Philosophy Porfolio

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Wendy Kelly

Teaching Philosophy

Innumerable methods of teaching exist in modern society. Determining which teaching

styles work best is a decision reached by individual educators. My approach to education and

learning do not fit properly inside a box. Instead, I believe the purpose of education is to blow

the box open; exposing a variety of methods and techniques that will guide learners to better

help themselves.

I believe strongly in the field of adult education. It is never too late to learn. Educators

instill this belief by using compassion and respect as they guide learners towards knowledge.

This is an honorable task that must not be taken lightly.

My approach to teaching begins with this thought: I am but one voice of many. I am

evolving and learning each day. My hope is to enter the class knowing that I will not only be a

facilitator, but a learner as well. Each class member has put their trust in themselves and the

learning process; I will build upon that trust by respecting the unique story that each individual

enters the room with. Understanding that there are no typical learners, I will appreciate

differences and approach tasks with the goal of making learning practical and applicable to
daily life. We will challenge one another to look inward and see the value of continued


Students learn best through doing; my classroom will emphasize this progressive belief.

I will not supply learners with facts, I will guide them to find knowledge through a variety of

techniques. To enhance learner motivation, our class will participate in brainstorming, art,

games, movement and music. These activities will ignite our neurons and promote muscle

memory. If field trips are out of reach, we will take virtual field trips that allow the

opportunity to see beyond our known familiars. Doing so will provide learning variety as well

as engaging class members with one another. Through social engagement, the perceptions of

how we view others will be expanded, adding immeasurable value to the teaching and learning


The classroom environment I provide exemplifies a balance between stimulating and

calming effects. Through lighting, music, art and seating arrangements, the room will be a

welcoming and safe place where all are invited to participate. From the onset of class, I will

promote icebreakers and laughter to start the internal jogging of our collective brain power. I

believe a warm atmosphere helps learners feel at ease; making it easier for students to engage

in activities designed for pairs, small groups, or the entire class.

As an effective teacher, I will be organized and prepared. Chosen topics, as well as the

materials and techniques used to support them, will be relevant to the lives of adult learners.

This will validate the many efforts that are made in order for them to attend class. I will

introduce the objectives of each topic at the onset of learning events. It is fair to learners to
provide an outline of what lies ahead. I believe students have the right to ask why do I need

to know this? Feedback will be encouraged regarding what, and how, a particular subject has

been presented. Without learner input, I will be unable to make necessary improvements or


To be the best educator I can be, I believe in modeling the following behaviors:

I will believe in, and show enthusiasm for, the substance of

my subject.
I will gauge the vibe within the room before diving in to a

preplanned activity this allows an alternative path to be

followed when appropriate.

I will be caring and offer support.
I will listen, question, and challenge, for this promotes

I will set an example of respecting oneself and those

around you.
Lastly, I will have fun for my philosophy of education

strongly upholds the belief that learning and having fun can

be enjoyed simultaneously.

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