Ignatov Madalina A SWOT ANALYSIS About E-Learning Systems Within ROMANIAN UNIVERSITIES Qmhe 2012

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Quality Auditors Forming, Certificate and Improving Centre, Faculty of Engineers and Technology Management, Polytechnic
University of Bucharest, ignatov.madalina@rdslink.ro
SC ISO SYSTEM BUSINESS SRL, office@isb-consultantaiso.ro
Quality Auditors Forming, Certificate and Improving Centre, Faculty of Engineers and Technology Management, Polytechnic
University of Bucharest, ghe_marilena@yahoo.com
Quality Auditors Forming, Certificate and Improving Centre, Faculty of Engineers and Technology Management, Polytechnic
University of Bucharest, funarcpac@yahoo.com, office@cpac.ro
Faculty of Engineers and Technology Management, office@cpac.ro

E-learning systems consist of a planned teaching-learning experience, organized on a platform that provides materials in order to be
assimilated by the students. Today, e-learning systems are used by many people. Therefore its long-term sustainability must be
evaluated. As e-learning increases in popularity and reach, the need to evaluate the associated costs and risks will also increase. A risk
analysis needs to be part of e-learning design, implementing and development within Romanian Universities. This paper analyzes the
future risks of the e-learning process within 106 Romanian universities, in order to evaluate the real opportunity to extend the e-
learning platforms at The National High School System level, using SWOT analysis.
Keywords: e-learning, SWOT analysis, risk management.

RESEARCHS SCOPE AND OBJECTIVES teaching programmes and to prudently administrate

their assigned budget.
The aim of our research (carried out between 2010 In these circumstances, one of the objectives of the
and 2012) was centred on the analysis of educational research was to evaluate the needed costs and resources
Romanian market in order to evaluate the long-term for e-learning platforms design, implementation,
viability and development of e-learning platforms continuous support and development within Romanian
within the National System of Higher Education (HSE), universities, increasing in this way the higher education
using SWOT Analysis. quality. The question is: Are Romanian universities and
The study was focused on identifying the strengths their infrastructure prepared to meet e-learning
and weaknesses (especially), which represents the risks requirements?
related to the implementation of e-learning platforms
within universities from Romania, and their future PRIOR WORK
extension to all higher educational levels:
undergraduate, master, doctoral postgraduate studies etc. The implementation of ISO 9001:2008 and IWA
Given the technical progress in the field of 2:2006 within our department assisted us in updating the
informatics, e-learning platforms allow the continuous learning methods and the training of competitive
training for an increasing number of candidates, making specialists for The Labour Market. After six years of
available all forms of higher education for the rural Quality Management Systems certification, Quality
people or for people with disabilities. Auditors Forming, Certificate and Improving Centre (as
The study was conducted on 106 public and private integrated part of Polytechnic University of Bucharest)
universities from Romania and followed the perspective is permanently involved in discovering new approaches
of inclusion the disadvantaged people in this way of to the learning process, in adjusting human resources
learning. performance depending on stakeholder requirements
On the other hand, the continuous decreasing of the [4].
allocated state budget to sustain and develop the Due to the demonstrated success of e-commerce and
performance of High School Units from the public inspired by its diversity, multiple access possibilities
system it forces the latter to find viable solutions for with a lot of links and its security, we tried to extend the
long-term self-financing and to reduce their e-commerce concept to the teaching process, to fulfil the
infrastructure and printing costs (payment of utilities, employers requirements for their staff.
editing lecturers, paying the associated trainers and so Applying the e-learning method in order to assure
on). competitive human resources was identified as a need
As a consequence of free market evolution, one following a thorough analysis of our stakeholders'
performance indicator for the public universities is their satisfaction degree (students, graduates, employers,
sustainable development, including here the capacity to enterprises so on) [5].
gain their own financial resources for the research and The first notable result of applying e-learning
concept in our department was the increase of access
2 The 7th International Conference Quality Management
in Higher Education QMHE 2012

rating and the increase of training incomes with 60% videos and simulations and also links to electronic
compared with 2009. databases, search engines, and online libraries.
Currently, there are available and authorized within
the department six post-graduate and four short-time
training curricula. LITERATURE REVIEW
Regarding our position within the Polytechnic
departments classification from the efficiency, training Concern for accessibility information for students
quality and self-sustaining point of view, Quality through the development of e-learning platforms and
Auditors Forming, Certificate and Improving Centre viability of this form of education has been the subject
gained the first place, for the last five years of extensive research since 2000 in the United States
consecutively. [3]. Thus, it arrived at the following results (figure 1):
77% of graduates believe that "a diploma that
The Romanian E-learning general context certifying successful completion of e-learning curricula
at accredited institutions" is more credible than a
E-learning is commonly referred to the intentional diploma from a "virtual institution";
use of networked information and communications - 7% of graduates believe that an e-learning diploma is
technology in teaching and learning. That includes as reliable as a conventional diploma;
online learning, virtual learning, distributed learning, 16% of graduates say that an e-learning diploma is not
network and web based learning. Fundamentally, they very credible, but is acceptable, including from the
all refer to educational processes that utilize information perspective of employers.
and communications technology to mediate learning and
teaching activities.
E-learning appeared into Romanian Training Market GRADUATES OPINION ABOUT THE
about ten years ago, just as an alternative in foreign E-LEARNING CERTIFICATES RECOGNITION
language learning for business. Five years ago, the
method was extended to the distance learning The e-learning certificate is good enough to be employed
curricula, but only to facilitate students access to
lectures, books, virtual library and practicum for
laboratories, as well as to inform students regarding
their performances and their results.
The printed distance study materials, which each Equal credibility for
distance learner received, would carry the core subject both acreditated
and e-learning
matter content they would need including all their university certificate
learning activities and assessment tasks. Students would More credibility for the accreditated university certificate

be required to complete these tasks, submit their

assignments and take their examinations within a set
time frame. Figure 1: Graduates opinion about the E-learning certificates recognition
The growing interest in e-learning seems to be
coming from several directions. These include A study done in 2011 for Kaspersky Labs by A+K
organizations that have traditionally offered distance Research Company (over 7,000 respondents from 16
education programs either in a single, dual or mixed countries) indicates that in the UK, the age limits for
mode setting (private universities, generally). accessing e-learning training is between 21 and 72
They see the incorporation of online learning in their years. Also, people over 30 year said they did not feel
repertoire as a logical extension of their distance comfortable in perspective to return in a classroom.
education activities. The goal of distance education was to free these
On the other hand, the corporate sector is interested learners from the constraints of conventional residential
in e-learning as a way of rationalizing the costs of their educational settings. They would not be required to live
in-house staff training activities [1]. or attend lectures in locations away from where they
The attributes of e-learning systems are: the may be living and working.
flexibility that information and communications
technologies afford and the electronic access to a variety RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
of multimedia-based material that they can enable.
The concept of distance education aimed to allow
The used methodology into the research program is
distance learners, who were generally adult learners in
based on fundamental principles of marketing and
full or part-time employment to be able to study at a
supposes to choose the best development solutions
time, place, and pace that suited their convenience [2].
based on SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses,
Typically, these educational resources could include
Opportunities and Threats).
hyper-linked material, incorporating text, pictures,
Application of SWOT analysis is to coercively act
graphics, animation, multimedia elements such as
on those aspects of e-learning management since the
A SWOT Analysis about E-Learning Systems within Romanian Universities

design phase, in order to eliminate errors and to reduce

potential long-term damage to the education system as a

Step 1 defining the stakeholders Step 5 Added value

The first key step is to identify all stakeholders on Before drawing graphics regarding e-learning quality
the basis of established criteria according to the type of versus traditional learning methods, it had been setting
provided distance education. Then determine the an importance score (from 1 to 5) for each parameter, as
appropriate communication ways with stakeholders, follows:
syllabus structure, lectures content, needed 1 - very low
infrastructure, and the evaluation methods. 2 low
The identified stakeholders involved in our research
3- medium
program are: employers from corporate and public area,
employees, students, graduates, secondary school 4 - significant
pupils, teachers, public and private universities, 5 very significant
Ministry of Works and Ministry of Education, Research, Quality and added value are not only market
Youth and Sports. We also included the rivalries. research techniques (including educational services) and
University provides e-learning services and receives to exploit the obtained information, but are also ways
back information related with students satisfaction for results evaluation of the implemented projects.
through specific questionnaires and is analyzing
students' school performance (figure 2). Steps 6 and 7 Data analysis

Results graphical presentation can be made by

drawing parameter importance on the horizontal axis
in relation to the degree of key stakeholders
satisfaction, on the vertical axis.
Data analysis obtained from the questionnaires was
done by a multi-disciplinary team, together with heads
of department and dean of faculty.
To achieve optimum between investments and
expected results, parameters values should be placed
around the main diagonal of the graph (figure 3).

Figure 2: Informational flow in E-learning process

Step 2 Establishing relevant quality parameters for


Establishing relevant parameters for e-learning

evaluation and its feasibility was done in a multi-task
team (evaluators of Ministry of Education, Research,
Youth and Sports, students, trainers, teachers,
sociologists, specialists in marketing and management
educational projects, evaluators of the National Agency
for Qualification, and managers from corporate area).

Steps 3 and 4 Sampling and Questioning Figure 3: Data analysis using SWOT procedures

Sampling, questionnaire development and statistical When the value of the set quality parameters is high
analysis of the results of their application was made but the associated stakeholders satisfaction is low, the
after statistics and sociology rules to ensure the university is facing with serious problems that can lead
relevance of the study (number of subjects, age groups, to loss the future candidates.
professional groups, stakeholders, competition, structure If the value of the set quality parameters is low, a
of the questionnaire and the number of questions and so higher satisfaction level of stakeholders doesnt prove a
on). On-line questionnaire contains 30 questions, high quality educational service, but a misappropriation
presented professionally and following a logical array. of resources.
4 The 7th International Conference Quality Management
in Higher Education QMHE 2012

Inefficiency is found where great importance of the

analyzed parameter is combined with low stakeholders
satisfaction, and long-term stability will be where both
values are high.


E-learning allows access to the latest information,

acquiring new knowledge, life-long learning, new and
effective learning methods could take place when it had
a developed IT platform on which they can upload
hyper-linked material, incorporating text, pictures,
graphics, animation, multimedia elements such as
videos, interactive dialogue with trainers or teachers,
simulations and also links to electronic databases,
search engines, online libraries, and blogs. Figure 4: Long-term effect on the quality of higher education and university
In our study, 16% of those surveyed said that the
advantage of e-learning is to avoid unpleasant moments Analyzing the graphical representation it can be
in interaction with other colleagues, especially if they said that e-learning educational option for higher
do not understand very well some concepts and they can education has low efficiency, at this moment.
avoid the feeling of shame. Thus, among the strengths of Romanian higher
On the other side, limited access to the internet or to education e-learning curricula can be identified:
computers in rural areas may prevent generalization of
focus on student involvement in drafting and
e-learning platforms al the national level, thus limiting
accessing online library;
public access to learning and / or further training.
Research result reveals that only 50% of Romanians access to knowledge in real-time from anywhere,
(aged between 16 and 74 years) have ever used a anytime;
computer, compared to 55% of Bulgarians, 89% of flexible schedule;
Germans and 96% of Swedes. European average in this more efficient school taxes cashing, automate data
area is 78% (figure 4). analysis regarding students performance, efficiency
testing process (only by reducing the allocated time
for examination and by automatic calculation of
exam score);
access to more educational materials from several
making available all forms of higher education for
the rural people or for people with disabilities;
long-life training for graduates and employees from
private and public area.
Among the identified opportunities could be
the absence of travel or accommodation expenses
for the applicant;
it not required discontinuation of current
Figure 4: Computing using rate in Romania comparing UE countries professional activity of the applicant;
stimulating professional blogs as a means of
Only 38% of respondents between 16 and 74 years collaboration between students and between them
said they have ever written or copy computer files, and the teacher;
compared to the European average of 65%. saving education direct / indirect costs (payment of
Among young people, only 81% of Romanians aged utilities, editing lecturers, paying the associated
between 16 and 24 have used the computer at least once, trainers and so on);
compared to an average of 96% across the 27 EU reducing costs for campus renovation or
Member States. development;
Using SWOT analysis on e-learning process stimulate continuous updating of online libraries.
developed within all 106 Romanian universities
Weaknesses include:
obtained the following results (centralized in figure 4):
Our evaluation indicates that preparing online e-learning
curricula is more expensive than a traditional classes,
because the needs to involve specialized people in web
design and instructional design.
A SWOT Analysis about E-Learning Systems within Romanian Universities

e-learning can be effective when the technical series / group / work group) in certain specialized areas
infrastructure is appropriate (enough computers, such as medicine, pharmacy, biology so on, it is difficult
high speed internet connection); to assure quality education in the absence of
online course cost is quite high - to follow such a connections between theory and practice. For
form of education, candidates must trust that what prestigious universities that want to implement TQM
is offered is high quality education and it justifying (Total Quality Management), leadership, customer
the costs; satisfaction, teachers involvement and continuous
online teacher participation in professional blogs improvement should be a way of life.
assume their un-availability for other activities Because of the general tendency among urban
(such is research); youth (16-24 years) to communicate mainly via the
internet, their preferences for e-learning and could limit
drastically reduces the possibility of students
their free dialogue or negotiation possibilities. Feelings
selecting in order to build up the future teaching
such as frustration, anxiety, irritability, needed further
staff in the specified scientific area (appraisal of
the survival of normal adults could disappear. The
intellect, ease of communication, personal
absence of adequate communication infrastructure in e-
involvement, so on);
learning platform can lead to student isolation.
increase spending in organizing, developing and Another potential risk is the failure to adapt to the
managing the electronic library; new working environment after graduation, particularly
students guidance on various career fields its behavioural problems (failure to adapt in work team,
depending on their personal skills, is almost difficulty in accepting different opinions or in
nonexistent; compliance with a strict work schedule).
e-learning design and management requires E-learning should be considered a long term activity
professors training in media platforms building, and its advertising must be done through information,
editing video courses, developing software for since high school.
online simulation and automatic data analysis (that Another risk is related with teachers inadequacy to
claiming additional costs for human resources the new IT and media technologies. Teachers
training). continuous training in newest IT and media technologies
High quality education requires increasing the (more and more sophisticated as it is smart technology)
institutional capacity for innovation and continuous progressively reduced the allocated time for scientific
improvement of educational process. Therefore, the research.
quality of human resources plays an important role.
Threats are linked both risk management (including CONCLUSIONS AND KEY CONTRIBUTIONS
the prestigious image of the university or education
quality decreasing) and the dynamics of technical
The contribution of the research results in Romanian
progress in the field. Thus, e-learning platform once
higher education quality improvement is mainly related
designed and implemented can become outdated even in
to risk management and establishing corrective and
the next academic year.
preventive actions in designing and implementing the
Another threat is related to the diplomas recognition,
existing and future e-learning platforms.
not only Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and
Using SWOT analysis in e-learning project
Sports or Ministry of Work, but also by employers.
management it makes the transition towards the ISO
31000:2009 (Risk Management Systems)
Risk Management in e-learning process implementation in syllabus design, choosing teaching
and examination forms and by formulating a coherent
Technical risks (damages of data integrity, and long term viable curricula.
unauthorized access to databases, protecting If classical education is organized by age groups, e-
confidential information, software design errors, idle learning education is organized by subjects. At the same
session time, maximum number of instant users) online class could participate students with various ages,
regarding e-learning process management are treated by training, experience and different backgrounds from all
IT specialists and have been the subject of another geographical areas of Romania or other countries
research program [2]. Due to technological progress in involved in Bologna Educational System. E-learning
IT, developing e-learning platforms is very dynamic, facilitates the people integration in higher education
with a low life cycle. units, including person with disabilities. More than this,
After questionnaires analysis, the study identified e-learning promote international and inter-universities
more important risks for this form of higher education co-operation.
than the technical one. These include risks of Higher education provide both professional
transmission of erroneous information or acquiring education (assimilate theoretical knowledge, build
erroneous information received, followed by its specific skills, transmitting ethical values and social
propagation. behaviour that are necessary in career development) and
Although e-learning platform allows the formation moral education (training and development of
of a structure of an academic year (year of study / consciousness and moral conduct, personality building).
6 The 7th International Conference Quality Management
in Higher Education QMHE 2012

All this students can find only in its direct relationship budget, advertising methods, promotions, pricing,
with their teacher that they can choose as model. It is marketing vertical segment and international co-
possible that by using e-learning to disappear operation, success metrics and schedule), initially within
benchmark and moral values. Polytechnic University of Bucharest.
Analyzing whole available data in a field, we
concluded that e-learning as long-life teaching method References
is optimal for adults training (minimum bachelor's
degree) that have already an underline personality and 1. Naidu, S. (2006), E-learning A Guidebook of Principles,
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evolution. market, in: The 6th International Seminar Quality Management in
Research results will be followed by developing a Higher Education (QMHE 2010), Proceedings, Tulcea, pp. 79-82.
Marketing Plan in order to improve the existing e-
learning platforms (including design, competitive
situation, communication strategies, costs and allocated

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