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rlei Ricken Student Library, UFSC If you prefer to go straight to the index, cli
ck here. This manual was designed for you who want to implement your system look
ing for specific subject within its universe of information. With its database i
n operation you will be able to find book chapters, whole books, articles, mater
ials, and others. Searches can be made by author, by title and by subject select
ed by yourself, which greatly facilitate the retrieval of information. The faste
st way to find something in this manual is going through the list of topics, and
from there following the links ready for you. Click here.
HOW IT ALL STARTS For its database to find something, you need to tag all your b
ooks, articles, etc.. We call this sort. You will rank as follows: ï First you wil
l put your books on the shelves according to your taste and similarities of the
issues. Normally we like to put the books that discuss the same issues in one pl
ace. That's got to be done in your library. ï Determine the major subjects of thei
r library. Determine all matters covered by your library. For example, suppose t
hat your library has these main subjects: theology (everything related to the ch
urch, doctrines, etc..) Administration (whatever you deem useful for their tasks
of administrator), Computer (all you has on software, hardware, etc..) History
(all his stuff about the civilizations). The other issues that your library owns
and has determined that you are not the most important, you leave them in a sin
gle category. See our example: ABCDEFGH CATEGORY to Z, if necessary in future AF
FAIRS History Theology Administrative Computing Other ... Other ... General Affa
irs Other issues ...
ï Create divisions of their main subjects (1-999) Follow the example given: Theolo
gy is the main subject, the letter A.
Let's divide this subject A.1 The Holy Scriptures A.2 A.3 The Trinity God the Fa
ther And so on. This is just one example, you're going to create their classific
ation in accordance with your taste. ï Create another room to individualize as muc
h as possible its classified material. (1-9999) Back to our example: Theology is
the main subject, the letter A. A.2 - The Trinity A.2.1 - The book "The Trinity
- How to understand the mysteries of God's person in the Bible and the history
of Christianity" by Whidden, W.; MOON, J., REEVE, JWA2.2 - Next book that deals
mostly the subject of the Trinity. And so on for all your books, handouts, artic
les, etc. file. As for creating the codes for each book, write code to 2B pencil
on the cover of the book ï Tag your material with the codes you create. Purchase
a roll of tape magic of at least 2 cm wide (never use tape Durex). Print out a s
heet with the codes and labels with the help of magic tape, paste them on the bo
ttom of the back of the book. Will like the books you see in libraries. In the c
ase of his private library, this code should be unique to avoid problems, the RG
will be your book. ï Prepare the folders of your file folders or file should be t
reated like the books. For example: The subject Theology is the letter A.
A.2 is the subject of the Trinity. A.2.1 to A.2.9, for example, are books, then
leave a space and get on with your documents in folders of your file. A.2.30 - A
rticle "The changes of Adventism" by KNIGHT, GEORGE Ministry magazine Jan. / Feb
. 1994, p. 15-22. A.2.31 to A.2.9999 - Continue to encode their articles on the
Trinity. As the labels with the codes that were glued to the tape on the backs o
f magic books in case of items, the codes can be placed directly on the document
s to the pen or pencil in the upper right corner on every page of that article,
the same number. (Always remember to never leave clip, staples and other metal m
aterials handling documents - they rust and damage the paper). His books and his
file being fully sorted and glued labels are ready to start feeding your databa
se. Back to Index
FOOD DATABASE When you open up your Personal Library, the following screen appea
Maximize the screen when you open it to view better.
Here you will find indications of what to do. Just click, for example in the wor
d location, which will appear in the status bar to do. In the example is saying
that this site,€Location must "put the classification code given to your librar
y." Now just fill in the data. One example of a book: The book "The Trinity" Loc
ation: A.2.1 General Title: The Trinity Specific Title: Author: Woodrow Whidden,
Jerry Moon, John W. Reeve Material: Paper Pages: Loan: Remarks:
Description of content: How to understand the mysteries of God's person in the B
ible and the history of Christianity. Trinity, Arianism, trinitarian, Holy Spiri
t, Gnostic modalism, divinity of Christ, antitrinitarianism ... I thus its datab
When you fill in the Location: A.2.1, possibly will have some difficulty because
the computer will automatically convert to: ª 2.1 What it does not disturb you
, type this: A2.1, then with the left directional arrow, return to the A and put
the point: A.2.1 In Word you need to use the backspace (that little arrow point
ing to the left that is eating the little letters on the left of the cursor) tha
t everything is back to normal. This only happens to the letters A and O. These
are the resources to do the 1st and 1st. (First and the first).
To continue to place information in the database, click the arrow of the record.
What appears a new blank record.
Hit this key to a new record Let us now put the information in an article. Locat
ion: A.2.30 General Title: Ministry Specific Title: Changes of Adventism Author:
George Knight Material: file Pages: 15-22 Loan: Remarks: Description of content
: talks about the changes that occurred in Adventism in relation to belief in th
e doctrine Trinity. Trinity antitrinitarianism, theological change, true dynamic
See how it would look:
Click here for a new record and continue to feed its database.
Back to Index
Performing a search
To find some material, book or article on a topic of interest, press Ctrl + L. Y
ou will see a dialog box of the Find. See below: You can click here to Find
Click here to deactivated this command Change "Whole Field" with "Any part of fi
eld" These procedures will facilitate its location in its database. Then put in
Find the subject you are looking for, for example: Trinity. Give an Enter, which
will appear the first indication located. If this statement interesting. Close
the dialog box. If not this, continue giving Enter until you find what matters.
Click here to close the finding, note the location of the material and get a boo
k or article in the file. Searches can be made by the authors name, title, by su
bject, by the code at all for any information placed in the database.
Home Index
Whenever you put new information into your database you have to make a backup in
case. You will need a floppy disk to save the information. Go to where you inst
alled your database. Let's assume that it was in My Documents. Open My Documents
. Find the database private library and click on it with the right mouse button.
A menu appears, click to send ... submenu click Floppy. Is saved. The database
can not be open, in use. Necessarily it must be closed for this procedure to wor
k. Do not forget, whenever you make changes and additions to the database,
make a backup.
Back to Index
I believe you realize the breadth of possibilities that a database could provide
. Do not be daunted by difficulties and problems early, so you'll be enjoying th
e benefits of having a database all your important information without having to
be floundering in search of something. But if you prefer, hire a librarian.
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