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SBDMHEHow many zeros in a

Posted on November 14, 2013 by mn9mn

How many zeros in a crore/million/billion?

This seems to be a simple question. But many in our country fumble and give incorrect answers.
Many link this to their income and crib about having lower income.

True, majority of our population has not seen this kind of money. But with rising income levels
this needs to change. With inflow of Dollars, income level is now easily in the crore bracket.
With American influence in most spheres in our life, the terms grand, million, billion, trillion
are also fast becoming a part of our collective lingo.

Please check the table below:

Amount No. of zeros Indian Lingo American Lingo
1000 3 One Thousand One Grand
10,000 4 Ten Thousand Ten Grand
1,00,000 5 One Lakh Hundred Grand
5,00,000 5 Five Lakh Half a Million
10,00,000 6 Ten Lakh One Million
1,00,00,000 7 One Crore Ten Million
10,00,00,000 8 Ten Crore Hundred Million
100,00,00,000 9 Hundred Crore One Billion
10000000000 10 Thousand Crores 10 Billion
100000000000 11 Ten Thousand Crores 100 Billion
1000000000000 12 One lakh Crores 1 Trillion
Note: A billion (bi meaning two) has twice as many zeros as a million, and a trillion (tri
meaning three) has three times as many zeros as a million, etc.

So now:

One Lakh has 5 zeros

Ten Lakh or one Million has 6 zeros

1 Crore or Ten Million has 7 zeros

10 Crore or Hundred Million has 8 zeros

100 Crore or one Billion has 9 zeros

One lakh Crores or one Trillion has 12 zeros

So next time such large numbers/names appear before you, you know what they mean.The
answer is absolutely clear. No fumbling and no cribbing.

Save this data somewhere. Its useful. Share it with one and all.

Blog written for knowledge hungry Indians.

Information source: World Wide Web

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