Tribunal On Myanmar DRAFT AGENDA For The Opening Sessions 6 and 7 March 2017

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Permanent Peoples Tribunal On Myanmars State Crimes

against Ethnic & Religious Minorities


Hosted by the International State Crime Initiative at ,

Queen Mary University of London

All 1.5 day sessions to be webcast LIVE by Oxford Digital Media

It can be viewed on the official Tribunal website at

Tribunal proceedings may be followed on twitter @MyanmarTribunal

Contact email:

The tribunal is a peoples initiative supported by international grassroots activists

and campaign groups working to end Myanmars systematic persecution of ethnic
and religious minorities.

Monday, 6th March Location TBC, Queen Mary University of London

10.00 START

10.00 - 10.15 - Announcement of days programme by members of Steering

Committee and Organising Committee

10.15 - 10.45 - Presentation by the PPT Secretariat stating procedures and


10.45 - 11.00 - Formal presentation of charges of crimes by the representatives of

victim communities, focusing on most serious components under international
criminal law, namely war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide

Ronnie, Arakan Rohingya National Organization
Mr Ring Du Lachung, President, Kachin National Organization (UK)
11.00 1200 - Kachin Victim Statement & Expert Statements

Mr Ring Du Lachung, President, Kachin National Organization (UK)
Dr Mandy Sadan, Associate Dean of Research (Art and Humanities), School of
Oriental and African Studies & author Being and Becoming Kachin: Histories
beyond the State in the Borderworlds of Burma (OUP, 2013)
Dr Maung Zarni, to discuss the persecution of Rohingya and Kachin: the
militarys perspective

12.00 12:30 - Coffee break

12.30 13.30 - Rohingya victim statements on 1978 King Dragon Operation against
Rohingya (to be followed by Q & A)

U Ba Sein (Rohingya Blogger, originally from Maung Daw, N. Rakhine State),
Daw Khin Hla (Rohingya blogger, originally from Maung Daw, N. Rakhine

13.30 - 14.30 - LUNCH (individual interviews with press)

Lunch will be provided at the venue by BROUK

14.30 16.30 Expert Testimonies I on the Rohingya

Azril and 5 Malaysian Lawyers
Dr Malik & Tin Khin to present recorded testimonies of Rohingya rape
victims, and victims of recent attacks

16.30 - 18.00 Expert Testimonies II on the Rohingya

Professor Michael Charney on the ethnic identities and claim to indigeneity in
Rakhine or Arakan

18.00 END

Tuesday, 7th March - Room 313, School of Law, QMUL

09.00 START

09.00 - 10.00 Latest Victims Testimonies from Fresh Arrivals in Bangladesh and
Sino-Burmese borders

Ro Nay San Lwin, Rohingya researcher and blogger, Germany
Tun Khin, President of Burmese Rohingya Organization UK (BROUK)
Ring Du or Hkan Hpa for the Kachin
Key findings from UN Special Rapporteur Yanghee Lees End of Mission
Statements (from her visits to Myanmar and Bangladesh), and OCHRs Flash

10:00 10:30
Closing remarks/comments/proposals from members of Jury & PPT

10.30 11.30 - Press Conference

Announcement of Future Sessions by PTT
Recorded/Written Statements
The Dalai Lamas Written Statement (3 minutes)
Amartya Sens recorded elaboration on the slow genocide of Rohingya (5

Line-up for press conference speakers:

Lord Ahmed, PPT Jury Member
PPT Representative
BROUK/Arakan Rohingya National Organization Representative
KNO Representative Ms Kai Htang Lashi

Formal Closing Remarks by Representative from the ISCI Host

12.30 - Lunch at the venue or a nearby restaurant.

ISCI is based in the School of Law at Queen Mary University of London:

School of Law
Queen Mary University of London
Mile End Road
London E1 4NS

The nearest tube stop is Mile End. When you come out of Mile End cross over the road
straight away, then turn left. Carry on walking for 5 minutes or so, crossing over
another road. QMUL will be on your right, through the blue gates.

For Room 313 (Law School): After turning right through the blue gates, take the first
left, walk down the narrow path to the Law School which will be on your left. Room
313, where we will hold several of the meetings, is on the 3rd floor.

Please contact Louise Wise if you have any difficulties:;

07900073348 or 0207 882 6411

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