Multi Orgasmus

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The multi-orgasmic Jürgen Wolter

Table of Contents I. Are you a perennial lovers! II Get to know the physical fun
damentals III. If it does not work properly ... IV Men Without Women V. Sexual a
bilities can learn VI. Ejaculate Not the same! VII Banish the stress out of bed!
I. Be persistent lover!
"Suddenly it was all over crash landing" This book is about ejaculation and orga
sm in men. Both the outpouring and the climax are often identified, including bu
t not together necessarily. Men can, even without ejaculation orgasm experience.
Even multiple highlights are successively possible without that one must have e
jaculated while. This opens men fascinating new possibilities of enjoyment. And
bring women finally the satisfaction that is denied them too often. Two, three,
is four minutes then it frequently with the male beauty and Strength over. It is
"the man, he ejaculated, breaks down. The woman, far from her orgasm, remains o
n the track. It must not be, any man can delay his ejaculation. Just as the 24-y
ear-old Klaus In the following exemplary case.
Frustration rather than pleasure
He had come with his wife, Annegret to sexual advice. Alleging frustration rathe
r than pleasure during sex. Specifically: He always came too early, they never r
eached their peak. "This is a horrible feeling," said the woman, married for two
years. "At first I was happy to be able to sleep with Klaus. He said to me was
always something sweet, tender, and I could not wait to feel him in me. It was l
ike a dream, we were both united us so near. My thoughts and feelings seemed to
be in seventh heaven take off too. But suddenly it was all over, crash landing.
Klaus shook, poured. Snorting, he turned to the side. More than once I could onl
y howl. "suffered from the two years younger husband Therefore feelings of guilt
. "I know that women longer to orgasm need. I would also like to bring love to b
e there. but what shall I do? It seems to me just because I can hinders any myse
lf." The relationship between the two deteriorated rapidly. They made each other
allegations. Annegret: "You want so only your own pleasure. You just used me."
Klaus: "You deny me more and more traffic. I thought that I then our rare meetin
gs'm still excited and it I still come faster. "
"Staying power" needed His hasty disappointed Annegret each lot. Instead of tear
s, she responded eventually with contempt. She remembered an old friend, and by
his perseverance, she told the deeply injured Klaus. Moreover, they met with him
, slept again a few times with him. "It was all about sex," she said. "I love hi
m and Klaus will be together. The other was just the satisfaction, as we agreed.
There were great nights. He gave me this, I longed for and what I was not Klaus
. "Klaus was able to respond to this act of adultery only. It hurt him, but then
he felt guilty, was aware that he can give her too little. He took refuge in al
cohol and masturbation. Suff was in, although much more bearable at the moment,
the real problem but he aggravated by it. As he once ran "" was allowed to stir
anything. wimp! Too much drinking! to an inadequacy was now a second, far greate
r added. Your sarcasm made him even less, was to not think about sex.
Masturbation as a remedy
By contrast, Masturbation Klaus did something very clever. He could work off whe
never he wanted. The build off the excitement with which he was otherwise in the
rare get-together and the marriage was over after the more quickly. He discover
ed masturbation also as a means to prolong intercourse and ejaculation herauszuz
ögem. When he was allowed to sleep shortly after masturbating with Annegret ", h
e observed,Masturbation as the previous had taken much of the tension and the ou
tpouring significantly postponed. He also learned at the hand of his responses t
o know before ejaculation and learn to control in its infancy. Man (n) can do mo
re to practice and the stability ejaculation delay. Klaus was ready to learn suc
h techniques. And Annegret it would help. And they did to a sex therapy, he lear
ned next to some tricks to suppress an incipient effusion. These tricks and trea
tments are extremely effective. They are easily understand and implement. They c
an be learned by anyone, regardless of whether he is alone or has a partner. Eve
n you, dear reader.
From "ZweiMinutenMann" to love artists If you ask men to their biggest problem i
n the bed answer, three out of four: I will "it" too early to ejaculate. I, befo
re my partner has reached her orgasm. As early and premature ejaculation denote
the number of men and make themselves so ill, although they are not. For if the
premature ejaculation in the jargon as "premature ejaculation called" a concept
of sexual medicine and relates to those men who already makes the insertion of t
he penis or just get out an effusion. The one sexual intercourse at the very app
roach impossible, but to treat them with great success. What the three-quarters
as regards problem men, they complain really only about normality. In KinseyRepo
rt indicates the average duration of sexual intercourse with two minutes, and th
is value will also can reach the vast majority of the mourners. But this normali
ty can not be satisfied. Two minutes to the beautiful game just not enough. Well
, that seems to understand more and more men. Not good that they make from their
normality a problem in a disturbance vennuten, contribute to their own insecuri
ty. Such painful thoughts are among the main obstacles on the way to skip the tw
o minute marker.
Two minutes is too little
It is actually quite easy to hold out longer than two minutes before it comes to
ejaculation. Even five, ten, twenty minutes coitus should be created for almost
everyone. And it is even longer. This must be the relationship between arousal
and erection want to know of ejaculation and orgasm. It is necessary to master s
ome retarding techniques and a little to do for physical fitness. This book is a
ll that can no longer wishing to bring themselves and their partners fulfilled l
ove hours to give assistance. The tricks and exercises can apply any man, no mat
ter whether he is a real EjaculatiopraecoxFall, one or two MinutenNormalMann Lov
er is already a perennial. All the time of genital stimulation may extend until
ejaculation. The end is open. There is no limit to the Verzögerbarkeit the ejacu
lation and the sensation of orgasm. Except for a single, most important: the fee
ling and taste. Not everyone and not all are enthusiastic about an hours of sexu
al intercourse with multiple orgasms. A rapid number can also have their appeal,
that all depends on various factors. Sometimes simply not enough time for the m
arathon love, or the spatial conditions are not followed, or it is just physical
ly uncomfortable. As I said, it is not a must to prolong the sexual act. Our rec
ipes are not meant to necessarily nachgekocht be from you and eaten. Also on the
domestic hearth, you just hit the in the pan, which you will taste all probabil
ity. This is to deal with our recipes.
Always something new Let's stay in the comparison with the cooking and eating. S
ince you have problems when you buy the ingredients, cook the meals and set the
table. These efforts are as important as a good recipe. It's the same in bed the
re also has to make the effort when trappings, in the atmosphere.Anything else i
s between the bedroom and kitchen the same: in both, must always new ideas into
it. Let the steak so tender, the salad may still as crisp, the rice may still so
heartily to be you do not like to eat every day steak with rice and salad . Als
o a favorite dish you will be tired when it is served too often. come just as ha
ving sex. The once strongest position and the most daring art bores when both no
thing new to think of. One consequence of such Tired of the familiar can realize
rapid completion of the bed his duty. The man, it is too early, the woman does
not even come to the point. Make a free program from compulsory! Try to be more
than just love crafts, namely love artists!
Everyone is responsible for his own orgasm! Rein, out, in, out, finished Little
Claus ... So you rhyme a few decades ago, and so did you look at it. The woman h
ad to carry out their legitimate duty of pleasure as a reward for it, no one spo
ke. She lay down, he top, and everything went as quickly as possible. His outbur
st was, after all the evidence of his orgasm, and that he wanted to reach climax
quickly. The wife was the face of these circumstances, sometimes very happy if
they "it" could quickly get behind him. Sex was for them something that does hap
pen, a man and a woman can be over.
It does not speak to the bedside lamps were deleted, it drove in the dark. Equal
ly gloomy was watching it with the sexuality in general. We did not talk about i
t, and if so, only bad. To witness was making love still allowed, but otherwise
he is devil's work . Alone or in early years they had before hand and thoughts o
f genital away, get close later only wife or husband. How, told a nobody. This m
akes the individual even hardly make it a reproach that he coitus so inconsidera
te, or they it all has so humiliating to put up. guilt was a society that placed
the man over the woman and taught him, as he might and power, but not able to e
xercise love and desire.'s sexuality was a means to do so. The men were surely I
n its most convinced that their woman ought to have feelings similar to those in
her orgasm. They moaned and trembled finally, cheered and gasped. That he did n
ot know that there may be very few women in a raw RuckZuckKoitus "," should have
simply located on a lack of education about anything sexual. And at a certain s
peechlessness sexual matters over between him and his wife. was a core set of et
hics: On everyone. Indeed, it was a shock when the modern sex research in the fi
fties and sixties their results presented and stated, only one woman is in norma
l sexual intercourse to orgasm. And if it succeeds, he will not fire through the
penis into the vagina, but by touching the clitoris. The world view of the stro
ng man and his orgasmusbringenden vaginal intercourse collapsed. The men had to
confess that was two thirds of all its Koitusbemühungen the opposite result with
their partners exactly that which they persuaded themselves. They felt like stu
dents who have written with the secure feeling of a "1" march from the school to
get a little later and then a "6" slapped around the ears. Such a thing can qui
te unsettling.
To scientific knowledge was not to quibble, however. They were cut iron proof to
prove. For the first time had not sexologist somehow abnormal, the police and P
sychiatry "delivered" people studied with abnormal tendencies, but the average s
exual nature man accepted. Alfred Kinsey and his employees were interviewed, for
example, 20,000 Americans on all aspects of their sexual behavior and then a re
presentative picture of manners of the people can draw. amazement, it was found
that the majority of others do that, at most of the people talked in whispers.An
d that even as perversions Valued practice exercises in everyday life for millio
ns of families were.
10 000 orgasms in the lab, William Masters and Virginia Johnson broke with their
research before even in the most intimate corners of the human body. 700 men an
d women could copulate in her laboratory, which included 10 000 orgasms and they
analyzed it. Drew on their instruments, in which bodies What tenths of a second
clock flashed that square centimeter of skin in which nuances discolored, which
glands how many milliliters secretion uttered. researchers such as Kinsey, Mast
ers and Johnson switched abruptly neon lights in a given area, which the moralis
ts would have preferred remain in the deepest darkness. A more open way of think
ing to sexuality, one talking about it, came about through the results. The sexu
al medicine, which today can pretty much eliminate any interference, was first f
ounded by this research.
Orgasm with obstacles the other hand, have led to results for the Orgasmuserlebe
n the woman to a deep insecurity of the man. Only a third of orgiastic satisfied
women had to be different. But how? One of the women had themselves some respon
sibility for your orgasm granted, would have been easy . She would have sexual i
ntercourse even stimulate incidentally may have, can masturbate without a partne
r. But the standing of the claim of the man, contrary as pleasure bringer. He to
lerated no other finger next to his penis, no practice next to "his" sexual inte
rcourse began. Since its problems: The normal sexual intercourse with in the vag
ina to and departing penis was found to be one of the worst ways, the female org
asm has. your pleasure center happens to be the clitoris, and sits at the entran
ce to the vagina and is used by the Koitusbewegungen rarely affected. Your suppo
rt activities, such as a rubbing of the clitoris during sexual intercourse, but
were not accepted by the man because he gave to understand that he alone
Hinkriegt not orgasm, and that the woman does not need help. Frustrating for som
eone who thinks everything to go it alone! Other techniques but, for example, th
e licking and stroking of the clitoris, it applies only in the context of forepl
ay. Coitus remains For him the main thing, fingers and mouth games are only seco
nd choice, which will be done carelessly and as quickly as possible. The right m
an wanted the woman get orgasm with a real sexual intercourse. Sure. But difficu
lt. And so toiled and toiled it off. trying to suppress their own feelings to co
me as late as possible "." He concentrated on the seconds and minutes that he co
uld stand up to the ejaculation. devotion and desire remained on the track. "tre
asure's coming to you soon," he whispered some . put less of sympathy than of im
patience. "Yes, right away," replied the woman. She was also placed under pressu
re, was also torn by such conversation from the pleasure experience. The orgasm
pushed for them in long distance, without a chance to really come. could stop th
is cruel game two. He, if he could not hold back, despite all the effort and eja
culated. you if they copied her orgasm and the height of pleasure only. The simu
lated female orgasm is not nachkontrollierbar, he gives no clear sign of himself
. In men, it is easy to control, he shoots for the legalization of the peak out
of one teaspoon of semen.
Everyone is their own happiness, we are now entering a third phase of the gender
relationship. Gone is the time to show calmness only to its rapid consumption m
an. Gone are the days of respectful only to the female orgasm man. It begins the
period in which each responsible for his own orgasm. This does not mean that lo
ve and togetherness should be wiped off the edge of the bed and that operate beh
ind an autonomous and non-affiliated nature.. No. The sexual act is and remains
the highest proof of love. Love means, the other the maximum to indulge in feeli
ngs. loved his meanstreat yourself to this maximum. It's like mountain climbing.
alone, concentrated on themselves, it is progressing. let no one in the fudge b
ecause Seilwerk. It's nice to know but that a few yards further climb the partne
r as well. And it is very great, at the summit to take this woman firmly in her
arms. Delimited climb together to celebrate something like that could be the mot
Four times even orgasm ejaculation "Recently my wife and I saw that I was very i
ntense and all symptoms of an orgasm but one ejaculation, which occurred after a
n eternity
seemed to come. It was quite incredible and seemed to me like if you drop out of
the booth and a few inches before it hits the ground, suddenly hangs in the air
. "
Several highlights without ejaculation was the man of the American Sexforscherin
Shere Hite on record. They had interviewed a multiorgasmischen man. One that mu
ltiple orgasms can have a row without ejaculating. In women Multiorgasmen are no
t unknown. Among the women who ever the climax coming, every second, a number of
them in succession. In men lived, however, there was consistently assumed that
they reached only once the peak of sexual pleasure, to acknowledge her outburst,
and are then satisfied. We now know better: orgasm and ejaculation are not the
same. One can also "dry" orgasms, climaxes without ejaculation. Of these, severa
l consecutive possible. Every man knows that orgasm is like orgasm. The ejaculat
e may gush, but sometimes one feels truly at the summit all earthly pleasures, s
ometimes it is a fade or even devastating. The ejaculation is not a quality seal
for the orgasm. It is a sign for him, but not an inevitable side effect.
Multiorgasmische men they exist ... various sexologists in the U.S. have multior
gasmische men and confirmed the phenomenon. The principal researchers are Nick K
onnoff, DO Cauldwell, Mina B. Robbins and Gordon D. Jensen, and Marilyn Fithian,
and William Hartman. Matching your Summary: Multiorgasmische men have little se
xual dysfunction, have no problems with premature ejaculation can, the female ne
ed for prolonged intercourse are, at most. In short: I dream of men are in bed.
They make their wives a lot of fun, and, above all himself because on average mu
ltiorgasmische men four times to peak before finally ejaculating. The record sta
nds at 16 dry orgasms! Now, how will you multiorgasmisch? First, one must abando
n the idea that orgasm and ejaculation have always coincide. Then you have to le
arn the ejaculation herauszuzögern to suppress or redirect. The semen must in fa
ct do not necessarily shoot out from the tip of the penis, it can also be backwa
rds down into the bladder. Although an ejaculation takes place, take him out not
true. called retrograde ejaculation das. later when urinating then we noticed t
hat traces of semen in the urine can be found. This
Retrograde ejaculation is a possible and not harmful side effects in the experim
ents, multiorgasmisch to be.
What multiorgasmische skills of the man also cause the exercises that we present
to you and to imitate recommend are the way to multi-orgasm. That which is disp
layed against a premature ejaculation and a satisfying orgasm, can also to the a
bility lead to multiple orgasms. We deliberately say "may" because not every man
will be multiorgasmisch. It is a kind of peak sexual self-control, which is not
easy to learn. And and that was a consolation to all that this target will not
meet, said not every man and not every woman happy. A woman who suddenly is a mu
ltiorgasmischen man in bed and experiencing the arts will be inspired not to it.
you, the end with the shot after the usualshort time is used, is like the long
endurance of the multi orgasm man may not work. You is found scary, they will wo
rry and worry, may develop even aversion to her lover. You can take the act too
long, they can face him and his thrusts feel delivered. you can have the impress
ion that he is still with her his sexual need to catch up because he did not par
tout may stop. It can also make allegations that may cause the man is not obviou
s and orgasm bring. you can guess at all that he had another, think of it and co
ncentrate not on the act, such brooding during sex prevents its orgiastic end. W
ho thinks and cares, can not simultaneously take off into the sky of lust. This
applies to both partners Men as for women. Multiorgasmische skills of the man so
bring something if the wife knows about it and consider it positively. Who want
s to be multiorgasmisch should do the exercises with his partner. If they know h
ow much they can benefit from this, it is him the training easier. And it is the
outcome of his efforts instead of inquiring, skeptical looks bright glorified e
njoy, eyes.
II Get to know the physical basis
"I'm drunk, I pick it up" "I can still clearly remember the first night with Mar
ianne," says Paul. "Oh, it was not just one night, it was the following day and
the next night.
The mood was ebullient, like magnets we put on ourselves. We had found us, would
not let us. The euphoria went straight to the genitals, unleashed unexpected po
wers. I do not know how many times have we slept together. But it was often agai
n and again and again. As I have done that, I do not know. But I still remember
that it came to me with tremendous force, I exploded right. There was something
out of me, I blurted out then.
Various We orgasm qualities are together now for seven years. Traffic, we have a
lmost daily, sometimes several times. I feel that sometimes too much, I also wan
t time to have my peace. Marianne but calls him, and I then do with it.'m With t
he orgasm I never had a problem, to me it always comes. I can put it off too lon
g, so that Marianne comes at their expense. But often, mostly when I have no rea
l desire, it seems to me as if the semen just flow out only . Then the climax of
orgasm no more. "The sensations are at each other orgasm. Once he tickles out s
uch a feeling that we want to embrace the whole world. Another time you can expe
rience it with a sluggish feeling in the stomach, behind even disappointed . Eve
ry man experiences orgasm differently. main character of the orgasm is its own c
onstitution and the relationship to the sexual partner. It is crucial, the envir
onment, from the quality of the bed up to the privacy of the place and moment. p
articipation are mood, fitness and health. And much more what you can not find o
ut in detail. Many compare an orgasm with a rush: "I think I'm stoned, I freak o
ut, I'm drunk." Or, on a flight: "I stand out, take off. "And:" It's as if I'm i
n the clouds rush, as if I bathe in downy feathers. "
Insensible to orgasm often has the feeling of tension solution: "You feel really
relaxed." "Something beautiful bursts. Time with a loud bang, like a balloon. T
imes sizzles on the other hand out only the air." Peng! Explosion! "A multiorgas
mischer man who claims that he could direct the Samenenerguß deliberately in the
opposite direction, says: "It is an implosion, a directed inward pressure. Befo
re, I splashed out and I'm giving away everything from me. The feeling of the wa
rm juice was delicious, but afterwards I thought to be empty, to have lost somet
hing valuable. Now I keep it in me, and I can use that power again and again.The
n when I finally ejaculate at the end, this is really a crowning conclusion of a
fulfilled love the game. Then I give away all that I have previously received a
t pleasure. I hope that my wife feels this way. "
Another man says: "I am free of such an act of love enormous amount of power. Th
e orgasm I feel my energy into the woman to transfer. The one hand I have given
away the physical strength to the other, I stole mental strength." Is usually ri
ght unconscious to be forgotten during orgasm, everything around him: "We are re
ally into each other. I let my penis after the outpouring of long in it, I feel
safe in it easy. We have a good packing concerns, with the children and with my
job, but in such moments we forget everything. "The orgasm caused verifiable phy
sical reactions, especially in men which are perceived at the climax:" My heart
is pumping very fast. "" I shot through it normal. "" I'm on a wave of welding t
o be carried away. "Comforting warmth enveloped me."
The orgasm in 0.8 seconds cycle The orgasm is the climax of sexual activity. In
it solves the excitement, he is something of a final fireworks after lustful min
utes or hours. Orgasm orgasm is not the same. Everyone feels that highlight diff
erent and, depending on external circumstances or physical condition, he is expe
rienced differently. A great empathy for the partner, the complete devotion, com
plete shutdown of all distracting thoughts also increases the experience of orga
sm. Conversely extinguished love, agonizing rumination or annoying stress an org
asm to a boring, even frustrating reaction can degenerate.
The four stages of arousal, as always the highlight is experienced subjectively,
he consistently has a constant physical course. The psychologist Virginia E. Jo
hnson and William H. Masters have the gynecologist after the analysis of tens of
thousands "reaction cycles," as they called the orgasm general symptoms and cou
rse forms identified. They divided the sexual act and the responses into four pa
rts: It begins with the excitement phase, the mutual stimulation of the partners
. In a man's penis when erect very quickly increase the testicles, and will by i
tself thickening skin Sacks used to the body. In women, the vagina and the exter
nal genital area through a lubricating fluid to come what is there prepared. The
vagina expands, clitoris swells slightly. The breasts are bigger and set firm,
its warts on, the veins stand out clearly.
The second stage is called plateau phase. This is the height of pleasure sensati
on, from either the peak of orgasm climb or by the man / woman slowly drops in t
he unexcited normal. In men, the testicles continue to rise up, the penis turns
dark red a little secretion is released. heart rate and blood pressure to rise,
occasionally becomes flushed and the body ("Sexflush"). In women, the Sexflush f
requently, it affects particularly the face, neck, breasts and thighs. In the pl
ateau phase swell the small labia to twice their usual size. It forms an orgiast
ic cuff that surrounds the imported penis nice and soft and firm. Now comes when
she comes to orgasm phase. breathing, pulse and blood pressure continues to gai
n pace, batting start various body parts. In the average distance of 0.8 seconds
contractions are recorded, which are rhythmic contractions, such as the orgiast
ic cuff or the after rosette. The man is pushed out in most orgasm cases the eja
culate, the semen, which goes in 0.8 seconds intervals. After orgasm is the regr
ession phase. Sexualröte goes back, heart, circulation and breathing to normal.
The penis is limp back, the swelling of the breasts and labia go back. If one th
e whole process of sexual arousal is graphicallythen the picture is that of a be
ll-shaped curve. As seen in most cases, the man just an orgasm, appears in its g
raphics a bit, from which it then quickly goes back via the resolution phase to
normal. In multiorgasmischen men stand on the other hand above the plateau phase
multiple Such tips from before it goes into the resolution phase.
Different excitation curves for women, multiple orgasms more frequently. Among t
he women, the orgasms at all, are those who experience the more such highlights,
even in the majority. Graphically, they are characterized by either a continuou
s wave trough or with two or three steep pointing upwards excitation peaks from.
The two excitation curves for men and women, has often been compared. It is the
n put down mostly, that this reaction sequences together did not in time. The fa
ct that the man its peak, that is orgasm achieved much faster than the woman, th
at consequently the much talked through together climax in the majority of bedfe
llow illusion remains. Masters and Johnson brought one yet the specific figure o
f thirty percent of women who reach orgasm during intercourse, not because it is
the men just too early "is coming".
The unsettled in the following years a number of men. They began to feel respons
ible for the orgasm of her partner. They tried to better than two-thirds of his
dissatisfaction. The result was miserable in general. The man neglected his own
orgasm pleasure, the woman felt observed to put pressure on, "Well, come at last
..." Brought the never has anything. No one can bring the other targeted an org
asm. The building on each for themselves, each own particular experiences are th
e differences between male and female reaction course not all that great. If the
y deviate from each other, not the sex, but the individuality of the cause. Much
more important for the actual course of the excitation curve is the ratio of th
e two lovers themselves, are external circumstances, physical condition and quit
e particularly influences of education and social integration. For example, if a
man has learned from childhood, strong, demanding, taking and if need be brutal
, he will probably herauskehren also in relation to women these MachoTyp. That i
s, he is with the aim intercourse to begin to come to the attenua (l) Ifthe to p
rove to himself and his partner, as he is male after all. Conversely, a woman wh
o is the supposedly feminine virtues such Waiting, endurance and keep still been
educated, passive lie there and wait long for a climax must. As I said, the dif
ferences in sexual response are not natural, but depend on the personality of th
e individual. The wisdom of the long lead time of the woman and the rapid ejacul
ation of the man is a cliche that should be quickly forgotten. When creating the
premature ejaculating men to hold out longer, then fit the two excitation curve
s to each other fine. This book will help.
The female body is mind receptive to tenderness, you should influence a man but
some differences from the sexual experience of your partner. These differences,
the reaction processes and the orgasm experience. Overall, the women much more v
ariable in the sense of sexual pleasure, she has many more antennas of this than
the man . His feeling is almost exclusively centered on his penis, he wants to
know where its stimulation. The female body as a whole is much more receptive to
Streicheleien and caresses, the selection of erogenous zones is much greater. W
hether on earlobes, neck, feet or back of such places, the Mrs. immense pleasure
to receive. Even by touching her nipples can get some orgasm. In general, most
women put much more emphasis on physical contact, to tenderness. The actual sex
is much more strongly with feelings of affection and
Gift connected, coupled with much more love.While men often sleep with women the
y covet not otherwise be able so and want the reverse rarely women. The outer at
tractiveness of the man is one for women less than the inner power of attraction
, while for men the physical attributes of the partner is an extremely crucial m
oment of excitement.
The orgiastic capacity of women is greater than generally considered erotic fant
asies or viewing of pornographic images of women as less stimulating. Women also
seem more easily distracted during coitus and to dissuade from his orgiastic pa
th. Your unpleasant practices of the partner, but also nagging thoughts about th
e reliability of the contraceptive, they can quickly fall back into the lustful
Plateau Valley sober. The achievement of orgasm for women is largely a matter of
learning and experience. In the "first come" as good as any girl or woman to cl
imax but sometimes only after two years of "practice." a woman has but found out
only once, have some contacts and what rhythm you best, then her orgasmic capac
ity of the man far exceeds. In the second half of life women orgasms are much mo
re susceptible than men. These remarks to female characteristics are admittedly
generalizations that are true but tend to most women. Consider this, it can cont
ribute a great deal of harmony and sexual fun! The American psychologist Allan F
romme pulled a musical comparison, the essence to illustrate the physical and em
otional vote, the warmth and intimacy: "For such a happy love is not enough anym
ore. The orgasm is just the grand finale of a symphony with many sentences dar.
The thunder of kettle drums and the blare of horns, the mere sex act is made eve
n more not a symphony press. Maybe they the main subject of the symphony most fo
rceful way, but without all the previous variations of the violins and oboes, th
ey are nothing more significant than a noise. "With a more beautiful picture cal
ls Fromme, not the high point technically, but human to : see
"Represent the only orgasm as a result of rubbing meat parts, would be the same
as would be called a wonderfully played Violin Sonata, the scratching effect of
horse hair of cat gut."
The penis and its cavernous This thing has many names, and it is significant to
the relationship with him, as it is called. One academic lectures about it, then
it means penis or penis. Volkstümlich it is called tail or cock, also lout or t
ip , latte or stand. Often it is compared with tools and machine parts: the hamm
er and drill, piston and pin. Or torturing equipment: stick, stick, rod, belt, d
agger or sword. That feels almost hurt already, is it so in the soft sheaths of
the woman.'s bad is that such associations are considered by some men as a recip
e: Strong, hard and brutal is the thing be used. So, is it not as a transmitter
of love, but the executor of a criminal court. The enthusiastic hardly a woman,
clearly. It also charged the man, because the penis is sometimes considerably so
fter than a dagger, and more delicate than a tail. The man feels like a loser an
d the thing is still flabby. Remember, the penis is not a independently operatin
g part of the body. It is part of your body and your personality. Put him one as
nice as you want to be your partner.
The role of the cavernous Get familiar with the operation of the joy bringer, it
is highly ingenious. No bones or muscles provide movement and stiffness of the
limb, but a system of reflexauslösenden nerve endings and refillable cavernosa.
This cavernosa are spongy blood vessels, which when excited be filled. Simultane
ously, the outflow of blood impeded, so that the "sponges" and thus the penis ar
e well filled.In the penis three put such cavernosa, two large and one smaller.
The latter surrounds the HarnSamenRöhre and goes to the tip of the penis in the
glans about. This is the most sensitive part of the limb, yes, the whole man. Hi
ghly sensitive nerve endings take every touch, every caress, each rubbing up and
transferred it to the sex center in the brain. The commands issued as feedback
the "blood stasis cause swell penis!" and later "can come orgasm cause ejaculati
Stimulation opportunities If you are not circumcised, the glans is covered by th
e foreskin. But what they do in most cases, move easily and is preserved by a ri
bbon before too long slide down. Even the ribbon approach is highly sensitive. M
any men are preparing touch this pleasure triangle greatest joys , the other a s
light pain. palpation you link your views, determine where you stroking like bes
t. Tell that even your partner, run their delicate hand or tongue to where you w
ant them to be. There are particularly large differences the sex drive with or w
ithout foreskin slipped. Some men are excited when it is withdrawn and the bare
glans is touched. Others, like the do not they "come" it is either very fast or
not at all. They appreciate the sense of the the glans back and beautiful lish t
he foreskin. your relevant preference will know you as a man. you should tell th
em also to your partner. It is frustrating not only for you, if it lack of an ap
propriate point of contact not radios, the woman struggles do not like long in v
ain away .
Cleanliness is important for all tastes are indeed the same when it comes to Eic
helweiß, called smegma is. That may not. It is formed by the strong oily sebaceo
us glands of the glans and foreskin and by desquamated cells. These deposits do
not smell very unpleasant, they are also a good breeding ground for bacteria. Yo
u should always pay attention to cleanliness. Generally speaking, a shared bathr
oom is always a splendid preparation for upcoming love games. First, the water h
as a certain erotic effect, which many a prelude or first act the same in the tu
b animated. Second, the mutual knowledge prevents the absolute purity of the oth
er, that body parts are left out during sex, because they are considered unclean
The main function of the testes hardly observed, but are highly important for th
e sexual act the testicles. They produce the seminal vesicles, and they respond
to the different stages of arousal. The two in the bag housed in the testis, a c
omplicated structure of the 200 subjects, and to to 300 meters of fine channels.
you need a lower by two to three degree temperature than the body, so they hang
out in an airy bag. In cold weather they are used to the warm body, then pulls
up the skin of the scrotum. dangle In heat below it, the skin stretches.
During sexual arousal, the "eggs" has become much thicker. The sack skin stretch
es, and testes expressed in the body. The more you entgegenfiebert the peak, the
more close up she is the dam between the anus and genitals. The farther it up c
ome, the stronger is the pressure of ejaculation. The other way: Does this rise
to the testicles, then the outpouring impossible. The suppression of the testis
is thus a way to control the ejaculation and back. Then we will come back again
Muscle-flexing in the pelvic floor to become erect does the penis no muscles. Fo
r intercourse, you do not need either. The filled cavernous ensure hardness and
durability. Do you want but control your ejaculation consciously and multiorgasm
isch be, then you need muscle. And those in the pelvic area, the primarily to co
ntrol the precipitation processes are there. They close as the ureter and preven
t the leakage of urine at the wrong time.
With the strength of the pelvic floor muscles The muscles in the pelvic floor to
get to know you should, and you should strengthen it. Then you can stop delayin
g an approaching effusion, or draw even in the opposite direction. Then you can
give several consecutive orgasms. Try again. Your penis to lift by muscle! it wo
rks? Even if he is only moderately stirred, you should continue with this muscle
. clamping it to, whenever you remember, wherever you are! muscles are strengthe
ned by its use, thereby win them in power. There is to be men who were there tra
ined to below such "Mucki" that they can hang their towel on her upturned penis.
Mind you, their muscular and not through a structured erection penis! Try once,
while to interrupt micturition the water. Here, too, if you notice the strength
of a pelvic floor muscle, you can control at will. This exercise peeing you sho
uld also include in your weight training program should include a full beam can
bring to a sudden halt. There is a so-called point of ejaculatory inevitability,
that moment where you just have to ejaculate, and you can trick this delay by c
ontrolling pelvic muscles.
Ejaculation without orgasm is possible
The orgasm is the sexual center in the brain (the hypothalamus triggered), the e
jaculation of a reflex center in the lower spinal cord. Even these two different
bodies make it clear that orgasm and ejaculation show not one and the same. Als
o practical experience that the two are separate operations : So boys can before
puberty quite orgasms even experience a dozen in a row, but obviously they can
emit any semen. And there are men who have simply no ejaculation, but do still o
rgiastic feelings. This is referred to as "Plaisir sec" or "dry orgasm", or if i
t is a sexual health case as aspermatism. This can be seen as a disease, but als
o deliberately to be practiced and enjoyed. Copyright is precisely the pelvic fl
oor muscles, which blocks the Ejakulationsweg and the liquid is mostly backward
into the bladder expresses (retrograde ejaculation). Conversely, an ejaculation
without orgasm is possible, such as medical experiments showed. It trickled to a
cocaine solution into the urethra, making any sex drive is off. However, the su
bjects ejaculated.
Description of ejaculation draws at the ejaculation, the muscles of the epididym
is, vas deferens, seminal vesicles and prostate together jerky. Thus, the ejacul
ate is forced into the HarnSamenRöhre. The rapid contraction of the pelvic floor
muscles eventually lead to the expulsion of fluid from the penis. About two to
six cubic centimeters ejaculate normally herausgespritzt, the filling of a tea b
y tablespoon. The gray-white or yellowish liquid is a mixture of products from d
ifferent organs. The key to reproduction sperm, the sperm is formed in the testi
cles. hundred to three hundred million sperm cells, all try than to reach first
the female egg and fertilize to make from there on, about 17 centimeters long jo
urney to the tip of the penis. Of a total amount of ejaculate they are involved,
despite their high numbers only to ten percent. So can a sterilized husband sti
ll neat. inferiority spray because of an insufficient amount of liquid are unfou
nded for him. The seminal vesicles produce a clear secretion which makes the spe
rm only mobile. In the prostate the milky juice is added, which gives the ejacul
ate color, smell and taste. The Cowper 'between glands are for the "joy drop" ch
arge, which ooze out even in the arousal and erection. It adds HarnSamenRöhre of
urine residue cleaned and the smoothness of the traffic
improved. Even in this secretion can be einmogeln spermshould consider what peop
le want to practice contraception with "coitus interruptus" or "Ejakulatio retar
da." prematurely interrupted the intercourse and ejaculation purposely rückwärts
geleitete are therefore most unreliable anti-baby method.
The production of the ejaculate sometimes you can hear the old saying "The man h
as shot and then 4000 is the end." This is nonsense, because the testicles and o
ther glands involved can freely provide the ingredients to ejaculate. When repea
ted after ejaculation is reduced while the amount of liquid, but has no effect o
n sex drive and ability to fertilize. The muscles do not limp. On the contrary,
muscles are strengthened by frequent use. Keep therefore now look at your pelvic
floor muscles and start the training: limb lift: and : breaking the stream!
III. If it is not working properly
Sexual disorders are widespread, only a quarter of men have no problems with sex
ual functions. They were representative studies of sexologists Siegfried Schnabl
. This means, conversely, that 75 percent of the male sex being more or less lik
ely to have problems with erection and ejaculation, libido and orgasm . The fact
that sexual functioning so has its pitfalls, Patzer and dropouts are widespread
here. This was said in the introduction, to all those to calm some who believe
stand there with their flaccid member, her early effusion or their pain alone. E
ven more reassuring is the fact that the overwhelming majority of sexual dysfunc
tions can be treated relatively easily and promising. And for the most part in t
heir own work, without the consultation of doctors and therapists.
Where's the fire in the man? The man mainly affect erection and ejaculation. The
most common, according to Schnabl in 30 percent of all cases, problems with eja
culation, especially premature ejaculation. With 20 percent followed by a weakne
ss or lack of erectile function (impotence), 15 percent of the cases is to have
The reasons for sexual dysfunction are varied. Often, fears of failure, or prior
to the rejection by the partner the cause. A high work pressure, one for consci
ous control during sex prepare especially inexperienced men trouble with erectio
n and ejaculation. Partner problems, as recent disputes or lack of honesty block
the expression of desire and deprivation, also feed on the road to sexual fulfi
llment. Sometimes simple, physical ailments, the cause of a limp penis, such as
exhaustion, fatigue or a disease. Drugs, drugs and alcohol is also a good part o
f the erectile capacity.
If there is a problem difficult is the diagnosis and therapy, if guilt feelings,
fears and dislikes sitzen.Wenn deeper the relationship with the opposite sex is
profoundly disturbed, if the partner or the partner inwardly rejects or even ha
te. In such cases, one with our tricks and do not exercise their development. Th
en a visit to a psychotherapist or a marriage counseling agency appears. so dram
atic course, are only a few mishaps. unproblematic, however, is troubleshooting
and repair of the many small fatigue, ill-timed molding or sluggish highlights.
The tool they find later , in the chapters with the exercises and the sensation
ejakulationsaufhaltenden training.
Premature ejaculation: fright of the penis and Edeltraud Eberhard studied at the
same faculty. He in the sixth, they in the first semester. After they had eaten
a few times together in the cafeteria and had durchgequatscht two nights in the
ir dorm, they felt their mutual affection, their love. In the forest they would
"dare" then the first time. Eberhard: "I was very excited. it was bad, as I said
Edeltraud that she was a virgin and am afraid of defloration. She asked me very
carefully to be. "The Eberhard insecure addition,before the insertion of the pe
nis, he ejaculated, "Premature ejaculation" is called in the medical Latin: prem
ature ejaculation. Even later attempts has not always enjoyable. Although succes
sful sexual intercourse, and thus the defloration, but Eberhard there were alway
s a few bumps. He: " I started to watch myself more and more exactly, because I
wanted to improve. Without success. Even the feeling of pleasure at ejaculation
was getting weaker. The term orgasm deserved that. "She:" This can not but be an
ything, I thought. Then we can
yes without a moment later. So we frequented less and less with each other. It w
as always unsatisfactory, he always came earlier. "
The problem of over-arousal with the rare traffic did the two exactly the wrong
one. For Premature ejaculation is primarily a problem of younger, inexperienced
people, which makes combat at the very best with ample practice. As with many of
impotence cases, the cause in the excitement of tension and the fear of doing s
omething wrong. With sexual experience and with age go back PraecoxFälle. Physic
al causes of premature ejaculation are unknown. It is a really simple problem of
over-arousal, easy to explain and to treat lightly. Yet tried some depth psycho
logists in the past, seen in the premature ejaculation more than just the fright
of the penis. Sigmund Freud believed, for example, that the Praecox the whole a
ct vorgenießt in his imagination, "so that he meet in the female a few seconds t
o orgasm bring about. "Others made the cause of the fear of castration or disapp
earance of the penis in the vagina and an aggressive attitude toward women. Rapi
d ejaculation is common in the animal world. After ten, twenty seconds of mammal
s with rammishness are done. You can not more time because they must constantly
be on guard against stronger enemies. Similarly, people react when they do not f
eel disturbed. you masturbate quickly in the toilet so no one can draw due to a
too long residence suspicion. They love fast in the back seat of the car, becaus
e they are afraid of observation by passersby. you long for the rapid outpouring
on the bed of a brothel, because the girl is waiting impatiently for the end of
the Geschäftsakts.
The quality of orgasm that they are now generally more time for sexual intercour
se, and for attempting to delay ejaculation, seems to be a result of our culture
and civilization process to be. For sheer necessities of life were delights: Ma
n "dine" instead of eating, you love "" to copulate place. It is simply more tro
uble. In particular, better-educated people consider sexual stamina as an ideal,
while in the lower layers of an early effusion is often still seen as a sign of
special masculinity is. The premature ejaculation did not see many men affected
as behandelnswertes problem at. Selfishly they think only of her own pleasure t
hat comes when praecox even a bit faster. That the woman is unsatisfied and feel
s exploited remember, they often only when they bring their fun with others, con
siderate and "better" men or even leave her husband or boyfriend.
The premature orgasm need not be this is the problem to get well under control.
With high cure probability "that we have described exercises ejaculation (Stop S
tart, and printing) from suffering. Short-term assistance can also use the coati
ng of condoms and the massaging of special Aktverlängerungscremes be. Thus the s
timulus sensation of the penis is subdued. A prior masturbation can also be usef
ul, as this large a voltage is reduced. Some people swear by distracting thought
s during intercourse, such as solving math problems, or the counting of sheep ap
pears. We are one Such distraction for concern because the emotional connection
between the two lovers disappear. We suggest the contrary, to concentrate on the
ir own feelings during intercourse,to enjoy the sensations of the penis into the
vagina. Then you feel how beautiful it is and certainly has the desire that the
remains for a while.
Premature retarda: fear of ecstasy There is a paradox: while the premature ejacu
lation in men often causes no suffering, others complain more frequently about a
verspätetete ejaculation. Among the premature ejaculation, however, suffer the
partners, delays by which they can benefit from it. He is them time enough to cl
imb up the pleasure peaks and orgasms. Often you highlight is also the man of th
e trigger, but to ejaculate yet. "Premature retarda" is the name of this delayed
outpouring, "aspermatism is the name of his complete lack. causes a lack of sex
ual arousal, possibly a certain antipathy to be compared with the sexual partner
. But fears of ecstasy, before the loss of control are expected of himself and h
is reactions, his reasons. The myth of the can with every "shot" degraded man's
power to an unconscious adherence to this alleged power lead.
If the delayed effusion is frustrating as with Charles, late forties, who heard
in his youth, but evil on the masturbation. That they disappear the spinal cord
can and bring the bullshit, they told him with a raised index finger. But as he
liked to masturbate, he led diseases on his back Masturbation, she was a consequ
ence of his Rubbelei.
Karl: "That's why I developed one as I was clever masturbation system. I rubbed
to highlight up, then stopped briefly stopped before it and began after the regr
ession of the excitement again and again. In all the years I have never slipped
out an outpouring." This Technology has a therapeutic exercise a certain value,
the constant absence of the recently redeeming ejaculation him aberbrachte orgas
m and ejaculation. Later he married, but the sexual married life was frustrating
and took not the desired offspring. A doctor at about the fear, that phobia the
"debilitating effusion finish". Shortly after the treatment his wife was pregna
nt. If you have an unpleasant delayed ejaculation or their complete absence, you
should continue to exercise our sensation. relax this and unlock the Ejakulatio
Impotence: work pressure and fear of failure impotence: is nothing, nothing work
s. The term does not erect or only slightly, intercourse is impossible. Every ei
ghth man knows that feeling. Only a few are but impotent permanently, never get
a high. Has for most of the limp tail psychological causes, which are mostly eas
y to fix. As such, the word sounds so cruel impotence is no reason to panic.
Ongoing impotent which there is hardly an example: Alfred and Gudrun had been ma
rried for 16 years. He was a good-natured and rather reserved person, she eloque
ntly and demanding. He worked as a baker in the morning and had to get up at hal
f past three. At noon he lay down for one hours on the ear, in the evening he wa
s liked by the "Tagesschau", around eight, to bed. Not so the wife: It was only
then really tried to alert the husband in front of the TV are still alive, and t
hen making sex. In the first ten years of marriage, which also went fairly well.
Gudrun: "We slept together about ten times per month. I would have liked me mor
e." Alfred: "Me too. But I was often just too tired. I learned a very hard and t
ook a lot of power . At some point there was nothing more to do, his penis remai
ned below. prostrate was also his self-confidence. The woman could not conceal h
er disappointment, she scolded him a loser. because of his impotence was simply
to different TagWachRhythmen of the two. He was just physically too weak if they
wanted dinner. The two began now to lie down for lunch together. At this time,
both were equally fit, this is not a Zeitmußte keep alive the other difficulty.
started their sexual discovery with Pettinghandlungen,with Streicheleien without
subsequent sexual intercourse. The Alfred freed from the pressure to perform, i
t was again susceptible to caress his wife. And he, too, it could again give aff
ection without having to fear before, that that would end with intercourse, perh
aps again with a failure . After a few such midday love games, it was ready, tha
t pleasure prevailed for more. They pushed into each other sexual intercourse. N
o problem! Since then, they do "it" is preferably at noon, when both are equally
rested. In the evening it leaves its early bird early in the go bed.
Fatigue and work pressure: Erection killer addition to fatigue may also like phy
sical exhaustion reasons for impotence. Who gets after a ten-hour grueling drive
or after a hard day's work an erection to need little to worry about. He needs
sleep and rest, is then it certainly again. Also work worries and mental strain,
such as taking exams, have an impact on potency. Sex is something for which one
needs brain and heart, time and rest. If the above consumed, it does not work b
elow. One of the most common causes of erectile problems is a kind of sexual tes
t anxiety. It sets in when you are with the first or a new partner together: How
to flip it? Will I be able to satisfy them? work pressure and fear of failure r
uining beautiful love games.
What also promotes the impotence on the other hand, a saturation and habit cause
impotence. After some time, can one of the well-known spouse become boring. We
know every square inch of his body, his every sexual techniques. The act itself
begins to fade to become . Moreover, declining physical attractiveness. The husb
and with the beer belly, the wife irritate the sagging any more. In addition, th
ey give themselves often have little trouble to be of interest to the partner. b
ad breath or greasy hair can release all the partners and the desire kill. Other
impotence reasons have anything to do with the situation and the premises. A st
range environment, an uncomfortable bed, or the fear surprised to be prevented,
the relaxed sexual pleasure. particularly high so the failure rate of young peop
le in the bed of the outgoing parents on the back seat of the car, behind the th
in cloth of a tent or the bushes of a park. too worried about an unwanted pregna
ncy or sexually transmitted diseases or AIDS affect the erection often substanti
These causes are relatively easy to make finding. Similarly, it is usually easy
to remedy them. In the best case, the erectile dysfunction then disappears immed
iately. If the good piece stubbornly below, then help the later described feelin
g exercises.
Drugs Anders is the matter with organic reasons. In ten percent of all impotence
reduce drugs and medications, the main cause. Particularly excessive alcohol co
nsumption and the intake of sedatives, the erectile function. Small amounts of a
lcohol stimulate relax on and on, larger quantities but grab the Erek tionsauslö
ser in the brain and the nerves. So moderation: with alcohol and drugs should ch
eck with the doctor about side effects potenzbeeinträchtigenden!
Female dysfunction: Shadows of Education, the sexual dysfunctions of women conce
rning their sexual responsiveness and their excitability and the Orgasmuserleben
. If there is a lack of libido, this is called frigidity, when the orgasm absent
from anorgasmia. There is also the problem of vaginal spasm ( vaginismus). frig
idity and vaginismus are caused mostly in a prudish upbringing or negative sexua
l experiences. There is lack of interest and aversion to sexual intercourse and
the partnership intimacy at all. Guilt is the parental characterization of the g
enitals with "Shame!", denying an open education, the withholding of contracepti
on. But even traumatic experiences such as rape,Defloration raw or unexpected me
nstruation. One can only reckless or clumsy partner also be a reason for the lac
k of excitement and lack of climax.
Female lack of interest in sex a man who is married to a frigid woman is badly o
ff: Because she is either earlier than he does in bed and be asleep when he was
later to her sets. Or they stay longer sit in the living room engrossed in a boo
k or tinkering, and hopes that the husband is already asleep when she joins. Bef
ore the "conjugal duty" there are long debates with the accusation that he would
always just "one" although it "the" but there is only every four weeks. And the
act itself, they keep quiet just now, looks at him disapprovingly and can be un
mistakably different things go through your head. terrible, but widespread. Ever
y tenth woman has absolutely no interest in sex.
Your suffering is low because they do not feel sick or fraught with problems. Th
ey often do not understand that their partner suffers from its refusal. For peop
le who themselves have no needs, can not sympathize with that other waiver hurts
The orgasm barring same applies to VaginismusFrauen. The vaginal spasm, the knee
-jerk barricade the vagina at the approach of a penis is associated mostly with
general pain in sex and inability to orgasm. But others, who are married to some
extent for years to develop, replacement techniques they to the climax bring. F
or example, by leg movement, mouth and hand stimulation or clitoral massage. Thi
s sometimes forty and married intact virgins come in doctors' offices and ask on
ly for help, if they create dissatisfaction and infidelities of her husband, mar
ital problems or if a child suggests. Fortunately, the Treatment of vaginismus p
romising highly. It begins by highlighting the causes of defensiveness and nonse
nsical ideas refuted by the vulnerability associated with sexual intercourse, by
a kind of impalement. At the same time, the woman must make friends with their
genitals, should there explore meet the bottom and . For this it needs a mirror,
and her fingers. It is to be at her legs spread her vulva look in the mirror, i
s with her fingers to open the large and small labia and palpate the vagina. Wit
h the introduction of her fingers, it will make the anxiety and anticonvulsant e
xperience that "it" does not hurt. libido and orgasm problems women encounter wi
th the sensation of training. This includes women for pleasant, pleasurable feel
Secret weapon: Masturbation For lack of height, we also advise on self-stimulati
on, that is to masturbation. During coitus, the partner may also take such posit
ions where they can stimulate the same time as the hand of the clitoris. Suitabl
e for this purpose, the lateral position with the rear imported penis and the po
sition of the top horse woman. Through a stroking of the clitoris until just bef
ore the orgasm, the man led up to the woman ultimately triggered coital climax.
IV men without women
Practice, practice, practice, but with whom? Sexual inexperience is a common cau
se of problems with erection and ejaculation. The treatment recommendation is ea
sy to pronounce: practice, practice, practice. But it is difficult to carry out
for many. For whom? Inexperience are just the men who have no partner. Those who
want one, but not quite trust the other, because they are afraid of failure.
Fear of failure, such fear of failure are often born sixteen in past failed sex
tests. "I was at a party I cuddled with a classmate," says the now 24 year old B
ert. "We went behind her home, she had a supposedly likes speak . For them and f
or me it was the first time I was terribly excited, even worse than it was a ser
ious class work. too: 'Do not hurt me, "she said.'Passport yes to pull and you b
ack in time! "Question mark at me filled: What do I actually do during intercour
se? Bother us really no? I Prepare you may pain and how they responded to my pen
is, is he big enough?" How can they actually look like naked? How do we prevent
a pregnancy? And so on ... I think she was just nervous. In short, it was a disa
ster. Hardly had we had taken off us and laid on the bed, it came to me already.
I was my thing does not even come to her pussy. "Bah," she grumbled, wiping the
stuff from the thigh in disgust. I was totally confused, and did it to me any m
ore. We have not subsequently tried together, were both disappointed. A little l
ater she told me triumphantly that it had worked out with a different type: 'He
could control himself, which was great! "Then I was still bent. Since then I've
never tried to have sex with women . I learned while some know who also had inte
rest in me, but whenever it threatened to become intimate, I screwed up. Althoug
h I just 'the' most wanted. "The good Bert needs a sense of achievement. He need
s an understanding partner, who takes his stage fright and it even after a botch
ed first appearance again asked to the stage. Because that is not there, or Bert
would not hinwagt to such, he has to practice alone. He must first of all the o
verwhelming excitement mine, and the most easily through masturbation. And he mu
st feel that you can get an erection for a long time and that they can build eve
n after a loss quickly.
He must learn to delay his ejaculation and control to a certain extent. Also for
the masturbation is the best.
With "weird" ideas Likewise young are our next two SexProblematiker. The one, Ha
ns, came with false, weird ideas into sexual encounters, the other, Hermann Jose
f, complete with a Nichtahnung. The result is the same: It does not work, it is
unsatisfactory . Hans felt already in his school strongly attracted to the oppos
ite sex, he felt the erotic moment in many meetings with classmates. But virtual
ly never came of it. He dreamed of, without that he could think of concrete, run
what actually between them should. remedy he hoped in porn movies found. Such f
ilms aroused made him swell his member and discover masturbation. was for person
al contacts, however, in the movie "Learned" catastrophic consequences. He behav
ed like the LeinwandPotenzler and fell on hard the nose. "repeated three things
in all porn. Then I thought that these were important components of any Act," ap
ologizes Hans. "That was the beginning of the call of the man to the woman: 'Now
do it pretty stiff time ! 'Then it was the quick change of positions during the
actual intercourse, and finally it was the ejaculation outside the vagina. "All
three Hans tried with his friends. to take when seeking the fellatio, at desire
, his penis in her mouth He once earned a slap in the face and the accusation of
being perverse. "At other times it was so that 'he' I have stood up when we wer
e petting and we moved out. He must therefore not be steifgeblasen, he was so al
ready. Nevertheless, I invited them to do so, and they did. It was such a nice f
eeling that I was still in her mouth had an ejaculation. She, who had already ta
ken my penis is not exactly enthusiastic in his mouth, was outraged . She was di
sgusting, and they insulted me horribly. We found ourselves again. Later, with a
nother girl, it happened to me no better. 'I shall not leave me around from you,
' she said, and refused to oral play. When she was fucking pissed. I tried to ta
ke all possible positions, which they just bugged. 'Can you not even stay calm,
I can not concentrate at all,' she whispered to me.I came out completely, the ai
r was gone, the stiffness as well. "All the bad things are three: when he was sl
eeping with another friend, had Hans say that was not even on the PornoEjakulati
on outside the vagina turn. Hans snapped" It actually quite good. Then I felt th
at I came. "It seems to me, 'I gasped and pulled his penis out of her. you asked
annoyed and reproach:
'What is that why you stay in it not? I take the pill, because I can not do anyt
hing,' "Hans was puzzled by this experience. He had the feeling that everything
is done wrong to have. He was now more women from the consumed away, satisfied a
nd continue to porn yourself secretly hoping to meet a woman like from such a st
Unreal from the world of eroticism is the not. Porn films are not films for good
sex, but serve to stimulate or substitute gratification. They often show male d
reams and fantasies and pretend that women want them. Porn movies want in as few
minutes show as many techniques and positions. And they obey the dictates of a
certain camera: The can capture particularly well and oral aesthetic practices,
and that they will also do extensive. For them, the actual coitus, however, is q
uite boring, because the genitalia are not visually fitted into each other much.
give permanent position change and new practices, even if they are uncomfortabl
e and unsatisfactory, have to balance that. Finally, does the camera take everyt
hing, especially the conclusion victory. He is a kind of receipt for sexual inte
rcourse, which must be visible and not in the depths the vagina seep should. The
rules of the porn film and it should remember all porn consumers have little to
do with the practice! The same applies to the beer-bar debates, at which it com
es to penis length and orgasm frequency. Then will someone blessed with a 30Zent
imeterDing be, and another brags of his seven times, he creates quite loose in o
ne night. If such is holding a talk at face value, will probably get an inferior
ity complex. Because a horse tail he will have little, and with the seven times
it will probably hardly work. Hermann Josef could have been a victim of such fai
ry tale. For he had contributed to sexuality no idea when he came in the crucial
age. Neither in theory nor in practice. In his strict parents house was the sub
ject of taboo, and the school absolutely nothing in terms of education.
Mistakes A disturbing mix of curiosity and fear was all that he brought in the f
irst night with a younger friend from the youth center. His erection, which he f
elt at the first caresses with Beatrice, he was ashamed of such that he rebellio
us element in a tight swimming trunks squeezed. It was simply cramp, which came
out at the first attempt by the two sexual advances. They left it then.
An open and proper education, an informal deal with sexual issues is still the b
est precaution against such experiences. Rookie mistakes can then be put away to
o easily. And it discouraged to continue. A good recipe for practical education
is still partly a visit to a brothel. Buyment professionals should instruct the
youth in the art of love with them, he should work off his nervous eagerness. So
me boys who were with Dad and uncle went into the hundreds Puff come with some v
ery useful experience out again. But at least as many frustrated such a visit so
that he difficult for them later partnership sex life more. can disillusion dis
gust or disillusionment with the purely business-process and uncertainty. Herman
n Joseph, John and Bert made typical rookie experience. The three could not be c
ompensated by positive succession experiences, they are now alone. You want a pa
rtner, but want to be sure it runs properly with it then.The best treatments suc
h that one undertakes in cooperation with the partners. Hermann Joseph, John and
Bert are but have not, they are forced to try to get their erection and ejacula
tion in the handle. Masturbation, exercising the pelvic floor muscles and the ap
plication of techniques delaying ejaculation are good ways to work alone in itse
lf. The newly-won security may dampen the beating heart before the next intimate
test significantly.
With surrogate partners sex therapists, especially in the U.S., use in standalon
e clients sometimes called surrogate partner. They are paid, sexual health train
ed staff to take over the role of women in therapeutic exercises. You are partic
ipating in Streichelübungen, instructed in various techniques and practicing sex
ual intercourse . The work with surrogate partners is controversial. The great a
dvantage is that the single with sexual dysfunction opportunity is to gain self-
confidence and security. The most important disadvantage is that the therapy run
s counter to such surrogate partners in the humanization of sexual relations. Th
is is the main objective of each sex therapy. If you, dear reader, at the moment
have no partner and improve but your erectile function and control your Ejakula
tionsverhalten want to help our exercises to strengthen pelvic muscles as well a
s the stop-off and printing technology. But above all, ardent masturbation.
V. Sexual skills can be learned
The training starts now begins the practical part. Now you are called upon now t
o join you. Before you begin, please answer the following questions: 1 I want to
really change and improve our sex life? Will I still climb higher peaks of desi
res? 2nd Am I willing to take me to this time and some rest? 3 Can I withdraw an
d distance to get the everyday things? fourth our relationship is really intact?
5th we have no fear of unwanted pregnancy? We use reliable contraception? 6th A
m I open to new sensual feelings for unusual touches in all my body parts? 7th I
have a keen interest in experimenting? Did I want to explore with all parts of
my body all the regions of my partner? 8 . Can I receive pleasure without also w
ant to give pleasure? 9th Can I prepare like without having the right to be sati
sfied in parallel?
Say what you like and what have not you answered all questions with "yes"? Good.
Then you begin. Do the exercises, but always only as long as they make you and
your partner enjoy. Listen for unpleasant feelings on. Enter to understand your
partner during the exercises, which you like and what is not. Do you hear in the
opposite case to them. Show her through gestures and sounds, how much you like
they do. Talk to you afterwards about your feelings and experiences.
VI ejaculate. Not the same!
The ZwanzigMinutenProgramm for endurance and multi orgasm
These exercises are specifically designed to Herauszögern ejaculation. They were
men strongly encouraged to use who want to prolong the act of love that you wan
t may be multiorgasmisch. They are especially those recommended to suffer regula
r under a "premature ejaculation, where" it "that is already at or shortly after
the introduction of the penis into the vagina is. The target we are aiming at a
duration of twenty minutes, the excitement of the erect penis and hold out befo
re an orgasm and / or ejaculation takes place.
Two proven techniques Illusory? Not at all. There are two proven techniques that
you too can achieve the ZwanzigMinutenZiel. First, the technique of printing (i
ncluding Squeeze, pressing, pinch or Quetschtechnik), which was developed by Wil
liam Masters and Virginia Johnson. The other is the stop-start method, which has
devised James Semans. We advise you to try both ways to find out what pleases y
ou and affects you.They can also be combined. You should so often masturbate as
possible. You will get to learn excitation process and threshold. In addition, y
ou should train your pelvic floor muscles. If you master it, you can thus contro
l the effusion. Another way to an herauszuzögern ejaculation, is Karezza. This p
ractice of the penis may remain one or two hours in the vagina, without it comes
to ejaculation. Spiritual Highlights will it replace the körperlichnassen.
Stop! Start! Is important, as often as possible, preferably on a regular basis t
o make these exercises. Keep fixed weekly days and hours of free, such as the Mo
nday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday between acht und zehn clock in the evening. C
ancel all other obligations and appointments. Make telephone and bell off, you c
reate a relaxed atmosphere. First, we describe the stop-start method you can thu
s play through with your partner: Start your game of love in the way that you ar
e used to. With tenderness, caresses , the undressing. Lie on your back. Close y
our eyes, breathe deeply. Enjoy aware of the feelings that await you now. Now yo
ur partner caresses your body. She is always closer to your hocherogenen zones t
o the inner thighs, the scrotum, penis up. you
masturbating your penis with her hand. Concentrate on the sensations you experie
nce it. Think of nothing else, do not try to distract themselves. If you feel it
s approaching ejaculation, give her an agreed mark. You will hear immediately wi
th the stimulation.
pull in time, the "brake" ... your desire to ejaculate, is waning. Also, your er
ection will go back. After that, your partner stimulate your penis again. your e
rection will return, and eventually you are back before the Ejakulationsdrang. T
hen enter again the signal agreed upon, and your partner will stop once their ha
nd. The repeat four times. Then enter no ejaculate signs and. There is no reason
to get upset if you already have come before. Catch the exercise just once on.
There is always a next time Repeat the exercise until you can recognize the sign
s of the coming effusion reliable. Has worked two to three times, is the second
step. It is the same exercise in principle, only this time the penis with a lubr
icant rubbed. This is very exciting and conveys a strong sense of the term in th
e soft, warm and moist vagina. Gleitcreme Instead of using the partner's penis m
ay also stimulate oral, so with her lips and mouth. Let stimulate again as long
as until the effusion is at the door. Enter listens to the stop sign, and the pa
rtner. After the decay of the Ejakulationsdrucks it's back on, a total of four t
imes. Then may you finally ejaculate.
Even during coitus "Stop Start" Then comes the coitus, the insertion of the peni
s into the vagina. Again, the stop start principle. You lie back comfortably on
the back. The woman kneels or squats, with the face facing you, on you. Keep it
on the hips and run it up and down. Concentrate on the sensations, which your pe
nis from the vagina. Enjoy it. If you feel the approach of ejaculation, stop you
r partner. Wait you until the urge has passed. Then go on, again four times with
"Stop" and then to the effusion.
"Stop Start" when you change position ejaculation Is this again a few times and
have succeeded in the sense to hold out longer, then you try other positions and
out. Make gradually increased, pushing movements. you have intercourse on the si
de, and invert the very end untenPositionen up /. If you are on top, kneel or cr
ouch and beyond exercise more active movements that ejaculation is the most diff
icult.If you succeed in this position for a satisfactory control of your ejacula
tion, you have reached your first goal.
Orgasm without effusions Do you want more, to do that is at the stop orgasm to e
jaculate without, you have to practice using this scheme further. You need to co
ntinually creep up to the point of "ejaculatory inevitability" to the split-seco
nd sense of the more than splashing out or decide stop in the seminal fluid. The
hard-working practice and a good sense for this point are the main prerequisite
for multi orgasm. It is helpful to control the pelvic floor muscles, you need t
o harness the critical moment to stop the effusion or even redirect. For the lea
rning of these orgasms without effusions, there are no time constraints. How fas
t and whether you multiorgasmisch any, is person to person. Many take weeks or m
onths, some did not create it.
Pressure on the penis after the stop start pattern we proceed with the printing
industry. Only will this down instead of letting go at the "Stop!" On the penis.
This pressure makes the ejaculation disappear tionsbedürfnis. Just below the gl
ans, in the amount of coronary sulcus, is clamped firmly . The thumb is on the t
ape to the underside of the limb, during Show and middle fingers are on the oppo
site side. It is pressed until the erection disappears. seconds at least three t
o four, should under certain circumstances, up to ten or fifteen seconds Stop th
e pressure. Then, after a short break of about half a minute, then starts again,
the stimulation by hand, mouth or the vagina. Reports to back the ejaculation i
s again clamped.
Pressure stops outpouring This pressure prevents quite reliably the effusion. Ph
ysically similar effects can be achieved when a finger firmly pressed against th
e vas deferens, that is, on the causeway between the scrotum and anus. Effective
is the suppression of the testicles. In the case of sexual arousal the testicle
s towards the body raised, and the degree of increase is crucial for the intensi
ty of the effusion. If he announces itself, it can pull down with your hand and
prevent ejaculation. The partner can also what is seen as particularly exciting,
with the mouth the testicles
enclose try and divert time down. Some men they stick between his legs to stop t
he ejaculation. That's all taste and feeling thing that you can try everything o
Press Early everything The end of the printing technique exercises very similar
to the Stop Start program: You lie on your back. The woman massaging and rubbing
your penis. At the point of ejaculatory inevitability, it expresses in the way
described on your link. At first it may be appropriate that You put your finger
on your partner to show her where and how strong they wink. but you must press f
irmly, but it can not hurt, of course. Then you will make the soothing experienc
e that one lost erection returns. Four to five times let your wife or girlfriend
or wink in time, then discharged. After two or three such meetings you love doi
ng these exercises with lubricants or oral stimulation. And three to four times.
A ride to dominance in the next step is the woman astride you, the face facing y
ou. The penis does not run even one. Rather, you repeat the stimulation with twi
ce flap. Then she guides your penis into her vagina by itself quasi him on set.
There he remains largely motionless. If you feel the urge to ejaculate, she dism
isses him from the vagina and presses again. Then she leads him on again.
20 minutes without ejaculation slow you must begin with the following lessons wi
th restrained pelvic movements. Can you make it, this game fifteen to twenty min
utes to continue without ejaculation and if so,it may also your partner move her
pelvis, you can develop both always uninhibited and try new positions. Even if
you hold it back twenty minutes, you should in the next six months or at least d
o it once a week a couple of pressure exercises before the actual intercourse. F
or multi orgasmus candidates is the same as what was at the end of the Stop Star
t chapter said.
Speaking with the partner! The Stop Start program and the printing technology is
extremely promising methods for ejaculation. In the majority of all conformer i
s within a few weeks sex with a duration of twenty minutes to the ejaculation to
be possible. But it can also be a problem. It can be pain occur during the work
out, and it can lead to dissatisfaction with the outcome.
The woman takes the active part, both to the StopStartens "or" pressed to "get t
ired, especially if they are not quickly recruited a visible success. To not giv
e such couples, they are after three weeks, a" free "love night per week allowed
. In this they can each sleep without bothering to stop off or print commands. A
nother problem is the unilateral shift to be a man, the one-sided tease out his
pleasure. The partner may be frustrated because they thereby neglected and unsat
isfied remains. Perhaps she feels the therapist, even to prostitute degraded. It
leads the man to orgasm, but who they are stimulated? remedy is available: the
man can irritate the clitoral partner, with his hands or tongue. But this must o
nly happen after the completion of his training. First, then have the exercises
to be completed by the methods described by us Stop Start or printing methods, t
hat is, the man must have ejaculated. Only then can (and should) take care of hi
mself to his wife or girlfriend. If he think of it during his stimulation and di
straction, the success of the training would be called into question. The fact o
f receiving one-sided affection and desire of men will cope in different ways. F
or some, this is something new and positive. They had been the active and giving
Part of the couple. But now they lie there passively and receive something from
their partner. you enjoy it, and they learn by how much their wife or girlfrien
d loves them. However, where the self-esteem of the man a crack, he is concerned
about the durability the relationship, extradition may cause considerable distr
ess to their activity. He may be afraid of the woman refused, and no longer to b
e taken seriously.
On Troubleshooting
Talks between the two can solve such problems in partnership. The common preoccu
pation with something intimate as their sexuality and the need to talk about it,
even their ability to communicate is in other areas. This is not possible, the
problems are deep and carrying it possibly other, repressed to light, do not be
afraid to seek the help of professionals to complete. marriage counseling center
s and psychologists are the right person. Occasionally turns out that a sexual d
isorder was a stabilizing element of a relationship. For example, a woman who op
posite her husband, insecure and unable felt needed really his problem with prem
ature ejaculation. You could show tolerance and understanding, he had to return
the favor with gratitude. His failure made him dependent upon it. And now, as he
again worked well? Hat he is not there gained such appeal that he was taking ot
her, wilder women could? Since then comes the feeling of inferiority and weaknes
s in the wife out again. In this case, it is important to give this woman the lo
ve and appreciation of the man and to prove. It is problematic even when sexual
dysfunctions of women so far behind those of the men were hiding, and now that t
hese men "cured" are to be dragged to light. Sure,that some women had to prematu
rely ejaculating male orgasm difficulties. How should they be brought to a clima
x by six, seven piles? But how is it her now that he can hold out twenty minutes
, still not? too, suddenly becomes a division of roles, to which they had accust
omed themselves, turned over. He was previously the case of a problem, they beco
me victims, the martyr. Now the reverse is true at a time, she has a disorder. b
e sure: Even this therapy so. However, only in connection with the exercise prog
ram of man. He must only have one really learned to take control of his ejaculat
ion. then can be taken care of the partner. It is hoped that women who matter, d
o not read this outlook as a threat but as an opportunity. Their problems with o
rgasm and libido can be solved.
Homemade Lust Masturbation is an enjoyable form of sexual activity. And it is an
important element in our exercises akulationssicherheit greater Ej and multiple
orgasms. By masturbation you get to know his sexual responses, feel how it spre
ads, the erection and again declining. Merkt, when the threshold is reached
will be triggered after the ejaculation and orgasm. learns, by means of which to
uches and movements of the pleasure highest. you should, even if you have a part
ner, take twice a week for half an hour for the self-stimulation. This is also t
he twosome sex serve as the go with security fitter and more skillful.
Masturbation is not a substitute satisfaction even in a partner relationship mas
turbation important functions. It balances uneven sexual desire has the partners
and reduces individual stress. It helps you, which at the moment, perhaps the n
eed for sexual satisfaction to a pleasant orgasm without you Your partner just l
ackluster use "quality". And vice versa. It is better for both parties, as neede
d to vent alone than to harass a partner, opened just bad and exploit them. For
consideration in a relationship also includes the ability to sense those hours i
n which the other has no pleasure in sex. masturbation should both, if they feel
like it. They should also talk to each other, not that the partner is offended
when the other his hand he prefers. It must be clear that one does not masturbat
e, because the Partner is a sexually unattractive or anything there. masturbatio
n is not a substitute satisfaction, it is not underdeveloped form of sexuality.
It is neither inferior nor anything abnormal, it is not harmful or makes them ad
dictive. guilt and shame because of them are completely inappropriate.
Experimenting is fun There are a lot of techniques for masturbation. Experimenti
ng with them is fun and stimulating. Whether one patting gently with your finger
tips the glans if you prefer powerful 'Miss Faust "and descending on leaves, whe
ther the link between the palms of the hands ist rolling and or if you fondling
the testicles, which will find out each man himself. Whether woman rubbing her c
litoris, or if female, the vulva, stroking, whether women like to use a vibrator
or whether woman expresses her nipples will also learn. Apart the physical stim
ulus is masturbation a psychic. prerequisite of which is this that is also imagi
nation and dreams. When masturbating, you can / give women the idea for which th
e intimate contact with the partner is often no room. If one is alone, everythin
g is permitted. Would delay your ejaculation and control, we recommend this exer
Go gently with your hand up and down the shaft of the penis. Do not hastily, but
not soporific. Rub at the point of ejaculatory inevitability up and then stop.
The erection will fade away slowly, but you can by re-stimulation again. Try to
build up to twenty minutes to masturbate your penis, without achieving the Ejaku
lationspunkt.Stimulate three times to the threshold for high effusion, and disch
arged on the fourth time instead simply to stop the rubbing and massaging, you c
an use to avoid the ejaculation, the printing technology. Effective enjoys the s
upport Ergußblockade by the tensing and releasing the pelvic floor muscles. They
were later to use a lubricant, to simulate the vaginal sensation. so try to sup
press the ejaculation three times. The fourth time it may be wet.
Masturbation even with erectile dysfunction If you suffer from erectile dysfunct
ion, do not give up, but masturbate anyway. Even a limp or semi-erect member can
be up to the orgasm roll pat and rub. Instead of using your strong hand once th
e other to masturbate. Are you right handed, then use the left hand sometimes. Y
ou see a different, new penis feeling. your penis feels right to left with much
Training for the pelvic muscles of the pelvic floor muscles are responsible for
the erection of no significance, but are in ejaculation and orgasm the more acti
ve. Accordingly, one can influence through their control of ejaculation and clim
ax. Even while you sit there now and read, you may feel tense these muscles. Try
again. increase your penis or your anus consciously taken together: and interru
pt you at the next urination aware the beam!
An important muscle These are initial exercises you should do at every available
opportunity. The most important of these muscles is the Hamleiterschließmuskel,
in the jargon Pu called bococcygealMuskel. For his fitness should be consistent
practice times set up with solid workouts. A hundred times every day, is the mu
scle for three
Seconds tighten. Will you be multiorgasmisch, he needs more intensive care. Spec
ifically: 200 contractions per day. Begin to gently, with 50 contractions in the
first and 100 from the second week. Practise in blocks of 20-25 at and relaxati
ons: in the morning before getting up, just before the lunch, afternoon coffee,
while the television advertising will be. This gives you more aware of the activ
ity of these muscles are performing conscious in ejaculation and orgasm their co
ntractions. You will be able to intervene in these reflexes and thereby ejaculat
ion prevent and delay.
How can the woman PCMuskel uses skillfully Also your partner do something for th
e strength of their pelvic floor muscles. When you have these muscles is even mo
re significant, because they are supervisory bodies for all openings in this are
a, including the entrance to the vagina. you can with the strength of their Pubo
coccygealMuskels example, the penis in her vagina to hold normal. And that is fo
r you, you want the delay in the effusion and the achievement of learning multip
le orgasms, following practical value: First, they can use this Vaginalmuskel as
an element of printmaking. Can it to develop sufficient strength, then she pull
s it together at the point of ejaculatory inevitability and exercises like this
the pressure on the penis, which they otherwise would have caused with your fing
ers. Second, it may extend after ejaculation the stiffness of the limb to a good
quarter. They stretched their muscles about twenty seconds and surrounds so tha
t the limb. The extreme sensitivity of the currently leergespritzten penis and t
herefore touching dislike, just attach another number is reduced. The man can th
en go on without pain feelings often directly. The second coitus is also general
ly most enduring and gives himself and his partner still such a grandiose climax
Heaven on earth "Carezza is based on the fact that the sexual intercourse with o
rgasm for the purpose of the pleasures of sin to the creative power, and that th
is outrage, this waste, the main factor to suffering and Weltübeln is." It says
so in a textbook to Karezzaliebe (of Cesare A. Dorelli to read). The claim thatt
hat sex and orgasm with ejaculation was a wasted effort, is simply wrong. Anyone
who sets up yet and acts, which must put aside the knowledge and replace it wit
h the faith. The belief that one's sexual body and
can draw life force flows in purely spiritual paths. This is the basis Karezza.
Karezza has much to do with faith and meditation, and very little with körperlic
hsinnlicher happiness.
Karezza a motionless form of sexual intercourse Karezza, the introduction of the
penis into the vagina of the woman and the quiet persistence there. Both partne
rs do not move, do not bump orbit, not. Carezza is a motionless form of sexual i
ntercourse, with the relaxation of the limb and not with effusion and orgasm end
s. The teachings of the Karezzaliebe came from India and China were firmly assoc
iated with meditation exercises and a spiritualized way of life. It was to lift
the spirits and to withdraw the body. The bonds of mutual emotional attachment s
hould relish feelings than the mere physical reaction. From the Far East was rep
orted that some men could stand there for hours in the sheaths of the women to e
jaculate without, and that in this time is particularly wise and able to think e
ffectively. This makes many merchants do business, while their penis in the part
ner stuck. In the same situation led politicians negotiations and wrote poet boo
ks. "Karezzakraft is elixir of life and fountain in one. Karezza is heaven on ea
rth," writes Dorelli. "The ejaculation is not now by orgasm and emission of sper
m but to convert as emotional tide, as happiness, which felt the whole body of t
he fertilized or the beloved, flooded, blissful, rejuvenated, steels, embellishe
d, for all the beauty of the world and unlock all the luck in the earth, and pre
pare ... "Such a intimate KarezzaGenuß only be able to experience those who can
fully immerse themselves in this geistigmeditative depth. Only the will in the l
ong run the orgasm without and through this diffuse mental ejaculation can repla
ce. "sexual doctors warn also against damage caused by the continuous orgasm and
EjakulationsVerzicht (pure KarezzaFans ejaculate only for the purpose of procre
ation of children).
Karezza a love variant against premature ejaculation as a change to the normal s
exual intercourse but can Karezzaliebe's be nice. Even as a therapeutic agent fo
r premature ejaculation it is good. A try it is all worth it: Take your partner
in a comfortable, horizontal position, preferably side by side. Slide your erect
penis into the vagina.
Start with no rhythm, thrusting movements, even if you feel like it is. Remain c
alm, even if it is difficult. Give the gift of that which might otherwise be giv
en to the movements of your partner, with words and gestures. Tell her how much
they have and while you caress your body. blocking off all but lust, but is stil
l gehenzulassen. steer yourself if necessary with the thought of another, you ta
lk about God and the world. Man (n) can surprisingly long it stand with a limp p
enis in a quiet vagina. That in itself is an educational, positive experience. E
ven if the penis is limp, he should stay in it. Threatens he slide out, then rec
overed with some erotic movements and very careful pelvic movements, the erectio
n be. beatifying As the only sexual practice, we can not recommend Karezza. But
as a variant and "Rückhalteübung" they should be thoroughly tested times.
VII Banish the stress out of bed!
The sensation of training against power problems and orgasm disorders There were
times there was the couch in the practice of psychologists, the most important
tool to treat sexual disorders. Then practiced one does not, however, to make it
better. We lay there motionless, and had the psychologist his dreams and to dep
ict childhood memories. The effort to make this deep-seated neurotic conflicts i
dentified. He tried tothem in an early childhood stages categorized by Freud's,
they give reasons for problems in the anal or oral Phase.
When sexual disorders, it was on the couch This is still not so long ago. And no
w there are still some master of this AnalytikerZunft to drill deep enough to ac
count for sexual problems and to treat. The success rates were and still are, ho
wever pitifully low. Anders was it with the sex therapy by William Masters and V
irginia Johnson. recognized the two as orgasm researchers became known sexologis
ts that sexual dysfunctions are usually quite simple and Exposed causes: pressur
e to perform, failure anxiety, tension and stress, poor partner communication. P
ractical exercises standing by their therapeutic concept in the foreground . The
client must always join both! found a two to one to three weeks stay in their i
nstitution. This was a day and leave the sanatorium atmosphere, a meeting held a
conversation with a Therapeutenpaar. This gave the then troubled instructions f
or exercises
to increase the capacity for emotion, to enjoy displays of affection, to experie
nce the physical reactions in arousal and climax. This allowed the often blocked
ability to experience re learned. It rose in ever more stimulating practice, wi
th the coitus remained strictly prohibited. Especially with erectile difficultie
s man's libido and orgasm disorders of women achieved considerable successes Mas
ters and Johnson. On average, 80 percent of their patients were "cured", in the
long run. The recidivism rate was extremely low for years.
Become your own therapist was further developed this concept of sex therapy from
the American Helen Singer Kaplan. She and her colleagues lead the outpatient tr
eatment through, so it lasts longer, but appeals to many more people. For the Ma
sters / Johnson intensive course was an expensive and valuable weeks of both con
suming and capacity terms limited affair. For Women Kaplan were the main princip
les: The place or sexual partner in is involved, the sexual responses will be tr
ained in stages, the sexual intercourse is forbidden. On such sexual therapies o
ur training programs based on increasing the capacity for emotion. We are fully
aware that we can not promise the great successes achieved by Kaplan and Masters
/ Johnson. Because we lack the mutual conversation, the common talk about your
needs and your problems. We can not let you describe how you the exercises have
fallen, we can not answer with specific advice and Verbesserungstips it. We can
give up Femstudieneinheiten and prompt you to do this in accordance with our ins
tructions. And we can only hope that we have given you enough information about
the backgrounds of sexual responses . Thus we wanted you in a position to review
your own sexual practices critical, so you can identify potential problems trea
t properly. And so you develop your sexual skills and can find your fulfillment.
In most cases of sexual disorders is a therapist dispensable . then, especially
if you have no problems in bed, but "only" want to improve your skills. If you
want to achieve the goal of the ZwanzigMinutenKoitus without effusion, multiorga
smisch or just sensitive like to be for the body signals. All that we in the sub
sequent sensation recommend training, fun, and increases the pleasure. Even if i
t should not lead to the hoped-for result of you, it hurts but not. Break it off
but, if they report feelings of pain.
Communication between partners is especially important: Talk with your partner.
Speaking about the sexual feelings and desires is an essential element of these
exercises. It is often the case that such communication was missing that one is
unable to feel it. That sex was actually as unpronounceable. The proposed exerci
ses are an excellent wayup for this communication, their own needs and those of
the partner to know and affirm. Let them know with all training steps, your part
ner, what do you like. Watch out for such reactions to your partner, to sounds a
nd gestures. When sexual dysfunction due to your training, then you always remem
ber that both participate equally. There is no "sick" and not "healthy" partner.
The sensation exercises excellent opportunities to deal with erectile dysfuncti
on (impotence) and sluggish orgasm feelings of the man as well as libido (frigid
ity), and orgasm problems of the woman suffers. the woman in vaginal spasms (vag
inismus), so the program does not apply. Instead, they stretching exercises show
n, which we describe elsewhere. Even with premature ejaculation (premature ejacu
lation) you should not practice these exercises at first. In Either way the trai
ning after the stop start method or the printing technology to carry out. If tha
t adequate control of ejaculation has been achieved, one can follow leave this t
he sensation training. In the sense training is about the give and take pleasura
ble sensation of touch. It is neither a still have an orgasm ejaculation. be car
eful not to sexual intercourse!
to petting stroke and kiss and caress The sensation training you and your partne
r to caress caress one another. explore to make what touches you most. you shoul
d perform the pleasurable signals your body intense and undisturbed enjoy. You d
o not want to erection think and orgasm. your link does not become erect, and yo
ur woman did not need help to do so. you should feel only joy and happiness, no
more and no less. Create a pleasant, relaxed atmosphere. Leave the worries at th
e door You are not thinking about work, school or family. The evening when the d
ay's work is done, is particularly good. bathing or shower. Pull out completely,
lie down naked together in bed.
Even petting and stroking to be learned each alternately one by the other is str
oked. Only one person is always active, the other passively enjoying the touch.
Is changed when, every couple decides itself will remember each if he had enough
of fondling or Gestreicheltwerden has, then the roles are reversed. It is also
possible to define for a whole night the roles and maintain. You can start with
a "Night of the Woman" in which only you caress your partner. The next day, it i
s then reversed, as they dedicated only to you. So, now captures the feeling Tra
ining, step one in handy: Stroke, first your wife. She lies on her stomach. You
create and share, or squat down next to it. Start with a warm-up round: stroking
it easily throughout the body. The "right", begins with intense stroking her he
ad. Begin there, especially scratch his ears and neck. Work your way slowly down
the back. Every piece of skin is touched by you, hugged and be cuddled. Take yo
ur time, beware of superficiality. If you have browsed the buttocks, legs and fe
et when you both have the feeling with the rear lots to be done to turn your wif
e or girlfriend the back. Now you caress her face, her stomach, her legs and so
on. Take a bow, but at her nipples, the clitoris and the vaginal opening. Do not
touch these posts please.
The role reversal exchange Later the roles. Lie down (first on the abdomen, then
on the back) and enjoy the touch. It is to caress the entire body except the pe
nis. Concentrate on the sensations you through the have the kisses and caresses.
Give her to understand whether and how you like it. before it goes too fast and
wish that their fingers or their tongue on a certain body part stays longer,the
n you share it with the. Likewise, if you touch do not like. Express yourself wi
th gestures, movements or sounds, and if possible with words and sentences. Spea
king is mind thing that could detract from the devotion to the feeling. Be imagi
natively in terms of technique of stroking, petting, massaging, kissing or fondl
ing. Do not look only your hand and your mouth, use other body parts. Support th
is on your taste by items such as a vibrator or feathers, and refine your your g
ames by using body oil, cream or similar. But this is, as I said, taste.
Now the genitals it ... Did you like the first stage of our perception training?
Fine. Then go from the second part. Furthermore, it is a matter of concentratin
g desire to receive and enjoy, or to give. There are also the conditions of peac
e, privacy, relaxation and nudity on, also the Koitusverbot. The sensation Train
ing Part 2 are also stimulated the genitals, should not that end with an orgasm.
Intimspiele you start again with the stroking of the whole body relax, but not f
or long here, but rather use these feelings in the mood and warm up. Start your
touch as a man with the stimulation of your partner. Surrounding and your breast
s, the nipples. Caresses them Gentle, lick it or suck it. Take care if your woma
n likes it or not. Middle note of the genitals. They crawl in her pubic hair, yo
u feel the right to clitoris and vulva. Be careful to work, contact the clitoris
in the meantime and then very gently. Circle the vagina, you pat on the labia.
You penetrate not necessarily one with your finger in the vagina. Then, when you
r partner you stimulated, they should also carefully your penis and scrotum . yo
u should take a while to play with it, and leave the stem on, touch the glans to
touch the testicles. Neither she nor should you do not have the erection, which
may be adjusted. It's not about them to ejaculation and to an orgasm exploit th
e contrary. So, avoid rhythmic, driving movements. And you can after a while on
the genitals and direct mouth or hands to other body regions in order. Do not wa
ste any thoughts of your erection, which will decrease now. It is again determin
ed. Then, if your partner turns back your good piece.
Opportunities of mutual sympathy proof There are convenient, comfortable positio
ns for the second stage of sensation workout: Will the man caressing the woman,
then he sat down with the bed that he can lean back against the wall or a part o
f the bed. Between his legs wide apart to set the woman with her back to him. Sh
e leans against his chest, the man she can now include easy. His hands can reach
me her breast, her stomach, her genitals and her thighs.
If she wants to pet him, he shall be best on the back. She sits down between his
spread legs, his face turned towards him. So they can easily reach his penis. F
or oral stimulation are all possible sitting, kneeling or lying position next to
the passivgenießenden partner possible. One should not only take the classical
69erStellung (head to foot), because it could provoke a simultaneous oral stimul
ation. As before, only to stimulate an active and enjoy the other passive. The o
ral techniques cunnilingus and fellatio are Incidentally wonderful possibilities
of pleasure gifts and sympathy demonstration. good eighty percent of all sexual
ly circulating people who like this oral practice and exercise it, but others re
sist stubbornly against it. oral sex is not a must in the sexual intercourse, an
d if he does not you pleases, should it save yourself. If you are still inexperi
enced, but so far it because you simply inhibitionshygienic reservations or nebu
lous moral concerns were, then you can help our perception exercises may. For th
ey all calling for everything that is fun and should also stimulate new experime
nts. One such open atmosphere could also existing aversions to oral genital cont
acts simply by stimulating and pleasant sense to reduce it.
Beautification of the pubic hair, the certainty that the other is really clean a
fter showering or bathing, and a Oralkontakt nothing "dirty" can be overcome, al
so inhibitions. You can also create a certain genital cosmetic incentives in the
se regions, particularly joyful and with tongue and to approach her lips. Have y
ou ever thought to comb, not only the hair and to cut, but even the pubic hair?
is a little light in the thicket down there seem very inviting, especially for w
omen. All too often spoils the female pubic hair the splendor of the man cunnili
ngus and deprives a woman beautiful KitzlerEmpfindung. blench she got her hair d
one or even shaved them off, it can motivate the partners is essential to whirl
around there with his tongue.
Eggnog in the Belly Other frivolities can inflame tired flickering fire of love
again. Crown Bet but once your penis top with whipped cream and a candied cherry
! That she bites? Or sip eggnog or honey from her navel or the breasts. Is throu
gh such ideas also a well-known partner sweet and exciting. And the glad when yo
u show him the so.
The pure pleasure "Us has the training made a crazy fun," tell Heike and Rolf, m
arried both in their forties, and for fifteen years. "We have three evenings the
sensation training through the first stage and then tackled on a weekend the se
cond part . We had factored in a lot of time and finally we were able to sleep t
he next day. But that it went to four clock in the morning, but has surprised us
. It was so exciting and beautiful that we did not tire easily. "Rolf:" I was pl
easantly In contrast to normal traffic, that I had to do nothing. I did not wait
out that the penis was hard. I considered not even know if he was really nice a
nd big for. I was feverish not prevent the penetration. I also did not try my to
give women an orgasm. So far for me is always the result of the focus was on: I
wanted to achieve something with sex, the orgasm of us was. Compared to the res
ults of my efforts always lean. And those were some efforts ... "
Climax during intercourse is not "Now I have noticed that arousal and erection a
re all by itself. This is natural, that does not require the Miteinanderschlafen
." Heike "I loved it, what feelings I experienced, where it tingled everywhere.
The same we knew so far even as a prelude. But that was always more of a chore t
hat had to follow as soon as possible of the traffic. "Heike and Rolf stimulated
in such a case the sensation of training that they received both an orgasm. For
both it was an unusually intense experience Also, because this peak was not see
n during coitus. These positive impressions has paid off for both the training.
You will be able to crown also coital traffic in the future with impressive orga
sms. The most common and most important response to the sensation of training is
pure pleasure : fun has done it, luxury has been's. New physical sensations wer
e experienced, researched white areas of the anatomy. "I did not think that my n
ipples are so sensitive," says a man Another: "stroked my wife gave me quite dev
otedly to the poo hole. I wanted to resist, because I as a gay practice looking
at. But it was such a pleasant feeling that I let it happen. It was also why so
long on this because they wanted to make clear that they also want to touch ther
e. I reciprocated, and since we know a source of pleasure any more. "
No Koitusdruck
"I am convinced the Koitusverbot," says one woman. "So suddenly all the pressure
was gone, the otherwise lead them to sexual intercourse and prevents me at all
that I can develop properly. Until I was ready yet, it was usually already too e
nd with the glory. panted man, I was wet and had nothing like this. Through the
exercises, I was excited for a long time again so that I too wanted the traffic.
We did it then, and it was wonderful ... "We will not deny that there are negat
ive reactions that some couples have difficulty in carrying out the sensation tr
aining. Some can not get used to the unusual intimacy with the naked and the rev
elation of every angle of her body to fear. Others, that the partner they could
find physically unattractive, think they are too old or too fat now. Sometimes t
here is also an aversion to the sex organs of another, against their appearance,
their smell and their possible discharge. It is also the inability to be selfis
h and caresses of the partner to enjoy passive.
If the sensation of training will be blocked all this can block the feelings and
frustrate the success of the program. Offer the other just the sensation exerci
ses excellent ways to get these settings to be aware and to tackle them. Communi
cation with the partner is essential to achieve this. Each one of the other to s
ay how attractive he finds him and how much he spoiled him. If you had such prob
lems with our training, we recommend that you first of all a second try. Experie
nce resistors and dislikes are but a further significant weakening. Another poss
ibility is the conscious inner fish up erotic fantasies during the exercises. Sh
ould you come caress your woman have any difficulties, then you play sexual drea
ms and practices in your brain through. The same can also help your wife or girl
friend in the opposite case.
Additional treatment steps stands behind your motivation to stir such emotion ex
ercises a sexual dysfunction and you are disappointed with the "healing" results
, then please proceed with additional treatment steps. They are in impotence and
frigidity of nichtfordernde intercourse and orgasm disorders in women the mastu
rbation. If premature ejaculation and vaginismus are feeling more than exercises
displayed as a second step. Their treatment begins with the start and stop prin
ting technology
or with stretching exercises. Scroll as needed to the relevant chapters forward
or backward.
Intercourse without the pressure of sex is usually the result of sexual exciteme
nt with their physical concomitants: The vagina of the woman gets wet when erect
the penis of the man. The traffic itself has both a goal of orgasm. If in sexua
l responsiveness (frigidity), or erection (impotence lacking), is often cling to
the orgasm that aim to blame. The partners are afraid to give the other this ca
n not orgasm. They believe that comply to his demand out of the sex can not.
In order to help the nichtfordernde coitus impotent men and frigid women, we now
withdraw the claim after an orgasm during intercourse. Use only the feelings an
d sensations on contact between the vagina and penis are taught and enjoyed. Mor
e than this pleasant intimate contact between two parts of the body should do no
t bring the coitus. The basic technique for this nichtfordernden coitus is simpl
e: the two partners to stroke and caress tenderly. The man lies on his back, the
woman sitting or kneeling over him. It introduces his penis into the vagina. Th
e man remains essentially passive. The woman determined rhythm, direction and de
pth. In frigid women has the advantage that they can do what brings you right no
w what a delightful signals. you should focus only on those feelings, selfish, o
nly their satisfaction of search.Impotent men relieved the activity of women, al
so they can give themselves fully to their feelings, perhaps even their fantasie
s. Men are generally persistent, if they are taking the passive role, saving add
ition to them is a lot of physical effort. This is an important aspect when pres
sure to perform its function disturbs or if he has the overall objective of the
multi-orgasm. The satisfactory functioning partner has both a treat by, helping
function in nichtfordernden coitus completed: the husband or friend of a frigid
woman must have some degree of erectile safety. He must be their rigid link prov
ide in order to experiment with it, practice and ultimately to a taste for it. T
he man at the end of the exercise is to be helped in any case, reach orgasm, eit
her by suitably violent movements during intercourse or stimulation by loving ha
When impotent man must partner try gently and encouragingly to introduce the pen
is itself. If the erection is defective, then it is to fill the term really into
her vagina. It is quite possible, and only this event can wake up so many loose
things inside. About this erection may be happy, but you must not use or even t
o Weiterkoitieren ejaculation. At this stage, the woman must restrain themselves
, even if they still continue on so much. Only an interest, only his erection, h
is only satisfaction is one You will be satisfied later, by his hand or mouth wo
rk. He should be devoting much time to clitoris to notice that it is the source
of female pleasure and that his penis into her vagina to not really necessary wo
uld be. If has stabilized the erectile function of the man, can the couple to in
crease its activity. Then the man may well ejaculate in the woman, he should tak
e agreeable positions, he can determine rhythm and tempo. He is in fact so well
cured as "".
help are tricks and gimmicks to power disturbances addition to nichtfordernden l
ove techniques tips and tricks that men with erectile dysfunction can: Take a mo
rning erection, the "Morning Latte" from. Run in the early morning hours, the se
nsation of training at level 2 by. Practice your oral Sex off. oral genital cont
acts are largely internally as a very exciting process and bring physiologically
pleasant stimulus sensations. Give yourself builds erotic fantasies out. This f
rom anxieties and intensified the reaction. But beware: This may be problematic
in some partnership relationships. Approximately when the woman in the dream bei
ng is jealous that you run into your fantasies. Or if such ideas are considered
by you as perverse and abnormal, and guilt cause. Take advantage of the pressure
technique. This will be demonstrated that a lost erection can be regained. Afte
r your partner has been by pressing your erection to disappear, it will give you
a loving stimulation quickly a new one.
Stretching exercises for vaginismus in women cramped with vaginismus, the vagina
l opening involuntarily at the approach of the penis or a similar body part or o
bject. This disorder has no physical causes, even if affected sometimes hormone
disorders, inflammation, or an "I'm too narrow" for blame .
There is a phobia, a morbid fear of penetration of the penis. In conversation ca
n try to psychologists, the causes out for it and to reassure the client and ask
, these fears an offensive tackle. Is this a stretching program, in which object
s or body parts of growing size be introduced. The success of this method is app
roximately one hundred percent. sexologists recommend different things for inser
tion. There are special pens rising caliber of metal, glass and rubber, but also
their own fingers are very good.Emotionally, most of these women, this natural
extension tool is best. The stretching exercises start with considering Scheiden
öffung by means of a mirror and feeling the area with your fingers. The woman um
streicht the entrance and leads carefully the finger tip. If they succeed, then
put them into the following exercises, the whole finger, then two.
Stretching exercises by the partner If this is done, the partner is invited. He
is doing now what they did before: detailed viewing, the introduction of the fin
ger, one finger, two fingers. He does it slowly in and out, but tries not to put
his penis into the game. Its first performance must first be agreed upon, the w
oman may be surprised in any circumstances. will lead him gently, he pulls it af
ter a few minutes out again. He may not make any Koitusbewegungen. At this stage
the rest is entirely by itself, the two begin with cautious shocks, increase in
tercourse itself, ...

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