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Topic: Study Habit Classroom


Study habits are the behaviours used when preparing for tests
or learning academic material Effective studying b can produce a
since of understanding, happiness and mastery, Aim of the article is
to identify the study habit of students at classroom, The study habit
of the students is partially depends upon the atmosphere of


In every school setting , students are perpetually in search of

academic success, the success of academic performance is their
ultimate goal. Academic performance can be expressed in the form
of good scores and prizes an a result of hard work and exceptional
performance in class room tests, assignment and examination .The
teacher is the facilitator of the learning process. The teacher will
expose the students to the appropriate study habit that would
enhance their academic performance. A close examination of the
factors that influence the academic performance of students
manifest and sacrifice are required for academic for academic
performance. In addition, students from poor homes are
handicapped directly by higher rates of sickness and poor rate of
attendance at school.

Statement Of The Problem

This study was mainly meant to identify the study habit of

students at classroom.

To identify the study habit of pupils.

To identify the correlation between the pupils study habit and

their achievement.

To identify where the students talk their attention.

To provide proper remediation for the students.

Data Collection & Methodology

Methodology is the way that the teacher adopted

assessing and evaluating the study habit of pupil. I have chosen
the students of St. Mary's H.S.S.Arakuzha for conducting the
study habit There I tried to conduct a research on the study
habit of children at classroom. For that I have chosen 25
students and ask them to read and answer the five point scale
questionnaire dealing with Study habit.

There are fifteen questions or statements in the tool deal

with study habit at classroom. AH the statements are related to
the pupil's way of learning. Five responses are provided for
each statement. They are Always (A), Often (0), Sometimes(S),
Rarely(R) and Never (N).

Rating Scale

Always( Often( Sometimes( Rarel Never(N

A) O) S) y (R)
Positive 4 3 2 1 0

Negativ 0 1 2 3 4
Analysis .

Study habit is the manner with which one constantly used

to study for the school. Analysing and interpreting the study
habit of 25 students or any number of students is not an easy
process. Because the individuals are different also their
attitude, interest, hobbies and habits are also different.

Study habits can be good or bad. As I said earlier, the

good study habit includes being organised, keeping good notes;
reading text books, listing in class and working every day. But
the study shows the opposite of all these things to a certain
extent. This study reveals the idea that, the 25 students of the
9th standard at St.Mary's H.S.S have average level of study
habit at classroom. The study habit of students at classroom is
out of the 25 students; 2 students have above 70,14 students
have above 50-70 and 9 students have below 50.

In the case of study habit at classroom only 2 students have

good study habit, 14 students have average study habit and 9 of
them have poor study habit.
Arithmetic Mean

Class Frequency Midvalue of f(x)

interval the class
30-35 1 32.5 32.5
35-40 3 37.5 112.5
40-45 2 42.5 85
45-50 3 47.5 142.5
50-55 3 52.5 157.5
55-60 3 57.5 172.5
60-65 3 62.5 187.5
65-70 5 67.5 337.5
70-75 1 72.5 72.5
75-80 1 77.5 77.5

Arithmetic mean = f ( x) 1377.5

i 1
N 25
Stadandard deviation

Mean x =55.1

Class Frequency Midvalue

(xi- x ) (xi- x )2 fi(xi- x )2
Interval (fi) (xi)
20-35 1 32.5 -22.6 45.2 45.2
35-40 3 32.5 -17.6 35.2 105.6
40-45 2 42.5 -12.6 25.2 50.4
45-50 3 47.5 -7.6 15.2 45.6
50-55 3 52.5 -2.6 5.2 15.6
55-60 3 57.5 2.4 4.8 14.4
60-65 3 62.5 7.4 15 4.5
65-70 5 67.5 12.4 24.8 124
70-75 1 72.5 17.4 34.8 34.8
75-80 1 77.5 22.4 44.8 44.8
N=25 fi ( xi x) 2

Standard Deviation =
fi ( xi x ) 2

Class internal Frequency

30-35 1
35-40 3
40-45 2
45-50 3
50-55 3
55-60 3
60-65 3
65-70 5
70-75 1
75-80 1
Concl usion

Studying efficiently and being focused with no

distractions on study habit which minimize studying time by a
lot and increase comprehension . Study habit is the regular
tendency or practice in studying .some good study habits are;

Setting a particular time and place to do homework,

school, assignment and projects.

Outlining and rewriting notes.

Studying with friends.

Be resourceful.

Study habit is the manner with which one constantly used

to study for the school.


Create a healthy mind& body.

The teachers should check the homework & note book


The students should make a timetable in home also.

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