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Unit - I


A. Importance, design process, steps, concept,
design, product life cycle, technology
development cycle, sequential vs. concurrent
design approach. Economics of Process selection
General design principles of manufacturability,
material selection Strength and Mechanical
factors- Application of form design, Selection of
Shapes, Review of Manufacturing Processes,
Selection of Manufacturing Processes
B. Selection of Manufacturing Processes
Engineering Design Process - Importance
A small fraction of the cost to
produce a product (`5 percent)
is involved with the design
process, while the other 95
percent of cost is consumed by
the materials, capital and labor
to manufacture the product.
The decisions made beyond the
design phase can influence only
about 25 percent of the total
Product cost commitment during phases of the design cost.
Decisions made in the design process cost very little in terms of the
overall product cost but have a major effect on the cost of the product
You cannot compensate in manufacturing for defects introduced in the
design phase
The design process should be conducted so as to develop quality, cost-
competitive products in the shortest time possible
Types of Design
Original/Innovative Design
True original design involves invention
Have seeds of new technology
Successful original design disrupt existing market
Ex. Microprocessor
Adaptive design
A known solution is adopted for different purpose for novel
Ex. Adaptation of ink jet printing concept to spray binder in RP
Types of Design
It is by improving an existing design of products failing to serve or to
reduce cost of component
No change in concept or working principle
Ex. Change in shape of component to reduce stress concentration
Selection design
It involves selection of standard components such as bearings, pumps,
motors etc.
Industrial design
It involves improving appeal of product to human senses
Its has artistic touch than engineering
Design Methods
Design Methods
Design Methods
Design Paradox
Design Process

Design Morphology Morris Asimow

Phase I - Conceptual Design
Identification of customer needs
Problem definition
Gathering information
Concept selection
Refinement of design specifications
Design review
Phase II - Embodiment Design
Product architecture
Configuration design of parts and
Parametric design of parts
Phase III - Detailed Design
Design is brought to complete
engineering description of tested
and producible product
Detailed engineering drawings are
Verification testing of prototypes is
Assembly drawings and assembly
instructions completed
Product specifications detailed
Cost estimation done
Design review is done
Alternate Thoughts to be Given
Planning to manufacture (Phase IV)
Planning for marketing (Phase V)
Planning for maintenance during use (Phase
Planning for retirement from service and
replacement with new and improved one
(Phase VII)
Product Life Cycle
(1) Introduction stage:
In this stage the product is
new and the customer
acceptance is low and hence
the sales are low.

(2) Growth stage:

Knowledge of the product and
its capabilities reaches to a
growing number of customers.

(3) Maturity stage: The product is widely acceptable and sales are now stable,
and it grows with the same rate as the economy as a whole grows.

(4) Decline stage: At some point of time the product enters the decline stage.
Its sales start decreasing because of a new and a better product has
entered the market to fulfill the same customer requirements.
Expanded Product Life Cycle
Technology Development Cycle

(a) Simplified technology development cycle. (b) Transferring from one technology
growth curve (A) to another developing technology (B)
Sequential vs Concurrent Process
Design Principles for Manufacturability
General design principles for manufacturability are as follows:

Simplicity of Design
Standard Materials and Components
Standardised Product Design
Liberal Tolerances
Use of the most processable materials
Teamwork across the Organisation
Avoidance of Secondary operations
Design for the expected production Quantities
Utilising Special process Characteristics
Taking care of process requirements
Use of appropriate software tools for product design, tool design,
and PDM
Properties of Engineering Materials
Material Property Identity of material
describing its state (physical, chemical) and
behaviour under different conditions.
Material properties can be categorized as
Physical Properties
Physical properties describe the state of material, which is
observable or measurable. Color, texture, density, melting
point, boiling point, etc. are some of the commonly known
physical properties.

Color: Represents reflective properties of substance

Density: Amount of mass contained by unit volume of
material. The higher the density the heavier is the
Melting point: Melting point is the temperature at which
material changes its state from solid to liquid.
Boiling point: Boiling point is the temperature at which
material changes its state from liquid to gaseous.
Chemical Properties
Chemical properties are the measure of reactivity of a material in the
presence of another substance or environment which imposes change
in the material composition.

These properties are always mentioned in term of the rate of change

in its composition. Corrosion rate, oxidation rate, etc. are some of the
chemical properties of material.
Corrosion rate: Corrosion rate is measured in terms of corrosion
penetration for given period of time at specific surrounding
condition. (length of penetration per unit time).
Oxidation rate: Oxidation rate is measured in terms of amount of
material consumed forming oxide or amount of oxide scale formed
for given period of time at specific surrounding temperature.
(amount of mass of material lost or thickness of scale formed
during oxidation per unit time).
Mechanical Properties
Mechanical properties describe the behavior of
material in terms of deformation and resistance to
deformation under specific mechanical loading
These properties are significant as they describe the
load bearing capacity of structure.
Elastic modulus, strength, hardness, toughness,
ductility, malleability are some of the common
mechanical properties of engineering materials.
Thermal Properties
The thermal properties of an engineering material primarily refer to the
characteristic behaviors of the material under thermal load. For example,
thermal conductivity is a measure of the ability of material to conduct
The specific heat refers to the measure of energy that is required to
change the temperature for a unit mass.
The product of density and specific heat is often referred to the heat
capacity of a unit mass of material.
The thermal diffusivity refers to the ratio of thermal conductivity and heat
capacity of a material and provides a measure the rate of heat conduction.
When a material is subjected to both thermal and mechanical loading, two
more characteristics of materials - coefficient of thermal expansion and
thermal shock resistance - become significant. .
The coefficient of thermal expansion provides a measure of unit change in
strain of a material for unit change in temperature. The thermal strain in
material is considered to be isotropic in nature.
The thermal shock resistance provides a measure to which a material can
withstand an impact load which is either thermal or thermo-mechanical in
Organized classification of materials and properties
Material Selection
Engineering materials can be broadly classified as
metals such as iron, copper, aluminum, and their
alloys etc., and
non-metals such as ceramics (e.g. alumina and
silica carbide),
polymers (e.g. polyvinyle chloride or PVC),
natural materials (e.g. wood, cotton, flax, etc.),
composites (e.g. carbon fibre reinforced polymer
or CFRP, glass fibre reinforced polymer or GFRP,
etc.) and
Material Selection
Selection of a specific engineering material for a part is guided
by the function it should perform and the constraints imposed
by the properties the material.
The problem of selection of an engineering material for a
component usually begins with setting up the
target Function,
Constraints and
Free Variables.
Material Selection
Function refers to the task that the component is primarily
expected to perform in service for example, support load,
sustain pressure, transmit heat, etc.
The Objective refers to the target such as making the
component functionally superior but cheap and light. In other
words, the Objective refers to what needs to be minimized or
The Constraints in the process of material selection are
primarily geometrical or functional in nature. For example,
the length or cross-sectional area of a component may be
The Free Variables refer to the available candidate materials.

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