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Civil Law Review II 5th Assignment

76. Vda De Ape v. CA (2005) Lourdes sold back the property to Andrea evidenced by
a "Kasulatan ng Bilihang Tuluyan" executed by Lourdes.
Facts: Thereafter, Andrea executed a real estate mortgage
over the subject property to secure a loan she obtained
Cleopas Ape died in 1950 and left a parcel of land
from Lourdes evidenced by a Kasulatan ng Sanglaan.
(Lot 2319) to his 11 children. The children never
Lourdes later on filed an action to annul the deed of
formally divided the property amongst themselves
sale and the contract of real estate mortgage.
except through hantal-hantal whereby each just
According to her, Andrea, through Vergel Romulo,
occupied a certain portion and developed each. On the
made her believe that the sale in her favor by Andrea
other hand, the spouses Lumayno were interested in
is void, because the deed of conveyance did not reflect
the land so they started buying the portion of land that
the true agreement of the parties as to the true mode
each of the heirs occupied. On 11 Apr 1973, one of the
of payment of the purchase price (the purchase price
children, Fortunato, entered into a contract of sale with
was made on installments and not in cash as stipulated
Lumayno. In exchange of his lot, Lumayno agreed to
in the document. Lourdes further averred that she was
pay P5,000.00. She paid in advance P30.00. Fortunato
also made to believe that she might lose what she had
was given a receipt prepared by Lumaynos son in law
already paid which amounted to 70% of the purchase
(Andres Flores). Flores also acted as witness. Lumayno
price. She was convinced by the representations of
also executed sales transactions with Fortunatos
Andrea and Romulo that it would be best for the latter
siblings separately. In 1973, Lumayno compelled
to make it appear that Andrea was merely mortgaging
Fortunato to make the the delivery to her of the
the subject property to her. Lourdes readily agreed to
registrable deed of sale over Fortunatos portion of the
the scheme believing that it was for the protection of
Lot No. 2319. Fortunato assailed the validity of the
her rights. It turned out that the scheme was in fact a
contract of sale. He also invoked his right to redeem
ruse employed by Romulo and Andrea to re-acquire the
(as a co-owner) the portions of land sold by his siblings
property, thus, Lourdess consent in the execution of
to Lumayno. Fortunato died during the pendency of the
the Kasulatan ng Bilihang Tuluyan and Kasulatan ng
Sanglaan was obtained through fraud and undue
Issue: Whether or not there was a valid contract of influence.
The RTC, affirmed by the CA, ruled in favor of
Held: No. Fortunato was a no read no write person. It Lourdes and annulled the two contracts. Andrea
was incumbent for the the other party to prove that contended that the two deeds were duly executed by
details of the contract was fully explained to Fortunato the parties thereto in accordance with the formalities
before Fortunato signed the receipt. A contract of sale required by law and as public documents the evidence
is a consensual contract, thus, it is perfected by mere to overcome their recitals is wanting.
consent of the parties. It is born from the moment
Issue: Whether or not the two deeds are void.
there is a meeting of minds upon the thing which is the
object of the sale and upon the price. Upon its Held: Yes. Art. 1338 of the Civil Code provides: There
perfection, the parties may reciprocally demand is fraud when, through insidious words or machinations
performance, that is, the vendee may compel the of one of the contracting parties, the other is induced
transfer of the ownership and to deliver the object of to enter into a contract which, without them, he would
the sale while the vendor may demand the vendee to not have agreed to. As defined, fraud refers to all
pay the thing sold. For there to be a perfected contract kinds of deception, whether through insidious
of sale, however, the following elements must be machination, manipulation, concealment or
present: consent, object, and price in money or its misrepresentation to lead another party into error. The
equivalent. deceit employed must be serious. It must be sufficient
to impress or lead an ordinarily prudent person into
For consent to be valid, it must meet the following
error, taking into account the circumstances of each
requisites: (a) it should be intelligent, or with an exact
notion of the matter to which it refers; (b) it should be
free and (c) it should be spontaneous. Intelligence in While indeed petitioners point out that the deeds
consent is vitiated by error; freedom by violence, denominated as Kasulatan ng Bilihang Tuluyan and
intimidation or undue influence; spontaneity by fraud. Kasulatan ng Sanglaan were executed in Tagalog, a
close scrutiny thereof shows that they are practically
Lumayno claimed that she explained fully the
literal translations of their English counterparts. Thus,
receipt to Fortunato, but Flores testimony belies it.
the mere fact that the documents were executed in the
Flores said there was another witness but the other
vernacular neither clarified nor simplified matters for
was a maid who also lacked education. Further, Flores
Lourdes who admitted on cross-examination that she
himself was not aware that the receipt was to transfer
merely finished Grade 3, could write a little, and
the ownership of Fortunatos land to her mom-in-law.
understand a little of the Tagalog language.
It merely occurred to him to explain the details of the
receipt but he never did. With respect to the fact that the deeds were duly
notarized, the Supreme Court cited its ruling in Suntay
77. Mayor v. Belen (2004) v. CA: Though the notarization of the deed of sale in
Facts: question vests in its favor the presumption of
regularity, it is not the intention nor the function of the
Andrea Mayor owned a parcel of land in San Pablo notary public to validate and make binding an
City which was purchased by Lourdes Belen. Later on, instrument never, in the first place, intended to have
Civil Law Review II 5th Assignment

any binding legal effect upon the parties thereto. The As admitted by respondents, Avelina was not the
intention of the parties still and always is the primary sole heir of Eulalio. In fact, as admitted by respondents,
consideration in determining the true nature of the petitioner Salvador is one of the co-heirs by right of
contract. The impugned documents cannot be representation of his mother. Without a doubt, Avelina
presumed as valid because of the direct challenge had perjured herself when she declared in the affidavit
posed thereto by respondents, which is precisely the that she is "the only daughter and sole heir of spouses
reason for the commencement of this case: to bring to EULALIO ABARIENTOS AND VICTORIA VILLAREAL." The
the fore the irregularity in their execution. falsity of this claim renders her act of adjudicating to
herself the inheritance left by her father invalid. The
78. Orosco v. Gualvez (2014) RTC did not, therefore, err in granting Avelinas prayer
to declare the affidavit null and void and so correct the
wrong she has committed. In like manner, the Deed of
Petitioner Avelina was one of the children of Eulalio Absolute Sale executed by Avelina in favor of
and Victoria Abarientos. Eulalio and, eventually, respondents was correctly nullified and voided by the
Victoria died intestate. Eulelio left behind an untitled RTC. Avelina was not in the right position to sell and
parcel of land in Legazpi City. Meanwhile, Avelina was transfer the absolute ownership of the subject property
supposedly made to sign two documents by her to respondents. As she was not the sole heir of Eulalio
daughter and her son-in-law (respondents herein) on and her Affidavit of Self-Adjudication is void, the
the pretext that the documents were needed to subject property is still subject to partition. Avelina, in
facilitate the titling of the lot. It was only in 2003 when fine, did not have the absolute ownership of the
Avelina realized that what she signed was an Affidavit subject property but only an aliquot portion. What she
of Self-Adjudication and a Deed of Absolute Sale in could have transferred to respondents was only the
favor of respondents. Thus, Avelina filed an action for ownership of such aliquot portion. It is apparent from
annulment and revocation of the two documents that the admissions of respondents and the records of this
she signed. case that Avelina had no intention to transfer the
ownership, of whatever extent, over the property to
The RTC ruled in favor of Avelina on the grounds respondents. Hence, the Deed of Absolute Sale is
that (1) with regard to the Affidavit of Self-Adjudication, nothing more than a simulated contract.
she was not the sole heir of her parents and was not
therefore solely entitled to their estate; and (2) in the The Civil Code provides: Art. 1345. Simulation of a
case of the Deed of Absolute Sale, Avelina did not contract may be absolute or relative. The former takes
really intend to sell her share in the property as it was place when the parties do not intend to be bound at all;
only executed to facilitate the titling of such property. the latter, when the parties conceal their true
agreement. (emphasis supplied) Art. 1346. An
The CA reversed the RTCs ruling on the ground absolutely simulated or fictitious contract is void. A
that issues on heirship must be made in a special relative simulation, when it does not prejudice a third
proceeding. person and is not intended for any purpose contrary to
Issue: Whether or not the Affidavit of Self-Adjudication law, morals, good customs, public order or public policy
and Deed of Absolute Sale should be annulled. binds the parties to their real agreement.

Held: Yes. It has indeed been ruled that the In absolute simulation, there is a colorable contract
declaration of heirship must be made in a special but it has no substance as the parties have no
proceeding, not in an independent civil action. intention to be bound by it. The main characteristic of
However, this Court had likewise held that recourse to an absolute simulation is that the apparent contract is
administration proceedings to determine who heirs are not really desired or intended to produce legal effect or
is sanctioned only if there is a good and compelling in any way alter the juridical situation of the parties. As
reason for such recourse. Hence, the Court had allowed a result, an absolutely simulated or fictitious contract is
exceptions to the rule requiring administration void, and the parties may recover from each other
proceedings as when the parties in the civil case what they may have given under the contract.
already presented their evidence regarding the issue of However, if the parties state a false cause in the
heirship, and the RTC had consequently rendered contract to conceal their real agreement, the contract
judgment upon the issues it defined during the pre- is relatively simulated and the parties are still bound by
trial. their real agreement. Hence, where the essential
requisites of a contract are present and the simulation
It appearing, however, that in the present case the refers only to the content or terms of the contract, the
only property of the intestate estate of Portugal is the agreement is absolutely binding and enforceable
Caloocan parcel of land to still subject it, under the between the parties and their successors in interest.
circumstances of the case, to a special proceeding
which could be long, hence, not expeditious, just to In the present case, the true intention of the
establish the status of petitioners as heirs is not only parties in the execution of the Deed of Absolute Sale is
impractical; it is burdensome to the estate with the immediately apparent from respondents very own
costs and expenses of an administration proceeding. Answer to petitioners Complaint. As respondents
And it is superfluous in light of the fact that the parties themselves acknowledge, the purpose of the Deed of
to the civil case - subject of the present case, could Absolute Sale was simply to "facilitate the titling of the
and had already in fact presented evidence before the [subject] property," not to transfer the ownership of the
trial court which assumed jurisdiction over the case lot to them. Furthermore, respondents concede that
upon the issues it defined during pre-trial. petitioner Salvador remains in possession of the
Civil Law Review II 5th Assignment

property and that there is no indication that weighing the facts or circumstances in a given case
respondents ever took possession of the subject and in deciding in favor of what they believe actually
property after its supposed purchase. Such failure to occurred, considering the age, physical infirmity,
take exclusive possession of the subject property or, in intelligence, relationship, and conduct of the parties at
the alternative, to collect rentals from its possessor, is the time of the execution of the contract and
contrary to the principle of ownership and is a clear subsequent thereto, irrespective of whether the
badge of simulation that renders the whole transaction contract is in a public or private writing.
Nowhere is it alleged that mistake, violence, fraud,
79. Mangahas v. Brobio (2010) or intimidation attended the execution of the
promissory note.
Respondent may have desperately needed
Pacifico Bropio died intestate, leaving three parcels petitioners signature on the Deed, but there is no
of land. He was survived by his wife, respondent showing that she was deprived of free agency when
Eufrocina, and legitimate and illegitimate children, she signed the promissory note. Being forced into a
including petitioner Carmela Mangahas. The heirs of situation does not amount to vitiated consent where it
Pacifico executed a Deed of Extrajudicial Settlement of is not shown that the party is deprived of free will and
Estate whereby petitioner and Pacificos other children, choice. Respondent still had a choice: she could have
in consideration of their love and affection for refused to execute the promissory note and resorted to
respondent and the sum of P150,000.00, waived and judicial means to obtain petitioners signature. Instead,
ceded their respective shares over the parcels of land respondent chose to execute the promissory note to
in favor of respondent. According to petitioner, obtain petitioners signature, thereby agreeing to pay
respondent promised to give her an additional amount the amount demanded by petitioner. The fact that
for her share in her fathers estate. But such additional respondent may have felt compelled, under the
amount was not given. A year later, while processing circumstances, to execute the promissory note will not
her tax obligations with the Bureau of Internal Revenue negate the voluntariness of the act. As rightly observed
(BIR), respondent was required to submit an original by the trial court, the execution of the promissory note
copy of the Deed. Left with no more original copy of in the amount of P600,000.00 was, in fact, the product
the Deed, respondent summoned petitioner to her of a negotiation between the parties.
office on May 31, 2003 and asked her to countersign a
copy of the Deed. Petitioner refused to countersign the We join the RTC in holding that courts will not set
document, demanding that respondent first give her aside contracts merely because solicitation,
the additional amount that she promised. Considering importunity, argument, persuasion, or appeal to
the value of the three parcels of land (which she affection was used to obtain the consent of the other
claimed to be worth P20M), petitioner asked for P1M, party. Influence obtained by persuasion or argument or
but respondent begged her to lower the amount. by appeal to affection is not prohibited either in law or
Petitioner agreed to lower it to P600,000.00. Because morals and is not obnoxious even in courts of equity.
respondent did not have the money at that time and 80. Dauden-Hernaez v. De Los Angeles (1969)
petitioner refused to countersign the Deed without any
assurance that the amount would be paid, respondent Facts:
executed a promissory note whereby she promised to
pay P600,000.00 to petitioner. However, petitioner Marlene Dauden-Hernaez, an actress, filed a
remained unpaid. complaint against Hollywood Far East Productions Inc.
and its president/GM, Ramon Valenzuela, to recover
Petitioner filed an action for specific performance P14,700.00 representing a balance allegedly due
with damages against respondent. In her defense, Marlene for her services as leading actress in two
respondent said she signed the promissory note only motion pictures produced by the company. Upon
because she was forced to do so. motion of defendants, the CFI dismissed the complaint
on the ground that Marlenes claim was not evidenced
The RTC ruled in favor of petitioner, holding that
by a written document in violation of Articles 1356 and
the alleged pressure and confused disposition
1358 of the Civil Code. Marlene thus filed a petition for
experienced by respondent and the circumstances that
certiorari with the Supreme Court.
led to the execution of the promissory note do not
constitute undue influence as would vitiate Issue: Whether or not the CFI correctly dismissed
respondents consent thereto. Marenes complaint.
The CA reversed the RTCs ruling as it held that Held: No. As a rule, contracts are perfected by mere
there was a complete absence of consideration. It consent. The second portion of Art. 1356 provides that
noted that respondent only executed the promissory when the law requires a contract be in some form in
note only to secure petitioners signature. order that it may be valid or enforceable, or that
contract be proved in a certain way, that requirement
Issue: Whether or not the promissory note is valid.
is absolute and indispensable.
Held: Yes. Contracts are voidable where consent
It is thus seen that to the general rule that the form
thereto is given through mistake, violence,
(oral or written) is irrelevant to the binding effect inter
intimidation, undue influence, or fraud. In determining
partes of a contract that possesses the three validating
whether consent is vitiated by any of these
elements of consent, subject matter, and causa, Article
circumstances, courts are given a wide latitude in
Civil Law Review II 5th Assignment

1356 of the Code establishes only two exceptions, to Held: No. The rule of thumb is that a sale of land, once
wit: consummated, is valid regardless of the form it may
have been entered into. For nowhere does law or
(a) Contracts for which the law itself requires jurisprudence prescribe that the contract of sale be put
that they be in some particular form (writing) in in writing before such contract can validly cede or
order to make them valid and enforceable (the so- transmit rights over a certain real property between
called solemn contracts). Of these the typical the parties themselves.
example is the donation of immovable property
that the law (Article 749) requires to be embodied However, in the event that a third party, as in this
in a public instrument in order "that the donation case, disputes the ownership of the property, the
may be valid", i.e., existing or binding. Other person against whom that claim is brought can not
instances are the donation of movables worth more present any proof of such sale and hence has no
than P5,000.00 which must be in writing, means to enforce the contract. Thus the Statute of
"otherwise the donation shall be void" (Article Frauds was precisely devised to protect the parties in a
748); contracts to pay interest on loans (mutuum) contract of sale of real property so that no such
that must be "expressly stipulated in writing" contract is enforceable unless certain requisites, for
(Article 1956); and the agreements contemplated purposes of proof, are met.
by Article 1744, 1773, 1874 and 2134 of the
A sale of real property or an interest therein is one
present Civil Code.
of the contracts which must be in writing to be
(b) Contracts that the law requires to be proved enforceable.
by some writing (memorandum) of its terms, as in
The purpose of the Statute of Frauds is to prevent
those covered by the old Statute of Frauds, now
fraud and perjury in the enforcement of obligations
Article 1403(2) of the Civil Code. Their existence
depending for their evidence upon the unassisted
not being provable by mere oral testimony (unless
memory of witnesses by requiring certain enumerated
wholly or partly executed), these contracts are
contracts and transactions to be evidenced in writing.
exceptional in requiring a writing embodying the
The provisions of the Statute of Frauds originally
terms thereof for their enforceability by action in
appeared under the old Rules of Evidence. However
when the Civil Code was re-written in 1949 (to take
The contract sued upon by petitioner herein effect in 1950), the provisions of the Statute of Frauds
(compensation for services) does not come under were taken out of the Rules of Evidence in order to be
either exception. It is true that it appears included in included under the title on Unenforceable Contracts in
Article 1358, last clause, providing that "all other the Civil Code. The transfer was not only a matter of
contracts where the amount involved exceeds five style but to show that the Statute of Frauds is also a
hundred pesos must appear in writing, even a private substantive law.
one." But Article 1358 nowhere provides that the
Therefore, except under the conditions provided by
absence of written form in this case will make the
the Statute of Frauds, the existence of the contract of
agreement invalid or unenforceable. On the contrary,
sale made by Cecilio with his siblings 13 can not be
Article 1357 clearly indicates that contracts covered by
Article 1358 are binding and enforceable by action or
suit despite the absence of writing. Art. 1357 provides: Moreover, respondents action has already
If the law requires a document or other special form, prescribed. The belated claim of respondents who filed
as in the acts and contracts enumerated in the a complaint only in 1976 to enforce a right allegedly
following article, the contracting parties may compel acquired as early as 1930 is difficult to comprehend.
each other to observe that form, once the contract has
been perfected. This right may be exercised 82. Berman Memorial v. Cheng (2005)
simultaneously with the action the contract.
81. Claudel v. CA (1991) When Francisco Chengs wife died, he purchased
Facts: from Berman Memorial Park Inc. (BMPI) a memorial lot
in Iloilo Memorial Park (IMP). He initially bought a lot for
Cecilio Claudel was the original owner of a parcel of P150,000.00 (for which P110,000.00 was already paid)
land in Rizal. Several years after his death, two but later on he bought a bigger lot for P350,000.00.
branches of Cecilios family contested the ownership of Thereafter, dispute arose as to the amount. Cheng filed
the land. Petitioners are the children of Cecilio, while a complaint against IMP (the proper party was BMPI),
respondents are the siblings of Cecilio. Respondents alleging that he bought a lot from the BMPI for
filed a complaint for the cancellation of titles and P250,000.00, less the amount of P150,000.00 he had
reconveyance against petitioners, alleging their paid for the first lot, or a net price of P100,000.00. In
parents bought the subject land from Cecilio for P30. its answer, BMPI contended that the price of the
The transaction was verbal, but respondents presented second lot was actually P350,000.00, but that it agreed
a subdivision plan of the land as proof of the sale. to sell the lot to Cheng for P250,000.00, less
P110,000.00 of the P150,000.00 already paid for the
The CFI ruled in favor of petitioners, but the CA
first lot.
reversed the lower courts decision.
Cheng testified that he purchased 24-Lot for
Issue: Whether or not respondents are the owners of
P250,000.00 and that he discovered his overpayment
the subject land.
Civil Law Review II 5th Assignment

during the first week of November 1994. He signed a Africa Valdez de Reynoso leased a parcel of land to
blank document in printed form which turned out to be Raoul S. Bonnevie and Christopher Bonnevie for a
the Pre-Need Purchase Agreement because he was sick period of one year beginning August 8, 1976. Reynoso
with hernia and had to be operated on in five days. He alleged that on November 3, 1976 she notified
was not given a copy of the Pre-Need Purchase respondents by registered mail that she was selling the
Agreement. He knew that the purchase price of a lot leased premises for P600,000 and that she was giving
under a PreNeed Purchase Agreement was respondents 30 days from receipt of the letter to
P250,000.00. exercise their right of first priority to purchase the
subject property as stipulated in their Contract of
BMPIs bookkeeper and accountant testified that on Lease. On January 20, 1977, Reynoso sent another
January 19, 1994, Cheng and his brother Santiago letter to the respondents informing them that the
Cheng arrived in the office to buy a lot at the IMP. She property had been sold. Respondents wrote back to
showed them the price list of the lots. She explained to Reynoso that they did not receive her first letter and
them that the at-need price of 12-Lot was P150,000.00, that they had already signified their interest to
while the at-need price of 24-Lot, which was bigger purchase the property beforehand to Reynosos agent
than Lot 12, was P350,000.00. Cheng opted to buy 12- and thus were constrained to refuse Reynosos request
Lot, and signed the At-Need Purchase Agreement and to terminate the lease. Reynoso went on with the sale
Promissory Note. Cheng then returned to BMPI on May in favor of Guzman, Bocaling & Co. for a lesser price,
11, 1994 and agreed to purchase 24-Lot at the pre- and filed an ejectment case against the Bonnevies.
need price of P250,000.00, less P110,000.00 of the Respondents filed an action for annulment of the sale.
P150,000.00 he had paid for 12-Lot, or the net price of The Court of First Instance ruled in favor of the
P140,000.00. She averred that the difference of respondents, declaring the deed of sale executed by
P40,000.00 between the price of P150,000.00 for 12- Reynoso in favor of Guzman, Bocaling & Co. null and
Lot and the price of P110,000.00 credited to Cheng void. The Court of Appeals affirmed the lower courts
belonged to BMPI. She also testified that Cheng signed decision but held that the Contract of Sale was not
the Pre-Need Purchase Agreement on May 11, 1994, voidable but was instead rescissible.
and was given a copy of the contract, and her
computations of the purchase price of 24-Lot.[32] As of Issue: Whether or not the CA correctly ruled that the
September 1996, Cheng had a balance on his account Contract of Sale was rescissible and not voidable.
in the amount of P38,634.75.
Held: Yes. Under Article 1380 to 1381 (3) of the Civil
The RTC ruled in favor of Cheng, but the CA Code, a contract otherwise valid may nonetheless be
reversed. subsequently rescinded by reason of injury to third
persons, like creditors. The status of creditors could be
Issue: Whether or not the price of the second lot was validly accorded the Bonnevies for they had substantial
in fact P350,000.00. interests that were prejudiced by the sale of the
Held: Yes. The respondent failed to adduce evidence subject property to the petitioner without recognizing
that he was suffering from hernia and that he was to their right of first priority under the Contract of Lease.
be operated on in five days after signing the May 11, Rescission is a remedy granted by law to the
1994 Pre-Need Purchase Agreement. Article 1370 of contracting parties and even to third persons, to secure
the New Civil Code provides that if the terms of a reparation for damages caused to them by a contract,
contract are clear and leave no doubt upon the even if this should be valid, by means of the
intention of the contracting parties, the literal meaning restoration of things to their condition at the moment
of its stipulation shall control. No amount of extrinsic prior to the celebration of said contract. It is a relief
aids are required and no further extraneous sources allowed for the protection of one of the contracting
are necessary in order to ascertain the parties intent, parties and even third persons from all injury and
determinable as it is, from the contract itself. The damage the contract may cause, or to protect some
records are clear that the respondent understood the incompatible and preferent right created by the
nature of the contract he entered into. If, indeed, the contract. Recission implies a contract which, even if
stipulations as embodied in the aforementioned Pre- initially valid, produces a lesion or pecuniary damage
Need Purchase Agreement were not the true intention to someone that justifies its invalidation for reasons of
of the parties, the respondent should have filed the equity.
corresponding action for reformation of the contract. Petitioner cannot be deemed a purchaser in good
But he did not. The hornbook rule on interpretation of faith for the record shows that it categorically admitted
contracts gives primacy to the intention of the parties, it was aware of the lease in favor of the Bonnevies,
which is the law among them. Ultimately, their who were actually occupying the subject property at
intention is to be deciphered not from the unilateral the time it was sold to petitioner. A purchaser in good
post facto assertions of one of the parties, but from the faith and for value is one who buys the property of
language used in the contract. And when the terms of another without notice that some other person has a
the agreement, as expressed in such language, are right to or interest in such property and pays a full and
clear, they are to be understood literally, just as they fair price for the same at the time of such purchase or
appear on the face of the contract. before he has notice of the claim or interest of some
83. Berman Memorial v. Cheng (2005) other person in the property. Good faith connotes an
honest intention to abstain from taking
Facts: unconscientious advantage of another. Tested by these
principles, the petitioner cannot tenably claim to be a
Civil Law Review II 5th Assignment

buyer in good faith as it had notice of the lease of the registration proceeding. An action for rescission may
property by the Bonnevies and such knowledge should not be raised or set up in a summary proceeding
have cautioned it to look deeper into the agreement to through a motion, but in an independent civil action
determine if it involved stipulations that would and only after a full-blown trial. As Article 1383 of the
prejudice its own interests. Civil Code provides: The action for rescission is
subsidiary; it cannot be instituted except when the
84. Equatorial Realty v. Mayfair Theater, Inc. party suffering damage has no other legal means to
(1996) obtain reparation for the same.
Facts: Regarding contracts undertaken in fraud of
creditors, the existence of the intention to prejudice
Petitioner Carmelo and Bauermann Inc. leased its
the same should be determined either by the
parcel of land with 2-storey building to respondent
presumption established by Article 1387 or by the
Mayfair Theater Inc. They entered a contract which
proofs presented in the trial of the case. In any case,
provides that if the LESSOR should desire to sell the
the presumption of fraud established by this article is
leased premises, the LESSEE shall be given 30-days
not conclusive, and may be rebutted by satisfactory
exclusive option to purchase the same. Carmelo
and convincing evidence. To repeat, an independent
informed Mayfair that it will sell the property to
action is necessary to prove that the contract is
Equatorial. Mayfair made known its interest to buy the
rescissible. Under Article 1389 of the Civil Code, an
property but only to the extent of the leased premises.
"accion pauliana," the action to rescind contracts made
Notwithstanding Mayfairs intention, Carmelo sold the
in favor of creditors, must be commenced within four
property to Equatorial.
years. Clearly, the rights and defenses which the
Issue: Whether or not the sale in favor of Equatorial parties in a rescissible contract may raise or set up
should be rescinded. cannot be properly ventilated in a motion but only in a
full trial.
Held: Yes. The sale of the property should be rescinded
because Mayfair has the right of first refusal. Both 86. China Banking v. CA (2000)
Equatorial and Carmelo are in bad faith because they
knew of the stipulation in the contract regarding the Facts:
right of first refusal. The stipulation is a not an option Alfonso Roxas Chua and his wife Kiang Mich Chu
contract but a right of first refusal and as such the Chua were the owners of a land in San Juan which was
requirement of a separate consideration for the option, sought to be levied in connection with a civil case
has no applicability in the instant case. The between Metrobank and Alfonso. Later on, Metrobank
consideration is built in the reciprocal obligation of the and Alfonso entered into a compromise agreement to
parties. In reciprocal contract, the obligation or promise the effect that the levy on the land was valid and
of each party is the consideration for that of the other. enforceable only to the extent of the undivided portion
(Promise to lease in return of the right to first refusal) of the property pertaining to the conjucal share of
With regard to the impossibility of performance, only Alfonso.
Carmelo can be blamed for not including the entire
property in the right of first refusal. Court held that Meanwhile, China Bank filed an action for collection
Mayfair may not have the option to buy the property. of sum of money against Pacific Multi Agro-Industrial
Not only the leased area but the entire property. Corporation and Alfonso anchored on three promissory
notes with an aggregate amount of P2,500,000.00.
85. Air France v. CA (1995)
The subject land (Alfonsos share) was eventually
Facts: levied. Thereafter, Alfonso executed a public
instrument denominated as Assignment of Rights to
Petitioner Air France filed a complaint for sum of
Redeem whereby he assigned his rights to redeem the
money against private respondents Multinational Travel
one-half undivided portion of the property to his son,
Corporation of the Philippines and Spouses Panopio.
Judgment was rendered in favor of Air France but was
left unsatisfied. It turned out that Spouses Panopio sold On the other hand, in connection with case against
their house and lot to a third person. Air France moved China Bank, a notice of levy on execution was issued.
for the issuance of an alias writ of execution and for And thereafter, a certificate of sale on execution was
the declaration that the sale made by Spouses Panopio issued in favor of China Bank.
was made in fraud of creditors. The RTC granted the
motion and issued an order finding the sale of the Paulino his mother, Kiang, filed a complaint against
house and lot as having been made in fraud of China Bank, averring that Paulino has a prior and
creditors. The CA, however, annulled the RTCs orders. better right over Alfonsos portion of the land by virtue
of the assignment of rights to redeem made by the
Issue: Whether or not the RTC acted correctly in latter.
declaring that the sale of the house and lot was made
in fraud of creditors. The trial court rendered a decision on July 15, 1994
in favor of private respondent Paulino Roxas Chua and
Held: No. Rescissible contracts, not being void, they against China Banking Corporation. The trial court
remain legally effective until set aside in a rescissory ruled that the assignment was made for a valuable
action and may convey title. Nor can they be attacked consideration and was executed two years before
collaterally upon the grounds for rescission in a land petitioner China Bank levied the conjugal share of
Civil Law Review II 5th Assignment

Alfonso Roxas Chua on TCT 410603. The trial court 87. Sps. Tongson v. Emergency Pawnshop Bula,
found that Paulino redeemed the one-half portion of Inc. and Napala (2010)
the property, using therefor the amount of P100,000.00
which he withdrew from his savings account as Facts:
evidenced by his bankbook and the receipts of In May 1992, Napala offered to purchase from the
Metrobank for his payment of the redemption price. spouses Tongson their 364-square meter parcel of land,
The court noted that Paulino at that time was already situated in Davao City for P3,000,000.00. The spouses
of age and had his own source of income. found the offer acceptable and executed with Napala a
The CA affirmed the RTC. Hence, this petition. Memorandum of Agreement on May 8, 1992. Upong
signing the Deed of Absolute Sale, Napala paid the
Issue: Whether or not the assignment of the right of spouses P200,000.00 in cash and issued a post-dated
redemptioner made by Alfonso in favor of Paulino was check in the amount of P2,800,000.00 representing the
done to defraud his creditors and may be rescinded remaining balance of the purchase price of the subject
under Article 1387 of the Civil Code. property. When presented for payment, the PNB check
Held: Yes. The law presumes that there is fraud of was dishonored for insufficient funds. Despite the
creditors when: a) There is alienation of property by spouses Tongsons repeated demands to either pay the
gratuitous title by the debtor who has not reserved full value of the check or to return the land, Napala
sufficient property to pay his debts contracted before failed to do either. The spouses filed with the RTC of
such alienation; or b) There is alienation of property by Davao City a Complaint for Annulment of Contract and
onerous title made by a debtor against whom some Damages with a Prayer for the Issuance of a Temporary
judgment has been rendered in any instance or some Restraining Order and a Writ of Preliminary Injunction.
writ of attachment has been issued. The decision or The trial court found that the purchase price of the
attachment need not refer to the property alienated subject property has not been fully paid and that
and need not have been obtained by the party seeking Napalas assurance to the Spouses Tongson that the
rescission. PNB check would not bounce constituted fraud that
After his conjugal share in TCT 410603 was induced the Spouses Tongson to enter into the sale.
foreclosed by Metrobank, the only property that Without such assurance, the Spouses Tongson would
Alfonso Roxas Chua had was his right to redeem the not have agreed to the contract of sale. Accordingly,
same, it forming part of his patrimony. "Property" under there was fraud within the ambit of Article 1338 of the
civil law comprehends every species of title, inchoate Civil Code, justifying the annulment of the contract of
or complete, legal or equitable. Alfonso Roxas Chua sale, the award of damages and attorneys fees, and
sold his right of redemption to his son, Paulino Roxas payment of costs. Respondent appealed to the Court of
Chua, in 1988. Thereafter, Paulino redeemed the Appeals.
property and caused the annotation thereof at the back The Court of Appeals agreed with the trial courts
of TCT 410603. This preceded the annotation of the finding that Napala employed fraud when he
levy of execution in favor of China Bank by two (2) misrepresented to the Spouses Tongson that the PNB
years and the certificate of sale in favor of China Bank check in the amount of P2,800,000 would be properly
by more than three (3) years. On this basis, the Court funded at its maturity. However, the Court of Appeals
of Appeals concluded that the allegation of fraud made found that the issuance and delivery of the PNB check
by petitioner China Bank is vague and unsubstantiated. and fraudulent representation made by Napala could
Such conclusion, however, runs counter to the law not be considered as the determining cause for the
applicable in the case at bar. Inasmuch as the sale of the subject parcel of land. Hence, such fraud
judgment of the trial court in favor of China Bank could not be made the basis for annulling the contract
against Alfonso Roxas Chua was rendered as early as of sale. Nevertheless, the fraud employed by Napala is
1985, there is a presumption that the 1988 sale of his a proper and valid basis for the entitlement of the
property, in this case the right of redemption, is Spouses Tongson to the balance of the purchase price
fraudulent under Article 1387 of the Civil Code. The in the amount of P2,800,000 plus interest at the legal
fact that private respondent Paulino Roxas Chua rate of 6% per annum computed from the date of filing
redeemed the property and caused its annotation on of the complaint on 11 February 1993. The Spouses
the TCT more than two years ahead of petitioner China Tongson filed a partial motion for reconsideration which
Bank is of no moment. As stated in the case of Cabaliw was denied by the Court of Appeals in its Resolution
vs. Sadorra, "the parties here do not stand in dated 10 March 2005. Hence, this petition for review
equipoise, for the petitioners have in their favor, by a before the SC.
specific provision of law, the presumption of fraudulent Issue: Whether or not the contract between Spouses
transaction which is not overcome by the mere fact Tongson and Napala should be annulled.
that the deeds of sale were in the nature of public
instruments." This presumption is strengthened by the Held: No. A contract is a meeting of the minds
fact that the conveyance has virtually left Alfonsos between two persons, whereby one is bound to give
other creditors with no other property to attach. It something or to render some service to the other. A
should be noted that the presumption of fraud or valid contract requires the concurrence of the following
intention to defraud creditors is not just limited to the essential elements: (1) consent or meeting of the
two instances set forth in the first and second minds, that is, consent to transfer ownership in
paragraphs of Article 1387 of the Civil Code. exchange for the price; (2) determinate subject matter;
and (3) price certain in money or its equivalent.
Civil Law Review II 5th Assignment

We find no causal fraud in this case to justify the company's agent directed them to make the best
annulment of the contract of sale between the parties. possible offer for the piles, in response to which on
It is clear from the records that the Spouses Tongson August 5 they telegraphed him an offer of $12 apiece.
agreed to sell their 364-square meter Davao property It was accepted by him on August 6, in consequence of
to Napala who offered to pay P3,000,000 as purchase which the defendant paid the Pacific Company $6,972.
price therefor. Contrary to the Spouses Tongsons belief
It afterwards appeared that on July 9 Peabody &
that the fraud employed by Napala was already
Company had entered into negotiations with the
operational at the time of the perfection of the contract
Insular Purchasing Agent for the sale for the piles at
of sale, the misrepresentation by Napala that the
$20 a piece, resulting of August 4 in the sale to the
postdated PNB check would not bounce on its maturity
Government of two hundred and thirteen (213) piles at
hardly equates to dolo causante. Napalas assurance
$19 each. More of them were afterwards sold to the
that the check he issued was fully funded was not the
Government at the same figure and the remainder to
principal inducement for the Spouses Tongson to sign
other parties at carrying prices, the whole realizing to
the Deed of Absolute Sale. Even before Napala issued
the defendants $10,41.66, amounting to $3,445.66
the check, the parties had already consented and
above the amount paid by the defendant to the
agreed to the sale transaction. The Spouses Tongson
plaintiff therefor. Thus it is clear that at the time when
were never tricked into selling their property to Napala.
the agents were buying from their principal these piles
On the contrary, they willingly accepted Napalas offer
at $12 apiece on the strength of their representation
to purchase the property at P3,000,000. In short, there
that no better price was obtainable, they had already
was a meeting of the minds as to the object of the sale
sold a substantial part of them at $19. In these
as well as the consideration therefor. Some of the
transactions the defendant, Smith, Bell & Company,
instances where this Court found the existence of
were associated with the defendants, Henry W.
causal fraud include: (1) when the seller, who had no
Peabody & Company, who conducted the negotiations,
intention to part with her property, was tricked into
and are consequently accountable with them.
believing that what she signed were papers pertinent
to her application for the reconstitution of her burned The plaintiff, as assignee of the Pacific Export
certificate of title, not a deed of sale; (2) when the Lumber Company, sues for $3,486, United States
signature of the authorized corporate officer was currency, the differences between the amount turned
forged; or (3) when the seller was seriously ill, and died over to the company on account of a cargo of cedar
a week after signing the deed of sale raising doubts on piles consigned to the defendants as its agents and
whether the seller could have read, or fully understood, afterwards bought by them, and the amount actually
the contents of the documents he signed or of the received by them on the subsequent sale thereof.
consequences of his act. Suffice it to state that nothing
analogous to these badges of causal fraud exists in this Issue: Whether or not defendant is guilty of fraud.
case. While they did not file an action for the rescission Held: Yes. It is plaint that in concealing from their
of the sales contract, the Spouses Tongson specifically principal the negotiations with the Government,
prayed in their complaint for the annulment of the resulting in a sale of the piles at 19 a piece and in
sales contract, for the immediate execution of a deed misrepresenting the condition of the market, the
of reconveyance, and for the return of the subject agents committed a breach of duty from which they
property to them. The Spouses Tongson likewise should benefit. The contract of sale to themselves
prayed for such other reliefs which may be deemed thereby induced was founded on their fraud and was
just and equitable in the premises. In view of such subject to annulment by the aggrieved party. (Civil
prayer, and considering respondents substantial Code, articles 1265 and 1269.) Upon annulment the
breach of their obligation under the sales contract, the parties should be restored to their original position by
rescission of the sales contract is but proper and mutual restitution. (Article 1303 and 1306.) Therefore
justified. Accordingly, respondents must reconvey the the defendants are not entitled to retain their
subject property to the Spouses Tongson, who in turn commission realized upon the piles included under the
shall refund the initial payment of P200,000 less the contract so annulled. In respect of the 213 piles, which
costs of suit. at the time of the making of this contract on August 5
they had already sold under the original agency, their
88. Cadwaller & Company v. Smith, Bell &
commission should be allowed.
Company (1907)
89. ECE Realty and Development Inc. v. Mandap
The Pacific Export Lumber Company of Portland
shipped upon the steamer Quito five hundred and Facts:
eighty-one (581) piles to the defendant, Henry W. ECE Realty and Development Inc. and respondent
Peabody & Company, at Manila, on the sale of which Rachel Mandap entered into a contract to sell whereby
before storage the consignees were to receive a the latter agreed to buy a condominium unit from ECE.
commission of one half of whatever sum was obtained Printed advertisements were made indicating therein
over $15 for each pile and 5 per cent of the price of the that the condo was to be built in Makati City. But it
piles sold after storage. After the arrival of the steamer turns out that it was actually being built in Pasay City.
on August 2, Peabody and Company wrote the agent of This fact was stated in the contract to sell between ECE
the Pacific Company at Shanghai that for lack of a and Rachel. Two years after the execution of the
demand the piles would have to be sold at contract, Rachel demanded the return of the payments
considerably less than $15 apiece; whereupon the
Civil Law Review II 5th Assignment

she made on the ground that she subsequently This case is about a daughters attempt to claim
discovered that the condominium project was being her share in her fathers estate some 63 years after the
built in Pasay and not in Makati, but ECE refused. latters demise. The father, Andres Arroyo, died
Hence, Rachel filed a complaint against ECE with the sometime in 1901. He was survived by three
HLURB. When the case reached the CA, the appellate compulsory heirs: Felix, Filomena (petitioner herein)
court annulled the contract to sell on the ground that and Simplicio. In 1964, Filomena filed a complaint
ECE employed fraud and machinations to induce against her co-heirs, alleging that her share in the
Rachel to enter into a contract with it. inheritance had at all times been held in trust by Felix,
and that she had been deprived of that share through
Issue: Whether or not the CA was correct in annulling fraud and misrepresentation. The defendants filed a
the contract to sell. motion to dismiss on the ground of res judicata, laches
Held: No. Jurisprudence has shown that in order to and estoppel among others. The CFI granted the
constitute fraud that provides basis to annul contracts, motion to dismiss. It turned out that in 1940, the CFI
it must fulfill two conditions. First, the fraud must be rendered a judgment on the basis of a compromise
dolo causante or it must be fraud in obtaining the agreement entered into by the parties to settle the
consent of the party. This is referred to as causal fraud. estate of their father. In 1946, Filomena filed a motion
The deceit must be serious. The fraud is serious when to vacate the 1940 decision on the ground of fraud,
it is sufficient to impress, or to lead an ordinarily misrepresentation, deceit and undue influence vitiating
prudent person into error; that which cannot deceive a their consent to the compromise agreement. The trial
prudent person cannot be a ground for nullity. The court denied the motion, and Filomena kept silent until
circumstances of each case should be considered, she filed the present complaint in 1964.
taking into account the personal conditions of the Issue: Whether or not Filomenas complaint can
victim. Second, the fraud must be proven by clear and prosper.
convincing evidence and not merely by a
preponderance thereof. Held: No. Even if it were legally possible to shunt aside
and ignore the principle of res judicata, this would not
In the present case, this Court finds that petitioner help the appellants' cause one whit. Their cause of
is guilty of false representation of a fact. This is action for the annulment of their convenio de
evidenced by its printed advertisements indicating that transaccion on the ground of fraud, undue influence, or
its subject condominium project is located in Makati mistake, as also their cause of action for recovery of
City when, in fact, it is in Pasay City. The Court agrees property on the theory of constructive trust, assuming
with the Housing and Land Use Arbiter, the HLURB their tenability, would nonetheless be barred by
Board of Commissioners, and the Office of the another insuperable legal obstacle: prescription.
President, in condemning petitioner's deplorable act of
making misrepresentations in its advertisements and in The action to annul a contract on the ground that
issuing a stern warning that a repetition of this act consent is vitiated by mistake, violence, intimidation,
shall be dealt with more severely. However, insofar as undue influence or fraud prescribes in four (4) years;
the present case is concerned, the Court agrees with and the period is reckoned, in case of mistake or fraud,
the Housing and Land Use Arbiter, the HLURB Board of from the time of the discovery of the same. It is
Commissioners, and the Office of the President, that noteworthy that as early as March 14, 1946 the
the misrepresentation made by petitioner in its appellants already had pleaded fraud in the motion
advertisements does not constitute causal fraud which filed by them on that day to set aside the judgment
would have been a valid basis in annulling the Contract rendered in Civil Case No. 7268: their contention was
to Sell between petitioner and respondent. that their consent to the convenio de transaccion
which the judgment had approved, had been obtained
Evidence shows that respondent proceeded to sign by fraud, or undue machinations. It is thus not
the Contract to Sell despite information contained unreasonable, surely, to consider March 14, 1946 as
therein that the condominium is located in Pasay City. the day of the discovery of the fraud. So considered, it
This only means that she still agreed to buy the subject should at once be apparent that the prescriptive period
property regardless of the fact that it is located in a of four (4) years had long elapsed when Civil Case No.
place different from what she was originally informed. 7200 was instituted by the appellants on February 19,
If she had a problem with the property's location, she 1964, eighteen (18) years afterwards.
should not have signed the Contract to Sell and,
instead, immediately raised this issue with petitioner. Alternatively categorizing the appellants' cause of
But she did not. As correctly observed by the Office of action as one for recovery of property held by
the President, it took respondent more than two years defendants under a constructive trust, would not
from the execution of the Contract to Sell to demand improve their situation. The statute of limitations would
the return of the amount she paid on the ground that still preclude their success. Assuming the creation of
she was misled into believing that the subject property an implied trust over the real property in question from
is located in Makati City. In the meantime, she the time that Felix Arroyo (appellees' predecessor) took
continued to make payments. over possession and administration thereof sometime
in 1901, the period of prescription to recover the
90. Vda. De Buncio v. Estate of De Leon (1987) property-set by law at ten (10) years-began to run from
the time that Torrens titles were obtained over the
property in the name of the trustee or his successors-
in-interest. It being clear from the record that the
Civil Law Review II 5th Assignment

appellants had brought their suit, Civil Case No. 7268, wide field for fraud because unless they be in writing
more than ten (10) years after titles had been obtained there is no palpable evidence of the intention of the
over the property claimed by the appellees or their contracting parties. The statute has precisely been
predecessor-in-interest, their cause of action enacted to prevent fraud." (Comments on the Rules of
predicated on constructive trust is barred by Court, by Moran, Vol. III [1957 ed.] p. 178). However, if
prescription. a contract has been totally or partially performed, the
exclusion of parol evidence would promote fraud or
91. Asia Productions v. Pano (1992) bad faith, for it would enable the defendant to keep the
benefits already derived by him form the transaction in
litigation, and, at the same time, evade the obligations,
Private respondents, who claimed to be the owners responsibilities or liabilities assumed or contracted by
of a building constructed on a lot leased from Lucio San him thereby.
Andres, offered to sell the buildings to petitioners for
There can be no dispute that the instant case is not
P170,000.00. Petitioners agreed because of private
for specific performance of the agreement to sell the
respondents' assurance that they will also assign to the
building and to assign the leasehold right. Petitioners
petitioners the contract of lease over the land. The
merely seek to recover their partial payment for the
above agreement and promise were not reduced to
agreed purchase price of the building, which was to be
writing. Private respondents undertook to deliver to the
paid on installments, with the private respondents
petitioners the deed of conveyance over the building
promising to execute the corresponding deed of
and the deed of assignment of the contract of lease
conveyance, together with the assignment of the
within sixty (60) days from the date of payment of the
leasehold rights, within two (2) months from the
downpayment of P20,000.00. The balance was to be
payment of the agreed downpayment of P20,000.00.
paid in monthly installments. On 20 March 1976,
petitioners paid the downpayment and issued eight (8) Besides, even if the action were for specific
postdated checks drawn against the Equitable Banking performance, it was premature for the respondent
Corporation for the payment of the eight (8) monthly Judge to dismiss the complaint by reason of the Statute
installments. of Frauds despite the explicit allegations of partial
Relying on the good faith of private respondents,
petitioners constructed in May 1976 a weaving factory Under Article 1338 of the Civil Code, there is fraud
on the leased lot. Unfortunately, private respondents, when, through insidious words or machinations of one
despite extensions granted, failed to comply with their of the contracting parties, the other is induced to enter
undertaking to execute the deed to sale and to assign into a contract which, without them, he would not have
the contract despite the fact that they were able to agreed to. In order that fraud may vitiate consent, it
encash the checks dated 30 June and 30 July 1976 in must be the causal (dolo causante), not merely the
the total amount of P30,000.00. Worse, the lot owner incidental (dolo incidente), inducement to the making
made it plain to petitioners that he was unwilling to of the contract. Additionally, the fraud must be serious.
give consent to the assignment of the lease unless
petitioners agreed to certain onerous terms, such as an 92. Averia v. Averia (2004)
increase in rental, or the purchase of the land at a very
unconscionable price. Petitioners were thus compelled
to request for a stop payment order of the six (6) Macaria Francisco (Macaria) was married to Marcos
remaining checks. Succeeding negotiations to save the Averia in which they had six children namely:
transaction proved futile by reason of the continued petitioners Gregorio and Teresa and respondents
failure of private respondents to execute the deed of Domingo, Angel, Felipe and Felimon. Upon the death of
sale of the building and the deed of assignment of the Marcos, Macaria contracted a second marriage with
contract of lease. Roberto Romero in which they had no children. Upon
the death of Roberto, he left three adjoining residential
Petitioners filed a complaint against respondents
lots. In a Deed of Extrajudicial Partition and Summary
for the recovery of their partial payment and for
Settlement of the Estate of Romero, a house and lot
damages (moral and exemplary). Private respondents
(Extremadura property) was apportioned to Macaria.
filed a motion to dismiss on the ground that the claim
on which the action is based an alleged purchase of Macaria then filed an action for annulment of title
a building which is not evidenced by any writing and damages alleging that fraud was employed by her
cannot be proved by parol evidence since Article 1356 co-heirs in which she was represented by Atty. Mario
in relation to Article 1358 of the Civil Code requires C.R. Domingo. The case lasted for 10 years until the
that it should be in writing. The CFI granted the motion Court of Appeals (CA) decided in favor of Macaria
to dismiss. entitling her to an additional 30 square meters of the
estate of Romero. Her son Gregorio and his family and
Issue: Whether or not the CFI was correct in granting
Teresas family lived with her in the Extremadura
the motion to dismiss.
property until her death. After six years, respondents
Held: No. It is well-settled in this jurisdiction that the Domingo, Angel, Felipe and Filemon filed an action for
Statute of Frauds is applicable only to executory judicial partition against petitioners Gregorio and
contracts, not to contracts that are totally or partially Teresa.
performed. In the words of former Chief Justice Moran:
In their defense Gregorio contends that Macaria
"The reason is simple. In executory contracts there is a
verbally sold of her Extramadura property to him
Civil Law Review II 5th Assignment

and his wife Agripina because they were the ones who Frauds inapplicable; such partial performance must be
spent for the litigation expenses in the former civil case duly proved. But neither is such party required to
and that Agripina took care of her. Gregorio and co- establish such partial performance by documentary
petitioner Sylvana claimed that Domingo sold to proof before he could have the opportunity to introduce
Gregorio and Agripina his 1/6 share in the remaining oral testimony on the transaction. The partial
portion of the property. Upon hearing, Gregorio performance may be proved by either documentary or
presented oral evidence to establish their claim of the oral evidence.
sale of the property to them by Macaria and also the
sale of Domingo of his share. The Regional Trial Court 93. Clemeno v. Lobregat (2004)
of (RTC) decided in favor of Gregorio. The CA however, Facts:
reversed the decision of the RTC on the ground that
since the sale executed by Macaria in favor of Gregorio Spouses Nilus and Teresita Sacramento were the
was in violation of the statute of frauds and it cannot owner of the parcel of land and house constructed at
be proven by oral evidence. Madaling Araw St., Teresita Heights Subd., Novaliches,
Quezon City. Spouses Sacramento mortgaged the
Issue: Whether or not parol evidence may be admitted property with the SSS as security for their housing loan
in proving partial performance. and likewise surrendered the owners and duplicate
Held: Yes. With respect to the application by the copies of the certificate of title. A Deed of Absolute
appellate court of the Statute of Frauds, Gregorio Sale with Assumption of Mortgage in favor of Spouses
contends that the same refers only to purely executory Maria Linda Clemeno and Angel C. Clemeno, Jr. was
contracts and not to partially or completely executed entered into by Spouses Sacramental with conformity
contracts as in the instant case. The finding of the CA of the SSS. 5 years after, Romeo Lobregat and Angel,
that the testimonies of Gregorios witnesses were who were relatives by consanguinity, entered into a
timely objected to by Domingo is not, as Gregorio verbal contract of sale over the property with the
insist, borne out in the records of the case except with following terms, among others, that the former would
respect to his testimony. pay the purchase price of the property in the amount of
P270,000.00 inclusive of the balance. When Lobregats
Indeed, except for the testimony of petitioner counsel wrote to Angel that he had already paid the
Gregorio bearing on the verbal sale to him by Macaria purchase price and was ready to pay the balance, he
of the property, the testimonies of Gregorios witnesses demanded that petitioner execute a deed of absolute
Sylvanna Vergara Clutario and Flora Lazaro Rivera sale over the property and deliver the title. In reply,
bearing on the same matter were not objected to by Angel stated that he ever sold the property but instead
respondents. Just as the testimonies of Gregorio, Jr. and consented to lease the property. Also, that even if
Veronica Bautista bearing on the receipt by respondent Lobregat wanted to buy the property, the same was
Domingo on July 23, 1983 from Gregorios wife of unenforceable, as no document was executed by them
P5,000.00 representing partial payment of the to evince the sale. CA ruled that the contract entered
P10,000.00 valuation of his (Domingos) 1/6 share in into was a contract of sale since partial payments had
the property, and of the testimony of Felimon been made, thus, contract is partly performed.
Dagondon bearing on the receipt by Domingo of
P5,000.00 from Gregorio were not objected to. Issue: Whether or not the essential elements of a
Following Article 1405 of the Civil Code, the contracts contract of sale are present.
which infringed the Statute of Frauds were ratified by Held: Yes. The Court held that the contract between
the failure to object to the presentation of parol the parties is a perfected verbal contract of sale, not a
evidence, hence, enforceable. contract to sell over the subject property with the
Contrary then to the finding of the CA, the admission of petitioner as vendor and respondent as vendee. Sale is
parol evidence upon which the trial court anchored its a consensual contract and is perfected by mere
decision in favor of respondents is not irregular and is consent, which is manifested by a meeting of the
not foreclosed by Article 1405. minds as to the offer and acceptance thereof on three
elements: subject matter, price, and terms of payment
In any event, the Statute of Frauds applies only to of the price. The evidence shows that upon the
executory contracts and not to contracts which are payment made by the respondent of the amount of
either partially or totally performed. In the case at bar, P27,000.00, the petitioners vacated their house and
petitioners claimed that there was total performance of delivered possession. The petitioners cannot re-acquire
the contracts, full payment of the objects thereof ownership and recover possession thereof unless the
having already been made and the vendee Gregorio contract is rescinded in accordance with law. The
having, even after Macarias death in 1983, continued contract of sale of the parties is enforceable
to occupy the property until and after the filing on notwithstanding the fact that it was an oral agreement
January 19, 1989 of the complaint subject of the case and not reduced in writing.
at bar as in fact he is still occupying it.
However it is not enough for a party to allege
partial performance in order to render the Statute of

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