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The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, March 3, 2017 5

SRCD Conference Looking

Ye O l d To The Future of Rural Communities
SUBMITTED for municipal officials, the way, has dealt with will enable it to move on
Economic Development many challenges as they to commercialization.

outhwest Regional Officers, educators, and
Development Corpo- all those interested in the
ration (SRDC) has been sustainability of our rural
work to bring their in-
novations through to the
Proponents of this
project also include the
Rural Municipality of Min-
working to promote eco- communities to come to- He will speak to some of to-Odanah and Evergreen
nomic development in gether to learn and share those challenges and the Environmental Technolo-
1887 Citizens are complaining about the disreputa- the Southwest Region of possible solutions and lessons that have been gies, operator of the Class
ble practice of a gang who drives up and down the streets Manitoba since 2003. The strategies in dealing with learned along the way. A Landfill Site where test-
making night hideous with their howls. SRDC Board of Directors those common issues. Th e conference will ing will be conducted. All
is fully aware of the dif- Th e keynote speaker also provide an update involved are now waiting
fi culties faced by most will be Lynn Hennigar on the progress of the for funding approval from
1897 While delivering goods on Saturday, a horse rural communities as with NOW Lunenburg Southwestern Manitoba the Federation of Canadi-
belonging to Sewell and Burgess went on leaving sleigh, many look to an uncer- County. She will tell the Zero Waste System Proj- an Municipalities Green
goods and all at the fence post at Mr. Logans. The sleigh tain future. With that in story of the small rural ect. This system was de- Municipal Fund. That ap-
was demoralized somewhat but the horse was none the mind, SRDC is pleased to community of Lunenburg signed by Celtic Power proval will allow the proj-
worse when captured. announce that it is host- County, Nova Scotia a and Machining for the ect to proceed.
ing a special conference community that was deal- safe disposal of munici- Th is project has
1917 A CPR notice, re: checking baggage printed in Looking Within: A future ing with those same rural pal solid waste through come up against a num-
French and English is posted in the waiting room of the for rural Manitoba com- issues only to be further a gasification process. ber of roadblocks since
station. As there are no French settlements in this vicin- munities on Thursday, devastated by the closure SRDC became involved SRDC began its promo-
ity, why should it be printed in that language? Swedish, April 6th in Brandon. of the commercial cod with this project because tion in September 2014.
Norwegian, Danish or Galician would be more to the As SRDC President fi shery. She will relate the system offers a clean Th ose frustrations and
point. Jon Lewis pointed out how NOW Lunenburg alternative for dealing SRDCs knowledge of the
Most rural Manitoba County came to be, what with garbage and other other concerns faced by
1937 A rotary plow will be called into service on communities are dealing was learned, and how that unwanted materials and most rural communities
Highway #4 between Minnedosa and Neepawa following with dwindling popula- community came together has the great potential to prompted SRDC to host
an unsuccessful attempt to open the road by the power tions, difficulty in recruit- in an effort to secure its fu- save municipal corpora- this conference.
plow. The machine could not get through the hard- ing and retaining new ture. tions significant dollars Th e conference will
packed ten foot snow drift three miles east of here. businesses, increasingly A short list of other in dealing with costly be held at the Victoria
high costs for community speakers will also ad- landfill issues. The goal of Inn, Brandon with lunch
services and infrastruc- dress the conference in- this project is to prove the provided. Preregistration
1957 Town Council reflected the gravity of the eco- ture, and added challeng- cluding Gavin Reynolds system through extensive is required. The SRDC An-
nomic threat caused by the sudden layoff of some 25 lo- es when working to bring of Celtic Power and Ma- emissions testing and oth- nual General Meeting will
cal employees of the CPR within the past week. forward innovations that chining from Rapid City, er test procedures which follow.
might help to mitigate MB. This family business
1977 In an article by Dr. Peter Neufeld regarding the those costs. has developed a number
pending demolition of the Tremont Hotel, he writes, Lewis went on to say: of mechanical systems
This beautiful valley town would, to me, not be the same Th e SRDC conference benefi cial to a wide array
without the historic Tremont building. He goes on to will off er an opportunity of industries and along Minnedosa
suggest the structurally sound, attractive building be
converted into apartments, business, offices, museum
Lions Club
or library. The stately Tremont could well grace Main
Street during Minnedosas centennial and bicentennial if
somethings done now to save it.
#157 Tara Wark $500
1987 Rolling River School Division will purchase the #077 Edith Parsons & Maxine Laws $300
Minnedosa Armouries at a cost of $26,000 to accommo-
date its Maintenance Department.
#117 Mac & Marg Davidson $200
1997 Rapid City Mayor, Harvey Wright has tendered WINNERS OF THE February 2017
his resignation. The reason is clear and simple when
you own a business and are mayor you are trapped. Risk-
ing ones livelihood to be mayor just could not continue. 5)
Wright operates a grocery and general goods store in
Rapid City.

2007 Proceeds from the first annual Skate the Lake,

in the amount of $2,700, have been forwarded to the
Minnedosa Community Child Care Co-operative. 1 year

3 year
*Rates subject to change
Certain conditions may apply

5 year


Minnedosa Collegiate has received a grant from the
Minnedosa & District Foundation to send Nolan Bailey 2.0%* 2.4%*
and Madison Cibula to Ottawa for the Encounters %UXFH0F1DEE
VACUUM INSULATION REMOVAL Canada program as well as another group of students Call For More Terms & Rates 867-3946
going to the model UN in Winnipeg in May
For more information call:
204-867-7264 or 204-212-0232 For more info or to make a donation to the Foundation go to
Email: mcrealfoam@live.ca (4-ALT-TFN) www.minnedosafoundation.com.

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