Howdietcanturnoncancer Causinggenes

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Can Diet turn on Cancer Causing Genes?

By Gemma

There are many different types of cancer, but most start with some type of genetic
mutation. These mutations are often caused by external factors, such as pollutants, chemicals,
exercise levels, and diet. Many foods can increase or decrease the risk of cancer for various
reasons, but some dietary choices can directly cause genetic mutations. According to a study
conducted by researchers at Cornell University, long-term vegetarian or plant-based diets can
lead to a genetic mutation with potentially harmful effects. (Medical Daily).

The human body uses fatty acids in order to create fat, which it uses to grow and repair
cells. Most of these it can create itself, but both omega-3 and omega-6 it gets from food. In most
cases, humans get these two fatty acids from eating animals who have metabolized them from
plants. However, since vegetarians dont eat meat, they must metabolize these fatty acids
themselves. (Medical Daily).

The genes responsible for breaking down omega-3 and omega-6 can be found on the
11th chromosome, and are known as FADS-1 and FADS-2. (British Journal of Nutrition).
Everyone uses these genes, but since it is especially important for vegetarians, a long term
plant based diet or an ancestral history of vegetarianism can actually cause a mutation of this
gene that allows it to produce more of the enzymes responsible for metabolizing omega-3 and
omega-6. The study found an insertion mutation, meaning the gene has extra base pairs, was
especially common in certain ethnicities, such as south Asian (70%), and certain Indian
populations (63%) who have a long history of primarily vegetarian diets.

Although this vegetarian allele or mutation does help vegetarians metabolize fatty
acids, it also leads to some potentially dangerous consequences. The mutation, rs66698963,
causes the FADS-2 gene to produce extra Delta-6D proteins, allowing more omega-6 to be
broken down. However, because of this, less omega-3 is metabolized, which can lead to an
imbalance if lots of omega-6 rich foods, such as plant-based oils, are consumed. (Medical
Daily). Too much omega-6 and not enough omega-3 in the body can increase the risk for heart
disease and colon cancer.
Luckily, this risk is avoidable. Vegetarians, especially those with an ancestral history of
vegetarianism, should try to consume less vegetable oil, margarine, mayonnaise, and other
foods high in omega-6 in order to keep omega-3/omega-6 levels at a healthy balance.

Dovey, D. (2016, March 30). The Vegetarian Gene: A Plant-Based Diet Causes Lasting Genetic
Mutations That Could Increase Cancer Risk. Retrieved February 16, 2017, from website:
FADS1. (2017, February 16). Retrieved February 17, 2017, from
Zietemann, V., Krger, J., Enzenbach, C., Jansen, E., Fritsche, A., Weikert, C., Schulze, M.
B. (2010, December). Genetic variation of the FADS1 FADS2 gene cluster and n-6
PUFA composition in erythrocyte membranes in the European Prospective Investigation
into Cancer and Nutrition-Potsdam study. B ritish Journal of Nutrition, 104(12),
17481759. doi:10.1017/S0007114510002916

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