Technical Writing Creative Writing Content Audience Purpose Style Vocabulary Example

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My reflection on what i have learnt today is i get to know the difference between

technical writing and creative writing. Technical writing is a straightforward and

easy to understand explanations and instructions. For an example, a resume.
Resume is a formal presentation that used a formal language for applying a job
to employer in a company. Creative writing is a fiction or poetry which displays
imagination and invention. For an example, a novel. Novel is an entertainment
book that used a complex language that tells a story that are not real for general

Thats all from me, thank you. :)

Difference between technical writing and creative writing

Technical Writing Creative Writing
Content Factual, Simple, Clear Imaginative
Audience Specific General
Purpose Inform, Instruct Entertain
Style Formal Informal
Vocabulary Specialized General
Example Resume, cover letters Novel, poem

Characteristics of Effective Technical Writing

1. Clarity
2. Accuracy
3. Comprehensive
4. Accessible
5. Concise

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