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Fourth Step Inventory

Self Esteem-The role that Ive assigned myself

C1 Names (With whom were we

(Not good Enough). Pride-How people are

angry?) or (Who did I hurt?)

suppose to view me (Challenged). Ambition-
What I want out of the scene (disrespected).
Security-What I need out of the scene to be OK We hope you are convinced
(Not acknowleged). Personal Relationships-Deep that God can remove
seated idea of what this relationships is supose whatever self-will has
to be like (Unimportant). Sex Relations-My deep blocked you off from Him.
seated idea of how a real man/woman would be
in the situation (Confronted, Not respected).
Pocketbook-Finances (Only if it affects my job or
Self Will (Liabilities) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 God's Will (Assets)

C2 Resentment
(Why we were angry?) or
(What was my conduct that
caused the harm?)

C3 Self Esteem? Understanding

(Affects my?)
Pride? Kindness
Ambition? Joy of Living
Security? Serenity
Material (Pocketbook?)
Personal Relationships? Fun
Sexual Relationships? Courteousness
C4 Selfish Unselfishness
(Where were we
to blame?) Self Justification Humility
Self Importance Modesty
Self Pity Gratitude
Self Condemnation Self-Valuation
False Pride Simplicity
Inconsiderate Consideration
Self Seeking Helping Others
Intolerance Tolerance
Dishonest Honesty
Insincerity Straightforwardness
Delusion Truth
Fear (Why we had them?) Love
Jealousy (people) Trust
Envy (things) Generosity
Laziness Activity
Procrastination Promptness

Ask God to mold my ideals

Where had we Sexually Selfish (how?)
and help me live up to them.
been selfish,
dishonest, or
Whom had we
hurt? Did we
arouse jelousy,
suspicion or
bitterness? What should I have done Am I willing to grow toward
Where were we instead? this?
at fault?

If 1 or more harms an
Is this person due an Amends? A amends is likely due.

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