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2015 International Conference on Information Technology System and Innovation (ICITSI)

Bandung Bali, November 16 19, 2015

ISBN: 978-1-4673-6664-9

Defining Knowledge of Government Human Capital

Management: A Qualitative Study
Elin Cahyaningsih Dana Indra Sensuse Wina Permana Sari
Faculty of Computer Science Faculty of Computer Science Faculty of Computer Science
University of Indonesia University of Indonesia University of Indonesia
Depok, West Java, 16424, Indonesia Depok, West Java, 16424, Indonesia Depok, West Java, 16424 Indonesia

Abstract Knowledge is organizational value, it represent objectives and competitive values. Since constitution of
organizational core business. Knowledge embodies in human Indonesian Republic No. 5 Year 2014 About Goverment
capital as organizational intangible asset. Acquiring Human Capital (UU No. 5 Tahun 2014) were legally declare
organizational knowledge and the types of knowledge is National civil servant management concept are changed. The
important to identify existing core knowledge and requirement of
knowledge. Human capital management concept began to be
management of civil servant are transform to competency and
famous in Indonesian government since a new legislation of civil performance based. It made government human capital
servant was released. UU ASN No. 5 Year 2014 transform civil management knowledge also changed. We should determine
servant management activities into human capital management what knowledge should be used to perform the management
based. Its affect to the three government institution duties and process.
functions as human capital managers they are KEMENPAN & According to the new constitutions, three government
RB, BKN and LAN. Identifying organizational knowledge is institution were legally appointed to conduct the management
important to create an effective collaboration and managing process. They have their own duities and function to create a
knowledge to enhanced organizational performance. Qualitative government human capital. Both of them can increase
analysis is used to process the expert interview data. Content
analysis used to codify the knowledge. Result show that 18 core
organizational knowledge which is based on people to
knowledge were identify, which is classify into organizational improve the organizational competitive advantage. This
core knowledge in each government human capital managers process will enhance organizational objectives and national
and some of them are intersect with others. development. BKN as agencies which is nationally
responsible to organize and develop government capital
Keywords knowledge; organizational knowledge; tacit management hold all management activities in human capital
knowledge; explicit knowledge; knowledge mapping; human management besides two others ministries/agencies. LAN
capital; human capital management; qualitative study; content duties are hold in government capital research and
development programmes, otherwise KEMENPAN&RB
responsible at government capital management supervision
I. INTRODUCTION and formalized the legislation of the management process[1].
In carrying out their duties those government institutions
Knowledge is organizational intangible asset which should should collaborate, coordinate and cooperate both directly or
be managed to achieve the organizational competitive value. indirect relation. Each government institution has their own
Knowledge can be found embodied in individual as core knowledge and expertise which is based on their duties,
organizational member or well known as tacit knowledge. therefore managing knowledge is important.
While, organizational explicit knowledge can be found in This research conduct to identify the government human
organizational artefact. Determining organizational capital knowledge as general, organizational knowledge
knowledge as core competence of organization to conduct related to the human capital management process and type of
their business process is important. It can represent knowledge exist in organization.
organizational existing knowledge, requirement knowledge,
types of knowledge and resource of knowledge.
Knowledge management used to manage organizational
knowledge, it also consist of knowledge mechanism and
technologies to improve the knowledge. Therefore, knowledge
management can be used to reach the organizational

978-1-4673-6664-9/15/$31.002015 IEEE
II. LITERATURE REVIEW express, it also articulate individual skill, working knowledge
and high level of expertise. Tacit knowledge is personal
A. Human Capital and Human Capital Management therefore it hard to be extract from individual[14].
Hence, explicit knowledge are knowledge that can be save
Human Capital (HC) is individual nature which consist of
using technologies or mechanism [12]. According to [9],
their skills, knowledge and experiences[2]. Human capital
explicit knowledge is written knowledge in words and
represents individual knowledge and skills which promote to
numbers or can be represent in manual, procedure and others
enhance organization innovation [3]. Human capital contains
form. Explicit knowledge also can be formed by document,
of individual element (technical knowledge, experiences,
SOP, manual and best practice [14].
KM), management capabilities (spirit and organization
Knowledge mapping is a process to identify set of
culture) and human resource practice (communication
knowledge which can make greater differences, how it can be
description and employee competence) [4]. In management
accessed and exploited by team, organization and communal
theory, human capital is organizational intangible asset and
benefit[15]. Knowledge mapping is an approach to identify
market value. Hence, [5] claimed human capital is
knowledge. It used to define specification of job analysis in
organizational intellectual capital which contains of individual
organization. While, [16] claimed that knowledge mapping is
knowledge, skills, ability, and capability to develop and
technique aims to identify knowledge in organization.
Whereas [17] consider that knowledge mapping comprises a
Human capital management process is planning, employee
process which provides specific organization knowledge
seeking, placement, employee satisfaction, maintaining trough
picture in a map to support business process, it also visualize
reward, and retirement. This process consist of some activities
knowledge gap for internal and external knowledge.
such as leadership, management practice, learning capacity,
According to [15], knowledge mapping can be guidance to
workforce optimization, knowledge accessibility and talent
improve information capture tools and techniques in order to
management [3]. While, human resource activities such as
enhanced information quality.
recruitment, selection, training and development, information
system, collaboration were align with creating human capital
C. Qualitative Research
activities [6].
Human capital management activity intended to attract, According to [18] qualitative methods used to explore
develop, motivate, and retain employees. It include respondent experience, understanding from data. It usually
organizational function of performance appraisal, career conducted with interviews, fieldwork, document and video.
management, training, reward and recruitment [7]. Human This result analysis can be form as a theory, story and
capital management also associate with employee ethnography. While, [19] claimed that qualitative research
commitment, retention, talent management, learning and aims to determine interpretation and understanding of each
personal development, organizational learning, capability, participant based they own meaning. Generally, it conducts
transformation, leadership, employee engagement, cross case comparison and analysis with limited number/case
performance management for creating human capital to or complex phenomena. Some methods in qualitative research
achieve organizational competitive advantages [8]. are case study, ethnography, phenomenological, grounded
theory and content analysis [20]. Characteristics of qualitative
B. Knowledge and Knowledge Mapping research are context based, the data have superiority,
researcher focus on emic perspective, condensed description
Knowledge reflects truth, belief, perspective, concept, and closed relation to the research object[21].
opinion and expectation. Knowledge also can be used to Data analysis in qualitative research consists of several
define particular problem and how to solve it [9]. Knowledge steps as follow [22]:
also one of human capital element which is the basis of 1) Data collection : process of collecting data
individual experience and skill [3][5]. Hence, [10] claim that 2) Data reduction : process of selecting, focusing,
knowledge embodied in the understanding of a pattern. simplifying, abstracting and transforming/coding
While, organizational knowledge is core competency that 3) Data Display : process of organized, compressed
reflects organizational competitive values. It consists of all information into matrix
organizational member ability. Usually, organizational 4) Conclusion : process of verified, decision
knowledge is routines activities which imitated by all
organizational member. Creating organizational knowledge
can be conducted by transforming individual tacit knowledge D. Content Analysis
and groups into explicit knowledge, so this knowledge can be Content analysis is process to identify specific
shared and embedded in organizational routines[11]. characteristic from content by exploring verbal, visual,
Organizational knowledge can be classifying into two type, behavior, pattern and themes from such of information [23].
tacit knowledge and explicit knowledge. Hence, [24] stated that content analysis is a systematic
Tacit knowledge represents individual experiences, approach of coding and classification to determine trends,
reflection, internalization and talent [12]. While, [13] stated relation, pattern structure and frequency of the word from a
that tacit knowledge is individual knowledge, difficult to be text. [25]was claimed that content analysis is textual analysis
which interpretive in nature, simple, unstructured, unclear, and Those criteria of knowledge are used to codify the
able to encounter large data. qualitative data from expert interview about government
According to [21] content analysis methods have several human capital management knowledge in three government
advantages such as direct access to criteria that have choose institution based on interview transcribes data.
based on the qualitative data, it represent user perspective
align with their opinion in data collection, systematic process III. METHODOLOGY
when identifying the criteria of each data, flexible and easy to Research begins with a literature review to gain conceptual
integrate and control decision of analysis result by researcher foundation of the research study. Data collection was
and expert. Content analysis can be used to analyze large conducted using interview methods to the expert of three
amount of data from several sources. It also can analyze the government institution KEMENPAN&RB, BKN and LAN as
phenomenon of particular topic[26]. While, some benefit of government human capital managers.
content analysis method are simple, unstructured, unassuming, Qualitative method used to analyze the data which used
and context sensitive related to the topics [25]. content analysis to determine the code of organization
Content analysis stages are as follow [27]: knowledge from expert transcribes data. First steps of content
x Formulating research question analysis is formulating research question like What are the
x Specify sample to analyze core of organizational knowledge to manage government
x Define categories to applied human capital? Then, sample of expert to be analyze are
x Outline the coding process defined. There is 68 expert respondents were interviewed, 48
experts from BKN, 12 experts from LAN and 8 experts from
x Implement coding
x Analyze coding process Categories of organizational core knowledge were
identified from literature review, previous study and findings
D. Previous Study from analysis process which represent requirement knowledge
Some researcher and document analysis from some of to conduct human capital management activities. Hence,
regulation have discussed and declare about human capital coding process done with analysing each text of transcribe.
management knowledge in government institution. Content of the answers transformed into categories code. This
Government human capital management knowledge was categories code is used to analyze the transcribe data.
identified in table I as follow: Data reduction process is done using content analysis. It
coded each word text in transcribes data which related to the
TABLE I. GOVERNMENT HUMAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT organizational core knowledge compatible with the literature
review and previous study. Findings result shows each
Human Capital Management
References organizational core knowledge frequency. This result was
Knowledge visualized in graph to represent percentage of frequency in
[1], [3], [6], [7], [28],
1 human capital acquisition
each institution.
human capital acquisition and
development administration
[1], [28], [29] IV. RESULT AND ANALYSIS
[1], [3], [7], [8], [28], Interview conducted to collect the qualitative data. Hence,
3 human capital retention
expert respondent are selected based on their expertise in
4 human capital management [1], [3], [28], [30][33]
performing human capital management process in each
[1], [3], [6][8], [28], government institution. All respondent were managerial level
5 human capital development
[29], [32], [33]
and functional staff which have their specific job description
6 human capital planning [1], [3]
in their department unit. Result analysis which represents
7 information technology [1], [6], [28], [29] percentage of knowledge in KEMENPAN&RB, BKN and
8 supervision [1], [8], [28][31] LAN were show in Table II.
9 research study [28], [29] [1], [32], [33]
10 legal aid [28], [29], CAPITAL MANAGEMENT
11 implementation of higher education [1], [32], [33] Organizational Core
No Category Freq. Percentage
12 specialist development [1], [32], [33], Knowledge
13 public services [30][33] Archive and Document
1 BKN 4 3.01
14 innovation [32], [33] 2 BKN Human Capital Acquisition 14 10.53
15 legislation and policy formulation [1], [28][31] Human Capital Acquisition
16 organization and institution [30][33] 3 BKN and Development 21 15.79
17 bureaucratic reform [1], [30], [31]
4 BKN HC Retention 18 13.53
18 implementation of sate administration [32], [33].
5 BKN Human Capital Management 30 22.56
6 BKN Human Capital Development 15 11.28
7 BKN Human Capital Planning 12 9.02
8 BKN Information Technology 6 4.51
9 BKN Human Capital Legislation 10 7.52
10 BKN Legislation Formulation 1 0.75
Implementation of Higher
11 LAN 2 12.50
Human Capital Capacity
12 LAN 5 31.25
Building and Training
13 LAN Research Study 3 18.75
14 LAN Specialist Development 2 12.50
15 LAN Public Services 2 12.50
16 LAN Innovation 2 12.50
Legislation and Policy
17 MENPAN 6 26.09
18 MENPAN Public Service 5 21.74
19 MENPAN Organization and Institution 3 13.04
20 MENPAN Human Capital Apparatus 5 21.74
21 MENPAN Supervision 3 13.04 Fig. 1. Government Human Capital Management Knowledge Map
22 MENPAN Bureaucratic Reform 1 4.35
External Requirement Figure 1 show all core knowledge in managing government
No Category Freq. Percentage
human capital management, which describes each of
1 BKN Communication 2 28.57
organizational knowledge, related knowledge among
2 BKN Public Service 4 57.14 government institution and external knowledge requires for
3 BKN Leadership Management 1 14.29 HCM process. We merged the knowledge from 22
4 LAN Institutional Architecture 1 100 organizational knowledge into 18 organizational knowledge.
No Category Type of Knowledge Freq. Percentage This knowledge is important to promote government human
1 ALL Tacit Knowledge 49 53.85 capital management process. Disjoint knowledge is shown in
intersect of diagram, it verify that three government
2 ALL Explicit knowledge 42 46.15
institutions have a collaboration work and duties in managing
government human capital. While, the external requirement
Table 1 shows 22 organizational knowledge was found that of knowledge can be obtained and learn from other
represent three government institutions process business to government institutions and for other knowledge required can
perform government human capital management. Hence, four be discover from any references and best practices.
external requirements knowledge are discovered. This BKN organizational knowledge is HC planning, HC
knowledge is important to support their function and duties. acquisition and development administration, HC legislation,
While, generally knowledge can be divided into two type HC retention and IT. This knowledge related to technical
explicit and tacit knowledge. Research finding represent that duties of BKN based on legislation required in their job
tacit knowledge in government human capital manager is function. HC planning is knowledge that represents process to
more than explicit knowledge. It means that managing tacit formalize employee formation based on job position. It
knowledge is important to be defined. Although the explicit ensures the organizational staff can support organizational
knowledge also important to be managed, but managing tacit vision and mission [34]. HC acquisition are activities to
knowledge is need more attention and effort. It embed in promote employee promotion, placement and replacement
human capital and hard to be articulate, need a lot of human based on their assessment result [35][36]. HC acquisition and
participation and goodwill to share their knowledge development administrative are technical process of employee
Based on result analysis we can conclude that some recruitment, selection, placement, promotion, mutation and
organizational knowledge related to the management process career development. While, HC legislation is knowledge that
in three government institution was disjoint with another represent human ability to understand deeply about ever HC
government institution. Moreover, there is knowledge that legislation. HC retention consist of knowledge how to retain
important for all of them. Other external requirement people through career development, organizational support,
knowledge was pictured outside the government areas. It rewards and working environment[37] .
indicates that the knowledge should be discovery from other Hence, HC development related to the LAN, it means that
references or best practices. both BKN and LAN can do collaboration program in
Figure 1 will describe three organizational knowledge maps developing HC. HC development consists of employee
in government human capital management process. capacity, skill and competency building activities. It can be
conducted by training and educational program to enhanced
employee innovation [38].
LAN organizational knowledge is innovation, research they related, where the source of knowledge and how to get it
study, implementation of higher education and specialist and used it. This identification can be a recommendation for
development. Employee innovation is result of employee idea, government human capital managers to manage, improve and
creativity and motivation to generate new invention in their disseminate their organizational knowledge to achieve their
working environment [39]. Research study knowledge organizational objectives. This finding also can be a basic
determines analytical knowledge in some particular problems. guidance to gathering their capacity and ability to perform
Implementation of higher education knowledge consists of their duties because it needs a collaboration work. Conducting
activities to develop curriculum, teaching materials, plan, knowledge management program for collaborate the
mechanism and tools. Specialist development or known as knowledge between organizational institution can be a
expertise development represent development program to recommendation for these government institutions. This
enhance their expertise competency. program used to formalized knowledge management process,
Public service knowledge became the only knowledge mechanism and technologies from such as different
required in three government human capital managers align knowledge and types of knowledge.
with their objectives to conduct excellent public services. Limitation of this study is specific to the Indonesian
Public service improvement can be done by improving government human capital management knowledge where
services delivery and customer satisfaction by managing the executive duties are KEMENPAN & RB, BKN and LAN in
service continuously[40]. They can collaborate and make bureaucracy culture. Future research could be enriched by
standard and general public service knowledge which is can be creating general model knowledge of government HCM or
implemented in some mechanism and technologies. taxonomy of HCM knowledge.
KEMENPAN & RB organizational knowledge are
bureaucratic reform and Supervision. Bureaucratic reform ACKNOWLEDGMENT
conducts process of organizational structuring, structuring The Authors thank to State Ministry for State Apparatus
management, restructuring the human resource, strengthening Reform (KEMENPAN & RB), National Civil Service
control, accountability performance and public services. Agencies (BKN) and National Institute of Public
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