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In blanca_____ Bay City, 30 __de_abril___de 2009_ On the one hand, by way of the
landlord, Don / a Hermosilla_________________ Rocio Maribel, of age, residing i
n ____________moreno______, 1500_________ (__bahia blanca______) and DNI No __38
.200.319______ (DATA OF THE OWNER OF THE HOUSE) and the other in respect of the
tenant, Don / a _________________Romina Garcia_________________, of age, residin
g in ____artigas 400_________________________________________ in ______bahia bla
nca____ (_______) and DNI No ___38.920.556____________. (DATA OF TENANT) Both in
ER PERSON EXPECIFICAR) Requires First. The landlord gives the tenant rented the
house located at (ADDRESS OF RENTAL HOUSING SCOPE) in the town of _bahia blanca_
_______, the tenant acknowledges and is in perfect condition and furnished with
enough furniture and fixtures. Second. The monthly price for this lease is to __
_______400___ â ¬ (____ 1.600__________________ PESOS) Third. The supply costs for
the property such as electricity and water will be paid by the tenant. (Specifi
ed in its OTHERWISE) Fourth. The duration of this contract will be 24 _____ MONT
H, which runs from _abril________ _20_ of 2009 to _20__ of _abril__________ of 2
009_, and may be extended on an annual basis to a maximum of five years, accordi
ng to the legal system extensions
Establishing the Urban Leases Act 29/1994, of November 24, Article 9.1, unless t
he tenant to the landlord stating thirty days at least before the date of termin
ation of the contract, their intention not to renew it. Payment of the fee Quint
o.El lettings will be made in the account number of the entity __________200665_
__________ ________banco______________ within five days of each month, being emp
owered to exercise the landlord eviction for nonpayment by the mere fact of not
having paid a monthly income within the prescribed period.
Sixth. If the tenant leave a bill unpaid electricity or water, the landlord is e
ntitled to exercise the appropriate action to recover amounts due from the lesse
e, with the only proof of payment to the respective company or agency debts that
exist. Seventh. - CONSERVATION OF THE HOUSE: The lessee shall be obliged to ret
urn the property that is the subject of this contract in the same state as the r
ecipient. In other words, clean, no faults or damage that may arise during the t
enancy. Eighth. - It is designated as head of all types of notifications to be m
ade to the tenant, the property rented in this contract. Ninth. - It is prohibit
ed to sublease or assign the flat to another person, or installed in the busines
s or office. Tenth. - The tenant agrees to comply with the standards issued by t
he Owners, like other neighbors of the property. Tenth-First. The tenant provide
d in this act, the amount of â ¬ (_______________ 600________ _200______ PESOS) as
a deposit. This sum may not be an excuse to make up for unpaid rent reintegrate
d at the end of the lease, except in the case of application to the purposes for
which it is, then the remaining limited. It also may be paid from this deposit
receipts that are outstanding at the end of the lease for the trash or water or
electricity supplies. Twelfth. If lessee's voluntary termination of this
contract within the first six months of its term, the bond will be delivered to
the lessor by way of damages and whether the tenant had not paid enough compensa
tion month. And for the record, signed in duplicate and to one effect, in the pl
ace and date indicated in the heading.

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