December 2016 Minutesfinal

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Castleton Public Library, Board of Trustees

December 2016 Minutes

Monday, December 19, 2016

Welcome/Pledge of Allegiance:

The meeting was called to order by President Karis-Nix at 7:02 p.m.

Roll Call: Present: Olivia Karis-Nix, President; Sarah Niemitalo, Treasurer; Mary Claire
Aitken, Trustee; Nathan Hans, Treasurer, and Melissa Tacke, Library Director, Ryan
Mullahy, Vice Present , Amy Ryan , Village Trustee, and Barb Kelp with the Friends.
Absent: Trustee Marcucci and Trustee Goldstein

Adoption of Agenda:

The agenda was adopted upon the motion of Treasurer Hans, seconded by Vice
President Mullahy. Approved unanimously.

Public Comment:


Secretarys Report:
Review of minutes from November 21, 2016. President Karis-Nix motioned to
approve, Treasurer Hans seconded. Approved unanimously.

Treasurers Report:

Treasurer Hans reviewed the Treasurers report. Some of the surplus has been spent
down. The board reviewed the check detail. Vice President Mullahy motioned to adopt
the check detail, Secretary Niemitalo seconded. Motion passed.

Directors Report:

Director Tacke notes that although there was a slight decrease in participation this
month compared with last year, some events were a success. The cookie swap was a
hit. Next week, there will be knock hockey and lego chain reactions day for kids that are
on school vacation. In response to hearing other libraries success, CPL will be offering
a monthly Monday matinee for adults. Sully will be the first movie shown on Monday,
January 9. There will also be a de-cluttering program being offered in the beginning of
2017 for those that have organization as a new years resolution. Also, a dietician will be
coming for a nutrition session in January. There will be a blood drive on February 2 from
1:00-6:00. February 4 is Bring Your Child to the Library Day.
Friends Report:


Committee Reports:

Administrative Committee- No report.

Finance Committee As part of last years financial review, Bill Adams suggested
revising the budget in cases where line items may be overspent. Following this
suggestion, Director Tacke prepared a revised 2016 budget for board approval. The
$5,073 originally budgeted to come from reserve funds to meet expenditures will not be
needed in 2016. President Karis-Nix motioned to approve the new budget, Trustee
Aitken seconded. Approved unanimously.

Operations/Capital Projects Committee No report.

Policy Committee: Director Tacke and Trustee Aitken are still working on a disaster plan
for CPL. They are looking to finalize the policy in January.

Long Range Planning Committee The handout that will be distributed to the village
was sent to the board for review. Some of the language will be slightly rephrased;
otherwise, the board agreed it looked good. The board will discuss the mission
statement with Tim Burke from UHLS in the January meeting.

Old Business

The board will meet on MLK day, January 16. Tim Burke will be attending the
meeting. The board reviewed the 2017 board meeting schedule. Meetings will be
held the third Monday of every month, except the February meeting will be held
on Tuesday, February 21, and there will be no meeting in August. Treasurer Hans
approved the 2017 schedule, President Karis-Nix seconded. Approved
OCI Yearbook Digitization Project. The board agreed we would table this idea for
now based on potential public concern.
Director Tacke requested the board use word-of-mouth advertising especially for
the blood drive on February 2. There will be a mobile unit and signage outside
the library. It has also been posted in the advertiser.

New Business
Officers will be staying the same for 2017. Trustee Niemitalo took on the Secretary
position. President Karis-Nix motioned to approve, Treasurer Hans seconded. Approved
Joelle Adler has been hired as the new Youth Services Librarian. She is hired at
20 hours per week. Director Tacke interviewed six candidates and was confident
the best candidate was hired. Ms. Adler was hired provisionally as she is not on a
civil service list. Director Tacke was able to hire off-list, as fewer than three
eligibles from the Librarian I civil service list indicated they would accept
appointment to the position if offered. The board reviewed Ms. Adlers resume.
Director Tacke proposed a 1.7% increase in salary for staff. Director Tacke states
CPL wages are still low compared to other libraries. Three of the eligible from the
Librarian I civil service list declined the Librarian I position because the wage was
too low. Board reviewed the increase and discussed how changes in NYS
minimum wage would affect the budget going forward. In 2018 library aides will
get a 7% increase based on the minimum wage increase. Vice President Mullahy
motioned to approve wage increases for staff. Treasurer Hans seconded.
Unanimously approved. Director Tacke proposed salary for Joelle Adler.
Treasurer Hans motioned to approve, President Karis-Nix seconded.
Unanimously approved.


Public Comment


Executive Session
The board excused Director Tacke to review her salary in executive session.

Meeting adjourned upon motion by President Karis-Nix at 8:04 p.m.

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