History of Education in COLOMBIA

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INTRODUCTION This paper is divided into three sections.

The first summarizes the

history of education in the Colombian nation, taking its beginning from the col
onial era and the first attempts to give identity in the first republic. At the
same time take substantive data on this issue in time between the promulgation o
f a more conservative constitutions of our history to the liberal reaction in th
e first half of last century. Also caught the previous findings that show the em
ergence of institutions such as SENA and other strategies for dissemination and
popularization of education. The second part takes the sociological foundations
of education, linking school concepts of social and democratic social reality in
Colombia and its training elements and environmental values, drawn from all bib
liographic content to own development. The last section addresses two main quest
ions raised by the teacher and with the aim of proposing an analysis for the iss
ues addressed in the first two parts of this. Its design allows us to propose id
eas based on own interpretation based on the content addressed in the material o
f national public policies and other documents of an academic nature.
HISTORY OF EDUCATION IN COLOMBIA (Summary) Origin and Development seventeenth ce
ntury was the era of Spanish control in Colombian territory, therefore education
, basically "Senior College", "seminars" and "Higher Education" was only allowed
to certain social groups, ie, showing purity of blood and be legitimate, as wel
l as being necessary to demonstrate by the applicant's parents who did not have
low or ignoble profession. At the end of this century under the reign of Carlos
III, expelled the Jesuits, masters of the school year and with that as changes w
ere made: Linking scientific materials or tools in science curricula, in once ba
nned new philosophical theories announcing the sovereignty of peoples and how th
e power of kings is from the town. La Gran Colombia was given control of educati
on to the state, leaving a widow to the church of such functions, imposed the te
aching of English and French in middle-level institutions and high and discourag
ing the teaching of Latin. Were implemented by introducing elementary schools La
nkasteriano method, characterized as very strong discipline, harsh punishment an
d rote basics. In the secondary school teachers had appropriate deficiencies and
budget. In Higher Education it was intended to serve the new Republic, forming
the new ruling classes. Turn public universities were established in various reg
ions of the country. 1886 is a year of profound change at the national level fol
lowing the drafting and adoption of the new constitution. For this, education wa
s a frequent topic. As a whole, it should be organized in accordance with the ru
les of the Catholic religion, which was imposed as well as a compulsory subject
in all schools. Church was granted the right to inspect the texts and identify t
he archbishop had been within the dogma and could be used. 1902 "What War left u
s" Starting the twentieth century, the nation with a deep crisis and a sagging e
conomy meant that many children leave school and also return back the government
, Decree of 1872 which promulgated the following: Students would study the prima
ry city for 6 years and the rural area for three years, to determine a second-cl
ass education, ie
establishments in poor conditions, low incomes for teachers and little material.
Reform the Ministry of Education. Through the Act 56 of 1927 changed its name a
nd configure a number of functions that are broadly: it explicitly legislated on
secondary education and conditioned the issuance of securities to official appr
oval, it had direct control on teacher training institutions, village culture ca
mpaign led to the rural sector ministry approaches, some publications were publi
shed in which he gave a perspective on cultural and educational events. Such mec
hanisms of consolidation, school inspection was one of the most important instru
ments for the conveyance, commissioning and supervision of official determinatio
ns, and was one of the largest attempts to control education.€The Liberal Repub
lic 1930 - 1946 educational reforms continued at a slow pace due to economic rec
ession and the transitional nature of the government, progress was made in the r
egulation of certain aspects of Act 56 of 1927, where the last Conservative gove
rnment had set provisions aimed at promoting national education reform. It unifi
ed the rural and urban education, the Schools of Education created and implement
ed at the primary teaching methods of the European Active School. "The ongoing r
evolution" (1934-1938), so decided to put education at the service of national i
ntegration. All this was part of a legal plan through constitutional reform soug
ht, inter alia, educational level with Legislative Act No. 1 of 1936 to proceed
with constitutional reform and seek to clarify the state interference in the edu
cational field, but similarly express the narrow dimensions make this attempt. O
n the one hand, despite the discursive claims to extend education to the majorit
y of the Colombian people, reform is not declared free and compulsory primary ed
ucation. Moreover, not redefined church-state relations with the consequential a
mendments to the Concordat, which put some hindrance in their articles to the as
pirations of state action in education. Despite this, the reform assigned to the
State inspection and supervision of education, while declaring the freedom of r
eligion and conscience, which is a sign that indicates the tendency to define th
e orbits of the civil and religious in social and educational field. Between 193
8 and 1942 he drove the school building, the School Board was established to giv
e impetus to education and attempted to nationalize popular primary school. Atte
mpts were made to expand educational coverage from the perspective of the update
and modernize the educational system. At the end of the period the enthusiasm e
xpressed by the rulers towards education, began to decline and although no longe
r appears as a prime target for political leaders, among the various
educational establishment itself continued interest in giving priority to educat
ional modernization. It should be noted that throughout this period the educatio
n sector did not enjoy or even 10% of the national budget, the ceiling was 8%, w
hich limited the implementation of major works. Added to this, the ministers in
this period of 16 years became 26, which also limited the continuity, consistenc
y and vision building and planning successful national educational policy. Durin
g 1946, the mandate of Eduardo Santos, the Minister of Education Jorge Eliecer G
aitan, promulgates the following in his speech "Equal education, well-logistical
, financial and human.." 1950 In the 50s, there is public higher education and p
rivate party relying on technical careers, professionalization of teachers, scho
ols school with semi-commercial mode, even leaving aside the normal education ex
ists in the 30s. Later, in 1957, appears an institution whose training is both t
heoretical and practically the very skilled workforce and an immediate bonding c
ompanies, this property is called SENA National Learning Service, in its beginni
ngs in urban areas Construction offered racing, Secretariat and Finance while in
rural areas and agriculture technification. 1960 reforms, and other laws made b
y various governments made in the 60 and 70 were formed more private colleges an
d universities in order, to provide advanced education and pro-development of th
e nation some careers such as: Nursing, Social Communication, Philosophy Humanit
ies among others, made their appearance and once were the choice of study for ma
ny students. While, the Public Higher Education was the trainer of educators and
crafts. 1970 Similarly, private schools were a great choice for middle and uppe
r classes has already started appearing in those years. So, national president C
arlos Lleras Restrepo in 1970 created the Institutes of Education and Diversifie
d Media INEM, as an indispensable tool of formal education and training aimed at
technical high school.
80 YEARS AND 1993 full period that marks education in Colombia, and broke a mile
stone that many rulers ever made: Adult Education, a program designed by the Pre
sident of the Republic with its program Belisario Betancourt WALK (National Educ
ation Campaign) and strengthened by his counterpart following: Virgilio Barco Va
rgas.€In addition, the linkage of some media such as radio and television were
elements of great educational and informative alternative to farmers and poor pe
ople. General Education Law (1994) President Cesar Gaviria Trujillo Republic and
the Minister of Education Maruja Pachon, established the Law 115 of 1994 states
that "The Public Service Education plays a social role according to the needs a
nd interests of the family, people, and society. " By which, is based the princi
ples of the Constitution and the right to education of every person in the freed
oms of teaching, learning, research chair and its public service character. On t
he other hand, the great revolution of this educational reform to education foun
d in three categories: Formal, Non Formal and Informal. In addition, training, p
reparation and ranking of all teachers, among other issues that brought reform a
nd erased a tradition and failures which occurred some education since its incep
tion. Finally, this law has been reformed; today we can see how the ratings are
no longer just study the missing but recovered and automatically makes the stude
nt has passed to the next grade as well as other elements such as the release of
criteria by institution Education to establish their concepts of evaluation, wh
ether qualitative or quantitative.
Sociological foundations of social and democratic school: The Concept of School
Social shown only after 1930 when, through constitutional amendment is granted t
he possibility of extending education to the majority of the Colombian people, h
owever, saving enormous quality differences between it and which already allowed
in the private sector. On the other hand, the Democratic School concept appears
only after 1994 through the General Law of Education opened in the PEI (Proyect
o Educativo Institucional) participation in the educational community in its pla
nning and recognizing it as protagonist, in the same way Regulations on the same
date through 1860 Decree implements the figure of School Government, which, thr
ough the democratic exercise allows students to choose a Personero Student and a
cademic institutions under their councils and executives, school and Parents Fam
ily representatives of all members of the educational community. Colombian Socia
l Reality: At each moment in history of our country have been adduced to shape n
ational education policy, so you can establish a relationship between the social
pendulum that adds elements to education and vice versa. However, dialogue has
not enjoyed smooth and so these policies have been due to the interests of polit
ical and industrial sectors of the nation and in times of social circumstances,
economic or political loaded with structural reforms in the light of Today is tr
aded on the market as a more losing the substance and any fundamental right of s
ociety. Securities Training: This training is regulated from the same General Ed
ucation Law, including it in the general and specific objectives of primary and
secondary education, likewise required within the Area Plan mandatory and essent
ial. Environmental Dimensions: These dimensions are established from the Politic
al Constitution of Colombia establishing environmental education as a tool for t
he protection and conservation of natural resources. On the same side, Law 115 o
f 94 Environmental Education is established as a central focus of any educationa
l proposal nationally. In addition to the above we find the decree 1743 of 94 in
stitutionalized environmental education throughout the country, reinforced by th
e Ten-Year Education Plan 2006 within its objectives, purposes and strategies of
screening, before finally being reinforced by the National Education Policy Env
ironment July 16, 2002.
GENERATING QUESTIONS How does the legal framework of Colombian education in educ
ational practice? R / From the Political Constitution of Colombia recognizes edu
cation as a social right and defines their stewards. Also, providing for gratuit
y, regulation, management and financing by the state. In addition, it allows you
to create private schools, he joined the educational community in the direction
of the institutions and establishing the guidelines for teaching. Added to this
, in the General Education Act defines the structure of educational services, es
tablishing the modalities of educational services to populations€establishing t
he organization for the provision of educational services from the curriculum to
service management. It also defines the roles, rights, features and benefits of
learners and educators. Finally, it defines what state resources which feed the
national education and regulating the special rules for the education provided
by private individuals. Complementing the above, there have been a series of dec
rees and resolutions that have allowed the law regulating, among other things: e
stablish the organization of educational services, the implementation of its Ins
titutional Educational Project and school governance, to define which are the co
ntributions of local authorities for educational exercise, specify the type of a
dult education, determine the overall system of financial and administrative uni
ts of local authorities and central government, implement curriculum standards,
assessment and promotion of learners. Institutional changes, undertaken with gre
ater clarity from the 1991 Constitution and the enactment of the General Law of
Education in 1994, as well as the various initiatives of local governments have
boosted oxygen and organizational processes and have enabled new forms of approp
riation of this law and public service. In conclusion, we can conclude that the
Colombian educational exercise is well covered by the rules can be interpreted a
s synthesized as decentralization and educational autonomy "and a result is faci
ng a lot of opportunities, guarantees and in part for teaching practice, and eve
n more for the education market. Also, dynamic educational assistance for even t
he most remote areas of the region and can demand the right to using public poli
cy established for this purpose and regulates and monitors the adequate service
in search of quality.
What was historically developed education in Colombia and what do the laws that
govern it today? R / The development of educational history Colombia has suffere
d the same as our nation has suffered: the absence of a "national project." Sinc
e the days of the colony is known it was a privilege of the Spanish rulers in na
tional land, its native sons and other members of the nobility. Later in the fir
st age of the republic, when you start the renunciation to construct a national
project to include all members of the nation, education in the hands of the stat
e, was used to train future leaders by promoting career as philosophy, law and t
heology. Then, at each change of government began a delivery to the church this
year and another change was snatched again, leaving it printed on the lack of cl
arity in an educational policy that was closer to serve a definite political par
ty that to form a comprehensive citizen autonomous capacity of thought and decis
ion. Until 1930 is initiating an extensive legislation on the subject however co
ntinuous education that widowhood of clarity and consistency for the purposes of
education, and ceased to be a powerful tool in the hands of the rulers to perpe
tuate their political party in power selling ideas to discredit the opposition.
None of this improved until the middle of last century when, through various ref
orms made possible the public higher education, methods other than normal in sch
ools and the National Learning Service, SENA. In turn, strategies such as Radio
Schools through SUTATENSA RADIO, became the most effective for reaching places n
ever before imagined with a formal literacy program, a strategy that was later r
einforced by the National Education Campaign in the government of President Beli
sario Betancourt in the early 80's. After the promulgation of the Magna Carta of
1991 and the General Law of Education, three years later, this issue begins to
deal with a series of clear policies, more to the state citizenship, while start
s to take off certain obligations that once loaded, and now delivered to market,
thus enabling a people's right to be released to the law of supply and demand,
the negotiation of a social commitment as a service and fence losing everything
right character people while the state only functions as regulator and watchdog
of providing "adequate" service. So, the law currently allows the state to act a
s regulator,€glider and vigilant because the educational service is provided to
the contractual provisions signed with a private institution that is competing
in a bank offering a basket of educational Bidders which entered its proposal ob
edient to the law and added that appeals for a link between the best scores and
thus be able to labor. Currently the state is more concerned with the issue of c
overage by the quality of education and this is the comparison that has not yet
been defined and the stone in the shoe, not just the state but of the institutio
ns and communities.
CONCLUSIONS It is clear that education is conceived as a powerful tool in the ha
nds of the states for the construction of national projects to establish a socia
l order that depends on them to ensure the success of this process. Citizens con
ceive of education as one of their fundamental rights and have the education ser
vice as a priority in their social demands. To that extent it requires the activ
e participation in school construction and social order in many cases is asked t
o assume tasks for which they are not prepared, knowing that the school is cross
ed by all sorts of social problems. It requires high levels of quality and servi
ce demand full coverage ignoring the difficult challenges that institutions face
in them. Consequently, the school in Colombia is at a difficult crossroads, fir
st has to face difficult conditions because it contains within the specific prob
lems of a society in conflict with complicated situations of violence, poverty a
nd hunger. Added to this will require high levels of academic training, coverage
and service quality. In short, the school is not prepared to overcome all the C
olombian reality remains that you demand. Education in Colombia faces a double c
hallenge then, primarily a pedagogical challenge to the normal duties that the s
chool must face a second challenge, one social, to intervene effectively on issu
es affecting the country.
â ¢ â ¢ â ¢ â ¢
MORA Carlos Alberto - Margarita PEÃ A. Socioeconomic history of Colombia. Collecti
on OUR WORLD AND FACTS. Editorial NORMA 1985. C. HERRERA Martha Cecilia. HISTORY
N :1930-1946 1991 Constitution of Colombia. Republic of Colombia. Union Publishi
ng Ltd. 2008. General Law of Education. Law 115 February 8, 1994. Union Publishi
ng Ltd. 2008.

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