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Depto. Research, Development and Quality Control
1. Get Blood on Quality Assurance. 3. Having a personal computer
qualified and trained
Verification Centrifuges
Keeping in good equipment. Possible errors related to the operation of the equip
ment. 4. Verify the operation of the centrifuges to ensure that the processes of
spin in different procedures performed are adequate.
2. 3.
Verification Centrifuges
Conduct periodic checks,
Program (equipment check) Preventive maintaining of Programming. Possible avoi
d being killed remedial basic care. (Manual operation)
Verification Centrifuges
Recommendations Schedule Preventive Maintenance maintaining of immediate cor
rective Follow the terms of teamwork scheduled Quality Control
Verification Centrifuges
Blood Bank Centrifuge
Microhematocrit centrifuge Sero-Fuge Centrifuge Serological Centrifuge R
efrigerated Centrifuge
Verification Centrifuges
Calibration function: Verification
reaction or production of goods that each spin is carried out, so that the proce
dure is different for each type. centrifugation Best time: Getting the best pr
oduct in the shortest time.
Verification Centrifuges
The speed of the centrifuges is verified directly with a Photo Tachometer operat
es under the principle of recognition of contrasts (difference between light and
dark). To measure any object in motion (the centrifugal rotor), you must attach
a contrasting surface (a piece of foil).
Verification Centrifuges
Photo Tachometer The light beam is directed toward this brand, and turning each
time the mark passes under the beam, the reflection of the contrasting light act
ivates the Photo Tachometer photocell, which can be read directly on the compute
r screen as RPM .
Verification C.N.T.S. Centrifuges
Mechanical Calibration
Watches: Choose at least three times by centrifugation, the most usual Put i
nto operation simultaneously, the clock of the centrifuge and the reference time
r At the end of scheduled time to note the difference between the two clocks
Repeat the above two points, two Calculate times the average of three reading
Verification C.N.T.S. Centrifuges
Mechanical Calibration
Rate: Cut a piece of foil about 2 cm. Hold the foil with tape on the top of
the head or the centrifuge rotor Turn on the centrifuge uncovered Direct the
beam of Photo Tachometer towards the area where the surface is reflective, with
an angle of inclination of 45 °, at a distance of 20 cm approx.
Verification C.N.T.S. Centrifuges
Mechanical Calibration
Wait until the reading is Photo Tachometer
Record the reading stabilized, recording the Photo Tachometer Repeat 2 more
this measurement Calculate the average of three readings as the rotating speed
of the centrifuge rotor RPM
Verification C.N.T.S. Centrifuges
Mechanical Calibration
Temperature: Turn on the centrifuge and set the working temperature Wait unt
il the centrifuge reached Place set temperature inside the centrifuge with its
temperature sensor, the sensor of a certified digital thermometer, taking care
not to touch any metal part
Verification C.N.T.S. Centrifuges
Mechanical Calibration
Close the lid of the centrifuge and NO
OPERATING THE ROTOR, wait 10 min. Record the temperature at the thermometer th
at registers the certificate and compare it with the temperature of the centrifu
ge screen Make three readings with the temperature.
Verification C.N.T.S. Centrifuges
Microhematocrit centrifuge
Verification Centrifuges
Microhematocrit centrifuge
Parameters to measure speed Time Calibration Functional Hematocrit
Verification Centrifuges
Microhematocrit centrifuge
Material and Equipment: Reference Photo Tachometer
Timer Hair reference clay Template Gauze microhematocrit reader anti
coagulated blood samples
Verification Centrifuges
Microhematocrit centrifuge
Hematocrit Procedure: Taking at least 10 samples in tube Sange
p / BH Fill three capillaries per sample spun at 3500 rpm speed for 5 ' Pla
ce the capillary hematocrit in the Reader for elctura Record and calculate the
average of the three capillaries per sample. correlate with results of electr
onic instrument
Verification C.N.T.S. Centrifuges
Microhematocrit centrifuge
Hematocrit Procedure: Analysis of results
Correlation of data with results of BH 5% difference between results reporte
d to the laboratory Provide labels in the Team. (Use code
Verification Centrifuges
Sero-Fuge Centrifuge
Verification Centrifuges
Sero-Fuge Centrifuge
Parameters to measure speed Time Calibration functional measurement phases
: Salina Albumin Coombs
Verification C.N.T.S. Centrifuges
Sero-Fuge Centrifuge
Reagents, Materials and Tools: Photo Tachometer reference Thermometer Time
r Reference Reagent reference anti-A blood typing blood typing reagent rea
gent anti-D anti-IgG-C3d
Verification C.N.T.S. Centrifuges
Sero-Fuge Centrifuge
Reagents, materials and tools of group O erythrocytes Group A Erythrocytes
Erythrocyte Rh negative Rh positive RBC sensitized cells sensitized cells
Verification C.N.T.S. Centrifuges
Sero-Fuge Centrifuge
Reagents, Materials and Instruments Solición isotonic saline (0.9%) Rack
tubes 13x75 rubber bulbs Pizeta Gauze pasteur pipettes
Verification C.N.T.S. Centrifuges
Table 1 Selection of Antisera and Erythrocytes
ANTIBODY HALF Saline Protein Coombs Anti-A Anti-D Anti-IgG TEST CELL cell to cel
l D (+) Cells sensitized cell or cell CELL CONTROL D (-) Cells not sensitized s
Verification Centrifuges
Sero-Fuge Centrifuge
Calibration saline phase Flag 13x75 6 tubes, with 1P to 6P for the test cells.
Check other six tubes with 1C to 6C for cells negative control Add 50 ¶ l o
f anti-A diluted reagent to each tube.
Verification Centrifuges
Sero-Fuge Centrifuge
Prepare a pair of tubes (P and C) to
time. Add 50μl of test cells (5%) to the pipe P. Add 50μl of control cells (
5%) to tube C.
Verification Centrifuges
Sero-Fuge Centrifuge
Centrifuge in pairs to set times
immediately after placing the cells (according to table 1) Carefully remove th
e control of the centrifuge tube and read. For each set read: outlined, clear
supernatant, separation and degree of clumping. Report the results in Table 2.
Verification Centrifuges
Sero-Fuge Centrifuge
Repeat protein phase calibration procedure saline phase but using anti-D reage
nt diluted and their corresponding test cells to 5% and 5% negative control (Tab
le 1)
Verification Centrifuges
Sero-Fuge Centrifuge
Calibration phase Repeat Coombs procedimietno saline phase, but using anti IgG
reagent diluted and their corresponding test cells to 5% and 5% negative contro
l (Table 1)
Verification Centrifuges
Sero-Fuge Centrifuge
Table 2. Report for each of the phases.
Boldly P C Button
P C clear supernatant
Easy to resuspend P C
Degree of Agglutination P C
Optimum Time
15 "25" 25 "30" 35 "40"
Verification Centrifuges
Sero-Fuge Centrifuge
Table 2. Report for each of the phases.
Boldly P C Button
P C clear supernatant
Easy to resuspend P C
Agglutination P Grade C
Optimum Time
15 "25" 25 "30" 35 "40"
yes yes yes yes yes yes
no yes yes yes yes yes
yes yes yes yes yes yes
yes yes yes yes yes yes
yes yes yes yes yes yes
yes yes yes yes yes yes
3 + 3 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 +
neg neg neg neg neg neg
Verification Centrifuges
Serological Centrifuge
Verification Centrifuges
Serological Centrifuge
Speed parameters to measure Material and Equipment: Photo Tachometer of
reference Scotch tape Aluminum foil
Verification C.N.T.S. Centrifuges
Refrigerated Centrifuge
Verification Centrifuges
Refrigerated Centrifuge
Parameters to measure speed Time Temperature Reagents, materials and equip
ment reference Photo Tachometer Thermometer Timer reference digital refere
Verification C.N.T.S. Centrifuges
Interpretation of results
Mechanical Calibration
The acceptance criterion for testing the clock and the speed of the spin varies
with time and spin speed, however in generic form is acceptable maximum deviatio
n of + / - 5% in each of the tests
Verification Centrifuges
Interpretation of results
functional Calibration
The optimal time of centrifugation is one in which produced the greatest degree
of agglutination, a clear negative with negative control cells and a positive re
sponse to three questions in Table 2
Verification Centrifuges
Results Report
All results must be registered
Log in corresponding with date, name and signature of the person who, who overse
es data and most representative of reagents and equipment used as
No. Type of cells from panel F. Expiration
Brand Name Lot F. Expiration
Name Manufacturer Code identification F. Institution last calibration or calibra
tion certificate No. control
Verification Centrifuges
Performance Report
It is done and the corresponding report
delivered to the user area of the team, this report must be on file for each one
of the teams. In addition to placing a label on each team, indicating their s
tate of inspection and testing.
Verification Centrifuges
Label inspection status of centrifuges
September 2, 1922-LAB Cnt-L-18 Centrifuge: Sero-fuge Clock: PROPER Low Speed: 19
50 rpm High speed: 3450 rpm made: QFB: Mario De La O.
Verification C.N.T.S. Centrifuges
Proxima verification: December 1902

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