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In the world of computers can be much more expensive to repair a faulty machine

than making one without blemish. Thus, to impose a "quality at source" - that is
, to make things right from the start - it is more sensible plan than just "enou
gh." In the field of medicine that is also true, since prevention is less costly
than treatment, both human and economic. Perfect health is not improved 50-10 p
ercent of good health. It involves a complete change of perspective, making the
disease and the weakness of old age unacceptable. AYURVEDA The name consists of
two Sanskrit root words: Ayuso, or life, and Veda, science or knowledge. AYURVED
A is usually translated as "life science", but an alternative meaning would be m
ore accurate "knowledge of the life cycle." Its basic principle is that the mind
exerts the deepest influence on the body, and the release of the diseased state
depends on getting in touch with our perception to achieve harmony and expand i
t to the whole body. In Ayurved, the physical body is the gateway to the "quantu
m mechanical body" of man. The basic structure of nature is at the quantum level
, well beyond the atoms and molecules. QUANTUM = basic unit of matter or energy.
The quantum is 10 to 100 million times smaller than the tiniest atom. At this l
evel, matter and energy are interrelated. Each quantum is made of invisible vibr
ations, ghosts of energy waiting to take shape. Ayurveda explains that this is a
lso true for the human body: this is first formed by intense invisible vibration
s, called quantum vibrations, then coalesce into impulses of energy and matter p
articles. The quantum mechanical body is the cornerstone of everything we are: t
houghts, emotions, proteins, cells, organs. Anyway, any of us, the visible or in
visible. Your body sends all sorts of invisible signals at the quantum level, ho
ping he can lure them. We have a pulse beyond the quantum physicist and quantum
heart that drives him. All organs and systems of our body have an equivalent qua
ntum. The available energy at the quantum level is infinitely greater than that
found in the coarser levels. The explosion of an atomic bomb, which is a giant q
uantum event, is just one example. Other, more constructive, is the laser beam,
which employs the same light emitted by a flashlight, but intensifying the circu
it quantum vibrations, acquires sufficient energy to drill steel. In this case,
does the quantum principle, which shows that the more subtle levels of nature co
ntain more potential energy. We know that burning a piece of wood produces much
less energy than the disintegration of their atoms via a nuclear reaction. Howev
er we have ignored the creative side of that equation would be as powerful build
something new at the quantum level as destroy. Just nature creates rocks, trees
, stars and galaxies, but daily we are doing something potentially far more comp
lex and precious that a star: the human body. Understanding this truth or not, w
e are all responsible for the body in which we live. At the quantum level, any b
ody part lives apart from the rest. There are no wires connecting the molecules
of your arteries, and there are no visible connections between the stars of a ga
laxy. However the arteries and the galaxies remain united in a perfect pattern a
nd without amendments. Without this "physiology hidden" visible body could not e
xist, or up to a group of molecules at random. We destroy what we build in our b
odies. We are constantly forming new bodies. Why not make a healthy artery, a he
althy spine, an entirely healthy?
To get in touch with the quantum level within us, we need to transcend or go bey
ond the constant activity that exists in our mind. Beyond this area of distracti
on, there is a region that seems so quiet and empty as the quantum field between
the stars. However, since this quantum field, our inner silence contains a rich
promise: it is the key to the quantum mechanical body. The secret of life at th
is level is that anything in your body can be changed with the glimmer of intent
ion. "We can not come into the same river twice because new waters are always fl
owing." Heraclitus. This is also true for our bodies. Our appearance is the same
, but we as a building whose bricks are changed constantly by others. This const
ant flux of change is controlled at the quantum level of the mind-body system. T
o modify the print-out of the body, your printed output,€you must learn to rewri
te the software of the mind.
-------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------
Text of Deepak Chopra from the book "Perfect Health" - Ed Record / New Age By o
bserving the man, the sages of antiquity realized that it reacts in different wa
ys to different situations: food, climate, season, stress situations, etc ... Th
us, the sages realized that there are three main kinds: the moods, called doshas
in Sanskrit. It is very easy to see that, but we are not always aware of these
differences. Traditional medicine treats all patients and diseases the same way.
However, each individual responds differently to medicines, all aspects of natu
re. This is very clear, for example, when you and a friend go to a restaurant, a
sk for the same dish and the same drink, eat exactly the same amount, but you ma
ke digestion very well and his friend nearly died of indigestion. For some peopl
e take very good orange juice in the morning on an empty stomach. However, for o
thers it can be highly damaging to take the same juice in the same situation, wh
ich may cause acidity. Some need coffee in the morning to literally wake up one
example of kapha dosha, and if a person of vata dosha drink coffee in the mornin
g may feel too excited during the day. The same happens on a fall day where you
see in the city center a lady coat and boots, ready for winter, walking beside a
young woman wearing only shorts, shirt and flip-flop, as if the summer had not
yet finished . Looking a little further, you will realize how differently people
dress the same day with the same temperature and how they react differently to
everything. This is clear evidence that we have different natures, we are differ
ent and react differently to different situations. And that's the main point of
difference between traditional medicine and Ayurveda. The types of humours, or n
atures, are classified according to the predominance of one or more elements of
nature in the body. Having only one dosha is very good, because it is easier to
maintain balance. However, most individuals have dual doshas. But anyway, it is
important to pay attention to the balance of three doshas, because when one come
s into imbalance causes others to ride. Ayurveda sees the imbalance of the eleme
nts of nature in the body as the immediate factor in any disease. Do not see the
disease as an attack of microorganisms that live outside the body, but as a con
sequence of our way of life. Combining elements (space, air, fire, water and ear
th), this health system perceives and classifies three different constitutions:
the individual natures. They are: Vata - air and space, Pitta - fire (or fire an
d water), Kapha - water and land.
However, there is always that people have only one dosha. These can be combined
as follows: Vata-Pitta-Kapha Pitta Vata-Kapha Vata-Pitta-Kapha This means that w
e are all composed of the five elements. However, there is always one or the oth
er dominates. Are exactly those that determine the characteristics and behavior
of each. The state of perfect health is total balance. But everything is in cons
tant movement and action, with no balance in this life but in death. Since it is
not what we die, we try to get closer to a balance. The path of Ayurveda can he
lp a lot. It's easier if we think that Vata, Pitta and Kapha are forming a trian
gle and each of the doshas is at the end of it. Each dosha is declining, and app
roaching the center of the triangle, being always in motion. The goal is to stab
ilize this triangle. So we balance these forces. While there is a very large mov
ement of this triangle, the individual is more likely to have mental and psychol
ogical. And with that sick. Before we learn what are the characteristics of each
dosha, we discover what our body type, it means, what is the dosha that is our
body. For this you must tick only one answer for each question. If you have ques
tions, ask a friend, especially in the questions marked with the º º. Remember t
hat any test is a means of approaching an outcome. No test is perfect. Therefore
it is necessary, after taking the test, always pay attention on your body and y
our needs. This test, superficial, is based on what was written by Dr. Deepak Ch
opra. For you really know what your dosha, it is advisable to consult a medical
practitioner of Ayurveda. (Features Vata Pitta Kapha 1.Tamanho Birth small mediu
m and large top two.Normal birth weight light heavy, chubby 3.Anatomia constitut
ion and thin, tall or short bones and visible veins proportional easy acquisitio
n of large muscles, muscles strong and developed 4.Peso metabolism and lean, nor
mal difficulty gaining weight, and loses gain weight easily burly, difficulty lo
sing weight 5.Cor very dark blond hair, light brown, reddish brown hair 6.Grossu
ra 7.Textura normal thin thick hair dry oily 8.Tipo silky smooth wavy hair curly
9.Cor pale yellowish pink nail nail 10.Resistência normal hard weak 11.Tamanho
Eye ° · small medium large 12.Movimento Eye ° ° quick and direct and continuous
incessant slow 13.Cor skin (on) ° ° Dark clear may have white freckles, pale ski
n 14.Temperatura ° ° cold hot warm sun 15.Resistência good poor 16.Superfície mo
derate skin and dry, rough, with premature wrinkles fine, normal, tends to have
spots, acne eerupções soft Oily wet, cold and without wrinkles 17.Transpiração ·
Few very moderate regular 18.Dentes usually crooked, not very white and regular
white fines 19.Lábios well defined thick and soft 20.Apetite ° ° irregular, nev
er satisfied always eats constantly hungry , needs regular meals regularly can b
e long periods without eating 21.Sede variable, forget to drink water when thirs
ty low 22.Fezes irregular, yellowish tendency to constipation, tendency to loose
dark and bulky
23.Digestão irregular, regular gas produces slow and heavy 24.Libido variable, a
ll or nothing passionate, dominant regular, continuous 25.Menstruação irregular,
variable flow, tends to sty, regular, strong, sometimes with colic regularly ho
lds liquids 26.Fala ° · Fast, loud, changing the subject intense and argumentati
ve, loves debates slow, measured, clear and low tone 27.Atividade very active, s
pend lots of energy, gets tired fast moderately active, loves sports, energy Jog
ging slowly, does not tire easily 28.Sono mild, intermittent, wake up tired, tal
k in your sleep easy, short rests quite heavy and prolonged, slow to wake 29.Son
hos full of activity, forgiving love, colorful, relaxed memories, emotional not
easy to remember 30.Emoções unpredictable, anxious, insecure like strong emotion
s, angry, nervous, jealous calm, forgive easily, grips, compliant 31.Criatividad
e new ideas, very practical inspiration, make their ideas work fine, good organi
zer 32. Memory learns easily, but slowly forgets quick good to remember, but nev
er forgets 33.Personalidade ° · Uncertainty, changeable, indecisive, short love
relationships, relationships of same interest, courageous calm, confident, stubb
orn, long relationships 34.Organização disorganized, routine can not get organiz
ed, clean, very organized, cautious 35.Finanças impulse purchases, financial pla
nning financial disorganization, Cheap buy useful things, tends not to spend Tot
als "to consider childhood ° ° ask a friend Let's see the result: Some points in
each column. Usually one or two will have a larger number than the others. The
highest totals will indicate your body type (Prakriti). If only one of the value
s prevail, you're the type monodôshico. If, for example, the result gives 12 poi
nts of vata, pitta and June 18, kapha, pitta is your basic constitution with ele
ments of vata (vata-pitta). If the result gives five points of vata, pitta and A
pril 27, kapha, your constitution is predominantly pitta. In the case of a tie b
etween the three doshas, ask someone to help you doing the test for you, and rea
d the characteristics of each dosha, to see which one fits best with you. Rememb
er that, depending on their health and their psychological state, there may be c
hanges in the results. It is therefore important to always be vigilant. The test
may also vary depending on the season, from his emotional state or stage in lif
e where you are, reasons which modify the quantities of each element in the body
. We need some time, even years, to really understand what our body type. Theref
ore, from the moment you have an idea of what dosha prevailing in its constituti
on, it is important to always realize what kind of diet, exercise, practice yoga
and climate are best for you. Thus, over time, you will know how to keep yourse
lf in balance, and be in tune with nature. Please note if you became very doubtf
ul to answer questions. If so, is a sign that you should pay more attention to y
our habits and your personality. Your level of awareness must increase.€This mea
ns turning off the automatic! After all, Yoga is being aware of everything all t
he time. And that is why we practice Yoga all the time. Yoga is not only enter a
nd leave the room as we do with the Internet, but you must live in Yoga all the
time, making purification, having a more stable life and also practicing the Yam
as and Niyama in day-to-day. Hari Om!
Vata People with Vata has the elements air and ether (or space) in your dominant
body type or constitution. These elements have the movement as a major feature.
And vata is related to the "winds" of our body such as breathing, movement, bow
el movements, uterine contractions, especially the nerve impulses. Therefore vat
a is present in all of our body. Usually one person is very high or very low, sm
all, thin, lightweight and not very strong. Have the bones of the body protrudin
g and visible, like the veins. One feature is the protruding Adam's apple, and d
ry skin and need for oils and moisturizers. Has little resistance to diseases. T
he appetite is variable, digestion and metabolism are irregular, with a tendency
to constipation, insomnia, worry and indecision when unbalanced. These are peop
le who change their minds and moods easily, are anxious and agitated. Need a job
that does not require much physical exertion in a cold environment or as little
dry. Should not work with something that requires constant concentration, their
workplace should be warm and protected, unlike their health may suffer. It is a
very enthusiastic person, spontaneous, has fast movements, is sensitive and ten
d to forgive easily. Sometimes speaks more than he should, have outbursts of ene
rgy and get tired quickly. His creativity is focused on the arts. Assimilate inf
ormation easily and likewise tend to forget them quickly. Shy and sensitive, oft
en leaves school early and return with ease of use. Vata is responsible for gett
ing things and not finish. When deranged talk a lot without coming to a conclusi
on, will spend much time shopping but not buying anything, and feel unsatisfied.
Pre-mestruais pain and lumbar region are attributed to imbalance of vata. Major
health problems that characterize imbalance in Vata: rheumatism, sciatic nerve
problem, insomnia, dry lips and skin, cramps, back pain, excessive gas, bloating
, irregular menstruation and cramps, varicose veins, anorexia, poor blood circul
ation, weak bones, infertility, and others. An essential care to maintain the ba
lance of vata is resting enough, not working or exercising too much, and pay clo
se attention to keep regular daily habits. Usually when vata traveling or leave
home and daily routine, you have constipation and goes askew. Are typical of vat
a: Stay hungry at any time of day go to sleep at different times every night Sto
p eating a meal Keeping irregular habits have good digestion one day and the oth
er does not drop fast and angry emotions and then soon forget floor and have qui
ck movements as vata is present throughout the body, and is responsible for nerv
e impulses, is the first to come into dosha imbalance. When this happens it tend
s to unbalance pitta and kapha then, like a domino effect. So if your body type
is comprised of vata, pay attention to maintaining the balance of this nature, e
specially in autumn when the weather is dry and cold, further aggravating vata.
Pitta People of pitta is fire predominant element of nature into your body type
or constitution. This element has the largest characteristic heat, inflammation.
Some authors say that pitta is composed of fire and water, which makes sense be
cause pitta is responsible for all the body's metabolism. Metabolism such as dig
estion and breathing. Controls the absorption of water, food and air we need to
survive. As your metabolism is very fast, tends to have wrinkles, gray hair and
hair loss early. This is a middle ground between Vata and Kapha in the weight an
d bone structure. It has great digestive power and fast metabolism, which are th
e strongest features of the person with nature predominantly fire. The body is h
ealthy and the muscles grow easily. Therefore they are always hungry and need fo
od to eat or drink cold nature, creamy and oily. Can not fail to make a meal of
the day and are extremely out of control if dinner is late. They are intelligent
, practical and has a keen memory. These have the skin soft and oily.€They are u
sually blond or red hair and blue eyes with a tendency to lose hair and go gray
prematurely. Tend to have freckles, sun sensitivity and very hot temperatures. I
n most cases of long exposure to the sun, the skin of the body changes from whit
e to red, without tanning. Have a good immune system and resistance work. Howeve
r the mood is hot like fire. Their aggression can turn into hostility and impati
ence. They have a great ability to understand and are very intelligent, usually
are experts in the subject they work. Are creative by nature, usually have money
and are well connected socially. These people need a job in a cool environment
and with activities that require the use of their creativity and intelligence. T
he motto of pitta is intensity. It has fiery emotions, and are people who fall i
n love easily. A face that expresses happiness is a pitta dosha in balance. His
ambition to let you get away. It's a good speaker, knows well his image and sell
their products. His mental abilities are good, has an excellent memory and love
s intellectual activities. They think they know who they are and what they are d
oing in their lives. Often they blame their failures on some thing or person. As
the people of this nature are really good, tend to want others to be Pitta, and
other natures tend to think they are pitta dosha. Watch to find out your dosha.
Major health problems that characterize imbalance in Pitta: high blood pressure
and heart disease, ulcers, tumors, stomach, intestines, skin problems like pimp
les, hepatitis, urinary infection, herpes, heavy menstrual bleeding, ulcers, ble
eding and inflammation in general . It is typical of pitta: Living in clock func
tion and resent losing time Waking the night feeling thirsty and heat Leading or
find that certain situations lead to learning by experience that others find it
very bossy, sarcastic or critical, have a floor determined Kapha
People of kapha nature has the elements of water and land prevalent in your body
type or constitution. These elements have as main characteristic the density an
d stability. Kapha controls the formation of tissues such as muscles, blood and
skin, water retention and lubrication of the joints. These people are more robus
t, strong and easy to get muscles. Usually has good resistance, immunity and vit
ality, are healthy and have a long life. These have a soft voice and deep, are s
entimental and affectionate, in most cases are people of good appearance. Tend t
o have deep sleep, taking many hours of sleep easily and become lethargic. His m
ovements are slow, smooth and full of grace. Has broad shoulders and tend to acc
umulate fat in Wide hips. Digestion and the whole metabolism is too slow, need t
o eat and drink little and tend to obesity. Eat slowly and give too much importa
nce to food. Tend to "save" and "store" things like money, energy, words, food a
nd fat. They need security and a stable life, so they are attached to the family
. A sign of imbalance is to do a lot of supermarket shopping. Usually suffer fro
m rhinitis, joint problems and heart. People are by nature calm and quiet, hardl
y become angry. They are safe and trust themselves, which causes them to have pr
osperity. Kapha people can work hard without tiring easily. Sportsman are genera
lly of biotype kapha because it has too much resistance, do not tire easily and
not lose energy. They are great at maintaining public relations, command positio
ns in companies are ideal for people such as they are very organized. However sh
ould not work in cold and wet. They love to let others work for him and get it f
or having a great persuasiveness. Its positive side is faithfulness, patience, e
ducation and generosity. Your downside is the excessive materialism, possessiven
ess, passivity, tendency to sleep too much and too often. Slow to acquire knowle
dge, but has a great memory, are the type of people who have to study hard so th
ey can learn, but when they learn not easily forget. They have a great resistanc
e to disease because their body usually have much stamina. The stamina is like a
soldier from the front, which recruits the antibodies to defend our body from f
oreign organisms. However when there is a very high amount of stamina, it produc
es an overreaction against foreign organisms, and it called allergy.€Major healt
h problems that characterize imbalance in Kapha: tendency to gain weight, obesit
y, bronchitis, weak digestive system, kidney stones, asthma, colds, rhinitis, be
nign tumors, lung and breast cancer, fungal infections, poor circulation, and ot
hers. It is typical of people of kapha: Think long before making any decision Wa
king slowly, lying in bed for a long time, and need a coffee to start the day To
be happy with status and giving advice to preserve this feeling of respect Feel
ing emotional eating comfort others have graceful movements, bright eyes and wal
k elegantly, even if overweight
The importance of constitutions Like constitutions are different, different are
the needs of each establishment. Different needs were observed according to nutr
ition, tolerance to different temperatures, climates and seasons, as well as mor
e activities are in accordance with a constitution or other Therefore to maintai
n health you must deal with each type of differentiation constitution. When it c
omes to sports or exercise, there are people who have much more resistance, whic
h can exercise your body for much longer without enter into stress. These are ge
nerally Kapha dosha, which can perform heavy exercises like weight lifting, runn
ing, dancing, etc., without losing balance. Even these do very well to maintain
health, mental balance and body, because such people tend to obesity and stagnat
ion. Already people of vata should perform exercises that are lighter and with l
ess intensity, they tend to spend too much energy at once and end up hanging in
the balance and stress. Mainly people of vata dosha should practice yoga because
its asanas, stretching exercises, are lightweight and good for the body. And me
diation and breathing exercises are great for the mind, which is always in motio
n, indecisive and confused. Exercises such as cycling and walking along nature a
re also very good for balance, not only vata, but also of pitta and kapha. What
is important is to be aware and know your limits, not allowing the wishes distur
b that extent. Swimming, rock climbing, jogging and action sports that are natur
e, are essentially important to maintain the balance of pitta. However pitta wit
h his passion for the things should take care not to exercise too much, which al
so takes its balance. The ayurveda works with the balance and harmony with natur
e in all aspects of life. Everything we do affects our body, our nature, and do
something more or less, so it is important to maintain a balance. Nature is like
a radio station, so you have to mess around with some buttons to tune it. This
makes it much easier to know what type of exercise to do, food to eat and take a
ctions regarding the things that happen on your side and within you. Being in tu
ne everything gets easier, it's like when your body needs more melanin you have
the desire to eat carrots and do not know why, but it's the carrot that will bri
ng you to that of melanin. That means you end up doing what your body needs. But
this is super important to be aware and conscious all the time. Meditation is a
lso one of the ways to get in tune with you, your feelings and nature. The five
elements, ether, air, fire, water and land, must be balanced in order to have go
od health, otherwise undermines not only the body but also the mind. Air, fire a
nd water are compared with the three elements that govern the Earth, sun, moon a
nd the air. As these forces control the universe (macrocosm) also control our bo
dy (microcosm). Imbalanced doshas If you want to know how his thoughts were yest
erday, look at your body today. If you want to know how your body will be tomorr
ow, look at your thoughts today. Deepak Chopra. All thoughts are directly connec
ted to our body because we are
composed of body and mind, but there is no separation between them, this separat
ion was an unfortunate idea of Westerners, and what we want now is to remember a
nd live as a whole. Therefore our body expresses the mind, but we're not used to
perceive things that way. Before any disease arises, signs of imbalance appear,
giving a warning that something is wrong and you should be aware. As a pat on t
he door. But these signs are often ignored because we are not aware, or are so "
normal" or that we realize. Things like headache, backache, menstrual cramps, ne
rvousness, shakiness, irritability,€too cold or heat, etc ... Each of these sign
s has to do with a particular dosha and consequently a certain imbalance. These
are the signs that something is not right and you should pay more attention to y
our habits, your mental state and their food. To maintain balance, and thus heal
th, is very important to use purification methods such as Naul, neti, etc.. But
these techniques are the easiest and surface that can be practiced. The most imp
ortant is the purification of the emotions, and when I say this cleansing, I mea
n not only the small daily conflicts, a raivinha for nothing, but I mean the fee
lings and emotions that are installed in our subconscious and make us react in c
ertain ways, repeating the same constraints. To eliminate these conditioning nee
d to go deeper into meditation practices and also as antar mauna Yoganidra pract
ice of forgiveness. Besides working at the Anahata chakra meditation, to really
open up and clear the heart chakra. Dosha imbalance which first comes in is that
which is predominant in your body. People with pitta body type should be carefu
l not to increase the amount of heat inside the body, leaving to eat pepper or s
un exposure for long periods for example, as a follow-pacifying diet designed fo
r your dosha. Already vata people should eat more spices that stimulate your dig
estion, avoid exposing yourself to cold and follow your diet. Kapha people shoul
d also do more exercise, avoid moisture and follow their diet. People who have t
wo doshas should watch to see which dosha is aggravated further, and to know wha
t diet to follow and which habits to practice or not. But it becomes much easier
when we get in tune with nature, because when this occurs, we see clearly what
kind of food makes us well or ill, what kind of habits we have or not. But befor
e that happens it is necessary to refine the instruments to be able to play a so
ng in harmony with nature. If you have two doshas, which will probably be first
in vata imbalance. This consists of the elements air and ether, the more subtle
nature and therefore those who are most vulnerable to change. Vata is considered
the "wind" of the body, that moves the muscles, blood, oxygen, and is associate
d with the nervous system and thus is present throughout the body. Each dosha ha
s a specific location where it appears when there is imbalance and large intesti
ne is where vata is located. This means that if there is an imbalance in this re
gion probably will be some kind of discomfort, the kind constipation, colic or l
umbar pain. But this is not a rule, there may be discomfort in other regions. Th
is imbalance occurs mainly in states of pressure and stress. Pitta dosha is the
second most easily comes into balance, consists of the element fire, but some sa
y that pitta is composed of fire and water. This controls the body's metabolism,
this mainly related to digestion and processing of food we eat, and also with t
he body's temperature, sharp vision and thought. People
pitta usually has the digestion and assimilation of food very quickly. Pitta is
located in the small intestine. The imbalance in pitta occurs mainly in places o
f high temperatures and in your food there are many preservatives and chemicals.
The dosha harder to get in Kapha imbalance is therefore consists of the densest
elements, which are water and earth. The elements of this nature are denser and
therefore more difficult to get out of balance. Kapha dosha is associated with
body structure and lubrication thereof. It is responsible for maintaining the bo
dy's tissues together, form the muscle and keep the whole body and tissues lubri
cated. The senses of taste and smell are governed by kapha. And this is located
in the lungs. Imbalance occurs if such individuals fail to exercise and become l
ethargic. This means that when vata imbalance enter into, provides an instabilit
y in the body that finishes off balance pitta, kapha, and this ends up upsetting
. Causing a domino effect. So if you have a vata nature should take care even mo
re. It is also said that people of vata are complaints of pain, twice as many pe
ople of pitta. And the complaints of pitta are two times more than those of kaph
a. When Vata imbalance in vata imbalance has in this body aches, cramps, chills,
shivering and very indecisive. Usually such people have no health very stable,€
and are those who fill doctors' offices. In childhood and adolescence has pain "
unexplained" muscle and bone. Suffering from insomnia tend to have concerns and
get nervous when unbalanced. Most sleeping pills, tranquilizers and muscle relax
ants are used by people of this nature. The first signs of an imbalance of vata
are generally agitation, anxiety, impatience, fatigue, indecisiveness, shakiness
, sleeplessness and a myriad of thoughts with no connection. The physical signs
are cold, very dry skin, lack of energy, gases, high blood pressure, cramps and
back pain among others. When you enter into this imbalance can occur more than 8
0 kinds of diseases. It is important to remember that these are symptoms that of
ten manifest themselves in vata, but not why can not these same symptoms occur i
n another dosha. It is mainly the elderly that the vata dosha is aggravated. Pit
ta imbalance in the physical health of pitta is generally very good. A face full
of joy and the provision of a balanced pitta. As teenagers begin to aggravate p
itta, a teenager suffering from acne you suffer from an imbalance normal. Usuall
y enter into pitta imbalance when it passes the limits, work or exercise too muc
h. By having a good digestion, end up abusing her, eat too much, forget about nu
trition and end up unbalanced. And when this state becomes impatient, bossy, cra
bby and tense. As perfectionists and extremely organized. Physical symptoms appe
ar later in the form of gastritis, ulcers, heart disease and other stress-relate
d problems. The suppression of feelings like anger, frustration, and resentment,
as well as too much effort and be very demanding of himself, causing imbalance
in pitta. Food with lots of pepper, fat and salt, is also harmful. Excessive exp
osure to sun and hot and humid climate affect the health of pitta. When one or m
ore aggravating factors come together, enter into pitta imbalance
causing inflammation of skin, acne, excessive hunger and thirst, bad breath, hea
t wave, gastritis, malodorous, hemorrhoids, stools and yellowish urine, among ot
her problems. When pitta or fire element worsens, 40 types of diseases may occur
. Kapha imbalance in Kapha is the most balanced of the doshas, kapha people are
from childhood calm, serene and forgive easily .. If you are kapha and these qua
lities are apparent in his manner, you are in balance. And this balance tends to
keep long life. Childhood is the stage where we have the most predominant kapha
dosha in our body. When kapha goes askew in childhood, tends to have colds, sin
usitis and runny nose. Catch a cold after another, have chest congestion, allerg
y, asthma, chronic sinusitis and feel bad about the weather cold and wet is char
acteristic of Kapha imbalance. As well as having allergies and an immense need f
or sleep for hours. People of kapha usually like to stay in bed for hours and ar
e slow to start the day. When deranged become extremely lazy, sluggish and slow.
Nowadays the idea of kapha imbalance is in a very funny fat man, an insecure pe
rson who can not control their weight. The attachment and possessiveness over th
ings, are also signs of imbalance. These people become very quiet, closed, hopel
ess and hardly has the initiative to go to the doctor because they tend to suppo
rt very well the pain and discomfort. Childhood if the child has kapha imbalance
will be obese, and it will follow into adulthood. Where problems related to obe
sity such as diabetes and high blood pressure, will cause even more health risks
. Excess wheat bread, pasta, milk, cheese, fats in general and especially sugar,
aggravate the kapha. People of kapha can have a much better life if they follow
the diet of its elements and do some physical activity. Other problems that cha
racterize the imbalance of kapha are depression, greed, laziness, mental inertia
, joint pain, high cholesterol, sore throat and other 20 kinds of diseases. It i
s important to remember that any dosha may cause any disease, but these are the
most common diseases in people of kapha. The influence of feeding Ayurveda teach
es that each individual has the power to heal itself. This science offers to eve
ryone the freedom to regain their health through the understanding of our bodies
and our needs. One way to be healthy is to maintain a good diet and stabilize d
aily routines. Just imagine that in a life of 70 years, spends an average of the
digestive tract of an American,€2 tons of food, which is not little. People in
normal health, has a digestive canal of about 9 meters, which connect the throat
to the retro. The food passes through the channel without any significant effor
t. However, if the power is not adequate, the ingested food will literally be fi
ghting to be digested. All the things that surround you influence your body type
, from the environment in which you work, through the food you eat, the book he
was reading, the time you wake up and go to sleep until the season where you're
living . But the way "easier" and efficient to maintain the balance of nature is
through diet and small changes of habit.
A poor diet and consequently to poor digestion are the main reasons for the accu
mulation of toxins, called love, but bad feelings and lack of love for himself a
nd also for each other is much worse than the worst eating habits. Feelings like
anger, fear, jealousy, envy, hate etc ... are very harmful to health and make t
he body itself produces love. And the accumulation of love leaves the body more
prone to disease. Digestion is a very important role in Ayurveda, it is through
her that the accumulation of substances that do not love and serve our body will
be eliminated by the intestine. So ensure optimal digestion is a sensible optio
n for those who want to maintain health. A routine that helps a lot for disposal
of feces is drinking a glass of warm water in the morning fasting, because the
warm water stimulates peristalsis. And even if unwillingly, sit for five minutes
in the patent, means that after a few days of practice you begin to eliminate t
he morning. This incidentally is the best time to clean the intestines and start
a new day. Another option that is very helpful in cleansing the bowel is sit cu
rled up like Indians in the bathrooms, the sitting position is harmful because i
t makes clear the entire intestine, causing it to always on a little stool in th
e intestine. And squatting is much more healthy and natural. The practice of pra
nayama in the morning, with the implementation of Kumbhaka restraint with air, i
t helps in producing peristalsis and is a great option for practice to start the
day. Digestion is so important that I will explain in another chapter how to pe
rform certain practices of Ayurvedic medicine to increase his power. One of the
procedures they should take is to start a diet for your body type. For some food
s more or less amenable to each of the doshas. The principle can eat any food si
nce this is healthy. But what is a healthy food? Giving a simple example we can
say that milk is a healthy food, but for people of kapha is not the best food to
be ingested in the form of milk yogurt can be very harmful for people of pitta,
especially in the evening hours. And as this, there are many foods that can be
extremely harmful if not carefully managed, especially if your dosha is unbalanc
ed. However there are diets that help you peacemakers choose foods more suitable
for certain meals, according to the time and season. This diet can become very
difficult to follow if you do not have the insight to realize what makes it good
or bad. This is where yoga comes in, it means, you are always aware. Do not eat
in the "automatic" and most importantly, turn off the "automatic" digestion. It
's super important to observe the digestion to know that you do well or not, obs
erve the peristaltic movements, and also observe the stool, the size, consistenc
y, whether it floats or not. For from these signs you will know whether their fo
od is ideal or not for your body type.

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