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Personal Philosophy of Education

Rebecca Frazier

College of Southern Nevada


Personal Philosophy of Education

The figurative weight of education has been expressed by countless writers and

speakers around the world for hundreds of years. Renowned philanthropist Nelson Mandela once

asserted that, Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.

It is my firm belief that education, both formal and informal, is the most important element in

our society. I am pursuing a career in education because I have a strong desire to be a part of

creating an environment of intellectual and personal growth, creativity, challenge, and

exploration. Through my studies, careful observation, and reflection, I have created my own

educational philosophy that incorporates my personal beliefs regarding key components of


To be able to inspire a students is one of the greatest achievements a teacher can claim.

For some, igniting that light of realization and motivation in someone is a richness beyond

compare. I will always remember my high school English teacher for being that inspiration to

me. While being in his class, my passion for writing and literature grew and took root. Every

day he encouraged his students to reach a new, deeper level of thinking and understanding. I can

vividly remember the electric energy that filled the room whenever we would have engaging

discussions of current events or our assigned literature. There was a sense of maturity to the

class that was established by my English teacher. Today, my memory of his teaching techniques

and dedication has become a model for me that I revisit often.

After deciding to major in Secondary Education, it has been of great importance to me

that I prepare myself to the fullest for my future career. During my pursuit of becoming an

English teacher, I have obtained a large understanding of the subject through studying,

questioning, participating, and practicing. I feel confident in my writing and reading abilities

because of my hard work. I also have chosen to work as a Writing Assistant at the college I

attend, to gain experience with helping students through the writing process. I feel comfortable

reviewing students work and assisting them in find solutions to their writing struggles. This

involvement will serve me well once I am in a classroom of my own because I will have

knowledge of some effective communication and teaching skills. During the field observation

component of my Intro to Secondary Education class, I was able to interview and observe an

experienced high school teacher for ten hours. This was a wonderful opportunity for me because

it gave me a chance to watch a classroom as a future teacher, rather than a student. After

completing my classroom observations, I have a better understanding of the different ways to

carry out instructions, as a teacher, depending on the type of class that you have. I am much

more aware of the busyness of teaching, and the amount of multitasking that is involved. I feel

fortunate that I was not only able to take note of the teachers style of instruction and classroom

management, but also see the product of her teaching. I observed students who were engaged and

hard-working. The environment that is established in a classroom is heavily dependent on the

amount of enthusiasm and care that a teacher offers to his/her students. This particular teachers

efforts created that kind of positive atmosphere.

A teachers educational philosophy can be thought of as a self-created handbook that one

uses to guide them through their teaching career. Without thoughtful consideration of what your

values and beliefs are, you will struggle with creating a clear and consistent classroom

environment. I have discovered my own educational philosophy, one that has been influenced by

Progressivism. Progressivism is a student-centered philosophy that focuses on active learning to

find solutions or meaning. Students curiosity and concerns are addressed through discoveries

found in real-world experiences. I do not believe that assigning textbook work or requiring

students to memorize information is the most effective way to teach. The information tends to

disappear from a students memory quickly, once it is no longer used. I find it to be very

important that students learn by doing. It is a much more stimulating way of absorbing

information. Through action, multiple learning styles can be integrated, such as visual,

kinesthetic, and auditory learning. Thoughtful conclusions should be drawn through analytical

work. It should be encouraged that students work together, exploring multiple subjects. The role

of the teacher should be to guide his/her students so that they find meaning. Students should be

socially aware and should be able to intelligently solve problems so that they are prepared for life

outside the classroom. Encouragement and positive feedback needs to be given to students daily

in order for them to thrive in their learning. Early in history, when formal education was

growing, students did not receive the kind of schooling that Progressivism creates. Free thought

and speech were once unheard of. Race and economic class affected a students education

greatly. I see how far we have come since the 1600s and feel fortunate to have a large amount

of freedom and acceptance in our schools today.

I plan on implementing teaching strategies in my classroom that all students can follow

and learn from. There is such a large amount of student diversity in schools; it is especially

important to take careful consideration of the differences in students. My goal is to help students

on an individualized level. No two students learn the same way, or at the same pace, so making

sure to take notice of students as individuals is necessary. I will have an open-door policy, where

I will be available to talk with students privately if there are questions, comments, or concerns. I

believe that this open approach will create a comfortable environment and will give me a greater

understanding of my students. I plan on creating lessons that involve visual, auditory, and

kinesthetic learning in order to effectively teach all types of learners. My mode of instruction

will be heavily based on using application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. Class discussions

will regularly be incorporated. Higher-order levels of thinking and questioning are of the

greatest importance to me because they require more effort from the student and allow them to

gain a deeper understanding.

As a student, I have had the opportunity to casually assess many different teachers

throughout my education. I have recognized certain qualities to stand out above the rest, that all

of my exceptional teachers have possessed. Deep in the hearts of these educators is a true sense

of care and determination. In order to successfully move forward as a teacher, you must have

passion for the subject you are teaching, and an unwavering passion for helping students.

Additionally, a teacher should have patience, understanding, honesty, and time management

skills. In order to reach my goal of becoming an educator, I plan on continuing my education at

University of Nevada Las Vegas, where I will obtain a masters degree in Education. I will

become familiar with the Praxis Series. My first step will be to take the Praxis Core, and then

the Praxis II. I will continue working as a Writing Assistant at CSN, and eventually substitute

teach while I am working on getting my desired degree. I cannot wait to reach my goal, and be in

a career so rewarding and impactful.

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