BBPT Lesson Plan

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Name: Hot Hands Enthalpy Project

Grade Level: 10-12
Content Area: Chemistry
Beyond-the-Basic Productivity Tool Used: Glogster
Standards Addressed:
SC5. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the Kinetic Molecular Theory to model
atomic and molecular motion in chemical and physical processes.
a. Plan and carry out an investigation to calculate the amount of heat absorbed or released by
chemical or physical processes.

Blooms Level of Critical Thinking:

Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating
Description of how to implement in the class:
Students will pass around a Hot Hands pack and experience the results and real-life use of an
exothermic chemical reaction. Students will then take the role of scientists who want to know more
about this new product by planning and implementing an investigation. Students will be placed into
groups of 3-4. Students will have a day to plan their investigation. Students can collaborate with
other group members and even visit other science teachers in the building or email chemistry
professors at a nearby university to get feedback and communicate about their design/ideas.
Students will be shown all the materials available to them and told that the chemicals provided are
mock chemicals of the ones used in the Hot Hands pack. Students will be challenged to design an
experiment in which they can calculate the enthalpy of a system when a chemical reaction is
triggered using mock Hot Hand chemicals. Students will have all the needed materials, such as,
Styrofoam calorimeters, thermometers, chemicals, etc., but they must plan the procedure and
through research (internet, text book, etc.) determine how they will calculate the enthalpy of the
reaction. The instructor will monitor and facilitate them as needed, making sure they are designing
practical experiments and using the correct formulas to calculate enthalpy. The instructor will also
review safety pertinent to the lab.

Students will have several days (up to 6-7 days) to complete the entire lab, including the write up.
Students will be required to use Glogster to create a poster board of their results using
The poster board must include a video of their experiment, introduction (including
examples/importance of exothermic reactions in everyday life), data/relevant pictures/figures from
Excel (Excel if needed), materials/methods, and results. It must be visually appealing with proper
grammar and punctuation. Students will work on projects in and outside of class. Students will
present their posters on the sixth or seventh day of the project. The poster will count as a summative
grade and their lab notebooks will be a formative grade. The poster will be graded by rubric by
categories mentioned above, and their notebooks will be graded according to the rubric given to
them for their Interactive Notebook (data/calculations on the left, everything else on the right, pencil
only, no white out, number pages, etc.). Students will also be required to submit their work to the
school wide, public, science fair, where their family members, neighbors, and local community can
view and appreciate their work.


Level of Technology Implementation (LoTi): LoTi Level 5-Expansion. Students use technology,
such as, calculators, Microsoft Excel, electronic thermometers, and Glogster to complete their lab and
report. Students use this technology to complete element A of the standard: Plan and carry out an
investigation to calculate the amount of heat absorbed or released by chemical or physical processes.
Students are required to use all levels of Blooms Taxonomy to complete the lab and lab report.
Students assume the role of research scientists, collaborating with local chemists to develop the best
way to investigate the enthalpy of a similar chemical reaction to the reaction that takes place in a Hot
Hands pack. Students find this meaningful and may even use this product in everyday life. Each
group can design slightly different experiments but still conduct a proper calorimetry experiment.
Each group will have a different Glogster posterno poster will look the same. Students work in
groups and collaborate between groups and local experts for ideas; students also present their
groups results to the class, as well as, the community in a school science fair.
Description of the sample BBPT file provided:
A Glogster exemplar poster is provided to show what is expected of the students. The poster
provided includes the following: video of the experiment, introduction with connection to real life
data/relevant pictures/figures from Excel, materials/methods, and results. The students will get to
see this exemplar before they begin working on their posters but after their experiments are
complete. Additionally, the students will be provided a rubric to know exactly what is expected of
their poster. Students will be told in the beginning to video their experiment.
Other comments about your proposed BBPT Activity: Information used in Glog retrieved from:
Glogster Image Gallery and Note that the Glog
was created to show what a student product might look like. The Glog shown was not based off an
actual experiment performed by myself. Parts of the Glog were based off the sources listed above.

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