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10 Steps to www.schreibtrainer.

10 Steps to
V 3.01 Schroffenegger Thomas, 2008
10 Steps to
10 Steps to
1 Introduction ________________________________________________________________
4 1.1 General Information - Self __________________________________ 4 1.2 To-Do
List ___________________________________________________________ 4 1.3 5 1.4 cor
rect version select ______________________________________________ conditions __
____________________________________________________ ___________________________
___________________________________ 7 2 8 2.1 Registration General Registration
Information 8 2.2 Registration as a teacher __________________________________ _
_________________________________________________ 10 2.3 Registration as a stude
nt with Teachers Register ________________________________________ 10 2.4 studen
ts for their own class / Add the password mail _________________________________
_______________________ ____________________________ 10 2.5 11 2.6 13 3 Login __
_____________________________________________________________ Index - Personal d
ata __________________________________________ overview 14 3.1 - 14 3.2 Key elem
ents _____________________________________________ _____________________________
_______________________________ 16 4 Start - See the complete __________________
_____________________________ lessons start 17 4.1 Lesson and write - now go! __
___________________________ 17 4.2 Performance during the exercise control _____
______________________ 19 4.3 Correct operation ________________________________
__________________ 20 4.4 Changing the view ____________________________________
______________ 21 5 performance - see your own performance table, performance as
sess ___________________ 22 5.1 Performance table lessons ______________________
________________________ manage 22 6 List of classes - classes and performance a
ssessment _________________________ 24 6.1 List of classes - Information Overvie
w __________________________________ 24 6.2 Registration Form __________________
___________________________________ build 25 6.3 Details - students performance
in the Klassenliste_______________________ 26 7 upload - your own exercises and
tests and edit _____________________ 28 7.1 Upload - Upload of texts generally _
_________________________________ 28 7.1 Upload - Upload of exercises by teacher
s _______________________ 29 Upload 7.2 - List of exercises - the exercises test
s ________________________________________________________________ _____________
_________ 30 7.3 31 8 Options - Setting the correct 33 _________________________
______________ 8.1 Keyboard - Regional Settings ________________________________
_____________ 33 Tastatur/Regions- 8.1.1 8.1.2 Operating System and Language ___
______________________________ 33 ______________________________________________
______ 34 2.8 Change Password __________________________________________________
____ 34 8.3 Account löschen_____________________________________________________
__ assign 35 08.04 outdoor pupils in a class or a teacher ______________________
____ 36 08/05 clef and performance requirements set ________________________ 36
9 Education - Reflections, notes, thoughts, ideas ____________________________ 3
7 10 Help - Known issues and FAQ _________________________________________ 42 10
.1 Before you check Ask Please _________________________________ 42 10.2 Error D
escription __________________________________________________ 43
10 Steps to
1 Introduction
1.1 General Information - Self
The online typing tutor is a free tutorial for use in school or extracurricular
lessons, to companies for Adult Education, for self-educated and interested peop
le of all kinds can basically be any / log r completely free of charge for onlin
e writing coach and use it freely without restriction. The writing coach is basi
cally a study project, which will continue to operate after completion of my stu
dies and only for occasional, NOT PERSONAL evaluations will be used for teacher
training. All in the system, application and user data are used exclusively with
in the system and will not be! The use of different applications are excluded. A
pplication and user data can be deleted by the user independently at any time. T
he online writing coach was the result of the search for successful e-learning c
oncepts and provides a direct image of part of teachers and school functions in
teaching typewriting dar.€The objective of the use of the online writing coach a
relief for teachers, and an increase in self-learning of students due to differ
ent considerations for self-assessment and potential benefits of e-learning is c
ommon. More information at point 9 For suggestions, ideas, criticism and correct
ion proposals, I am very grateful. The online writing coach has the last few yea
rs developed primarily because of good suggestions from practitioners and will c
ontinue to do so. At the address you can reach me by email and will,
it allows my time to answer questions.
1.2 to-do list
The following points should be implemented at the following updates of the onlin
e writing coach (in order of importance): - Vista bug (Windows Vista is occasion
ally recognized as MAC OS) operating system in the problem by selecting the menu
item "Options" fixed. - More lessons are planned (for now 200 more lessons) - A
llow option "Repeat lesson" (teacher can choose whether students can make lesson
s more often) - Option, whether students can repeat lessons himself - MS-game (w
ho meets certain lessons may then a simple word game complete) - ISO / DIN / ÖNO
RM exercises / tests (learning units to the standards for typewriting) - ... sug
gestions welcome - Display the selected operating system of the students in the
class list 4
10 Steps to
English version translated: Manual (OMG ) Swiss version - adaptation to MAC / L
inux / Vista - Customize your manual - adjustment to the grading system
Choose Correct Version 1.3
Other countries, other customs. Different countries have different character set
s and therefore need other Maschinschreibtexte and learning systems. Especially
the umlauts and special characters make the difference here. On the side www.sch you can select the correct version:
Version for Austrian and Germany: This version includes all countries with Germa
n / German and German / Austrian keyboard setting. Version for Switzerland: As u
sed in Switzerland is not a sharp S (ß) and other characters are different posit
ions is a separate version necessary. This version is valid for all countries wi
th a German / Swiss keyboard setup. Version for English-speaking countries: 5
10 Steps to
This version is suitable for English-speaking countries. Here, again, no umlauts
. The keyboard is adjusted accordingly. Age writing coach: who wants to can of c
ourse also use the old version on. However, there will be no more developments.
This version works only with the German or Austrian keyboard and runs only under
Windows (98/2000/XP/Vista).
10 Steps to
1.4 Must haves
In order to be online to use writing coach, the following conditions are necessa
ry: - computer (Windows, Apple, Linux) with Internet connection - Internet brows
er with an installed Flash Player (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, ...) The F
lash plugin, visit the page: http : / / the "Get Adobe Flash P
10 Steps to
2 Registration
2.1 General information on registration
Applications are generally on the menu item "Registration" executable. Please cl
It shows:
10 Steps to
We offer two types of registration: A registration as a teacher and a registrati
on as a student. Teachers have extended rights in the system and can groups and
classes and manage issues including the performance of their students. Teachers
can also upload lessons and tests for classes themselves and themselves and the
students in their class lessons on specific classify / reclassify. Teachers can
also set some options and performance requirements. Students can simply practice
alone or within a class work when they are assigned a teacher. You can practice
the lessons in the system or upload their own lessons. The following fields are
required: - Desired Username: many user names are of course already used. Peter
and Paul are probably already gone. Here I recommend a name with words such as
Peter22, Paulzz, Michi3a, ... Good is also the email address as user name, becau
se that is certainly unique! In my class I always have the school / class given
its SandroM3b - first name, "Here I would choose the correct first name, as it a
ppears in the class list. False names are just as admissible, but confuse the te
achers. - Name: As with first name - E-Mail: Since the password sent by e-mail,
specify a VALID e-mail address inevitable.€Teachers can register their students
without student email address (see 6) or use the teacher mail address for the wh
ole class. This is what the form is filled out correctly:
WARNING! Now is the decision: student or teacher: How can I register now? 9
10 Steps to
2.2 Registration as a teacher
The use of the teacher function allows you to manage class lists, students, perf
ormance, performance measures, targets, lessons etc. If you learn one wants to o
wn (without a teacher / course / class), you can also register as a teacher, bec
ause you thereby access to additional has options. To register as a teacher in t
he simple declaration "Teachers" button.
Teacher feature: Enable
2.3 Registration as a student with teacher
If the teacher has already registered, requires students to the "User name" of t
he teacher in the field "teachers name = Group Name enter". If the teacher had c
hosen as the user name "Markus3b", the registration form should look like this:
2.4 Students register for their own class / Add
10 Steps to
There is also a simplified application of group members by the teacher. This, si
mply use the registration form below the class list (after login of the teacher,
see 6). My tip: Sign only used as a teacher in and add their students to the cl
ass list behind (after login of the teacher, see 6).
2.5 Mail Password
After filling out the form please each click "Login". Then the following screen
It is usually sent within the next five minutes, via e-mail with your username a
nd password to the address:
If the e-mail longer than 20 minutes in coming, you should check the set spam fi
lter or browse the spam folder. Since the e-mail is generated automatically, the
re are cases where the mail ends up in the spam folder.
10 Steps to
If the information is incorrect or the username is already in use the following
message appears:
Other errors:
The form looks like a mistake at this:
Please correct the fields and login again. In rare cases (such as typos in the e
mail address), it may happen that the password is never sent. Then please just r
egister again. Unnecessary / incorrect user can subsequently be deleted from the
class list, or do not interfere.
10 Steps to
In case of persistent problems, you can send your bug report to Plea
se use this template, the text "Error Description" from the point 10.
6.2 Login
With the obtained e-mail user data (user name and password) you can register now
Then it will automatically be logged in and to the home page in the internal are
a. Should there be problems when logging in, please try again. If you forgot you
r password, click Forgot your password "(on the right). Enter your username then
. Shortly after it received a mail with your password.
10 Steps to
3 Overview - Personal Data View
3.1 HTML - Elements
Under the menu "Overview" summarizes the previous work and the existing exercise
s and tests can be found. The following points appear: User Name: user name - fi
rst name last name Lesson Current Lesson. Once the lesson is reached 50, it can
also be printed on a certificate the exercises.
Why the lesson 50? It's simple: After the lesson, master the 50 students, the le
tter box, and can basically write blind. Thus, the central learning objective is
achieved and the students can apply what they have learned already in practice.
More exercises with the writing instructors are of course useful, as the write
speed and thus the sustainability of the learning success be assured. Visits: sh
ows the number of logins (= visits). Time: At this point will save the current p
ractice time: 0:10:18 / 0:00:00 / 0:10:18 positive / negative / sum (hh: mm: ss)
10 Steps to
Green: the time spent for all the positive lessons completed Red: all negative l
essons (Lessons must be written to the end!) Blue: sum of all time in lessons (p
ositive plus negative). Basically, the sum of the exercise periods a crucial inf
ormation. Thus have to see how long students learned. Thus, this can be seen as
a measure of the diligence of the student. Success or failure is with the ratio
green to red visible. It is important€that the students not successful lessons w
rite to the end. Otherwise, the working time in the lesson will not be added to
the result. eMail: The system stored in the e-mail address of the user. Message:
You can send the teacher every / r each student in a message. Meaningful messag
es could be praise and blame, or certain targets: "You are currently the most fo
rward! Super! Next to be so, "to write" try a little faster, "" until 02/12/2008
at Lesson 50, you should "or similar. Class: Shows the name of the teacher if o
ne is / e students in a class or group assigned. Teachers are themselves always
in their own class! (Eg teachers, "Steiner" is fully applicable to the class Ste
iner). Practice exercises are additional lessons that one teacher for their stud
ents entering teachers. Exercises will be evaluated separately and presented in
a separate table in the service overview. As soon as the teacher of the group or
class exercise a high load (point 7) it is offered here as a number button and
can be started by clicking. The same applies to "own" and "tests". This is an ad
ditional way to adjust the typing tutor individually. Here you can as you wish,
or draw your own exercises but the entire exercise work. However, this is not ne
cessary, since the concept of online writing coach enough pretends lessons for l
earning the 10-finger system. Own your own exercises, additional lessons, which
any user (students) can put together for themselves. Our own exercises are evalu
ated separately and presented in a separate table in the service overview. Tests
Tests are additional lessons, which enters a teacher for his students. Extra te
sts are evaluated and presented in a separate table in the service overview. The
average grade of the tests is automatically calculated per student.
10 Steps to
2.3 Symbols
Throughout the program icons before coming back with information. These are each
square frame with characters. The following meanings are present:
... Information ... A lesson grade up (teacher function) ... A lesson deep class
ify (teacher function) ... editing (reclassify teachers can edit lesson, ...) ..
. failed lessons. Made it ... lessons ... Once the mouse pointer is over an icon
, the function / meaning will appear.
10 Steps to
4 Start - Lessons complete
Oops! Before you start a lesson, you should have set the correct operating syste
m. Default is Windows, MacOS and Linux are optionally available. The operating s
ystem can be set in "Options" (point 8.1). After the correct processing of the f
irst 50 lessons should be given most of the pupils in 1000 attacks in 10 minutes
to write error-blind. The other lessons are learning the numbers and special ch
aracters in the top row and increasing the write speed.
04/01 lesson and start writing - now go!
A total of four types of lessons to be processed. - The standard lessons of the
program - The exercises, which the teacher sets - Tests, which sets the teacher
- on your own, which can even upload every student all four types of texts in th
e performance table (see Section 5) are displayed separately. This allows a sepa
rate evaluation be made. The standard lessons of the program be started via the
button "Start" menu. Exercises and tests of the teacher and the student's own ex
ercises are called directly in the overview.
The following description refers to the processing of the standard lessons. Info
rmation on its own exercises and tests are listed under item 7.
10 Steps to
In the menu on the Start click ".
To start the next lesson, click again on "Start" in the exercise module. It may
be that they have to click two times on the Start button, before a text message.
This is due to that, because the first click of the Flash Player until activate
d. Because of the logins, the system recognizes what lessons have already been c
ompleted and can automatically display the next lesson to practice.
10 Steps to
Now they can write off the mark. All the characters are written correctly green,
walk to the left of the picture and then fade. It depends on the correct attitu
de and way of working!
2.4 Performance during the exercise control
During the writing in real time, the current performance data is calculated and
displayed at the top right:
The following information is given: Error: Number of errors in the current text.
Right: number of correctly completed attacks. In percentage Wrong / right stops
(error) as a percentage of the total so far written attacks. (Example: 2 errors
, 31 attacks correctly False => 6.069%, 93.93% correct) nor: Number of attacks y
et to be written in this lesson. Time min: none needed time in the current lesso
n in 10: Projected number of attacks in 10 minutes if the speed is assumed as be
fore. 19
10 Steps to
Standard Value of Industry and Commerce for the assessment of writing performanc
e (For more information see point 5). With this switch, the display to be writte
n sign of the current be turned on (see 4.4). When the switch is pressed, a swit
ch is displayed with "off". Thus, the display can be switched off again. Upper a
rea: green> right attacks, red> false attacks (%) Bottom line: written green> al
ready know> to write
4.3 Correct operation
The following points should be followed for a good learning experience: - NEVER
look at their fingers or on your keyboard! - If you are not sure, look at the ke
yboard on the screen! - Write them equally fast! - Better a little slower - but
accurate! Beginners often have to write more than 800 attacks per 10 minutes. Th
is is much too fast. This will creep a more mistakes. Here I recommend einzubrem
sen the students case by case. - Share the written letters aloud or think of the
letters (prompt still). - Say or think they are for each letter of a word is di
fficult for them and introduce yourself as the corresponding finger in front of
this word. For example: you forget where the "S" is located. Imagine, her left r
ing finger would be a sheep or would wear a shoe. - I have had the experience th
at the students at the beginning usually write too fast and sure to make many mi
stakes. This is the performance summary of the students to recognize. Here you s
hould inform the students on it and possibly a bit slow. The following points sh
ould be followed for fatigue-free writing and a good attitude: - Keep your upper
body straight, sit upright! Press occasionally with the pelvic floor in the bac
k seat up (similar to riding). - Provide for a comfortable sitting position! - I
f you have back pain, pull the legs up on the chair and sit stay a minute in thi
s position. - Sit up as straight as possible before the screen! - Set the screen
as high as possible so that you can look out as straight as possible (do not lo
ok down)! - Try to make with the elbow at an angle of about 90 °! - Place the pa
lms NOT! Try to keep your hands loosely in the air! - Loosen your fingers on occ
asion, write in the air, "wash" your hands in the air, kneading them the fingers
of each hand, ... - Our body works with oxygen - air can work wonders!
10 Steps to
4.4 Changing the view
Some students want a display of the current character to be written. This can be
especially helpful if you have problems to detect writing space bar or the resp
ective characters.
Just click in the right training module on the button "on" switch on this functi
on. Then appears in the upper area with the comment that writing to each charact
er. If no sign is visible, this means "space".
10 Steps to
5 Power - Own Performance table view to assess performance
With "power" you get insight into their own performance data. It will be display
ed depending on previous performance four tables: - Performance table Lessons -
Performance table exercises - exercises its own power chart - Performance Table
1.5 Performance table Lessons
The performance table contains the minutes of the lessons given by the program l
essons and includes the following information:
Lesson Number Lesson Completed OK - The line is green and shows that the lesson
was completed successfully. If the orange line appears, this means "not done". T
he cell then contains a "." Number of attacks of the terrorist attacks in the le
sson The lesson includes x = characters. Error Number of errors that were made i
n the lesson. % Correct percentage of correct stops. hh_mm_sec hours, minutes, s
econds, which were needed for the lesson. In 10 Min Projected number of characte
rs written if it had been written for 10 minutes.€This information is a measure
of the pace and can write whatever the length of the lesson, an assessment / eva
luation of the write speed. CCI 22
10 Steps to
Metric under the formula for calculating the CCI value = default value of German
Industry and Commerce for the assessment of writing performance. The value is c
alculated using the formula: error x 100 / characters = IHK IHK Note Based on th
e calculated value and CCI is calculated with a very strict one clef note. This
note is NOT critical to the successful completion of a lesson. See http://de.wik to 10 minutes transcript and the ICC, as we
ll. This assessment is for beginners very strict, as is with two errors in 200 a
ttacks, already rated as 'allocated insufficient'. Therefore, I recommend starti
ng at the normal note (see next point to fall back). NOTE Based on the requireme
nts set by the teacher and the appropriate grading scale (See Item 8, options) w
ill generate a note. This note will decide on the successful completion of a les
son. If a lesson with 5 (= not enough) assessed, it will be automatically by the
program and demanded once again be rewritten. Students can go inside at the nex
t lesson if they have completed the previous lesson successfully. Date is displa
yed here, the date on which the appropriate lesson was completed. The current da
te is shown in bold in each case. Thus, we see at a glance which / how many less
ons we have today done on that day. Total / average, depending on the total colu
mn is about the average set of table and column displayed. In the note are two v
alues. The first value is the average of all the lessons (not "enough" is consid
ered), the second value represents the average grade of successful completion of
the lessons I have calculated each dar. my touch on the successful completion o
f lessons. For me, then, was the second Decisive value. The information in the p
erformance table for exercises and tests are essentially the same. If you carry
out from time to test, you will appreciate the writing coach, as it no longer tu
rn nasty correction work. In addition, the students receive immediate feedback o
n your performance and can practice at home in a real scenario.
10 Steps to
6 List of classes - classes manage and assess performance
A special feature of the online writing coach is the class list. Thus, the progr
am also highlights the many programs available on the market from. About the cla
ss list, the teacher receives an overview of the performance of his students and
has the opportunity to view student performance and detail. To see the class li
st, click after logging in to the option "class list".
1.6 List of classes - information at a glance
The class list contains some important user an overview of the management data o
f the students. The following columns are displayed: name User / Pass to be here
first and last name of the students displayed. Here, the login information of t
he students are displayed to students. The username is in the column. In additio
n, there is a [i]. If you hover your mouse over the [i], the password for each n
10 Steps to
displayed. Here are the current lesson is displayed. By clicking on the arrows t
o students at each lesson will be an up or down graded. can] with the symbol [E
any lessons can be set:
Note time visits
Last / Nb less.
Average of all tests. Crucial to the rating of the teacher the information under
"options" Number of logins in the system are made here are two times. Green (Sm
ile): time spent for successful / positive lessons completed. Red (Trauri): time
spent on unsuccessful / negative lessons completed. Oops! Lessons have not fini
shed writing will not be displayed here. The time (in lessons is not successfull
y completed), but an important indication of the commitment of the student, whic
h is indeed crucial. Therefore, students should also complete unsuccessful lesso
ns, so that the time is displayed. Here, the date the last login is displayed. I
n addition, the number of items at this date lessons (positive and negative) are
displayed. Thus, the teacher sees, for example, at a glance how many lessons ha
ve a student / completed in the current hour.€A very pleasant thing! With the li
nk "Details" comes the teacher in the detailed view of Lehrnenden.
6.2 Registration Form
With the registration form at the end of the class list can easily students to y
our class to be added.
The user name can the student / log in later. First and last name as any other d
ata in the system will be kept confidential and under no circumstances! They are
the teachers, especially in the class list for better overview. In E-mail box a
utomatically the address of the teacher is pre-entered. This can be left in it.
Therefore, confirmation emails are sent with the password to the address of the
teacher. The e-mail address can also be replaced by the corresponding student ad
dress. This takes longer, since they have to enter extra. 25
10 Steps to
For a forgotten password is forgotten "password" on the home sent directly to th
e student address. Since students can often transfer their passwords this is ver
y helpful.
06.03 View details - students performance in the class list
If you click on the class list (last column: functions) on "details", they get t
he following view with performance details of their pupil / student:
The tables provide similar information, as already described in detail in sectio
n 5. But just to match the / to the corresponding student. The only difference i
s the little [x] in the last column. In order to delete a lesson by the teacher
one entry. At the end of the lists, there are the following view:
10 Steps to
About "inform students" can be simple, short messages are transmitted. The enter
ed message is displayed after logging on each page of the student / student. If
you want to delete students, note the following: - Each user has the option to r
emove themselves from the system (See paragraph 8.3). After a login is no longer
possible and the corresponding user data is deleted. - Students who belong to a
class, can not delete itself (protection function, so that students delete the
inside can not. Otherwise, would the performance lost to the teacher!) - Teacher
s are able to delete the "student Delete a / n pupil from the class list. The ac
count of the student / student without them. Then can delete individual students
. - Warning! The password is changed by the student's removal from the class lis
t in the password "nopass. This prevents that will continue to put out a double
entry in the class list the wrong access from the students. This password can of
course be changed if necessary.
10 Steps to
7 Upload - on your own, and create and edit tests
The Online Writing Coach offers a set of given lessons. So that users can look f
or the integrated teaching approach, the 10 finger system to learn quickly and e
asily. Some users have nevertheless felt it their own texts, test, upload and ex
ercises to learn to perform with his own texts and tests. The use of own texts c
an be motivating and is therefore used by many users. The use of the test functi
on helps to save time and especially correction offers the students an immediate
performance feedback. Overall, there is the possibility of their own texts with
three different functions to create. Depending on your role (teacher or student
) is under the "Upload" to upload your own text available: - exercises (teachers
can - exercises to practice the students in addition to offering standard lesso
ns. Results appear in the detailed performance summary on ) - Tests (Teachers -
test tasks, which are separately assessed. note appears in the class list) - own
exercises (students - texts that can only see them exert themselves and) The ex
ercises, tests and their own exercises after successful Login from home about th
e numbers of buttons are called. Tests can be done only once and are having comp
leted (negative or positive) is no longer available. Exercises are available as
long until they were completed POSITIVE. If you move the mouse over the small nu
mber of the title of the lesson or the test is displayed.
1.7 Upload - Upload of texts in general
When uploading texts, there are no restrictions. Since the texts are only visibl
e within the class, there can be no copyright problems. We request 28
10 Steps to
However, about uploading any texts from textbooks, as these may also be copied w
ithin the class NOT. Such texts can be removed by the administrator without warn
ing! The only other limitation applies to special characters. For reasons of sys
tem security, only the characters a - z, A - Z, 0-9,! "§ $ / ()? + *,,.: - To us
e. All other characters are removed automatically when uploading! Otherwise ther
e are no limits on upload.
1.7 Upload - Upload of exercises by teachers
When you click "Upload", appears the following view:
To upload an exercise, all three text fields are required: - title: This title w
ill appear in the list of the exercises and for the self-orientation. Here it is
probably useful an information on the content to be shown (eg: "Exercise on R a
nd U", or "pace exercise. Theme: Hiking Day") - Information: The information is
in the exercise module shown above and inform students about the content, techno
logy , ... (See Picture ) - Text: Contents of the exercise. This text must then
be written by the pupils / students. After entering the data click on "Submit T
ext". Done. The text is then displayed in the list of exercises. 29
10 Steps to
Upload 7.2 - List of exercises - the exercises
After a text has been uploaded (7.1) it appears in the list of exercises:
Besides the ad title, description and content (content is visible when you move
the mouse over the [i] beside the title), there are four buttons as functions on
the right side of the list: [i] ... This is the Lesson loaded back into the inp
ut mask can be edited and saved again. Oops! This always creates a copy of the o
riginal lesson. If you do not want a copy, you must delete the old file afterwar
ds. The newly created unit is automatically activated and it is their own studen
ts. This will create a lesson from the current test. By clicking the lesson will
automatically appear in the list of tests (below). The test is NOT activated au
tomatically after creation and is only available to the students, after being st
arted (see 7.3). Start Practice. This one exercise for the students is made visi
ble. Exercise, stop. This exercise for the student is made invisible. Exercise w
hatsoever. This one exercise will be deleted.
[T] ...
[>] ... [ ] ... [] ... x
When uploading texts automatically the level of difficulty (level) is determined
. Levels are determined based on the following character sets:
Level 1: asdfjklö Level 2: asdfjklöASDFJKLÖ Level 3: asdfjklöASDFJKLÖghGH Level
4: asdfjklöASDFJKLÖghGHeiEI Level 5: asdfjklöASDFJKLÖghGHeiEIruRU Level 6: asdfj
klöASDFJKLÖghGHeiEIruRUtzTZ Level 7: asdfjklöASDFJKLÖghGHeiEIruRUtzTZwoWO Level
8: asdfjklöASDFJKLÖghGHeiEIruRUtzTZwoWOqpQP Level 9: asdfjklöASDFJKLÖghGHeiEIruR
UtzTZwoWOqpQPbnBN Level 10: Level 11 asdfjklöASDFJKLÖghGHeiEIruRUtzTZwoWOqpQPbnB
NvmVM: asdfjklöASDFJKLÖghGHeiEIruRUtzTZwoWOqpQPbnBNvmVMc, C; Level 12: asdfjklöA
SDFJKLÖghGHeiEIruRUtzTZwoWOqpQPbnBNvmVMc, C; xX: Level 13: asdfjklöASDFJKLÖghGHe
iEIruRUtzTZwoWOqpQPbnBNvmVMc, C; xX: qüQÜy_Y_ Level 14: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx
yzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZß1234567890 !§$/()?,.-+;:-* öäüÖÄÜ
10 Steps to
The level is displayed directly next to the title in the table.
7.3 Tests
As already shown in 7.2 can be created using the [T] button from a separate exer
cise is a test. The test is not activated immediately and can be accessed by the
students on the home until he was started on [>]:
Test 1 was activated. Therefore, is available on the home page of the student fo
llowing view:
Once a test has been completed, it disappears from this view and may not be made
available again by the teacher. If this is still desired, the teacher simply co
py the test and re-activate. The scores of the tests are presented as average in
the class list. The pleasant is to test the function of the simple process for
the teacher. Due to the central activation / deactivation, a test can be offered
within a certain period and is then immediately and automatically corrected bef
ore. The results are then both in the detailed view of the class list (for the t
eacher) and in the performance summary of the student show:
10 Steps to
Oops! In calculating the test score in the class list all the tests are evaluate
d equally. At least in Austria, the regime that provided benefits are modified t
o be more highly valued than past performance.€This correction has the teacher a
s required to make by hand. Tests can be done only once. If a test was negative
view he is finished yet and can not be repeated by the student.
10 Steps to
8 options - program set it up right
The options are on the menu item "Options" section. Set options remembers the sy
stem. Teachers have more opportunities as a student. If you sign up alone withou
t class to practice in the writing coach, it is therefore advisable to register
as a teacher. Thus they stand for themselves more options.
8.1 Keyboard - Country Setting
Different operating systems and different keyboard settings and regional setting
s provide for the training module in different codes umlauts and special charact
ers. If you have any problems with the entry of special characters in the module
practice they need to make the correct setting. If all the umlauts, special cha
racters, above all, Z and Y in the writing coach accepted correctly, you need no
t worry about this point and may proceed to 8.2. The following cases of keyboard
settings and operating system and all the resulting combinations: Considered ke
yboards: German / German German / Austrian German / Swiss English / UK English /
USA Considered operating systems: Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/Vista MacOS (...)
Linux (...) (not yet supported partially complete) 8.1.1 Tastatur/Regions- and
Language settings for different countries, there are three different writing tra
iner. Switch to select and select the right syste
m for your keyboard: German / German and German / Austrian German / Swiss Englis
h / UK and English / USA
10 Steps to
Sometimes even when the PC regional settings are set wrong. In this case the sys
tem (Win: Start> Settings> Control Panel> Regional / Language) to please make ap
propriate changes. 8.1.2 operating system at the German system is also the right
attitude for the respective operating systems required. To do this move after s
uccessful login to the menu item "Options". Right now below the operating system
can be chosen. Default is Windows.
The selected operating system is displayed in color. The settings are automatica
lly saved for future visits. Students must adjust the operating system itself (s
ome students sometimes work at home with a different operating system, ...). Att
ention to try: Sometimes students simply on the options, and adjust it by mistak
e. A control function by the teacher comes to the next update. In the area of pr
actice "without having to log is still the standard Windows operating system" "i
s set. The selection must be made here each new before a lesson is selected.
8.2 Change Password
Each User / s / in has to be the possibility / her password to change. Students
sometimes forget their password and then change it again. In the class list, the
password is changed then the teacher for each can be seen again. 34
10 Steps to
To change the password once you give your old password and twice the new passwor
d (maximum 16 characters). Then click "Send". Then briefly displays a confirmati
on and the password is changed. You will also receive an automatic email with th
e changed password to the registered address sent to you. The next time you log
in the new password is valid.
3.8 Delete Account
Every user in any time have the right to delete their account. All the personal
data from the typing tutor system will be removed. This is even after the comple
tion of the work in the writing coach not needed (no one eats hay Account ), bu
t at any time. Write to delete your account, simply remove your password and the
word "in the appropriate field. Delete Click on "OK - my account click". Done.
Subsequently, this confirmation message:
If you want to delete students, note the following: - students who belong to a c
lass, can not delete itself (protection function, so that students delete the in
side can not. Otherwise, would the performance lost to the teacher! ) - Teachers
are able to delete the "delete student" a / n students in the class list (see 6
.3). The account of the student / student without them. Then can delete individu
al students.€- Warning! The password is changed by the student's removal from th
e class list in the password "nopass. This prevents that deleting a 35
10 Steps to
Double entry in the class list of students is the wrong approach continue. This
password can of course be changed if necessary.
8.4 Assigning students outside the class / teacher one
Students who join a teachers want (filed incorrectly, inadvertently removed from
class list) can join by entering the name of the class teacher. This field is v
isible only to students, no teachers are assigned.
08.05 clef and performance requirements set
One of the key features is the ability to determine their own clef by the teache
r. The clef is set here affects the whole class of its own and the users themsel
ves, the clef is used for both the standard classes as well as for their own exe
rcises and tests. This clef is also crucial for the successful completion of les
sons. It can be entered for certain grades in the top four fields the necessary
percentages correct attacks. Similarly, the minimum number of attacks to be ente
red in 10 minutes. If a student achieved / not graded or not this number is posi
tive, the lesson must be repeated. In de fields with the percentage of the note
can also decimal numbers can be entered. With the "Register" the values are stor
ed. If you return to the default settings you want, simply click on the "standar
d". I have made with the default setting for years good experience with beginner
s. For advanced students especially should the pace be increased. After some sta
ndard assessments would be enough already subscribe to 99.5.
10 Steps to
I consider this severe treatment today but for absurd, because justified by mode
rn word processing systems and related low cost error correction for a higher wr
iting speed in the corresponding error rate.
9 Education - Reflections, notes, ideas, ideas
1.9 Advantages of online writing coach for students
The following benefits for students arising from the use of online writing instr
uctor: - Free (The online is writing coach and will remain exclusively for free)
- no installation of programs required (plus except standard web browser Flash
plug-in) - The same exercise program at home and at school; constant learning en
vironment (thus also a constant learning process is possible) - also run on olde
r machines (especially students often do not have the latest hardware. small scr
eens and slow processors are not a problem) - Taking into account already perfor
med services (system "remembers" services already rendered and thus enables effi
cient way of learning. Students can individually provide its services) - Respons
ibility for own classification of learning time - all have their own power as th
e basis on their own responsibility to learn (only those who can judge himself,
is also able independently to use their own cost efficiently. Online writing coa
ch allows a detailed overview of the performance information for their own benef
it). - Individual support (regardless of the performance of the class each stude
nt can do his own work and build on their learning outcomes on) - Temporal and s
patial independence. - ...
9.2 Advantages of online writing coach for teachers
- No correct adjustment work more (way side of Troublesome Tip exercises elimina
ted completely) - Automatic management of the class list with all the performanc
e data. Teachers can focus on other important work in class (sitting posture, te
chnique, support weak students, student performance requirement). - Free (The on
line is to write a trainer and is invariably free of charge. The school budget w
ill not be charged. About donations I am of course ) - No installation of progr
ams required (other than standard web browser plus Flash plugin - especially in
school networks is the installation of additional software expensive) - The same
exercise program will be at home and at school, constant learning environment (
This is also a constant learning process possible. benefits from homework progra
m also included such as school exercises. This accounts for the teacher lengthy
correction work.) 37
10 Steps to
- Runs also on older computers (even older school computer cope with it.) - Over
view of student performance.€- ...
3.9 didactic concept, timeline constraints
Research shows that students master the online typing tutor with appropriate emp
loyment after 10 hours, the keypad blind. Slower students need sometimes 15 hour
s, but can then use what they have learned already directly in practice. Thereaf
ter, in parallel to increase the pace of actual implementation. For this reason
I recommend the following time-frame structure: - One hour per week word process
ing - A Jahr/40 weeks - to reach 10 weeks to write a trainer with the aim of the
lesson, 50 => 5 lessons each week. review - then connect first tasks in their r
egular lessons with word processing (Unit, text, essay, ... with word processing
can be). Making sure that more in the 10-finger system is written! WARNING! Thi
s should not happen until all students master the keypad. - To achieve 10 weeks
further work with the writing coach with the aim of the lesson 100th Here, the c
haracters learn and increase the writing speed. Here, the goal should be reached
more than 1,000 attacks in 10 minutes with less than five errors to write. - 20
weeks exercises and information on general word processing - working in word pr
ocessing programs. In parallel, regular exercises on writing coach to further in
crease the tempo. The achievement of the lesson to create 200 with the aim of mo
re than 1,500 attacks in 10 minutes at this time no problem and is passing.
9.4 What is the ideal age?
Are such small hands ... Because of the size of the fingers and hands of childre
n I have always argued for an education in the 10-finger system around the age o
f 12 years. Due to the early employment of children with the computer and the da
nger of "false Teach" by the "core search system" I would start today but the id
eal time earlier. This has to do with the fact that the smooth operation of comp
uter keyboards for small hands, not so impossible task is more, as was previousl
y the case with mechanical typewriters. So you can start at the age of 10 years
certainly problems with the 10-finger writing. I have in the past few years, how
ever, also heard from teachers who already in the second Elementary school class
to work successfully with the online typing tutor. 38
10 Steps to
... Actually, it's all about the head - not just the hands rightly Since in mode
rn computer keyboards and small hands are already quite good, the question arise
s as to other criteria for consideration for the ideal age. Here, of course, an
investigation would be appropriate for the time being, unfortunately, I have to
remain guilty. Based on extensive research related to sensitive periods, however
, is pressing on the hypothesis that children learn the letter - finger movement
stimulus-response chain in the age 7-10 easiest. As I said ... this would be an
investigation appropriate. are successful examples of this but it already.
9.5 learning theory background
(Revised excerpt from my Master thesis on online writing coach)
At this point I would like to bring the whole issue in a theoretical framework t
o provide appropriate background information also. It should first be determined
which can be associated learning theory aspects can be found, and related theor
ies behind these aspects. Only then will realize what you can expect it at all.
Thus, in advance of the expected learning process is presented. It goes well wit
h the required skills, so that certain letters (perhaps even whole words are rec
ognized), enter into consciousness, and in response to certain finger movements
can be executed. The faster and error-this is done the better. Whether the lette
rs originate in consciousness from the mind of the writer (itself invented), or
encoded in any written or auditory form, and by reading (copy) or listening (dic
tation) are made aware of, is irrelevant here. Specifically, it will be useful t
o present the student a letter and present it at the correct operation of that k
ey a corresponding response in the form of a reinforcement. This can be done abo
ut some of the reward with points, with other tasks or the like.
10 Steps to
The described process seems relatively trivial and can be clearly assigned to th
e behaviorism. The stimulus-response (stimulus-response theory) or the required
reflex chain, which is necessary for writing.€This view of learning is due in ou
tline and in particular a rather accidental discovery of the Russian scientist I
van Petrovich Pavlov. He and, subsequently, some others saw the beginning of las
t Jahrhunderst learning as a kind of reflex chain, which is also applicable in o
ur example. Thus, especially in the experiments of BF Skinner a surprising simil
arity to the situation to recognize the typewriting. Skinner's experiments with
pigeons, which for a given proper behavior (pressing Pickscheiben, select certai
n pills on an assembly line, etc.) have been rewarded with positive amplifiers (
Zimbardo, 1983) * seem to be a similar problem as the keys have to write.
* Zimbardo, P. (1993). Psychology. Berlin: Springer Verlag.
It is therefore close to describe the learning of the letter keys as operant con
ditioning by Skinner. The student is a behavior (stimulus: press), which draws s
ome consequences (response: letter is written). However here and reaction amplif
ication seem to go hand in hand. A crucial role in the construction of a behavio
r play called positive and negative amplifier, which reinforce a desired behavio
r (= pressing the right button) (Gudjons, 1999) **. It is probably useful for ac
hieving a desired behavior, such positive Amplifiers in sufficient quantity to h
ave available and according to present directly to performance. A belated boost
or undetectable amplification would certainly not be conducive to the learning e
ffect. Gudjons (1999) ** describes subsequently Skinner's research in relation t
o the intermittent reinforcement, which has proved remarkably resistant to delet
ions and, therefore, is certainly desirable. It is essentially a question to pre
sent not in all cases the amplifier. Of course, a link to the letter keys, in wh
ich each character should be properly controlled and therefore difficult to unde
** Gudjons, H. (1999). Educational Basic: Overview - Compendium - study book. Ba
d Heilbrunn: Klink Hard.
Of course, it seems a little strange to define in a scientific consideration of
the 2008 learning as pure behaviorism, when discussed on the other hand, it is t
he new media as the ne plus ultra of learning materials for teaching with a cons
tructivist view of learning. Such an exclusionary definition is not my intention
. It will only be shown, 40
10 Steps to
that in the specific case of learning the keyboard letter of instruction to clas
sical behaviorism is classified as an appropriate learning theory. Schwetz point
s in a general context to the fact that each objective requires a different teac
hing and speaks of a situation-specific application of different theories of lea
rning (2001 )***. A critical attitude towards a generalization of the behavioris
t notion of learning is certainly justified. In this situation, a different theo
retical justification is hardly useful.
*** Schwetz, H. (2001). New Learning for the Information Society. In Schwetz, H.
, Zeyringer, M. & Reiter, A. (Eds.), Constructive learning with new media (pp. 3
5-52). Innsbruck: Verlag study.
Baumgartner and Payr (1994 )**** describe, despite their clear commitment to a c
onstructivist learning process and its presentation to the critical point of vie
w of behaviorism just typewriting as a concrete example of the successful use of
stimulus-response scheme: "Other examples of such" mindless "Training methods a
re the finger exercises when learning of typewriting, piano playing, juggling" (
Baumgartner, Payr, 1994, p. 102 )****.
Baumgartner, P. & Payr, S. (1994). Digital Learning Learning with software. Inns
bruck: Verlag study.
Although the ability to write with a machine, certainly not a very high skill, y
et the term "brainless" has been placed at this point perhaps a little rashly in
to play. The term "mindless" is just not as scientifically standardized expressi
on. He could best be used on the grounds of stimulus-response chains as they are
also possible via the spinal cord. But this can not be used in typewriting, bec
ause the written characters for the time being in consciousness must be present
and are thus stored in the brain. Gudjons (1999) ** leads to the "self" as an im
portant criticism of the behaviourist learning theory. He is referring to the fa
ct€that students (most especially people) can think about what is reinforcing an
d whether he intends to respond at all to it. In this self-reflection can also b
e a great advantage. An interesting offers access while on the principle that re
cognizes students often expose behavioral stimulus-response processes in order t
o learn something. Therefore, it is still a long way to immature students. A mus
ician is to learn an instrument, by: (working through more or less voluntarily)
long scale exercises. This will continue until a desired sound from stimulus-res
ponse chains can also be played accordingly. Thus, if the student has the willin
gness to learn typewriting and aware is that he must exercise it, he will serve
you a "learning machine". 41
10 Steps to
He is not only a "Labor dove", but voluntary exercises with the machine and thus
even the use of behavioral learning theory. Both the machine, and the students
and teachers provide the necessary motivation constantly. Learning the "necessit
y" will take place without the machine - the learning of the "reflections" with
the machine. As clarified in the model discussed educational learning theory not
ion is, we can refer to a behavioristic learning model and see it in their educa
tion as part of a situation-theoretical substructure. Thus does our educational
materials and in particular the conditions of a behavioral performance requireme
nts. The right attitude to work and raise awareness about the need for the learn
ing of the said skill should be achieved through the work of the teacher. In add
ition, the medium is able to contribute very little. Didactic consequence, the a
forementioned learning theory models require a teaching tool in focus following
features: - provision of reception of response stimuli + + real, depending on th
e feedback response. - If possible, immediate feedback. - Ability to understand
their own performance to realize the construction work of stimulus-response chai
ns. The online writing coach is exactly these requirements: - In the Practice mo
dule, errors are reported immediately, without the correct input is not another
work possible. - Made the comments during lessons and tests directly and immedia
tely be part of your own performance. This is the basis for building further mot
ivation and participation in other exercises - The recognition of own shortcomin
gs to the formation of the willingness to eliminate them. -
10 Help - Known Issues and FAQ
I will stand for any inquiries you may have. As far as my time permits, I try as
quickly as possible to e-mails to answer. If you want to ask me by phone ... 17
.00 clock is usually a good time for me.
1.10 Before you ask, please check
- Installed right selection system (1.3) - right keyboard setting - Flash Player
? - ... 42
10 Steps to
10.2 Error Description
If you have a problem with the writing coach, so please provide the following in
formation as possible so that I can quickly find out where the problem might lie
. - Name - Email - OS (Win98, WinXP, Win2000, WinVista, MacOS, Linux, ...) - Int
ernet Browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Safari, ...) - country - count
ry settings of your computer - possibly information on the computer - possibly F
lash Version
03.10 list of frequently asked questions
I forgot my password on the home page click on "Forgot password". Then enter the
user name. The password will then be sent automatically to the registered email
address. As a student you can also ask the teacher. Teachers see the passwords
of the students in the class list. I forgot my user name Sorry. Since I can unfo
rtunately not help. Just a new account and set the desired lesson. As a student
you can also ask the teacher. Teachers see the passwords of the students in the
class list. I would like to repeat a lesson / skip A student can unfortunately n
ot change their own lesson. This is necessary so that the teacher has control of
the exercise sequences. The structure of the lessons and the gradual developmen
t of that is important to learning. If you belong to any class or group, I recom
mend the application as a teacher. As a teacher you can practice as normal, but
have any in the class list, the possibility of the lesson adjust / convert (arro
ws in the class list in section 6.1).€Teachers can in the next version of the re
petition of lessons activate it for their students. I would like to change my e-
mail address The e-mail address is important for the delivery of forgotten passw
ords. Therefore it can not be changed arbitrarily. In the new version, but a fun
ction to change is provided. Meanwhile, I do it by hand. For this I need the fol
lowing information: - username - password 43
10 Steps to
- New e-mail address - What to write trainer version / language I signed up ...
but no password get the password sometimes emails end up in the spam folder. Che
ck your spam folder or use them for a new declaration to another email address.
If it still does not work, send me an email with your address and the specified
user name. I deleted a student. The name is still not free. Teachers can not del
ete pupils. You can only remove from the class list. Here, although the password
on "nopass is modified. The user remains preserved. Users can only delete YOURS
ELF (under Options). I received my name and my password - but I might not log He
re there are several possibilities. The following cases are common: - Wrong vers
ion. You've registered with the Swiss version, and try to log in to the German v
ersion ... Choosing the right version you can make under
- Spaces in the name or password. Either during registration or when entering t
he user data, a space has smuggled. The missing now is / is too much. Essay on "
Forgot password" with your name to get the password again. The password is alway
s the beginning of a 4 - or 5-digit code. I am writing often not sure whether I
need a space or even the next letter you write is in turn exercise module, you c
an right on top of the little purple button "on" button. Then, in the upper part
of the training module always displays the current letter. So you know whether
the space bar or even the next character's turn it is. When I do the umlauts cor
rectly. Ö, Ü, Ä ... are not adopted, mostly ... Here is the system set incorrect
ly. See the section 8.1! How many students can I log in each group / teacher? In
principle, one can register any number of children per group. The management of
the Group's specifications for the teacher but is probably easier if you simply
creates a new class per teacher. The list display will run even faster because
the database less students have to be called inside info. The teachers can even
call it all pretty similar ... Just markus2b, markus2a, etc ...
How much does it cost to use the writing coach? The question is easily answered.
NOTHING . This will remain so. The writing coach is offered for free now and i
n the future. About donations I am 44
10 Steps to
me of course. Who on the Amazon link on the homepage does his orders Amazon sett
les me a favor ... all the best school library .
4.10 Comments from users
The following news, I have devoted the last years (see many others ): Hello, I
find your program great. It gives me enormous pleasure. Especially as I have pre
viously searched for with two fingers the letters. I have made progress supertol
le. Almost, I am rather addicted to the exercises. Thank you for the "Horny" pro
gram. Anke
I think your really great and writing coaches like to work with it. Stefan

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