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In this tutorial I will explain how to play poker, have many ways of being playe

d! More aki explain only the best known and most interesting to play.
Well for starters the key and know the order of the hierarchy of cards!, Then re
ad and decorate! In ascending order of this hierarchy is out: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
8, 9, 10, J, Q, K, A poker hands are ranked based on the chances of the game. Th
e rarer the hand, the stronger it is. Some variants of poker hands using other a
lternatives, but the hierarchy is the right standard. Hands are tied in terms of
rankings are decided based on the highest card of the hand. In other words, a P
air of Kings beats a pair of 10:01 7-8 Straight-9-10-J Straight beats a 3-4-5-6-
7. The lowest possible hand is not having any combination, or even a parzinho. I
n this type of hand is worth the highest card: then K-7-5-3-2 of different suits
would be a "high card" king.
This hand has nothing. If the player took the hand the whole game until the show
down without fold, the hand would be called "high card king."
The lowest hand is really the pair, which is two cards of one rank and three car
ds with no relation to them.
The next is two pair: Two cards of one rank, two other cards of another same val
ue and without a relationship with them.
If two players have two pairs, the classification of the highest pair in each ha
nd is what playoff. If this pair is tied, the lower pairs are compared. If you s
till are still tied, the side card in each hand is compared, the highest card wi
ns. In the case of hands completely tied, the pot will be divided.
The crack beats two pair, three cards of the same rank and two unrelated. This h
and is also called a trio or trips.
Kind of eights, also known as a "trio of eights" or "triple-eight"
Above the crack is the Straight or sequences, which are five cards of any suit,
in a sequential order of values. In Straight, the ace can be either the lowest c
ard as the highest, but you can not have a Straight between a King and a Two. In
other words, A-2-3-worth 4-5 as well as 10-JQKA but QKA, not 2-3.
Sequence (straight) from 5-6-7-8-9
Up comes the Straight Flush: five cards of the same suit of any value.
The next is full house. Full House is basically a kind and a pair. A Full House
made of three queens and a pair of six would be called "Full House, Queens on Si
Full House, Queens on Six
Quadra is a rare hand when there are no wild cards in the game. This hand consis
ts of four cards of one rank and one unrelated.
The best possible poker hand is Straight Flush, which is a combination of Straig
ht and Flush. This hand is made up of five cards in sequence of same suit.
Straight Flush
The fabulous Royal Flush is the rarest of all poker hands. Technically, it is ju
st a Straight Flush with an Ace high, but as this is an unbeatable hand, poker p
layers generally consider it a category of its own hand. Specifically, there is
an uninterrupted sequence leading to the ace: 10-JQKA.
The rare Royal Flush, the strongest hand in poker
Odds On receiving five cards from the deck of 52 cards (13 of each suit), the ch
ances of getting certain combination are:
â ¢ â ¢ â ¢
Royal straight flush: 00.0001539% Straight flush: 00.0013852% Four of a kind: 00
â ¢ â ¢ â ¢ â ¢ â ¢ â ¢
Full house: 00.144% Flush: 00.1980792% Straight: 00.3546034% Three of a kind: 00
.7843% Two pairs: 05.2581% A pair: 14.706%
After learning the order of the letters, you must know the options you have when
you're playing!
Pingo-pingo - a bet made by all players before receiving his letters. This is th
e "cost" to play that hand, also considered an initial pot. " Bet - bet is to pu
t money into the pot. Blind - is a drop / bet made by the player seated to the l
eft of the dealer before the cards are dealt, the value of the drop / bet to be
used in the "BLIND" must be set before the game begins, he and a style of bettin
g initials, the blind is divided into two parts and SMALL BLIND BIG BLIND. Big b
lind: in it the player to dealer's left makes the ante / bet and so on. Small Bl
ind: The player who will make the small blind is the player the right of the dea
ler, plus the difference between these styles of "blind" and that the player who
is making the "small blind" makes the drop, / betting half the big blind. Bluff
- a bluff is to bet high even with a weak hand in an attempt to make the other
players to fold. Bug - the bug is the joker, used in some games as a wild card,
sometimes it is a limited wild card, drawing on an ace.€If the joker is the fif
th card needed to complete a flush or a straight (straight), it overrides any of
them. Buy-in - the buy-in is the amount of money required to enter the game, it
would be so much money you have got to have to bet more specifically. Betting /
ALL IN - When a player bets his last chips, is considered all-in: it can contin
ue to hand but can not make more bets. He can only win the portion of the pot in
cluding his all-in bet. Any other raises or bets made by other players go into a
side pot. For example: Player A has $ 10 balance, with $ 20 in pot. He must mak
e a bet of $ 10 to stay with her hand, then he goes all in with their $ 10 balan
ce, leaving $ 30 in the pot. If at the end of Player A has the best hand, he can
only earn that $ 30. Later in the hand, player B bets $ 20 and
other players call the bet, putting $ 60 in a side pot. The side pot goes to the
player with the best hand of all the players still eligible to win it.
Call - the call is put into the pot the amount needed to match the bets already
made for that round. For example, if you made a check of his right player bet $
10 to stay in this hand, you need to do a "call" (match the bet) for this bet by
putting in $ 10 pot. Pass / check - is not to bet. If no bet is made during the
betting round, the next player can not do it and pass up the opportunity for th
e player's left. If everyone in the passing game table, the betting round ends,
but if all pass / check the last played more bets $ 20, all other players Teramo
, to call (match the bet) or fold or tie reise one. Fold - To fold is to pass yo
ur hand because you think your cards are not good enough to win. When you fold,
do not put more money into the pot and lose any chance of winning it, you exit t
he game, you will not play in prtida you asked "FOLD". Hand - is a combination o
f letters, usually five, which are compared to the other players to see who wins
. The word hand also means a single hand of poker. Pot - pot is the prize of a r
ound of poker. The pot is made by dripping or blinds and all bets made during th
e round. In the end, the player with the best hand (or the last player still in
the round, if all others do the fold) wins the pot. Raise - is to increase the s
take in one round after another player making his bet. For example, the player t
o your right bets $ 10. You can make a call from U.S. $ 10 to match the bet and
raise a further $ 10. So you put $ 20 in the pot. The players of his left would
have to make a call of U.S. $ 20 to stay in the round. They can also increase th
e bet by another $ 10. In this case, when it came his time to bet again, you'd h
ave to put another $ 10 in the pot to make the call and remain in the round. Sho
wdown - or show-down is when the bets are closed and the remaining players show
their cards to see who has the best hand. Wild card - a wild card is a wild card
whose value is determined by the player who has it.
In the game of poker, there are different types of betting limits. In a no limit
game, usually for very high stakes as the World Series of Poker, there are no r
ules limiting the amount each player can bet on each spin. The most common are t
he fixed limit games. The poker game fixed limit is identified by two values of
betting and the kind of game. For example, an online poker site to receive table
s of $ 5 and $ 10 for Texas Hold'em. This means that in the first rounds, each b
et must have an increase of $ 5. If someone bets $ 5, you can only make a call o
r a raise of $ 5. Some games use a margin limit, like $ 1 to $ 10. This means th
at the bet can be any value within the limits of U.S. $ 1 to $ 10, but each must
raise at least equal to the previous bet, for example if a player bets $ 5 your
raise / increase the maximum bet will be the amount stipulated maiximo so you m
ake a call / equates to bet and raises of up to $ 10, then at most you'd put on
the table $ 15. Finally, there are games out of the pot. In this case, the limit
of the bet is the actual amount of the pot, including your current bet. In othe
r words, if there are $ 20 in the pot and the player before you bet $ 10, you ca
n raise up to $ 40 ($ 20 pot + bet $ 10 drop + $ 10) . A term you hear often is
a game of poker is "table stakes".€"Table stakes" means that you can only bet t
heir chips that are on the table. If you run out of chips to bet more, you can n
ot buy in the middle of a hand or pull a $ 20 note from his pocket to play. You
have to leave the table at the end of the hand, to buy chips and then return to
the table when you are starting a new round.
Now that you know the basics to play poker, I will explain the styles of poker.
Poker Brasileiro: To start you must put the deck in the way that best suits your
needs!, You can play with 52 cards with 32, removing the deck 2,3,4,5 and 6, or
can the amount of Profinacci Calculator letters of agreement with the amount of
people playing are 8 cards per person, 2 = 16cartas, 3 = 24cartas, and so on Go
od Poker Brazilian and very simple, it should be set a "starting pot", if not re
member, it would be a value that everyone must bet before receiving his letters,
and this value is mandatory that all pinga-lo/aposta-lo. After everyone has mad
e the "initial pot" shuffle the cards and distribute them, but it must be one by
one for each player, can not afford more than one letter to the same player at
once, distribute the cards until all players have five cards each. Now each play
er has the right to exchange up to 3 cards from your hand, after the exchange is
due to make their drop / bet or simply pass / check, remembering that someone p
ass / check and the next player to make a drop / betting player now / check has
to make the call / match the bet or even raise the / almenta match and the bet,
when all have exchanged their letters and have called / match bets and time of t
he showdown where all show their hands in order of Hours starting to whom this r
ight of the dealer and who has the best hand had taken the "initial pot", so you
should set a "starting pot" .. If all players pass / check all show their hands
in order of hourly starting to whom this right of the dealer and who has the be
st hand had taken the "initial pot", so you should set a "starting pot." ** And
so it will remain playing until only one player!!
PS: I recommend this because there is no need for the dealer does not play, va a
lternating the dealer not to have suspicions of cheating!
Poker closed: Many people think that this game is the "default". However, it is
no longer much played, especially in casinos. Closed in poker each player receiv
es five cards face down, followed by a round of betting. Then, starting with the
player to dealer's left, one can discard as many cards as you like and receive
the same amount of new cards. Although you can exchange your five-card game stra
tegy would advise you to fold if you need to take more than three or, in many ca
ses more than two. After each player has drawn their cards, there is another rou
nd of betting, followed by a showdown.
Texas hold'em: Currently, this is the most popular poker game in America. Severa
l major poker tournaments including the World Series of Poker, are in the style
Texas Hold'em. Texas Hold'em uses two blinds before the drop to stimulate the st
akes: a big blind and small blind. The player to the left of the dealer puts the
small blind, usually half the value of the drop. The player left of the small b
lind puts the big blind, which means that he is bound to trickle in that round.
Then, in a game of Texas Hold'em $ 10 to $ 20, the big blind would be $ 10 and t
he small blind would be $ 5. Each player receives two hole cards, which are thei
r hole cards. Following is a round of betting. Then three cards are placed at on
ce on the table. This is known as a flop.
Flop of a play Texas Hold'em
The exposed cards on the table are known as board, collective letters are used b
y all players to make the game with two hole cards. It follows another round of
betting. A fourth card is placed on the open board. This letter is known as the
turn. There is another round of betting. Finally, the fifth letter from the boar
d, known as the river, is open. There is one final round of betting before the s
This round of Texas Hold'em reached the river
The goal is to create the best five-card hand possible using any combination of
the two hole cards with five community cards.
Seven-card stud poker or open: This is another very popular game. Before the ant
e, each player receives two hole cards and one open.
Image courtesy
Here is a hand of seven-card stud after the initial round, also known as third s
The initial round (see above) is known as third street. " The subsequent open le
tters are known as fourth, fifth and sixth streets, respectively.€After the ini
tial round is given a round of betting. In the later rounds are given three open
letters to each player, one at a time, with a bet between each letter. Finally,
a sealed letter is delivered to each player. The seventh card is known as "rive
Image courtesy
A set of seven-card stud on the river
There is another round of betting before the showdown. Players create the best h
and of five cards of the seven who received (no board or community cards in this
game). There are also versions of this game with five and six letters, but are
less common.
Omaha: It is usually played as the game where the best hand and low hand split t
he pot. Omaha or Omaha / 8 is the abbreviation for Omaha Hold'em, 8-or-better, H
igh-Low Split. He looks a bit like Texas Hold'em, except that each player receiv
es four hole cards instead of two. There is a flop, a turn and a river, with bet
ting interval between each stroke, as well as in Texas Hold'em. However, to make
the hand, the player can use just two hole cards and three cards of the board.
To make a low hand, the player must have two hole cards that are no larger than
eight and not forming pair and three cards that do not form pair, smaller than e
ight, the board.
Poker Strategy
Regardless of variety, there are several important points to be a successful pok
er player. Be discreet. The players and poker games can be characterized as tigh
t or loose. A loose player spends in each hand until the showdown, bets and rais
es with mediocre hands and generally loses more money than it gains. A tight pla
yer folds most hands before making a bet. He does not spend money throwing chips
into the pot to save previous bets. He knows that a bad hand is a hand down and
not play. Poker is a game of patience. Good players know they will lose a littl
e money in many hands, waiting for the arrival of the right hand. Know when to b
e aggressive. You can play very tight. When a hand is good, make a raise and ano
ther raise again. That's a good poker player earns money. Know the odds. You do
not have to be a mathematician or memorize long tables statistics. Just be obser
vant and consider how many cards of each suit are on deck. In a game of Texas Ho
ld'em, if you have three cards of one suit, it's usually a good hand. But if the
re are four diamonds on board, chances are at least one other player has a diamo
nd in hand and that battery Flush your game with ease. Time to fold. In Seven-Ca
rd Stud, imagine to be holding four suits of clubs for a flush. You can bet high
for the fifth spades if there is no other showing, because this increases the c
hances of having another on deck. If there are already five suits of clubs appea
ring in the hands of other players, the chances of getting that flush are signif
icantly smaller. Compare the cost against the pot. Sometimes you can have a hand
that normally would not play. If you were in his hand and was near the river, c
onsider how much is in the pot vs. how much you need to make the call to stay in
the round. If cost you only $ 5 to be on hand with $ 250 in the pot, it is wort
h risking. With this hand you could lose forty times, but if you win once when t
here is a significant amount in the pot to make money. A big pot can turn bad in
to good chances. Have criteria. You will not have time to consider the odds and
consider all possible outcomes of a hand. Know the game you are playing and know
what kind of hand you should play. If the letters he received are not within th
e criteria, it's time to jump off. Rarely use the bluff. The bluff works best wh
en no one waiting for him. Nobody expects a bluff from a conservative player or
someone with a reputation for
never bluff. However, you should bluff occasionally. Otherwise, the other player
s know you have a good hand every time you make a high bet and they will fold. A
lthough poker is a game of chance, there are good players and bad players. A pla
yer will have bad luck here and there and every good player has periods of bad l
uck, but in the long run, a good player will win money with poker. In fact, ther
e are few professional poker players in the world.

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