Bathroom Reader 8.02: March 2017

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Uncle Christophers

Bathroom Reader
Informing Captive Audiences Since 2010! | Harvard Law School Library | Volume 8 Issue 2: March 2017
New Activist Research Guide Book Talks
Compelled to get involved in advocating for po- Mark your calendar: space is lim-
litical and social change? Just want to stay current ited! Talks begin at 12 noon and
on issues that matter to you? Our Activist Research Guide include lunch.
can help you: evaluate sources; get newsletters, reports or Mar. 22 in WCC 2019 Cass Sun-
briefings on issues you care about; research from anywhere; stein on #Republic: Divided De-
find executive and presidential documents; locate and engage mocracy in the Age of Social Media
with administrative materials and regs; find the best contacts Mar. 27 in WCC 2019 Alexandra
for your legislators; and maximize your impact as a force for Lahav on In Praise of Litigation
social and political change. Visit
Mar. 29 in WCC 2019 Gish Jen on
Caffeine Awareness!? Get a Taste of Spring! The Girl at the Baggage Claim: Ex-
Did you know there As warm as it is, plaining the East-West Culture Gap
are about 60 differ- it is still winter.
ent plants that con- Leadership Library
But you can ring
Are you tracking staffing
tain caffeine? March is Caf- in spring at the
changes in Congress and
feine Awareness Month! Boston Flower & Garden
the White House? Following con-
(Its also National Frozen Show, billed a veritable hor- firmation hearings? Find out how
Food Month.) Bring your ti-con celebrating superhe- the Leadership Library database
own cup for the coffee room roes of the garden. The show can help! Learn how to view, sort,
on the 4th floor! Youre on runs March 22-26 at the export, and get alerts on pre-built
your own with frozen peas, Seaport World Trade Center Election 2016 lists and customize
though. (tickets $20). Find out more your own lists. Explore federal gov-
Free HLS faculty advice at ernment org charts. And so much
on your scholarship! more! More details and a short we-
Chaplains on Call
HLS students, are you hop- binar at
In addition to Wellness re-
ing to write a Note for your sources from the Dean of
journal or an article for pub- Students Office (visit http:// For more HLSL news and
lication? Youre in luck! Save info, connect with us!
the date for Wednesday, wellness), Harvard chap- Web
April 5 from 3-6pm. Over lains are on call 24/7 at 617-
18 faculty members will be 879-8365 for emergency or Et Seq. Blog
available to advise you on the non-emergency talks. Har-
scholarship process and your
vards team of over 30 chap-
ideas in the Library Reading Facebook
lains cover a huge variety of
Room with a food and drinks
spriritual and religious tradi-
reception in the Caspersen Instagram: hlslibrary
tions. Learn more at http://
Room. RSVP at Twitter: @hlslib
Read the Bathroom Reader online at Send feedback and suggestions to
Image Credits: Coffee Love by @javaturtle;

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