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Nama/NIM : Wulan Yulia Sari/ 23216132

Jurusan : STEI/ Kepemimpinan Teknologi Informasi

Mata Kuliah : MM6015/ Kepemimpinan Bisnis


Value High need for achievement (in regards to springboks, the nation
of south africa and himsels).
Primary goal is to eliminate apartheid;
Mandela forgive and forget attitude made everybody
Virtue speechless : He strongly believed in the virtue of
forgiveness and pardoning the whites for their past
behaviour, he demonstrated this himself and persuades his
people to also forgive the whites.
1. Drive: Driven by the vision of a nation moving forward,
transformation goals;
2. Desire to lead: Mandela has a strong desire to lead his
nation to peace and a strong desire to serve;
3. Self confidence: Mandela has confidence in his ability to
do good for the nation, also has confidence in his followers;
4. Cognitive ability: Unique idea to unify the nation of
south africa by getting them all to support one team;
5. Knowledge of the business: has an idea how to do it,
knows his people well, knows about rugby and has an
understanding of the way teams function;
6. Charisma: mandela exhibted charismatic leadership
thorugh his motivational speeches with the rugby team
Traits and the people of south africa. His speeches were both
encouraging and compelling resulting in the desire to
change south african culture;
7. Creative: unifies south africa through support of the rugby
team (innovative idea);
8. Flexibility: Restores journey to vision of peace, even after
9. Behavioral approach: Task oriented and people oriented
(mandela excellently displayed both task-oriented and
people orinetd styles in his quest to build the nation. He
intended to transform the image of springboks in the eyes
of the black natives sought the help of pienaar. Through
pieenars leadership, the team member successfull won
the black natives and garner their support which steered
the team victory;
10.Transformational leader: tends to face several external
and internal challenges on the path towards his goal;
11.Contingency approach: He makes friend with francois
pienaar and use the sprinkboks to unite south africa;
12.Leading by example: staff consisted of both blacks and
13.Long term goal : he face stiff opposition most people in
his pursuit. He recognised that he would have to adjust his
approach as the circumtances changed, but he never
waivered in his goal;
14.Adapt: mandela gauged the pulse of the nation (in this
case rugby);
15.Leverage relationships: mandela leverages his image in
the native community to bring about radical change in the
perception that the natives and the white population had
about each other.

- Comprehensive team building: Mandelas ability to
buillding a comprehensive team around him comprising of
black and white south africans. Mandela wanted a unified
country and he intended for his team to set the perfect
example for that cause
PEOPLE - Performing the role of a change agent: mandela
performs the role of a change agent by leading from the
front, leading by example and motivating all the people
regardless of the colour of their skin who come in his
- Believed in the human touch : [1] took initiatives to
create bond between springboks and native and blacks. [2]
Complimented assistans enquired bodyguards about their
- A free open minded leader : who liked frank
interactions with the masses.
Setting audacious goals: is key of aspect of the
management skills. Mandela sets an audacious goal to
ORGANIZATION captain pienaar to win the rugby world cup. He believes
AL that by winning the rugby world cup, the apartheid torn
nation will unite.
Supporting the team : apart from setting audacious
goals, a key management skill is to believe in your team
and stand behind them regardless of how steep the
mountain is and the challenges posed to the team.
Understand the system drives behaviour: instead of
being discourage by the jailterm, he realised that, inmost
BUSINESS cases, peoples behavious had been shaped by the system
surrounded them. He thus tried to change the system;
Adapt to changing situations.
Influence tactics: On his first morning as president he
said to his staff if you are packing up because of your
language, or the color of your skin, or who you worked for
before disqualifies you from working here. I am here to tell
you have no fear. If you want to stay you would be doing
STRATEGIC your country a great service. All i ask is that you do your
work to the best of your abilities and with good heart, i
promise to do the same. If we can manage that our
country will be a shining light in the world
Inspirational Appeals : Mandela made Request that are
consistent with peoples emotions and feelings
Rational Persuasion : Mandela utilized logical and
practical arguments to convince and persuade others of
his goals.

Mandela quietly confident manner and strong commitment in
ASPIRATION conveying his visions and aspirations also encourage others
around him to do amazing things that they never thought they
are capable of doing before
ENGAGEMENT Challenged the unanimous vote to eliminate springboks and
managed to reform it.
SACRIFICE Risk of his future as president : the day i am afraid to do that, is
the day i am no longer fit to lead

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