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To get an overview of business to business marketing
To understand the buying process of industries
To equip the students to frame promotional strategies for business
to business marketing.
Unit I: Introduction
Meaning and Scope of Industrial marketing
Differences between Business and Consumer markets
Types of Organizational Customers
Demand for Industrial Goods
Business Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning
Role of CRM in Industrial marketing
Unit II: Organizational Buying
Factors Influencing Organizational Buying
Models of Buyer Behavior
Organizational Buying Process Stages
Organizational Buying Practices Industrial, government and
Buying Centre Roles
Buy grid framework
Enquiries and Tenders
Supplier Evaluation
Buyer Seller Relationship.
Unit III: Product and Pricing in Industrial marketing
Industrial Product Development Process
Managing Industrial Product Lines
Managing Across Product Life Cycle
Product Revitalization/Elimination Decisions
Characteristics of Pricing in B2 B Market
Factors influencing Pricing
Pricing Methods and Strategies
Unit IV: Industrial Channels of Distribution
Types of Distribution Systems in Industrial marketing
Choice of Channel Systems
Channel Partners
Managing Channel Conflicts
Distribution Logistics
Personal Selling
Sales Force Management
Post Sales Service
Customer Satisfaction and Evaluation.
Unit V: Industrial Goods Promotion
Branding of Industrial Products
Creating Corporate Image
Industrial Advertising
Role of Internet in Business Market
Industrial Marketing Control.
1. Vitale &Giglierano, Business to Business Marketing Thomson South-
2. U C Mathur, Business to Business Marketing, New Age International
3. Robert R Reeder, Edward G. et al, Industrial Marketing, Prentice Hall of

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