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Unit 3 - Assignment 1

The peppered moth is one of the many that went through the evolution process through natural
selection. We are focusing on 2 types of moth: the original light colored moth and the dark
colored moth. Over time, there was a change in population for the light colored moth. This was
due to the Industrial Revolution, in which industrial pollution was created. There was an
increase of dark-colored moths because of the pollution. The dark moths adapted, fitted best in
the environment. Before this movement or environmental change, the dark colored moths were
rare. These moths would be eaten by birds since they didnt blend in well with the environment
like the light colored moth. This is an example of survival of the fittest. Now, the light colored
moths are rare due to this environmental pressure. But, the Clean Air Act, the light colored
moths made a comeback. And the dark moths became rare again.

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