Achieving High Levels of Anointing

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Achieving high levels of anointing

Prophet Harold R. Rivera Ezekiel 16. 8-15 It's time for intimacy with God of lov
e with God like never before this year is a year where God is doing new things.
The prophetic word as never before is being activated, we are seeing in countrie
s such as Colombia Cuba Nicaragua awakening of the five ministries. Since a wave
of revival began an outpouring of the Holy Spirit everywhere. It is a time of a
n intimate relationship with God. Time for an outpouring of anointing like never
before. Psalm 92.10 THE IMPORTANCE OF THE ANOINTING. The anointing is the manif
estation of God's power. The anointing comes when God's presence is manifested.
Jesus said receive power-law has come upon you the Holy Spirit. Acts 1:8 Jesus w
as anointed at age 30 is equal to the Greek anointed Christ. In Luke 4.18 says t
he spirit of Lord is upon me. The Spirit anoints us to do a job the anointing an
d not so. He gives you something to put it available to anyone wing to help some
one. To heal, liberate. Loose. Rescue bring good news. When the anointing comes,
comes wisdom, we are anointed brother received wisdom. We are active in discern
ment. Wisdom is received directly from God and this activation brings gifts. The
anointing gives me the ability to defeat the enemy's anointing the yoke will ca
use rot. Remember the story of Samson the Holy Spirit came on Samson. Samson And
on came a force of nature. Kill a thousand Philistines. Such was his force that
nothing could stop it. The anointing gives you the ability to fight the battle
spec. Gideon was afraid until the anointing came on. The anointing teaches you a
ll things. The anointing has the particularity to teach all things.
The anointing that we receive the Holy Spirit guides us into all truth. The anoi
nting comes when you are in God's secret. If indeed the Holy Spirit lead the chu
rch. There would be no such designation. We would all one. (It would be answered
that prayer of a man who is like you and I are one) The anointing will bring ch
anges. The anointing will bring revelation We will climb to high levels of anoin
ting. Psalm 92.10 renews my strength to pull me high levels of anointing. We wil
l see fulfilled before our eyes fulfilled the prophetic words of Mr. the works t
hat I do Uds. the will and even greater. In the book of Acts ch. 2. We see a gre
at revival. We see many signs were done by the hands of the apostles in Chapter
4 of book of the acts are forbidden to preach but they paid no attention. They r
ose. Brother climbed to high levels of anointing God extends his hand and extrao
rdinary things happen to the gentleman's hand extended over the Red Sea and free
his people's word says in Habakkuk 3.4 that beams out of his hand. I extend my
hand brother nothing happens, but when I extend on behalf of terrible things hap
pen. Heal the sick, the possessed are released, gifts are activated ministries a
re activated. I extend my hand-law manifests the power of God. CONQUER AS HIGH L
EVELS OF ANOINTING. 1. walk with anointed men of God. The more you walk with God
's anointed people upload more level. Look what happened with Moses and Joshua,
Elijah and Elisha. Read books by people who are anointed this will bring a new l
evel of anointing. 2. visit places where the anointing of God this reported havi
ng contact with these places but you do not believe you will raise level of anoi
nting example. From a young man of Bolivia. That was at a meeting of Catherine K
ullman. And could not enter. At this time God allowed us to new levels of anoint
ing. I feel different. My ministry is somewhat different. I speak differently, p
reach otherwise. There is no word of God revelation. While God is anointing I pr
each here. 3. locate the face of the Lord. When arrested in April made the disci
ples were told one notices that have been with Jesus, there will be a twinkle in
your eyes that nobody can take away. I note that you
been with the Lord recalls the brightness of Moses' face. They could not stand l
ooking at his face shine Moses had to wear a veil, You men of the Bible but were
always anointed Jesus. Remember that while others cry anointed his face and def
eat Goliath. 2 Samuel 15. 21 The killer of giants was reproduced and other giant
s killed also remember David was anointed brother had been seven but the man had
booked eighth. The lowest. 1 Samuel 16. 11-13 ... 4. obedience. If you obey com
es more anointing. If you disobey the anointing will you know when the anointing
comes but sometimes will not know brother. Do not spend the anointing. Not the
boats.€Do not let it steal cherish protect her and she will protect you when yo
u give up on going to meet high levels of anointing. Remember what happened to S
amson and Saul. A DAY Katherine Kullman ask the ladies because he had not given
that anointing when I was a little younger, and you know that he told Mr sure th
at would have spoiled. God seeks people in the brew can trust to place your anoi
nting. 5. Parents are needed spiritual mentor Elijah type. Forming the Elysee to
day. God anointed dreams of a people walking in the anointing latos levels. 6. T
here are three levels of anointing one. the anointing of salvation comes when we
are saved. 2. priest anointing is the anointing that comes after you are baptiz
ed, you feel rich when you pray, share with others trying to win some to Christ.
Auditors your testimony. And those in ministry in March. the anointing of the k
ingdom or royal anointing. It is the anointing with power with the manifestation
of the power of God. Extraordinary things happen. There is manifestation of God
and His power. 7. must pay the price you must die every day. You have crucified
your flesh with all your desires. Brother die we give the Lord all control of o
ur lives. There is a powerful manifestation of God.

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