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Abstract Feedburner is a vital service for bloggers.

Allows, in fact, to push co

ntent to aggregators (feed readers) that now are becoming one of the tools used
to read the Web in push mode, without having to connect to the sites or blogs su
bscribed. This mini-guide is the aggregation of a series of articles I wrote, in
2007, on my blog: The guide
Feedburner is a service for publishing and optimization of the RSS (Really Simpl
e Syndication) feeds to its history, structure and standard reference to an in-d
epth reading on Wikipedia. The success of this platform just acquired by Google
in 2007 (namely in June) is due to the tremendous loyalty with users that result
ed Feedburner to become the de facto standard for the provision of services of a
n RSS feed. FeedBurner is a real service platform for the management, maintenanc
e, optimization and presentation of feeds. His decisive action helps us when we
decide to make a feed available on how much standard so that feed readers (RSS r
eaders), aggregators, websites, widgets and other clients are able to read in an
optimal and safe feed you want to distribute. The main screen of this service i
s below. Note that the menu "languages", unfortunately, does not allow access to
the translation in our language. I am not aware, at the time, what are the plan
s for Google translation.
Obviously you need to register for the service can enjoy all of the potential. T
hen, click on the menu "Register" to access the profile screen.
Here the first surprise. Who owns a Gmail account (or other Google services) is
not easy. While it is Feedburner for all purposes a Google product, the Single S
ign-On has not been implemented yet.
I will not dwell on the data entry screen, because even without the introduction
and subsequent recording, you can not access the features of Feedburner. So her
e, once the data entry process, which presents us with Feedburner mask first rec
eption, please enter the address of our feed now by "burning". To burn (literall
y burn) is a way of emphasizing the process of re-encoding of the original feed.
Trying to translate the written invitation in red and the rest of the inscriptio
ns: "We are setting up for your Feedburner feeds. Come on, burn your feed now! E
ntered into the field below the address of your feed, etc..." Be careful, now, F
eedburner will make available an option. "Are you a podcaster?" You are also a d
istributor of audio or video over the network?
We will see better later also because this choice can be done easily later. We p
roceed then inserting a source. I used the feed homepage http://w Feedburner is that I re-process the fee
d and gives me the result
Note that there are two key elements. Proper validation of the source title (fir
st indicator of success of the operation) and a proposed extension customizable.
They can give the new address extension following:
with a suffix speaker. For example, "homerepubblica" to make it so: http://feed careful, if the operation is successful, the pro
blem lies in the source you want to process that probably is not structured opti
mal way. Without this we have to activate (via the button "Activate RSS) feeds t
o the new access to all features. The new screen will give us the result and the
ultimate success of the operation
We are now ready to click Next (a good read of the options is not publicized, ho
wever badly) to access the control panel.
The control panel is' necessary to remember that from when we created the new fe
ed, this will be the official address to realize all the services offered by the
platform. The original address, will only serve as a source to Feedburner, but
for our purposes, its useful. The optimization, advertising and other features,
will be reported to ONLY address generated by Feedburner. Here, finally, the mai
n control panel.
I caught, for convenience, the screen which run a couple of Feedburner feeds to
show that it can handle many sources and aggregating it into a comfortable panel
allows easy management. In this screen there are two active and a feed factory.
We will see later how Feedburner also handles the redirect when you change host
or domain.€The screen then shows a disabled account, an advance base and a pro
account. The account is then pro blue label "PRO". We will see the difference th
at as we continue driving.
Clicking account (basic) "2puntozeropertutti" we enter the contextual panel to t
hat feed.
The panel is quite rich and dense and shows us out with a vertical bar graph the
trend of our feed subscriptions in recent weeks. Let's explore the various feat
ures associated with the main screen:
Clicking on the feed
we have access at the same and the standard view (in this case not yet optimized
), but we can already feel the proposed layout for readers / clients from Feedbu
rner: Then a real PREVIEW . If yo
u click on the button next we will have access to the site that generates the fe
ed with formatting and layout of the Web site or blog. Click on "Edit feed detai
ls" we will review both the origin of the feed that your current address, for po
ssibly being able to change the suffix. Operation that we have done during the c
reation (burn the original).
The link "Delete Feed" is quite significant and you can delete the feed. Do not
worry if you accidentally click on you'll be offered a confirmation message and
you will have the opportunity to redirect your feed for 30 days.
With this nice option, Feedburner offers a lineup composed. a) The first 10 days
users will still feed you have deleted. b) From 11 to 20 days users will be del
eted reinirizzati RSS feed to the second of our list: http://www.2puntozeropertu In this case it is very useful already preparing the new site
feed , or blog, where we moved just because Feedburner will work for us and righ
t where we want to redirect users. b) From day 21 to 30 °, our users receive a s
hort message to their clients: "This feed is No longer active. A new feed is loc
ated at = rss2. " Convenient is not it? T
he 31 days will obviously an HTTP error message! Later in the guide, eploreremo
what appears when you click that link on the control panel:
See more about your subscribers ....... an invitation to wander where they come
from, what they do and how to involve our users.
We were left with statistics page on statistics and the curiosity that some link
s highlighted by Feedburner can provoke.
I do not know exactly what is the best way to study and analyze the logs of its
visitors. There are many tools similar to Feedburner for this purpose: LLOGG, My
BlogLog and Google just to mention some of these alternative services. I'm no ex
pert on log analysis algorithms, so take it for what it sees good PARTIALLY Feed
burner. From what I perceive, however, Feedburnar analyze more detailed logs of
users who came through to read an RSS feed, so we must assume its comprehensive
statistics for all traffic to our site or blog. Although the site visitors (ie u
nique users of the site) I'm analyzing this moment are to be 74 and 73 for LLOOG
G Feedburner. So we do not deviate too much on the analysis of this parameter wh
ich, again, is different from the number of feed readers. Returning to the reade
rs of our RSS feeds, Feedburner and divides them into SUBSCRIBERS REACH. The fir
st is a measure Approximate number of subscribers to our RSS analyzing the user'
s IP address that requested in the past 24 hours. The second relates to the numb
er of users who have taken an action after reading the feed. They usually have c
licked the same link.
Here then click on "See more about your subscribers" satisfy our curiosity with
a pie chart
and a fairly comprehensive list of reading on various clients who have requested
access to our RSS feed
Beside each type of player there is a blue freccettina that, when clicked, provi
des additional information on the types of clients displayed in the statistics.
Obviously our website or our blog is a treasure trove of items (items), or post
articles as we call them. Feedburner gives us access, in addition to general sta
tistics of the feed just presented, even to those of the individual items (artic
les). The link leads to this additional analysis is "See more about your feed it
ems. We propose that, once clicked, analyzing statistics for individual article
But not over. If curiosity is so great€and I am a curious nature :-) Why not dee
pen clicking on the title to see what clients get from readers?
We're just beginning the exploration but the possibility of playing in is infini
te. Meanwhile, begin clicking on the dropdown "Show stats for" allowing us to co
mbine the histograms for months, weeks and days and automatically determine the
mean (average). The rest of the next appointment.
Advanced Statistics
The left side of the control panel of our feeds, we can access a range of advanc
ed features for which statistics are grouped into three sections: RSS stats, sit
e stats and headline animator stats. We start from the Feeds section stats, igno
ring the feature "Subscribers" that we saw in previous episodes and let us refle
ct on "Live Hits". Live Hits allow us access to the last 25 hits that were playe
d on our feed. A hit is the action that takes a client when loading our feed (in
cluding automated client). Hits the live shows then, the timetable of our time z
one, the last 25 hits and the client used. The hits are not automatically associ
ated with subscriber may in fact be the users who open our feed by clicking on a
link and then not sign.
Omitting "item use", which we saw in previous episodes, we also analyze "uncommo
n uses." This feature refers to those types of clients that Feedburner does not
recognize and which gives as not "cataloged"! Feedburner is in fact capable of t
racking hundreds of aggregators, email readers, web browsers, etc.. But often th
ird-party programs or developed by independent programmers can not catalog them
appropriately. On the screen we see that, for example, is unable to catalog Twit
Simply click on the box (empty square to the left of the string is not cataloged
) to declare it as "known".
The "Export (Excel or CSV)" allows, instead, to save our hard statistics to be a
ble to do analysis on the local or other uses (eg to attach a publication that m
arketizza our site. Skip to Site stats we have seen several functionalities. Tha
t the "visitors" allows us to identify several elements:
• • • • •
Top Browsers (the main client) Top Cities (the IP of origin according to the cla
ssification RIPE) Top Languages (the language of the browser) Top Operating Syst
ems (OS) Top screen resolutions (the resolution of the browser / screen the clie
Leafing through the various forms of presentation is very nice compared to the l
inear arrangement (trendy) tag cloud:
Omitting the "pages" that we saw earlier, we use both functions "Incoming" and "
Outgoing" to analyze where our visitors come (pages on other sites, search engin
es, etc.). And what outbound links are accustomed to consult. We see in the imag
e below, the ability to filter the search engines and / or websites.
Last element to be analyzed is "Headline Animator Stats" a real ticker (list ani
mated) of our feeds. The option must be enabled and customized through the panel
construction and customization that appears after clicking on "Headline Animato
r Stats".
At the end of our commitment to building and customization, we can capture the c
ode and
achieve an effect like this:
↑ Grab this Headline Animator
Note that you can incorporate this feature in any type of supported Blogs
and also incorporate it as a signature of your email (email signatures) or captu
ring the code (Just jimm the code), it becomes a widget really where we want to
put on the web or the desktop of your computer. An example of custom headline an
imator: an animated Userbar for forum Feedburner Using this feature, we can ente
r the titles of recent articles from our site within a userbar, an image size eq
ual to 350x19 pixels widely used by users of discussion forums within their sign
We start from a userbar in GIF format (the one accepted by Feedburner) ready, an
d if we are not very good with graphics programs, we can generate an online, for
example, and save the result on our computer . The file is in
PNG format: we need to convert, using a graphics program (like Gimp, free) to GI
F and
upload it to our own web space (eg space where it is hosted on our blog or on Fl
ickr). Finally we copy the address (URL) of the image just upload. Now let's pan
el Feedburner headline animator.€Theme on select Provide your own background, pa
ste the previously copied image address (URL to Image) and hit Load.
The image will be automatically included in the preview below (without reloading
the page) and the area dell'headline animator automatically assume the size of
the background, so we go down the page to customize our userbar. First disable t
he Title and Dates, to give more room for titles: the preview, these items will
disappear in real time. The preview also allows you to put things: move so title
s (sample headline from feed) over the area of the userbar, where we want them t
o appear. Finally, we extend the breadth of titles (width) to make him take as m
uch space as possible (by changing the value of width, the area of securities wi
ll be highlighted in the preview and change its dimensions in real time so we ca
n easily adjust).
Now we have to give a name to save as (you can create more of a headline animato
r for each feed), and activate by pressing Activate headline animator. Feedburne
r will give us, as mentioned above, the HTML code to insert our sites. This code
however does not fit the forums. From the code provided, then we take only the
address of the image content of alt ="..." quotation marks (for example http://f = bb = 1 & ZBfG) and pasted in the
code of our signature (usually accessible from the control panel of the board)
the following BB code: [url =] [img] http://feeds.feedburn
er .com / Netsons / techlog.gif? w = 2 & c = 1 & bb = ZBfG [/ img] [/ url]
Precise optimization, first, that I will not distinguish between the basic versi
on and the PRO version. Will consider only the latter because, since Feedburner
was acquired by Google, the availability of the PRO version is given free to all
The section of the control panel that allows access to Feedburner tuning paramet
ers is well detectable label "Optimize". The scene that opens the access is very
large and let's analyze all essential and the most useful and make it usable to
spread our feeds to anyone.
Council to use to access various functions by using the list on the left panel,
although Feedburner provides shortcuts directly into the body panel optimization
. The list of functions is divided into two main categories: View and Services
The category "View" allows you to control (like a thumbnail) effects derived fro
m interventions on optimizations. The category "Services" provides access to sec
ondary panels that facilitate optimizations that we will see.
We start the service "Browser Friendly".
The scene that opens allows you to optimize the rendering (graphics generation)
of our feed to make it attractive from a graphical point of view, location (wher
e possible) in our language and designed to use advanced for most common feed re
aders .
In paragraph 1 (red) I tried to focus attention on the choice of the theme in It
alian (this ovviemente excludes an understanding of the capabilities for foreign
language) and the decision to adapt the provision of feed to the browser displa
y. Note also the possibility of a live preview (click to preview). At the center
of the panel, beautiful view, all pre-service (embedded) that allow users to ad
d our feed to most common used and aggregators. Type MyYahoo, Pageflakes, Blogli
nes, etc.. Furthermore, in paragraph 2 (red), was added an option for programmer
s who want to add widgets developed independently. Just insert the XML and Feedb
urner expose them on the page together, or alternatively, to those who have pre-
selected. Completing this excursus on rendering of our feeds, can now choose whe
ther to expand or collapse eo post titles that the content and also add a person
alized message as a guide or welcome.
The last option is the ability to hijack a feed natively hosted on a web server.
Convenient option because it is assembled in custom rendering just by Feedburne
r. At the end of this first experience with optimization of the "Browser Friendl
y" we can give a feed enough "friendly" (friendly) even if in the coming episode
s we can work to chisel on the other elements that make winning form. For now le
t us pause at this level can also be viewed with web browsers with which we are
(maybe) reading this article:
Smartcast Our articles on blogs or pages on our Web sites are increasingly rich
in multimedia elements. The optimization feature associated with the panel that
Feedburner manages the multimedia content of our feed is called SmartCast.
This feature allows you to place even podcasts and other multimedia content in f
eeds that normally are not able to support them. Links to MP3. our videos, image
s and pdf will be handled automatically by creating the enclosures SmartCast (ob
jects that automatically interpret the structure and the associated media that t
he player must activate) for the same. The appropriate option to SmartCast allow
s greater flexibility for users who want to advertise multimedia content on plac
es like iTunes Podcast Directory or Yahoo Media RSS. Once activated all the conf
iguration parameters for the feed (1-type of MediaFile, 2-category, 3-image supp
ort, etc..) Our new source is ready to be run by special clients such as iTunes.
Attention, if our blog or website contains the most graphic and text content tha
t we are making the choice inhibit, perhaps, some friendly features that we had
previously customized to make the feed friendly (everything depends on the power
of client reading feeds). The result could be very thin and visually ambiguous
Disappeared, in my case, all the effects we discussed in the previous installmen
ts and to optimize the feed in a "browser friendly". We see, however, what happe
ns with iTunes, giving the feed to feed optimized for SmartCast. Simply obtain i
ts inclusion
we have all the assets of our multimedia website or blog manageable via iTunes
Always available for comments and improvements. In the next episode!
Optimization of the presentation I renew the vision of previous episodes, I go t
o the management of universal presentation of our feeds. The Smart Feed, accessi
ble from the Optimize panel, allows the automatic conversion of our source in th
e standard feed (RSS or Atom) compatible with all applications (feed readers, br
owsers, email client, widgets, etc.) of our users use our feed.
Examples of compatibility of the same feed: A) ons
A) Outlook
A) Google Reader
The second feature that allows Feedburner to display in compatibility mode and i
nteractive is our feeds FeedFlare. FeedFlare allows us to offer our readers a wa
y, interactive, allowing them to choose an alternative use such as: the consignm
ent to a mail box, sending to Digg, Technorati, Facebook etc..
In addition to the functions listed above can also add more developed by indepen
dent programmers. Will simply have to browse the "Browse the Catalog" and add th
e url to the field indicated by Feedburner. The result will be more or less a di
splay of this type where additional services will be managed by users at will:
Feed on
Further optimizations In renewing the vision of previous episodes, we examine ad
ditional components for the optimization of our feeds. In this episode we see ho
w to share with the readers of your feed collection of links (social bookmarking
). The function to be activated from the control panel of the optimization of ou
r feeds, called Link Splicer. This feature allows us to choose the social bookma
rking service (, furl, etc..) That we use to collect our links and to
propose, therefore, also to our readers. The only parameter required, of course
, is the username with which we connect to that service.
Course will be released only links that we have defined the service as "public"
and decide whether we should disseminate Feedburner every time you add or twice
a daily digest. The result on the player's image could be just the one shown bel
Another feature that Feedburner provides its users is Photo Splicer. As with ear
lier, this is a real mash-up snaps photo sharing services like Flickr and Websho
ts rather than them out on our published articles in the feed. Be very careful i
f you choose Flickr. The code to use is not the name but the numeric code that i
s in the url of the photo. In the case of the photo you try to incorporate what
will be included in this string:
071&size=o then the number: 1749124071
The function, very restrictive, which I used for example,€merge in my feeds only
the photo labeled "feedburner". The last function in this episode is anlizziamo
Geotag your feeds, which Feedburner provides for georeference our articles. May
be curious, but the step mash-up allows you to enter the exact location of this
blog, our jobs, our holiday or any place we want to associate our feeds. To con
figure this option must first connect to Google maps and find the latitude and l
ongitude of our lease. In the example below I added the map of my job that can b
e deduced from the Google Maps URL:
&msa=0&msid=1174353064042017 17542.00000111c70870581c5be & ll = 45.470799 , 12.2
57073 & spn = 0.003416,0.007296 & z = 17 & om = 1>
and specifically by the two numbers that follow the url field of "ll". So that w
ill be included in the panel 45.470799,12.257073 Feedburner.
Nothing could be easier right? To see the results we are aiming now to feed: htt
p:// Comments and criticisms are welcome also
to strengthen my conviction that this little guide is someone. Apart from me :-
Further criteria optimization panel Back panel optimization, let us concentrate
now on the RSS image burner function allows you to customize the picture (logo)
accompanying our page to be rendered from feed readers.
Basically you can replace the logo with a custom logo to Feedburner. Feedburner
also suggests to use the meter. Basically a button that displays the number of s
ubscribers. It 'important to fill all the fields because not all readers are abl
e to interpret the logo. In particular the last two fields allow alternate text
(the example I put the slogan of my blog) and a clickable link. The result will
be this:
It must be said that this particular function that impacts on all applications,
then wanted to use FeedBurner Awareness API function through which we will see l
ater. For example, the site Versionebeta logos are also a component of communica
tion and usability:
Function Title / Description Burner is easier to understand and manage. Allows y
ou to highlight the slogan of the blog and any abstracts. I will not dwell with
accompanying images, is very intuitive. I focus instead on the function Convert
Format, where you need to make a big decision. As noted in previous episodes, th
e feed formats are constantly evolving and standards are not yet fully defined.
Now we have to understand the strategy that the feed provider (ie we Feedburner
users) want to adopt. Convert Format works in combination, and alternatively oth
er SmartFeed function that we saw in a previous episode guide. In short, if we h
ave constraints and applications have to choose a particular format: Atom or RSS
feed in various versions, then choose Format Convert and disable Smart Feeds.
If we want maximum compatibility with everything, then activate and disable Smar
t Feed Convert Format that is too stringent to demand application of who must ag
gregate in a specific format.
Content Type feature, however, can seek and obtain maximum compatibility also in
translating messages feed after their transport network. The enveloping and enc
ryption of feed is the MIME protocol that allows you to go beyond the simple tex
t message and receive from the client the same representation that, originally,
the feed provider had given the article on his blog. Attention that each client
can be configured for the association of MIME components with applications to th
e edge of the client. For example, you can choose whether to open an image in Pa
int, Photoshop and Corel Draw! So if we want our article to appear on the aggreg
ation, the mail client or browser that reads the feed in the same way that we or
iginally formatted we allow it to be wrapped in MIME and the MIME association ap
plications is chosen by the user / client. Feedburner does more and if we have s
pecial application requirements, this encoding leads to other basic custom level
s. For example an application could only accept the text encoding and so should
we choose the default mode: text / html. In other words, the behavior would beco
me "xhtml deliver content while maintaining the 'generic' html documents.
The last option we explore today is that of the Summary Burner service, if the f
eed provider deems it useful,€can collapse the display of the feed to a default
number of characters, referring to a custom message can view the remaining rows
This option allows you to make the feed faster and list more items. Attention. F
or users who want to participate in politics Blogbabel of MEME is recommended to
activate this feature. Although the link involved in the MEME should be inserte
d in the rows are not displayed, Blogbabel would not be able to associate.
Interoperability with other providers In previous episodes of this guide, we alr
eady saw some elements of interoperability. For example services and Photo Link
splicer splicer that interact with providers of social bookmarking and photo sha
ring. Now look at the Event Feed service always accessible from the control pane
l of the label Optimize Feedburner.
This feature ensures operation with two services like Google Calendar or Yahoo U
pcoming. Services are not two killer in our country, but their logic integrated
with Feedburner because, if desired, may be associated activities and events cal
endar to advertise via RSS. The potential, for example, can be used to advertise
a website that has many events (conferences, seminars, etc.).. In practice, onc
e the function associated with the timing of Google or Yahoo, you just interact
with it. Does the rest Feedburner RSS advertising on the site and offering to fe
ed the people that, well, can always be updated on these events. In this episode
, we are presenting optimization feature closely linked to particular contexts.
And Tickerize is nothing more than a useful feature in certain areas (in this ca
se, financial) that automatically converts certain symbols with the correspondin
g meanings.
E ', of course, a feature also niche because it allows you to convert only the s
ymbols of American financial market (eg GE or YHOO). Guess who belong :-)
Also features ID Amazin Burner is very niche.
It can lend their ID account at (online bookstore) that all outbound
links containing references to the Amazon catalog are converted to affiliate to
allow the consultation or the purchase of books, CDs or DVDs proposed. Through A
mazon's affiliate program you can then earn the contracted rates. But it should
be emphasized Feedburner, in this case, may make us raise a lot of visibility wi
th this service and, therefore, the resulting revenue opportunities. By this poi
nt we have concluded the description of the Optimize panel, very large and diver
se opportunities for operators of sites and blogs. From the description of the p
anel will begin next Publicize equally rich.
Advertise our feeds
Let's review the function Headline Animator which we have described it, just fro
m that concept, Feedburner also builds the Email signature function that allows
light to fill a signature to use in our correspondence.
It 'must select the email signature the list of Services and proceed with select
ion by scrolling down. I must say that this panel Feedburner fray a bit 'too muc
h. You have to be a bit 'attention because it is not clear whether it is produci
ng an animated ticker, a widget for the blog or email signature lightweight. How
ever, if you follow the images should reach the situation described.
Now, clicking the Next button will open a separate browser window that offers di
fferent codes for the email client or a series of tricks, for example, that for
Gmail. Just finished this feature we look at a hint that Feedburner is just belo
w the menu that we used for signing.
Tells us, in practice, not just advertise our blog with widgets or the signature
on email, we can do more if we go on a promotional circuit. But that's another
story we'll see when we will discuss the functions of advertising.
Buzz Boost
We concentrate now on the function that allows you to advertise BuzzBoost mode c
rossposted on any website or blog, thanks to the simple html and javascript.
In practice, this service provides subscribing to feeds (pull) but directly prom
otes another online aggregator (push). It's up to us to choose where to put it.
In this case I will use my personal website. The setting of parameters is fairly
intuitive. Requires the number of items to display, the number of words extract
ed from content, date,€active links, etc..
Once customized and saved all the work will be offered the code to implement you
r site or blog. The offers are for the basic platform Blogger or Typepad, but th
e nice thing is that you can adapt to any platform and Javascript, thanks to a l
ittle chisel work on the css to make it consistent look and feel of your site. S
o here is the code to preview:

Help Feedburner - 12/24/2007 Troubleshootize Here it is the guide. Finally. The
work took me a bit of spare time during these ...

Feedburner Guide - Earning with Feed 12/24/2007 As always remind you to consult
the previous articles on this guide for a deeper understanding of the service ..

Help Feedburner - Creative Commons and secure management 12/24/2007 As always re
mind you to consult the previous articles on this guide for a deeper understandi
ng of the service ...

Help Feedburner - Chicklet Chooser and Awareness API 12/24/2007 As always remind
you to consult the previous articles on this guide for a deeper understanding o
f the service ...

Help Feedburner - Feed and count 12/23/2007 PingShot As always remind you to con
sult the previous articles on this guide for a deeper understanding of the servi
ce ...
And his view as it might appear on my personal site, built with the same style:
Springwidget analyze, now, the last function on the widget. Indeed FeedBurner pr
ovides a function other self-service, linked to provier widget: SpringWidgets. P
ublicize menu let's considerazine special function, just call Spring Widgets Ski
The steps are fairly simple: A) Create a graphic logo for your site or your blog
B) Find a host for the graphic file: Flickr or Picasaweb are fine. But you can
also use your blog or website. The important thing is that the image size is 480
px x 75px and JPG format. C) Point the service image and do a preview to make su
re that Feedburner has taken into meal. D) Turn the service on the button "activ
ate" and you'll see your widget a bit Navigate between the options and see which
is compatible with all platforms. To be continued. p.s. I forgot. The effect of
liquid automatically builds the logo! Convenient is not it?
The feed via email
We analyze, now, a situation atypical. We assume that not all readers of our sit
es, or blogs, may be aware of the reader / feed aggregators or simply may prefer
a system of distribution of the articles a bit old. Email, for example :-) Here
Feedburner helps us and may constitute, for us, as providers of a Newsletter /
RSS! Feedburner also offers this service, called E-Mail Subscriptions:
To customize and offer our readers this opportunity, you must configure the widg
et then we put on our website. The interface is quite simple and includes the wi
zard, and direct interaction with the platforms, Blogger and TypePad. You can ch
oose to create a widget (first option) and, alternatively, a simple link (second
option). The fuller code (the widget) is obviously edited, but is also where yo
u want to create a real form page, like this.
I note in the image below that Feedburner provides a link for readers who will m
anage our products in the form of newsletters. For privacy does not expand my re
aders, but as you see, there are using this system. We should not assume that al
l our readers know what a feed aggregator.
At this point, most of the game is done. Already we can publish the code. There
are, however, other features that Feedburner offers to make "talking" to subscri
be to our newsletter / feed. Communication in subsection preference, we can rebu
ild the text of the email you receive when subscribing to our readers. In this e
xample, I translated into Italian.
It 'also the opportunity to improve their communication style by inserting the l
ogo in the newsletter / feed that will be sent. All this is manageable through t
he subfunction Email branding, where you simply enter the url of your image / lo
Last recommendation. Through subfunction Delivery Options, remember to set the t
imezone and the time of distribution. Everyone can choose the time most
PingShot Feed and count
Among the most useful advertising services,€Feedburner offers disposizine PingSh
ot directly interacting with various web services such as Bloglines to read feed
s, Technorati, etc!
All services listed, if enabled, will ping (notified by the network) which was p
ublished a new article on the blog. This increases, of course, visibility. E 'ne
ed to activate the service and, if the various providers offered is not sufficie
nt, there is a supplementary list growing to draw upon.
The other service offered today is Feed Count. Activating this function will be
possible to publish on their blog count the number of subscribers to their feed.
I recommend the number is to show the number of subscribers, not the number of
actual readers. Often automated aggregators, widgets etc.. This does not mean th
at the user, then read our articles.
The counter is configurable in the style that best fits your blog and already av
ailable in the precompiled code for Blogger and Typepad piattsforma.
Chicklet Chooser and Awareness API
We see two other functions relating to the advertising of our feeds. Chicklet Ch
ooser allows you to prepare a series of graphical buttons that can retain the us
er by using the aggregator, or you want to use, read our articles and those of o
ther blogs. Giving them the button, the user will not have to do is click on it
and will be directed to your favorite aggregator.
Personally I do not like sites or blogs that expose dozens of buttons. IMHO a lo
t of distracting the user. So, I prefer to simply expose the typical RSS button
maybe in the color and style more akin to my blog and then adapt the code that p
rovides me with Feedburner Chicklet Chooser.
The Awareness API function is very important. Indeed, it allows applications tha
t interact with Feedburner to exploit the potential for a multitude of uses. For
example bloggers who want to interact with BlogBabel to measure the values of b
logs-reaction within that circuit must activate the Awareness API. Without this
activation Blogs Babel can not draw from their data.
Carry the statement of Babel Faq Blog
Using FeedBurner
• • • • •
Subscribe to FeedBurner creating an account, create ("burn") a new feed, your fe
ed will build on existing Redirect your existing feed on FeedBurner. This depend
s on the platform you use, you will find instructions above on this page, make p
ublic the data on the feed readers: Awareness API enabled, under Feed | Publiciz
e | Awareness API functions active PRO Reach to measure and use Item.
Creative Commons and secure management
Here the final steps for the publicity of our RSS feeds with Feedburner. Creativ
e Commons allows the function to display our feeds on the type of license taken.
Activating this function will be highlighted in our feeds, the license type to w
hich we refer. Attention. And 'can display the logo of DC on their feeds, but th
is function can not be activated if you have already chosen to display the logo
with the personnel function Feed Image Burner. For guidance on Creative Commons
licenses, refer to the reference site. It may seem strange that among the servic
es offered there is also one of Password Protection. At first glance, with the p
erspective of a blogger, this choice would counter. Advertise shrinking? But in
scope it is very important. Imagine a closed environment where only some users a
re entitled to see the feeds. The game is easily done.
Last item proposed by Feedburner Publicize section is service Noindex. It is des
igned to prevent indexing by search engines, as well as from Yahoo! Pipes. Obvio
usly trying to prevent the use of our feeds by engines that aggregate feeds auto
matically. Questionable!
In the coming episodes will explore, finally, the last function, that of monetiz
ation and troubleshooting. Then the guide will be complete! Or so I believe :-)
Make Money with RSS
Feedburner provides a service business that allows us to earn our feeds. From th
e main panel you must navigate to the section and then the function Monetize Rev
iew / Approve.
From here we will have access to all configuration parameters of our account (bi
ll). But remember, it is important to click the link at the bottom left on the p
arapet of the menu: Edit Your Account payment information, otherwise we can not
have access to payments. The panel that appears after clicking, it is very rich
and I can not explicitly all because it contains references to credit cards, pay
pal accounts, etc.. Feedburner course can give you the maximum interoperability
with the provider billing (or Paypal vs.€credit card).
My advice is to share with Feedburner Adsense account, click the last link of th
e proposed panel. We will immediately access the configuration. Even here I can
show you my personal data, but I guarantee that after explaining the details of
the account du Asensi, you will receive an email from Google like this: "You are
receiving this email because you recently requested access to AdSense through w To use AdSense features through, you must
give the site access to the ad code and performance information in your AdSense
account. To do this, click on following link (which obviously does not insert, b
eing my own :-)) After having allowed Google and Feedburner (remember that the p
roducts are of the same family, then interoperate natively) will, from Google co
nfirming that our account Adsense has been combined with Feedburner
and therefore we have access to the complete management panel.
You will need to finally choose the frequency and length of advertising messages
that appear on our feed.
That's all! Good earnings!
Here it is the guide. Finally. The work took me a bit of spare time during these
months, but I hope it was worth it. If some pious soul has a desire to correct,
implement, etc.. Do me a whistle. Rest available. 'S last feature that Feedburn
er offers, to better manage our feeds is Troubleshootize. This is a series of ti
ps, advice and services to monitor the status of our feeds and repair any errors
Try some services such as "ping" service that enlivens and gives us a real-time
response on the status of feeds and, of course, drives him to provide his servic
es to different providers immediately and not every 30 seconds as set by default
! If you fixed your articles to appear in real time on aggregators. Use it!
Or use the service Feedmedic you make an instant diagnosis on your feed.
In the case reported seems to have everything under control. If not, than the re
port suggested, Feedburner will send us an email warning with advice on how to o
perate on the "patient." Our feeds of course. Latest advice for those who want t
o deepen:
Forum Feedburner The Guide The guide for bloggers to podcasters Section Commerci
al Section Networks that one day I'll try to review
Of course all in English. The license of this guide is simple. Make of it what y
ou want and only if it seems useful, given the details of where you found it. Gi
gi Cogo

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