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Correction of the water content at the surface of material for Trial Mix

Absorption rate = (Weight of water at the SSD / weight of aggregate at the Dry condition) x 100 (%)

Percentage of water content = (total water quantity / weight of aggregate at the SSD) x 100(%)

Absorption rate of the Sand : a

Percentage of water content of the Sand : b

Absorption rate of the Aggregate : c

Percentage of water Aggregate : d

Adjusted Water Qunatity : W'

S(b-a) G(d-c)
W' = W - -
Lab Test Result 100 + a 100 + c
Absorption rate of the Sand 2.6
Absorption rate of the Aggregate 1.4

Deducted Deducted by
Water content of Sand(Kg) Water content of Aggregate(Kg) Design Mix (kg)
BP Strength a (%) b (%) c (%) d (%) W' (kg) Water Retarder (R) W'-R (kg)
Before After Before After W (Water) S (Sand) G (Aggregate) (kg) (kg)

HGU 15Mpa 2,693.00 2,548.00 2,812.00 2,776.00 185.00 686.00 1,275.00 2.60 5.69 1.40 1.30 165.63 19.37 NA 165.63

HGU 25Mpa 2,693.00 2,548.00 2,812.00 2,776.00 195.00 711.00 1,070.00 2.60 5.69 1.40 1.30 174.67 20.33 9.75 164.92

HGU 30Mpa 2,693.00 2,548.00 2,812.00 2,776.00 245.00 711.00 1,070.00 2.60 5.69 1.40 1.30 224.67 20.33 12.25 212.42

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