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Nursing care for patients with multiple sclerosis:

The nursing assessment is done with awareness of the real and potential problems
associated with the disease. Seeks to make a careful assessment of the patient'
s condition so they can work together to plan with him and his family care for t
he short / medium and long term. The evaluation should include the following: •
• Understanding of the disease by the patient and family; Evaluation of the pati
ent's physical mobility through: the Weakness Fatigue for the Coordination of mo
vements the movements Spasticity • • • Assess bladder and bowel control to evalu
ate Assess visual acuity and cognitive sensory functions
Objectives of nursing:
• • • Reduce the symptoms improve quality of life make the patient as independen
t as possible, the longest period of time possible the nurse should assist the p
atient according to the stage where it now stands: Acute phase • Provision of ca
re health and comfort to prevent complications related to immobility of the Moni
toring Placements pressure zones to the monitoring of respiratory function the m
obilization, avoiding the fatigue monitoring of bladder and bowel movements calm
the Environment Search fundamental needs • Engage the convalescent phase the pa
tient and family with a view to this being reinstated in their family environmen
t, and social
Improve the self esteem to stimulate automobilizações; to prepare the patient fo
r up to promote the exercise of motor coordination and increased muscle strength
check of the possibility that the patient requires technical aids, crutches, wh
eelchairs, etc.. to perform a proper motion to transfer the techniques to stimul
ate the RV Protection against the risks: burns, falls, infections and changes in
behavior to prepare the patient for life despite the chronic disease. • Teachin
g the patient / family: Prepare, effectively, the patient and family for the cha
llenges of self-care at home sick and the family have a deep understanding of th
e disease process, and if possible, to prevent or minimize the recurrence Helpin
g patient to perform self-care effectively in order to minimize the need for hos
pitalization and recurrence Encourage the patient to maintain a lifestyle to pro
mote general health by continuing to perform normal daily activities as much as
it forces allow resting alternately with the activity in order to monitor the fa
tigue effectively insist on the use of techniques of energy conservation can be
an occupational therapist consulted about the use of assistive devices to preven
t excessive personal effort to alert the patient of the importance of make good
food In the case of sensory loss guide the patient on environmental safety. Prov
ide education to the patient about the effects of heat, especially moist heat, s
ymptoms or hot showers to baths, Turkish baths and steam or sauna, all must be a
voided to inform the patient that pregnancy exacerbates often the disease and sh
ould be supported in their decision about whether to provide education to pregna
nt patients about the effective use of medication to encourage the drinking plen
ty of fluids daily to inform the patient about symptoms of infection should be r
eported to the professional of health to encourage fluid intake in sufficient qu
antity, and a diet rich in fiber, in order to regularize the pattern of eliminat
ion in case of constipation
Forward the patient to self-help groups such as the Association or Multiple Scle
rosis Society National Multiple Sclerosis (USA) Expand the coping resources in o
rder to meet the challenges that the loss sustained capacities for self-care put
s the family needs continued support to deal with the cognitive and behavioral c
hanges that can accompany MS

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