amritsar, 2000, p. 47.
W. H. McLeod, Sikhs of the Khalsa, A history of the Khalsa Rahit, Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2003, p. 287. The original text reads:bin
japu jpu jape jo jevahi prasdi so bisa k kirama hu janama gavvai bda.13.
Ibid. p. 68.
Another code of conduct is by Bhai Desa Singh, the son of Bhai Mani Singh, the amanuensis of the Tenth Guru. 43 Padam also accepts

that Desa Singh may be somebody else and states that the document is from the late eighteenth century. Kanh Singh Nabha states that Desa

Singh has a rahitnm to his name but goes no further.44 McLeod admits that this may also be the case, but believes the document to be an

amalgamation of two documents.45 Like the previous rahitnms we find mention of a similar praxis:

Get up early and bath. Keep reciting on the lips the Japu and Jpu.46


Arise at dawn and having bathed recite both Jpu and Japuj [At the end of the day] recite the four portions of Sodar. Do not be lazy
about this.37.

When the first watch of the night has passed recite the Sohil order (Krtan Sohil). Each day select some portion from the text of
either Granth, [the Adi Granth or the Dasam Granth], and commit it to memory.38.

Celebrate as festivals the birthdays of all the Gurus, from the tenth back to the first. Prepare on these occasions some food and
cooking it in an iron bowl (kah) feed it to the Khalsa Sikhs.39.47

According to P. S. Padam, Rahitnme, Amritsar: Singh Bros, 2000, p. 49.
Mahn Kosh, p. 648.
W. H. McLeod, Sikhs of the Khalsa, A History of the Khalsa Rahit, Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2003, p. 68.
Bhai Desa Singh rahitnm: prtahi uha ininahi karai. puna mukha te japu jpu ucarai.
The translation is from W. H. McLeod, Sikhs of the Khalsa, A history of the Khalsa Rahit, Oxford University Press, 2003, p. 299. The original
text reads: dohar prtaha uha isanna kar paathahi jpu japu doi. sodara k chauk kare lasa karai na koi.37. pahira rta bta hai jabah.
sohal pha karai so tabah. duh grantha maija bn jo. chuna chuna kaha kare nita so.38. dasam di gur dina jete. puraba samna
kahe hai tete.
I would offer an alternative translation of verse 38 and 39 above: Everyday select some bn from both Granths, and commit it to memory

again and again.38. Whatever is given in the Dasam and Adi Guru, both are said to be first and equal.39. This is radically different to the

translation by McLeod. The words dasam di gur are clear and have been omitted in McLeods translation.

In the Prem Sumrag we find the following references to the Dasam Granth Sahib compositions to be recited early in the morning

(amrit vel). McLeod translates this passage as: Recite the Japu[ji] and Jp five times each, and likewise Anad.48 The word ver can also

mean time, another translation is possible: at this time recite the five Japu, Jp, and as a part of the five read Anad at this time. Rattan

Singh also narrates that the Guru gives injunctions to read Gurbn, and to read the Jap and Jpu Shib, Anad and Rahirs.49

The Prem Sumrag goes on to state that when two watches of the day have gone, read again the Japu and Jpu once.50 Followed by

an injunction to read the ml mantra and mangal of the Jpu Shib seven times.51 In the evening the So Dar Rahirs should be read, and

following this the bhog should be performed with the Japu and Jpu.52 Then it follows with an injunction to read bn from the first Guru to

the Tenth: The bn from the first Sovereign (Guru Nanak) to the Tenths Bachitra Nak and other Sovereigns bn from the Granth should be

W. H. McLeod, Prem Sumrag, Oxford University Press, 2006, p.3. The original passage is in Prem Sumrag, (1953), Randhir Singh, p. 3.
paja ver japu te jpu paathai. nle anada paja ver paathai. Leyden also translates this portition but gives seven instead of five. See
British Library, Mackenzie collection, Add. 26588.
Ibid., verse: 16, p. 78. Akl Baba Santa Singh narrates that Jap and Jp, meaning the nitnem of five prayers.
Indian times are broken into eight divisions of the day called ah pahar.
Randhir Singh, Prem Sumrag, 1953, p. 4.
Ibid, 1953, pp. 4-5: triti bachana rahita k la jaba jai dui gha dina rahi hai t sodara rahirsi nla paathai a j bhoga pvai t
dove japu te jpu paatha kai math ekai pa benat kahai khai ju la.
read. McLeod gives: [recite works by all] the Masters, from the first to the tenth [Guru Gobind Singhs] Bachitar Nak and works from the

[Adi] Granth by the other masters.54 What is interesting to note here is that the work of the Tenth Guru has been known collectively as the

Bachitra Nak Granth in the indexes of extant manuscripts of the Dasam Granth Sahib, for example the Patna missal recension. If the Prem

Sumrag Granth can be dated from 1701 or earlier, perhaps it is referring to the Granth itself. Alternatively it may just be referring to the

Bachitra Nak, we find references to the Bachitra Nak in Bjai Mukat Granth, which has extant manuscript copies from the early eighteenth


The earliest translation of the Jpu Shib was by Dr Leyden between 1785-1800:

1. Prem Sumrag. Folios 2a-8a (reproduced in 15a -28b)

2. The opening verse of Jap ji and Jp sahib. Folio 9a

3. Jap ji Parmarath (explaination of Jap). Folios 9a-15a55

7 Manuscripts
In all the extant manuscripts of the Dasam Granth Sahib we find the Jpu Shib as the opening composition. It is found in the smaller

breviaries of the Dasam Granth Sahib, called Das Granthis. You will find complete scriptures and breveries in the UK, India, Pakistan, Canada,

Ibid, p. 5: t b ptishh pahil to laikari dasav d bachitra naka hora b gratha k horan ptishh d hove so paathai.
The translation give by McLeod (2006), p.16, is based around the hypen and commas employed by Randhir Singh in his original text on p.
Add. 26588.
the USA, France, Germany, Ireland and other countries. There are lots of manuscripts but a few of the earliest are as follows

7.1 Table 1. Some Extant Manuscripts of the Dasam Granth Sahib

Name of Dasam Granth Sahib Date of colophon Special features Location


Anandpur 1696 AD Khs patre Chandigarh

Patna 1698 AD Khs patre Takht Patna Sahib

Ayodhya 1698 AD Ayodhya

Akal Takht ms 1190. 1698 AD Chandigarh

Bhai Daya Singh Khs patre Aurangabad
Sangrur Khs patre
Bhai Mani Singh 1713 AD Khs patre New Delhi
Moti Bagh Khs patre
Baba Dip Singh Dam Dama Sahib

Bhai Jit Singh 1732 AD Dam Dama Sahib

Patna Misal 1767 AD Takht Patna Sahib

Patna Misal 1767 AD Akal Takht Sahib

Punjabi University 1780 AD Patiala

Hazur Sahib 1783 AD Hazur Sahib

Colebrooke - ms Panj D5 British library

Photograph 1. Punch dagger shown in the Akal Takht recension from 1698 AD
This is one of the earliest extant Dasam Granth Sahib volumes. It shows a tiger-knife depicted within the sacred text of Jpu Shib. This was a
product of the Court and is likely to have been taken to the Akal Takht by Bhai Mani Singh, under the instructions of the Tenth Guru. See Seva
Singh (1800). It shows that the common theme of the Dasam Granth Sahib is bir ras-dharam yudh, which includes the worship of weapons
(shastar pj). I examined this manuscript on 12/01/2009. The photograph is courtesy of Joginder Singh Ahluwalia. Dasam Granth Sahib,
Chandigarh: Punjab University, Joshi library: MS 1190, f. 2.

Photograph 2: The Dasam Granth Sahib of Akali Baba Dip Singh Shahid

This recension is extant at Dam Dama Sahib along with a twin Adi Guru Granth Sahib recension. This folio shows the Jpu Shib in the hand
of Akali Baba Dip Singh Shahid. It does not contain the Shastra Nm Ml or the Zafarnmah. Dam Dama Sahib is where Baba Dip Singh
stayed and wrote many Granths, as is recorded in Sikh history. Photographed by the author on 31/08/2003.

Photograph 3: An illustrated folio from a nineteenth Dasam Granth Sahib at Hazur Sahib

This manuscript shows the Ten Gurus over the opening verses of the Jpu Shib. This manuscript is like the standard Dasam Granth Sahib but
contains the Asphotak Kabitt and Mjh Ptshh 10. The recension was probably written in the early nineteenth century. Photographed and
examined by the author on the 7/02/2005.

Photograph 4: A beautifully decorated Jpu Shib from Amritsar

This manuscript is from the mid 19th century and is highly ornate. This folio shows the opening of the Dasam Granth Sahib. One
interesting feature is the use of the invocation Bhagaut Sahi, this is only found in a very early recension from the Court of the
Tenth Guru, known as the Anandpuri recension. It contains all the compositions in the standard edition, as well as the Asphotak
Kabitt. I examined and photographed this manuscript at the Bhai Santokh Singh library, at the Golden Temple complex on

Photograph 5: A beautifully decorated Jpu Shib folio from a Dasam Granth Sahib manuscript at Hazur

Although highly decorated this manuscript is probably from the eighteenth century and the art work was probably added to it later.
The octagonal arrangement is a feature of eighteenth century manuscripts. It contains all the compositions in the standard edition
and the Asphotak Kabitt. Photographed and examined by the author in 2005.

Photograph 6: The Jpu Shib and the Last Contents Page of the Standard Dasam Granth Sahib

The text below is the last contents page in the 1897 standard Dasam Granth Sahib as well as the opening page of the Jpu Shib.
This version of the Dasam Granth Sahib was based on thirty-two early copies of the Dasam Granth Sahib. However, the committee
in charge did not employ all the early versions of the scripture that had other compositions within it. They did employ the earliest
recension, the Anandpur manuscript of the Dasam Granth Sahib. The standard Dasam Granth Sahib version is derived from the
stemma of manuscripts that were probably copied from the Anandpur recension. This led to compositions that were in later
editions of the Dasam Granth Sahib being excluded from the standard version. The excluded compositions now form the
apocrypha of the Dasam Granth Sahib. I examined this manuscript in 2005 at Anandpur Sahib. Photographed and examined by
the author 7/12/2002 and 15/12/2002.

8 Authenticity
All traditional scholars agree on the authenticity of the Jpu Shib.56 In the course of this work a folio from a private collection of

the Jpu Shib in the handwriting of the Guru was discovered. It reads Sr Akl j Shai Sr Gur Nnak Prsadi, Jpu, Chhapai

Chhad, Tva Prsadi. Without further research little can be said about it, consequently it does not form a part of this discussion.

Sadly, a new group of missionaries are questioning this composition headed by Prof. Darshan Singh and his understudy Sarbjit

Singh Dhundha (who has retracted his statement),and others.

Ran Singh, Dasam Granth Nirae, Patiala: Panch Khalsa Divn, 1919, p. 7.
With the blessings of the Jathedars of Buddha Dal

The previous head of the Shiromani Khalsa Panth Akali Buddha Dal Panjwa Takht Chalda Vahir Chakrvarti, Vishav, Singh Sahib 96
Krori Jathedar Akali Baba Surjit Singh Nihang Singh, who was in jail with Rajoana Sahib due to the SGPC and Akali Dal making their
own puppet leader Balbir Singh. He sadly died whilst imprisoned during trial, where seven years later, sixteen others were released
on no charge.This is what the Chinese government have done to his holiness the Dalai Lama and the Pancham Lama. We cannot
allow this to happen to the head of the Khalsa Panth. The current head is 96 Krori Akali Baba Prem Singh Ji of Mata Sahib Kaur
Gurdwara Hazur Sahib.

About the Author
My name is Dr. Kamalroop Singh, I am a Sikh and a member of the Khalsa, and belong to the Nihang Singh order. I began my
journey back in 1995, when I met some inspirational Sikhs. I have been reading about and practising as a Sikh from a young age, I
took initiation into the Khalsa in 1999. I have travelled around India and stayed with the Nihang Singhs and Sants, and I also took
basic santhia from the Dam Dami Taksal in Amritsar. After finishing my degree in Chemistry, I completed an MPhil and PhD in Sikh
Studies. My chosen subject was the Dasam Granth Sahib, with my thesis titled Dasam Granth Re-examined. A book titled Dasam
Granth Questions and Answers has been published which was written with a colleague, please see it at I am a linguist and have worked for the Crown Prosecution Services and taught languages at the
School of African and Oriental Studies. I have been a consultant to a number of museums and galleries around the world, and I
regularly travel and teach about related subjects.

Many thanks to Sat Siri Singh Khalsa, who asked for this document to be made and to my proof reader. Please forgive any
mistakes beloved Sadh Sangat jio and pray that I may continue serving the Guru Khalsa Panth Sahib.

Das, Kamalroop Singh.

Credits & Inspiration
This translation and discussion of Sri Jpu Shib was written for the 350th Gurpurab celebrations for Guru Gobind Singh at Patna
Sahib, I was invited by Dr Paramvir Singh but was unable to make the event due to a broken hip, but pray that Guru said blesses
me with health, to continue serving his noble Khalsa Panth. I owe a lot of people credit for their help and inspiration they include in
no order of importance:

Baba Santa Singh Ji 96 Krori, Baba Surjit Singh Ji 96 Krori , Baba Prem Singh ji 96 Krori Hazur Sahib, Jathedar Gurbachan Singh Sri
Akal Takht Sahib, Baba Kulwant Singh Ji Hazur Sahib, Sant Mani Singh, Sant Karam Singh, Bhai Gurpal Singh Hansra, Dr Harbhajan
Singh, Prof Anrag Singh, Bhai Gurpreet Singh California, Lovepreet Singh California, Prof Kirpal Singh Amritsar, Jathedar Joginder
Singh Vedanti, Gurinder Singh Mann Leicester, Prof Pashaura Singh, Giani Hardeep Singh Hazuri Taksal, Bhai Gurcharanjit Singh
Lamba Sant Siphai, Baba Takur Singh Dam Dami Taksal, Giani Surjit Singh Dam Dami Taksal, Sant Mohan Singh Satovali
Taksal, Sant Surjit Singh Sewapanthi Taksal, Akali Ram Janga Singh, Ragi Harminder Singh, Bhupinder Singh Bob, Giani Taranjit
Singh Buddha Dal, Bhai Baighel Singh Buddha Dal, Gurjinder Singh Buddha Dal, Guranchal Singh Delhi vala, Simran Singh, Virpal
Singh, Sat Siri Singh, Seetel Kaur Seetu, Rajbinder Kaur Raj, Gurpreet Singh Sidhu Birmingham, Trigger Singh Cov, Sunny
Singh Nihang, Darminder Singh Nihang, Satpal Singh Nihang, Runjodh Singh Nihang, Gurpreet Singh Sukha Nihang, Gurdev Singh
& Karen Kaur, Amar Singh Gian Singh, Davinder Singh Parmesvar, Sant Raj yogi Gurharkirpal Singh Khalsa, Jasbir Singh Denmark,
Nardeep Singh Denmark, Satnam Singh Denmark, Sher Singh Ragi, Ragi Baldev Singh Buddha Dal, Sant Subhag Singh, Nav
Kandola, Gurpreet Singh, Adi Sach Kaur, Atma Parkash Singh, Toby Johnson, Lou Fenech, W H McLeod, Avatar Singh Cheema,
Paramjot Singh Khalsa, Jasjit Singh Leeds, Gurvinder Rai, Hardeep Singh Kainth, Keerat Singh Bains, Rasanjeet Kaur, Jaskiran
Kaur, Tarsem Kaur, Surinder Singh, Trilochan Kaur, Baldev Singh Birk, Gurpal Kaur Birk, Dalbir Kaur Shoker, Gurmeet Singh
Shannt, Bhai Avar Singh, Bhai Kultar Singh, Bhai Baldeep Singh, Jatinder Singh Durhailey, Tony and Jagdeep Kaur, Harsangat Raj
Kaur Khalsa, Ragi Bahulivleen Singh Khalsa, Amritpal Kaur Khalsa, Davinder Singh Chak Singha, Baba Nirmal Singh Chak Singha,
Sukha Singh Chak Singh, Baba Bali Singh, Sodhi Singh Sodhi, Shawn Dhillon, Sat Atma Kaur, Mahakali Kaur, Uttrang Kaur, Gavin
Singh, Sherni Kaur, Prof Pritam Singh, Prof Cheetham, Dr Jhutti-johal, Sat Mehar Kaur, Harjit Singh Dhillon, Sharan Rai Dhaliwal,
Vicky Kaur, Harjit Kaur, Kully Singh, Jasmer Singh, Jaspreet Kaur, Sukhvir Singh Matharu, Manpreet Singh Nihang, Phil Singh Birk,
Gian Singh Birk, Gurpyar Singh, Taran Singh Thuni, Jagtar Singh Nihang, Harmil Singh Pardesi, Upkar Singh Pardesi, Surjit Singh
Bharj, Satti Kaur Bharj, Sundeep Singh Rai, Sundeep Singh Rai, Gee Singh Mann, Jasvir Singh, Param Singh, Laurelene Chambovet,
Dr Gurnam Singh Khalsa, Dr Parmvir Singh, Prof Jodh Singh, Johanna Bhajan Kaur, Dr Kashmir Singh, Parmatama Kaur, Adama,
Lucha Ortiz, Anna Pujol, Pura, Meiria, Lucas, Mata Pillar, Rita Punjabi, Draupadi, Oscar, Wirakuti, Sandra, Carmen, Alba, Narayan,
Harp Chawla, Sukhpal Singh Ahluwalia, Margarita Margaluna, Roy Littlesun, Jagatguru Singh Khalsa, Sada Sat Simran Singh Khalsa,
Harimandirjot Singh Khalsa, Sri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan, Bibi Ji, Shanti Kaur Khalsa, Jagat Singh Khalsa, Shiv Charan Singh Khalsa,
Gurdev Singh Khalsa, Lalita Kaur, Jag Singh Kaila, Harchand Singh, Kulprem Kaur, Elvira, Philp Deslippe, Sukhjit Singh Grewal, Rishi
Singh Ragi, Charles Townsend, Kanwal Jit Singh Australia, Baba Vadbhag Singh, Baba Avatar Singh Ji Biddhi Chand Dal, Rishi
Handa, Opinderjit Kaur Thakur, Barinderpal Singh Toronot, Harminder Mann Toronto, Karen Tiwana, Mani Tiwana, Sat Simran
Singh Gill, Gurtaj Singh California, Gurpreet Singh Anand, Ravi Singh, Master Gurinder Singh, Rav Singh, Sachibani Kaur, Ranjeet
Singh Slough, Mukande Kaur Chile, Akal Singh California, Raja Singh Khalsa Buddha Dal, Tara and Stella Joy, Rio Singh, Tarunpal
Singh GFK, Charanjit Marwaha and Sukh Purewal, Karanjit Singh Hamburg, Amarjeet Singh NZ, Nishan Singh Russia, Sukhdev Kaur
Estonia, Gabriel Singh, Kristina Myrvold, Jag Shoker, Amandeep Kaur Sehmbi, Sukhy Singh Sungu, Gurmant Singh, Dharam Avatar
Kaur, Gurinder Singh Boparai, Kaka Mohanwalia, Kitz Singh Meht, Shawn Singh Meht, Jatinder Singh, Har Anand Singh, Terwinder
Singh, Gurwinder Singh, Harmeet Singh, Nihal Singh, Simranjeet Singh, Surjit Singh Bhachu, Joginder Singh Ahluwalia, Hardyal
Singh Cheema, Baz Singh, & Happy.

If I have missed you my sincere apologises.


Add. 26588 Dr Leyden British Library

MS 770 at Guru Nanak Dev ji University - 1775 VS/ 1718 AD

Bhai Mani Singh, Uthank Guru Granth Sahib, 18th century, Private collection

Anandpur recension 1695/96 AD - Sri Dasam Granth Sahib

Patna 1698 AD recension - Sri Dasam Granth Sahib

Bhai Daya Singh recension - Sri Dasam Granth Sahib

Sangrur recension - Sri Dasam Granth Sahib

Bhai Mani Singh recension - Sri Dasam Granth Sahib

Akali Baba Dip Singh recension - Sri Dasam Granth Sahib

Moti Bagh recension - Sri Dasam Granth Sahib

Patna misal/Akal Takht twin recension - 1767 AD - Sri Dasam Granth Sahib

Akal Takht Sahib 1698 AD recension, ms 1190 Punjabi University. - Sri Dasam Granth Sahib

Colebrooke, Panj D 5, British Library. - Sri Dasam Granth Sahib

Primary Sources

Vr Bhai Gurdas
Adi Sri Guru Granth Sahib

Sri Dasam Granth Sahib

Sri Sarbloh Granth Sahib

Bhai Bala Janam Skh

Tankhnmah Bhai Nand Lal

Secondary Sources

Akali Baba Santa Singh Nihang, Mukh Shabad, in Harbans Singh, Dasam Granth Darpa, Gurmatnarain Prakashan, 1990.

Arvind Mandair, The Politics of Nonduality: Reassessing the Work of Transcendence in Modern Sikh Theology, 2006.

Deol, J., Eighteenth century Khalsa identity, Sikh Religion, Culture and Ethnicity, Arvindpal Singh Mandair, C. Shackle, Gurharpal
Singh, London: Routledge, 2001.

Fenech, L. E., Martyrdom in the Sikh tradition, Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2000.

Gobind Singh Manusukhani, A Study of the Sikh Scriptures The Sikh Review, July 1982.
Jodh Singh and Dharam Singh, trans., Sri Dasam Granth Sahib (text and translation), Patiala: Heritage, 1999.

Knowles, M., Tap Roots, McFarland, 2002.

Max Arthur Macauliffe, The Sikh Religion, 1909.

McLeod, W. H., Translations of Rahit-namas, Sikhs of the Khalsa, A History of the Khalsa Rahit, Delhi: Oxford University Press,

W. H. McLeod, Prem Sumrag, Oxford University Press, 2006.

Nitnem Sak, Dam Dami Taksal, Amritsar.

Piara Singh Padam. Rahitnme, Amritsar, Singh Bros, 2005.

Ran Singh, Dasam Granth Nirae, Patiala: Panch Khalsa Divn, 1919.

Randhir Singh, Shabad Mrat, Dasave Ptishh ke Granth d Itihs, Amritsar: SGPC, 1962.

Randhir Singh, Prem Sumrag, 1953.

Rattan Singh Bhangu, Sr Gur Panth Praksh, exegesis, Akali Baba Santa Singh Nihang, (2 Vols).

Richard King, Orientalism and Religion, 1999.

Shard Ram, Pandit, Sikh k Rj k Vitihy, 1866, ed. Pritham Singh, Jalandar: Hind Publishing, 1956.

Snell, R., A Brj Bhash Reader, London: SOAS, 1991.

Trumpp, E., The Adi Granth, 1877.



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