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Federico Moccia


Translated by M. ª à ngeles Cabré
My father, a great friend who taught me so much. To my mother, pretty, has taugh
t me to laugh.
"Cathia has the best ass of Europe." The Red Grafitto shines with all its nerve
on a column of France Avenue bridge. Nearby, a golden eagle, carved long ago, yo
u have probably seen the culprit but never speak. A little further down, like a
small hawk raptors protected by the claws of marble, it sits. Short hair, almost
to brush, minus the neck like a marine and a Levi's jacket dark. The upturned c
ollar, a Marlboro in his mouth and Ray-Ban eyes. Looks hard, but not required. I
t has a beautiful smile, even though few people have had the opportunity to appr
eciate it. After the pedestrian crossing, some cars were stopped at traffic ligh
ts threatening. There are, in a row, as in a race, if not for its variety. A Cin
quecento, a New Beatle, a Micra, an unidentified American car and an old Fiat Pu
nto. Inside a Mercedes 200, a thin finger nails bitten gives a slight boost to a
CD. Pioneer speakers in the side, the voice of a rock band suddenly comes alive
. The car gets back on track following the tide. As the song says, she also let
me know Where's the love? But is there really? One thing is sure, gladly would r
elinquish his sister, who from behind keeps repeating with emphasis: "Put Eros,
come on, I listen to Eros."
Federico Moccia's Mercedes passes just as the cigarette-ends and
do, dropped, pushed by a certain impulse and aided by a gust of wind. He goes do
wn the marble staircase, fits his Levi's 501 and then climb the blue Honda VF 75
0 Custom. As if by magic, suddenly finds himself between the cars. His Adidas ma
rches right changes, clutch and let go of the engine, and powerful, it pushes th
rough traffic like a wave. The sun is coming and it's a beautiful morning. She g
oes to class, he has not yet gone to bed. A day like any other. But at the traff
ic lights are next to each other. And from then on, it will not be another day.
Red. He looks. The window is down, a lock of blond hair found his neck slightly
soft. A gentle but determined profile, blue eyes, sweet and serene, dreamy and n
arrowed hear a song. Impresses him so calmly. - Hey! She turns to him, surprised
. He smiles, standing beside her on that bike, wide shoulders, tanned hands earl
y, as they are in mid-April. - Fancy a walk with me? "No, I have to go to class.
- Why do not you see that you and I pick you up in front of the school? "Sorry,
" she displays a wry smile and false-but I was wrong response: I do not feel lik
e going for a walk with you. "Well, I amuse ... "I doubt it. -Solve all your pro
blems. "I have no problems. "Now I'm the one who doubts. Green. The Mercedes 200
starts letting his smile fade safe. The father turns to her: "But who was that?
," A friend of yours? "No, Dad, just a geek ...
A three meters over the sky
Several seconds later the Honda is again beside the car. He clings to the window
with his left hand and the right gives a little gas, not pushing too hard, even
with that piece of arm should not pose many problems. The only one who seems to
have one is the father. "But what makes the unconscious? Why stick to both the
car? "Relax, Dad, I'll deal ... He becomes determined to him: "Hey, is that you
have nothing better to do? -No. "Well búscatelo. "I've found something I like.
- What can you tell what it is? "Go for a walk with you. Come, I'll take to the
streets Olympic, run a bit with the bike, I invite you to eat and then I return
to after school. I swear. "I fear that your promises are worth very little. "Tha
t's true," he smiles. You see, now that you know so much about me, admit it, I'm
starting to like, eh? She laughs and shakes his head. "Well, that's enough," he
says, and opens a book that has taken Nike bag of skin. Now I must concentrate
on my real and only problem. - What is it? "Examination in Latin. "I thought tha
t was sex. She turns, annoyed. This time, not smiling, not even lie. -Remove the
hand of the window. - Where do you want the place? She pressed a button. "I can
tell you: my father is present. The power window begins to rise. He waits until
the last moment and then hand away. "See.
Federico Moccia It gives you time to hear his dry 'No'. Twist slightly to the
right, take the curve, scale fast marches, and disappears between the cars. The
Mercedes continues its journey, now calmer, toward the school. "But do you know
who that is? "The head of the sister suddenly appears between the two seats. The
y call it honors. "For me it's just an idiot. Then, open the Latin book and begi
ns to review the ablative absolute. Suddenly, stop reading and looking out. Is t
hat really your only problem? Of course, not the one who says that type. And any
way, you will not see him again. Re resolute reading. The car veers to the left,
Falconieri school. "Yes, I have no problems and I'll never see him again." Not
really knows how much that is wrong. On both.
The pale moon looms high among the last branches of a tree. Sounds strangely dis
tant. From a window get some notes from a soft, soothing music. Further down, th
e white lines on the tennis court lines under the pale glow of the moon and the
bottom of an empty pool expected sad summer. In the foreground of the apartment
block, a blonde, not too high, with blue eyes and silky skin, looks uncertain in
the mirror. - Need the black shirt Onyx elastic? I do not know. - What about th
e blue pants? Daniela yells from her room. I do not know. "And the mesh, do you
put them? Now Danielle is still outside the door looking at Babi, who has opened
the drawers of the bedroom and clothes scattered everywhere. "Then I take it ..
. Daniela moves among some Superga of different colors scattered on the floor, a
ll thirty-seven. - No! That's not what you put because I have love. "I'll take i
t anyway. Babi gets up suddenly with arms akimbo: "Sorry, but I do not I have ne
ver ... - Well, since have told you before! "Yes, for me then deformed ...
Daniela Federico Moccia ironic look at his sister. - What? Are you kidding? It w
as you who got the other day my
elastic blue skirt, and now I guess you have to be to distinguish my beautiful c
urves. - So what does that matter? That skirt Chicco Brandelli widened. - What?
Chicco "I tried and you said nothing? "There is little to tell. "I think not, ju
dging by how it turned out my skirt. "It is not that bad. What about this blue j
acket with peach pink shirt underneath? "Do not change the subject. Tell me how
it was. "Oh, you know how those things ... -No. Babi look at his little sister.
It is true, does not know. Still can not know. It's too plump and there is nothi
ng beautiful in it enough to convince someone that you widen a skirt. "Nothing.
Remember the other day I told my mom I was going to study Pallina house? "Yes, a
nd? "Well, actually I went to the movies with Chicco Brandelli. - What? "The mov
ie was nothing special and, all things considered, he did not. "Okay, but let's
get to the crux of the matter. How widened the skirt? "Well, for ten minutes tha
t the film had started and he stopped moving in his seat. I thought: 'This film
is really uncomfortable, but I think what we want is to get involved Chicco hand
. "And the truth is that soon was getting closer and closer to me and put his ar
m over my back. Hey, how about if I get all green, the one with the little butto
ns in front? - Go on! "Well, that, back down slowly to the shoulder. - What abou
t you?
A three meters over the sky
"I ... nothing. It was seeing that I did not realize. Watched the film, as much
interested. Then he pulled me and kissed me. - Chicco Brandelli kissed you? Wow!
- Why do you like so much? "Well, is a handsome boy. "Yes, but it is very thoug
ht ... He is always looking in the mirror ... Well, total, in the middle almost
immediately regained his starting position. I invited a Algida turbinate. The fi
lm had improved considerably, perhaps because of the hazelnut ice cream ... I go
t distracted and suddenly I found my hands too low for my taste. I tried to get
away and then he grabbed your blue skirt, and that's when which expands. - What
a pig! "I imagine you would not let go. And then what did you know? "No, what di
d? He unbuttoned his pants, grabbed my hand and pushed me down. Yes, that is, to
ward his thing ... - No! Then it is actually a pig! And then? "Then, to calm, I
had to sacrifice my turbinate. I took it and put it in my pants. If you had seen
the leap that was! - Well, little sister! Way to go! ... Both burst out laughin
g. After Daniela,€seizing the moment of joy, leaves green with all of her siste
Farther in the study, on a soft cashmere sofa designs, Claudio prepares his pipe
. She enjoys all the trappings of snuff, but in reality is only a workaround. At
home and not let him smoke his Marlboros. His wife, an inveterate tennis player
, and their daughters, too steep of health, as they fight every time you light a
cigarette, and thus was passed to the pipe. "It gives you more class and makes
you look thoughtful!" Said Raffaella. Claudio thought long and hard about it and
finally decided it was better to have a piece of wood between his lips and a pa
ckage of
Federico Moccia
Marlboro hidden in his jacket pocket rather than argue with his wife. Give a puf
f on his pipe as he travels to the remote different TV channels. You know where
to stop: some girls go down a side staircase singing a silly little song and sho
wing her breasts compact. -Claudio, are you ready? Then change the channel. "Sur
e, honey. Raffaella looks. He sits on the couch, losing some of its security. "C
ome on, switch the tie, put this burgundy. Raffaella leaves the room without the
possibility of discussion. Claudio undoes his tie preferred. Then click the com
mand button number five. But instead of the pretty girls to be content with a po
or housewife, framed within a script, try to get rich. Claudio puts the burgundy
tie knot and dedicated to his attention again. In the small bathroom that separ
ates the rooms of the two sisters, Daniela is going on with eyeliner. Babi appea
rs at his side. - What do you think? She wears a flowered dress, pink and light
that it adheres gently to the waist, leaving the rest free to go down, as he ple
ases on his hips rounded. - How am I? "Well. "But not very well? "Okay. "Yes, bu
t why do not you say ok? Daniela is still trying to trace a straight line which
should make your eyes bigger. "Well, I do not like the color. "Yes, but apart fr
om the color ... I do not like too much shoulder pads so huge.
A three meters over the sky "Yes, but apart from the pads ... "Well, you know I
do not like flowers. "Yeah, but do not have in mind. "So yes, you are wonderful.
Babi, not at all satisfied and without even knowing what had wanted to tell him,
grabs the bottle of perfume Caronna he bought with his parents in a duty-free r
eturn of the Maldives. Upon leaving, Daniela yells. - Hey, be careful! - Take ca
re you! It took me much less leave a black eye. See how you're making up! "I do
it for Andrea. - What Andrea? "Palombi. I met him outside the school. I was talk
ing to Mara and Francesca, the fourth. When they left, I told him I was going to
class. Makeup so, how many years I wear? "Well, yes, you look older. At least f
ifteen. - But if I have already fifteen years! "Blend a bit here ... Babi is moi
stened finger with saliva and then takes to the eyelids of her sister to massage
them lightly. - There! - What now? Babi looks at his sister with raised eyebrow
s. "Looks like you're going to sixteen. "Still not enough, then. "Girls, are you
ready? At the front door, Raffaella connects the alarm. Claude and Daniela fast
pass in front of it and, finally, comes Babi. All fit in the lift. The night is
about to begin. Claudio straightens his tie. Raffaella is passed, fast, several
times the right hand through his hair. Babi straightens broad-shouldered dark j
acket. Daniela simply look in the mirror, knowing that you will find the gaze of
his mother. - You do not go too much makeup?
Daniela Federico Moccia avoids answering. "Let, as usual we are late. And this t
ime, Raffaella crosses his eyes in the mirror with that of Claudio. - But I was
waiting for you I was ready to
eight! Silently down the top floors. In the elevator gets the smell of stew the
porter's wife. And the taste of Sicily for a moment mixed with that strange comb
ination of French Caronna, Drakkar and Opium. Claudio smiles. "It is Mrs. Newfou
ndland. Makes a great stew. "Take too onion-is the expert opinion of Raffaella,
who for some time has opted for French cuisine with sincere concern and despair
of the Sardinian maid. The Mercedes stopped in front of the portal. Raffaella, w
ith a sound gold jewelry, anniversary and Christmas memories more or less happy,
almost always very expensive, up the first with the two daughters behind.€- Ma
y I ask why not more arrimáis Vespa to the wall? - Even more? Dad, but you are
denied for ... -Daniela, do not talk like your father. "Hey, Mom, tomorrow we ca
n go on a Vespa to school? "No, Babi, still too cold. "But we have the windshiel
d. -Daniela ... "But mom, all our friends ... "I have yet to see all those frien
ds of yours who have a Vespa. "Well, Roberta Peugeot have given the new, more ru
nning. Fiore, the porter, lift the barrier. The Mercedes waits, as every night,
the slow rise of the long iron rod with red stripes. Claudio makes a feint of gr
eeting. Raffaella cares only to end the discussion. "If next week it was warmer,
we'll see. The Mercedes starts with a dash of hope over the
A three meters over the sky
rear seat and a new scratch on the right side mirror. The goalkeeper is looking
at his small television. "I still have not told me what I'm dressed so well. Dan
iela looks at his sister. It takes too large epaulets for his taste, his attire
is too serious. "Fantastic. He knows exactly how to treat it. "It is true, the p
ads are too big and I'm too perfectita, as you say. You're a liar, and you know
what I mean? You will be punished for this. Andrea do not even look at your face
. Moreover, it will but with all that eyeliner will not recognize and will go wi
th Giulia. Daniela tries to answer, especially as regards Giulia, his worst frie
nd. Raffaella But the silences. "Girls, stop or go home. - Do I turn back? Claud
io smiles at his wife, noting that moves the steering wheel, but one look is eno
ugh to understand that is not the time.

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