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Commedia dellarte

An Italian Theatre Tradition

First troupe in Padua, located slightly east of Venice

Map of Italy. World Map, 2017, Accessed 5 Feb.
Historical and Political Context
Commedia popularized in late 16th century
1st prominent troupe: Gelosi
Tail end of the Italian Renaissance (humanism, ended the Dark Ages,
doubt of conventional wisdom, reference to older texts)
War in the Italian Peninsula
Church censorship, operation to castigate dissenters
Improvisation= Liberation (sly political commentary, risqu)

Sources:, Encyclopedia Britannica

Disputed Origins and the Golden Age of
Ancient Roman and Greek Mythology/Comedy (Commedia Erudita)
Convention of the mask (Atellanae Fabulae)
Favored in foreign courts (esp. France)
Bavaria, Spain, England
16th century to 18th century
Earliest existence 15th century

Sources: Metropolitan Museum of Art

Theatrical Conventions

Commedia dellarte troupe, probably depicting Isabella Andreini and the Compagnia dei Gelosi, oil painting by unknown artist, c. 1580; in the Muse Carnavalet, Paris.
Encyclopedia Britannica, Encyclopdia Britannica, 2017. Accessed 14 Jan. 2017.
Theatrical Conventions
Improvisation and Scenarios
Character Archetypes
Lazzis interlude or comic relief
Wit and bawdy humor

Source: A Short History of the Drama

Performance Structure (Scenario/Canvas)
Act 1 (divided into scenes)
Act 2 (divided into scenes)
Lazzis Interlude
Act 3 (divided into scenes, happy ending)

Turn of action and outcome

Sources: A Short History of the Drama

Basic Character Archetypes
Character Description Mask/Costume
Il Dottore [The Doctor] Pompous man from Bologna and is Depicted wearing an academics
(Vecci, disapproves of the famous for misquoting Latin robe and red breeches. Has a half
innamorati) phrases. mask that is black and covers the
Il Capitano [The Captain] A braggart soldier (often portrayed Wears a cape, military uniform, and
(Vecci or Zanni) as Spanish). Boasts of his conquests carries a sword. (Outgrew the
and adventures, but when faced mask)
with real danger, reveals his
Arlecchino [Harlequin] Poor, servant man from Bergamo. A Covers face with warts, sometimes
(Zanni) talented acrobat who is gluttonous, an animal mask. Patchwork
gullible, and illiterate. clothing indicates sign of poverty.
Carries batacchio or slapstick.
Arlecchina [Columbine] Arlecchinos paramour. Known to Also wears patchwork.
(Zanni) be coquettish and clever. Helps the
Source: A Short History of the Drama, Metropolitan Museum of
On Wit and Humor
The actors had to find the proper words to make the tears flow or
the laughter ring; they had to catch the sallies of their fellow-actors
on the wing, and return them with prompt repartee. The dialogue
must go like a merry game of ball or spirited sword-play, with ease
and without a pause.
-Martha Fletcher Bellinger (author of Short History of the Drama)
*fun fact= commedia actors often designed their
own masks out of leather

Photos taken by Presenter

Selected Material: I Am The Best: A Prose Poem By Donald J. Trump
Source: Huffington Post
Difficulty of the Form- Clown Master Gaulier
It takes 10 hours of rehearsal for
every minute of performance
-Suzen Murakoshi

The Clowns Challenge:

1. Being funny
2. Listening and focusing on the task
at hand
3. Physical and vocal demand of the
art form

The entire body must support the

mask, and the details of the facial
work is important. It's almost as
though the mask dictates the
personna, rather than the other way
around. A performer meets the mask,
is open and allows the mask to lead.
My Future Work
Commedia dellartes strong links to other Western European
traditions (Pantomime, Slapstick, Punch and Judy)
Working on the Illusion
New skills acquired through workshops and research
Appreciation for other forms of theatre

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