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Castleton Public Library, Board of Trustees

October 2016 Minutes

Monday, October 17, 2016

Welcome/Pledge of Allegiance:
The meeting was called to order by President Karis-Nix at 7:00 p.m.

Roll Call: Present: Olivia Karis-Nix, President; Ryan Mullahy, Vice President; Nathan
Hans, Treasurer; Mary Claire Aitken, Trustee; Maria Marcucci, Trustee; Sarah Niemitalo,
Trustee; Melissa Tacke, Library Director.

Adoption of Agenda:
Agenda was adopted upon the motion of Trustee Hans, seconded by Trustee Aitken.

Public Comment:

Presidents Report:
Public attendee Zack Goldstein is interested in joining the board as a trustee. He sent a
letter of interest for review. Director evaluations for staff to complete will be placed in a
folder in the library. Trustee Niemitalo will pick them up once they are complete. The
evaluation from the board will be submitted to President Karis-Nix by November 1.

Secretarys Report:
Review of minutes from July 18, 2016. Treasurer Hans motioned to approve, Trustee
Marcucci seconded.
Review of minutes from September 19, 2016. Treasurer Hans motioned to approve,
Vice President Mullahy seconded.

Treasurers Report:
Treasurer Hans reviewed the Treasurers report. CPL is projecting a surplus of around
$8,000, but will continue to monitor our balance as we have large expenses upcoming.
Insurance and retirement payments will be due next month. Vice President Mullahy
motioned to approve the July, August, and September check details and Trustee
Marcucci seconded.

Directors Report:
Director Tacke states Andrea, a seven year employee with CPL, has resigned. She also
shared a resume from an applicant for a library staff position.

Friends Report:
Barb Kelp from Friends reports that the Boscov event is tomorrow from 9-1. The Barnes
and Noble event will be on November 19. Email Barb with any names of people that can
volunteer that day. There will be gift wrapping, story hour, therapy dogs, etc. board
members are encouraged to hand out the Barnes & Noble Bookfair flyer
Committee Reports:

Administrative Committee- Trustee Niemitalo brought staff evaluations of the director to

distribute to staff members. President Karis-Nix requested the board evaluation of the
Director be complete for review by November 1. Trustee Niemitalo will submit to
President Karis-Nix and Vice President Mullahy for review and edits.

Finance CommitteeMembers of the finance committee are working on compiling

project information for next months meeting.

Operations/Capital Projects Committee dormant for now.

Policy Committee: Director Tacke and Trustee Aitken are working on a disaster relief
policy for CPL. Director Tacke will be attending a meeting regarding this along with two
webinars and then a final meeting.

Old Business
The Board retreat will be from 9:00am-12:00pm on November 12 at UHLS. The topics
included will be; long range planning, finance, and an ice breaker.

The August movie series at SISPattendance was around 40-43 for both showings.
Barb Kelp from Friends reports they netted $60 for two nights. According to Director
Tacke, SISP has adequate sound and is interested in purchasing the screen and
collaborating with the library. They would like to do this again next year. Director Tacke
also states that Tim VanEgmond, storyteller, was at the haunted hayride on October 14
in a tent. SISP paid one hour and the library paid for one hour.

Library word-of-mouth advertisingDirector Tacke asks the Board for support with
promoting the kids cemetery tour at 10am on October 22. November 15 th there will be
an event offering free resources for job seekers. Interested people need to register.

New Business
Appointment of the Library AideDirector Tacke shared the resume of a Library Aide
candidate, Adelyn Hoffman. Trustee Aitken approved the appointment at $10 an hour,
Treasurer Hans seconded.

The Income/Expenses Checklist was reviewed by Director Tacke.

OCI Yearbook Digitization ProjectDirector Tacke presented the board with a program
run by Oklahoma Correctional Industries. The program is funded in Oklahoma and
involves digitizing old yearbooks by the inmates of OCI free of charge. The board
decided to review a sample agreement between OCI and participating organizations
before making a decision as to CPLs participation. Concerns about identity theft and
safety were also expressed.

Director Tacke provided the board a detailed list of possible ways to spend the surplus.

Public Comment
Village Trustee Ryan expressed the importance of keeping an itemized list of CPLs fund
balance spend-down. Village Trustee Ryan also expressed potential public safety
concerns regarding OCI proposal (giving inmates access to names, photos etc. to
village community members).

Executive Session

Meeting adjourned upon motion by President Karis-Nix at 8:02 p.m.

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