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General Provisions
tion of laws, regulations and administrative provisions of Member States regardi
ng the protection of animals used for experimental and other scientific purposes
. The duties that are required both for those responsible for the animals to tra
ders, are provided for in Regulation (EC) No 1255/97 of the Council of 25 June 1
997 concerning Community criteria to be met staging points and adjusting the rou
te plan referred to in the Annex to Directive 91/628/EEC, Decision 2000/50/EC of
19 December, the Commission on the minimum requirements for inspection of farms
, and from January 5, 2007 in Regulation (EC) No 1 / 2005 of the Council of 22 D
ecember. The obligations under the previous Community legislation are specified
in the following basic rules state: the Royal Decree 1047/1994 of 20 May, concer
ning minimum standards for the protection of calves in the Royal Decree 54/1995
of 20 January on the protection of animals at the time of slaughter or killing,
the Royal Decree 1041/1997 of 27 June, laying down rules on the protection of an
imals during transport, the Royal Decree 348/2000 of March 10, which is incorpor
ated into national law Directive 98/58/EC on the protection of animals kept for
farming purposes, the Royal Decree 3 / 2002 of 11 January, establishing minimum
standards for the protection of laying hens, the Royal Decree 1135/2002, of 31 O
ctober on minimum standards for the protection of pigs, the Royal Decree 751/200
6 of 16 June on approval and registration of carriers and transportation of anim
als, establishing the Spanish Committee of welfare and protection of farm animal
s, and Royal Decree 1201/2005, of 10 October on the protection of animals used f
or experimental and other scientific purposes. II By that law provides, in compl
iance with the EU mandate, a set of principles on the care of animals and the ta
ble of violations and penalties which gives legal effect to its obligations unde
r applicable law. It does so, this Act also comply with Article 25 of the Consti
tution which stipulates the legal reserve in the regulation of violations and pe
nalties. This Act also provides the basis for the sanctions regime. With it, it
establishes a common denominator policy in which the autonomous communities exer
cise their powers. That common denominator ensures the consistency needed for th
e operation
Head of State
19 321
Law 32/2007, of November 7, for the care of animals on his farm, transportation,
testing and sacrifice. JUAN CARLOS I
To all who see and hear. Know, that the Parliament has approved and I hereby san
ction the following law. I PREAMBLE The European Union sets out exhaustively the
obligation to regulate the corresponding system of penalties for breach of anim
al welfare legislation, these effects can cite Article 55 of Regulation (EC) No
882/2004 of the European Parliament and Council of 29 April 2004 on official con
trols performed to ensure verification of compliance with feed and food law, ani
mal health and animal welfare. More recently, the Article 25 of Regulation (EC)
No 1 / 2005 of 22 December 2004 on the protection of animals during transport an
d related operations, by amending Directives 64/432/EEC and 93/119/EC and Regula
tion (EC) No 1255/1997, which repeals Council Directive 91/628/EEC of 19 Novembe
r 1991. In this context, the main obligations with regard to animal production,
under the Directive 91/628/EEC of 19 November 1991 on the protection of animals
during transport and amending Directives 90/425/EEC and 91/496/EEC, Directive 91
/629/EEC of 19 November 1991 on minimum standards for the protection of calves,
of Directive 91/630 / EEC of 19 November 1991 on minimum standards for the prote
ction of pigs, of Council Directive 98/58/EC of 20 July 1998 on the protection o
f animals kept for farming ; of Council Directive 1999/74/EC of 19 July 1999 lay
ing down minimum standards for the protection of laying hens and Council Directi
ve 93/119/EEC,€23 December 1993 on the protection of animals at the time of sla
ughter or killing. In regard to animals used for experimental and other scientif
ic purposes should be taken into account Directive 86/609/EEC, the Council of No
vember 24, 1986 on the approximation
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of applicable regulations and ensures a minimum proportionality in the sanctions
. The basic character of the rules and violations and penalties contained in thi
s Act is the result of the reservation that Article 149.1.13. And 16th. Rd of th
e Constitution makes to the State in terms of bases and coordination of planning
general economic activity and bases and general coordination of health care. II
I The law is structured in three titles, together with an additional provision a
nd six final provisions. The first section provides the subject matter of the la
w, which is to establish the foundations of a system of animal protection and vi
olations and penalties to ensure compliance with the rules on protection of anim
als at the farm, transport, testing and sacrifice. It regulates and also the san
ctioning authority of the General Administration of State in regard to the prote
ction of animals exported or imported from or to States not members of the Europ
ean Union and the procedures on laboratory animals within its jurisdiction . In
this same title defines those terms, quoted in the article, which require a dete
rmination and realization of its character and scope, and defines its scope, exc
luding hunting and fishing, wildlife, bullfights, the regulated sports and pets,
except as provided in the first additional provision as they have their own rul
es regulating. Title I regulates the most important aspects of the exploitation,
transport of animals, slaughter or killing. Determine also the activities subje
ct to government authorization or prior notification to the competent authority.
The forecasts referred to in previous titles would become ineffective without t
he existence of a regime of inspections and controls, as well as violations and
penalties, the latter aspects addressed by the Title II, divided into three chap
ters. Chapter I lays down general rules on the plans and the inspection program,
the personnel system inspector and inspection obligations. Chapter II is intend
ed to violations and penalties. With basic character have been very serious infr
ingements set, serious and minor infringement of the rules on the subject. Regar
ding sanctions, given its basic nature sets its minimum and maximum penalties co
given and the animals used for experimental and other scientific purposes in pro
ceedings within its jurisdiction. Article 2. Scope. 1. This Act applies to verte
brate animals in production or used for experimental and other scientific purpos
es. 2. This Act does not apply to: a) The hunting and fishing. b) The wildlife,
including that existing in zoos are regulated by Law 31/2003 of October 27, cons
ervation of wildlife in zoos, subject to the provisions of Article 14.1.f ) of t
his Act c) Bullfights under Articles 2 and 10 of Law 10/1991, of 4 April on admi
nistrative powers on bullfighting, and regulated sports competitions including t
he necessary action to control doping of animals. d) The pets, except as provide
d for in the first additional provision of this Act 3. Definitions. For the purp
oses of this Act shall apply: a) Animal production: animal production, reproduct
ion, fattening or slaughter, including fur or hunting, kept, fattened or bred fo
r food production or products of animal origin, or any other commercial purpose
or for profit. b) animals used for experimental and other scientific purposes: v
ertebrate animals used or intended to be used in procedures. c) Procedure: any u
se of animals for experimental and other scientific purposes, including teaching
, which may cause pain, suffering, distress, injury or damage, including any act
ion that intentionally or by chance may give rise to a animal in the above condi
tions. It is also considered, procedure, the use of animals, even if they elimin
ate the pain, suffering,€injury, distress or harm by the use of anesthesia, ana
lgesia or other methods. Excluded methods accepted in modern practice (humane me
thods) of killing and for identification of animals. It is understood that a pro
cess begins the moment you start preparing an animal for use and ends when it is
not going to make any further comment for this. d) Experimentation and scientif
ic purposes, including teaching: one that uses animals for the following purpose
s: 1. No scientific research, including aspects such as disease prevention, heal
th disorders and other conditions or their effects, and diagnosis and treatment
in humans, animals or plants, development and manufacture of pharmaceutical prod
ucts and foodstuffs and other substances or products, and testing to verify its
quality, efficacy and safety. 2. º The assessment, detection, regulation or mod
ification of physiological conditions in humans, animals or plants.
PRELIMINARY TITLE General Provisions
Section 1. Object. This Act aims to: a) establish the basic rules on exploitatio
n, transportation, testing and slaughter for animal care and a common system of
violations and sanctions to ensure compliance. b) Adjust the sanctioning authori
ty of the General State Administration on export and import of animals or from n
on-member States of the European Union with respect to their attention and cared
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3. º The protection of the natural environment in the interest of the health or
welfare of man or animals and the maintenance of biodiversity. 4. º education
and training. 5. º The medico-legal research. Not be construed as including the
se effects, without prejudice to the application of the rules on animal producti
on, non-experimental agricultural practices and veterinary clinics. e) Competent
authority: the corresponding organs of the Autonomous Communities and Cities of
Ceuta and Melilla, the relevant organs of the General State Administration on t
rade and external health and bodies of local authorities in the functions or com
plementary legislation assigned to such entities. f) Exploitation means any inst
allation, construction or, in the case of open-air farm, any place in which they
are held, kept or handled farm animals, or animals used for experimental and ot
her scientific purposes. For these purposes, means including slaughterhouses and
other places that make the sacrifice of animals, the assembly centers, control
posts, centers or establishments for the use of animals for experimental or othe
r scientific purposes and circuses .
Article 6.
Slaughter or killing of animals.
1. The rules for construction, facilities and equipment of slaughterhouses and t
heir operation, the animals avoid excitement, pain or suffering. 2. The slaughte
r of animals outside slaughterhouses will be made only in cases envisaged by the
legislation applicable in each case and in accordance with the requirements pre
scribed by the Commission, except for animal sacrifices performed by veterinaria
ns for diagnostic purposes. 3. When the slaughter of animals is carried out acco
rding to the rites of churches, denominations or religious communities registere
d in the Register of Religious Entities, and stunning obligations inconsistent w
ith the requirements of the respective religious rite, the competent authorities
shall not require the compliance with those obligations where practices do not
exceed the limits to which Article 3 of Organic Law 7 / 1980 of 5 July, Religiou
s Liberty. In any case, the slaughter according to religious rite in question is
conducted under the supervision and in accordance with the official veterinaria
n. The slaughterhouse must notify the competent authority is to make such sacrif
ices to be registered for that purpose, subject to authorization under Community
law. Article 7. Centers or establishments for breeding, supply or use of animal
s used for experimental and other scientific purposes, including teaching. The s
ites or facilities for farming, supply or use of animals used for experimental a
nd other scientific purposes, including teaching, must be licensed or registered
in the relevant administrative record, prior to the start of its activity.€Art
icle 8. Permissions and administrative records.
TITLE I Exploitation, transportation, testing and slaughter of animals
Article 4. Animal farms. The government take the necessary measures to ensure th
at, on farms, animals do not suffer from pain, suffering or damage useless. To t
his end, shall take into account the species and stage of development, adaptatio
n and domestication, and their physiological and ethological needs in accordance
with the experience, scientific knowledge and the Community and national rules
applicable in each case. Article 5. Transport of animals. 1. The government take
the necessary measures so that only animals are transported in a position to tr
avel, so that transport takes place without causing injury or unnecessary suffer
ing, to reduce to a minimum of travel time and attention the needs of animals du
ring the same. 2. The means of transport and loading and unloading facilities ar
e designed, constructed, maintained and used properly, so as to avoid injury and
unnecessary suffering to animals and ensure their safety. 3. Personnel handling
animals are appropriately trained or qualified to do so and perform their dutie
s without resorting to violence or methods that may cause unnecessary fear, inju
ry or unnecessary suffering.
The transport of animals, vehicles, containers or conveyances must have authoriz
ation and be registered in terms that are determined. Article 9. Imports of live
In the case of imports from third countries of live animals from the State Gener
al Administration will enforce the obligations under European law.
TITLE II Inspections, violations and penalties
CHAPTER I Inspection Article 10. Plans and programs of inspection and control. P
ublic administrations within the scope of their powers, programs or plans establ
ished regular inspections and official controls
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as are required, subject to the inspections that are necessary in situations or
cases unique. Article 11. Personal inspector. To carry out the inspection functi
ons concerning the matter to which this Act refers to the staff to serve the gov
ernment must have the qualifications and training to pursue these tasks. It will
also have the character of agent authority can seek from the competent authorit
ies and, in general, of those who exercise public functions, including the Secur
ity Forces of the State or regional and local police, the assistance, support an
d protection you are accurate. Article 12. Obligations of the inspection. The na
tural or legal persons who are engaged in an inspection are required: a) allow i
nspectors access to any establishment, operation, installation, vehicle, contain
er or conveyance, or place in general, in order to carry out its performance ins
pection, provided that they shall duly credited to the employer, legal represent
ative or duly authorized person or, failing that, to any employee who was presen
t at the scene. If the inspection is practiced in the home of a natural person m
ust obtain its consent or, failing that, the required prior judicial approval. b
) Provide all information on facilities, products, pets, services, and in genera
l, on those aspects of animal protection that he requested, allowing verificatio
n by inspectors. c) Provide to obtain a copy or reproduction of information on a
nimal protection. d) Allow practice taking of evidence of the failure of existin
g legislation on animal protection. e) In general, to consent and cooperate in c
onducting the inspection. f) In any case, the citizen has the right to show and
confirm that it objects to as indicated in the inspection report. CHAPTER II Vio
lations Article 13. Classification of offenses. Violations are classified as ver
y serious, severe or mild, according to the criteria of risk or harm to animals
and the degree of intent. Article 14. Infringements. 1. They are very serious of
fenses as follows:
and handling animals, upon the occurrence of the intention to cause death or tor
ture them. c) Use of animals in fights. d) Using animals in film productions, te
levision, art or advertising,€even with the authorization of the competent auth
ority, when death occurs the same. e) Breach of the obligation prior stunning, i
f not fulfilled the case set out in Article 6.3. f) Carrying out a procedure wit
hout prior authorization from the competent authority, when using animals includ
ed in Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species
of Wild Fauna and Flora, CITES. g) causing, facilitating or permitting the relea
se of animals in experimental or other scientific purposes of the institution or
establishment, without the written consent of the operator, when it leads to de
ath of the animal or create a serious risk to public health. h) Providing false
documents to the inspectors or the Administration. i) Use stray dogs or cats in
procedures. j) and voluntary uncontrolled release of animals on a farm. 2. Are s
erious infractions: a) The mutilations are not allowed animals. b) Reuse animals
in a proceeding where the applicable legislation does not allow or keep alive a
n animal used in a procedure where prohibited by applicable law. c) Engaging in
any activity regulated by this Law without the authorization or registration une
nforceable under applicable animal welfare standards. d) Breach of the obligatio
ns required by the animal welfare standards in the care and handling of animals,
when it results in permanent injury, deformity or serious defects of the same.
e) The opposition, obstruction or lack of cooperation with the inspection and co
ntrol actions of the government when it prevents or restricts their implementati
on. 3. These are minor offenses: a) Breach of obligations required by the animal
welfare standards in the care and handling of animals, provided that there is n
o permanent injury, disfigurement or serious defects, or death of animals. b) Br
each of obligations regarding the manner, methods and conditions for slaughter o
r killing of animals except the stunning, if not fulfilled the case set out in A
rticle 6.3. c) Abandon an animal, with the result of a lack of control over hims
elf or his actual possession. d) The opposition, obstruction or lack of cooperat
ion with the inspection and control actions of the government, if not prevent or
seriously impede its realization. Article 15. Recidivism. 1. There is repeated
if there is more than the commission of a breach of the same nature at the end o
f a year and so stated in the new resolution
a) the slaughter or death of animals in public entertainment beyond the cases ex
pressly provided for in the regulations applicable in each case or expressly and
previously authorized by the competent authority. b) Breach of the obligations
required by the animal welfare standards in the care
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penalty, provided that the first resolution sanctioning also be firm by administ
rative action. The date from which this period will be counted on to put on cars
that made the first violation or, if continued, since the day it ceased to be c
ommitted. 2. Recidivism will result in the increase of punishment. Article 16. P
enalties. 1. For the commission of breaches of rules on protection of animals, m
ay impose the following sanctions: a) In the case of very serious infringements,
a penalty of at least 6001 euros up to a ceiling of 100,000 euros. b) In the ca
se of serious violations, a penalty of at least 601 euros up to a ceiling of 6,0
00 euros. c) In the case of minor infringements, will apply a penalty of up to a
maximum fine of 600 euros or failing warning. 2. When a single act is establish
ing two or more violations, be sanctioned only by the most severe. 3. The procee
ds from penalties are intended to actions aimed at protecting animals. Article 1
7. Sanctions. The commission of serious and very serious offenses may involve th
e imposition of sanctions following accessory: a) Measures for correction, secur
ity or control, to prevent the continued production of the damage. b) confiscati
on of animals. The sanctioning body will determine the final disposition of the
animal, subject to the principles of animal welfare and protection. c) Terminati
on or interruption of business, in the case of very serious sanctions. d) Closur
e or closure of establishments, in the case of very serious sanctions. Article 1
8.€Graduation of sanctions. 1. The penalties are graduated according to the fol
lowing criteria: knowledge, education level and other circumstances of the perso
n, the size and geographic location of the farm, the degree of guilt, the benefi
t derived or expected from the number of animals affected, the damage caused to
the animals, the failure of previous warnings and the public alarm that might oc
cur. 2. If, because of the circumstances, there shall be a qualified reduction o
f guilt of the accused, the sanctioning body may establish the amount of the pen
alty on the scale the kind of offenses less serious than that in which integrate
s considered . 3. The sanctioning body may reduce the amount of the penalty by u
p to 20 percent if the alleged offender acknowledges the commission of the offen
se, after receiving notification of the initiation of disciplinary proceedings,
without making claims or offer any evidence. It may also increase the amount up
to 50 percent if the offender is a recidivist. If relaps-
dence concurs in the commission of minor offenses, the penalty shall not issue t
he warning. Article 19. Sanctioned competition. 1. The exercise of sanctioning p
owers under this Act shall be the competent organs of the autonomous regions or
cities of Ceuta and Melilla, and the General State Administration, within the sc
ope of their powers. 2. In the case of infringements in imports and exports of a
nimals, or on procedural matters within the competence of the General State Admi
nistration, the initiation of proceedings shall be the Ministry of Agriculture,
Fisheries and Food, and instructs the body of the Ministry that has the function
s conferred on animal protection. 3. The resolution corresponding to the cases r
eferred to in the preceding paragraph, will be dictated by: a) The Minister of A
griculture, Fisheries and Food in cases of minor and serious offenses, without p
rejudice to the possibility of delegation. b) The Council of Ministers in cases
of infringements. Article 20. Interim measures.
In cases of serious risk to the life of the animal may be adopted interim measur
es to stop the risk to the animal before the initiation of disciplinary proceedi
ngs. Among others, may be taken: a) The seizure of animals. b) The non-issue by
the competent authority of legally required documents for the shipment of animal
s. c) The suspension or cessation of activities, facilities or means of transpor
t and closure of premises, which do not have statutory authorization or registra
tion. Article 21. No punitive measures. No penalty shall be treated as the closu
re or closure of sites or facilities that do not have the mandatory prior author
ization or registration, or suspend its operation until the defects are remedied
or meet the requirements of animal protection reasons. Article 22. Penalty paym
In the event that the person did not execute the provisional measures, comply wi
th the sanctions or measures set out in Article 21, the competent authority may
require those affected to ensure that, in sufficient time, undertake to comply w
ith those on pain that, otherwise a penalty will be imposed, with a value pointi
ng to a maximum of 6,000 euros. First additional provision. Protection and domes
tic pets. 1. Shall apply to domestic pets and the provisions of Article 5 in bot
h the transport takes place collectively and economic ends.
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2. Shall also apply to domestic pets and violations and penalties under articles
14.1, paragraphs a), b), c), d), e), h), i) j), 14.2, paragraphs a) , c) d) e),
14.3 and 16.1. Second additional provision. Fee for service delivery and manage
ment of permits and certificates within the scope of the Convention on Internati
onal Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). 1. Establishin
g a fee for the provision of services and issuance of CITES documents that are g
overned by this Law and other normative sources that rates are set by Law 8 / 19
89 of 13 April, on Public Fees and Prices . 2.€Taxable event: The performance b
y the General Administration of actions on the issue of CITES permits and certif
icates under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild
Fauna and Flora (CITES) and Regulation (EC) No 338/1997, the Council of 9 Decem
ber 1996 on the protection of fauna and flora by regulating trade. 3. Taxable: A
pplications for permits or certificates for specimens of CITES fauna and flora a
ccording to the description contained in paragraph 6. 4. Accrual rate: The time
of the application to start the record, that will not be processed or without ha
ving made prior payment. 5. Taxable person: The natural or legal persons who app
ly to provide services that constitute the event giving rise to them. 6. Determi
nation of the quota: One The amount of the fee to enter is: a) For CITES import
permits up to four species: 20 euros that will be raised by five euros per speci
es. b) CITES export permits up to four species: 20 euros that will be raised by
five euros per species. c) CITES re-export certificates for up to four species:
20 euros that will be raised by five euros per species. d) Certificates of priva
te ownership of up to 4 species: 30 euros which will be increased by 5 euros mor
e per species. e) Certificates of community use: 20 euros. f) Certificates trave
ling exhibition: 10 euros. 7. Exemptions: There are exempted from payment of fee
s the official bodies and institutions belonging to any government. 8. Self-liqu
idation and payment details: One rate will be reverse by the taxpayer, to accomp
any proof of payment to the permit application or certificate. Two. Payment of t
he fee shall be made in cash by the procedure laid down in the regulations gover
ning the collection management of the Treasury rates. 9. And fund management: Th
e management fee shall be conducted by the General Secretariat of Foreign Trade,
Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade.
First final provision. Amendment of Act 8 / 2003 of 24 April, Animal Health. Law
8 / 2003 of April 24, Animal Health, is amended as follows: One is adding a new
paragraph to Article 36.1, as follows: For the purposes of the authorization pr
ovided in the preceding paragraph, the competent authority verify compliance wit
h the applicable requirements regarding animal protection. In any case, the hold
ings where the animals rest in the course of a journey should be licensed and re
gistered by the competent authority for animal protection. "Two. A new paragraph
to Article 89.1, reads: "Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, if, because o
f the circumstances, there shall be a qualified reduction of guilt of the accuse
d, the sanctioning body may establish the amount of the penalty on the scale the
kind of violations of lesser gravity than that in which we integrate considered
in the case concerned. "Second final provision. Titles competence. 1. This Act
is enacted under Article 149.1.13. And 16th. Rd of the Constitution, which place
s the exclusive competence of bases and coordinating the overall planning of eco
nomic activity and bases and general coordination of health . 2. Excepted from t
he provisions of previous paragraph: a) Articles 1 b), 10 and 19 and the system
of inspections, violations and penalties for imports and exports which is issued
under the exclusive jurisdiction of the State's external health, according to R
ule 149.1.16. rd of the Constitution. b) The second additional provision is issu
ed under the exclusive jurisdiction of Article 149.1.14. rd of the Constitution
recognizes the State's General Treasury. Final provision three. Update sanctions
. The Government may, by royal decree, to update the penalties defined in articl
e 16, according to the annual change in Consumer Price Index. Fourth final provi
sion. Recognition of the training of researchers from centers that use animals f
or experimental or other scientific purposes. The Ministry of Education and Scie
nce established within two months after entering into force of this Act, an exce
ptional procedure to show that investigators have adequate training and experien
ce for animal testing.€The application of this procedure will continue until on
e year after the entry into force of the law.
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Fifth disposal. The provisions of Articles 6.3, 14.1, letters a), c) and d) 14.2
.a), 16.3 and paragraph 2 of the first additional provision of this Act, is appl
icable as long as the Autonomous Communities with statutory powers taken in this
matter does not dictate their own rules. Disposal sixth. Entry into force. This
Law shall enter into force one month after its publication in the Official Gaze
tte. " Therefore, I order all Spanish citizens and authorities to observe and en
force this law. Madrid, November 7, 2007. JUAN CARLOS R.
The Prime Minister, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero
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Law 33/2007, of November 7, reform of Law 15/1980 of 22 April, establishing the
Council for Nuclear Safety. JUAN CARLOS I
confidence. In line with the provisions of the so-called Aarhus Convention, rati
fied by Spain on December 15, 2004 and Law 27/2006 of July 18, which regulates t
he rights of access to information, public participation and access to justice i
n environmental matters, which guarantees the right of citizens to access to inf
ormation, participation of society in the functioning of the Agency and the righ
t to appeals. Definitions are developed in the field of normative Nuclear Securi
ty Council, strengthening its role in the field of physical protection of nuclea
r materials and facilities and radioactive and, in order to ensure the independe
nce required, specifies the requirements pertaining to the outsourcing. Moreover
, taking into account the fundamental objective of the operation of nuclear faci
lities and radioactive substances is carried out at the highest possible safety
conditions, establishing the obligation for workers to report any event that may
affect the safe operation of the same protecting them from retaliation. Finally
, this Act provides for the establishment of an Advisory Committee, an advisory
and consultation, open to the participation of representatives of institutional,
territorial, scientific, technical, business, labor and environmental standards
, which will aim to make recommendations Nuclear Safety Council to improve trans
parency, access to information and public participation in matters within its co
mpetence. Sole article. Amendment of Law 15/1980, of April 22, establishing the
Nuclear Safety Council. 1. It amends Article 1 of Law 15/1980, of April 22, esta
blishing the Nuclear Safety Council, shall read as follows: "Article 1. 1. Estab
lishing the Nuclear Safety Council and the public body, independent of the Gener
al State Administration, with legal personality and its own independent of the s
tate, and as the only body responsible for nuclear safety and radiation protecti
on. It is governed by a statute drawn up by the Council itself and approved by t
he Government, whose text shall transmit to the appropriate Committees of Congre
ss and the Senate before its publication, and few specific provisions devoted to
it, subject to the supplemental application the precepts of common law or speci
al. 2. The Council will prepare the draft of its annual budget in accordance wit
h the provisions of the General Appropriations Act and elevates it to the Govern
ment for its integration into the State Budget. "2. It amends Article 2 of Law 1
5/1980, of April 22, establishing the Nuclear Safety Council, shall read as foll
ows: "Article 2. The functions of the Nuclear Safety Council shall: a) Propose t
o the Government the necessary regulations in nuclear safety and radiation prote
ction, and revisions as it deems appropriate. Within this scheme is establish ob
jective criteria for
To all who see and hear. Know, that the Parliament has approved and I hereby san
ction the following law. PREAMBLE The creation of the Nuclear Security Council,
by Law 15/1980, of April 22 as the only body responsible for nuclear safety and
radiation protection, independent of the General State Administration, was a mil
estone in the development nuclear safety in Spain and match allowed under Spanis
h legislation on nuclear energy to the most advanced countries in this field.€A
lthough the Act has been amended in some respects-notably, by Law 14/1999 of May
4 Fees and Public Prices for services rendered by the Nuclear Security Council,
the time elapsed since its enactment advised to update the to take into account
the experience gained during this period to incorporate the specific changes th
at have been made in its provisions, to adapt to the growing social awareness re
garding the environment, and to introduce or develop some aspects in order to en
sure effective maintenance of their independence and strengthen the transparency
and effectiveness of the IAEA. Given the role that the Nuclear Security Council
has mandated, it is essential that their actions have the necessary credibility
and trust of the society whose mission is to protect against the adverse effect
s of ionizing radiation. With this objective, it is necessary to establish the a
ppropriate mechanisms for the operation of the Nuclear Safety Council is carried
out on the necessary conditions that promote transparency

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