Contri: Qualities Greek Literature Refers To Writings Composed in Areas of

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Greek literature refers to writings composed in areas of Greek influence throughout the period in
which the Greek-speaking people have existed.

Ancient Greek literature refers to literature written in an Ancient Greek dialect. This literature ranges
from the oldest surviving written works until works from approximately the fifth century CE. This time
period is divided into the Preclassical, Classical, Hellenistic, and Roman periods.


Greek poetry flourished with significant contributions from Theocritus, Callimachus, and Apollonius
of Rhodes. Theocritus, who lived from about 310 to 250 BCE, was the creator of pastoral poetry, a
type that the Roman Virgil mastered in his Eclogues.[6]

translation of the Old Testament into Greek. This work was done at Alexandria and completed by the
end of the 2nd century BCE.

Invented theatre



Latin literature includes the essays, histories, poems, plays, and other writings written in
the Latin language. Beginning around the 3rd century BC, it took two centuries to become a
dominant literature of ancient Rome,[citation needed] with many educated Romans still reading and writing
in Ancient Greek, as late as Marcus Aurelius (121180 AD).[citation needed] Latin literature was in many
ways a continuation of Greek literature, using many of the same forms.

Latin was the language of the ancient Romans, but it was also the lingua franca of Europe
throughout the Middle Ages, so Latin literature includes not only Roman authors
like Cicero, Vergil, Ovid and Horace, but also includes European writers after the fall of the Empire,
from religious writers like St. Augustine (354430) and Aquinas (12251274), to secular writers
like Francis Bacon (15611626) and Baruch Spinoza (16321677).


Drama was the start of Roman Literature and encompassed

Comedies and Tragedies.

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