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Operation Manual

ergometrics er900
Art-Nr: 475.037 J Version: 05/02
Operation Manual for Bicycle Ergometer er900

Printed in Germany.
We reserve the right of modifications due to technical development at any time and without prior notice.
Reprinting, translation and copying in any form - also in parts - is only permitted after prior written consent
by the manufacturer.

This Operation Manual is not registered for automatic update in case of possible alterations.
Information regarding the latest version is available from the manufacturer.

This Operation Manual Ergometer ergometrics 900

Version: 05/02
is valid for the following Software-Versions:
V.236, V.240 and V.243

ergoline GmbH
Lindenstrae 5
D-72475 Bitz
Tel.: +49 7431 98 94 - 0
Fax: +49 7431 98 94 - 127

Version: 05/02 er900 Operation Manual

Art-No: 475.037
Version: 05/02 er900 Operation Manual
Art-No: 475.037
Operation Manual Ergometer
Contents Type er900

Table of Contents

EC Declaration of Conformity
Table of Contents.............................................................................................. 1
Foreword ........................................................................................................... 4

1. Introduction ....................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Comments by the Manufacturer for the User......................................................... 5
1.2 Product Relevant Regulations .............................................................................. 6
1.3 Warranty Regulation ............................................................................................ 6

2. Safety Notices ................................................................................................... 7

2.1 Safety .................................................................................................................. 7
2.2 Intended Use ....................................................................................................... 7
2.3 Basic Safety Comments ...................................................................................... 7
2.4 Normative Notices ............................................................................................... 8
2.4.1 Notice for EMC (electromagnetic compatibility) ................................................... 8
2.5 Requirements for Operating Personnel ................................................................ 8
2.6 Safety and Device Protecting Features................................................................ 9
2.7 Maintenance, Safety Relevant and Metrological Inspections ................................. 9
2.8 Identification Plate, Labelling ............................................................................. 10

3. Installation ....................................................................................................... 11
3.1 Installation Steps ............................................................................................... 11
3.2 Scope of Delivery .............................................................................................. 11
3.3 Accessories ...................................................................................................... 12
3.4 Transport ........................................................................................................... 12

4. Putting into Operation .................................................................................... 13

4.1 Operating Elements and Connections................................................................ 13
4.2 Measurement Head ........................................................................................... 14
4.2.1 Keypad ............................................................................................................. 14
4.3 Connectors and Interfaces ................................................................................. 15
4.3.1 Power Connection ............................................................................................. 15
4.3.2 Connector for Blood Pressure Cuff .................................................................... 15
4.3.3 Signal Connections ........................................................................................... 16
4.4 Power on Sequence .......................................................................................... 17

Version: 05/02 1 er900 Operation Manual

Art-No: 475.037
Ergometer Operation Manual
Type er900 Contents

5. Operation ......................................................................................................... 18
5.1 The Computer - Your Helper ............................................................................... 18
5.2 The Display Unit ................................................................................................ 19
5.2.1 Displayed Parameters and their Meaning .......................................................... 19
5.2.2 Speed display for the patient ............................................................................. 20
5.3 The Printer ........................................................................................................ 21
5.3.1 Configuration of Printer ...................................................................................... 21
5.3.2 Printed Parameters ........................................................................................... 21

6. Ergometry Process ......................................................................................... 22

6.1 General Preparations ........................................................................................ 22
6.1.1 Preparation of the Patient .................................................................................. 22
6.2 Preparation of the Ergometer (ECG Type P1 or P2) ......................................... 23
6.2.1 Basic Preparations for all Programs .................................................................. 23
6.2.2 Special Entries for to the Use of Program 0 ....................................................... 24
6.2.3 Special Entries for to the Use of Program 9 ....................................................... 24
6.3 Preparations for Control by ECG or PC ............................................................. 25
6.4 Starting the Ergometry ....................................................................................... 25
6.4.1 Starting Ergometry with Internal Control.............................................................. 25
6.4.2 Starting an ECG or PC Controlled Ergometry .................................................... 25
6.5 Flowchart for Complete Ergometry Process....................................................... 26
6.6 Ergometric Protocol .......................................................................................... 29
6.7 Manual Control of Ergometry Session ................................................................ 30

7. Configuration .................................................................................................. 31
7.1 General ............................................................................................................. 31
7.2 Call-up of the Monitor Program .......................................................................... 31
7.3 Basic Settings ................................................................................................... 34
7.3.1 Date and Time ................................................................................................... 34
7.3.2 Select Unit for Pressure Display ........................................................................ 35
7.3.3 ECG Start Pulse Duration (only for remote start of ECG).................................... 36
7.3.4 Select Language ............................................................................................... 37
7.3.5 RPM Control ...................................................................................................... 38
7.3.6 Other Parameters .............................................................................................. 39
7.4 Defining an Ergometry Program ........................................................................ 40
7.4.1 Setup of Automatic Program 0 .......................................................................... 41
7.4.2 Definition of Programs 1-8................................................................................. 42
7.4.3 Definition of Program 9 for Pulse-Steady-State Training .................................... 44

er900 Operation Manual 2 Version: 05/02

Art-No: 475.037
Operation Manual Ergometer
Contents Type er900

8. Structure of Programs .................................................................................... 46

8.1 General Structure of Programs 1-8 .................................................................... 46
8.1.1 Factory Settings ................................................................................................ 46
8.1.2 Creating Your Own Load Program ..................................................................... 47
8.2 Systematic Setup of Programs .......................................................................... 48
8.2.1 Setup of Automatic Load Program 0.................................................................. 48
8.2.2 Setup of the Fully Programmable Load Programs 1-8........................................ 52
8.2.3 Setup of Program 9, Steady-Pulse (Cardiovascular Training)............................. 54

9. Cleaning .......................................................................................................... 57
9.1 Cleaning the Unit ............................................................................................... 57
9.2 Cleaning the Blood Pressure Cuff ...................................................................... 57

Appendix A: Interfaces ................................................................................... 59

A.1 Input and Output Pin Specifications.................................................................... 59

Appendix B: Monitor Program ....................................................................... 71

B.1 Additional Settings in the Monitor Program ........................................................ 71
B.1.1 Setting the ECG Type ........................................................................................ 71
B.1.2 Setting the Baud Rate ....................................................................................... 72
B.1.2 Switching Between Internal and External Load Control ....................................... 73
B.1.4 Hardware Diagnostics ....................................................................................... 74

Appendix C: Program Listing ........................................................................ 75

Appendix D: Indicators .................................................................................. 76

D.1 PWC Values ...................................................................................................... 76
D.1.1 What is a PWC Value? ...................................................................................... 76
D.2 Training Indicator ............................................................................................... 77

Appendix E: HR Recording ........................................................................... 78

E.1. Heart Rate Feedback from ECG ....................................................................... 78
E.2. Pulse Monitor .................................................................................................... 78

Appendix F: Specification .............................................................................. 79

F.1: Technical Data ........................................................................................................ 79
F.2: The Speed-correlated Capacity of Brake Power Control ......................................... 80

Version: 05/02 3 er900 Operation Manual

Art-No: 475.037
Ergometer Operation Manual
Type er900 Foreword

We are pleased with your decision to purchase our computerized ergometer er900. This is
the appropriate decision for quality and performance.
The computerized ergometer er900 has been specially designed with the medical and ergo-
nomic requirements in mind for quick and valid stress analysis of the cardiovascular system.
Computer control makes a fully automatic process of the entire spectrum of ergometrics.
Numerous programming options ensure that for every patient type there is a specific stress
or training program ready at the touch of a button. Manually controlled stress analysis can
also be carried out by the operator, independent of programs, through manual entry of the
load data. Programs in progress may also be interrupted to control subsequent load steps
by hand.
The built-in automatic blood pressure meter was especially designed for ergometrics. It
assures that systole, diastole and heart rate limits are continuously, automatically, monitored.
The computer controlled execution of all measurements and analysis of results markedly
simplifies the work of the operating personnel. Accordingly, the patient can be more closely
observed and instructed. This allows the ergometric process to be performed with the high-
est level of safety.
The display integrated into the console provides the operator continuously with current mea-
surement data. The integrated printer provides continuous documentation of all measure-
ments resulting from the ergometric process.
We hope that you are successful in your work with the ergometrics er900 ergometer. We
always welcome your constructive remarks and improvement suggestions with regard to the
unit as well as to this handbook.
Your ergoline team

Attention !
This Operation Manual is a part of the unit in accordance with EN 60601-1:1990. It
should always be kept close to the unit. The necessary safety considerations, con-
forming to EC Guideline 93/42 EC are in chapter 2 of this manual.
Complying to the Safety Considerations protects against danger and risk for life
and limb, and prevents from improper application of the Ergometer.
Please comply with all warning signs at the ergometer. Replace missing or dam-
aged signs immediately.
Familiarize yourself with the appropriate handling of the ergometer and all its con-
trol facilities prior to operating the equipment.
While being at work, it is too late !
Never allow that a person without the necessary expert knowledge is operating the
By the above guidelines, a save and smooth operation is achieved, delays due to repairs are
avoided, and the requirements for the optimal employment of the equipment are fulfilled.
er900 Operation Manual 4 Version: 05/02
Art-No: 475.037
Operation Manual Ergometer
Introduction Type er900

1. Introduction
Within this Operation Manual, important comments to ensure the safety and to avoid
potential damage are labelled with the following symbols:

Warning !
Describes a potentially dangerous situation.
Failure to comply may lead to death or serious injuries, or may cause dam-
age to the equipment or to the environment.

F Important !
Application hints to achieve an optimal application of the device and further
helpful information.

This Operation Manual is an integral part of the device and has to be available at the
equipment at any time.

This Operation Manual is designed by the manufacturer according to his best knowl-
edge and experience in the construction, production and operation of the device.

The Operation Manual may be extended via special statements by the operating com-
pany, e.g. for supervision and obligatory registrations, internal maintenance plans, test-
ing intervals.

1.1 Comments by the Manufacturer for the User

As the user, you are responsible for :

- the professional application as directed via expert personnel which has been in-
structed for the correct operation of the equipment,
- compliance to the safety relevant information and maintenance comments,
- compliance to the safety regulations, safety comments as well as the precautions in
respect to vocational safety and accident prevention,
- the technical instruction of the operating personnel at the device and for having taken
notice of the Operation Manual,
- the Operation Manual being accessible for the operating personnel.

The following guidelines and regulations apply to the operation of the ergometer:

- EN 60601-1 (1996) Medical electrical equipment; General requirements for

- EN 60601-1-2 (1993) Medical electrical equipment; General requirements for
safety; 2.

Version: 05/02 5 er900 Operation Manual

Art-No: 475.037
Ergometer Operation Manual
Type er900 Introduction

1.2 Product Relevant Regulations

- EC-Directive 93/42/EEC concerning medical products of June, the 14th 1993

- EC-Directive 89/336/EEC concerning Electromagnetic compatibility

1.3 Warranty Regulation

ergoline GmbH is only responsible for the safety and reliability of this device, if:
m all revisions, enhancements, repairs and service to the device are carried out by
ergoline authorized personnel, e.g. an ergoline dealer,
m ambient electrical service where the device is installed conforms to IEC 601-1 and
m the device is operated in accordance with the Operation Manual.

er900 Operation Manual 6 Version: 05/02

Art-No: 475.037
Operation Manual Ergometer
Safety Notices Type er900

2. Safety Notices
2.1 Safety
Complying to the safety comments protects from potential injuries and prevents im-
proper application of the ergometer. Each operator of this ergometer as well as per-
sonnel which is in charge of installation, maintenance, examination or repair of this
ergometer, must have read and fully understood the contents of this Operation Manual
prior to operating the unit or doing any work on this device.

Special attention is required at sections labelled with additional symbols .

2.2 Intended Use

a) The ergometer ergometrics 900 must only be used for precise cardiovascular tests
under resting and stress test conditions.
b) Special test methods, e.g. Echo-Cardiography or other high-risk test methods must
not be performed by using the bicycle ergometer. For such purpose special supine
ergometers are offered by ergoline.
c) Application under outdoor conditions is not permitted.
d) In case the ergometer is not being used according to above conditions, and if be-
cause of that any injuries or serious impact on individuals or damage of property is
caused, the manufacturer cannot be held liable.

2.3 Basic Safety Comments

Note: We herewith notify that this manual is in accordance with regulations set forth by
the EC-Directive 93/42 EEC and the standards IEC601-1 (1996) and EN60601-
1-2 (1993). These regulations are however, not contained within this handbook.

The ergometer must only be operated in perfect working order in techni-

cal respect.

Despite the precautions, the operation of the ergometer may involve cer-
tain risk or danger, especially in case of
- improper application or,
- application is not as directed.

There is the hazard of injuries or of property damage, in case of noncon-

formance to the Operation Manual, especially to the Safety Notes.

Version: 05/02 7 er900 Operation Manual

Art-No: 475.037
Ergometer Operation Manual
Type er900 Safety Notices
It is necessary to ensure that no dangerous ground currents occur as a
result of attaching the ergometer to other devices. Device specifications
of the ergometrics er900 are in the appendix to this manual. Direct your
questions to your dealer or to ergolines service department. Especially
at the coupling of several devices to a measurement system it has to be
taken care that proper grounding is achieved via a single power sup-
ply, e.g. wall socket.

The ergometrics er900 ergometer should only be operated where elec-

trical requirements meet IEC 601-1.

This device is not suitable for use in rooms or areas where there is dan-
ger of explosion.

Always observe accident prevention precautions when operating this


In the event that the pressure in the blood pressure cuff is too high,
remove the cuff from the patient's arm immediately.

F This unit may only be operated for therapy or diagnosis purposes under
the supervision of qualified personnel.

2.4 Normative Notices

2.4.1 Notice for EMC (electromagnetic compatibility)
- The EMC test was done with an interference level of 3 V/m. The device should not be
used in areas with a higher level.
- The device should not be used beside a high voltage system.
- To connect the device with other devices it is only allowed to use special shielded
cables provided by ergoline.
- Strong transmitting equipment may not be operated in the immediate vicinity of this
- Electromagnetic interferences will appear first by an instable value of load in the
display. If the value changes without any reason while the speed is >30 /min, this may
be caused by an electromagnetic interference.

2.5 Requirements for Operating Personnel

The operating personnel of this ergometer have to :
- be properly instructed and trained regarding the operation of the ergometer,
- have full command regarding the handling of the device,
- be aware of the relevant safety requirements for the operation of such devices, and
act accordingly (see Chap. Introduction),
- be informed regarding additional regulations, e.g. safety regulations,
- be informed regarding potential hazard and risk arising from the operation of such
er900 Operation Manual 8 Version: 05/02
Art-No: 475.037
Operation Manual Ergometer
Safety Notices Type er900

2.6 Safety and Device Protecting Features

The device is equipped with the following safety and device protecting features :
- High current protection which prevents damage to the device and potential danger to
persons, e.g. in case of short circuit.

2.7 Maintenance, Safety Relevant and Metrological Inspections

Before each use, visually check the ergometer for mechanical damage.
If you detect any damage or functional deficiencies which could impair the patients
or operators safety, do not use ergometrics 900 until it is checked and repaired.

The user is responsible that the proper function of the ergometer is regularly checked
in time intervals of at least six months.

Safety Relevant and Metrological Inspections

The ergometrics 900 bicycle ergometer must be regularly inspected and main-
tained, in time intervals of two years, in accordance with lawful regulations.
Alterations to the ergometers measurement capabilities are cause for re-certifica-
These inspections are to be performed by an ergoline authorized service technician.

A) Routine Control of the Blood Pressure Measurement Unit

EC-Directive 93/42/EEC operator regulations stipulate that the automatic blood pres-
sure unit in the ergometers console must undergo a routine technical inspection
every two years.

B) Load Unit Inspection

Based on the metrological check which is compulsory in Germany every two years, it
is necessary to check the load accuracy of the ergometer.
EC-Directive 93/42/EEC operator regulations requires qualified technical mainte-
nance of the load unit at two years intervals.
In all other countries, the frame and method of the metrological check depend on the
legal regulations of each country.

Version: 05/02 9 er900 Operation Manual

Art-No: 475.037
Ergometer Operation Manual
Type er900 Safety Notices

2.8 Identification Plate, Labelling

label with serial number

er900 Operation Manual 10 Version: 05/02

Art-No: 475.037
Operation Manual Ergometer
Installation Type er900

3. Installation
This section describes the required installation steps in order to establish operational
readiness. The steps described are also required at initial installation after delivery of
the device.

3.1 Installation steps

1) Loosen screws and clamp lever for clamp fixture, and remove upper clamp jaw;
Insert handlebar, secure, and screw tight with screws and clamp lever.
Adjust appropriate handlebar position and fix position with clamp lever.
2) Insert measurement head with the tin flaps into the handlebar pipe;
Attach grounding cable, connection cable and tubing.
3) Adjust black rear cover onto the measurement head and tighten with screw.
4) Insert saddle pipe into the guidance and tighten with clamp lever.
5) Feed saddle bellows into the saddle pipe, and put on to the intended notch .
6) Connect blood pressure cuff according to 4.3.2 at the measurement head.
7) Connect mains cable according to 4.3.1 at the power inlet.

3.2 Scope of Delivery

The standard scope of delivery consists of :

1 blood pressure cuff

3 2 thermal paper for printer (2 rolls)

3 handle bar
4 measurement head with rear cover
5 saddle bar with saddle and folding bel-

5 not in picture:
1 mains cable, 2,5 m
Final test protocol
Operation Manual

optional :
connecting cable to ECG (not in picture)

Version: 05/02 11 er900 Operation Manual

Art-No: 475.037
Ergometer Operation Manual
Type er900 Installation

3.3 Accessories
Order No. Description
100.948 Thermal paper roll (1 Set = 10 pieces)
200.194 Cuff for ergometry, adults
200.199 Cuff for ergometry, adults (connecting hose 2 m)
200.230 Cuff for ergometry, long version for strong arms
200.231 Cuff for ergometry, special (strong arms/connecting hose 2 m)
200.200 Cuff for ergometry, children
313.420.9 Polar receiver er900
424.016 Polar chest-belt
200.892 Triathlon handle bar er900, incl. Polar receiver cable extension
300.937 Adjustable cranks, pediatric size
200.850 Saddle for children, incl saddle pipe and saddle bellows
475.037 er900 Operation Manual, English Version
475.190 er900 Service Manual

3.4 Transport

F Please ensure that the mains cable is removed prior to transporting the device.

During transport within the same room respectively within the same building, hold onto
the ergometer such that the measurement head is pointing towards you.
Take hold of the handle bar at both sides, and pull the ergometer towards yourself, so
that it is resting on the casters only, and is in balance. Now you may pull the ergometer
easily to the working space within the room.

Please be careful when putting the ergometer down. Otherwise the WSG (= wire
string gauge) of the driving unit may be damaged.

er900 Operation Manual 12 Version: 05/02

Art-No: 475.037
Operation Manual Ergometer
Putting into Operation Type er900

4. Putting into Operation

Check the mains fuse at the respective workstation prior to putting the device into op-
eration. Maximal fuse value: 16A

4.1 Operating Elements and Connections




8 9

1 power connector, fuse

2 main power switch
3 clamp handle for seat adjustment
4 clamp handle for handlebar angle adjustment
5 console with keypad, display and printer
6 blood pressure cuff
7 clamp handle for handlebar height adjustment
8 transport casters
9 levelling feet for optimal stability

Version: 05/02 13 er900 Operation Manual

Art-No: 475.037
Ergometer Operation Manual
Type er900 Putting into Operation

4.2 Measurement Head

4.2.1 Keypad 1 3 7 8



4 5 6

1 LCD-Display 11 BLOOD PRESS. I/0 to initiate or stop blood

2 paper ejection slot pressure measurement ( at
3 numeric keypad anytime possible)
4 START to start the ergometric 12 START to manually initiate a blood
process pressure measurement, can
be done anytime when the
5 STOP for interrupting the load blood pressure is enabled
6 END to stop the ergometric
process 13 Printer switches printer output (inter-
nal, external or turned off)
7 MONITOR to call up the monitor pro-
gram: to program ergom-
eter, test routines, adjust- 14 Copy produces a copy of the re-
ments, and assign stan- sult protocol
dard settings
8 RETURN to confirm and store entries 15 toggle QRS beep on/off
9 PROGR. key to call up, and make
temporary modifications to,
ergometric programs 16 printer paper feed
10 PWC to call up definable PWC
values subsequent to an
ergometric process
er900 Operation Manual 14 Version: 05/02
Art-No: 475.037
Operation Manual Ergometer
Putting into Operation Type er900

4.3 Connectors and Interfaces

4.3.1 Power Connection

1) Make sure that the power switch is in the 2) Connect the units power plug via the sup-
Off position (not depressed). plied mains cable to a power outlet with
the same voltage as indicated on the label

F When using an ergoline utility cart with suction device, connect the units power
plug to one of the white outlets on the utility cart. The ergometer can then be
switched on and off together with the suction device.

4.3.2 Connector for Blood Pressure Cuff

The microphone cable is to be

connected via RCA-Jack to J12
The cuff tube is to be connected
via Luer-Lok to J16 with the measure-
ment head
Version: 05/02 15 er900 Operation Manual
Art-No: 475.037
Ergometer Operation Manual
Type er900 Putting into Operation

4.3.3 Signal Connections

2 3

1) Digital RS232 interface connector for PC or ECG.

2) Analog interface for analog control and analog data transfer to ECG.

3) Fiber-optic connector for POLAR receiver, or HR input from an ECG.

F The interface pin configuration as well as related technical data are in the
appendix of this Operation Manual.

er900 Operation Manual 16 Version: 05/02

Art-No: 475.037
Operation Manual Ergometer
Putting into Operation Type er900

4.4 Power on Sequence

Mains power switch

The unit will subsequently execute a self-test. At the end of the self-test the main menu
will appear as below:

P = 000 W r = 000 /min

HR= 000 /min t = 00 min
S = 000 mmHg D = 000 mmHg

Version: 05/02 17 er900 Operation Manual

Art-No: 475.037
Ergometer Operation Manual
Type er900 Operation

5. Operation
5.1 The Computer - Your Helper

The ergometrics er900 for stress testing was designed so that the ergometric process
can be conducted

simply - quickly - precisely- safely.

In order to achieve this, the computer is an indispensable aid. The integrated and espe-
cially designed blood pressure module for the ergometric process makes computer
monitoring of the patient and his blood pressure condition largely autonomous. The
schematics below demonstrate the versatility of the unit .

Automatic Load Load Programs Load Program No. 9

Program No. 0 No. 1 through 8 Pulse-Steady-State Use of the Blood
Load program for patients whose These load programs can be defi- Special program for pulse-steady-
circulatory condition is not clear. ned by the operator. Selection of state-training. A selected heart Pressure Module
The ergometer tests the condition up to 12 load increments is pos- rate will be maintained over the without Load
of the patients circulatory sys- sible. Blood pressure measurement entire training period.
tem, and then selects an optimal interval and parameter monitoring
load program for the stress test. are fully selectable.

With Circulation Without Circulation

Monitoring Monitoring
Blood pressure and heart rate are Blood pressure module is off. The
sampled and documented at the pre- circulation condition is not monitored
set time interval. Heart rate and blood and exceeding alarm limits do not
pressure are simultaneously moni- cause an alarm.
tored for alarm limits and, if neces-
sary, cause an alarm and abort the
load program.

Manual Intervention Experimental Program

The preset program can be interrupted Prior to starting the program, each
at any time and the load levels may program may be altered for this spe-
be manually altered. When circula- cific ergometry. These alterations are
tion conditions are being monitored not stored, and the standard settings
only load increments are interrupted. are restored after this ergometry.
Circulation data will continue to be Such sessions can also be manually
sampled, documented and checked controlled and run with, or without,
against alarm limit values in the pre- circulation monitoring.
set time interval.

er900 Operation Manual 18 Version: 05/02

Art-No: 475.037
Operation Manual Ergometer
Operation Type er900

5.2 The Display Unit

5.2.1 Displayed Parameters and their Meaning

P = 000 W r = 000 /min

HR = 000 /min t = 00 min
S = 000 mmHg D = 000 mmHg

P = 000 W = current load in Watts (Po= initial load, Pmax=maximum load)

n = 000 /min = current revolutions per minute
HR = 000 /min = heart rate at the time of the last blood pressure reading
(current heart rate in case of continuous HR-signal )
t = 00 min = duration of the ergometry in min
S = 000 mmHg = systolic value of the last blood pressure reading (the mea-
surement may be displayed either in mmHg or kPa)
D = 000 mmHg = diastolic value of the last blood pressure reading (the
measurement may be displayed either in mmHg or kPa)
PROG 0 = program selected (No. 0...9)
BPM ON /OFF = status of the blood pressure measurement (on or off)
PR. INT = status of the printer driver (Intern, Extern or Off)
Wt. = weight of the test subject
INT = interval of the blood pressure measurements in minutes

Version: 05/02 19 er900 Operation Manual

Art-No: 475.037
Ergometer Operation Manual
Type er900 Operation

5.2.2 Speed display for the patient

On the patients side, the measuring head has a display to show the current speed.
Next to the speed display there are LEDs which show the most favorable conditions for
measurement. For blood pressure measurement at rest and following the post-load
phase for the recovery measurement, the stop lamp is on. This means that the patient
should stop cycling.
t the beginning of every load stage, the ergometer computer suggests a speed to the
patient which is best for achieving the best reproducible increase in heart frequency.

At the suggested speed, the patient reaches an ideal total pulse curve, because muscle
friction is kept as low as possible. During the ergometric test, the system monitors
whether the patient keeps to the suggested speed by means of the two LEDs to the
right of the speed display. If the patients speed falls too far, the upper LED flashes
(<<<n+ ); if the patient is too fast, the lower LED flashes ( >>>n- ).

Patients display window: rev

<<<n+ (faster)
>>>n- (slower)

F The indicated speeds are medically sound recommendations. They should be

maintained because this is the best way of achieving reproducible measuring
results. This ergometer operates independent of speed in the range between
30 and 130 crank revolutions, thus always guaranteeing load precision in all
other speed ranges within the characteristic curve of the working range of the
braking torque control .

er900 Operation Manual 20 Version: 05/02

Art-No: 475.037
Operation Manual Ergometer
Operation Type er900

5.3 The Printer

5.3.1 Configuration of Printer
The printer may be configured in any one of three modes. This is done by pressing the
brown key Printer (13). The status of the printer can be read from the lower right
corner of the display. The various configurations have the following meaning:

PR INT = The integrated system printer is enabled and prints all displayed parameters
immediately after each load change and/or blood pressure measurement.
PR EXT = The integrated printer is disabled. All data are exported to another system
(ECG, PC or external printer) and printed there.
PR OFF = The printer is turned off. (This setting is only valid for the current stress test
and will revert to INT as soon as the current stress test is terminated.)

5.3.2 Printed Parameters

The printer documents all parameters that are shown in the display. Printing will occur
immediately following each load change and/or blood pressure measurement. Printing
will also occur after the recovery period when the ergometry is aborted or comes to a
programmed termination. There are three parts of the ergometric protocol:

2. Recovery Protocol:
Documents each blood pressure measurement
during the recovery phase.

1. Load Protocol: 3. Summary Protocol:

Documents the blood pressure reading at rest, A summary of the ergometry with the PWC val-
at each load increment and after each blood ues and the training index at the end of the total
pressure reading during the load phase and the ergometry.
elapsed time at termination.

Version: 05/02 21 er900 Operation Manual

Art-No: 475.037
Ergometer Operation Manual
Type er900 Ergometry Process

6. Ergometry Process
6.1 General Preparations
6.1.1 Preparation of the Patient
1. Have the patient take his place on the saddle.
2. Position the saddle such that an angle of approx. 10 degrees exists between the extended
axis of the upper body and the thigh when the pedal is at its lowest position. Ask the
patient to stand on the pedals while you adjust the saddle position. Saddle height is ad-
justed by loosening the saddle clamp screw and moving the saddle to the correct position.
3. Move the handlebar to a position such that the test subject can comfortably sit upright. To
do this, loosen the handlebar height clamp handle and adjust appropriately. Next you can
adjust the angle of the handlebar by loosening the handlebar angle clamp handle.
4. Check to see that all of the adjustment clamps are secured. (Do not tighten these with
extreme force.)
5. Put the blood pressure cuff on the patients arm. Position it so that the microphone (marked
with a red ring) is right over the Arteria Brachialis on the inner side of the upper arm. Be
sure that the cuff is not placed so that it can touch another object when the patient has
placed his hand on the handlebar.


clamp handle for handlebar

clamp handle for handlebar
clamp handle for saddle

microphone fixed over the

arteria brachialis

cuff position

er900 Operation Manual 22 Version: 05/02

Art-No: 475.037
Operation Manual Ergometer
Ergometry Process Type er900

6.2 Preparation of the Ergometer (ECG Type P1 or P2)

F These preparation instructions are only applicable to usage of the ergom-

eter in conjunction with interface modes ECG-Type P1 or P2, see Appen-
dix A. The ergometer can only be controlled by its own program in these

6.2.1 Basic Preparations for all Programs

1. Press the red key PROG. and select the appropriate program for the patient with
the numeric keypad.

2. Enter the patients weight. The ergometer needs this information to calculate exact
PWC values.

PROG x Wt. = xxx HR < xxx

S < xxx mmHg D < xxx mmHg
Po = xxx W Pmax = xxx W
INTERV.BPM = xx min.

3. When necessary, you can alter any parameter to create a special ergometric ses-
sion. These alterations will be lost as soon as the special session is ended. Then
the program will again show the standard base values (see chapter 7. Configura-

F Altered parameters that are entered prior to program start are lost after the
end of the ergometric session.

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Art-No: 475.037
Ergometer Operation Manual
Type er900 Ergometry Process

6.2.2 Special Entries for to the Use of Program 0

When using program 0, the maximum heart rate (HR) should always be entered specifi-
cally for the individual patient. Since this value serves as the target frequency for load-
ing, it must be specifically adapted to the age and health of the patient. The remaining
parameters, in particular the alarm parameter, should be established in the configura-
tion so that even a weak patient can perform the ergometric session without danger.
Here also, all other parameters may be altered for a specific ergometric session.

F Always enter the maximum heart rate (HR) for program 0 specific to the
age and strength of the patient. When possible, provide the ergometer
with a continuous heart rate by using an ear/finger clip, a pulse monitor or
the HR feedback from an ECG.

6.2.3 Special Entries for to the Use of Program 9

Patient specific maximum heart rate (HR) should also be entered for program 9 to
reflect the patients training requirements.

F Only use program 9 when a continuous heart rate source is used. That is,
when an ear/finger clip, a pulse monitor or a HR feedback from an ECG is

er900 Operation Manual 24 Version: 05/02

Art-No: 475.037
Operation Manual Ergometer
Ergometry Process Type er900

6.3 Preparations for Control by ECG or PC

The ergometer must be specifically configured to the controlling ECG-Type or PC, see
Appendix. The ECG or PC is then in total control of the ergometry. Any entries that may
have been made on the ergometer are therefore nullified. There is no preparation of
the ergometer to be made on the console. Configure your ECG or PC in accordance
with the appropriate operators instructions for ergometry. Start the ergometric ses-
sion with the ECG or PC.

6.4 Starting the Ergometry

6.4.1 Starting Ergometry with Internal Control

1. Check to see if all the parameters are correctly entered.

2. Start the ergometric procedure by pressing the red START key.

The ergometer will begin by measuring the blood pressure value at rest.

6.4.2 Starting an ECG or PC Controlled Ergometry

Start the ergometric program on your ECG or PC in accordance with the correspond-
ing instructions. After a successful start the ergometer will begin by measuring the blood
pressure value at rest.

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Art-No: 475.037
Ergometer Operation Manual
Type er900 Ergometry Process

6.5 Flowchart for complete Ergometry Process

F This ergometric process flow description is only valid for use of the ergom-
eter under internal control. When control is exercised by an ECG or PC
refer to the documentation for those devices.

= input via operating = Print-out = action via
personnel ergometer

Selection of Specific Ergometric Program

Assign patient to patient group, and select program for this patient accordingly, or select the
automatic program 0 for patients who you cannot be classified, or select program 9 for
patients who are to undergo Pulse-Steady-State training.

Possible Modification of Parameters

Prior to beginning an ergometric session you may alter any parameter for this specific ergometry.

Start of Ergometry

Press the red START key to begin the ergometric session.

Blood Pressure Measurement at Rest

Immediately after starting the ergometer, the blood pressure measurement at rest will be
taken. It is important that the patient remains absolutely still during this measurement as the
filter parameters for the blood pressure during stress are established by this measurement.
Artifacts during this measurement may lead to false results under stress.

Print-out of the Blood Pressure Measurement at Rest

The resulting blood pressure data will either be printed out on the internal printer or fed to
the ECG via the RS232 interface and documented there.

Establishment of the Initial Load Po

The load program will begin with initial load Po when
the blood pressure data has been put out.

First Blood Pressure Measurement under Stress

Blood pressure measurement will begin at the pre-programmed interval.

Output of Load and Blood Pressure Data

Blood pressure and load data readings are either printed by the internal printer or passed
over the RS232 interface to an ECG for documenting there.

Proceeding to First Load increment

The load will be increased by the programmed first load increment as soon as data has
been put out.

er900 Operation Manual 26 Version: 05/02
Art-No: 475.037
Operation Manual Ergometer
Ergometry Process Type er900

Second Blood Pressure Measurement under Stress

Blood pressure will be measured again at the programmed interval.

The measured blood pressure data and the current load data will either be printed by the
internal printer or passed over the RS232 interface to an ECG for documenting there.

Advancing to the Second Load Increment

The load will be increased by the programmed second load increment as soon as data has
been put out.


n-th Blood Pressure Measurement under Stress

Blood pressure will be measured again at the programmed interval.

The measured blood pressure data and the current load data will either be printed by the
internal printer or passed over the RS232 interface to an ECG for documenting there.

Proceeding to the n-th Load Increment

The load will be increased by the programmed n-th load increment as soon as data has been
put out.

Concluding the Load Program and Transition to Recovery Phase

The load program will end and the recuperative phase will begin after the red END key is
pressed once. The load will be reduced to 25 Watt for the first minute of the recovery phase
and reduced to zero beginning with the second minute. The patient should continue to pedal for
at least the first minute to avoid venous congestion in the legs.
If the load program is terminated after a blood pressure measurement, the final protocol will be
printed which contains the load, RPM, and heart rate data at the time of termination.
No termination protocol will be printed if termination occurs during an ongoing blood pressure

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Art-No: 475.037
Ergometer Operation Manual
Type er900 Ergometry Process

First Blood Pressure Measurement during Recovery

Blood pressure measurements continue to be taken during the recovery phase at the set

Output of Measured blood Pressure Data

The resulting blood pressure data are either printed by the internal printer or passed over the
RS232 interface to an ECG for documenting there.


n-th Blood Pressure Measurement during Recovery

Blood pressure measurements continue to be taken during the recovery phase at the interval

Output of Measured Blood Pressure Data

The resulting blood pressure data are either printed by the internal printer or passed over the
RS232 interface to an ECG for documenting there.

Concluding Ergometry
Ergometry is terminated completely by pressing the red END key for a second time

Output of the Summary Protocol

The termination protocol is either printed by the internal printer or passed over the RS232
interface to an ECG for documenting there.

F This process flowchart is only representative when the interval for blood pressure
measurements and load increment are equal, otherwise the sequence of mea-
surements and print-outs will be altered. Data output occurs basically at every
value change in blood pressure or load. The sequence will also be altered if the
program is manually modified.

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Art-No: 475.037
Operation Manual Ergometer
Ergometry Process Type er900

6.6 Ergometric Protocol

An ergometric protocol is recorded during the ergometric session. The protocol is either
produced by the internal printer or by an ECG. The picture below shows such a protocol as
documented by the internal printer. Program parameters were:
heart rate max. = 180, systole max. > 200, diastole max. > 130,
initial load Po = 50 watt, maximum load Pmax. = 999 watt,
blood pressure measurement interval = 01 min.,
load interval = 01 min., load change per interval = 25 watt.
The PWC values to be ascertained were predefined for heart rates between 130 and 150
beats per minute. The values in this protocol are not representative of a patient as they were
generated with a simulator.

blood pressure at rest

} blood pressure measurements for

individual load increments

termination of the load program with

termination protocol

} blood pressure measurements in

the recovery phase

end of ergometry with concluding


Version: 05/02 29 er900 Operation Manual

Art-No: 475.037
Ergometer Operation Manual
Type er900 Ergometry Process

6.7 Manual Control of Ergometry session

If necessary, the ergometry session , i.e. the load program may be manually controlled
via the measurement head .
That is done by starting a suitable ergometry program and then interrupting the auto-
matic sequence of the program at the desired instant by pressing the key STOP.
The requested load is then set by means of the white cursor keys.

Start of Ergometry Session

Press the green button START to begin the ergometric session.

Blood Pressure Measurement at Rest

Immediately after starting the ergometer, the blood pressure measurement at rest will be
taken. It is important that the patient remains absolutely still during this measurement as the
filter parameters for the blood pressure during stress are established by this measurement.
Artefact during this measurement may lead to false results under stress.

Establishment of the Initial Load Po

The load program will begin with initial load Po when
the blood pressure data has been put out.


Enable Manual Control
By pressing the STOP button, the automatic ergometer control is interrupted.

Increase or Decrease Load Manually

By pressing the white cursor buttons, the load is adjusted at 5 Watt steps.
Terminate Load Program and Change to Recovery Phase
The load program is stopped by pressing the green button END, and the recovery phase is

F The interval of the blood pressure measurement still takes place automati-
cally at the preset interval .

F Manual control is only possible if the following ECG-type is set:

ECG-type P1, P2 or P10 (see Annex A or Annex B.1.1)

er900 Operation Manual 30 Version: 05/02

Art-No: 475.037
Operation Manual Ergometer
Configuration Type er900

7. Configuration
7.1 General
The ergometrics er900 ergometer has numerous setup options to allow the operator to
adapt the device optimally. The most important configuration support is the monitor
program. The monitor program allows the operator to use a set of menus to modify

7.2 Call-up of the Monitor Program

Two yellow buttons on the measurement head are provided for management of the
monitor program. Both of these buttons are at the upper right portion of the keypad and
have the following basic functions:

Call-up monitor program mode, as well as call-up of the various sub-menus. When
in monitor program mode, the sub-menu at the position of the cursor is selected
by pressing button MONITOR once more.

Confirm and save changes made in monitor program or the appropriate sub-
menu as well as exit from monitor program mode or a sub-menu.

The programming diagrams on the next page illustrate the structure of the monitor

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Art-No: 475.037
Ergometer Operation Manual
Type er900 Configuration


mmHg - kPa Max.Syst. S < XXXmmHg

DAY XX HOUR XX max.Diast. D < XXXmmHg

Interv. BPM = XX min.
mmHg - kPa M PWC = XXX PWC = XXX
mmHg (*)
kPa (*)

LOAD STEP 01 : 12


TEST +- 5 Va = 5.XX V [ 0.2 ]
ADJUST TORQUE + 5 Vd = 5.XX V [ 0.3 ]
ADJUST OUTPUT +24 V = 2X.X V [ 6V ]

U-TD = XXX [ 020 - 150 ]
U-DMS = XXX [ 050 - 250 ]
S = XXXmmHg D = XXXmmHg

SET CODE . . .

ZERO DMS-AMPL. U - DMS = XXX [050 - 250]


SET CODE . . .



SET CODE . . . SET CODE . . .

300 W = < > 200 BPM = < >


SET CODE . . . SET CODE . . .

300 mmHg = < > 300 mmHg = < >

er900 Operation Manual 32 Version: 05/02

Art-No: 475.037
Operation Manual Ergometer
Configuration Type er900


INT [*]
SET CODE . . . .



= 000 W < >

P1 * P5 * P9 * M
P2 * P6 * P10 *

P3 * P7 * P11 *
P4 * P8 * P12 *


TRANSM.SPEED 2400 Baud (*)

LANGUAGE 4800 Baud (*)


GER ( * ) ENG ( * )
FRZ ( * )


ON (*)

INT (*)
EXT (*)

Version: 05/02 33 er900 Operation Manual

Art-No: 475.037
Ergometer Operation Manual
Type er900 Configuration

7.3 Basic Settings

7.3.1 Date and Time

The system has an integrated real-time clock that can be set by the monitor program.
This clock is set correctly when the unit is delivered but may require re-setting, for ex-
ample when changing from winter time to summer time. Proceed as follows:

m Press the button MONITOR.

MONITOR V.XXX The monitor main menu will appear in the
mmHg - kPa

m Using the cursor buttons in the alpha-
numeric keypad, move the cursor to the
menu item ADJUST CLOCK.
mmHg - kPa

m Call up this subprogram by pressing the
button MONITOR again.

m Use the numeric keypad to enter the cor-
ADJUST CLOCK M rect time and date. The cursor will auto-
YEAR XX MONTH XX matically advance from field to field. Use
DAY XX HOUR XX the arrow keys to move the cursor to a par-
MINUTE XX ticular field.

m Confirm that the information is correct by
pressing the button RETURN . The main
menu will reappear.
You may now proceed to other menu items
or exit the monitor program by pressing the
RETURN key again.

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Art-No: 475.037
Operation Manual Ergometer
Configuration Type er900

7.3.2 Select Unit for Pressure Display

It is possible to select either mmHg or the SI unit kPa for use in the print-out. Proceed
as follows:

m Press the button MONITOR.

ACTIVATE PROGRAM The monitor main menu will appear in the
mmHg - kPa

m Using the arrow keys in the alphanumeric

keypad, move the cursor to the menu item
mmHg - kPa.
mmHg - kPa

m Call up this subprogram by pressing the
button MONITOR again.

mmHg - kPa M
m Use the arrow keys in the alphanumeric
mmHg (*) keypad to move the cursor to the desired
kPa (*) unit of measure.

m Confirm the entry by pressing the button

RETURN . The main menu will then re-
l appear.
You may now proceed to other menu items
or exit the monitor program by pressing the
button RETURN again.

Version: 05/02 35 er900 Operation Manual

Art-No: 475.037
Ergometer Operation Manual
Type er900 Configuration

7.3.3 ECG Start Pulse Duration (only for remote start of ECG)
The ergometer has a remote start output with which an ECG device can be triggered
(provided that the ECG device has a corresponding input). The feature programmed
below determines the period during which the remote start signal is applied to the out-
put. Signal duration is fully selectable in 1 second steps within a range of 0 - 99. Signal
duration is determined as follows:

m Press the button MONITOR.

The monitor main menu will appear in the
mmHg - kPa

MONITOR V.XXX m Using the arrow keys in the alphanumeric
LOAD INT/EXT keypad, move the cursor to the menu item

m Call up this subprogram by pressing the
button MONITOR again.

m Enter the period in seconds using the al-
phanumeric keypad. The cursor will auto-
matically advance.

m Confirm the entry by pressing the RE-
TURN key. The main menu will then re-
You may now proceed to other menu items
or exit the monitor program by pressing the
button RETURN again.

er900 Operation Manual 36 Version: 05/02

Art-No: 475.037
Operation Manual Ergometer
Configuration Type er900

7.3.4 Select Language

The language used in the display and on the print-outs may be selected. There are two
versions of software available, each with three languages. The available languages
are: German (GER), French (FRZ), English (ENG), or Spanish (ESP), Italian (ITA), Dutch

m Press the button MONITOR.

ACTIVATE PROGRAM The monitor main menu will appear in the
mmHg - kPa

MONITOR V.XXX m Using the arrow keys in the alphanumeric
ECG - TYP keypad, move the cursor to the menu item

m Call up this subprogram by pressing the
button MONITOR again.

m Use the arrow keys in the alphanumeric
GER ( * ) ENG ( * ) keypad to move the cursor to the desired
FRZ ( * ) language.

m Confirm the entry by pressing the RE-
TURN key. The main menu will then re-
You may now proceed to other menu items
or exit the monitor program by pressing the
button RETURN again.

Version: 05/02 37 er900 Operation Manual

Art-No: 475.037
Ergometer Operation Manual
Type er900 Configuration

7.3.5 RPM Control

Sometimes, it may be necessary for the patient to discontinue pedaling for one reason
or another. Normally, when the RPM value drops below the minimum value (30 RPM),
this will lead to an abort of the load program since a defined load is no more present.

Now it is possible to turn off RPM control for these special applications. The load
program is then not aborted, but rather continues regardless of the presence of a mini-
mum RPM value or not. Re-entry into the program is therefore possible at any time.

m Press the button MONITOR.

ADJUST CLOCK The monitor main menu will appear in the
mmHg - kPa display.

m Using the arrow keys in the alphanumeric
keypad, move the cursor to the menu item
MONITOR V.XXX (CONTR: RPM is a main menu option that
CONTR. RPM will appear eventually as the main menu
CONTR. INT / EXT scrolls through the display with repeated
RESERVE pressing of the arrow keys.)

m Call up this subprogram by pressing the
button MONITOR again.

CONTR. RPM MM m Use the arrow keys in the alphanumeric
keypad to move the cursor to the desired
ON (*) selection.
OFF (*)

m Confirm the entry by pressing the RE-
TURN key. The main menu will then re-
You may now proceed to other menu items
or exit the monitor program by pressing the
button RETURN again.

er900 Operation Manual 38 Version: 05/02

Art-No: 475.037
Operation Manual Ergometer
Configuration Type er900

7.3.6 Other Parameters

Numerous other parameters can be specified by using the monitor program, among
these are:
* analog input/output adjustments, load unit adjustment, etc.
Some of these parameters are code protected and should not be modified by the op-
erator due to safety considerations. Notify your authorized dealer or the ergoline ser-
vice department if you wish to alter any one of these protected parameters.

Appendix B contains setup instructions for the following parameters:

Setting of ECG-Type
Type selection for an attached ECG unit (for data transmission)

ECG specific TRANSM.SPEED selection

Toggle between internal and external load control

Determines if load is to be controlled internally (by the ergometer) or externally (by
the ECG unit)

Hardware Tests
Determines if the voltages of the system are correct

Parameters that are only to be altered by personnel authorized by ergoline :

Blood Pressure Measurement Unit Certification

Test routine that is run by the office of certification

Torque Adjustment
Adjustment of the drive train unit

Analog Output Adjustment

Adjustment of the analog data outputs

Analog Input Adjustment

Adjustment of the analog data inputs

Version: 05/02 39 er900 Operation Manual

Art-No: 475.037
Ergometer Operation Manual
Type er900 Configuration

7.4 Defining an Ergometry Program

The operator may select from 10 different ergometric programs when using the
ergometrics er900. Of these 10 programs, eight are fully programmable, one program
offers automatic loading and one program is for pulse-steady-state training.

F Ergometric program definition is only possible when the ergometer is controlled

internally, i.e. not controlled by a PC or ECG unit.

F Mixed control is also possible, that is, normal control is internal and, when needed,
control may be transferred to an external device. For mixed control operations
one should ensure that program 8 can be used as a buffer for several interface
modes. Therefore, for mixed control operations only programs 0 through 7, or 9
may be used since program 8 will be used for switching the control type.

The monitor program can be used to establish a basic stress program. Program cre-
ation is done as follows:

m Press the button MONITOR.

The monitor main menu will appear in the
mmHg - kPa

m Call up this subprogram by pressing the
button MONITOR once more.

ACTIVATE PROGRAM M m Select the program number that you wish
Program No 0 to program by entering the program num-
max. HEARTFREQ. HF < XXX ber with the numeric keypad.
max. Syst. S < XXX mmHg
m Program the selected stress program as

l described in this chapter.
l m Confirm the entry by pressing the RE-
TURN key. The main menu will then re-
In order to proceed to other menu items,
e.g. defining another program, the moni-
tor program must be called up again.
See above.
er900 Operation Manual 40 Version: 05/02
Art-No: 475.037
Operation Manual Ergometer
Configuration Type er900

7.4.1 Setup of Automatic Program 0

Automatic program 0 is for the fully automated testing of patients with unknown circula-
tion condition, in particular, weak patients. The ergometers control computer uses this
program to test the patients circulation response across two or three different but spe-
cific load increments. The computer then determines three standard load increments
within which the pre-set maximum heart rate should be attained. The standard load
increments and the corresponding time intervals are taken from the WHO table for stress

m Call up program creation as described in the

l preceding section.
m Select program 0 in the field Program No.
Program No 0 m You can now assign the individual parameters.
max. HEARTFREQ. HF < XXX The meaning of these parameters for this
max. Syst. S < XXX mmHg special analysis program is described below.

m The cursor will automatically skip to the next

field when entry is complete for the current
field. Complete entry must be made in each
max . Diast . D< XXX
field in accordance with the number of char-
acter positions provided. The arrow keys may
max. LOAD Pmax = XXX W
be used to move to any field desired. The
display will scroll automatically when the up-

per or lower display margins are reached.
Interv . BPM = XX min . 0 m Close data entry with the RETURN key.
PWC = XXX PWC = XXX Now program 0 is configured in accordance
TRAININGIND. [ Y / N ] N with your choices. Any parameter may still
be changed at the beginning of ergometry for

a specific ergometric run.
The meaning of the various training parameters:
max. Heartfreq. = heart rate which is to be attained in three standard load steps. When
this goal has been reached the program will stop. (Any one of the alarm
conditions described below will also cause program termination.)
max. Syst. = alarm parameter, when reached will cause program termination.
max. Diast. = alarm parameter, when reached will cause program termination.
Start load = load value with which the system begins stressing the patient.
max. Load = maximum load value that is not to be exceeded.
Interv. BPM = interval at which blood pressure readings are to be made.
PWC = heart rate value at which a PWC value is to be determined (see Ap-
pendix D.1).
TRAININGIND. = see appendix (see Appendix D.2).
Version: 05/02 41 er900 Operation Manual
Art-No: 475.037
Ergometer Operation Manual
Type er900 Configuration

7.4.2 Definition of Programs 1-8

The operator has the choice of eight stress programs that are freely programmable to
specific requirements on the ergometrics er900. In these eight programs, all control
and alarm parameters are fully selectable. As with programs 0 and 9, the setup accom-
plished with the monitor program represents a basic setup that can still be changed for
any specific ergometry run at the beginning of that particular ergometry.

F Program 8 is an exception to this rule in case the ergometer is operated in mixed-

control mode. That is, when the ergometer switches back and forth between inter-
nal and external (from an ECG or PC) control. Program 8 should not be used in
such cases as it is used as an interface buffer for various external control modes
which will cause parameters to be lost.
l m Call up program definition as described in the
preceding section.

Programm No 0 m Select the desired program to be modified
max. HEARTFREQ. HF < XXX (1-8) in the field Program No.
max. Syst. S < XXX mmHg

ACTIVATE PROGRAM M m Now you can set the individual parameters.
max . Diast . D< XXX The significance of the parameters for this
START LOAD Po = XXX W special analysis program are described be-
max . LOAD Pmax = XXX W low.
The cursor will automatically skip to the next
field when entry is complete for the current
ACTIVATE PROGRAM M field. Complete entry must be made in each
Interv . BPM = XX min . 0 field in accordance with the number of char-
PWC = XXX PWC = XXX acter positions provided.
TRAININGIND. [ J / N ] N (Example: Start Load Po = 3 characters; en-
try value of 50 Watt would be entered as Po =
ACTIVATE PROGRAM M The arrow keys may be used to move to any
LOAD STEP 01 : 12 0 field desired. The display will scroll automati-
INTERV. LOAD = XX min . cally when the upper or lower display margins

l m Close data entry with button RETURN . The
l selected program is now configured accord-
ing to your choices. Any parameter may still
be changed at the beginning of ergometry for
a specific ergometric run.

er900 Operation Manual 42 Version: 05/02

Art-No: 475.037
Operation Manual Ergometer
Configuration Type er900

The meaning of the various training parameters :

max. Heartfreq = alarm parameter, when reached will cause program termination
max. Systole = alarm parameter, when reached will cause program termination
max. Diastole = alarm parameter, when reached will cause program termination
Start Load = load value with which the system begins stressing the patient.
The time interval for the initial load is specified by the interval
for the first load increment.
max. Load = maximum load value that is not to be exceeded
Interv. BPM = interval at which blood pressure readings are to be made
PWC = heart rate value at which a PWC value is to be determined
(PWC value see appendix)
TRAININGSIND. = see appendix
LOAD STEPS = twelve load steps may be programmed individually. An entry
made into any one of these load steps will cause the same
value to be entered into all subsequent load steps.
The load settings of the 12. load step are maintained for all
subsequent load steps up to the 99. load step.
INTERV.LOAD = time interval of the load, that is elapsed time for the respective
load step.
LOAD CHANGE = amount of load change with respect to the previous load step
Example: Initial load = 025 W
Load change 1 = 015 W +

Load step 1 = 040 W

F In Annex C attached to this operators manual, you will find programming

forms. We recommend that these forms be filled out before actually pro-
gramming the ergometer. Save these forms as they will be useful if the
ergometer should malfunction and these program settings need to be re-

Version: 05/02 43 er900 Operation Manual

Art-No: 475.037
Ergometer Operation Manual
Type er900 Configuration

7.4.3 Definition of Program 9 for Pulse-Steady-State Training

Program 9 offers pulse-steady-state training capability. A continuously available heart
rate input is prerequisite for this program. Heart rate input can be accomplished in
various ways. You can attach an ear/finger clip, a pulse monitor (such as the Polar
Pacer) or connect a QRS trigger output from an ECG device being used (see Annex E
to this operators manual).

l m Call up program creation as described in the

l preceding section.

m Select program 9 in the field Program No.
Program No 0 > X<
max. HEARTFREQ. HF < XXX m Now you can set the individual parameters.
max. Syst. S < XXX mmHg The significance of the parameters for this
special analysis program are described be-
ACTIVATE PROGRAM M The cursor will automatically skip to the next
max . Diast . D< XXX field when entry is complete for the current
START LOAD Po = XXX W field. Complete entry must be made in each
max . LOAD Pmax = XXX W field in accordance with the number of char-
acter positions provided
(Example: Start Load Po = 3 characters; en-
ACTIVATE PROGRAM M try value of 50 Watt would be entered as P0
Interv . BPM = XX min . 0 = 050W).
PWC = XXX PWC = XXX The arrow keys may be used to move to any
TRAININGIND. [ Y / N ] N field desired. The display will scroll automati-
cally when the upper or lower display margins
are reached.
LOAD STEP 01 - 12 0

m Close data entry with the RETURN key.

l Now program 9 is configured in accordance
l with your choices. Any parameter may still be
l changed at the beginning of ergometry for a
specific ergometric run.

er900 Operation Manual 44 Version: 05/02

Art-No: 475.037
Operation Manual Ergometer
Configuration Type er900

The meaning of the various training parameters:

max. Heartfreq. = This is the pulse-steady-state limit for heart rate that is to be used
in this training. When this limit is reached, the ergometer will
take over complete load control to ensure that the patients heart
rate remains stable at this level (by lowering and raising the load
max. Systole = Alarm parameter, when reached will cause program termination
max. Diastole = Alarm parameter, when reached will cause program termination
Start Load = Load value with which the system begins stressing the patient.
The time interval for the initial load is specified by the interval
for the first load increment.
max. Load = Maximum load value that is not to be exceeded
Interv. BPM = Interval at which blood pressure readings are to be made.
PWC = Heart rate value at which a PWC value is to be determined
(see ANNEX D.1)
LOAD STEP = Twelve load steps may be individually programmed. An entry
made into any one of these load steps will cause the same
value to be entered into all subsequent load steps.
The load settings of the 12. load step are maintained for all
subsequent load steps up to the 99. load step.
Interv. LOAD = Time interval of the load, that is elapsed time for the respective
load step.
LOAD CHANGE = Amount of load change with respect to the previous load step
Example: Initial load = 025W
Load change 1 = 015W +
LOAD step 1 = 040 W

F When running pulse-steady-state training, the significance of the load in-

crements and load changes is limited to the preliminary training prior to
reaching the desired maximum heart rate (Pulse-Steady-State limit). Load
control is dependent upon heart rate response after this limit is reached.

Pulse-Steady-State training may only be carried out when the heart rate is
continuously provided to the system.

Version: 05/02 45 er900 Operation Manual

Art-No: 475.037
Ergometer Operation Manual
Type er900 Structure of Programs

8. Structure of Programs
8.1 General Structure of Programs 1-8

8.1.1 Factory Settings

The programs 1-8 can be individually programmed for the testing of various patient
groups such that at the push of a button the right program is at hand. Programs 1-4
have been pre-programmed with sample programs by ergoline prior to delivery. These
programs are only exemplary and can, of course, be changed.

and heavy laborers

patients (especially
moderately strong

(especially athletic
women and men)

active sports men

normally strong

strong patients,
(approx. 45kg
weak patients

body weight)



Program No. 1 2 3 4

max. heart rate 150 150 150 170

max. systolic pressure 230 230 230 240

max. diastolic pressure 130 130 120 100

Start load Po 25 50 50 50

max. Load Pmax 999 999 999 999

Interval BP in min. 1 1 2 2

PWC 110 130 130 150

PWC 130 150 150 170

Training index N J J J

Load steps 01 01 01 01
02 02 02 02
. . . 03
. . . .
. . . .
Interval load 01 01 01 01
in min 01 01 02 02
. . . 02
. . . .
. . . .
Load change 010 010 025 025
in Watts 010 010 025 025
. . . 025
. . . .
. . . .

er900 Operation Manual 46 Version: 05/02

Art-No: 475.037
Operation Manual Ergometer
Structure of Programs Type er900

8.1.2 Creating Your Own Load Program

Programs 1-8 were intended to be programmed from the monitor program, as de-
scribed in this manual, for various pre-defined patient groups. This allows you to select
the appropriate program for a patient at the touch of a button. This gives you basic
settings with which the stress test of the patient can be performed. You may still change
any of the parameters prior to starting ergometry. Such a parameter change, that is not
accomplished within the monitor program, is only temporary and effective for this spe-
cific one ergometry. Such changes are voided at the end of the ergometry.
This is why, when you use the monitor program to program the load programs, you need
to proceed such that only the absolute limits for an entire patient group be pre-set as
alarm parameters. The patient specific alarm parameter should be entered when the
program is called up. In general eight programs with differing load characteristics are
adequate to serve various types of patient groups if patients are grouped by their load
requirement patterns. The flowchart below serves to clarify the process of an ergometry.

Determine the correct patient group for the patient.

Select the appropriate program for the patient.

If necessary, change circulation alarm parameters

Start the program (blood pressure measurement at rest)

Print-out of the resulting data

Start load program at Po

Print-out of the loaded data with every load change

and/or every blood pressure measurement

Load increments 1...12 as programmed

Load program termination (caused by reaching an alarm parameter,

dropping below the minimum RPM rating of 30 RPM or because the END
key was pressed); transition to the recovery phase

Print-out of measurement results for the on-going

blood pressure measurements

Terminate ergometry by again pressing the END key

Output of the summary protocol

Version: 05/02 47 er900 Operation Manual

Art-No: 475.037
Ergometer Operation Manual
Type er900 Structure of Programs

8.2 Systematic Setup of Programs

8.2.1 Setup of Automatic Load Program 0
Program 0 does not permit any load settings from the operator. The initial load is set to
25 Watt, the maximum load is set to 999 Watt, and the blood pressure interval is set to
1 minute. Individual load increments are not programmable.
The loading process is determined automatically by the ergometer during the ergometry
process and is only dependent upon the circulation response of the patient.
Program 0 is intended for critical patients whose circulatory condition is unknown. It is
therefore necessary that the parameters are accordingly conservative. Establish alarm
parameter values such that even very weak patients will not be over-stressed.
The program will calculate three standard load increments of 5, 10 or 25 Watt within
which the patient can reach the pre-set heart rate. The resulting protocol data will en-
able you to subsequently classify the patient into one of the patient groups for which you
have a specific program (1-8).

F Continuous doctors attention is also required for patients who are

stressed with automatic program 0 since the circulatory response is not
continuously monitored. Parameters can change abruptly between indi-
vidual blood pressure measurements without the system being able to
counteract appropriately.

er900 Operation Manual 48 Version: 05/02

Art-No: 475.037
Operation Manual Ergometer
Structure of Programs Type er900

Program flowchart:

Patients with unknown circulatory conditions

select program 0

If necessary, change circulation alarm parameters

Start program (blood pressure measurement at rest)

Print-out of resulting data

Load program start at Po

Print-out of the loaded data with every blood pressure measurement

Calculation of standard increments via 2-3 free load increments, subsequently

stressing with 3 standard load increments to reach the max. heart rate

Load program termination (caused by reaching an alarm parameter, dropping

below the minimum RPM rating of 30 RPM or because
the END key was pressed); then transition to the recovery phase

Print-out of measurement results for the on-going

blood pressure measurements

Terminate ergometry by again pressing the END key

Output of the summary protocol

Version: 05/02 49 er900 Operation Manual

Art-No: 475.037
Ergometer Operation Manual
Type er900 Structure of Programs

Pay attention to the execution of the program when programming. The base values that
were entered via the monitor program are not necessarily those that are appropriate for
a given patient. When programming you should only enter upper limit values that apply
to the largest possible group of patients. Any parameter can still be changed for any
specific ergometric run such that the parameters are tailored to the patient. You should
also select alarm values that will prevent over stressing even weaker patients but still
allow for a meaningful test. Select an initial load that will not overburden the weaker
patients. If you do not the circulation condition will show false results and automatic
ergometry is then impossible.
In general, automatic ergometry is only used for acute, mostly weak, patients. Accord-
ingly, you should set the parameters at relatively low levels.
Heart rate is one exception in these parameters. It should only be entered via the moni-
tor program as a nominal value. Adapt this value however, to each individual patient,
prior to ergometry. The ergometer works toward attaining this maximum heart rate.
Program 0 will try to reach the maximum heart rate by using three standard load incre-
ments. You should, therefore, set the maximum heart rate in accordance with the capa-
bilities of the individual patient so as to avoid excessive stress. It is also astute to pro-
vide the ergometer with a continuous heart rate. This can be done with an ear/finger
clip, a pulse monitor or with a heart rate feedback from an ECG unit (see appendix).

F Enter the maximum heart rate via the monitor program only as a nominal value but
adapt this value to each individual patient prior to ergometry.

You should write your program on one of the programming forms before entering the
program on the console of the ergometer. The programming form is an aid that helps
the operator to maintain an overview of the various parameters. The program forms
also represent a permanent record of the programs that are available if the unit should
malfunction. You will find blank programming forms in the appendix to this manual. An
example of a programming form already filled out can be found in this chapter.

F Write your programs on the program forms (as found in the appendix of this manual)
before entering them in the console of the ergometer. This contributes to clarity
and proper record keeping.

er900 Operation Manual 50 Version: 05/02

Art-No: 475.037
Operation Manual Ergometer
Structure of Programs Type er900

Program Listing

Program No.: 0

maximum heart rate HR = 140 1/min.

maximum Systole S = 230 mmHg (kPa)

maximum Diastole D = 130 mmHg (kPa)

initial load Po = 25 watt

maximum load Pmax = 999 watt

blood press. measurement interv. INTERV.BDM = 01 min.

desired PWC value PWC = 130 PWC = 150

Training index. J N

Load increments:
Step 1 Step 2
Load interval = min. Load interval = min.
Load change = watt Load change = watt

Step 3 Step 4
Load interval = min. Load interval = min.
Load change = watt Load change = watt

Step 5 Step 6
Load interval = min. Load interval = min.
Load change = watt Load change = watt

Step 7 Step 8
Load interval = min. Load interval = min.
Load change = watt Load change = watt

Step 9 Step 10
Load interval = min. Load interval = min.
Load change = watt Load change = watt

Step 11 Step 12
Load interval = min. Load interval = min.
Load change = watt Load change = watt

Version: 05/02 51 er900 Operation Manual

Art-No: 475.037
Ergometer Operation Manual
Type er900 Structure of Programs

8.2.2 Setup of the Fully Programmable Load Programs 1-8

Programs 1-8 serve to provide the user with a stress program spectrum that will ac-
commodate the patient groups that are to undergo ergometry. Every parameter in these
eight programs is freely definable and will be upheld by the ergometer unless an alarm
parameter is exceeded or a manual change is made to ergometry by the operator.
In this manual you will find examples of such patient group oriented programs. These
example programs are the same as those that are factory pre-programmed prior to
shipment. Naturally, these programs can also be overwritten and individually adapted
to the wishes and needs of the user.

Program Flow:

Classify the patient as belonging to a particular patient group.

Select the appropriate program (1-8).

If necessary, change circulation alarm parameters

Start program (blood pressure measurement at rest)

Print-out of resulting data

Load program start at Po

Print-out of the loaded data with every blood pressure measurement

Increasing the load according to the pre-programmed

load increments at the pre-programmed intervals

Load program termination (caused by reaching an alarm parameter,

dropping below the minimum RPM rating of 30 RPM or because the END key
was pressed); transition to the recovery phase

Print-out of measurement results for the on-going

blood pressure measurements

Terminate ergometry by again pressing the END key

Output of the summary protocol

er900 Operation Manual 52 Version: 05/02

Art-No: 475.037
Operation Manual Ergometer
Structure of Programs Type er900

Pay attention to the execution of the program when programming. Determine the pa-
rameters for the various patient groups before you begin to program. Select alarm and
load parameters according to average strength characteristics of patient groups. Se-
lect parameter values such that most individuals in the group require no parameter
changes and those that may become necessary are minor. Reserve a program, prefer-
ably program 8, for special patients that require an individualized program. Here, you
can create experimental programs suited to the patients specific requirements. To make
such an experimental program, set all of the parameters for the selected program (e.g.
program 8) to minimum or maximum values, i.e. 0 or 999, so that all automatic control
functions are turned off. Then you can enter the actually desired values for this specific
ergometry just before starting the session.

F For special ergometrics, setup one program (e.g. program 8) as experi-

mental with all maximum or minimum parameter values.

You should write your program on one of the programming forms before entering the
program on the console of the ergometer. The programming form is an aid that helps
the operator maintain an overview of the various parameters. The program forms also
represent a permanent record of the programs that are available if the unit should mal-
function. You will find blank programming forms in the appendix to this manual.

F Write your programs on the program forms (as found in the appendix to
this manual) before entering them in the console of the ergometer. This
contributes to clarity and proper record keeping.

Version: 05/02 53 er900 Operation Manual

Art-No: 475.037
Ergometer Operation Manual
Type er900 Structure of Programs

8.2.3 Setup of Program 9, Steady-Pulse (Cardiovascular Training)

Program 9 is for pulse-steady-state training. The ergometer increases the load from
the outset of the training according to your parameters. Upon reaching the maximum
heart rate setting, instead of causing program termination, the unit switches over to
pulse-steady-state control. That means that load changes are calculated to maintain
this heart rate. It is absolutely necessary to provide the ergometer with a continuous
heart rate signal when running the pulse-steady-state program. This can be accom-
plished with an ear/finger clip, a pulse monitor or a heart rate feedback from an ECG
Once reached, the ergometer will hold the maximum heart rate value stable until an
additional alarm parameter is exceeded or the training session is manually ended by
the operator.

Program Flow:
Patient for pulse-steady-state training
select program 9

Possible change of the maximum heart rate

Start program (blood pressure measurement at rest )

Print-out of resulting data

Load program start at Po

Print-out of the loaded data with every blood pressure measurement

Increasing the load according to the pre-programmed load increments at the

pre-programmed intervals until the max. heart rate value is reached

Transition to pulse-steady-state control. Load will be

automatically altered in response to the heart rate.

Load program termination (caused by reaching an alarm parameter,

dropping below the minimum RPM rating of 30 RPM or because the END
key was pressed); transition to the recovery phase

Print-out of measurement results for the on-going

blood pressure measurements

Terminate ergometry by again pressing the END key

Output of the summary protocol

er900 Operation Manual 54 Version: 05/02

Art-No: 475.037
Operation Manual Ergometer
Structure of Programs Type er900

Pay attention to the execution of the program when programming. Since program 9 is a
pure training program, alarm parameters (except for heart rate) should be chosen so
that any danger to the patient is remote. Select a warm-up load parameter (used until
reaching the max. heart rate value set) such that reaching the heart rate value will not go
too quickly or take too long. When the warm-up phase is too short, reasonable pulse-
steady-state training is not possible as the circulatory system has not yet adjusted to
the load. When the warm-up phase is too long, the patient is already tired before the
actual training phase has been reached.

F Program 9 is purely a training program. Parameters must be selected that

reflect the requirements of this mode of operation (as opposed to pro-
grams 0-8).

You should write your program on one of the programming forms before entering the
program on the console of the ergometer. The programming form is an aid that helps
the operator maintain an overview of the various parameters. The program forms also
represent a permanent record of the programs that are available if the unit should mal-
function. You will find blank programming forms in the appendix to this Operation Manual.

F Write your programs on the program forms (as found in the appendix to
this manual) before entering them in the console of the ergometer. This
contributes to clarity and proper record keeping.

Version: 05/02 55 er900 Operation Manual

Art-No: 475.037
Ergometer Operation Manual
Type er900

er900 Operation Manual 56 Version: 05/02

Art-No: 475.037
Operation Manual Ergometer
Cleaning Type er900

9. Cleaning

F The unit, blood pressure cuff and related accessories should be regularly cleaned,
if required, daily.

Important !!
Be sure to disconnect the power cord prior to cleaning the unit.

9.1 Cleaning the Unit

F Use a soft cloth moistened with a mild cleanser to wipe off the unit as needed.
Ensure that the cloth is not fully saturated. A fully saturated cloth may allow
liquid to enter the unit and cause a defect.

Do not use strong household cleaners or disinfectants to

clean the unit. This may damage the units finish and lead to
Recommended are disinfectants like Fugaten spray,
Lysoform or Promanum N.

9.2 Cleaning the Blood Pressure Cuff

F The blood pressure cuff may also be cleaned with mild soapsuds. Only alcohol
may be used to disinfect the cuff. Other disinfectants or the use of strong cleans-
ers may damage the cuff and lead to defects.
The microphone should also be cleaned at regular intervals. To clean the micro-
phone, remove it from its pocket in the cuff (pay attention to its position in the cuff,
it must be replaced in the same position after cleaning - the level side of the
microphone has to be pointing towards the arteria).
Clean it with a mild detergent or alcohol.

F Defects caused by improper detergent and disinfectants as well as de-

fects originating from insufficient cleaning of the unit are excluded from
the guarantee.

Version: 05/02 57 er900 Operation Manual

Art-No: 475.037
Ergometer Operation Manual
Type er900

er900 Operation Manual 58 Version: 05/02

Art-No: 475.037
Operation Manual Ergometer
Appendix A: Interfaces Type er900

Appendix A: Interfaces
The bicycle ergometer er900 features a number of interfaces. Data can be transmitted or
received by the ergometer in analog or digital modes. Complete external control of the ergo-
meter from a PC or ECG is possible via these interfaces. These interfaces are also capable
of transferring information to external devices (PC or ECG). ergoline provides a wide range
of control variations using a variety of control protocols with a combination of analog and
digital signals. These protocols permit the ergometers connection to practically all ECG
units on the market that have an ergometric program. You will find the interface protocols in
this appendix.

A.1 Input and Output Pin Specifications

Pin1 = TxD Pin1 = External Load Pin1 = +5VAnalog

Pin2 = GND Pin2 = Remote Start BPM Pin2 = ECG input.
Pin3 = RTS Pin3 = Remote Start ECG Pin3 = NC
Pin4 = CTS Pin4 = Pulse output Pin4 = NC
Pin5 = RxD Pin5 = Load output Pin5 = Opto input
Pin6 = Diastole output Pin6 = GND Analog
Pin7 = ECG input
Pin8 = Systole output
Housing = GND

Inputs = Kursiv Outputs = Normal

Version: 05/02 59 er900 Operation Manual
Art-No: 475.037
Ergometer Operation Manual
Type er900 Appendix A: Interfaces
ergometrics er900
Interface ECG Type P1
Software Version V.243
Interface for digital data transfer from er900 to PC or ECG
with internal control of er900

logic low logic high
Transmit Output (Pin 1) >+7 V <-7 V
Receive Input (Pin 5) >+3 V <-3 V

Baud rate:
2400/4800 Baud

Format ASCII
Start bit 1
Data bits 8
Stop bit 1
Parity None
Handshake None

Hardware Connection :

Pin 1 Transmit (Output)

Pin 2 GND
Pin 3 NC
Pin 4 NC
Pin 5 Receive (Input)

er900 Operation Manual 60 Version: 05/02

Art-No: 475.037
Operation Manual Ergometer
Appendix A: Interfaces Type er900

Transmission Protocol :

DATE 14.06.91 TIME 08.23

LOAD (watt) 000 HR (pulse/min) XXX Protocol of measure-
SYSTOLE(mmHg) XXX DIASTOLE(mmHg) XXX ment at rest

TORQUE (n/min) XXX TIME 08.24 Protocol of first load

LOAD (watt) XXX HR (pulse/min) XXX step

TORQUE (n/min) XXX TIME 08.27

LOAD (watt) XXX HR (pulse/min) XXX Protocol of fourth
SYSTOLE(mmHg) XXX DIASTOLE(mmHg) XXX load step

TORQUE (n/min) XXX TIME 08.27 Protocol of load

LOAD (watt) XXX HR (pulse/min) XXX program termination

DATE 14.06.91 TIME 08.28 Protocol of first

SYSTOLE(mmHg) XXX DIASTOLE(mmHg) XXX recovery measurement
HR (pulse/min) XXX

DATE 14.06.91 TIME 08.29 Protocol of second

SYSTOLE(mmHg) XXX DIASTOLE(mmHg) XXX recovery measurement
HR (pulse/min) XXX

DATE 14.06.94 TIME 0829 Summary protocol at

P max (watt) XXX HR (pulse/min) XXX the end of the complete
PWC110 (watt) XXX PWC110 (watt/kg) XXX ergometry
PWC130 (watt) XXX PWC130 (watt/kg) XXX
PWCXXX (watt) XXX PWCXXX (watt/kg) XXX

A protocol will automatically be produced at every blood pressure measurement and at ev-
ery load increment. This data will be sent to the RS-232 interface without a prompt, com-
mand, or service request from the external device.
Control of load and blood pressure measurements as well as the monitoring of alarm param-
eters is handled internally from the console of the ergometer.

Version: 05/02 61 er900 Operation Manual

Art-No: 475.037
Ergometer Operation Manual
Type er900 Appendix A: Interfaces
ergometrics er900
Interface ECG Type P2
Software Version V.243
Interface for digital data transfer from er900 to PC or ECG
with internal control of er900
logic low logic high
Transmit Output (Pin 1) >+7 V <-7 V
Receive Input (Pin 5) >+3 V <-3 V

Baud rate:
2400/4800 Baud

Format ASCII
Start bit 1
Data bits 8
Stop bit 1
Parity None
Handshake None

Hardware Connection :

Pin 1 Transmit (Output)

Pin 2 GND
Pin 3 -
Pin 4 -
Pin 5 Receive (Input)

er900 Operation Manual 62 Version: 05/02

Art-No: 475.037
Operation Manual Ergometer
Appendix A: Interfaces Type er900

Transmission Protocol

DATE 14.06.91 TIME 08.23

Protocol of
LOAD (watt) 000 HR (pulse/min) XXX
measurement at rest

LOAD (watt) XXX Load rep., begin increm.

LOAD (watt) XXX Load rep., end increm.

TORQUE (n(min) XXX TIME 08.24

Protocol of first load step
LOAD (watt) XXX HR (pulse/min) XXX

LOAD (watt) XXX Load rep., begin increm.

LOAD (watt) XXX Load rep., end increm.

TORQUE (n(min) XXX TIME 08.27 Protocol of fourth

LOAD (watt) XXX HR (pulse/min) XXX load step

LOAD (watt) XXX Load rep., begin increm.

LOAD (watt) XXX Load rep., end increm.

TORQUE (n(min) XXX TIME 08.27 Protocol of load

LOAD (watt) XXX HR (pulse/min) XXX program termination

LOAD (watt) XXX Load rep., begin increm.

LOAD (watt) XXX Load rep., end increm.

DATE 14.06.91 TIME 08.28
SYSTOLE(mmHg) XXX DIASTOLE(mmHg) XXX Protocol of first
HR (pulse/min) XXX recovery measurement

DATE 14.06.91 TIME 08.29 Protocol of second

SYSTOLE(mmHg) XXX DIASTOLE(mmHg) XXX recovery measurement
HR (pulse/min) XXX

DATE 14.06.94 TIME 0829 Summary protocol at

P max (watt) XXX HR (pulse/min) XXX the end of the complete
PWC110 (watt) XXX PWC110 (watt/kg) XXX ergometry
PWC130 (watt) XXX PWC130 (watt/kg) XXX
PWCXXX (watt) XXX PWCXXX (watt/kg) XXX

Version: 05/02 63 er900 Operation Manual

Art-No: 475.037
Ergometer Operation Manual
Type er900 Appendix A: Interfaces
ergometrics er900
Interface ECG Type P4
Software Version V.243
Interface for digital data transfer from er900 to an ECG,
with analog control via the ECG

Voltages: Digital logic low logic high

Transmit Output (Pin 1) >+7V <-7V
Receive Input (Pin 5) >+3V <-3V
Analog minimal maximal resolution
Load argument (input) 0V 5V adjustable
Load return (output) 0V 6V adjustable
RPM return (output) 0V 6V 1V = 50 1/min

Baud rate : 2400 or 4800 Baud


Format ASCII
Start bit 1 Remark: Applies only to the RS-232
Data bits 8 digital interface
Stop bit 1
Parity None
Handshake None

Hardware Connections :
Pin 1 Transmit (Output)
Pin 2 GND
Pin 3 NC
Pin 4 CTS
Pin 5 Receive (Input)

Pin 1 = Load argument (input)

Pin 2 = Remote Start BPM (input)
Pin 3 = Remote Start ECG (output)
Pin 4 = Pulse frequency (output)
Pin 5 = Current load (output)
Pin 6 = Current diastole (output)
Pin 7 = QRS signal (input)
Pin 8 = Systole (output)
Case = GND

er900 Operation Manual 64 Version: 05/02

Art-No: 475.037
Operation Manual Ergometer
Appendix A: Interfaces Type er900

Transmission Protocol:
In contrast to purely digital transmission, ECG type P4 protocol always responds, upon
demand, with a standardized data record. The string consists of 54 alphanumeric char-
acters with Carriage Return and Line Feed as line delimiters. The RS-232 will only
accept the S<CR> command. All other characters will be ignored. Ergometry cannot
be terminated with an interface command. The ergometry will automatically terminate,
at the latest, six minutes after the test subject ceases to pedal. Error measurements of
the blood pressure unit are discernible in that all values in the data string are set to

Control flow with P4 :

Start command sent from controlling device (e.g. ECG)


The ergometer will begin the ergometry by taking the blood pressure measurement at rest. After
the blood pressure measurement is completed, the following string will be sent from the ergometer.

The pre-set load will be applied after the data record has been sent.

Every subsequent blood pressure measurement

must be triggered with the
S<CR> command.

After every new start command a new blood pressure measurement will be taken and then the data record
(as below) reported.


NR.xx, SYST: xxx mmHg , DIAST: xxx mmHg ,PULSE: xxx/min <CR><LF>

measurement no. diastolic value

systolic value heart rate value

Version: 05/02 65 er900 Operation Manual

Art-No: 475.037
Ergometer Operation Manual
Type er900 Appendix A: Interfaces
ergometrics er900
Interface ECG Type P5
Software Version V.243
Interface for digital data transfer from er900 to PC or ECG
(for Cardiosunny / Polymed)

Voltages :
logic low logic high
Transmit Output (Pin 1) >+7 V <-7 V
Receive Input (Pin 5) >+3 V <-3 V

Baud rate:
2400/4800 Baud

Format ASCII
Start bit 1
Data bits 8
Stop bits 1
Parity None
Handshake None

Hardware Connection :

Pin 1 Transmit (Output)

Pin 2 GND
Pin 3 NC
Pin 4 CTS
Pin 5 Receive (Input)

er900 Operation Manual 66 Version: 05/02

Art-No: 475.037
Operation Manual Ergometer
Appendix A: Interfaces Type er900

Transmission Protocol:

DATE 14.06.91 TIME 08.23

LOAD (watt) 000 HR ((pulse/min) XXX Protocol of measure-
SYSTOLE(mmHg) XXX DIASTOLE(mmHg) XXX ment at rest

TORQUE (n/min) XXX TIME 08.24

LOAD (watt) XXX HR (pulse/min) XXX Protocol of first load

TORQUE (n/min) XXX TIME 08.27

LOAD (watt) XXX HR (pulse/min) XXX Protocol of fourth
SYSTOLE(mmHg) XXX DIASTOLE(mmHg) XXX load step

TORQUE (n/min) XXX TIME 08.27 Protocol of load

LOAD (watt) XXX HR (pulse/min) XXX program termination

DATE 14.06.91 TIME 08.28

Protocol of first
recovery measurement
HR (pulse/min) XXX

DATE 14.06.91 TIME 08.29 Protocol of second

SYSTOLE(mmHg) XXX DIASTOLE(mmHg) XXX recovery measurement
HR (pulse/min) XXX

DATE 14.06.94 TIME 0829 Summary protocol at

P max (watt) XXX HR (pulse/min) XXX the end of the complete
PWC110 (watt) XXX PWC110 (watt/kg) XXX ergometry
PWC130 (watt) XXX PWC130 (watt/kg) XXX
PWCXXX (watt) XXX PWCXXX (watt/kg) XXX

A protocol will automatically be produced at every blood pressure measurement and at every
load increment. This data will be sent to the RS232 interface without a request from the
external device.
Control of load and blood pressure measurements as well as the monitoring of alarm para-
meters is handled internally from the console of the ergometer.

Version: 05/02 67 er900 Operation Manual

Art-No: 475.037
Ergometer Operation Manual
Type er900 Appendix A: Interfaces
ergometrics er900
Interface ECG Type P10
Software Version V.243
Interface for digital data transfer from er900 to PC or ECG.
The ergometer control is done via PC or ECG

Voltages: logic low logic high

Transmit Output (Pin 1) >+7 V <-7 V
Receive Input (Pin 5) >+3 V <-3 V

Baud rate:
2400/4800 Baud

Format ASCII
Start bit 1
Data bits 8
Stop bit 1
Parity None
Handshake None

Hardware connection:

Pin 1 Transmit (Output)

Pin 2 GND
Pin 3 -
Pin 4 -
Pin 5 Receive (Input)

er900 Operation Manual 68 Version: 05/02

Art-No: 475.037
Operation Manual Ergometer
Appendix A: Interfaces Type er900

Transmission Protocol :

Command from PC Response Description

(ECG) from er900

W xxx <CR> --- Sets a load target of xxx Watts.

L xxx <CR> --- Sets load increment to xxx Watts per minute. (The load will be
increased in 1 Watt steps over the period of one minute.)

A xxx <CR> --- Sets the initial load Po (load value to start of ergometry ) to xxx in

P xxx <CR> --- Sets the maximum pulse rate to xxx per min. (Only makes sense
for pulse steady state training.)

S <CR> --- Start of blood pressure measurement at rest with subsequent

start of ergometry with initial load Po.

s <CR> --- Start of ergometer with the initial load Po without a prior Po
blood pressure measurement at rest.

B <CR> B xxx <CR> Query for current load.

Output of current load in W.

D <CR> n xxx <CR> Query for current rpm value.

Output of current rpm value in 1/min.

Query for current heart rate.

H <CR> H xxx <CR> Output of current heart rate in 1/min.

Query for current systolic value.

O <CR> O xxx <CR> Output of current systolic value in mmHg.

Query for current diastolic value.

U <CR> U xxx <CR> Output of current diastolic value in mmHg.

F <CR> --- End of ergometry process (should be sent three times ).

I <CR> 0900P10VXXX- Identification string of the ergometer. The string contains the device type
<CR> 0900-, ECG interface protocol - P10 - and software version number -


W xxx <CR>

command value (e.g. load value) carriage return (end of line)

Version: 05/02 69 er900 Operation Manual

Art-No: 475.037
Ergometer Operation Manual
Type er900

er900 Operation Manual 70 Version: 05/02

Art-No: 475.037
Operation Manual Ergometer
Appendix B: Monitor Program Type er900

B.1 Additional Settings in the Monitor Program

B.1.1 Setting the ECG Type
Setting the ECG type determines the manner in which the interface is handled. Descriptions
of the various possible modes can be found in appendix C.

m Press the MONITOR key.

MONITOR V.XXX The monitor main menu will appear in the
mmHg - kPa
m Use the arrow keys in the alphanumeric key-
pad to move the cursor to the menu item ECG-


m Call up this sub-program by pressing the

MONITOR key again.

m Move the cursor with the arrow keys in the
P1 P5 P9 M
P2 P6 P10 alphanumeric keypad to the correct ECG-
P3 P7 P11 TYPE.
P4 P8 P12

m Confirm your programming entries by press-
ing the RETURN key. The unit will then auto-
matically reset and return to the starting state
l once again.
You may now continue with other settings or
exit the monitor program by pressing the RE-
TURN key again.

Version: 05/02 71 er900 Operation Manual

Art-No: 475.037
Ergometer Operation Manual
Type er900 Appendix B: Monitor Program

B.1.2 Setting the Baud Rate

Use of the RS-232 interface requires that the transmission rate of data sent and received
(baud rate) be established. For some modes of operation this baud rate is fixed and with
others it must be selected. If you have selected a particular ECG device, the baud rate is
already fixed. The baud rate is 4800 for interface modes P1, P2 and P10. You only need to
alter the baud rate when a value of 2400 is required (instead of 4800).

m Press the MONITOR key.

The monitor main menu will appear in the dis-
mmHg - kPa

m Use the arrow keys in the alphanumeric key-
pad to move the cursor to the menu item

m Call up this subprogram by pressing the
MONITOR key again.

m Move the cursor with the arrow keys in the
alphanumeric keypad to the desired baud
2400 Baud (*)
4800 Baud (*)

m Confirm your programming entries by press-

ing the RETURN key. The main menu will
l appear again.
You may now continue with other settings or
exit the monitor program by pressing the RE-
TURN key again.

er900 Operation Manual 72 Version: 05/02

Art-No: 475.037
Operation Manual Ergometer
Appendix B: Monitor Program Type er900

B.1.2 Switching Between Internal and External Load Control

This setting is concerns the load control. Internal control means that the ergometers internal
program will determine the load. External means that the load will be controlled by the device
connected to the analog interface. When the load is controlled externally, the ergometer
controls only the blood pressure measurements and data transfer over the RS-232 interface.
Some interface modes are based upon external load control and others do not permit exter-
nal load control. (see Appendix A).

m Press the MONITOR key.

The monitor main menu will appear in the dis-
mmHg - kPa

m Use the arrow keys in the alphanumeric key-
pad to move the cursor to the menu item


m Call up this subprogram by pressing the

MONITOR key again.

m Move the cursor with the arrow keys in the
alphanumeric keypad to the desired selec-
INT (*)
EXT (*)

m Confirm your programming entries by press-
ing the RETURN key. The main menu will
appear again.
l You may now continue with other settings or
l exit the monitor program by pressing the RE-
TURN key again.
If external control has been selected, the dis-
play will now show P=ext instead of P=000 in
the upper left-hand corner.

Version: 05/02 73 er900 Operation Manual

Art-No: 475.037
Ergometer Operation Manual
Type er900 Appendix B: Monitor Program

B.1.4 Hardware Diagnostics

This program can check the hardware in the event that an error in the system should occur.
You can check for operating voltages being within their tolerances and, when necessary,
check to see if the blood pressure measurement system has a leak, and also check it for
correct display.

m Press the MONITOR key.

MONITOR V.XXX The monitor main menu will appear in the dis-
mmHg - kPa
m Use the arrow keys in the alphanumeric key-
pad to move the cursor to the menu item


m Call up this subprogram by pressing the
MONITOR key again.

The display will now show the current operat-

TEST M ing voltages. To the right of each voltage the
+-5Va = X.XXV [0.2] allowable tolerance will be displayed. The
+5Vd = X.XXV [0.3] next test display is reached by pressing the
+24V = XX.XV [6V] down arrow-key in the alphanumeric keypad.

m The current setting for external load will now
be displayed along with the current values for
null voltages on the blood pressure units

transducer (C-BPT) and on the expansion
BEL-EXT = 000W TEST M strip of the drive unit (C-ES). The air system
U-TD = XXX [020 - 150] on the blood pressure measurement unit can
U-DMS = XXX [050 - 250] also be pressurized to test for a leak and to
S = 000 mmHg D = 000 mmHg see that it displays correctly.

m Pressing the RETURN key will cause an exit
from the test program at any time.

er900 Operation Manual 74 Version: 05/02

Art-No: 475.037
Operation Manual Ergometer
Appendix C: Program Listing Type er900

Program Listing

Program No.: ____

maximum heart rate HR = 1/min.

maximum Systole S = mmHg (kPa)

maximum Diastole D = mmHg (kPa)

initial load Po = watt

maximum load Pmax = watt

blood press. measurement interv. INTERV.BDM = min.

desired PWC value PWC = PWC =

Trainingsind. J N

Load increments:
Step 1 Step 2
Load interval = min. Load interval = min.
Load change = watt Load change = watt

Step 3 Step 4
Load interval = min. Load interval = min.
Load change = watt Load change = watt

Step 5 Step 6
Load interval = min. Load interval = min.
Load change = watt Load change = watt

Step 7 Step 8
Load interval = min. Load interval = min.
Load change = watt Load change = watt

Step 9 Step 10
Load interval = min. Load interval = min.
Load change = watt Load change = watt

Step 11 Step 12
Load interval = min. Load interval = min.
Load change = watt Load change = watt

Version: 05/02 75 er900 Operation Manual

Art-No: 475.037
Ergometer Operation Manual
Type er900 Appendix D: Indicators

D.1 PWC Values

D.1.1 What is a PWC Value?
The PWC (Physical Work Capacity) value is an index of the physical power of a patient at a
given heart rate. Empirically derived values for men and women in various age groups are
used as objectives. Various authors have established PWC tables. Naturally there are mi-
nor performance variations in these assorted tables. To arrive at a standard, PWC values for
the following heart rates were calculated:
HR = 130/min. HR = 150/min. HR = 170/min.
These values establish what performance a patient in the assorted age groups should have
at a heart rate of 130, 150 or 170 beats per minute to be considered normal for his/her
respective patient group.
If only heart rate is considered with regard to a particular performance, the resulting absolute
value is of little significance (e.g. 200 Watt at HR=150/min.). The patients weight must re-
ceive consideration with regard to the performance factor in order for the results to be rel-
evant and comparative. Continuing the same example, for a patient with a weight of 100kg
this means:
Performance at HR 150/min. = 200 Watt
the resulting PWC value is:
PWC150 = 200 Watt/100kg
= 2 Watt/kg body weight
The following tables from the book Stress Analysis in Practice from Rost and Hollmann can
be used as a standard for performance characteristics.

Table 5.3, Pulse relevant performance characteristics PWC130 PWC150 and PWC170, recorded in our institute, that are based upon non-condi-
tioned men between ages 30 and 70 given in, Watt/kg.

age- A weight height

group n (years) (kg) (cm) PWC130 PWC150 PWC170

20 -30 14 24,7 77,6 182 1,45 1,98 2,51

0,38 0,38 0,48
30 - 40 39 35,2 80,6 179 1,52 2,05 2,53
0,40 0,41 0,45
40 - 50 28 45,0 79,8 176 1,51 1,96 2,48
0,34 0,37 0,42
50 - 60 21 54,1 75,8 172 1,56 2,05 2,64
0,25 0,30 0,40
60 - 70 21 65,2 76,3 172 1,49 1,94 2,37
0,33 0,33 0,38

Standard values for PWC in Watt/kg body weight. The mean deviation is 0.4 Watt
men women
PWC130 1,50 1,25
PWC150 2,00 1,60
PWC170 2,50 2,00

er900 Operation Manual 76 Version: 05/02

Art-No: 475.037
Operation Manual Ergometer
Appendix D: Indicators Type er900

D.2 Training Indicator

The system can calculate and print a training indicator when ergometry is complete. These
training indicators are reflective of the entire circulation response to the performance invoked
by ergometry. This value however only has relevance when it is compared to values from
multiple ergometry sessions of the patient over a period of time. These values are very good
indicators of the patients training progress.
The training indicator is calculated by the computer as follows:

training indicator = S - D * HR * M
S = maximum systole
D = maximum diastole
HR = maximum heart rate
M = patients weight
P = maximum performance

F The training indicator serves to compare multiple ergometric sessions of a single

patient. This value is not applicable for the comparison of different patients. Basi-
cally, a drop in the value on a patients chronologically consecutive ergometric
sessions is a positive indication of good training progress.

Version: 05/02 77 er900 Operation Manual

Art-No: 475.037
Ergometer Operation Manual
Type er900 Appendix E: HR Recording

E.1 Heart Rate Feedback from ECG

When an ECG device is connected to the ergometer it is advantageous to supply the
ergometer with a feedback of the recorded heart rate. This allows the heart rate to be
continuously monitored as an alarm parameter. When performing pulse-steady-state
training a continuous heart rate input is indeed absolutely necessary. If the ECG device
used supports a QRS trigger output, this can be connected to the ergometer. There are
two possible connections (see appendix C), either the analog interface (J13, Pin 7) or over
the opto-input (J11, Pin 2).

E.2 Pulse Monitor

Ergoline offers a pulse monitor, type Polar, that can be used for heart rate input to the ergom-
eter without an ECG. The receiver of the pulse monitor is connected to the opto-input of the
ergometer. The QRS impulse is then radio transmitted from the chest strap to the ergometer.

chest strap


Polar-Pacer on a seat type ergometer

er900 Operation Manual 78 Version: 05/02

Art-No: 475.037
Operation Manual Ergometer
Appendix F: Specification Type er900

F.1 Technical Data

Type : ergometrics 900
Operation mode: continuous operation
Power supply: 115 V / 230 V ~/ 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Power rating: 90 VA
Braking principal: computer controlled eddy current brakes with torque regulation (RPM
independent in accordance with DIN 13405)
Load range: 20 . . . 999 Watt
RPM range: 30 . . . 130 n/min-1
Deviation of load : acc. to DIN 13405: max. 5% in the range ot 25 and 400 W
however: max. 3 W in the range of 25 and 100 Watt
acc. to manufacturer: max. 5% in the range of 20 and 900 W
however: max. 3 W in the range of 20 and 100 W
Load increments: manual setting: 5W programmable: 5W or multiple thereof
Time interval: 1 min. ... 99 min
Load programs: 8 programs freely programmable
1 automatic program (dependent from circulatory condition)
1 program for Pulse-Steady-State training
Max. admissable patient weight: 120 kg
Seat adjustment: continuously adjustable for body sizes 1.20 m to 2.10 m
Handle bar adjustment: continuously adjustable for body sizes 1.20 m to 2.10 m
Display: 1x LCD-Display : 4 lines @ 20 char.
1 x LED 10 mm: rpm display for patient
Blood pressure measurement : RR indirect with automatic artefact suppression
separate time interval in range 1 min to 99 min
switchover between mmHg and kPa possible
Pulse measurement : priority principal: 1. ECG, 2. Opto, 3. RR
Measurement range: 35 to 230 bpm
Alarm settings: load, pulse, systole, diastole as limit values
Printer: thermal printer with 40 columns,
paper width 80 mm
Electrical inputs: Digital control: RS232
Analog: Opto, ECG 1V
Electrical outputs:
Digital: RS232,
Analog: load, pulse, systole, diastole
remote start ECG (1 to 99 sec)
Weight: 64 kg
Dimensions (W x L): min: 400 x 900 mm, width of handle bar: approx. 540 mm
height: min: 950 mm; max: 1330 mm
Calibration: performed with switches and keypad
Protection of calibration: Code
Safety standard: BF according to IEC 60601-1
Device class: I according to IEC 60601
Classification MDD: class IIa according to 93/42 ECC

Version: 05/02 79 er900 Operation Manual

Art-No: 475.037
Ergometer Operation Manual
Type er900 Appendix F: Technical Data

F.2: The Speed-Correlated Capacity of Brake Power Control

RPM independent range in accordance with DIN 13405

+ RPM independent range er900

er900 Operation Manual 80 Version: 05/02

Art-No: 475.037

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