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Geschlrrsptrler 0310 i I ntegrierbares model

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€€€€~ BREW, chsanweisung
, Ontents
Page epUien Wlrfschaftlfch and umweltbewu6st. . . . . . . •. . . . . . . . . . .
. . • '"3 GerBtebesclneltmng., • .. ....................................... . 4
In6lallaUon. ...... • • .......... • • ....... • .................... .. 5 ~ 8

On (. ADJUSTMENT / Connection ................. • .......... • •. ........ • 5

V. Jasserzulauf .......... ............... • • • ............ • ... , ... VVA 5:
:. SerabJauf ... • .... • ... • .. • .. • ......... • • .............. .... 6
Elektri6cher Ansc.hluf, s ...... .. • • • • ............................. 7
Description of the control panel 8-9
Operation I use ........... ......................... • 10-18 Wasserenthartung •
............ ............................. 10
Klarspulel '............................ • ..... • • ... • ........ . ........ •
• • 12 Relniger .. • ................ • ........ •.. • • .. • ..... 13
• Dish lane ......................... ................ 14
Kurzanwelsung, .......................... • ............. 16
Maintenance • ........ ................................ 17/18
Clean strainers 17
Hygiene .. . • ............................... 18
¡N Dalen I Dimensions ................... ............ • 19
Margin ceiling .... •. .. • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . ... 21
Programmubers; cht '....... • ........ • ........ 22
Programmabfaul and consumption levels 23
One or ~. AUI) <Opler
~-----~ -----
Dear Customer, Dear Customer,
So you associate the Bedlenung felchl, we have included e1ne ausHjhrlicne instru
to your soil will help you quickly with I "'rem new GeriH be trusted.
We Freud's four which authorize your new GeschirrspOler.
Your source
Important information and notes
Brtte Ibsen S; e ac.h lJor Inbetr'ebnahme in Secara en Heh lorhandenen informati
on. Md € HinNelS.
HinVieis; The Integnerterl 's AOdel be without "I'beitsptatte gel ref & rt.
Economically and environmentally spojene
• Plug in the GeschirrspOler only in hot water, if you have a Warmwasseran.lage
that is not electrically heated.
• Set the Wasserenthartungsanlage correctly.
• Spola the Geschfrr not under running water; before.
• Choose the SpOlprogramme the type and degree of the dishes.
• Use the recommended Reiningunsmittel, special salt and KlarspOler not higher t
han the Produktherstellem and in these instructions.
Insta lation
AufsteUunglAnschl uss
Dresen Gesch, rrspulau Omat "Ird ANSD" 'Ilussfertig, Aiso rrrt Tranel and Stekke
r, water supply hose and lasserabrautscrnaucn, ge iefert. He will be taken witho
ut kaJ'l SonderinstaJ ation into operation on Mr Aufstelungsort lorschriftsmaBig
installed a mains outlet, a water inlet and a Wasserabla; f are available.
The location of the device should be in the immediate vicinity of vornandenen co
nnections. SchHiuche and cable should mogJichst i.e. short zerwendet in serienma
Blgen Long verden. Horizontal eln, zandtrete installation, for example, a V rntt
tasserwaage, chief prof.
Small imperfections can be compensated for by out-or screwing is GeratefOBe. Ein
schraubfOBe remove nlcht. The 'Bodenfreiheif not durcn hochflortgen carpeting, m
oldings above emschranken. It Roome enter a Wfumestau. the Umwalzpumpe impaired
in their function or beschadlgt
To adapt to the Kuchenmobel to let your lJei GeschirrspOlautomaten
'. Etne anbrtngen decorative plate.
The attachment of the timber or Mooelplatte should be done before the Bnbau of t
he device.
A montage - and Bohrschabfone, eorresponding with the instructions, the device i
s bel
Water drain hose
BnfAus key program
Wahler rurgriff
What se rzulaufschlaucl1
Scbraube zurVerstellullg the rear NivelljertuBes
NivellielfuB back
HirtebereicbEinsteIlung ---...!:
upper ~-';""_- Geschjnkorb
BehiIIer for cleansing ...
- I
(I-., -) - __ Typell'lschild
Packaging removing any parts
Z ITT opening the Ttl.. . do:: F D'S: n .. That Griffm Jlde la'O-se '"' C: d! Ft
a. Drocve t ~ u" 'Id tqr he aze.
lerDackur gsle1e Tra "'.5 (J <H::: el'i RJL ~'-g:. rT'a £ aJ I" eD13ba.r j ~ .
. ':; '1. e Ger "0GE I / asserruCIr.sta ds'
sta s from 00 En,, ~
The rat G & l,, ra ~ wr of c> £ it-its or '..... stall S e ten ... mwldr J: "s
c.hlaIJGIi all 113 Nasserl en" ar "with Key O: ~ L1V rschrauourg 3.4 ar'gesdi:,.
The erlorder 'che Gummicicht' IS ii bere ts n Swit aucn e sch aubJng lorharder.
The Nassernahn BZI, S'n, l:; os ~ ~ f'"'.~ RII be as AR gsvrdre SIS'O oass jer
'tasserzulallf NaCN rTie a prog-fjd ~ abgestetlt I erd <::: n The kaon Gesc is
irrspuler rucvsaugs'c! he id / G-geprtiftj. Ansd1lussarrnature'l with Rfk - flow
preventer smd desr'1aJb nlc erforoerncn
;. Nsct .... ~ 5 4'c ",__. - t.issS '~ Z'JIa!. • S-cr: t.
De 'following a amr ~ tion to maximaJ 6 (FC m5gfich 1pce
But a debate on e ofte tederdrud <memory or DurchJauferhitzer.
Custom contact the xundendienst when the water pressure Honer than 10 bar = 10 I
f atu (then the installation of a pressure reducing relevant field) or less than
1 bar = 1 atu.
After each SpUiprogramm 1st than close to the tap!
Long tube
If the rear wall of the already installed water supply hose is not long enough,
it should be the customer service prolongs properly or replaced. The used Zulaut
schlauche mosse for a burst pressure of at least 60 bar and designed to be geprO
ft VDE.
Water drainage
The drain hose is zweckrnafsigerweise permanently installed. The AbfluBh6-he sho
uld be between 30 and 100 cm. GenOgender outflow cross-section must be ensured.
FOr the Sipnonanschluss Ablautschlauch possesses a rubber molding.
When connected to a siphon following must be observed:
a) drain hose to the venerable countertop and secure (using KrUmmerformstuck).
b) connection on the siphon
Hose clamp back up.
Bel possibly a necessary one must Schlauchverlangerung of like S, are used chlau
ch (~ Utllch obtained from Customer Service).
Front Origi nal Veri-called party n gsschlauch Winkelforms1uck pressed-cut and i
nsert into the socket of the device installed on the discharge hose, secure it w
ith a suitable hose clamp.
The drain hose dart up to 2 meters installed horizontally.
, ~ - 2 --- m + l
Schlituche laying the water supply and drain hoses are kinked weltgehend.
Chief witness for yourself that even when sliding on his SpGlers endgGltigen spa
ce, the nothingness or gequetseht Schtauche fold and sew the pages are laid in S
Special provisions of thé local water company should be observed closely.
Electric connection
The connection is only via a dart vorschrlftsrnafiiq installed mains outlet of 2
30 V (50 Hz ertolgen).
The port value betraqt about 2.3 kW. ErforderUohe Fusing: 10A - LSL switch.
This device complies with VDE standards.
Special provisions of the ortlichsn Elektrizitatswerkes must be observed closely
Gate open and close, Ben
For Offrten the gate with the fingers grasp the Griftmulde, print button easily
handle up and Tur autziehen. The gate serves as Abstelltlache for the lower bask
Before the door Schlieben, Geschirrkorbeqanz insert, door locks and fold down to
aben zudrOcken to the closure.
Tlir not wahreno oftnen life of the program - VerbrOhungsgefahr! When opening th
e gate of the holding wanrend aile functions are switched off immediately.
-... -
ngsb'l nd
u 9
- ~
... ,
Einsc-ha en
--. ~ .... -::
--- ---
I handling operation
Does your tap water a Harte of 5 ~ dH and more. the water must be enrnartet impo
rtant to avoid calcium deposits on dishes and urn in the machine.
About WATER Hartebereich and informed in your area the country 's water works.
To be Wasserenthfutung must SalzbehaJter the serienmaBig built Enthartungsanlage
always cozy with salt.
It only specifically dart fOr Geschirrspulautomaten particular salt used. Other
kinds of salt additives can enthaJten, impair the effectiveness of Enthart.
fill No other means (eg Rein'iger, Enthartungsmittel etc.) in the SalzbehiUter.
Bereils einmali'g it BefUl'len this Salzbehalters with cleaner always leads to d
estruction of the Wasserentharter: s.
The built-in device Wasserentharrungsanlage has 5 adjustment.
Thus, the controlled amount of salt for the regeneration ordnungsgemaBe
dH WATER In a less than 5 °, the device can be operated without the addition of
Table for setting the Harteberelehes
€€Mare Wasserhalrte salt
€€€€° dH ertorderltch
I - under 5 NO
€€1 5-11 YES
€€2 - 12-22 YES
€€3 JA 23-34
€€4 JA 35-45
€€5 JA 46-50 • The Wasserentharter in. ~ ~ T device to factory eingesteUt mare s
Olea entapricht the Meister traps in practice.
E.instellung the Reg, enerierdosrerung
Tor 6ffnen!
The electors at the front of the device above the left turn, the Gbereinstimmt b
ls ge-wishes my regeneration stage with the reference mark.
dH WATER In a less than 5 °, the device can be operated without the addition of
Spread the salt
First FOllung about 1.5 kg.
Remove the lower basket, cap on Salzvorratsbehalters, with the § symbol unscrew
labeled, and funnel cap.
Just before the first FGlIung: up to 1 5 gallons of water a u 'en. Spread the sa
lt slowly to the bottom of the Einfullstutzens is seen salt porridge.
Thread sealing and locking of Salzruckstandan neat closure hook. Immediately the
reafter, one can run Spulprogramm. It also ubergelaufene water is pumped out.
The amount of salt for 20-30 Spiilprogramme relent.
Salznachfu II TRAINING
The SalznachfUlI indicator under the cover of the Salzvorratsbehalters It recall
s the Nachfullunq. If the qrune float is no longer visible, it must be nachgefOl
it salt. Fullmenqs about 1.5 kg.
There you "e enoet only KlarspLller Ver" * Erä, (fe especially suitable for Haus
haJtsgescrrspDlautomaten S1M
The KJA ~ cass spUier makes sure that I Gesc ren, r. Andfrei and flee, e, c los
tr 'net Er. 'Vorrarsoe-rd from the
ar he dosed ornanscn au.
The irr I eren the Tlir emgebaute Be, has recognized e-Fasstrnqsvermoqen I "on a
bout a 10m I, possessing skills in cas depending eingestel iter dosage for 60-40
Klarspuler einffillen
• For 6 n s of the container, Versdl sskappe '"A,. Finks nac u turn dab ake.
arsputer the i / orratsbe a ter 9 ebe; Dabe the KlarspOlrtfttelAnzeige .. B,., B
Oer \ IorratsbehaHer v. hen the ga ze Kre'sflache the Klarspul-
Display Dunk is ge-.o.orden
• VerschkJsskappe "" An aufsetze.n
d Rae tsdrehung firmly eder
~ "
E lbergefaufenen KiarspOler
eflem lobe Cider sctl "amm aufdamit rm following Winding
Z \. I foam efltste
KlarspUler nachfiillen
Always dan n, ... enl! IL1 Klarspu the phone display "en kelre Dunl <elffubung c
an I see, must-KlarsptilJTIittel Dosiergerat Nerden autgefultt.
Adjust dosage of KlarspUJers
Ote Dos is the erk ~ TION FOR THE I! () F'maJfaL € mgestelrt JSME 3) Depending o
n the lasservemrutr 6rt1ichen "and need to oem ge. 'NJnschten dry oJ'1d GJanzeff
el1 i'" e arra "re different dose relevant field ssm. sic Show '"' dropper or st
ains on the Gaschlrr ka'lo the Dosieru _g amah, I.erden to show Sch.eier and 1 '
/ 01, e, .., so they IT'uSS vernnqert verden .
/ '
• Jerschlusskappe "A", abnehmeo.
• On the basis of Einffill6ffnung, ', "about a liquidated. Scale visible.
• Pf61 '' 'C., m em egg screwdriver to de ge .. Gnschte Dostermenge egg shal _ T
he scale retch Jon 1-6. Entsprecn € nd approximately 1-6 cm3 Kfarspu erzugabe.
• i / erschlusskappe 'songs firmly Ersch-eBen_
It DJR: rer: - only Rs _gsr fer; 'en'J6 "t,' = _ the ones spezrer for Haushah 59
Ssd" ljrr_ spUfa "rtomate geetg'lE-t $ 1" 0 It ~ s dabef yefT's Po e whether the
1 = Je. " gbr liquid, pu learning ocsr tabtetIerJOrf !',;. gs' "'ct frrVungS Th
e I'.: el5e dsr: erscr &: 16'"':; is 8soM'ger u tersctfs .... 'C... Beac alb b t
e of you' re it g .. Jr "'Idsaiz! (: '"Efe ~ WGSlerernp ehIJr.gen of Ret" "' gsr
hsrste facturer.
1 t
In the let 's ending phosphattrs compact Rei iqer st a special ISRS. a rart one,
andfre assar 'e • /' "J''to ach en, Andemfa! 'Is: ann the Re;" "gu gsergeb is D
urc BelagD d disadvantages ... 9. .. 9 bssintrB lugf cl. Des verden. ~ o sonte.r
. you position cis 1hfunmgsa & "1 - Ihras Gescrirrsp - 'bel ef'S' / he. ', SI) t
raining phosphalfreier compact Re:-ge in easy'. , assergebielEr lab 5 '" dH) wi
th RegeneliersaJz ~ rso'ge
Cleaner must. Or, eoern P "ograJ lo: - ai eingefO: JtaLrf, '" erc6f' - r ~ M. Ce
rn or / orspJ! En. 1m Proq rarr IT! ... E,, "
- .. / .= 2 /) "
0 "S Re ... 'Js Isrsc ~"' - k_ "':; sg a $:' '" s' "gs of Ses ..:" S Beachler
Sle please. GrammDbersicht n de P 0 - a Gege-be-ne quantities.
FJR's a D, c.gra .......... e it':;''';; ga: S ~ ~ rr'sr e "9S': sr::: rs = ~ s
's' ...:::
Zs' au:: aroo.: '5 £
Towards ice _
The Deekel the cleaner-E nsp_ "Ikammer needs of Fun. Onsgrunden at Programmbeg a
lways closed-sem.
Even then. if Aeiniger-TabEtten
It be because of the verwendel
Greatness njcht k.Ofvlen geIegt be in the EinspUlkammef.
Dish vorbel Light Fitting "
A hard food e € reste entfern.en, z B ~ n, Grc3ten. 1V ~ ~ ml!: -;; IJCh grrr be
Re & le fie z 8 VartoffelrucY .. ::: TandB, Brs reste, Spir, a1 Vaff ~ €, - and
T;; E :":.'& tz, Saja blades, Ot ~> tsc.r, alen. ValJgummi A.nge:: p-tzte ~ ~ r
~ $ 1em 'Na ISHR £ an-
c • te evtI. e 118::.€Reims] r € zuqeben.
It c,, 1 .. tirtsr tiaffil (JJ, only da.nn rrut eln € mv en Prograrriffl reels;;
("/ f dl!: R - ~ he gar.z FIJ It 'ut
Classify the dishes
The keys mapped 6eschirmpfjlaIJtomat 12 mtemauor AJ6 a13gede ~ (.. ke einschlieB
Ich egg em Serviergeuhirr. DII: ~ '"corresponds to the day-rle. Dlirr emer famil
ies visit e \ NEN 100 Per5r 1-4).
Upper and UnterY.Dro bfs to PJ1sr __ hlac'j 'from the SptJ he Z16Mn.
Del Bestecrk) rb IIIr1 in the lower links: orb 6 'ge & n £ 1 o1 t.
The FAJ:, r,. Ungsvermf.JjJen the GeschlrrJr. Nacf1 loading, orm Sene is on 21 d
ifferent dargesteI Since your G ~ ~ ttirr lerrnL / tfu. H from the poor. rnussen
YOU ausprobreren: the gu st g & u 1e Elrlordnung oas Fassungsvemv .. J9'Sn lui
a IJSZUnutze have the 5e SI'S. I ', he soon at the Grift
Classify i m lower basket
Cutlery., O b 'Lezer. Forks.: N1 Lofts rr t (j ~ r ~ fl Gnff cb IJR te-_ 'd "• G
ebraueh ~ ~ rrar HLI:! N G8r Tofte. Nelnander kt t ~ l rJ':: f: ~ S" r long =- U
AF € first, nd langstis ig ~ T.:; i 9 ul';'~:, € ir dt:
0berorb leg! ":;
La r ge <p ~ teq tze B '~ - ~ '8 1 ~ r i nt I Bas. e (. l'o l'b-be:; (tr particu
larly for (r rj (:
elne Sefa ~ rs quel s is S <,: mJ ':'. sn
dahef n 'the Obet .... l) rb gelsg us'aen.
on the upper rack lane
1m upper V (JJil uerdsn Ta:,:, sll, r ~ _ water, Salatschusseln Unerta% he: bif.
DesSBrttel1sr; to S, r, F.: IT 's Durcnrr. IGn ssr 20 em 9ingeordnc,: t
m: Jl'tE:! Ren Ges.chiri +. or1J Nerd Toof, o ec! re T ~ Lier (Durchrnes 58r bi
~ 27 r.. m /. Sala1r.: chGsseln., Be & lecy. U.S., N. I; ; lngBnrdn ~ t
'1 Orlegeteller ud gro6e Decrel are vertelten lorzugs'IIeise to the edge of the
KJtues, / praise oaraur ZIJ acr ter tst, cass the () bere SprOharm, 1n his Be n,
r:: ht-tion never behindert'llird.
Te learning to use so that their Ge ~ brauchsseits zetgt to the center.
Glaser long StieJ r.onnen urngedreht eingehangt hbhersn Tassenfachern in the gro
und. "
Urn or pulling out, Hinemscrueben IIs1 etleichtern to the lower rack of these be
ar a Gnff.
VQr the hurry berprUfen ij
B € rUrrt_ ... rj: 'o. ~ ~ ~ r. ... ~ Rs, .. 1a::; ::;."- liar1fr €. Spijle e OC
, ~ ra: r gs. R. DI1 ~ ... ns ct '' ll '= Sf.: R ~ ~ "' T ~ • e1 dr & hen? Brtts
-a-: Mlsr:: Sis 1a, ra. Rl. oass
_ -
Short instructions
Important techniques in lnoetriebnahme of the device are:
1st Water supply and drain hose-Subsequently.
2nd Just plug it in one-
. Put in the carrier
3rd 6ffnen faucet.
4th Wassemartebereich set.
5th einfOllen KlarspOler and salt.
6th GeschirrspOlerk5rbe folles and how-
the insert.
7th Detergent dosing. B. Schlieben-rn.
9th Proqrarnmwahler gewOnschte to the program set.
10th Redemption power button to print: The power indicator light illuminates.
The water runs CLOSE, the program Lautten, the Prograrnmwahler turns. The Spelle
r of the program automatically switches to ablaut abo
11 On / Off button to print: The BetriebskontrolUampe expires.
Schlie8en faucet!
12th Tur 6ffnen and leave a few minutes easy ge6ffnet.
First empty the lower basket.
Leave the goal open for a short time until the moisture has escaped.
13th Coarse and fine screen top prof
clean if necessary.
Program Wahler
Oops! The only dart Proqrarnmwahlar clockwise rotate clockwise.
Trivet clean strainer
Since the coarse screen is largely self-cleaning, have ibuprofen Sis' please onc
e a week if there slch possibly deposited food particles.
• Hold the sieve (A) on the handle and pull it up and out.
• Clean the strainer under running water;.
• Place a sieve again and cas drOcken you. sowelt it down until it clicks into p
Occasionally, the screen should be at what-
to clean water tap. ..
To do this, unscrew the water hose first Uberwurfverschraubung abo
(Note: Previously, than close the tap!).
Mesh screen
Purified D ~ S ~ roBflachige mesh screen (18), visible deposits must bel
becoming. .
. Ziehen_ you lower Spruharrn,, after overcoming a small resistance to the top.
• Turn the standpipe (urn C) 900 to the left, contrary to the Uhrzeiqersinn. The
screen can now be removed.
• Clean the Slebflache from both sides with a brush under fliel3endem water.
• Place all parts in reverse
Order again.
Gerst never without screens in operation
! Take
Clean sieves used properly, guarantee a good Spulergebnis.
Spruharme clean
The SprOharme should be cleaned at intervals regelmaBlgen.
Lower Spruharm deduct: Just up.
7 e en,
d. Pruhs r ', rm (I ~ Jd r bt); t1 fjr Y.Y.f ~ r
J d Of If. l.bjtJ cfUH J, r, rjr (h (: (j in Ut t7h'W "Inri F.lbv, tir, 'lJrJf:
o n, prLJhMm 'III (: (1f: r it mrmt sn, Ina.m it after just nine dr (Jckt JWJ gl
eJUl71 .... J1I ~ b • 7U U: Iw, r BI (fj).:; (Jf'lJr, fJ (J (, qc: n nnn n lH1fl
elflfH Of (; lrJfJ (; clrrauht w "rJ
Dcn pr (lhMrn kJ ', LFR.', En MRJ prf.if (, n, 00 r 'A (, h IJN l (round (1ort r
JrBh (jn J., MJN,
f J
Edel tahlteile
Vat and T ( h (jr, 1 ~ h (n; delrmml In R. NnlJg M ~ ira; JlJf nh ~ j
~ r Itlge Wat zurtJr "Jt" / ufOhr ", n,
Fremdrcxrt "'(-1 aoch ERJ tJ ~ 1" f'. TfJhltBllljn
"Enttsmen nkOfOlgem Putlmtttel.
chlomaJt'Qe (or l eir; enclosing verwenosn rm ef.
Specifications I Dimensions
Cleaning the Spulraume5, Hy'g; ene, Still Country
. W (: nn (T-Jif RDir "hturg U ~ (J df, r (,: 'n UrnrJf" b 1f J ifw /,
j ~ 1 ~
• 'IIM n, in d (; "'. PIJlrna '.. f. out.,:: F'j (, hrr Jtz (6, t (;. LlJr1j (
, YW ien: fJ &;. M (J (/ JI ': i (... "'''=- 8fSl r ~ rJ') g!; burl ~ tr all
• IIf: M f rjr, r "" 1; Jlma .:".;(" rm e ~ i (l FBI ". '
(J ~ (w, h fr; ', 1' / 'J ". Tll = jn # i::.
, () "7U rlMB JJlU ~ b ~ ') f.: ltifJ in'J err. H8 n (LBI (~, jbll (, I1 (H / A
~ v_rA'J (If," "<Pile (I 131 R1R r: r -::: p6Llr, n HJR HF.t; halts J ~, - (f, -
: r. irr r 'Jf) OJrfJa' ~ (~ hinf: n Ant NIR., Y ~ lt. / Ju ((jl;., Learning Fai
r tllf ~ nr1 ~.:: rdt, nr: harlem ... O l ". li ~: fromr" r 1;; (rrjqft ': fll'
.. ( , h ", ~ LJB (: rf,::: (... erat.
Application: <YHinweige the manufacturer beachtenl
p l1 '". h R1N 1I ~,"' .1 If:: dr:, GALR:;; t l & n ~ A (~. u;, it aur ~ (~ Bt
(lf.:: b rJFJhml3n m0r ~ hten milt;;, (, m Sp J1rmiqramrn with MalJc.hin ~ ~ gr
~ NPFL., f jerJr), h (RJE) h: (~ F, ";, chjnr, rJurch (_JCJfUhrl 'Ilerdfj (l.
[) I ~ 'jprUharm (~ DL6 and can SJebe the 8f ;':,. chreibunoen the' - 'biten 17/
1B herau:. Gl'Jnr) mmen and cleaned w (' r (Jf: f'I EI / tl R8fAwac ... '•.,: r
~ orgfaltiq hE: mw, shortened. hen r,.
Technical data:
Abme solutions:
I-a .::.~ u) ', 16U l.J'! L ~ fj H <:: lZulfVJ
P blalJfDurr "p ~ qr IJ lia Z (u ~ p ': par Jr.r ~
p! y; irjj ~ (un (~ G,:: ~ ::::: aIfta "~,:_ IJ
1 ~ h:, r> "Js1.t":-rL '. F-2.1M / Jan 2M tja 2.0 (, Natt ~ r / 2001 '3') Hz
Pr • u ~ o ~ rs
2; 1'JI) IIa r-bar
G'2: ~. > 5ti =;: lr ::;:.; Jmfu'8 ~
G €:: .. a, = f ~
Gff. "OCF,
7; 9f) n: '7: "r ~ - '"
NaggerrJrur., L 'tc' (rJ ~ ens Inar /:.:; rdru (", 1r ma / maj
Erergieeffizt.enz Aeinrgung .... / JirY.ur 'd Tror:: Y ~ (l NirY'mg
D & device BntspnrJrt the SkJlemeitsDestimmung ~ dI & £ / OE and the Forderunq
en (J6f "GE: se: tzes fiber tecnntscne Arbf-bnfttel.
The Germ is!: Entsprechf.: Nd cl1rjft the DVGW / or £ ~ n built and has the esse
ntial application Sic.herheftseinrichtungen.
Bel Wru.serdru (j (about 10 bar must be one o ruckrru ndeNenti I vorgeschaJtet.
AusYJJnft given to the customer
Germ carry only senkreeht (eg Wohnungswechsef)
(E-Diesee Ge, the rat has UCE "sign undentspricht Samit following EG °! Guidelin
- 73/231 EEC of 19/02/73 - Low Voltage
- 89/336/EEC of 03.05.1989 (ejnschlieBlich Anderungsrichtlinien 92 I 31 I
I: WG) - EMC RichtU, never.
rt ~ (h I,, rf (Agter R ~ ome, Waceerhahn zudrshen and 3t &rJ; t:? J1r aue St ~
ckd (JB ~ ziFJhrm, karin rjann of Gert \ t even Itmq1ri & TIQ auB6r Satriet. men
genom 'lferrJ ~ m.
Gehiiu e .. Care
Since '~ la &. IEM (; Mu ~ l% & you rcpart elne t-~ (Jf:: f'f;: Pflf: j (each
[.. Jar AtNlioch & rt nam rJem coils einern uchtf with f ~,: n cloth h:. Ausretc
nend t. For R ~ InlG kr, ine Scheuer and Lbl '> unfJ> rwF.lnrJen ffiittel v &.
- ~ ~ --------~ - ~
Barrel ngsvermogen
: Las Geratasst • 2 rn ernanonats
• ... aBgedccJore f oh plus Ssrviergeschi E 50242nd
12 S .... ppente learning Hac.he plate 12 12 12 Dess.ert1e he tea ater
12 umertassen 12 Trir .... qlaser 12, 'lesser
12 forks
12 LOftsl
12 Tf: .610 flel
12 DessertJoffel
Ruode a bowl
1 ruode Sc.hOssel
A plate ovals one Shaye
, Serving fork 1 2 Vorlegel6ffel SoBenl5ffei
ca, 23 err about 26 0 C errl ca, 9c 0
about 9 err "ca ca u 2 I 0 4 err
about 7 em 0, ca '/ 41 203mm 184mm 195mm 1261 ""' fft 15 & rom
about 16 em High 00:00 approx, 7.5 ren
approx 19m0 H5he about 8, 5 em
approximately 35/26 em
13em about 0192 mm 260 mm 175 mm
The Buder show the correct classification.
r - r -
€€No program-temperature Spulprogramme Suitable for:
, NORMAL Normal soiled
f 'A * 65 ° WITH T6pfe with pre-cleaner and dried
€€€€€€€€€€Food waste.
€€€€€€€€NORMAL Normal soiled
€€2 B 65 ° and without pre T6pfe with non-angetrockne
€€€€€€ten food waste-
€€€€€€€€VORSPOLEN Cold unwinding when the
€€3 C - machine gelOnt not quite
€€€€COLD is. * For VergleichsprUfanstallen gem. EN 50242:
Program with a cleaner type B
Klarspi "JImittelwahler einsteflen position to fifth Fassungsverrn6gen standard
dishes 12 MaBgedecke
Featured Splilmittelmenge: 25 grams in the container
5 9 on the BehaUerdeckel
0ase6 65 C-program is the reference Program fU d
gamI8 RM: hatnie 92f7S1EWG. r m re information on dam energy label
Program and Verbr'auchswerte
€€€€€€€€€€€€Consumption 1
€€quantity of pre-main-intermediate
€€€€€€Sure-Tn: x NEN: * ...
€€1m I optical reader Reel spUien coils
€€Behiilter. Bell-age current I water time:
€€, Lid kWh Uter minutes
€€259 59 COLD COLD 65 ° C 1 X 1.4 X 20 94 65QC
€€259 - - 65QC 1 X 65 ° CX COLD 1.4 17 84
€€- - COLD - - - - 0.1 10 6
€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€I ** Gie consumption values vary depending on load, power su
pply voltage, water pressure and water inlet temperature.

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