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Solution to Rubik's cube of for beginners

Jasmine Lee
Solution to Rubik's cube of for beginners
By Jasmine Lee ( Transl
ated by J. Francisco Footwear (
There several methods different to resolve the cube of Rubik. is can
o categories broad: the methods by layers and the methods of vertices
is subcategories within of those). The method that I use to speedc
d in layers. More specifically the method that use in the now is: t
three-look LL (I know several algorithms to OLL, by what that in t
a 2-look LL). If you is a Cubero rookie this description not you
t that add that is is of the Solution Advanced that describe in t
t steps" to final of this page. Some years ago when wrote this pa
sites web that explained the methods advanced and of experts to resolve
(see the section of links of my page) without But had very few
hods to beginners. This is the reason by the that wrote this page.
a explanation completely comprehensive, is is as only of some notes
to show them to a friends to the that was teaching. I that could
her people by what that the became in a page web. This method to
res store only a few algorithms, and when is running of form efficien
t resolutions of 60 seconds or less. know people that can resolve t
-30 seconds with a method as this. I not I been able of resolve
with a method for beginners by what that not is worry too if you
ther part if can get resolutions of 30 seconds with this method the
that you is too good to this method and that should learn the met
d the of experts. Together with a minimum memorization, another benefit
method is that is very scalable. is can add more algorithms more la
ethod to develop in a method advanced or if you is truly enthusiast
d to experts . This means that not need rule this method and start
he method to experts. All what that learn here you be useful to m
anced. All know that 3x3x3 = 27, without But more that think that the
7 "cubes" is best conceive as 6 centers fixed (which can rotate on
ith 8 vertices and 12 edges that rotate in around of such centers.
s are fixed the color of center define the color to its face. It
ber this because of what contrary can end trying do things illogical
ly impossible!) as ask by what not can get by to to a vertex in
Structure of cube

Solution to Rubik's cube of for beginners

Jasmine Lee
edge, or take that is looking to the face blue simply because 8
are of color blue (if the center is white then is is of the
escribe the solution to the second and third layers is use the standar
to the cube.Here is what that need know to read F = face B = fa
ace U = face D = face front back right left top less Front Back
wn addition of a letter each movement is can accompany of a apostroph
ber two: • • • A point single represents a turn of that face 90 deg
of the needles of clock (eg F) A point followed of a apostrophe
rn of that face of 90 degrees in sense contrary to the needles of
A point followed of number 2 means a turn of that face of 180
ess is irrelevant), (eg F2)
So therefore R U ' L2 is a abbreviation to say "turn the face righ
sense schedule, after turn the face top in sense anti-clockwise, and
the face left 180 degrees." When think in turn in sense clockwise /
ckwise, imagine looking directly the face in particular that has of t
ch algorithm, the notation is writes assuming that the core of cube
d during the development of that algorithm, and that the faces just
nd to him. This means that also need know how locate the cube to
ithm. For images and more details on the system of notation, can vi
of Jon Morris on the notation of cube.
The solution
The first layer
The first layer is resolved in two stages: 1. Join the cross 2. Inser
vertices of the first layer (each vertex is inserted individually) I
first layer should be of form intuitive. need understand and resolve
rn algorithms. Up that not can do this not you recommend try the
So therefore take its time to play with the cube and familiar with
ove the parts around of cube. And now here van some tips to help

Solution to Rubik's cube of for beginners

Jasmine Lee
The cross I prefer start with the cross white because meeting that
more easy identify quickly in a cube completely mixed without But can
lor as color of start. There four edges with the color white (s s
f the cross) that have positions specific. No is can to any of th
as arms of the cross because the another color of the edge should
olor of its center in the layer of half.
Here is a image in the that the cross is correctly formed (the co
s parts that are irrelevant to the cross) Note that the edge white
hed with the center white and with the center red. What same serves
white / blue.

Here is a image of a cross incorrectly formed. is true that looking

te we see a cross white without But the edge white / red not is
center red. What same serves to the edge white / blue. This is wron
To a explanation detailed of the cross try the page of Dan Harris
ion of the cross. The vertices of the first layer A time that has
cross to end the first layer is need insert each a of the four
ately. What first that is that do is examine the cube and locate
ertices of the layer top -be or well in the first layer or in th
ion of the vertices of the first layer should be intuitively without
ithms. For begin here is a example step-by-step of a form to insert
ex in this first layer.
Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

The vertex blue / red / white is in the layer less (the part blue loo
by what that not the we see in this image). Turn the face blue
se anti-clockwise.
Now the cube should have this appearance. Move the face D 90 degree
ti-clockwise to align the edge blue / white with the vertex blue / whit
Now that the edge Now the vertex blue / white and the vertex blue / w
is blue / white / red are in its place correct. aligned is hours of r
cross white turning the face blue 90 degrees in sense schedule.

Solution to Rubik's cube of for beginners

Jasmine Lee
Here has some tips to insert the vertices of the first layer: • • S
ertex the first layer that is located in the last layer. If is se
of the first layer in the last layer (as happen usually), start wit
have the part white of vertex in the face opposite to the face wh
using a color different to the cross ('color X'), start with a vert
ave the part of 'color X' in the face opposite to the face of 'co
rk with a vertex that is in the first layer (but in the position
of that first layer), is need out of the first layer to the la
ert in the position correct of vertex of the first layer. This same
applies if a vertex is in the position of vertex correct of the
need be reoriented. In This case is need out of the first layer
last), and after reinsertion of within its proper place of the firs
well oriented.

This is should appear as the first layer to end this first step.
The layer of half
The layer of half be resolved in a single step: 1. Insert the 4 e
er intermediate (each edge is inserted individually) Only need learn a
(more the algorithm reverse) to the second layer. There many more
ut learn only what essential to start. First, locate the edges of
e layer are that in the last layer. I to use edge the blue / red th
The edge blue / red is in the last layer.
In this image, U = white L = red, F = blue. No we see any of the ot
es but obviously the face R is the opposite of the layer L, the
pposite to the U and the face B is the opposite to the F. now i
edge blue / red of form that the color in the face F of cube (blu
is aligned with its center. Time make the following algorithm: D L
D F 4
Solution to Rubik's cube of for beginners

Jasmine Lee
If the edge blue / red was oriented of the other way of form that
was in the face lower in place of the red would that locate this
center red and make the following algorithm: D ' F' D F D L D ' L'.
ithm reverse of before. The axis of symmetry will in diagonal to th
face white and through the line that divided the face blue and the
f the edge not is in the last layer? The instructions previous assu
dge of the layer intermediate that want place is in some place of
. The edge red / blue of the layer intermediate is in that layer but
d. need to be the last layer, and after be restored to the interm
the way correct.

If some of the edges intermediate are in the last layer and some
r half in the place wrong start always placing the edges of the l
r of do so some times (but or always) be a edge of the layer in
t layer half but in the place wrong. In this situation can use th
ms that before (D L D ' L' D ' F' D F or D ' F' D F D L D
e in the position of the layer intermediate with what that is out
s layer intermediate to the last layer. A time that has made this
e layer half and will in the last layer and and can place of the
re a way more short to this problem but as this is a solution t
memorization minimum not what I including here If of truth want learn
ok to case Dd2 in the page web of Dan Harris.
The last layer
The last layer ("LL" Last Layer) is ago in four steps: 1. guidance
two algorithms) is say form a cross in the face D. 2. Permutation o
s (1 algorithm); to the vertices in the position correct in a space
(without worry if need still be rotated) 3. guidance of the vertices (
+ algorithm an intermediate) spin of the vertices 4. Permutation of th
1 algorithm); is say exchange the edges. The cube and should be sol
e algorithms of the last layer is made with the cross (s say with
r the face white in This example) in the part of below. Guidance of
the last layer A time completed the two first layers ("F2L"), grip
form that the face white is in the part of below. The face white
of down during the rest of the solution. This means that the face
layer D to the algorithms of the last layer. 5
Solution to Rubik's cube of for beginners

Jasmine Lee
In my cube, the face white is opposite to the yellow by what ther
w is now the layer U to all the algorithms of the last layer in
at its cube can have a face opposite to white of a color different
blue). Now check a look to the face of its last layer and may
ur possible patterns of the edges of the last layer.
State a State 2 State 3 State 4 A difference of the cross initial
edges should fit with the center white and with the centers of t
edia), here all on what that need worry is by that all the edges
the center of the last layer. also can ignore the vertices of th
or the time not matter that is what that do the vertices. Now con
the cases of the last layer by separately: State a
All the edges and are oriented correctly. can pass the next step.

State 2
We to redirect four faces to this algorithm. The face to the that
ectly from the pattern of drawing is now the face U (was the face
acing the edges of the second layer). Execute the following algorithm:
' F '

State 3
As in the been 2 the face to the that look directly in this dra
ke the following algorithm: F R U R ' U' F '

State 4
The been 4 is in reality a combination of the states 2 and 3 by
at that need do is run to algorithm of been 2 or the of 3. A
k that the edges of the last layer now are as the of been 2 or
that only remains run the algorithm appropriate and and will the cr
st layer.
Permutation of the vertices of the last layer The two possible states
o vertices adjacent of the last layer should be exchanged; or Two v
nal of the last layer should be exchanged.
These are the two only possible states. If not can identify a of
s with the vertices of the last layer time is that has occurred a
following circumstances: • No has finished the two first layers
Solution to Rubik's cube of for beginners • • •

Jasmine Lee
Someone has out a vertex of its cube and what has placed wrong. S
some stickers of its cube and the has stuck of new in the site
ked what enough ;)
Exchanging vertices adjacent Keep the cube with the face white to dow
wo vertices that is exchange are in the positions forehead right top an
ght-up. Run the following algorithm: L U ' R' U L ' U ' R U2. For
mated of this algorithm, look the first algorithm of step 5 of the
Petrus. In the page of Lars, the algorithm is running from a angle
erent (the two vertices to exchange are the of the positions front-top-
front-top-left), but is exactly the same algorithm. Exchanging vertices
onal The exchange of the vertices in diagonal can achieved running tw
algorithm to exchange the vertices adjacent. Execute the first Once to
two vertices adjacent anyone. Reexamine its cube and will that now
vertices that need exchanged. Place the cube to the exchange of verti
t and run that algorithm. Guidance of the vertices of the last laye
sible states for the guidance of the vertices of the last layer. One
e 4 vertices are correctly oriented. The other 7 have the next appe
State 1

State 2

State 3

State 4

May State

State 6

State 7

State 1. exchanging three vertices in anti-clockwise direction R ' U' R

U2 R
State 2. Exchange of three vertices in sense hours R U R ' U R U
version animated of this algorithm, look the algorithm sune of Lars
States 3-7

Solution to Rubik's cube of for beginners

Jasmine Lee
A time learned the algorithms to the states a and 2 and can resol
the guidance of the last layer. The rest of the states can directed
m of two algorithms.Need do a of the actions following: (i) the alg
n a two times (ii) the algorithm of been 2 two times (iii) the
1 and to then the algorithm of been 2 or ( iv) the algorithm o
hen the algorithm of been 1. In a version above of this solution
has tell exactly how combine the algorithms of the states a and
e states 3-7. My reason to this is that is important that try how
ithms of the states a and 2 and a time that the understands will
w use to resolve the other states. still I in this but without Bu
mails of some people that were taking problems with the states 3-7,
decided write some tips extra. still you suggest that try find the
y it same but if really is blocked take a look here: Guidance of
the last layer: more advice. Permutation of the edges of the last
possible states to the permutation of the edges of the last layer.
states is when all the edges are correctly permuted. The other four h
State 1 F R2 U B ' R2 F' U B R2
State 2 R2 U 'F B' R2 F 'B U' R2
This algorithm is almost identical to of been 1. The only difference
econd movement and in the second by the final. For a version animat
gorithm, visit the algorithm Allan of Lars Petrus. The algorithm is r
a ánglulo slightly different, but is exactly the same.
State 3

State 4

Apply the algorithm to the been a or the 2. Apply the algorithm t

the 2. Reexamine the cube and must be as the of Reexamine the
as the of been a or 2. been a or 2.
And this is all what that in reality has that know to resolve the
With practice should be able of get times of 60 seconds (or more
is method. A time that is feel comfortable with this method and wa
e, can see the following section. 8
Solution to Rubik's cube of for beginners

Jasmine Lee
Next steps
If the method to beginners and too easy and boring to you then ha
hat next. • Method intermediate Solve first the vertex of each layer
for of the layer intermediate in a only step. This means that after
only has 4 steps (4 pairs vertex / edge) to complete the two first
. With this approach to beginners is 8 steps: resolve first the 4
e first layer and after the resolution of each a of the 4 edges o
ween. Le suggest that try by its account with the cube to discover
e pairs vertex / edge. For some tips to the resolution of F2L by me
take a look to the guide intuitive to F2L of Doug Reed. If still
d want the algorithms, look the page of F2L of Dan Harris, and th
ca Fridrich on F2L. Learn the 4 algorithms specific (or more well,3
ore a algorithm mirror of a of them) to each a of the 4 states
n of the edges of the last layer. My solution to beginners and yo
of the 4 algorithms to the permutation of the edges of the last lay
two are the cases # 5 and # 17 of the page of Dan Harris on
d Learn all what of method between. Learn the three-look LL. This r
the 7 algorithms specific to the 7 states different of guidelines of
es of the last layer and learn the 21 algorithms of PLL (permutatio
layer) of way that can exchange the edges and the vertices of LL
The three-look LL full used a total 30 of algorithms.

• •
To more details on the method advanced look the three-look LL Rubiks
page of Dan Harris, and the page of Lars Vandenbergh. • • Method to
e the F2L in 5 steps (first point of method intermediate) Learn the
mplete. This requires the memorize 21 algorithms of PLL, 57 more al
OLL ( algorithms for guiding the last layer)
To more details on the method to experts see the page of Dan Harr
van Noort and the page of Lars Vandenbergh. Another material The m
documented here is what that I I that can be a good method to b
blem with some methods to beginners is that not are scalable -to imp
nique would that unlearn the more part of what that and know, and
m different. This method is concentrated in store very few algorithms,
ructure of such form that is can develop in a method intermediate or
omething more that I like add is that in reality I not I planned
rithms to the last layer of this method. I merely I chosen a sele
thms existing (taken of a variety of places,

Solution to Rubik's cube of for beginners

Jasmine Lee
including the page of Jessica and the of Dan K) and the I organiz
of solution simple. Celebrate its success with the bucket! When is in
that can resolve the cube by it same cronométrese, of form that can
progress. also consider send their times the registration records of
not official.


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